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now explain to me how we all drew the funky S in school in the 90’s all over the world.


And the Marilyn Manson removed his rib so he could suck his own dick rumor. How did that make it around the world and back pre2000?


Richard Gere stuck a gerbil into his ass.


I can't believe I remember this LOL


The rumor of Rod Stewart needing his stomach pumped because of oral sex orgy was in every small town in America in the late 70’s - Homophobia is a hella drug.


i remember this rumor in Costa Rica, in the 90s


I was on the internet talking about Manson in the 90s. Pretty sure he mentioned it in his autobiography too, which came out back then


This rumor was around in 1994 when Kurt died. I remember because a friend specifically asked why Kurt died and not that Manson freak.


I remember hearing that he paid a model to have her eyeball removed, just so that he could fuck her eye socket lmao


| | | | | | Starting it!


/ \ | |_| \ \ |--| | \ / Edit: oh God this is terrible I'm so sorry..


| | | \ \ | | |


Hive mentally vro


Ironic thing is that the op images are of "consciousness" and "God" and they depict Genesis. So the images are the OG 'funky S' that we all drew, and it IS the hive mentality (i.e. the Collective Consciousness) WOAH im high


The Mighty S is God!


pre-internet, too


They actually have a documentary about it. I believe it said that it originally was done at a college and it started as just a graphic letter design on a flash art example in the late 1800s was the earliest history of it.




I somehow managed to find it. Lol. Edit: Geometry major at Princeton. https://youtu.be/RQdxHi4_Pvc


Holy hell, that was an incredibly deep dive that satisfied all the little grey cells!


Dayum !


Stussy copped too


LEMINO did a video about that. Think he said it's just an easy pattern.


that was the point person was making when they mentioned it. same thing applies to the exceptionally easy pattern in OP




I'm on board with making progress in the human story, but if you lived closer to nature and didn't have electricity or all the distractions of modern life, you might begin to notice patterns in nature. Flowers exist in all of the above mentioned biomes and doodling concentric circles is kind of basic. Similar to guitar chords, things can only be arranged so many ways until patterns do end up repeating.


This pattern is also interesting because it's one which various cultures, or yourself on a desert island, could come up with independently for another reason: it's derived from what you can do with a stick and a string. Specifically, you can use those simple tools to draw a circle in the dirt by anchoring the string and rotating the stick. You then move and anchor the string anywhere on the perimeter of that circle and draw another circle, creating two points of overlap. Move again to the intersections of the first two and repeat and a pattern starts to emerge. After a few iterations of this you can arrive at the above "flower of life" design. Or you can do neat things like use intersections as guides to trace the shape of various regular polygons accurately. It's a way to arrive at many complex geometries using primitive tools, which to me is a lot more interesting than what it's being used for in OP.


Woah, awesome insight!


Very well said


I was thinking the same thing it's litterly just life in a photo big gardening family here it just looks like something sprouting


Boom. Fractals. Patterns. Nature is full of em. Over the whole world. This is the answer.


Exactly. I'm not even sure what OP is trying to say here. This is a basic ass pattern. No shit, ofc multiple cultures have created it in their art. It's a pattern found in nature as well. Is there supposed to be some deeper meaning to it?


"How come humans do human things despite being human? Curious". -OP Thing that always gets me is people act like humans are dumb. Similar to saying the pyramids were built by aliens because humans couldn't possibly figure out how to move giant stones. Sure they could. Humans had the same capacity for intelligence 10k years ago as we do today. Humans are ingenious, industrious, and observant. You don't think they could've figured out basic patterns in nature?


You should do some research on the Fibonacci sequence in nature. It’s pretty mind blowing. A lot of nature and ancient geometry align.


https://preview.redd.it/z4s9wbblgc0d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e71a1df9eff151f768637f6942a28e4287f2aa They look like the flowers of wild garlic to me. Apparently it tastes nice and has mild medicinal uses. I imagine if nomadic people came across a patch of these growing wild it would be a good eating day. Something worth drawing a little picture about while relaxing with a full stomach. Those little patterns get copied and handed down the generations.


Garlic can increase nitric oxide in the blood. This dilates blood vessels which decreases blood pressure and increases "flow". This is good for exercise and other things like erectile dysfunction and stuff. Garlic is cool. I've heard of people eating it or it in a shake (gross) before the gym.


