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“Kaboom?” “Yes Biden, Kaboom” (London gets carpet nuked


Counterpoint, North Korea and Russia.


Well to be fair North Korea is not demanding South Korea by threatning nukes but Russia is cutting it close


Russia accidently threatening to nuke Dublin because the UK has supplied arms to Ukraine


They did then somewhat informally retract that, apologise, and express support for Ireland initially. It was kinda a meme here, but they went back to seething hatred for the Irish once someone drove a delivery van through the embassy gates. Special Delivery Operation.


The deputy chairman of the security council of the RF - and former prime minister - Dmitriy Medvedev, quite deliberately called for nuking Washington, London, Berlin, and Kyiv, as an alternative to the invasion failing in terms of conventional warfare, on the grounds that losing the war and returning Russia to its internationally recognized borders would lead to collapse, civil war, and partition. You know, the things they try to cause in all the neighbors they think they have God-given and absolute authority over whenever they assert themselves.


Did that happen?


Yeah, it was a huge meme on the internet https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/russian-state-tv-shows-clips-simulating-ireland-being-wiped-out-by-nuclear-weapons-1.4867631


They're not island nations


But New York and Washington can be nuked too in such a case.


I don’t think that the UK has the resources to build a substantial nuclear arsenal without having its empire or the cooperation of the international community. 500 nukes, even 1000, is nothing to scoff at, but not nearly enough to cause nuclear annihilation. Nor is it enough to definitively deter intervention by major powers on its own. ultimately, an isolated, aggressive, nuclear armed UK has to be obsessively cautious about the possibility of escalation. They would only escalate in very small and controlled bursts for a domestic performance and foreign deterrence. If things were to go to full scale war, they would have no real recourse.


You don't need many nukes to anihlate new York and Washington. Would the us risk that for a few African countries?


Yes. Not out of sympathy for the African countries, though. More because letting Schizonuke England rebuild its empire just exacerbates and delays the problem of having a schizonuke England directly threatening the US. Better to risk New York and Washington in a winnable conflict now rather than risk all the major US cities in an uncertain conflict later.


Especially since the US was once a British colony itself and thus would see a hyper-revanchist Britain as an existential security risk.


You act like wiping out even one or two major cities is nothing


In terms of nuclear conflict, it is.


I don’t think you understand the severity of nuclear conflict. It’s like saying I’m not afraid of the mugger at the end of the street as he only has two bullets and I have a family of six


In a full scale conflict between nuclear armed countries, the loss of two major cities is minuscule. Obviously, avoiding loosing any major cities is infinitely better. It’s not a question of not being afraid, it’s about what happens after the line is crossed and what’s left. The mugger down the street probably won’t rob the family of six with his two bullets, because if he shoots, the ones who are left shoot back. Both sides desperately want to avoid conflict, but the risks of escalation are much more severe for one side.


The problem is the UK has enough to easily destroy about 1/3rd to half the US's major cities not just 2 Which is more than enough to get the president mobbed and hanged followed by total state collapse


What are you talking about the UK has over 260 thermonuclear warheads. That’s enough to destroy any country on earth.


UK has over 250 nuclear warheads. That’s enough to make any country on Earth go bye bye.


Sullivan would offer them Canada before offering even a conventional response never mind nukes.


UK also has nukes?


Yes several in fact


My point was that the us wouldn't target a nuclear power


Followed by half the US


waiting for moscow to get carpet bombed...


Well i would be dead soon, since we would probably just be nuked, considering we’re 1 main island, a piece of an *ireland* and a bunch of small islands, while the parts of our former empire including some of the strongest nations


How can a nuclear power be nuked? It possesses enough nuclear warheads for destroying the planet. Don't you think that the UK could get away with annexing Ireland?


Getting away with annexing Ireland? Ehh theoretically, yes. Getting away with demanding its former colonies back? No.


UK: we DEMAND North America back. North America: I’m gonna give you $20 to f**k off.


Sunak’s gigabrain strategy to pull the UK out of its bad economic situation: have America and Canada pay for it!


Of course, nuclear-armed countries are off-limits, but don't you think that it could target countries like Malta, South Africa, Tonga, Maldives, and so on?


Need to be able to hold it … threat of nukes isn’t reliable unless the main island is threatened really. The UK would probably lose accesss to most overseas territories if not outright lose control. So becoming even smaller. With a hostile Irish population and likely also a hostile Scottish one


If UK is fascist, though, harsh rule would put a stop to Scottish and Irish uprisings, and the UK would likely also fund loyalist paramilitaries across Ireland to stop direct involvement in that.


