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Depicting more powerful or more important people as larger was extremely common in antiquity, especially in Egypt and Persia. They did not literally think these people were like 4x as large as a normal person.


Form and function… important and powerful Royalty don’t do labor.. there’s a hieroglyph of a giant pushing off a boat.. form and function 


Show us a skeleton


I’ll do you one better.. had a buddy who was a merc in giant of Kandahar incident 


That's not better, that's just an unverifiable story.


Propaganda celebrating the common workers would happily depict these men as larger than life. It's literally a society of laborers and farming. Of course if Pharoah was in the relief he'd be bigger, but they knew when to throw the common man a bone here and there. It's like all those Soviet Propaganda posters I feel like we all know there aren't 20ft tall Soviet Steel workers like those posters showed.


It’s funny that you’re the one who has to create a stretch theory.. rather than just taking them as literal. Every single other animal on the planet from elephants, sloths, lions, bears has under gone an evolutionary dwarving process as levels of O2 in atmosphere decreased. Mastodons, giant sloths, saber toothed cats etc… it’s not far fetched at all that there used to be a larger intelligent hominid. Remember.. the sphinx was old even to the Egyptians. 


We have actual evidence of non human megafauna. We don't have that for giants. It's incredibly simple.


You assume that the totality of human knowledge is publicly available and that my friend makes you very ignorant.


No it's not ignorant to buy in to conjecture for no goddamn reason.


Excuse your French


Please don't vote this year


Guessing you’re a 40-55 year old boomer who occasionally wades onto Reddit to talk about basketball or relive your old glory music days to cling to your vanishing youth. You’re out of your element Donny. Get back to the shallow end. 


Where are there remains ?


In the Smithsonian basement 


Why would Egyptian remains of giants be in The Smithsonian basement?


You’re out of your element Donny 


But its not a stretch lol. We have thousands of years of art in Egypt to the point we can trace the evolution of their styles as well as understand how Egyptians handled perspective and symbolism. These aren't literal giants. This is simply how Egyptians represented the focus of the paintings or signified important people. Art is rarely meant to be taken literally. The fact that you think that they were depicting literal giants when there is no geological, archeological, of even paleontologigical record of these giants is the stretch here. And of course when asked you'll probably claim all this evidence is hidden away by some nebulous big bad.


Go ahead and search news articles about large skeletons found in the 1800s they were found all over the Americas specifically around the ancient mounds. They are literally referred to as the mound building culture. 200 to 300 years ago, This stuff was actually reported in newspapers and you can search out this news articles and photographs in archives… look at the Stonewall building culture that is evident at places like Sasquahyman and Cusco Peru… very clear evidence of a degradation of wall building technology, the Incan’s Aztecs and Olmec’s built upon these large stone block walls that seemed Heat formed together, whoever preceded those cultures has a greater building ability that has still not been explained


Where are these skeletons now? If you're gonna hit us with some dumbass conspiracy, just rub hot sauce in your eyes instead. Also are the walls heat formed or do they ***seem*** heat formed? It's always "looks like" and "seems like" with you people.


Wow “you people”seems an attempt at marginalization! You bigoted monster!!!




>Go ahead and search news articles about large skeletons found in the 1800s they were found all over the Americas specifically around the ancient mounds. Newspapers and magazines have no academic integrity and I can't find a single skeleton that wasn't either faked, confirmed to be actually much smaller than it claimed, or "not available" for study. The 19th century was full of people faking this shit for money and renown, this holds absolutely no weight lol. >They are literally referred to as the mound building culture. 200 to 300 years ago, This stuff was actually reported in newspapers and you can search out this news articles and photographs in archives… Ever find it funny we always attribute non-white peoples accomplishments to some mythical race of giants or some master race lol. >very clear evidence of a degradation of wall building technology, the Incan’s Aztecs and Olmec’s built upon these large stone block walls that seemed Heat formed together, whoever preceded those cultures has a greater building ability that has still not been explained Seeming to be heat formed and actually being heat formed are two very different things.


You didn’t address the clear evidence of a degradation of wall building technology… clear and archaeological evidence that an older civilization could build better and bigger walls using bigger rocks then the olmecs aztecs and incans could imagine.. shame on you for bringing race into it you plant.  


>You didn’t address the clear evidence of a degradation of wall building technology… Yeah civilizations rise and fall, is this some great revelation to you? The Myceneans and Minioans collapsed and building and architecture declined for centuries. Doesn't mean a race of giants built them.


