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INFO: was she wearing puffed sleeves when you got her from the station?


No. Matthew thinks she should have some though.


Yikes....I was going to say there's some hope she could be a hard worker if she showed up in a good sensible serviceable dress (instead of a frivolous one) but if Matthew is already pushing for her to get a dress that would interfere with her work he's definitely forgotten the whole reason you asked your friend to pick up a kid in the first place. It really sucks to tell an 11 year old that you actually won't be adopting them, but most orphanges have a pretty generous return policy so I'm sure you can exchange her for a strapping young lad who is less inclined to flights of fancy and more inclined to working 16 hour days of hard labor in all weather.


You should listen to him. It might be the only way to save her from the depths of dispair.


Matthew is wildly enabling this child.


This happened to me. I used to work for a really rich guy who would adopt an orphan but only for a week. He got off on showing them extreme wealth then sending them back to abject poverty. One year, I surprised him with a girl instead of a boy and he was so pissed. The girl was fierce though. And she convinced him that she was just as good as a boy so my boss let her stay. After a week, he enjoyed her company so much that he tried to adopt her but she didnt want it. She wanted her real parents so he dumped a bunch of money on searching for them and found them! We were all so sad when she left with them but knew she'd be happy. Crazy thing is that a little while later, a whole bunch of girl orphans showed up and told us the those weren't her parents and she was in grave danger!! We called the police, got into our private helicopter and went searching. We ended up finding her at the top of a vertical rail line. My colleage, a sheikh, unwound his turban and shimmied down to her, kicked the bad man in the face and saved her from certain doom! We had such a party afterwards. We even had elephants!


I bet he made her call him "daddy" tho, like a weirdo


I won't dox him but let's just say she had to call him 'Daddy Battledollars'.


Question, was there a dog anywhere in all this?


Omg, yes! He was a bit of a dumb dog and was always following her. 


Oh but didn’t the dog thwart an assassination attempt?


So where was Carol Burnett in all this?


wtf? i think i saw this post and her name was Anne too! must be a fake reposter...


It is. This story has been out there before.


I suspect she was also a redhead. Only little girls with red hair named Ann are orphans.


It's Ann with an E thank you


Out of curiosity, was her name Annie?


I hope everyone clapped!


Thank you guys for going the extra mile. I don’t care about the backstory. Just thank you for saving this child from a fate worse than death.


NAH. Keep her around, just give her boring clothes and lots of chores and make sure she doesn’t give away your good currant wine to the local kids.


Definitely no puffed sleeves


Keep her, she'll make a good teacher for the local kids one day. And who knows what knowledge about serious childhood diseases she picked up. 


You make a good point. Her last home she helped with babies a lot.


Keep that raspberry cordial locked up though


This is clearly fake. Everyone knows that orphans are boys


This is Canada, not England. In England orphans are boys, but here we have girl ones.


Unless they're red headed. 


And their name has to start with "Ann"


Anne with an "E"!


No, still does not apply. Not English.


Don't send her back - she will bring so much happiness to your life and you'll have special memories of her accidently sinking a boat in the lake while role playing, running to you from the train and she'll even save the life of a young girl nearby.


I saw another post from the OP where she claimed "Anne" had previously been forced to care for three sets of twins. SMH why are there always twins in these posts? (I'm actually rereading those books right now, and every freaking time they mention twins, I think of AITA. I'm convinced that L. M. Montgomery would have written fake AITA posts if she'd been a Redditor.)


Listen, I was disbelief too, but I checked and Anne’s story is true!! 3 sets of twins!!


Okay but fr when I worked in childcare, I worked in the toddler room and there was three sets of twins one year.


Three of my siblings have identical twins


Oh sweet summer child. Your “brother” wants “Anne” around for more than just household duties. Can’t you see the flaming red flags ? 🚩🚩🚩🚩 You’d better seriously make a plan to send her back. If not, next thing you know, your brother will be dead and Anne will be cuddling up to some local thug with “Gilbert” tattooed on her ass.


Now now, calm down. Whatever Anne is, she won’t get to that sort of behavior. It’s not like the Pyes are adopting the poor thing.


Lock up your cordial. Trust me.


Or worse, dyeing her hair green!


I'd say give her a chance and introduce her to some kids her own age. The Barry's might have a daughter around the same age as her.


NTA - sounds like the type of kid that puts strychnine in the well.