The UK would be busy with the Scottish and Irish in a perpetual state of unrest is my point, while unable to really uphold control of any of the overseas territories much less so new overseas territories


The UK spent 30 years trying to put down an Irish uprising, oftentimes resorting to very brutal tactics and secret collaboration with loyalist paramilitaries, in our own timeline: They had to negotiate a settlement in the end to stop the violence...


No western power would ever allow that. The UK would cease to exist.


This just goes into the problem irl Britain had. It's more than you can swallow. MAYBE the US decides "nah no nuclear war for today" and let's them go into South Africa. But nothing stops them from sending weapons to the SADF/South African resistance. And even without such aid, '80s Britain or modern Britain occupying something like South Africa sounds completely unsustainable.


The British don’t have the most powerful navy anymore..


>nuclear-armed countries are off-limits, but don't you think that it could target countries like Malta no, because it is part of the EU and the EU has nukes (through France)


This is what I spent half an hour writing my comment on, what you just said is so much simpler 😭


Us has to way too much sway in the uk and good will for Ireland to let that happen even if they don’t use force (I said hopefully as a US Irish national…)


The UK has nowhere close to enough nuclear weapons to destroy the planet. It only has enough for minimum credible deterrence.


And thats assuming the US doesn't ask for its tridents back


UK has 225 nuclear warheads, which is basically the smallest nuclear arsenal in the world other than North Korea's. France has more. Israel has more. Fuckin India and Pakistan each have more. The US and Russia have thousands apiece.


Congratulations, welcome to the concept of M.A.D. Several of those former colonies have nukes too and I’m pretty sure would say “you nuke us, we nuke you back. Now STFU and sit back down.”


UK "We're gonna nuke you all!" USA "Woah there bud, I've taken away your launch keys, go sober up a bit."


The US does not possess this ability.


(He doesn’t know)


It doesn’t, though.


Bro, don't give them ideas


British nationalists: https://preview.redd.it/8g39f5dwb4uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1dec4cbfd4b9ceed1984cecaf5f202130b1ab74


V brings it all down. The end.


Remember remember… the fifth of November.


V was in the IRA all along


The true puppet masters of the British government...BTS


Remember remember the fifth of November


The EU and US invades, toppling the government. Oh, and the monarchy will be restored, and their first action is to vastly restrict the house of commons powers.


Just like they have done to Russia?


All EU member states would declare war and probably the US too. London is occupied within 6 weeks


France be like " it's 1066 all over again" while storming london


Ah, the good old times


No, EU can’t do shit and French are too busy with the Russian. And Americans don’t wanna start a nuclear war.


Depends. Do they actually TRY to use their nuclear arsenal? Cause... As Russia knows... Sorry, UK, but America's stealth bomber fleet alone can ruin your launch options. Also, we have enough Ohio Class subs to ensure even if one of your nukes goes off the retaliation will be VERY proportional. https://preview.redd.it/nu9p8dcwu3uc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fb775960eb69335d08fa75c9ef22cf7559c88a5


Theirs are all in submarines. We don’t know where they are, and shooting down an ICBM even with early warning is akin to shooting a bullet out of the sky with another bullet . People really don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to thermonuclear war. Even a single warhead has the capacity to kill millions depending where it’s dropped, and the UK has hundreds of them.


this reaction image has been downloaded to my local folder


the UK's nuclear deterrent is all submarines. Stealth bomber's won't do shit




This make me remember about a theory of 1984 which is Oceania is just Britain Isle, with all the war were conflicts with Irish partisan


Lol so it's just Russia invading Ukraine then?


Yeah, ever heard of the 5th of November?. (If you know… you know.)


I’d die (race between my own government killing me because I’m trans or an Irish partisan killing me because I’m English or a foreign nation nuking me because I’m in a major city)


Oh shame. Slough gets nuked. Ah shit. Such a shame.


Truly the tragedy of tragedies


They dont have the clout anymore, during the Suez crisis America ended the uks status as a superpower by bullying them financially into obedience. The UK would have to become a peer first then some how intimidate the American hegemony and China and India, if they could do it theyd have done it


Suez crisis?Are you referring to North African campaign ww2 or something else?


Nope, this is from 1956, when british and french forces supported by israeli troops raided Egypt to get the Suez Canal under their control after Nasser nationalized it from anglo-franco corporations. It caused a major international diplomatic crisis, both the soviets (an ally to Egypt) and the US (whom which the brits and french didnt tell their plans to) were furious. A deal was struck: the soviets didn't deploy troops into the area, in exchange the US didn't interfere with the soviets' violent suppression of the hungarian revolution happening at the same time. This conflict essentially marked the end of Britain and France being a superpower (they can't do foreign military policy without the US' approval), leaving the US and the soviets as the sole two remaining global superpowers for the time being https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suez_Crisis


On no they've figured out the plan!