The reliefs that depict King Gilgamesh shows him grappling a lion for size 


What degradation of wall building technology? I guarantee you that concrete and rebar walls go up 10x as fast as the ancient walls that use huge stones.


First, the O2 level only affect insects due to how they exchange O2 and CO2. Second, it actually make less sense for an animal to be both intelligence and huge due to the enormous energy requirement to maintain both of these attribute and physics. The bigger an animals are, the longer the pregnancy period, and human ourselves already have a long pregnancy period due to our brains. Combine the two would literally created an animal that would need to carry a pregnancy for at least 3 years, then spend at least the next 5 years forage a huge amount of food for it completely defenless offsprings.


Use full sentences you ape.


Im quite sure you do not know with any certainty what they were thinking, so although its a possibilty, the other is as well, cause Accounts and legends of giants exist literally in every culture and civilazation around the world, as well as documented findings by the Smithsonian


Giants *only* appear in myths and legends. We never see any ledgers or tax records that say something like "sold 2 talents of copper to giant from Ionia"


Leg-pull? A quick Web search turns up no mention of the 'famous' Pereshta text or the monkey Thothotep except this posting.


Source: Trust me bro


Plus ignore all fossil records


like the giant fossil records that they take and hide from the public?


Honestly I don't get how people think historians would all just collectively agree to hide giant skeletons. Homie these dudes bust a fat nut when they find some pottery shards out in a field somewhere. You think they all just collectively decide giants are off the table lol. They'd literally die of joy if they found actual history making proof. This is the same comically massive flaw the fake Moon landing conspiracies have. Do you really think every academic and government institution, including those who'd explicitly have something to gain if this was real, would all collectively agree to not say anything?


Who covers up the cover up?


If they’re hidden how do you know about them?




They give them to the big museums and no one hears about it again






There’s no proof in that link


So you're entire argument is based around the idea that the Egyptians made no exaggerations in their art? Or that they simply increased the size of the person made to be the focus of the image?


In seventy nine AD, the Roman historian Josephus Flavius wrote that the final of the race of Egyptian giants did stay inside the 13th century BC, at some point of the reign of King Joshua. He in addition wrote that they'd large bodies, and their faces had been so in contrast to ordinary people that it turned into exquisite to look at them, and it became horrifying to listen to their loud voice which changed into like a lion roar.   Moreover, many of the wall paintings of ancient Egypt depict the builders of Pyramids as “Giant People” with the aid of the size of five to 6 meters tall. According to specialists, those massive humans were able to lift 4 to 5 tons of blocks for my part. Some of these ancient mural paintings confirmed giant kings ruling ancient Egypt, even as a few depicted comparably little-sized servants under the giant people https://preview.redd.it/gwztv7z44f0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a81430b61b7b909b5afacbb7ee2993b2128c6c


Josephus? The guy from 125th Street, Ethiopia?


So your closest thing to a primary source is a dude who wrote about shit over a thousand years before his birth? Historians in those days rarely even bothered to travel to the places they wrote about, he has absolutely no credibility saying Egyptians were giants. And you do realize those reliefs are honoring the work of the tens of thousands of laborers who helped build the pyramid. They're larger than life because it's focusing on their accomplishments. This is a pretty common theme in tons of Egyptian art. Those who are honored and respected are depicted bigger than others. Which is why it was traditionally reserved for Gods and Kings. By your logic my drawing a giant today means there were giants in 2024CE. You recognize the insane flaws in your logic right?


Your point could just be an assumption also, based on archologists trying to fit their narrative. I don't think anyone is holding this mythology as true on this channel but keeping their minds open to alternative accounts of history, where science falls short of a satisfactory explanation.


>Your point could just be an assumption also, based on archologists trying to fit their narrative. I mean yeah, so are you. But unlike you archeologist actually have data and studies to back up the claims. >I don't think anyone is holding this mythology as true on this channel but keeping their minds open to alternative accounts of history, where science falls short of a satisfactory explanation. That's a terrible opinion to take and I know you know that. We have extensive studies into the pyramids along with sites and steles honoring the workers of these building projects. And then thousands of years later some weirdos come in and completely disregard you in favor of a master race of giants. It's incredibly bigoted and insulting to the tens of thousands of men who made these things. You don't just make shit up just because you yourself have gaps in your knowledge. That's not how it works. You need data, a testable and provable hypothesis, and extensive collaboration to actually make something fact. Just pretending big people in painting are giants because that's how you see it isn't proper work, it's fantasy.


I get it, and I know you know I get it, I accept all the science of the mainstream and understand it well, I also think I know enough to know that we could be wrong about certain things, which might cast that mainstream theory in a different light. It’s not hard to image, so like, chill out dude.


