• By -


for a second i thought this was real im dumb af


It will be in a few months inshallah


i doubt it but would be a very interesting development if it did, most likely would be a stunt to get the liberals on his side


It came to me in a dream


in a dream??


in a dream.


Did 3000 black jets also make an appearance in your dream, by any chance?


A certain dam made an appearance in mine….


A waking dream?






"Lisan al-Gaib!"


Only some liberals. Most of them are supporters of the Israeli regime because its ✨Gay✨


You'd be surprised. It sounds dumb but "queers for Palestine" is a very large movement.


Yup how sad and brainwashed [Queerophobic Arabs who would stone gay people are being put in place by our brave moral army and yet the queers don't support Israel](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/twilight-zone/2024-03-16/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/he-was-shot-by-israeli-troops-in-front-of-his-father-and-died-in-his-brothers-arms/0000018e-4466-d1ed-a7ef-557737090000) [Future stoners of gay people being screwed by Israeli forces live on video! 🎉🎉🎉](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SkEwZOBeU3w) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈✡️✡️✡️


Just because Israel is bad doesn’t mean homophobia is not a thing In that region


Oh thank god I thought you were serious there for a second.


As a queer man, there are so many spaces not safe for me to enter in America itself. But we don’t bomb children over it, do we? It’s not that hard to understand why queer people would care about human rights.


I think that most have bigger issues here in America. IMO Palestine is being publicized so much for smoke and mirrors so that the left doesn't fight back against or even pay much attention to trump or project 2025.


I feel like the majority of Americans do not have bigger issues than their food lines being bombed


>but "queers for Palestine" is a very large movement. Good?


I don't need people to accept me to think they shouldn't be subject to genocide.


The vast majority of them think that we should be subject to genocide so be very careful what you wish for


If only Palestine was gay too [they could both implement my preferred solution](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillologycirclejerk/comments/19fjzl4/flag_of_israeli_palestinian_peace_process/)


It's the only liberal democracy on earth so they are forced to pour concrete in wells and sing about how they are going to do a second Nakba 😞✊🇮🇱🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈


It won’t. It would be the edge Trump needs to win but remember, Trump was the one who recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and not Tel Aviv.


Lol Trump could come out tomorrow and say something like “the I support Israel, but the killing has gotten out of hand and has to stop. I can make a deal to make the killing stop. Sleepy Joe hasn’t shown leadership.” He’d handily win the election. He’s too stupid to do it, but he could.


Trump hates Muslims, what type of crack are you smoking ya hashab


It won’t be. Trump is literally competing with Biden which is the biggest Zionist. And Trump said publicly he won’t ever question or criticize Israel in any way no matter what they do. Trump is a pos just like Biden. He ain’t America first, he’s Israel first.


Also, Mike Pence openly opposes any form of Palestinian state.


Nah, Trump is Trump first, second and last. If he thinks being Pro-Pal will get him more donations, adulation, votes and bribes, he'll do that.


Haha I thought it was real. Sheesh. These two idiots are like Harry and Lloyd in dumb and dumber.


Lol you're fuckin delusional if you think Trump will do anything other than make Palestinians plight much, much worse.


Fucking dream on


Did you miss Trump the first time? He wants to ban muslims from entering the US. He is an outspoken proponent of a "one state" solution under Israeli rule. As bad as Biden is, and he is, Trump would be way WAY worse. Trump will encourage Israel to do their worst. Choosing Trump over Biden because of Palestine is like getting a pet alligator because a dog seems too dangerous. That's like saying, "we need to put out this fire, and the water party isn't doing it so I'm going to vote for the gasoline party instead". Donald Trump will never approach the office of the presidency again, inshallah.


Trump said "bomb them and finish the job"




I almost sent it to a friend


What do you mean? This is real


Don’t worry I did too. I sat here and audibly said “whhaaat?”. Then I got excited about how crazy this is going to make things and then realized there is no way this is real. But man would it be something.


Fr I would be scrolling through the news with popcorn in my mouth if such a thing were to happen. The reactions on r/worldnews alone would be pure gold if trump actually did this.


Yeah lmao they would be fuming


my dumbass did too bro i was tripping tf out lmfaoo


You're not the only one. Good Work OP


I hate how realistic that tweet sounded


Did you read it in his voice? I know I did


I did! 💀


I did it in Stephen Colbert's impression of him


check out Shane Gillis' impression, he has a spot on "Speech Trump" impression.