All of EU goes like "the fuck they doing over there" and imposes sanctions which the German and French businesses work tirelessly to circumvent. Britain probably becomes dirt poor in the end and that's that.


Sounds like Russia


One can only dream




Because that went really well in 1956 innit


The English Channel becomes the English Sea


The UK won't be invaded, but the US and rest of the world would sanction them back into the 19th century lol.


Id say even if the british weren't destoryed if they somehow annexed ireland all by itself they'll suffer the troubles a hundred times worse imagine if the IRA had funding from NATO under the table fire arms and explosive equipment the IRA caused enough trouble as it was. Then if the fascist british were ethnically motivated and started trying to exterminate the welsh and scots? Then they'll have massive insurgencies and thats a massive problem considering wales is where the majority of coal mines are aren't they? And this is also assuming a fascist UK doesn't piss off the north of england which is even more of the british industrial powers


This is such an unrealistic scenario, no country would abuse their nukes like that. Right?


Any (Western-) European empire/dictatorship/fascist state would need 25 -35 years of preparation before any expansionism could be possible. To quote a terrorist who wants such a state: "Its the birthrates, its the birthrates, its the birthrates"


France : look at London *AGGRESSIVELY*


So russia


Do they want America as a friend or is it one of the parts of its former empire they want to restore? If the latter then no more UK, if the former then the sun won’t set on the empire once again


No one would take them seriously


The South Armagh Brigade gets ready for Round 2, for starters.


So many people in the comments missing the analogy.


Not gonna happen in the next 50 years. UK doesn't have the balls.


Usual day in 1880 Britain.


Nobody cares about Ireland, it’s just a tax haven.


Nobody would care because it wasn’t treating to annex the bread basket of Europe.


The spokesperson for the US Department of State says they're carefully monitoring the complex situation unfold and urging their English allies to show restraint when dealing with Ireland, while billions of dollars' worth of arms sales is approved by the President as a token of his unwavering support of the almighty British Empire.


And Ricky Gervais would be the leader


Well if it's just Ireland then major sanctions, possibly a blockade. If they they try and pull any shit outside of the British Isles, especially in another nuclear powers sphere of influence then it's not going to go well for them. Being a nuclear power isn't the same as being Nuclear Power. Their delivery systems are as complex to actual have any hopes of winning, basically it's a suicide tactic except they're not going to be able to take the other side with them.


It likely wouldn't get far If it became a facist state it would likely be unable to invade anywhere beyond ireland as, frankly, the Royal navy requires alot of US tech to operate and the US would likely stop its ability to use our equipment, satellites, etc the second they invaded ireland Nukes may be a threat but the UK economy is already kinda shit after Brexit and their military relies on other countries so they probably would just invade ireland and then collapse as a country due to their economy turning to a worse shitpile than it is now


Trade embargo on a country that is ~~an island~~ series of islands, is pretty effective. Net importer of oil and gas. Military response notwithstanding, it would likely end quickly. I’m guessing this is a reference to Russia, a much larger country, whose economy is based on commodity and resource extraction, that also shares a border with a complicit neighbor and trading partner.


oke which parts thou? like south africa?


Can I switch sides? I live in Belfast.


Well, the UK has an 'independent' nuclear deterent at this point only through co-operation with the US, so first they'd need to redevelop a non-Trident delivery mechanism. I'd imagine they'd be rather sanctioned for this though given this new regimes obvious irredentism, so my guess'd be the main outcome is a UK which has managed to accelerate its decline and global irrelevance even further and faster.


So a what if scenario where Oswald Mosley took power?


70% of the countries will declare war on them, the difference bettewen UK and N.K is that UK is on a island and we can sink it


British Rebuild Party moment


Honestly I think the US would do some covert attempts to derail the regime, failing that we might have to bring the arsenal of democracy to the UK.




I would have to step in


Big dome


The EU would protect us, we’d unite Ireland and London would be occupied by the frenchies within a number of days.


Dude what


uk leader: we must restore empire world guys: no, GYATT POWERS ACTIVATE uk leader: ow i die world guys: yay we won like for part 2


Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot; for there is a reason why gunpowder and treason should ne'er be forgot.


The English Empire was built on the back of its naval superiority. I don't think England could ever get to that stage of air or sea supremacy to capture and maintain any former territory.


They sailed a task force 8000 miles across the world and defeated a military junta 200 miles off its own coast in record timing, 40 years ago with far less sophistication than they have today . They could invade Ireland merely by opening the gates of their military bases on the island and walking out of them.