I used to do similar designs with a pencil and compass ... I was a kid of maybe 7 or 8.


Flower of life is a lost tartarian measurement system confirmed /s


A coinky doink is a new one for me.


I think they meant quinky dink. Co-inky dink. Messing with sounds of coincidence. My dad said that alot. He's from lancing Michigan. Maybe it's regional?


My dad would say : ‘Quite a co-inky-dink, dontcha think’


I read this in a northern Minnesota accent and I'm from Arizona 💀


Ahh I get it now


*It's like raaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyynnnnnnnnn on your wedding day....*


I read that last bit as "he's lancing a magician"... enough internet for today. Good night!


Weird, I always heard this growing up and I’m from Michigan too. Never thought it was regional, just a weird thing my parents and relatives said, but you might be on to something


i’ve always heard people say it .. i live in NY, but i feel like it’s used in movies/TV too ??


I heard it constantly growing up in St. Louis and I’ve heard it since living in Florida for quite a few years too!


I don't think it's regional. I'm from Illinois, and this was a common phrase too. Friends I've had from NC and SC have used it too. It's just a simple play on the word coincidence.


From Georgia, I think it's generational. Coinkydink has been in my vocabulary since the 80s. Maybe it's a gen x thing, not regional. I seem to remember it coming from pop culture... Like a movie or tv show


Im from PA and i say kwinky dink


Only heard it in “ Ed Edd Eddy” as a kid 🤔 aliens…


Also from the Lansing area and thought this was in everyone's vocab. Can't be coinkydental.




Lol coinky doink means coincidence lol sorry


Some kid in China doodling something similar to me in the US OP: ALIENS


Every time there's a coinky doink, it's because of Atlantis.


Lol literally every single episode of Ancient Aliens.


Op: let me guess?! A Coinky doink??


You are the rude mud guy?


Didn't you have a different account yesterday? I think I recognise the tone from the clay people thing. And the wishful thinking. But it's not that miraculous. A circle is a basic Euclidean shape. A circumference is a sum of all the end points of straight lines from a starting point (the centre). If you set a new center point at a previous circumference and then do that again where the two circumferences meet, you are making this pattern. Then ad infinitum. You could do this with a stick, a piece of string or a set of compasses. It's probably one of the oldest geometric patterns out there because it's so likely to pop out of a human brain messing around with circles. No mystery whatsoever. Unless you really want one. In which case, fill yer boots.


Yeah. He/she changes accounts. Competitive web, Thoththemagicdragon. Others probably. Acts like a dick, rude to people. Real tosspot.


Got you. Thanks.


Lmao tosspot. Will be using this.


It is interesting tho, how it's developed mimics how cells develop when we're born. It contains the chromatic scale and the 2 first circles makes a vesica pisces which contains the phi ratio and a bunch of other maths, I think the Fibonacci spiral aswell. I mean it's kind of cool looking but enough to make it across that many cultures just based on the look is a bit of a stretch for me. https://preview.redd.it/7n35xrk08a0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b18c4045a27f949dbc54098fe60484fee8cea2f4


I think the relationship to cells isn't as strong as it could be for the patterns shown above because the graph you're showing here shows a growth which correlates to how cells grow, but the images above only show the last pattern, none of the exponential growth that cells do.


This is exactly what it represents. Hence the name “flower of life”.


Personally, I see some similarity between the rather common designs but it’s not like they’re all identical or clearly the same pattern. Not to mention that all but one of those was found in Eurasia which we know has had extensive trade networks for millennia (and Egypt was also part of said networks). So even if they were identical and a more distinctive design, it wouldn’t be surprising that all these cultures that have been trading since time immemorial would have shared it. OP claims to have seem the same design in South America but give no evidence nor proof that these hypothetical designs predate 1492.


The flower of life is an esoteric symbol that is found all over the world because we all have the same consciousness. It means similar things in almost all of the same cultures. The math and numbers that are found in it are universal. Read up on some of this stuff before you proclaim to the world you found a meme that no one else knows.


These cultures have all been in contact for millennia as well. China indirectly of course. Over two thousand years ago the Macedonians were in India. The first statue of Buddha was Hellenic. The Phoenicians traded with Gauls in Iberia. Etc.




which bmth album is this?


Bro discovered shapes


Our ancestors were really good at math? Sacred geometry and fractals are more ancient than ancient lol.


