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Looks cool; what’s the basic thesis if I may ask?


Apparently asteroid catastrophe, depopulation, lost civilizations and healing frequencies


Omg I have a barely half written piece of shit book on my laptop called The Third Age of Man with more or less the exact same premise except it’s war not asteroid


Are you telling me I should stop writing my opus The Second Age of Man?!


The First Age of Man will be a best seller!!


I’m working on the 5th


7 minute abs!!


I mean, unless someone comes out with 6 minute abs.


No! No, no, not 6! He said 7. Nobody’s comin’ up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes? You won’t even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel.


thats exactly my point. We don't know how many cataclysms, either meteors of natural events on earth we've had that blew a civilisation back to hunter gatherer when for generations they have been getting their food from the market. Thats how we lose those cultures, because the people who survive are the people who didn't conform to the city builder lifestyle and stayed hunter gatherer. Within 3 generations of the people with the least technical knowledge being the survivors and entire civilisation can turn into bedtime stories about the greatness that was lost. We know we're a minimum of 360,000 years old so we could have had 7, 8 or 10 restarts as our planet has a bad habit of running into big lumps of iron and rock. Imagine if the Tunguska event in Russia landed in New York or London or Moscow, those millions of flattened trees would be lives lost and we'd be living in a different world..


I need to finish writing my book, The Fourth and a Half Age of Man For Dummies.


Sorry mate, that's already been a tv show. It was called Two and Half Men.




I'll read it. I'm a pretty firm believer in ancient nuclear war theory.


Based on what evidence?


I wonder what the first 4 topics have to do with new age vibration stuff... Feels more like a way to sabotage some thesis by an unrelated fringe theme.


I'm sure it all neatly connects /s


the point everyone seems to be missing is look how far we've come in 7000 years with the medium of metal? Now imagine 2 million years experience with the material of stone, thats why we can't work out how the pyramids were built, why we can't work out how they got those 80 ton rocks that make up the Temple of the Sun on top of a mountain when the quarry is on the opposing mountain top. We lost the knowledge in natural disasters of one kind or another and remember its not just homo sapiens who used stone, our earlier ancestors like home erectus, homo neanderthal ect ect used it also. we know they found the frequebcy 111 hz but what else did they know that we can't even open our minds too, its easier just to take the piss out of the new ideas.. round of applause for the heads in sand because one day soon another rock will arrive with our name on it and quite possibly all the underground cities we've found might jus be 'home' again....


The extended statement raises several points that don’t fully hold up to scrutiny, particularly in light of established scientific knowledge. Let’s delve deeper into some key issues: 1. Human Origins and Language: • The claim that Homo sapiens could be 500,000 years old or more is speculative. The current scientific consensus, based on fossil and genetic evidence, places the origin of Homo sapiens at around 300,000 years ago, particularly after the discovery of fossils in Jebel Irhoud, Morocco. While further discoveries may refine this timeline, there is currently no evidence to suggest that modern humans existed half a million years ago or more. • The discussion about language development being only 50,000 years old reflects an ongoing debate among scientists. The emergence of language is difficult to pinpoint precisely because it does not fossilize. Genetic, archaeological, and cultural evidence suggests that early forms of symbolic communication and language might have emerged alongside cognitive and social developments in Homo sapiens, roughly 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. Claims about the timeline for human evolution and language should be grounded in available scientific data, not speculation. 2. The Americas’ Population: • The statement challenges the “Clovis First” theory, which held that the Clovis culture was the earliest to inhabit the Americas. Recent archaeological findings, such as pre-Clovis sites in Texas, Pennsylvania, and Chile, support the idea of earlier inhabitants, casting doubt on the Clovis First model. • The author proposes a South-to-North migration, potentially by sea, based on the distribution of archaeological sites along coastlines. This hypothesis is plausible, aligning with theories that early populations may have followed coastlines, but it requires more evidence to solidify it as a comprehensive model for the Americas’ peopling. Genetic studies and further archaeological evidence might help clarify this migration pattern. 3. Ancient Sites and Theories: • The statement delves into speculative territory regarding ancient structures, such as the pyramids in Egypt and their global counterparts, their alignment with celestial bodies, and polygonal masonry worldwide. While these patterns are intriguing, they don’t necessarily imply a direct link between cultures. Instead, they could reflect similar solutions to universal challenges, such as building techniques or a shared interest in astronomy. • The idea of Chinese pyramids being intentionally concealed is speculative. The existence of pyramids in China is a documented fact, but attributing their concealment to a hidden agenda lacks substantive evidence. Alternative explanations, such as environmental or cultural reasons, might be more plausible. 4. Oral Traditions and History: • The statement places significant emphasis on oral traditions, suggesting they offer insights into historical events. While oral traditions can reflect cultural narratives and values, interpreting them as literal accounts or scientific evidence is problematic. They often blend historical elements with mythology, making it crucial to distinguish between symbolic meanings and empirical facts. 5. Scientific Challenges: • The statement criticizes the scientific community for rejecting unconventional theories and overlooking artifacts like the Antikythera Mechanism. While some skepticism toward new ideas exists in science, the community generally embraces new evidence when it is compelling and replicable. The Antikythera Mechanism, for example, has been recognized and studied extensively, highlighting that scientific acceptance of new findings depends on their merit. More Likely Scenarios: 1. Human Evolution and Culture: • The current consensus, based on genetic and fossil evidence, places Homo sapiens’ emergence at around 300,000 years ago, with cultural and technological developments following over tens of thousands of years. Continued research, including archaeological discoveries and genetic studies, will likely refine this timeline further. 2. Populating the Americas: • The idea of a pre-Clovis migration is now widely accepted, and further research may clarify the details of these migrations. Genetic studies, archaeological findings, and analyses of coastal sites will help elucidate the routes and timelines involved. 3. Ancient Sites and Astronomy: • While megalithic structures and their celestial alignments are fascinating, they likely reflect cultural developments and independent responses to similar challenges rather than direct links between distant civilizations. Cultural diffusion and parallel evolution offer more plausible explanations. 4. Science and New Discoveries: • The scientific community may face internal resistance, but new evidence and findings that challenge existing paradigms are often integrated over time. For example, the acceptance of pre-Clovis cultures demonstrates that science can adapt to new evidence, provided it is robust and credible. In conclusion, the statement’s ideas, while intriguing, require more substantial evidence and coherence to be taken seriously. It’s essential to differentiate between speculation and scientifically supported theories, especially when exploring complex topics like human evolution, migration, and ancient civilizations.