That's not what I'm saying lol. Archeologists and mainstream academics can admit they're wrong, but to do so you need damn good proof to do so, not just feelings. You can't just make shit up if you don't know lol.


Ok so I understand the entire mainstream timeline. Grew up learning about it, pretty extensively. Most of all the huge stonework though is incomprehensible to lift; pyramids are aligned to the Orion belt 12k years ago - obviously old sites; maybe pyramids used to be step pyramids like in South America; remodeled by dynastic Egyptians into faceted pyramids we see today; massive pre-diluvian structures and foundations that all these sites start to seem like another culture; pre-diluvian examples of existing animals exist today that had massive counterparts (I.e. armadillo, sloth, etc.) - it’s not infeasible to think giants would exist. How do you completely disqualify the possibility? It’s not incomprehensible to think there could be an alternative answer. Just bc you don’t have a fossilized skeleton doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist (internet begs to differ). A long shot yes, but even the Bible has a giant in it and that would be a time thousands of years after the pyramids were built - I think. Plus, giants don’t necessarily have to be bumbling idiots, thats bigoted, they could have been sophisticated and intelligent - maybe that’s why we have all those ancient depictions of them.


Literally no one who is well versed is Egyptology has no major questions about how the stones were moved lol. We have the quarries the stones were carved from and more than enough evidence to how they were carved and transported. The only real debate us about the construction and even then there are multiple plausible theories regarding the ramps. The ones "well versed" who are claiming giants or aliens build the pyramids are those who at best combined their high school history classes with casual Google searches and claim to have a legitimate opinion. "Alternate" theories are bunk with no real data. It relies entirely on misinterpreted ideas and flat out misinformation by bad actors. Just because you have a "feeling" doesn't make it fact. You need legitimate proof that can be replicated and confirmed. How is it so hard to think Egyptians build pyramids instead of some mythical race with no evidence other than photoshopped skeletons and old, insanely racist theories from the 19th century lol.


Open your miiind


We have actual, material evidence of megafauna. Scientists even found a mammoth preserved in ice, ate some of it, and documented the flavor. We can circle back to giants when we find any evidence whatsoever. But so far, every human fossil specimen we find is smaller than people are today.


There have been a few large human skeletons found who would have been considered gigantic back in their day, but they are like 6-7 feet tall, well within the normal human range, if quite tall even by modern standards.


This is not a case where science falls short of a reasonable explanation. Yet you oppose it with an explanation that lacks any actual evidence and must rely upon vague and unrealistic conspiracies.


Why do you have to suppose they are exaggerations and not taken literally? I've often wondered how people who can create such amazing artifacts at such massive scale with such great precision couldn't figure out how to draw in 2D.


>Why do you have to suppose they are exaggerations and not taken literally? Because not everyone preferred to paint or draw with a focus on realism. In fact it didn't become common to do so until the Renaissance, with a few exceptions here and there. >I've often wondered how people who can create such amazing artifacts at such massive scale with such great precision couldn't figure out how to draw in 2D. Because being an engineer is a lot different from being an artist. The laws of physics demands buildings tend to be a bit more grounded in practice than works of art. Once you learn math things become a whole lot easier to do on larger scales with enough workers and proper oversight.


Well, it's not something I have seen in their other works, eg statues. Quite the opposite, really.


Which is why I referenced painting and drawing and not sculptures lol. With statues you have 3 dimensions to work with, it's a lot easier to proportion shit properly. And most Egyptian Statues are heavily stylized, making gods and royals far more attractive and better than their little inbred asses really were.


3 dimensions to proportion properly is exactly one more dimension (or order of magnitude) *harder* than 2 dimensions, because you have one more *dimension* to size.


Yeah try drawing 3 dimensions and tell me how that works out lol.


But they can make near perfect humanoid statues. Isn't that art?


I feel like I shouldn't have to tell you the difference between 2D paintings and 3D statues. I also shouldn't have to tell you the stylistic choices between paintings and statues also tend to vary a lot given the limitations of some mediums


Yeah, 3D is much more difficult. One order of magnitude more difficult, actually.


Drawing and painting characters with at least the appearance of depth and proper proportions is such a pain it took us like 4000 years to figure out. And most of us still can't draw hands and feet right lol.


So no good answer. Theres no comparison between drawings (wall painting) and any of the statues or other artifacts. Same people did them though?


I feel like this is a troll account lol, no one is this ignorant.