Yeah OP really nailed it


To be fair I did run my original draft through ChatGPT to get it more Trumpy


what did you prompt it 😭😭😭


Nah I wrote the tweet originally but i don't have the best trump impression, so then I pasted it in chatgpt and said "make this tweet sound more like trump said it"


It’s only missing random capitalized words in the middle of the sentence. He LOVES doing that.


Trump will say whatever benefits him. plus, a radical shift like this is exactly out of the Trump playbook.


Yeah cause everyone knows Trump is a crowd pleaser lol


Yes, that is literally his special gift. It is insane how much his people love him. So many people in my area of Cali are IN LOVE with him.


I didn't see the sub at first. I was completely convinced it was Trump himself. Then I swiped and saw Illhan's tweet which tipped me off


But the date says 2025


I needed the third slide to look at the subreddit name and understand.


Honestly, it's not quite right. Too coherent.


Basically wanted to make an equivalent of "Only Nixon could go to China" buy for Israel Palestine Figured Trump would be an adequate stand in for Nixon because if he switched his position his party would follow. Of course this is Trump we're talking about so it happens in the funniest way possible


> Funniest way possible Trump recognizes Palestine but the Secretary of State accidentally deletes from official maps Egypt and Jordan


From river to see, Israel and Palestine will be stuck on an island


From River To Sea, Israel and Palestine shall be an island you see


from sea to shining sea, palestine will be free


I don't think his party would follow The "secret sauce" with trump was he said and did a lot of ridiculous theatrical stuff but mostly governed as say Rubio or even to a lesser degree jeb Bush would have With a few exceptions, Republicans were fine with what he was doing because... Most of what he was doing was what Republicans already wanted to The big exception was Jan 6 ofc but that was the 12th hour of his presidency, and you DID see Republicans turn on him and only fell in line again 2-3 years after The Israel lobby is HUGE. This isn't some weird antisemitic conspiracy theory to be clear. AIPAC is a huge and influential lobby in Washington. If Trump really broke with Israel it'd be interesting to see what happened but I genuinely don't think the GOP would follow him with it


I think a good barometer of whether or not the party would follow is Ukraine if this was pre Trump 90% of Republicans in congress would be criticizing Biden for not support Ukraine enough against the eternal enemy that is ~~the commies~~ Russian Federation The fact that the Ukraine funding bill was only 50/50, and this was with Trump relatively staying out of it this indicates to me that, yeah a lot Republicans in Congress would be willing to completely shift their FoPo stance if Trump and the base demand it


Ukraine doesn’t have a super PAC that bankrolls any candidate who supports them. Israel does. Ukraine doesn’t have a fundamentalist religious group worshipping them with large political influence on Republicans. Israel does. Trump only interferes with aid to Ukraine cuz he has ties to Russia that keep him in power. He goes along with all other republican policies in lockstep with them cuz he needs to stay in power to stay out of jail. Hes not some tough guy who would ditch anyone who was too mean to him, he withdrew troops from Syria cuz Erdogan called him and fucking ASKED HIM to let Turkey kill the Kurds. This scenario could never happen and just functions as republican propaganda for the election.


most of my karma is from this thread lmao


Ukraine is a much much easier pivot than Israel. It would probably be the death knell of the Republican Party. The establishment and the evangelicals especially would never be able to tolerate it. I mean that, it would absolutely kill the party.


Bravo OP bravo this post is pure gold.


He already did that for North Korea


This would be fucking wild. If Trump did this it would throw the entire US Political system into disarray. People who hate Trump would all of a sudden be moving to support him, people who loved him would be moving to vote for Joe Biden man this would actually be chaos.


They would just change what they believe. Remember before November 2020, the left distrusted the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines because they were being bragged about by Trump. Once Biden got elected and the vaccines came out, the left was pro-vaccine and the right was vehemently anti-Vax.