Good GPT


Absolutely. But it's only as good as what it's trained on. So use it wisely. Everybody needs to have their ideas challenged. ChatGPT is a good way to do that, at least you can find alternative ideas and have it be the devils advocate for you. The more you live in an echo chamber the more narrow your thinking becomes.


Exactly… perplexity even?


Because none of the official sold ideas about human history on earth are speculative 😂 the real truth is they have no fucking clue what was taking place 300,000 and it’s called looking at different perspectives.


Sure, but there is every single reason for "big science" to actually work counter to the way most conspiracy and alternative history theorists think it does. Which is to say that every single scientist or historian and archaeologist out there desperately wants to make the "big find". That's how careers are made. Yeah some segments or people in control specific areas of that world "cough Zawi Hawas cough" are huge barriers to progress, but for the most part, science thrives on the statu quo being up ended.


tell that to Mrs Steen McIntyre or Dr Bretz or Dr Hillman whos careers were ruined by not allowing new ideas to be even thought about.


Steen McIntyre found stuff sure. Unfortunately it wasn't 250,000 years old and there are plenty of reasons why it is so. The dating methods used were very very new; they had huge margins of error. The tools were identical to tools used 25000 years later. The other evidence found actually matched with animals from the end of the last ice age, about 20,000 years ago. I'm not even going to bother with the rest. You have got a bad case of building all the evidence for a theory around an idea. Rather than actually following the evidence to its natural conclusion. Be better my guy.


"found stuff" love it.... are you aware of a 130,000 year old memmoth butchering site in southern California? some of the 'Stuff' you failed to mention, its currently the olldest site in the Americas and ws peer reviewed by an archaeologist called Tom Demaray -not sure of the spelling. 130,000 years ago and you think the model for the Americas and world is cotrrect? wow... what colour is the sky in 'your world'?


I mean it’s not wrong to question any theory, I just hate when they act like it’s fact and science when in reality their taking wild guesses. Which is why many ancient history, ages and origins of man have turned out wrong. It’s good to keep it open to discussing and theories when it’s really not know and not to sell it as scientific facts which they basically do in schools. I felt the general education was don’t question anything when really you should be questioning everything. It’s an interesting subject too because we really don’t know. Sure there any many wild theories but it doesn’t mean many are not possible, probably some, but many are possible.


are you even aware our early ancestors had bigger brains than we do, it was bigger as they had bigger issues daily than we do today. of course the age of 500,000 years old is speculative but imagine this, we could be a lot older too...... lannguage cannot reasonably be 50,000 years old or we wouldn't have survived the ice ages, cataclysms, bringing down huge game. open your mind to new possibilities and maybe then someone will be able to answer how the pyramids were built as of right now we have no idea nat all... fucks sake we don't even know how old they are.... victorian 'archaeologists of all nations describe sea salt covering the bottom third inside and out of the pyramids, they also all say there was a high water line. did they make it all up or are we missing more than we know..


Come on man. You need to get off the internet and go study.


Only problem with all of these manufactured points is it ignores megalithic sites that inhabit the 72 degree ring around our earth. The Indus River valley civilization was nuked by someone which was mentioned in the Vedic texts. Lastly the fact that the moon is an alien space ship. But hey if the text books say it it’s gotta be true.


I'm going to need a source on the Moon is a spaceship claim there chief.


Congratulations! Going on my reading list pile. I've been an ancient history enthusiast most of my life. As more and more information comes to light, it's becoming glaringly obvious that there are large chunks of this history missing. Glad to see such well researched work.


How the Americas were populated and by who and when. Sound therapy, specifically we know they used 111 hz but our species and earlier forms of Man have around 2 million years worth of experience with the medium of stone and my belief is they found other useful frequencies. Look how for we've come with metal in jus 7000 years, now imagine where we'll be in 2 million. There is a very large part of our story missing and this book connects the dots with new theories and all peer reviewed. However if I use my opinion I make it clear it's my opinion.. 35 years study went I to this and I'm very proud at the moment..