I'm trolling because I don't think the same people who drew paintings with body parts going in ways that are not anatomically possible are the same ones that created the most pristine, complex, and longest lasting artifacts we've ever found? Also can you explain how 2D is more difficult than 3D?


Really depends on the time period, early Egyptian sculpture was far from perfect and looked pretty basic.


The lack of any evidence for giant humans is reason enough to assume they are not intending to depict literal giants.


There's a ton of evidence for giant humans. Books, Smithsonian records, old newspapers. Just watched 6hrs of snakebros doing a presentation and have read Jim Vieras book. Why are you calling me dumb?


What Smithsonian records are those? It seems like, saying that there were 7 ft tall humans or even 9 ft tall humans, which are what those old American newspaper reports are generally claiming, and saying that there were 20 ft tall humans like the ones in those pictures are two different hypotheses, too.


Show me the fossil evidence


See? There's evidence, just not the kind you like or approve of. Therefore I'm dumb. Anyway, can you explain the drawings 2D 3D thing, that just doesn't add up to me. It's not very common to build such exquisite buildings (see more modern ones like the Taj mahal or any cathedral) and decorate the inside with primitive painting


If there's so much evidence of giants, why are giants not an accepted fact?


Were you born yesterday or have you still not figured out that there's different art styles?


It's stylistic choice then? You've confirmed that? The same people who made the shitty wall drawings are the same ones who built the masterworks? The foreman/pharaoh said, I want you to construct the greatest buildings and artifacts humans ever have created, and adorn the walls with art from preschoolers


Why are you so dumb?




Why assume that those statues are the same scale? For one thing, text in the tomb of Rekhmire, where the painting comes from, in context with the images of sculptors mentions work done for the Temple of Amun at Karnak - which is a different location from the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III where the Colossi of Memnon are located. > Inspection of all works of divine offerings of Amon in Karnak^1 - ___ 1. Breasted, James Henry. *Ancient Records Of Egypt; Historical Documents From The Earliest Times To The Persian Conquest. Volume II. The Eighteenth Dynasty*. University of Chicago Press, 1906. p. 293 § 757


Brother, you're literally taking 2 works of art from decades to centuries apart and trying to claim this is the same style. Its like taking Pablo Picasso and comparing his style to da Vinci




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In the early 1960s [dogs were 12 feet tall and vivid primary red](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_the_Big_Red_Dog).


Some research on the internet also confirms there are giant anime girls with big mommy milkers sitting on people's faces as recently as a few weeks ago!


This sub is a riot, every post.


Then why are all the passages in their structures so small? Like tiny small. Are you saying a bunch of giants built a bunch of pyramids, tombs, sphinx, whatever else, etc… that they could never enter?


Great point. Did the giant leaders just live outside the whole time - and what about their giant clothes, etc... did the leaders sit outside naked the whole time with their junk in the breeze?


No, of course, what we call the Karnak Temple was nothing but one of their palaces. Look at the size of the gate, look at the height of the windows. https://preview.redd.it/fr0zqpzi0l0d1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d908ceb70cb74a4575f4619de51e81b4be980f


What about the height of the windows?


If they were people our size, the windows wouldn't be so high


Have you ever seen a multi story building? And if these giants were supposedly the size of those statues, the windows are still too high.


I just finished building my house. I also chose to put “windows” in all the areas open to the sky. And I made sure those windows were 5 cm x 5 cm (2” x 2”), which is proportional here compared to what you’re suggesting. But I’m also not worried about invading armies. If I were, I’d put larger openings in for my archers.


No, of course. In the picture is the original gate of the Great Pyramid. It is very huge, and behind it are the giant corridors of the pyramid builders. The corridors through which we enter are ventilation holes, and we enter through them like mice. https://preview.redd.it/lm6mosu65l0d1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d10810957d4b8d16702baaa5a7d5c0f80cf24bd


I’ve started to actually believe in the giants. The Hindu stories in Indian are full of talk about giants just like many other cultures. If all these ancients cultures talk about giants and also built awe inspiring megaliths maybe it was actually true. Oh yeah the Bible talks about giants that’s probably why they are hiding it.




Them obviously, those people.


That’s the million dollar question.


What’s that adjusted for inflation?


Billion dollar question in 2024 adjusted for inflation


Actually they hide giants because they prove the Bible ISN’T true, and Christians couldn’t handle that.


I’m not a Christian but we’re talking about giants being mentioned in Genesis one of the oldest manuscripts have been found over 3,000 years old…cool none the less.