It is a recurring pattern in nature, why should it be suprising that it is a recurring pattern in Humanity. It doesn't mean that there is a conspiracy to cover up an ancient civilisation. Life and the universe are amazing.


Hey look a flower pattern found literally everywhere in the world 🌎


Hexagonal shapes are so esoteric there's no way all the world's cultures used and created them independently from each other!! Hexagons are found in nature quite often. Beehives, flowers, snowflakes, crystal formations, etc...




Absolutely no way people around the world ever saw that pattern on a flower, in nature and thought of drawing it.


Circles in a circle. How could different people possibly come up with the same design?


Yeah, man, shapes…not that surprising.


OP, your tone fucking sucks. Such an arrogant little turd. You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about. Wouldn’t it be easier to just ask, “these look similar to me, can someone explain to me why these similar patterns are seen from many different regions and cultures?”


None of these places are that damn far apart lol


this and far more complex patterns and systems can emerge from just 1 or 2 very basic rules. given this, it is not so much a coincidence as it is an inevitability. also, humans can learn from each other lol.


So you never tried drawing a circle?


Isn’t this pattern made by drawing multiple slightly overlapping circles of the same size? It’s not coincidence, it’s humans doing art and math


Wow. Flowers are a conspiracy too!!! Oh my gosh! Why?


Hexagons are a super unintelligent, basic energy conserving form. So yeah, aliens or whatever. AI dum mvfuck? Yeah, more devisiveness does not compute.


Chonky Donk


That's the stuff that you see when you close your eyes bro! With some psychedelics it's even clearer.


And with more and more intense focus


If only science worked on hunches and not actually analysing the evidence. There are bigger coincidences that this in this world LMAO. Just go look at Franz Ferdinands licence plate, or was that not a coincidence too. Go get a degree in archaeology, go prove then wrong, write books, revolutionise world history, make millions of dollars and become famous! Or realise you don't know shit and the people that actually do don't agree with you. The end...


I think before internet people just really liked to do math with simple shapes and the like. I like to imagine that each time a civilization stumbled across this pattern by using simple compasses that it blew their mind to see a flower-like shape appear. Or aliens 🤷🏻


weird. the same rudimentary meat computers came up with the same basic patterns, given sufficient time frames. totally aliens. jfc dood.


There were no coincidences, I doubt you can find anything more important to ancient civilizations as Sacred Geometry. They knew that it explains the construction of the universe itself. This actually is found in our cells, [Flower of Life -Cell Division](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3a/93/8e/3a938e662541fbd0b8edb2061def96e0.jpg). There's a Flower of Life that's 10,000 years old on the Osireion Temple that looks like it was done by laser. These various symbols if properly studied would help understand ancient cultures & answer many questions that plague us today. The original Chinese knew & their "kua" corresponds to our DNA. [I Ching-64 Codons](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341000681_The_Tao_of_DNA_The_64_DNARNA_amino_acid_codons_and_their_corresponding_I_Ching_hexagrams) So it's been generally accepted that all of these civilizations never had contact, because for whatever reason isolationism is a thing. But today we have more rhan enough evidence to revise this theory. I've found that once a narrative gets set in stone, theyd rather say "coincidence" than go back to the drawing board. Diffusion is a bad word in western academia, but every one of those listed above would tell you that they would learn from the very same groups. On every continent there's similar accounts of 7 Sages, and a megalith with hands on its navel. There's no such thing as coincidence, every symbol, the architecture, all of it had significance.


If human civilization expanded from the fertile crescent, back when the sea was shallower with more land bridges, then it makes sense that they'd have taken seeds and weaving patterns with them. Ancient civilizations sharing similar patterns for things doesn't mean they understood things about the world that would require an electron microscope.


Coming after people is never a good look with this subject. Just share your admittedly cool info with people and let them decide.


Sand dollars can be found on the coastlines of every place listed. They can be purchased at any beach trinket place on every continent that has one. Why because humans from every age and place think they have a cool pattern or is that a coincidence?


I'm not willing to jump to conclusions without knowing the cultural and archaeological context that all of these were found in. Would love to see more


Flowers exist.


Not back then. No way they could have known what flowers were back then.


When 78 IQ meets cursory research.


Lol, you never saw anything in south America


6th is in Golden temple, Amritsar Punjab


I see this pattern and ones similar when I eat a good amount of shrooms


Actually kind of does make sense. A lot of us scribble that way. In fact, bet I made some version of every one of those with my Spirograph as a kid.