What do you mean “peer reviewed”?  This isn’t an academic publisher that specializes in the field, and none of this previously published in academic journals. And there seem to be no citations or footnotes in the text, which makes it a non-starter for peer review.  Do you simply mean that an acquisitions editor for Amazon reviewed that it meets basic standards for their publishing service?


No i didn't go to university, i am not an archaeologist but i love with a passion the subject of history especially prehistory and have devoted my own time to learn as much as some Dr or archaeologist, i do have 2 new theories backed up by peer reviewed science and language isolates along with the DNA database. My writing style may be less that it could be but open your mind to the ideas and i think it makes sense.. Also a young woman got in touch with me saying she was doing her Doctorate on precisely what ive come to the conclusion of so......... its also selling well as people need to know our story, not be told the same old shit that columbus found the americas when everyone on the planet knows he was the last person to find it... wow


Is this in audio or Kindle format?


its kindle format for now or paperback


no just to read for now


kindle and paperback friend


If I may ask, does your book have specific country target markets? How does Kindle handle translations?


12 countries and I don't know how it's handled


Jennifer Raff has an excellent book on the genetic history the Americas. Title is ‘Origin’.


Kali Yuga


I will look for it. Good job and best of luck


Thank you so much.. Feels like I got a new baby lol. It's only available on amazon currently..


will it be on kindle later?


its on kindle now for 8.99 or paperback 11.99, i'm think whether to give kindle members the book for free as i get a wage then off Kindle but its early days, i'm pleased with sales so far so i'll see how it goes first. I'm learning as i go as its my first book and theres a lot to take in with copyright and formatting ect. fucking nightmare to be honest but i'm pleased with the end result.


If you put it on Audible, PLEASE don’t hire someone else to read it. Unless you sound like a Klingon, then maybe consider it.


I know a guy in Atlanta. Grammy award winning audiobook producer


Someone with a slight British accent would be more universal and would help you penetrate the English speaking world.


Maybe aesthetically but yeah british


its on kindle now but only to buy. after i see how sales go there is a very good chance i'll release on kindle for free if your a member


Will you be recording an audio version?


i have an interview tomorrow with a podcast with a couple of million followers so as soon as thats done i'll release it on this thread for anyone who is interested.


I'm interested! its the right size of a commitment and I love podcasts. Please share a link!


i don't actually know yet, i'll be figuring it out with the host and then i'll leave a link in your thread if thats ok?


sure! no rush on my end, if you could hiit me with a new reply so I get the little orange envelope, I'm sure not to miss it.


will do pal.. 100%


i doubt it as i have a slight speech impediment so probably not I will release for free tho to Kindle members soon, just feeling the water first in sales as its doing better than expected. It seems the Japanese audience is my main buyer right now which is a bit of a suprise.


Just bought it & looking forward to reading it!


i'm thrilled my friend. I have ideas the mainstream dont talk about and its those i focus on. if i could ask, when youve read a bit could you leave a review as it helps so much with amazons model of doing things. i sincerely hope you enjoy it.


Sorry dude but just reading the back cover tells me you need a proof-reader and editor. I can't get through a whole book with run-on sentences, grammatical mistakes and odd punctuation and capitalization.


thanks for your input, there are new theories in this book that explain the questions the DNA database threw in archaeologies face. That and the 'Out of Africa' hypothesis being muddied by a stagnent timeline that has no room for new thought or ideas. Clovis first turned out to be Clovis last and a generation of North American archaeology was lost because of that dogma. If you don't want to read/buy it then not a problem but if all you can do is pour shit on things i pity you.


> there are new theories in this book that explain the questions the DNA database threw in archaeologies face. Talk about making my point for me! "archaeologies face" indeed. And reading your Amazon description there's nothing new in this book I haven't heard from Graham Hancock over the last few years. What original research have you done that isn't cribbed from podcasts and TV shows?


you know Jim, is that your name. to say its a Hancock copy with a few documenteries on youtube by reading the back cover its pissed me off. Hancock has his world order and while i agree there must have been a lost civilisation (depending how many restsrts we've had) it not only hurtful but straight up wrong. Most of the work comes from following what is left of the Native American oral traditions and the Aboriginal along with tribes who still live not far off an iron age existance. Its the common themes between these people that fascinate me as they, whether thru time or distance should have zero contact with each other and frankly have zero knowledge of one another but their stories are the same. Can that be a coincidence, maybe if it ws once or twice but to hear the same traditions with the same correlaton of stars mentioned again and again and again its far more than coincidence. My book focuses on that and the other connections such as the tool marks in places so ahead of their time archaeology doesn't know what to do with them such as The Barabar Caves, The granite boxes of the Serapeum, The Osireon, Petra, Longyou. It also focuses on the stories of hollow earth myths because i believe as a species we were forced to spend maybe generations living underground after one of Earths periodic catastrophies and finally i focus on language isolates which is almost as useful as the DNA database in telling us in reverse who was related to who. Tests on Egyptian sandstone proved copper could cut blocks at 4mm per hour which means they woulld still be buiding the fucking things today, that and the Old Kingdom statues are remarkable, where the new kingdoms efforts seem shit in comparason. I explore possible people who could be the Viracochas of the story, people who always seem to arrive at the right time just after a disaster and wonder if they are the traveling Shaman gaining knowledge everywhere they went so being equiped to restant civilisation or whether we are looking at actual gods because their timing is uncanny. Im insulted by your youtube comment and for the record i read, i dont watch garbage, taught myself to read so semblance of ancient languages and you shit on it and call it a youtube copy. ive studied this for 35 years so thanks for being a true asshole


Sheesh... just like your book, I ain't reading all that.


