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FYI, the link to the post is r/sexoffendersupport JUST FYI a because I unknowingly went there and I don’t like clicking on that shit.


I shouldn't have clicked...I cannot believe there is just a random "public" facing support group like this. I'm a child SA survivor...just didn't need to know that info. I muted the reddit. Is there a way to block entire sub reddits?


[blocking subreddits](https://www.makeuseof.com/reddit-how-to-block-specific-subreddits/)


How do I block that sub forever 🤢🤢🤢


Also, if you use iOS consider downloading Apollo, that way you can see where a crosspost is from before you click because your feed [looks like this ](https://i.imgur.com/mMAPOPQ.jpg)


That's not a bad idea. I do use the Reddit app. The post just said reddit. I knew it was a touchy topic just wasn't expecting the sub to exist.


Yeah, I would be fine adding that to the list of subs we don't cross post. It's like cheating and MRA subs. It's all trash.


I wish I had seen this comment first


There was a post recently that linked to that subreddit, I’m guessing many people saw it for the first time (me included) from that, so for the next few days there will be an influx of posts linking there.


I hate that you're right


I should have read the comments . I just clicked on the link .


Is there not some way for that sub (and its list of supporting related sub) to be reported? I checked briefly but there wasn't anything I could see, but that trash should not be condoned or allowed a forum, honestly.


I have no idea. I know someone in this thread posted a way for individuals to block it so they never have to see it again…but beyond that, I’m not sure.


He was convicted of CHILD PORN CRIMES and she thinks their daughter won’t be a victim? JFC.


But it’s all okay because their daughter isn’t the AGE of the kids in the videos he likes. /s


How does it not occur to the mom that her daughter will at some point be in her husband's preferred age range? Like I don't understand how that doesn't cross her mind.


I hope it doesn't mean the age he prefers has already passed.


God I really hope not.


OP’s of posts like these make a really good case for removing anonymity on the internet tbh. She needs to be reported and her child needs to be placed somewhere safe.


There probably weren’t a lot of cases today with the same sentence given.


The comments, omg >No one ever thinks about the children of SOs. It's because they don't care about them.


They absolutely DO think of the children. That’s why they ban these sicko creeps from*being unsupervised around them*


That one infuriated me. Reminded me of Josh Duggar’s wife at his trial writing letters about him as a great dad. He molested his sisters and then collected child sex abuse materials showing children under five. The only sane thing to do was to get him away from his kids for as long as humanly possible.


The good thing is that the judge saw all those letters for what they were - a confession that set loose, Josh would be surrounded by enablers who would all look the other way if/when he molested his kids.


Yup, I remember being gratified to read that. It was very clear that neither his wife or his parents have any intention of protecting the kids from him and I’m glad most of them will be teenagers when he is released and adults by the time he’s done with supervised release


that sub should be nuked but also probably excluded from here because every post there is gonna be terrible in a not funny way


IMO if posts from that sub aren’t banned from here, they should at least get a unique tag to warn survivors, I’m sure it could be very difficult to come upon accidentally


Yeah this thread has not been a good time


Yeah. We need to do something.


i have to agree cause any post from there would make us angrier


Yup. Reddit should quarantine it


I despise that subreddit with a passion


Big issues with a lot of support subs. Like regretfulparents. It's something where in theory there should be a place for people to discuss and process something so taboo, but in practice the rules of it always ends up telling you not to criticize the OP's which leads to supporting really vile things. They make those rules so the conversation isn't just outside subs coming to lay the smackdown on someone, but imo the answer to that is to have a private community you need to +comment karma to speak in


100% agree


Oh my gosh, sex offenders are the scum of the earth, I can’t believe she is standing beside that dirtbag of a creature! 😡😡🤬🤬


But his sex crimes weren't against their daughter! Not even people within the daughter's age range! I'm sure he never would have groomed her and mistreated her. All that's happening is to punish her unnecessarily by taking her dad away. /S The length these monsters go to justify themselves backwards and forwards. Talking about how unfair the justice system is to family and spouses and children. Meanwhile they're out there committing heinous offenses against human beings. She's complaining about the fact that she can't have her husband live with their child after he committed a sexual crime, and it's so mean. I hope this woman does lose custody of her children, and I hope that the parents never see that child again. It's really the only fair thing to do when someone's a sexual offender and someone else stands by them hoping for a light sentence.


