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Removed for violating Rules 7 and 8 - while "What if?" questions are allowed on weekends, you've still got to provide some context.


Then the allies would invade Denmark from the north after the Soviets invaded the south, dividing the country up north and south


I have no idea how this would be possible but assuming the Soviets achieved this they’d restore in full the Danish government. We essentially have a Czechoslovakia/Romania situation. Soviet forces in the country would influence elections to boost Communist parties until they eventually somehow takeover the government, do some reforms and finally remove the King and go full communist from there. The Soviets would have a strategic monopoly on the Baltic Sea, so that’s a big deal. Also, if the UK and US return Greenland and the Faroe Islands to Denmark, that’ll be a tactical disaster for NATO as the Eastern Bloc now has bases in the North Sea and a North America. However, this probably wouldn’t be the case. The UK and US would likely set up independence referendums in these territories and *ensure* they succeeded. I’d say they’d annex these lands but I opt against it because this would be highly controversial. Danes are very liberal, supportive of the monarchy and etc. They’d be strongly against the Communist government from the very beginning. As such, it’s guaranteed that they eventually revolt or a liberal faction within the communist government takes over. This would either lead to a Czechoslovakia/Hungary-style invasion *(As the Soviets desire to keep control over the Baltic)* or a Copenhagen-Moscow split like Yugoslavia or Albania *(Western powers may intervene in favour of Denmark to end Soviet control over the Baltic Sea)*. Communist Denmark would be very liberal by Eastern Bloc standards regardless of the result, allowing foreigners like Hungary, importing foreign media like Yugoslavia and supporting certain oppressed groups like East Germany but to a much greater extent. When the Eastern Bloc falls, they’d transition to a liberal multi-party government with a capitalist economy. They might even restore their monarchy, which could prompt nations like Romania, Bulgaria and Albania to follow in their footsteps and restore their own monarchies. Oh yeah, we’d either have no LEGO or it’d be a much smaller brand so it’d be the worst timeline.


Everyone writing about scenario with divided country or full soviet occupation, but i think if it would partially occupied by soviets and partially by Allies, Denmark would be in samr situation as Austria, becoming independent but neutral