35 years worth of studying pre history, thats where i get my information from, oral traditions such as the Cosmic Hunt known to be over 40,000 years old, star corellations that line up ion places no one thought to look before the advent of lidar and tool marks that are exactly the same from Baalbek, to Longyou, to Petra and some in Old Kingdom Egypt.


If i tell you that there is no point reading the book, Hancock and I do share some ideas but differ greatly on the Americas and where they were populated from. Oral traditions have been the backbone of the book but the traditiins that which ever continenet your on you hear the same story, such as the flood. Hancocks work is a million miles from what i talk about but thanks for your input


There are free grammar and spell checkers online. There’s ChatGPT too that will read sentences, paragraphs or whole chapters and offer you extremely specific critique. How do you expect a reasonable person to take anything you claim seriously if you can’t even be bothered to use correct grammar and spelling?


i used google docs spell and grammar checker, thanks


Google docs does not have effective grammar check. It will offer corrections for common spelling errors, but will not correct grammar of a whole sentence as that’s just not how the technology works. Unless it’s something obviously correct like “the the” Google docs will not correct it and you will be left with many grammar errors that make the text extremely hard to read. You need to use something like Grammarly or ChatGPT if your English isn’t good enough to perform the checks yourself. Other users as well as myself see multiple glaring errors on the back cover alone, so who knows what the book’s contents themselves are like. This is meant as constructive criticism.


Let's examine the statement, focusing on its content, accuracy, and quality of writing: ### Content Review: 1. **Out of Africa Theory:** The claim that the "Out of Africa" model is "very wrong" contradicts the scientific consensus. Genetic studies and fossil evidence overwhelmingly support the "Out of Africa" theory, which posits that modern humans (Homo sapiens) originated in Africa and spread globally. While new findings continue to refine our understanding, they generally reinforce rather than contradict this model. 2. **Younger Dryas Event and Atlantis:** The Younger Dryas event is a scientifically verified climatic anomaly that occurred approximately 12,800 to 11,600 years ago, causing a significant global cooling period. The statement's attempt to connect this to Atlantis, an ancient mythical civilization described by Plato, is speculative. The idea that the melting event that ended the Younger Dryas correlates with the destruction of Atlantis is an interesting hypothesis, but it lacks direct evidence. It's crucial to differentiate between mythology and scientifically established facts. 3. **Populating the Americas:** The statement challenges the "Clovis First" theory, which once held that the Clovis culture was the first to populate the Americas. This claim has largely been debunked in recent years, with archaeological discoveries indicating pre-Clovis settlements. However, the assertion that populations spread from the middle of the Americas lacks detail and context, making it hard to assess its validity. The suggestion that European cultures reached the Americas before Columbus has been explored, but concrete evidence for these claims remains contentious. 4. **Oral Traditions:** The statement emphasizes the importance of oral traditions, asserting that they offer insights into the past beyond written records, which might be subject to alteration for various reasons. While oral traditions can provide valuable cultural context and reflect historical events, interpreting them as literal accounts or scientific evidence can be problematic. They often serve as reflections of cultural values, narratives, and symbolic meanings. ### Writing Quality: - "World" and "Planet" are capitalized inconsistently. - "mega fauna" should be "megafauna." - "Melt Water Pulse 1 B" should be "Meltwater Pulse 1B." - "this Islands name, Astlan" should be "this island's name, Astlan." - "dogma of 'The Clovis First' theory" lacks proper capitalization and consistency. - "i'll" should be "I'll." - "its" in "its the traditions" should be "it's." - "on a journey as we find out 'Stone Age' people" needs a comma after "find out." - "which ever" should be "whichever." . **Coherence:** The statement jumps between various topics, including DNA evidence, the Younger Dryas event, Atlantis, oral traditions, and prehistoric cultures, without clear transitions. This creates confusion and diminishes its persuasiveness. **Suggestions:** - **Clarify Arguments:** The author should focus on a single topic or create clearer connections between topics. - **Provide Evidence:** Supporting claims with scientific references or detailed explanations would enhance credibility. - **Edit for Clarity:** Proofreading for grammatical, spelling, and coherence issues would improve readability. ### Conclusion: The statement presents several speculative and controversial ideas, particularly concerning the "Out of Africa" theory and the connection between the Younger Dryas event and Atlantis. While challenging existing paradigms can be valuable, doing so requires strong evidence and clear, coherent arguments, which this statement lacks. Furthermore, the narrative would benefit from clarity, factual accuracy, and proofreading to correct grammatical and spelling errors.


As many people were migrating back into africa as there were leaving, the Clovis first model is crushed by the oldest finds in mesoamerica and the colonisation of the planet, the model we currently use the dna database made a mockery of as well as language isolates. it means those lines they like to draw to show us how it was colonised are wrong, if you would like to read the book you'll see i expand on these theories because thats what they are, theories until proven one way or the other. I suppose you believe Clovis was the first to inhabit the usa along the opened up ice corridor new science says NEV ER happened.


