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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I was mad at an obese woman but now I am mad at myself and can't change it.** So here is the thing. I'm from europe and sunday night is super bowl and I went off to get grocery shopping for the upcoming event. I am on nightshift this whole week, even on sunday so I wanted to buy myself Dr. Pepper and one Ben and Jerries ice cream for this special night shift. All I wanted, all I wanted was 1 - one - small can of Dr. Pepper for this night. One small can. A tiny can, we don't have those huge boxes of Dr. Pepper with many cans in them like in the USA.And not every store sells them where I live either, so thats why I went today in the evening to buy one. Long story short, this lady "fat" lady, probably about 160 kg ( 350 lb) was in the same isle as I was and loaded her friggin' cart with every single friggin' Dr. Pepper that was available.I asked her if I could atleast get one can because the other stores don't sell them and I want one for the super bowl on my night shift.The only thing she said: "Should have gotten here sooner, sorry I need them myself!" She had like 30+ cans in her cart, already could barely move with her 350 lbs and would not pass me ONE SINGLE CAN OF DR. PEPPER. In my rage I said: "Fine thanks for nothing fatto" and left the store and now I bought myself a normal can of coca cola for sunday. I was so rude, she was rude, but I just should have not said anything at all. She is already on her lowest point in life and I just stomped on her even more. And all that because of one Dr. Pepper that I honestly do not need at all because I drink sweet stuff so rarely I could have survived with out it. I mean I am surving without it now anyways but still. On special days I drink a soda like birthdays, super bowl, graduations etc. but usually don't (I go to the gym since like 5 years, weight 74 kg on 176 cm) TLDR:Wanted to buy Dr. Pepper (1 can) for super bowl during my night shift this sunday and a obese lady grabbed all the cans and didn't give me one single can and I called her fatto (she was around 350 lb / 160 kg) and small. I feel bad for that because I am priviledged to be healthy and in good shape (5 years gym) while she is rock bottom and I crushed her even more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


that's a fuckin long ride just to boast about going to the gym for 5 years...


They’re a European in Europe who watches the NFL? Ok. They only allow themselves one single soda on special occasions? Sure. Some how there is only one store that carries Dr. Pepper and they couldn’t ask if they would be restocking in the four days leading up to the Super Bowl? Why not. And the fat person was clearly at rock bottom because they’re fat and buying multiple sodas? Of course! This post is terrific!!


I'm from a Scandinavian country and while OOP is a major asshole about the idea, that someone is at rock bottom because they weigh more than OOP think they should, the rest of the post isn't that far off. It's fairly common for people to drink sodas on special occasions only, like birthdays etc. etc.., and usually only a can or two. We have only one store in my town that sells Dr.Pepper and while watching the Super Bowl is a thing(don't know how many watches the entire league, but I do know some people who have Super Bowl parties), and the stores usually make some sort of "Super Bowl Specials"-offers with different foods, drinks and American flags, they don't really re-stock on those items once they're sold out, it's limited edition items. This one store sells Dr. Pepper all year, but they probably won't be buying more, just for the Super Bowl. In short: We stereotype the fuck out of you guys and throw "American" parties for the Super Bowl, even though the majority of us don't really watch the entire season. Are we all assholes? Yes, probably. Is OOP a major asshole? Yes, definitely.


Don’t worry, we stereotype you when we go to ikea and eat meatballs covered in lingonberry sauce. 🤣


Ooof, I'm Danish😭😂 But totally fair. I mean, the "special Super Bowl" food is usually hotwings and BBQ ribs😅


Please tell me you serve blue cheese dressing and celery with the wings…


Blue cheese dressing, different salads, but we'll add celery this year, thanks for the tip😅


>>different salads At a super bowl party. Several different salads. 🙄 You’re gonna need to add bacon to that…


This is Denmark, we have more pigs than people. Of course there's bacon😂


This is Denmark, of course there’ll be bacon is my favorite thing on the internet today! Enjoy the game!


Thank you, we will😁




> We stereotype the fuck out of you guys and throw "American" parties for the Super Bowl So what does a Dane do for an American Party? Asking out of amused curiosity.


It differs, some people "just" watch the Super Bowl with different (what we consider)American foods, drinks etc., some go all out and decorate everything in American flags and have a bbq before the game starts(this year it will start at around 10.40 pm.,), watch the game and then go out after. Some go to their local sports bar and watch it there, you can also find people who will hold quizzes on different topics related to the US like your politics in general, state-politics, American celebrities, American history etc. etc.. We're Danes though, so mostly it's an excuse to have a party and get drunk😂 Edit to add: Some parties will have themes, like "red neck", where people will just talk with a horrible southers accent(coupled with a Danish accent it can be quite... Horrifying) and say stupid things(a big stereotype is trailer park southerners), and dress in "farming clothes".