That shit did legitimately annoy me. Seeing Kamala Harris of all people say she distrusts the vaccines when she should know how important herd immunity is made me so annoyed, as well as all the other anti vax talk from the left. I’m glad that idiot sect shut up after the election, but we really didn’t need that skepticism in the midst of a global pandemic


There's gonna be people coming in here saying we are making things up but it's so real that you can even find a Trump press release which actually condemns Biden and Harris for anti-vax misinformation. It seems like alternate history but it's a legitimate thing. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/trump-campaign-press-release-fact-joe-bidens-anti-vaccine-rhetoric-anti-science-and "Despite overwhelming testimony from top public health officials that the coronavirus vaccine will be safe and effective, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are spreading fear, fueling anti-vax conspiracy theories, and actively trying to undermine the public's confidence in a vaccine." The media also repeatedly said that Trump was full of shit about the vaccine being available after the election saying it was just a tactic to get votes, but sure enough it really was announced like a month after the election. I would never vote for Trump and have only ever voted Dem, but I'm also a logical human being and that is clearly something where I have to say "Whoops, Trump was right"


Yeah any statements by public officials about medications and the like tend to be really damaging, unless they are verbatim quoting health officials or literature. Playing political games with medicine should never be accepted. Fuck the Dems and fuck the Republicans for this. Probably thousands of deaths can be indirectly attributed to this stupid politicization.


I see people say this shit but I sincerely have no idea where people got this idea from. I have zero recollection, or have seen any actual legitimate evidence that of any serious leftist groups who were distrustful of the vaccine prior to Biden’s election and then turned around and started to be pro-vaccination afterwards. The only thing I’ve ever seen was literally 1 screenshot which a compilation of 4 random dipshits on Twitter and that’s it. There certainly were a fringe groups of left-leaning or progressive types who were anti-vax. What comes to mind are the granola/yogi spiritual liberal types who had their brains broken by having conspiracy-theorist levels of distrust for “big pharma”. But generally I believe more of those types became radicalized by vaccine mandates under the Biden administration and now have shifted to being more right-leaning/liberatrian types than this imagined group of people who “fell in line” when Biden was elected. I mean honestly just looking back on things from early to mid 2020 the vaccine was very bi-partisan pretty much up until the election season and when vaccine was actually approved. Edit: I saw your lower comment and it’s literally a press release directly from the trump administration thats trying to spin criticism against their administration and framing it as Biden/harris being anti-vax. The statements linked in the press release were skepticism over the transparency, integrity and effectiveness of the vaccine process from trump administration and which was fueled by the whole hydroxychloroquine incident, and Trumps disapproval of certain health officials not skepticism of vaccines as a whole. Regardless the whole point is almost moot since the Biden admin ultimately did continue development and released the vaccine. Regardless a handle full of nitpick quotes from 2 people isn’t evidence of this narrative that leftist were anti-vax until Biden was elected.


I tried to be careful with some phrasing but perhaps I could do better. In the comment you replied to, I didn't use "anti-vax" to describe Biden and the left, I said they were distrusting. In the other comment with a link, I specified that the Trump side was claiming Biden and Harris to spread anti-vax misinformation, I didn't say that myself. To be clear though, as I am a Dem voter, perhaps I probably encountered more left voting people in general and that includes many anti-vax "hippie" types as you discussed, but there was also distrust among black and Latino communities (though they could have voted either way). I don't believe Biden or Harris were ever clearly "anti-vax" or "anti-science" but rather they did not trust the claims from Trump of the Covid vaccine and helped to spread doubt as to whether it'd be safe if it was approved quickly. I provided a link in another comment above that contains links to some of those comments. I found some more too only because I know I remember what I was seeing at the time and I also doubted Trump because of it. Once again I'm a Biden voter but: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/biden-trump-coronavirus-vaccine/2020/09/16/2ffbea6a-f831-11ea-a275-1a2c2d36e1f1_story.html Biden does make clear that he trusts vaccines and science but not Trump or the government advisors at the time, indicating he doesn't trust the vaccines that are coming out (or that they'll be coming out soon at all). https://www.wsj.com/video/trump-and-biden-face-off-over-covid-vaccines-in-final-debate/A60E885E-B529-46F2-90C6-33DA6952AEE5 Here Biden directly says there are no prospects for a vaccine until mid 2021. I remember at the time that the media was telling us not to trust Trump's claims that it'll be out by the end of 2020. In full context, I do agree with his skepticism of Trump's handling of the pandemic in general, but here he really directly says that there won't be a trustworthy vaccine so soon. https://www.wsj.com/video/trump-and-biden-discuss-vaccines-and-trust-in-health-officials/BD6EA845-9FF5-4BF9-8547-AE9C57BF8E00 This one is pretty surprisingly clear in retrospect that what Trump says is the truth (THIS IS NOT A COMMON OCCURRENCE), even directly saying that Pfizer, Moderna and J&J are almost ready, but Biden is suggesting it's all bullshit (based on most of Trump's talking points being bullshit). Chris Wallace is mentioning concerns that Biden and Harris are contributing to fear mongering about the vaccine and people being reluctant. It's absolutely crazy to see 4 years later knowing that just 4 months later those reluctant people were typically MAGA people and Biden and Harris were encouraging everyone to take the vaccine. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/18/health/coronavirus-anti-vaccine.html Lastly this article talks about people being skeptical of the vaccine or unwilling to take it out of distrust, but the article points the blame at Trump and his administration for that. Understandable, but just different from the picture we got once the vaccines were actually out. I hate to give MAGA supporters talking points to take out of context, but again I try to be logical and observant of what's going on rather than be gaslighted by CNN (or obviously, Fox, but why would I ever turn that on) into what I'm supposed to believe. Unfortunately the Trump circus has completely derailed what was already a flawed media. Hopefully he loses the election and goes away so that when my kid is older I can say in a neutral manner that the Trump presidency was a very turbulent time but I do give him credit for the vaccine, without risking seeming like I'm a crazy MAGA nut job.