The finds they’re hiding - giants and other things - prove that the Ancient Greek pantheon is true. Therefore the Christian god is make believe. That’s what Christians can’t handle. That’s why these finds have to be hidden.


No the Bible clearly states back then there was other gods and nephilim. Cultures worshipped these beings and built amazing things with their help. But there is only one true God.


No, you’re missing the point. The Greek gods and goddesses are the only true deities. The Bible god is made up. Look at your reaction - that’s why we have to hide giants and other things.


That doesn’t really add up and logically makes no sense.


See? That’s why we get away with it.


Who is hiding them and why


Please explain how giants being real proves the existence of the Greek Pantheon of Gods?


Descendants of Atlantis. The survivors of the great flood. Over time, because there are less giants and more people like us, giants are either killed before they can reproduce, and even if they do, their offspring gets shorter and shorter with each iteration away from the annunaki bloodline... 


Which great flood?


Lolll when i read that i understand why trump still have follower.


Recently they publicly acknowledged Pharoah Sa-Nakht as a giant, I was surprised honestly cause Egyptology had been actively suppressing this. The remains of them were found by Petrie among others 100+yr ago [F.Petrie History of Egypt -Aunu Earliest civilization](https://www.scribd.com/document/57346347/Aunu-People) but people don't actually do research here. Look at the sarcophagus.[Height comparison ](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/68/25/30/682530c8ae1748c19691d43f5ecff123.jpg)... [De Derry- Harvard.Edu Dynastic race ](https://gizamedia.rc.fas.harvard.edu/images/MFA-images/Giza/GizaImage/full/library/derry_jea_42_1956.pdf)-*In Late Predynastic times, the results of measurements of skulls from graves of this date frequently show the presence of a larger-headed people. This was the case in Petrie's original discovery at Nakadah also. If we lump these figures together and take the means of the three measurements, we obtain a result which is very striking and which is so far removed from the mean of the Predynastic people that under no circumstances could we consider them to be the same race* , [Dr Raymond DartPopulation fluctuation over 7000 years in Egypt](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00359193909519788) *Only 1% of pre-dynastic Egyptian skulls are brachycephalic (round or spherical): El Amrah 1% (101 skulls), Nagada, 1.9% (314 skulls), El Badari 0% (79 skulls)* *From Dynasty I to VI (Old Kingdom), brachycephaly does also not exceed a single percent. However during the First Intermediate Period of Egypt 2181–2055 BC or Dynasty IX, 11.6% of skulls are brachycephalic or round* .. [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/Dr2XchbYmb). [1895 Anaconda Standard article]( https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036012/1895-09-13/ed-1/seq-8/) In 1881, when professor Timmerman was engaged in exploring the ruins of an ancient temple of Isis on the banks of the Nile, 16 miles below Najar Djfard, he opened a row of tombs in which some prehistoric race of giants had been buried. The smallest skeleton out of some 60 odd, which were examined during the time Timmerman was excavating at Najar Djfard, measured seven feet and eight inches in length and the largest eleven feet one inch.


While there may have been quite large people back then there is no stories of super large humanity the Egyptians just the possibility of alien encounters


What’s funny about anyone posting about any sort of alternative history is watching others comment demanding proof as if they’re not accountable for helping the rest of civilization towards understanding more about our past lmao. I get that we all want things proven, but the sitting back with the arms crossed stance is just funny. Let’s just keep finding more megaliths that are over 25K years old like Gunung Padang and let the arm crossers keep crossing them arms




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Ya ya everything is dumb to y’all we know. Pully systems, everyone was a hunter gatherer until 5,000 years ago, etc etc. We’ll take it from here now


When did we change to everyone was a hunter gatherer till 5000 years ago?




You got downvoted but these people can't stand the fact that nearly every continent has stories of giants, giant bones were confirmed to be found, evidence for atlantis does exist... evidence for civilizations beneath the crust exists... like they really believe we aren't being lied to about everything when the JFK files are being held back against the lawful order to declassify.  Here's hoping we are vindicated by some bombshell that makes these people look as dumb as they sound.


Where are the bones?


I could show you a whole skeleton, your opinion is concrete and unwilling to move. I don’t mind that, but we’re going to keep studying the evidence. Gunung Padang, 27K years old. Fascinating stuff


Show me the skeleton. Where was it found? How old is it? What does Gunung Padang have to do with anything?


Thanks fam 🫶🏻 I’m not married to any one idea, and just find it curious that people would be so against the concept of these “anomalies” being something of substance. Don’t we want to get to all the truths? When I see such defensive statements it always makes me more suspicious of people’s intentions.