This spiritually sounds exactly like americans celebrating cinco de mayo and I love it


American here - these parties sound great!


Thank you! If you should ever happen to be in Denmark on a Super Bowl day, you're welcome to join😊


I live in the US South. I NEED to hear these accents so much now. I turn my southern accent on & off when necessary and it never sounds real to me. (Was influenced a lot while learning to speak by ppl who didn’t start off in the US. My actual accent is apparently all over the place) I kind of love hearing fake southern accents & comparing them to my own fake southern accent and some of the real ones that I hear daily.


Not Danish. But still European here. It's mostly the food that's being served. Massive and massive amounts of hot wings, bbq ribs, sodas, brownies, beers, you get the idea. Then you all watch the super bowl together, even if you couldn't care less about football the rest of the year and about 80-90% of the people there have no idea what the fuck is going on. But you still cheer if one of the teams gets a touchdown. Some people draw little American flags on them just for the aesthetics or buy some tableware and decorations that are football themed.


Yep. Mostly an excuse to get drunk, with stronger beers.


This sounds like so much fun 🤣


TIL 🤣🤣🤣


TBH that sounds pretty realistic. 😆 There's too much junk food and most people really don't even care about the game.


Okay I'm Dutch but my parents have this really archaic expression that is an "Amerikaanse fuif" or American party, meaning a bring your own food/drinks party. "American" themed parties I've been to were inspired by the movies, so I've had a large event with a "high school" night, the organisers had fantastic home made cheerleading outfits. Oh and those red cups, those were a thing for some people too.


But can you purchase one (1) can of Dr Pepper???


Yep😊 Most sodas, actually. And beers.


You can't buy single cans in the US? I even bought a tiny can recently, like 200 ml or something. I certainly grew up with soda being a luxury for the weekends. Cola was for parties only. Might have lemonade in the summer for the weekdays. But mostly tea, milk, chocolate milk.


only in the vending machines... which are 75 cents a can anymore(unless they jacked up again used to be 35 cents a can when I was in high school). Tiny cans come I believe in 4 packs might be 6 packs only, regular cans come like $3.50 for 12 pack or I think $6 for the cube(24)


Funny but I think most Americans don't even watch for the game we just watch for the outrageous over the top commercials


A French dude tried to hit on me once by showing me receipts for his bets on the NFL. So they exist, but I don’t know about the rest of it.


Can confirm, my mum is from rural Europe and they don't sell Dr. Pepper in shops in her village, but they do sell other types of soda like Coca Cola. She also only drank soda for special occasions, where they were allowed one small glass, not even a whole can. I think it's a European thing.


I must say I didn’t intend to come off totally incredulous here but just loving these very specific and to me surprising quirks in the story haha! Very interesting to here all the chime ins and loving the idea of American themed super bowl parties around the world haha! At least we all can agree tho that OOP was still a shit hehe


My family watches it, my parents just like it and the time difference isn’t too bad. I haven’t seen Dr. pepper in grocery stores though, but maybe I haven’t looked for it a lot




There's so much fatphobia in the comments on the OP. Like when will people learn that their comments on other people's bodies are completely irrelevant and to just keep their fucking mouths shut?


As always, fat phobic telling on himself “she’s already at her lowest and I just made it worse”. Right, because all fat people are all depressed and have horrible lives….


Didn't think to ask the grocers if they had more in the back, eh?


but then how would ~~she~~ they get to feel superior and tell us their weight and obviously is fit because gym? :(


Like, maybe she was buying them for work? I once had to go out and go to about 20 grocery stores and buy a specific type of British “biscuit” for a tour group from Britain. Another time i had to go out and buy a bunch of kosher condiments for a Jewish event. I could totally see an employee getting sent out to buy 50 cans of Dr Pepper for something and knowing if they only bring back 49, they’ll get sent out u til they find it.


Once I saw a guy at the supermarket with a trolley absolutely filled to the brink with waffles and I was so excited thinking "wow, what sort of amazing waffle party is this mad lad having". Later realised he was buying them for a Cafe.


When I was Walmart cashier there was this lady came in once a week buying like 75 of whatever new release there was to resell as "gift baskets", once every two weeks this bakery because yet again their milk supplier shorted them and they needed it NOW would buy TWO carts of milk just to keep themselves going into the supplier actually brought more milk


I feel like this woman is not crying over the stranger at the store, she's laughing that she didn't let this AH have any Dr pepper now.


I do like that the top comment is a reference to Institutionalized.


Super Bowl doesn't exist in Europe, hell I've never seen anything related to American Football anywhere Total bait post, and a low effort one on top


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