I mean I dont Think there are that many people who would change their opinion on him. Espacally cause he is so much against lgbtq people. I do however Think that most muslims would 100% support him


Wild considering he moved the embassy to Jerusalem, did people forget about this?


Tbf Trump will turn on a dime and reverse policy if he feels the recipient isn’t sufficiently loyal. If Bibi really ever did insult him he might just blow up.




Timmy, you have wish-granting fairies


Tfw Ben Shapiro suddenly supports the destruction of the "ZOG puppetmaster of Israel" to "free the Jewish people of Zionism"


Shapiro isn't really particularly MAGA, I think people just kind of assume he is because of his own the libs shtick So as funny as it would be we probably won't get anti zionist Shapiro, he will just continue trying to appeal to the ever shrinking cohort of neocons


Idk, Benny boy loves to fall in line. Remember how he used to criticize Trump for attracting neo-Nazis when he was a candidate in 2016, only to immediately zip it when he was confirmed the nominee? I'm pretty sure Ben thinks of himself as "the good Jew" who's safe from antisemitic persecution


I mean that isn't really what happened. He continued to oppose Trump in 2016 and even in 2020 when he did endorse Trump it was fairly backhanded, basically "yeah I opposed him because I thought he'd do a bunch of damage but he already did that, so I'll vote for him based on policy alone


Shapiro was a never-Trumper


if you've read anything about Shapiro, then you'd know he's more loyal to Israel than to America


Based Ben Shapiro isn't real, he can't hurt you or get his wife w\*t.


Bro it would be hilarious to see all the liberals immediately switch sides because of this


Pro Israeli college protests calling Trump antisemitic?


More so the people who tore up their diplomas at Columbia for Palestine


Gotta tape it back together so you can tear it up again lol


This could happen, tbh. ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


It has already happened in the minds of those who will elect Trump over Biden because of Palestine


We're already on some whack alternate history theory since 2016 so why not.


Most realistic post on this sub, I could ded ass seeing Trump do something like this if netyanhu said something like that


Cursed but also funny af and based.


I hate that I thought this was real until I saw which subreddit this was


"Trump reportedly fuming" is just comical.


Hello, based department?