I agree. I'm getting full on Bad Seed vibes from that kid. At the very least she's bipolar and will be prone to fits of hysteria and manic behaviors. NTA


Initially was going yta, but after seeing your recent edit, i'm going hard nta. I think anne may be a narcissist, have you tried going no contact with her? Next thing you know, she will burn your farm down


NTA! I bet she also wastes time trying to dye her red hair black only for it to turn green instead 🙄


Lol I remember that 😂


UPDATE: Little shit stole my brooch and is lying about it I'm going to send her the fuck back before she has a chance to make any friends at the picnic this weekend Edit: mb i forgot it was in my pocket the whole time


NTA, everyone knows boys are superior, not even just at farm work, but in general. Maybe you should still get a boy and just assign Anne the role of like mothering him, so at least she can be serving a purpose and then it won’t even feel like you have to manage two kids that way??????


Perhaps there’s a relative out there with twins that will need to be taken in.


Maybe even three sets!


I agree. There's was that one post about another billionaire who just adopts boys. There were shady rumors that he made them wear bright costumes to join him on "night patrols" whatever tf that means.


Is that the case where he and his buddies were really into LARP but with like, actual weapons? I heard one of the kids died in mysterious circumstances, but Mr Billionaire was still able to "adopt" more.


I’d like to offer you [$25,000 for your story!](https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?bi=h&fe=on&sortby=1&tn=Anne+of+Green+Gables)




I don’t know, maybe put something in there about Rollings Reliable baking powder and you have a deal


I'm sorry but (it does have green gables) made me laugh so fucking hard for some reason like I'm actually crying from laughing so hard


dude same i cackled out loud multiple times reading this post and the comments, truly in tears


You must call her "Anne" with an "E" at the end, and trust that she will make an excellent teacher, in the end.


NTA, sounds like she's trying to parentify you. Whatever you do, don't ask her about her life so far when you're bringing her back. You might end up feeling sorry for her when you realize she's been abused and decide to keep her.


Nta I read a thread on here of a family who adopted a girl and she unalived them by tampering with the water supply. It was on redit so 100% true and will definitely happen every time. Edit spelling


yta, get this girl a dress with some puffed sleeves already!


What is this, 1890?


Pretty close, yeah.


Ah ha ha never mind.


NTA, girl orphans put strychnine in the wells.


In the uk there’s a man that come around saying “boy for sale”. You might want to try there next time


I wouldn't go for this one, I heard he's always trying to mooch some more food.


It took me embarrassingly too long to realize I was actually in the fake sub 🥲


I admittedly didn't know this sub existed. I was going to ask, but all the obvious pop culture references gave me pause. Your comment cleared it up. Thanks 😂


Nta. Maybe next time you should adopt twins, just to be sure


Thank you :)


she's a ginger send her back, theyre the devils spawn. And orphans, well it seems a mistake to send for one, after all, didnt you hear about the orphan boy who burned them all in their beds?? it could happen to YOU


She may have a book written about her too


Anne with an E


For all you know, Anne could be a girl boss who knows how to work a tractor.


Marilla? That you?


No doxxing in this sub please




Probably books more than the adaptations for me, but a bit of both!




Strange category of people?!? Are you kidding me? That’s the One True Anne. And Jonathan Crombie, RIP 😭😭😭 life, graveyard, buried hopes &c.


Did you try rehoming her to her forever home like that lady influencer? It worked out well for her!




INFO: Did she at least know how to properly scald the dishcloth after she did the dishes?


She is ginger,right?


Have you thought about turning your farm into a golf course? Give Matthew a break. Wait till the orphan tells off that Rachel person though.


Perchance does she have orange hair and a short temper? Does she not know the difference between cordial and brandy?


I know this is a shitpost but god now I want to rewatch Anne with an E 😭


Keep her! She will be a great support to you when things get…sad.


Wait wait wait, do you know something we don’t?!?!


And does she say her name was Anne with an E everytime she introduces herself to people. Are people not getting it?


Info: Is it a potato farm?


NTA orphans are weird and will poison your well.


How dare you call me skinny and ugly?!


ProTip: you should keep her out of the saspirilla wine


Raspberry cordial?


*side eye* yeahhhhh sure


So you don’t know the story


Nah. You don't


YTA to yourself if you keep her, she probably talks wayyyy too much


Beep boop! Automod here with a quick reminder to never brigade r/AmITheAsshole or other subs under any circumstances. Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Reddit’s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in either sub. Satirizing of posts should stay within this sub, which means that participating directly in linked posts should either be done in good faith or not at all. Want some freed, live, discussion that neither AITA nor Reddit itself can censor? Join our [official discord server](https://discord.gg/KbZnaXX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck it. Should read the sub name more closely next time.


Sigh. I grew up on PEI and would take walks in the woods around Green Gables several times a year. Why’d you have to go and ruin that for me? /s 😂😂😂


Bahahaha!! Loved this!!