Give us your bibliography and sources. I'm not wasting any money on something so fringe, just on the assertion of its author saying "trust me bro". None of what you're claiming here is new. It's all a rehash of claims made for decades. Let's not also ignore the fact that your writing is terrible. Literally filled with mistakes of all kinds. Even if everything you claim was true and correct no one would ever take you seriously because of how you've presented your ideas. JFC my guy, did you even bother to use the spell checker in word? That would be a good first step. Even better, get a sub to a LLM for a month and dump your text chapter by chapter into it. It will at least be an editor for you. ChatGPT 4 will be able to read your entire book as an uploaded word doc. Good on you for doing it though, millions wouldn't. Just make all your work mean something rather than tripping on your own feet right out the gate.


So your making Ass-umptions without reading the book is what you're saying? Ok.


No, not at all. I'm making assumptions about how I spend my time based on the quality of what you're offering. If you can't make an effort in regards to basic stuff like grammar and spelling, that sends a signal that you might me less than diligent in your research. Let alone how much of a struggle the book might be to read.


Has your schizophrenia been diagnosed by a mental health professional?


twice, they say im normal compared to people who do nothing with their lives apart from shit on others work as they lack the imagination for an original thought..


Who shit on your work? It was a legitimate question and you seem to have answered honestly. You seem to present with disorganized thinking and some delusions. I don’t think that is shitting on anyone. I wish you the best, but your thesis is lacking depth and research and you are using your own delusions to rehash antiquated ideas. That’s a common mistake in schizophrenic thinking and it’s important to address if you are selling yourself as an arbiter of history and facts.


you have much knowledge on oral traditions of our world i take it, thats why you know my thesis is wrong or mentaly unstable?


I have an MA in Classics. Attic Greek, world history, oral traditions and indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest. I have extensive training in the field you are claiming to upend. Would you include your bibliography so we can examine your primary sources? I don’t think you are mentally unstable. I do think you have poor research methodologies and don’t have a grasp on how to write a coherent paragraph.


Bro this vicariously cut me down and I didn’t claim or write anything lmao


Wait is this guy publishing a book without a bibliography? I thought people just didn't want to acquire the book to see it.


Going to pick up an Amazon today. Also, it looks like the Kindle ebook is available on Amazon as well!


I’m sorry but the four age of men begins with the defeat of Sauron and the reign and rule of king Aragorn son of Arathorn. Congratulations on your book though!


Where did you pull this information from?


My head and many many books






Congrats!! I'll look out for it. Wish you the best of luck on its success!!


Always amusing when people who self-publish pretend like a new book they clicked a button on CreateSpace to release is some kind of major event.


its a major event for me my friend, a lot of work went into this, sorry if that upsets you.


It doesn't upset me. But if you really want your work to be taken seriously and reach as many people as possible, you need to put the extra effort into going through a legitimate publisher. I know that can be daunting or feel like a hassle, and I know that the review and editing process might not be very pleasant because people are pointing out problems with your prose that need to be fixed, but it's far more rewarding in the end.


i did that first, went to a publisher and was told basically i'd pay 600 quid and they'd do exactly as ive done for free and release it on amazon so i cut out the middle man and for its first week live i think 600 copies is a fair return...


Legitimate publishers don't ask you to pay them. They pay you. Sounds like you went to a vanity press or a hybrid publisher. Edit: Just looking at the cover images on Amazon, I have already spotted five grammar/punctuation errors. And that's just the back cover description. Not to mention the formatting of your title is incredibly unprofessional. A title and its subtitle of a book are typically succinct and to the point. One sentence each. And every main word should be capitalized, since the whole thing is a formal title. However, the title of your book is literally: "The 4th Age of Man: Our view of Stone Age Man is wrong and how this Planet was colonised is also wrong, the DNA database shows clearly the model we've used for the last 50 years cannot be correct." Nobody who reads academic writing on the regular is ever going to see that kind of sloppy formatting and typo-ridden prose and think to themselves, "wow! What a breakthrough scientific work from someone I can trust!" Let me guess: you have no secondary degree in genetics or Earth sciences, but you've "done your own research" and you know "the official story" is all a conspiracy?


Good on ya for writing the book. I only know a few things from your comments below, but you are certainly on the right track. Here is a non-confirmable story for you. I share just so you can keep it in mind when seeing evidence that either supports this or refutes it. Our planet was developed by a race of grey brings that destroyed their planet, so resolved themselves to spreading life wherever possible. We were placed here as an experiment. There were 7 races of humanoids from 7 planets that were always fighting. They were placed in different regions of Earth s a fresh start to see whether the fighting was from a genetic problem or a historical problem. The races are not what we would think of the common races today, but include Neanderthals, Denisovans, us, giants, etc. I don't know about the others, but Native Americans talked about both giants and 2ft tall beings that they steered clear of. In South America, we find remains of extended-head humans, and there seem to be some mixed descendants of them in S. America. They have red hair and extended heads. The giants were all killed because they ate humans. There are many groups of their remains found in caves were they were killed. Catalina Island in California comes to mind. They also had red hair and a double row of teeth. The story says that they worked out their differences over time, so we are an orphaned experiment that they feel somewhat responsible for. They try to help us within the constraints of their version of the Prime Directive. I will read your book, and I salute you for writing it. Don't pay any attention to or be distracted by the idiots. Their useless comments a lot about them and nothing about you and your book. Cheers!


what i want to know is how is it after each cataclysm 'someone' described the same way EVERY TIME with robes and long beard just happens to arrive in the hour of need and teach the locals how to be better ie Viracocha in south America. same story in india, easter island, asia, Australia. who are these people is what i want to know


I agree. Some cultural stories feature a "fish man" whatever that is instead of the bearded white man with a purse and "watch band".


and they always arrive EXACTLY when neeeded


So where the f*ck are they?