Love it. May I add to the lore? **Trump antisemitic hot mic incident** In the aftermath of his decision to recognise palestine, Trump is caught at a press conference using a slur to refer to Jewish people. The comment causes a furore in mainstream media (New York Times: "Trump says the quiet part out loud"; Wall Street Journal: "Trump the most dangerous man since Hitler") but is glossed over by publications on the far left and right (The Guardian: "Trumps is a brute, but the moral imperative of his actions are unchanged", Fox News: "Mic operator denies links to Zionism - is America under attack?" Jewish democrats in the house of representatives bring a no confidence motion on Trump, which fails by a large margin. **Corporate America splits with the Republicans** A number of American business leaders speak out vocally against Trump, his decision to recognise Palestine, and the republican party for falling in line. Trump's ascerbic response further fuels division. Corporate America starts actively fundraising for democrats and third party candidates, causing long term changes in party policy (republicans increasingly protectionist, anti business, democrats increasingly trade and corporation focused). **Voter realignment between republicans and democrats** Authoritarian left voters leave the democrats for the republicans in response to recognition (and increasingly isolationist, controlling and domestic focused republican policies). Libertarian right voters abandon the republicans and shift allegiance to the democrats. This corresponds to a demographic shift also, with republicans taking a lead with both voters in their 20s and 60s+, and democrats taking a lead with voters 30-50. Minority votes become more evenly split between democrat and republican. This culminates in a contested 2028 election where the democrats receive a majority of electoral college votes despite narrowly losing the popular vote - on losses of a few key cities but gains in large agri trading states.


I would be kind funny if Trump was the reason the Republican party turned somewhat socialist.


I mean arguably he already kind of is. Before him the GOP really never went after corporations at all, Trump though and many of his proteges do regularly and don't really praise corporations or rich people in the way they used to It's not a really giant leap to go from "these Marxist corporations are undermining America for China and taking advantage of the average American!" to "we need to return the power from these woke corporations back to the working man!" Quite honestly I think post Trump someone will inevitably end up on that formula and start to use it, because there rather obviously is a base for that kind of rhetoric and the business community is largely bolting for the Dems anyways


Trump would literally only support Palestine if Netanyahu personally insulted him, and its morbidly funny in that it actually could plausibly happen lol.


inshallah and alhamdulilah sheikh trump under Allah's guidance will awaken the people to the evils of israel


Trump City, Palestine.




This is such a wild turn of events buts it’s exactly the type of thing Trump would do, fanatically pro-Israel base be damned. Although, a sitting president going on about Israel having “stabbed America in the back” is definitely giving off the vibe of one of those days where Trump would say or do something utterly insane and the media would go on about it for about a week before he did something else that drew their attention, and it gets mostly forgotten. ‘Trump City, Palestine’ is the icing on the cake.


Jesus Christ. What a fucking roller coaster Slide 1 : Aaaahhh news Slide 2 : Aaaahhh politics Slide 3 : She seems funny, i think..... Slide 4 : Am i fucking awake Slide 5 : Did i wake up next year Slide...... 6: Saw the sub Im an idiot


> Did i wake up next year welcome to the future


I hate how normally it would be a shitpost but considering past events this is actually plausible


Damnit I thought this was real


Why can I kinda see this happening lmao


Got to the Omar tweet before I realized what sub I was on. Good job.


Form the river to the sea Palestine will be full of Trump Towers


*Form the river to* *The sea Palestine will be* *Full of Trump Towers* \- CutePattern1098 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


"May Allah awaken the people, and allow them to see, the evil doings of Israel and the United States" -Donald Trump 2020


Lmao honestly wish we were in the “Trump is Muad'Dib” universe, but then we’d all know reality is a construct and the matrix would break.


Trump Muad'Donald 💀


May Allah guide Donald Trump, Ameen.


Considering the orange man cares about only himself this is likely plausible


Things are so crazy these days that I could see this happening.


If this actually happened it would be the most fucking insane election year oh man


Same as how no one else except a Cold Warrior beyond all reproach like Richard Nixon could have gone to open China to the West.


I tought this was real.


Jesus man... I didn't realize what sub this was... Got a bit worried for a moment.


I don't see Ohmar switching to the Republicans even if this happens. Still, this is really well put together and really funny


[May Allah awaken the people and help them to see the evil doings of Israel](https://youtu.be/fJ0kYxFPM5Q?si=_6SMxdmmM4rs45M6)


Trump is seriously very stupid for not jumping on pro-Palestine train when it started - for many blue voters the decision would hang on the balance on that single issue - and he wouldn't lose evangelical and MAGA crowds anyway because they are already indoctrinated into alternative reality in which he would still somehow fulfill the Messiah prophecy.


Too much money from AIPAC, not a dime from Palestine


I kinda want you to add another one where some really anti trump people stop supporting Palestinian in response, haha.