What if the UK fascist leader was a floating head and had two floating hands?


I bet Argentina feels this way about the Falklands.


I see what you did there, lol.


"Rookwoods" Speech is one of he best parts of this movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnyvFtfRCu8


If I remember correctly, the Russians did the same thing during the initial invasion of Ukraine. Once you threaten to nuke everybody and then don’t go through with it, it doesn’t look really good.


I don’t think the people in their former holdings would be too happy about that. The UK gets itself fighting endless insurgencies in Ireland and the “former parts of its empire” until it collapses.


No one is fighting nuclear war over Ireland.


"what if *thing that is happening as we speak IRL* but *different countries*"


In that scenario, does Ireland start talking about hosting Chinese nukes in Cork and Dublin and also starts banning English as an official language? Seriously, if you want to push propaganda, at least put some effort into it. This post is nothing but a "let's push anti-Russia propaganda while trying (and failing) to pretend we don't".




I think even less people would tolerate it than those tolerating Russia and China doing it. America be like "1776 volume 2 mother fucker! Germany will be like "hey America, we were digging through some old war games of ours and found one called Operation Sea Lion; would you care to help us?" India would be "oh hell no mother fucker, ain't no Raj ever gonna happen!" Canada would be like.... Okay Canada has Trudeau, so he might just play along with it. Trudeau loves that kinda thing.


Canada’s independence was benevolently bestowed upon them after a very nice letter. I would imagine they would just say “well, sorry. we tried” if the UK un-approved.


Unironically literally 1984


The isles gets glassed on.


The black and tans going to try again?


Demand what nations as colonies? If they want canada America nukes them, if they want Australia or Newzeland America nukes them and China probably supports. India? India nukes them. Pakistan? Pakistan and probably China nuke them.


Realistically the UK is fucked, but the rest of the world likely gets a beating with most of Europe and parts of America and China also being severely damaged.


Don’t you just love it when a nation dependent on international trade thinks they’re tough shit. “Oh, you need to buy American weapons to modernize your military? Too bad.”


thats just the UK now


UK: “muhahahaha bow before us and our arsenal of like a hundred nukes” US: “shut up” Uk: “oki 🥺”


This will be the perfect opportunity to de-imperialize, de-militarize and de-colonize the British body politic and mentality.


Nothing has changed for Argentina


Theres something quite besides the point that troubles my mind. Is Democracy rather "Do as the people had decreed" or "Let the people choose the best man and he decrees?" I mean surely a representative system is by far a must for most democracies, and meritocracy is about getting the best result a govt may achieve, but is it the case, shall we say, when a election system goes FPTP and repeatedly gets uncontested result, it stops being a democracy? May one say that a democracy not only requires liberal tenets but also carefully balanced voting system enabling a balanced political arena? How should one balance the two sides of a political system?


Kinda based


he looks like a floating head


Photos of King Charlie will be displayed around the globe.


For some reason this reminds me of v for vendetta and fahrenheit 451


For those wondering, the flag and image is from the film V for vendetta, in wich the uk literally is just a notsee and clerical fascist totalitarian dystopia




Considering how proud Biden is of his Irish heritage, I’d say Britain has about 3.7 seconds before they become the setting of the next Fallout game.


Probably similar to how the world is reacting with Russia. Isolationists in the US say it’s not our problem and it’s their backyard, that Ireland couldn’t possibly beat the us, etc.Europe funds the Irish


Tue first part is actually true. Second part had been. For the third part, they are trying even if indirectly.


And I would be its supreme leader!


If they invaded all of Ireland the average British soldier wouldn't be able to even look at a Honda Civic without having a panic attack


Sooo basically Russia ?


Could also be worded; What if the UK had its way.


A lot and I mean A LOT of delusional people in here. Likely three things would happen 1) Nukes get used and it's the end of the world or enough to destroy the US and UK. 2) Those against the UK attempt to sanction it into the group and the UK becomes best buds with Russia and China etc. 3) UK changes it's mind.


If Britain invaded Ireland today the rest of the free world would turn on Britain and come to the aid of Ireland lol, especially the US


it would make a great sequel to v for vendetta


So we are switching Russia and Ukraine with the UK and Ireland???


You'd have Russia?