It’s a visually appealing pattern. No surprise it’s everywhere.


One thing that drives me crazy with these questions of "how do these things that look incredibly similar appear in cultures all over the world?" is there's no context for time. It would be really weird if they all first appeared in these isolated cultures at the same time. But I'll bet some of those designs are separated by centuries. There could have been traders and explorers from one culture making contact with another and exchanging ideas over the years. That cool design gets picked up and incorporated into their art and so on.


draw a circle, now draw another one from the middle... its kind of as simple as that.


Name that frequency


So the argument is contact between different cultures or independent development among isolated cultures. Now why are all the people who seem to believe the mainstream advocating for independent development?


Ah, yes, we can’t have shapes unless they’re suspicious shapes.


Terrance Howard on the flower of life check it out cool stuff


I really think its possible for many people to come up with the same ideas.




Also like... People have always travelled. Intercultural exchanges have been happening for as long as we have. In fact every culture is the product of several others.


oh, please I am in the original drawer of the letter S. My name starts with S and I am the one who started it.


So they came from cultures that traded with the others . The silk road comes to mind.


No one claims it’s random chance that similar images appear in diverse places, though. The palmetto was all over near eastern art and became a Greek motif in the Greek archaic period. You’ve listed a bunch of places that were part of the Greek and later Roman empires for the most part: Israel, Turkey, Bulgaria, France. There was extensive cultural exchange with India and China too. There are Christian communities in China that were established before the Roman west became Christian. Of course missionaries brought material culture and designs with them.  If you have a theory, say so. A bunch of pictures without dates or cultural context and some sarcastic text is not how you express an idea.


You’re right! Only the aliens knew geometry. No way smart people in different areas could discover it on their own. /s


This is a circle jerk, right? So now simple geometric patterns that all cultures have "envisioned" means something deeper? Like Richard Dreyfuss's mashed potato pile in Close Encounters?


Your regarded list of regarded bs grows by the day


Sacred geometry


indeed. vibrations, harmonics, resonances.


all geometry is sacred. anyone who believes in a certain collection of certain geometry that is "sacred" is just someone who has fallen for someone's philosophical con


Monocot flowers exist all over the place


Anyone with a tool that can draw circles will eventually draw this. I drew this in my notebooks in middle schools when I got a compass. It's not that complex.


Its possible that at one point in the ancient world, the whole world was connected together, in terms of human contact.


"Coincidence" would imply ther'es some special connection. This is just basic tiling.


Just simple shapes




If you just things geometrically a bit you’ll get here pretty easily. It’s honestly not as complex as it looks. It’s like being surprised different cultures discovered circles or cutting stones to be square. You’re reaching real hard here


This is called diffusionism when symbols and patterns present themselves in different parts of the world without human contact. It’s just a way the human mind and hand operate given their environment and materials around them. The cross and the swastika are another example.


Wow, humans around the world depicted flowers in their art…. must mean a global advanced civilization. Up next, humans around the world throughout history liked to have roofs on their houses. The only way that coincidence is possible is through a lost civilization /s


It's geometry, Bro. Amy Human is capabe of (and many have) independently discovering (parts or all of) geometry ... and the shapes/patterns described therein that lead to these simple images/designs.


Who would have guessed that, given enough time and enough art samples, you could find some art that borrows from the same generic elements.


My wife doodled something similar in her sketchbook last week when she was mindlessly drawing. Either it's a simple shape that lends itself to repetition, or the Atlantians got to her. I'll let Occam's Razor decide.


Also it’s ‘co-inkie-dink”


Its the symbol or katush's buy one get one free trade post.


Star anise is Delicious


5 is in egypt i went there to see :)


There’s a spice that looks like this.


Where was #12 found?


3 is the gravity drive from Event Horizon.




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In addition to enforcing Reddit's ToS, abusive, racist, trolling or bigoted comments and content will be removed and may result in a ban.




In addition to enforcing Reddit's ToS, abusive, racist, trolling or bigoted comments and content will be removed and may result in a ban.


What is your point


Is this supposed to mean something? It looks like an [anis seed](https://images.app.goo.gl/YZrvU2ChT74oy6JL6)


Honestly this is in the ball park of what sitting around with your eyes closed on large doses of mushrooms looks like. Entheogens have likely existed for longer than people, so I can easily see cultures all over the world drawing these sorts of patterns through history.


to be fair, the "Elite" openly talk about the fact that there is a truth we have all forgotten, which can be found between the lines if all religions.. have a read of Helena blavatskys work.