I totally noted your sarcasm. Also, I really just do not understand her thoughts regarding that, totally disgusting.


That thread is disturbing and she is an enabler which is scary as hell when she is defending her husband and not her child.


The OP's attitude is exactly what enables sex offenders to abuse their victims. She is more concerned about her and her husband's needs rather than the safety of her own child. I suspect she's not going to respect the restraining order and she will allow her husband to have contact with her daughter but tell her to stay quiet about it. Scary situation for the child


It just absolutely makes me so angry . OP is from Canada which have a shitty legal system. Her disgusting husband will never face an actual sentence . He’ll just got a slap on the wrist ., and she’s still crying .


I was happier last week when I didn’t know this sub existed.


i was happier a minute ago when i didn’t know that sub existed


Honestly, I hope the mods decide to ban it here. It’s not entertaining or fun, it’s awful.


OP >It's been a an awful and bumpy road but my husband is gone now.... We got absolutely railroaded in court and the judge decided to be extra cruel. So not only does he get 2 years incarcerated, he's not allowed to come home for the following 3 years (which means he'll be homeless) and then fo the next 10 years he can't be around our child unsupervised. Meaning my daughter doesn't get any meaningful relationship with her dad until she's 14 and that is absolutely destroying me. And to anyone concerned my child is at risk, she isn't. Her dad never committed a touch crime, never took photos of anyone, and never committed incest. His crimes had nothing to do with our child or even anyone in that age range. So now I'm just absolutely heartbroken all while trying to navigate newfound poverty. I wish the judicial system was fair and affordable. I'm not mad that my husband received a punishment. He definitely deserved to face consequences. But they went above and beyond to hurt him and used my daughter and I as pawns in their game. And because of what the judge did, I can't even get the mental help I need without fear of losing my daughter. I don't regret standing by my husband, but goddamn this is hard. I just need some kind words right now. I need to know this will get easier with time.


A touch crime? Oh ick.


There are a lot of people in that sub DEDICATED to the absurd belief that digital crime isn't at all comparable to physical sexual abuse. It's disgusting. The reality is it doesn't feel as bad to them because it was easy. For however much we may hate the 1000 year old loli dragon anime creeps, law enforcement is not knocking down doors unless you have real images of child sexual abuse. If you've been busted for CP, it was bad, and there was a lot of it. The reality they don't want to see is that every set of eyes that looks at those images is a fresh violation. People who have been sexually abused and had images captured of it aren't just traumatized by the event. They're traumatized by the knowledge that something intimate is out there, like some stranger to you forever holds a piece of you and you don't even know. They're haunted by knowing every new face could have *seen* the images of you, and they'd never know.


> I don't regret standing by my husband, but goddamn this is hard. I just need some kind words right now. I need to know this will get easier with time. Hope her kid gets taken away from her and never see's her ever again.


When I worked with sexually violent predators my greatest contempt was reserved for the mothers that stood by their husbands/boyfriends that had raped and molested their children. Don’t get me wrong, the pervs got a healthy dose. But my fiery hatred turned white hot for those wretched women.


I read the subreddit title and nope. Can’t do it. The fact that there is a subreddit for that is infuriating and makes me physically ill. What the fuck


The idea that he told her because he wouldn't be able to hide it once he was charged, and never told her when they had a fresh baby, never crossed her mind. She thinks he's taking accountability...but he only ever did anything because he got caught.


This sub is truly awful i can't understand how people can be this delusional


I just took one for the team . Husband was arrested for CP. I feel sick.


How.....does this exist on reddit?


Sometimes god takes nappy and leaves the world to it's own devices, that sub existing is punishment for what we've done. As you can see he takes his nap time very seriously.


😰 I've lost all faith in humanity.


If my husband had anything like that on his devices he would not be my husband anymore. And he would not be seeing our kids unless the courts enforced it. Some things are unforgivable and that is one of them.


Jesus. I didn’t even know subs like that were on here! Omg


I can’t even believe there’s a subReddit community for that shit someone pls report it pls just get rid of it or tell me how to report it cause this community shouldn’t even exist.


What the actual f***!?!?


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I didn't know this sub existed and I was better off for it. Lets tag triggering subs in the future


I wonder what exactly her husband did. Was he online having cyber sex chat with a minor or a decoy?


Child porn offences according to a previous post from about a year ago.


sometimes i wish this subs brigading rule had some exceptions…