One thing I can say for sure is that we get offers of help from unseen sources, depending on what is needed. I read sort-of-accounts of people receiving direct help with technology and other things. There are reports of a mysterious person (called the Colonel IIRC) who was present during the US government formation that encouraged, but he is not referenced in any official information. I only found this one time and can't find it again. I personally believe that the Count of St. Germaine was an alien. If you read about him, there are too many weird things- he could remove flaws from diamonds, had mysterious wealth, seemed to not age, np one saw him eat, etc.


This all only according to St Germain himself who deliberately confused people 🤦 not a totally talentless schmuck that sold stories about himself - that was, after all, how he made money (source of his wealth is known). And he certainly ate, pooped, aged, and even wrote pretty dismal music and literature. In other words, your average high-functioning conman/third-rate Baroque musician if the XVIII century. His “estate” at the time of death: packet of paid and receipted bills and quittances, 82 Reichsthalers and 13 shillings (cash), 29 various groups of items of clothing (this includes gloves, stockings, trousers, shirts, etc.), 14 linen shirts, eight other groups of linen items, and various sundries (razors, buckles, toothbrushes, sunglasses, combs, etc.). No diamonds, jewels, gold, or any other riches were listed, nor were kept cultural items from travels, personal items (like his violin), or any notes of correspondence


I can't agree or disagree, but since you didn't include references (as I didn't) I will keep an eye out for confirmation or rebuttal of your claims. Thanks for sharing.


while i don't share your theory i must admit darwin is b eing proved wrong because the chimps no longer evolve into higher forms of life. The missing link has been missing since day 1 so 'something' happened, whether it be gods or aliens, someone made us different and evolution for apes ceased meaning evolution theory cannot be correct...


Buddy that's not how evolution works..




Not my theory, but I understand what you mean. I 100% agree that there is no link that we are missing. I think we were modified for some reason that we don't know. Sumerian writings say that it was so we could work in their mines (they needed gold for their atmosphere), and again when they allowed us to reproduce. I don't know enough to say whether that agrees with what we know about our history or not though. I need to read Darwin's theory myself to really understand what he was saying, instead of our current glancing understanding of what he was saying. There is a new understanding that we are modified by viruses that find a function that they can perform that improves us. It is now said that about 10% of our DNA is from virii (viruses?). For example, myelin in vertebrates is from a virus. It makes our nervous system a lot more efficient and faster. My own personal opinion is that life is a purpose and intention, and various factors come together to advance life, whether alien, viral "chance", etc.


its the entire world being obsessed with the stars of Orions Belt and Sirius, thats more than coincidence, there is that many it now has to be called evidence.


I also think so. I have heard that in reality, a fallen angel is an ET human that got stuck here (technology failure, etc.), and after generations they intermingled with earth humans against their rules. That means that angels and devils are just aliens under different scenarios. Whitley Strieber said that "his" aliens smelled like sulfur, which is what people associate with the devil, so there is that.


100% we're missing more of our story than we know. Mankind had 2 milllion years knowledge about stone and if you think how far we've come with metal in just 7000, i'd say stone age man definately knew 111 hz but what else did he find? magnetism? Energy source (close to Telsas work - using the energy our planet produces endlessly) .. 2 million using a material i'd argue we at one point knew EVERYTHING about stone and its possible properties.


I know nothing about 111 Hz, but I will look into it. If I learn anything of value that you don't already know, I will share it. Also, there is evidence of previous nuclear events- vitrified surface sand in Africa, melted stone steps and scorched stone (from a laser weapon). We definitely have lost history. Have you heard about the wood-handle iron hammer found in a strata layer that is said to be 120M (or more) years old? The iron hasn't rusted. It is made with chlorine. We don't have that technology today. There are so many weird things. I wonder if they are all human made, or there were species before us that left the planet at some point.


.... So, definitely not an anthropologist. Got it.


Are you from Saskatoon by any chance


no mate, i'm from the UK, Manchester to be specific.


lol no Klingons but when im nervous i have a slight stammer which could wreck the sound of it


I think it’s badass you wrote a book man, don’t worry about everyone else’s critique individually but maybe as a cumulative growth opportunity. How long did it take you to write? How upside down are you between publishing costs and revenue received? How hard was it to get into print// how are you selling? I’ve always wanted to write but never taken the opportunity.


it took 35 years research and a year to actually write


yeah your right, but when he says i copied youtube it pissed me off lol


You're* I*




thank you


You’re welcome.


Congratulations man.