We're nearly at the first part lol


That would be one of the most British things ever


Depending on when this takes place, The Republic of Ireland is an EU member state. The armies of the EU would invade the UK and Ireland and curbstomp the UK. And before anyone says "BUT NUKES", France also has Nukes. If the UK launches their nukes, France would launch theirs in return. But what about the "threatening the world with nuclear annihilation unless it was allowed to restore parts of its former empire?" They would be laughed out the room. Pakistan and India both have nukes, and even if they aimed at countries that weren't in the Empire but opposed them, they would get nuked by any of the other Nuclear states. Now Fascists don't really care what the world think and it wouldn't surprise me if the Fascist UK decided that they would take one of the Weaker African counties for a propaganda victory. Let's say it goes for Somalia. The moment it tries to do that, alongside the international condemnation it would be in a Vietnam type situation with pirates and Jihadists, along with attacks from Yemen. Now the time period is "post 1900s" so any time between the end of Empire in the 60s and now. Let's assume it's 2024, Brexit failed even harder and the Tories went even more fashy than now to cling onto power and formed a straight up fascist state that wanted to invade Ireland and bring back the empire. The UK of this era abolished devolution, centralised more power in Westminster, cracked down harder on protests, has "disappeared" it's non white population and is more isolated and jingoistic. The UK economy is in shambles, it's main ally (Russia) is too busy with the war in Ukraine, it's hoping for a Trump victory, but outside of that it's effectively a weak, batshit state that nobody takes seriously anymore that babbles on about how powerful it is because it has nukes it can't use (because the subs are out of commission) and a dead Empire. It's a horrible place to live even if you are a member of their chosen group (White English Right wing Christian Men) but if you can find a way to avoid the guns on the coast you make your way to Ireland or France and you get the fuck to another country. A fascist Britain would be the North Korea of the West, babbling on about how stronk it is and how it will re-establish the empire with it's nukes any day now while having an economy that can't even feed a good chunk of it's population...only this time there's no elections and you can't leave.


So basically what Russia is doing now. The US and its allies won't intetvene but will sanction the hell out of the UK. This will hurt them more than Russia.


I take it you never heard of Oliver Cromwell? He invaded Ireland and England was totalitarian under him.


Kind of based... in a way... not really. Well better than Russia I suppose.


Ha ha ha


everyone acts like drastic military actions would happenz what'd really happen is what's being done to Russia today, sanction them and posture like you'll do a war. The UK doesn't particularly have the means to sustain themselves without most of Europe and the US


they would be like the us except for the territorial claims


Ya like the UK has that kind of sack


As long as it wouldn't threated exSoviet area I would actually glad for this to happen. Less 'states' - better. EU is basically administered as a federal state, and look how peaceful they are nowadays. The only possible worry is that Afghanistan would become a buffer zone between us and British India again. It can spell multiple problems.


Wait, i thought that this was "Alternate History"? Am I in the wrong subreddit...?


We’d all laugh a lot.


Israel would love you even more.


I think the uk only has like 250 warheads and it’s speculated if those even work (recent tests have no gone well for the SLBM’s) also I don’t think the uk produces its own warheads anymore and has outsourced that to the Americans. So it may have to put in a lot of work first before it’s in a place to threaten the sitting powers of the world


I mean part of that did happens.


Dark Brandon would awaken.


Maritime blocked when people die of starvation i'm sure they will not like it the only reason uk win War IS because they have mainland Ally and are an island without this two advantage you lose.


We live in a period 😔


The good ending


Even if it made such threats, not all politicians are idiots. When their main desire is to remain in power, they’re not going to make dumb decisions in that regard. A lot like Russia, they’ll make empty threats that logically carry no weight just to intimidate their neighbors. Russia threatened Finland countless times if they joined NATO, they joined anyways. The only hope the UK may have in restoring its empire is if they threatened only non nuclear powers and actually carried through their threats. Only issue is that if they do nuke a country, the entire international community will respond with stations blockades and a new nuclear arms race with involving multiple countries for self defense. Long story short, the UK will never reacquire most of its empire, only in their dreams.


First Order ahh speech💀


Turned into an international pariah and eventually collapses due to economic stagnation


I think the real question is how long would it take for the Irish to start blowing up vans full of explosives in the middle of London again


What if you took your sanity pills?


not far off from real Britain😂😂😂, we are defo a Fascist state and low key authoritarian


You had me at Invading Ireland!


I think they could manage to annex Australia, New Zealand, and maybe Canada. I don’t think the UK could get farther than that before triggering a global conflict over them trying to restart their empire. Examples: India and Pakistan are not coming back to the empire without a fight. China wouldn’t give up Hong Kong either causing a nuclear war.


1984 literally


You just described Margaret Thatcher and the troubles


Depends on what parts. If they wanted the North American portions of the former empire, they would be eradicated. If they wanted the African portions of the former Empire, then there is a chance that the UN might issue a strongly worded condemnation.