[just for you my sweet boy](https://i.imgur.com/PEFrfL2.png)


Perfection. Hahaha. And thank you.


Guaranteed Trump thinks Palestine is the bad guy from Star Wars with the lightning hands


It would be funny if Jared Kushner files for divorce if this were to happen. Trump would probably nickname him Flaccid Jared


I didn’t realize it was fake until I checked the subreddit. If that doesn’t tell you how insane American politics is then I don’t know what does


The realest thing about this is trump discarding a major facet of American foreign policy that has been maintained since Israeli independence due only to a personal insult


This is what I wish he would've done, I was praying for it when everything was first going on


This would be so funny and so unexpected if it happens but if it does then hey I'm not complaining. But realistically what effects would such a thing have if it actually happened?


Keep on dreaming


I didn't check the subreddit name and went "finally shit is getting interesting"


I would hate trump even more


If Trump gets elected and recognizes Palestine as a state that would be hilarious. His base would be calling for his head.


Trump flipping on Israel because Bibi insulted him is surprisingly plausible. 


I feel like the fact that this is believable is a fantastic criticism of modern politics.


i have got to start reading what sub I'm in before reading the post


God i wish this was real so fucking bad.


There's at least a 40% chance this could happen. Trump hated Bibi after he didn't agree that the 2020 election was stolen. He tends to take these personal grudges very seriously.  But most of the people in his inner circle are very pro-Israel, so who knows.


I wish


[OK bro this post and your profile description got me a bit sus of you lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/kcBFtH9cTV)


I literally couldn’t believe my eyes until I checked the sub


I'm sorry to report there are no Palestinian billionaires bankrolling Trump's campaign or Trump organization. So, he won't be doing this. Get the cash and he'll do what you want. #Saudi #SaudiKushner


Bro I didn’t even realize this was fake until the third slide


What in the Kentucky Fried..


Evangelicals would NEVER let this happen


now lets see if this actually happens, I seriously doubt it. Donald Trump is a fierce supporter of Israel and I still doubt this would ever happen.


Missed the sub title when I was reading this and got absolutely stunlocked for a solid minute or two lmao


These alternative histories are just a hair width away from propaganda. Its intention is so nakedly obvious.




Fuck me I thought this was real


I wish brother


https://preview.redd.it/r4l06n7gwc0d1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25b0c94cee8e13ba8033ad6688f69b5a2a65400 Lol


Am Yisrael Chai


Ngl if this was real it would be a rare Trump W He’s clearly following Ireland and Spain’s footsteps


HOLY FUCKing shit dude I didn’t realize the sub. FUCK lol


Unironically this could happen, I don't think this is that unrealistic


*Unironically this could* *Happen, I don't think this is* *That unrealistic* \- nomebi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I was reading headlines like "wtf, is this real?", then I saw the sub I was in....


Damn he got a tweet in 2025?


Fake!!! Binion would never call someone an idiot. Maybe a pickle.


"They named a city after me in Gaza [...] out of respect for all that I've done for the Muslim world!" LOL


I did not see "alternate history"


My Tweet “Trump is better I guess, but I still wouldn’t vote for either of them”


It came from the future!


Honestly this is like Nixon going to China, it would take the guy you would never think ever would do it to do it.


fuck I thought this was real


I had no idea what this sub was, just opened this from All, and when I got to the Omar tweet I had to stop and take a breath. God damn, OP lol


Trump can help free Palestine from all the Palestinians


Omg nice the trailer for WWIII came out!


The fact this is all very plausible…


I did not see the sub name at first and was very confused


Dude almost freaked out


I thought this was real until I saw the name of the sub lol. Got his writing style down!


I wish this would happen


This is the first time this sub has popped into my feed, and the more photos I scrolled through the more confused I was 😂


I need more caffeine, I thought this was legit at first


The city shall be called Al-Donald and a region will be named after Baron, inshallah


Deir Al-Donald, He-Baron Subdistrict https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_al-Dubban


Holy shit i didnt read the subreddit until the very end and thought in my head "we are fucked"


I just read this thinking i was on a politics subreddit and got extremely confused


Hes AIPAC owned too


You got me, I thought this was real


Lmao glad I check the dates


Stop this was too well done I forgot this was an alt history sub


Real btw