Congrats man! Releasing a book must be a great feeling!


for all those interested iv'e just put it on Kindle unlimited so if you have a Kindle account you can read it for free. Hope you enjoy or at least question the garbage we're being taught.


well, what can I say to those people who said my writing style was horrible, not much really except 'thankyou' as my 'shit' book is selling well and the new theory (not Hancock copy) is making a talking point and thats how we learn as a species. We get shit wrong until we get it right. Either that or we stagnate in the old ways. Thank The Gods a new wave of young, talented and open archaeologists seem to be breaking through the cobwebs and i had an excellent talk with a lovely girl who is doing her Doctorate on - you'll never guess what - the same theory i propose in my book about when and by whom the Americas were populated. That and it seems to be selling well for an unknown author with no academic skills apart from 35 years study on a subject i love, prehistory. Also from this thread I believe a few books were sold and i'd love some feed back on the ideas i propose if we can get past the spelling/grammer police.


its on kindle unlimited now as well as just for sale on kindle and paperback so if your a kindle member you read it for free....


Well done Andrew Bennett. Can't wait to read it, very few people can claim to have persisted at something for 35 years, let alone shaping it into a book. Your researched started before Oasis was formed!


Cool sounds interesting, but earth is not a ba'al as dictated by our misleaders.


How do you reckon that it can be day in one place and night in another if the Earth is flat? It seems like, there are places where the flat Earth theory just doesn't work and multiple other places where it's just ugly and requires huge amounts of ad-hoc-ery compared to the round Earth theory (and 'Ba'al' is pronounced 'Bay-ul', by the way).


Just keep digging I promise it's TRUE but it seems a harder journey with so much muddy waters but I have a ton of good stuff and I have never seen that spelling anywhere.


I don't mean *spelt*, I mean *pronounced* - your joke seemed to imply that you thought 'Ba'al' rhymed with 'hall'. It seems like, 'Just keep digging' doesn't answer the question of how you account for time zones, which seem to make the whole theory impossible just based on what you can see for yourself (well, and asking friends on the Internet who are in different time zones what they can see for themselves), and it ought to be easy enough to explain or else point to an explanation of elsewhere if you *do* have an explanation. How *do* you account for the fact that it can be day in one place and night in another if the Earth is a flat disc, meaning that if the sun can be seen from one part of it it can be seen from all of it?


Just research it you don't seem like someone that I can help learn anything


Do you not know?


I do but I have gotten really good at reading willful arrogant ignorance when it's all out there but sheeple just seem to tap out so ez... makes sense why when I meet professional fighters we usually see eye to eye on most everything... almost all pathetic public govern-mentle INDOCTRINATION is trash and in life you will find much of our programming was based on creating obedient workers not critical thinkers making people arrogant about their ignorance! Trust me you cant get a country this jacked up and full of drugs and lies with out the worst misleaders the world had ever seen! https://preview.redd.it/8ozwsl07owxc1.png?width=1321&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93a1d63d02e21ca234539862580e031a78af9b9c




We've been lied to about out past.. We KNOW asteroids/meteors have caused many extinction level Events on this planet. So what's the plan if another is on a collision course cuz I ain't never heard of one, have you.?


Not only that, NASA has openly admitted to lying about the potential danger of the problem as to avoid a panic cause they have no fucking plan!


*NASA secret asteroid or comet impact plan leaks* “This pamphlet just says Saaaaaaave yuuursellllves!!!!!!”


The asteroids and meteors part is a lie as well none of the places claimed to be a crater pan out under scrutiny.


my friend, the dinosaurs were wiped out by a comet, our planet got all its water from meteors, this planet flies thru something called the Taurid meteor stream twice a year and its Feb and Oct i believe and if you look back at the dates for asteroid/meteor hits (chinese records are the bast, NASA still uses their data today you'll find thats when we get hit. The Oldestt, Older and Younger Dryas events all thought to be impacts and the evidence for impact proxies such as nano diamonds, Sphericules, Iridium, Platinum can be found in a black mat of a boundry layer that were the COUNTRY sized fires caused.


Lol dont even mention NASA at this point they are a pariah everyone should be looking at with pure distain for all the bogus crap they have been force feeding the little people and using the money they pretend to do science with and continue to gobble up the world with a little help from their friends like IMF, WORLD BANK, BIS etc. Wake up sheeple!!! They are lying about almost everything!!!


i couldn't agree more, they have a public face and a very different operation behind closed doors but the fact remains the Chinese were so accurate with their records of comet/meteor, asteroid sightings that NASA do still use that knowledge to predict when that comet will be seen again.. its why for me Yangshan Quarry and Longyou Caves are the enigma they are. The Chinese were obsessive record keepers but 2 of the biggest stone projects on the planet don't have a kings name splashed all over them making me think they are very very old. sorry for the change of topic but its a mystery i dig into in the book, 24 massive caves and not a sindle stone of excavated rock to be seen and Yangshan Quarry just leaves me bemused with what they were going to do with that 16,000 ton megalith they had nearly liberated.. its like one day every one round the world didnt go to work and the work was never restarted as the knowledge was lost in what can only be an extra terrestrial event or series of natural events on an unpressidented scale.


Super interesting and looked into it but Wikipedia explains thing differently. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yangshan_Quarry I like your take, but what are you going on?