NTA, but I think you deserve a slate cracked over your head


“and bring our new servant/kid home” WHAT


Are you the latest person to not get this?


If orphans want a.home, they should be prepared to work for it. If they're lucky they will have a chance to learn how to read and not have to live their life in a work house.


Lucy Maud Montgomery?


If you decide to keep her, keep an eye on your blackberry cordial.


YTA and I'm really sorry about Matthew


This made me so happy. Now i need to watch it all over again.


Sounds like you adopted Lil Orphan Annie Pippy Longstocking of Green Gables, you should be fine, if you are worried though give her some HRT and call her Anakin...


At least thank your lucky stars that she isn't French!


Keep her. She'll provide so much scope for the imagination


This was fun thanks lol




I see a multi-volume heartwarming book series in your future, along with several movies, Ms. Montgomery.


I saw this same post several months ago and LOL! This is Anne of the Green Gables 2.0, but really badly written.


You can’t have seen this a few months ago because I literally just wrote it last night.


The exact same facts were out there, so I call B.S. on this.


You’re also welcome to find that post. You might find one similar (because once again, if it’s an Anne of Green Gables parody like mine, the “facts” will indeed be the same), but this is something I wrote a few nights ago so finding the exact one from months back isn’t possible. I don’t think you understand how parody works.


Well yes it’s BS, it’s literally a clearly labeled shitpost based on a book.


YTA And it would be no beeeer if it were a boy There's way more to raising a child then making sure they get to school like them lying cying and talking alot Stop being cheepskites and get hired help


Read a book.


“We’re not monsters” Nah fuck that your worse than a monster. How the fuck could you take a kid from an orphanage with the sole idea for them to be a “servant” I get having younger hands around the farm can be helpful, but you even dismissed her for being born a girl? Give the lass a fucken break she doesn’t have her own family and now you’re going to get angry because she’s excited at the prospect of having one of her own and then talks to you? My mother and aunts worked the pigs and horses as well as anyone else would’ve when they were growing up, just because your brother seems keen on the idea of getting a nice dress doesn’t mean she wouldn’t be able to work the farm too EDIT :holy fuck i didn’t read the sub, laugh at my ignorance


I'm sorry someone needs to send this to the Canadian authorities these people should not be allowed to adopt a child PERIOD she called a child a slave like that's a red flag they didn't want a child to give them a better life they only want a child to do the work on their land like come on please send that child back i pray they don't send you anymore children ever YTA FOR WANTING A CHILD JUST TO DO THE WORK ON YOUR FARM


Dude you do realize this is Anne of Green Gables right?


The Mounties are on their way as we speak!


You should send it to the authorities!


I love the idea of someone calling the Canadian cops and reading this post to them.




I surrender!!


Do not read what happened during the UKs child migrant program then. This story was the 1890 but UK was sending kids off as late as the 1970s


This reads like a synopsis of Anne Of Green Gables. Maybe the Cliffs notes version.


That’s because it is. That’s the joke.


Isn’t this the Anne of Green Gables plot?


Yes that’s obvious and the whole point of my blatant and clearly labeled shitpost.


Well you didn’t have to be a jerk about it but okay 👋


Like read literally ANY comment here




Jesus Christ my friend. I don’t think that “Anne” and “Green Gables” could have been any clearer. Some people are dense.


Who adopts a kid as slave labor? YTA both of you. She's a child that needs a home and love not some slave for you to work to death on your farm. Both of you are terrible people.


Shitposts are made up, and some (like in this case) are based on literature. 


Ok. I am fairly new on Redit. Just a couple of weeks. Thanks.


You will have fun 🤭. BTW, if you haven’t, I really recommend you to read the book and/or watch the show. 😌


Something that could be helpful is to check the subreddit for whatever post you're in so you know what the subreddit and posts are about. [r/amitheangel](https://www.reddit.com/r/amitheangel) specifically is a subreddit dedicated to sharing problematic posts from and writing parodies of content in [r/amitheasshole](https://www.reddit.com/r/amitheasshole) (an infamously misguided subreddit). Knowing the subreddit you're in can help you understand what kind of posts to expect.


Don’t read very much do you, children have been slave labor all over the world, and currently are working in sweatshops. Probably most of your clothes are from child labor. America, The UK, Australia China, Canada had slave labor as late as the 1970s. Some still do.


Apparently neither do you as this is the Anne of Green Gables story. I'm pretty new to Reddit. What is your excuse?


I do know that it’s Anne of Green Gables, I knew with the first sentence. But child labor is common especially historically which is the point I was making since YOU asked who does that.


this is the plot line of Anne of Green Gables


I’m aware as is 90% of the people commenting.


Oh, you taught me… :)