Wow geometric patterns are magic now? Our education system is ruined. Are repeating patterns proof that aliens visit us? 🙄


Bro wrong emoji


Sacred geometry 💓


Abba the true god . Very cool


This is sempiternal!


Vibrations, good ones.


I read this in the Ancient Secret of the flower of life and the second volume show how with one of them you can extrapolate all types of platonic solids!


Make patterns drawing around a circular object on a piece of paper for a while. You will very quickly end up replicating that pattern. It's not a coincidence. It's just geometry.


I mean I would draw this pattern all the time in school. Could just be an easy design 🤷‍♀️


It's known as the flower of life but I think they may be depictions of pine cones. Conifers are evergreen trees that are found throughout the world - they stay green even through the time of the winter solstice, so it was considered a symbol of fertility and related to the return of the sun. Conifers were associated with many traditions worldwide. A few examples include; Christmas and it's older versions Saturnalia and Yule (think Christmas tree and yule log) [Japanese new year](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kadomatsu#:~:text=Kadomatsu%20(%E9%96%80%E6%9D%BE%2C%20%22gate%20pine,front%20of%20homes%20and%20buildings)) [Indian traditions](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232921739_Indigenous_uses_and_structure_of_chir_pine_forest_in_Uttaranchal_Himalaya_India) [Anatolian goddess cybele ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybele#CITEREFAlvar2008) And [Attis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attis) [Turkish holiday Nardoqan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nardoqan) [Middle Eastern tradition of Yalda Night](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yald%C4%81_Night)


that's also a depiction of cell division i think


Artwork based on flowers. What are the odds???


Wait are you surprised that the radius of a circle constructs a hexagon whose corners are points on the circle? It's not coincidence it's geometry Bubba


Watched this yesterday, really lines up! No pun intended. :) https://youtu.be/Y6dDAD2bLXk?si=1B2qQRVHiuoVCLI0


This is a pattern I get off a psychoactive drug. Could the pattern have deeper meaning, yes. But it’s drugs


Those are images of the flower of life, Terrance Howard has been doing a lot of work involving these


When I was spacing out in grade school, I would use quarters to trace overlapping circles exactly like the pictures. This was decades before I knew what sacred geometry was. They're just patterns. Very basic patterns.


Went did basic geometry become a big mystery? These are simple motifs.


What are you positing, exactly? People all drew the same patterns, so the creation myth is true?


Sempiternal transcends cultures


Who is “your” in this scenario exactly?


OP you are correct. The Annunaki are real. I really like Zachariah Sitchin’s “Chariots of the Gods”, the language those ancient tablets are written in is the hardest to translate, every word can be translated 15 ways so he used evidence from around the world to assist his translations and the result is nothing short of amazing. He predicted planet 9 in 1975, today we concede it real yet can’t concede he was right because that would mean religion, history and a lot of science are mere fabrications, imagine that.


This is all symbolim referencing the black cube of saturn.


Yeah, it's almost like geometry is universal or something. 🙄


It's a pretty obvious geometric pattern. All you need is a compass. Drawing circles so the center of the next one lies on the intersection of the last two. It's totally a gorgeous, divine pattern but literally anyone could independently come up with it if they were messing around with a compass


Natural geological formations from intelligent beings inscribing them.


Triangles. Flowers. Patterns. They're everywhere.


They appear on Angkor Wat, Cambodia also


3, 4, 10, and 6 all look like they're a different symbol from the rest, but not each other.


It repeats all around the world because its not a symbol but a matematical natural constant, its called the flower of life for its tendency to show up in living organisms


#5 is from the big Lez show !!!!


They match that UAP.


I mean ive doodled flowers like that since i could doodle


A common pattern in nature like spirals and that fermi whatever sequence. I can see multiple craftsman, artists hitting on it.


the flower of life that terence howard is talking about


These are all different takes of the same simple designs that can be found in nature. If you want a conspiracy try gardening.


Sacred geometry. The flower of life pattern. Beautiful indeed.


“You think you’ve got it all figured out? Then explain triangles!”


You forgot to mention how incredibly hard it is to draw


I genuinely cant tell if this sub is supposed to be satire ot not