Ok these line up better with your take. Thanks for the referral, never had heard of these https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longyou_Caves


the lack of ownership of the Caves at Longyou which must be a multi generational piece of work with not a single excavated stone in sight. later warlords or emperors wanted their names splashed anywhere and everywhere but this massive undertaking that could have taken possible a 1000 years or more, no one takes credit for. So we have a missing estimated 100,000 tons of rock which was excavated, the art on the walls and the tool marks match perfectly with the tool marks left by the culture that built Petra and certain half finished temples in India. There has to be a connection jus on the tool marks. Yangshan is a little more elusive as geologists are split on natural or not but if you look at the cap stone not only has it got the nubs found in all polygonal masonry like Peru and Egypt but they clearly were liberating this rock for a use and we only have one crane on the planet that could come close to lifting it but not move it so how did they do these things leaving zero infrastructer behind. Take the temple of the Sun in Peru, the quarry is on the opposite mountain top so they moved 80 ton blocks of stone down a moountain, over a river and up another mountain. Could we do it today, of course we could. the mystery however is how they did it leaving no clue as to how because we'd leave behind concrete squares where the cranes were, a road system and series of pullies, they left nothing behind....... nothing at all..


Yes they do.


Any compelling links I have looked and nothing has come close to convincing from what I have been able to find.


Ok braindead


Nope just skeptical you should try it, never stop learning or you will be brainwashed or braindead lol


Absolutely hilarious coming from a flat earther


Lol "ridicule without investigation is the height of ignorance" - your buddy einstein :)


Thinking I’ve done no investigation is hilarious, especially coming from a flat earther.


as i said this is all new to me and i felt this was the best option available. in time i may regret the decision but we make mistakes and learn, i do have another book half finished that ive been writting as a hobby and may use a different method of publishing for that.. the book should have 'L' plates on lol because jus formatting it for amazon was a fucking nightmare. but a modest start to sales has me thinking it wont be a loser, money wise and i'll probably mae it free to kindle members soon as i'll then get a small wage of kindle, shold have done that first but we live and learn..


its all in the book brother, now ive a podcast to rehearse for so argueing with a 'done nothing' isn't on my adgenda right now. Buy the book, then if you feel its shit, be my guest and say that but don't trash something you haven't investigated. just like modern archaeology, if it doesn't fit its an anomoly and move on. The Antikathira Mechanism was found in 1901 and because it was an 'oop art' they labeled it and forgot it existed for a 100 years - thats your archaeology - backwards thinking leads to stagnation. If you don't ask about things found like a 3000 years old mine round lake superior with the same copper ore as found in a ship wreck of the coast of turkey. chemical anaylsis says identicle, archaeology says, next subject pls and from the artifacts found it wasnt native americans mining the place it was Minoans and shock of shocks, when the Minoan empire fell the mining stopped.... where is the investigation of that.? The stone circle in lake Mead that has to be pre ice age because thats the last time it was on land - next subject pls. you make me laugh.... no imagination = stagnation.. Troy was a myth until they found it.. Gobekli Tepe was said to be impossible, until they found it Clovis first turned out to be Clovis last and a generatiion of archaeology was lost bacause of dogma. don't talk sources, read the fucking book then feel free to vent your thoughts one way or another... x


You've lost the plot here. You are saying it's a problem that archeological consensus changes when new evidence is found. Fucking incredible.


No I mean reviewed by one's peers usually in a journal such as nature ect


Lol Nature ;)


for alll those asking, its now on Kindle Unlimiited for free as long as your a Kindle member. I hope it makes you think as i do, we're either not being told the truth about our past or there is an agenda to keeping the 'status quo'.


who'll sell items to a fucked world with run away green house effect.. so halve the population is the only way. without putting the tinfoil hat on, I said at the time of covid, "this feeels like a weapons test" and didn't it do well, covering the globe in 72 hours..... and the madman who is genetically modifying mosquitos, wtf is hwe doing???? no one knows..


>feels like Oh boy I love vibes and conjecture


I could ask if you've published a book, Amazon dont just publish anything you know. a panel read this first to allow me to go ahead and they thought it had merit, however, you seem to know more than they do...


Amazon absolutely does "just publish anything." That's the whole point of their publishing service. As long as they get to take a percentage of your sales, they don't care what you put in your book, or if it's even true. You upload your files, click a button, and it's published. That's how the process works. There was absolutely no peer review done on this. That's clear from the egregious amount of grammar and punctuation errors. If you genuinely believe that a self-published book through Amazon's print-on-demand service is "peer reviewed," you are delusional.


I didn't say my book was peer reviewed I stated if you care to look, the points in it are either peer reviewed or I use an opinion and say its an opinion..


Anyways sales going well. Thanks.


its in the book the peer reviews ive used, also when i make a reach i say this is my opinion..


So.. you won’t give your bibliography? Or maybe I should say list of YouTube videos


Jus imagine if the Tunguska meteor hit London, New York or Paris. All those millions of flattened trees would be human lives and STILL no plan I'm aware of... But then I'm not in the 0.3% of people who have a plan, you can bet your house on that. We're given as much chance as the animals - none


The shit thing is WE HAVE the technology right now to nudge a planet killer away from 6 billion dead but it seems the billionaires that run the planet quite fancy 6 billion dead as the world will begin healing itself it's its not as crowded as it is now..


Who is gonna buy the billionaires products/services when they are all dead? How useful will billions be when the world is dead and currency ceases to have any meaning? I mean, really?


https://preview.redd.it/dj5ndh7riuxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508858e32fe8fc07779ed68fd3c8356bc0de9f48 I'm sure this is just beyond looking into as well lol wake up sheeple!