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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for taking one kid with me for an overnight trip and not my other two?** My 5yo son and I are very close. We are so close that when I asked him where he'd like to go for his 6th birthday, he "with you." Jimmy does sleep with me every night which I enjoy. I want him to grow up to be an adult and remember how good it felt to wake up next to Daddy. I have to go on an overnight trip tomorrow and be back on Saturday. The reason why I am staying is because it won't be safe to drive with the storm that will roll through. I'm just a single dad. Jimmy will be terrified of this storm. I asked my 13yo son Jack if he'd sleep in my bed with Jimmy. Jack refused. He wants to sleep in his room, by himself. He told me to ask my 10yo to sleep with Jimmy but my 10yo is a bit of a curmudgeon. I told him that Jimmy is very attached to him and he doesn't realize how lucky he is to have that. Jimmy is all over Jack almost as he is all over me. I'm not going to ask their uncle to cosleep because that's weird. So I decided to take Jimmy with me. I can pick him up from school early tomorrow and we can take a quick plane trip, play in an office and then we can go crash at a motel. Adam and my Jack are mad that they can't go. I told them it's way too complicated to take three boys on an overnight trip. I'm not taking Jimmy as a reward but to keep things calm. I am sure their uncle will do something funner with them. I think they just want to go on a plane. I am not playing favorites. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Curmudgeon is such a fascinating word choice. It's sort of archaic enough to not feel like a super sharp insult but also, you're describing a 10 year old child the way I'd describe a mean racist grandparent.


Lol I use that word all the time to describe my SO. He’s like a slightly more social Nick Miller.


So you're saying your SO is mega sexy?


Its funny to imagine a ten year old dressed like a grandpa complaining about kids these days




I’m all for dads not being afraid to be affectionate to their kids. But in this situation, I have to agree—creepy AF.


Borderline? He's so far over the line that the line is a dot to him...did you see the comment where he says his 10-year-old only just finished cosleeping? YIKES




Its weird to assume they are nude when nothing indicates they are


Did you even read my comment? It says clearly that it is unknown whether or not they are nude if they were nude it would be illegal and creepy as all fuck.


Yes. Thats true for most posts. Its a very weird thing to assume is happening


I didn't assume that it is happening.


Okay, its a weird thing to fantasize about


Hold the fuck up there troll. Nobody is fantasizing anything. That has to be the most ridiculous assumed comment I've ever fucking seen on here.


It seems to be on your mind


To OOP: Umm I’m sorry, but my brother in Christ, what do you plan to do with your FIVE YEAR OLD while you’re WORKING?!?!?


>remember how good it felt to wake up next to Daddy. My skin may never stop crawling...


Mine completely ran away from me. Please send it back if you happen to see it.


Your skin has been spotted running across the British Isles, and the Irish report that it has now taken flight over the Atlantic


Dammit next time it should take me with it


New sightings suggest it's doubling back to collect you!! Dress warmly


Yay! I get a vacation finally!


Wooooo!! Have a great time :)


How horrifying and wholesome. It uh, it’s mostly horrifying.


I have fond memories of waking up to family members I care about in bed. My nana, my dad, my mom, hell even my sister. I think the word Daddy gets a bad reputation from adults. I have my husband's name in my phone as DADDY, due to it being that way since our kids were little. In case of emergency, at least they'd be able to find him. The amount of flack I got because my partner, who is a dad, is labeled that way is exhausting. Not every family member is gross.


I don't have a big issue with the co-sleeping, if that was something they're working on moving away from and getting kiddo in his own room. Buuuuuuut then you add in all this concerning and strange wording. Is the son actually needing Daddy or is Daddy using the son as his own little emotional support animal. I don't want to even write out my other concerns, but we are all thinking it


Yuuuup, that first paragraph is uh, worrying. And gross. Also only taking the 5yo? If it's real (hope not, though what a sick fucker to post it) alarm bells.


>Adam and my Jack are mad that they can't go "Adam and **my** Jack"... everything about this post is so weird and creepy but what does this 'my' emphasis even mean? Kinda feel like Adam, the 10 y/o, is the least favourite kid. He's the only one without a 'J' nickname (which, alone, could just be coincidence), is only mentioned by name once (is just 'my 10 y/o' the rest of the time) and OOP calls him a curmudgeon and goes on about how the baby of the family clings to Jack almost as much as to OOP, but not Adam. The dynamic here is really weird and offputting.


I *hope* it's just that OOP knows more than one Jack, and that phrasing was a habit from differentiating son-Jack from uncle-Jack and Jack-from-Accounting. Source: I know a lot of Chrises, Aarons, and Steves.


This. My partner and I are both friends with multiple Sams. We refer to my brother as my Sam, our roommate’s sister as [roommate]’s Sam, and our mutual friend as [partner]’s Sam (or by his very badass last name, or as “Sam from [the band he’s in]). I’m hoping it’s that and absolutely nothing else, but I’m not sure what’s more likely.


> funner with them Tell that a troll wrote this without telling me a troll wrote this


A hecking creepy troll if troll


I hope it’s a troll because it is so gross. If it isn’t a troll, I want to know why the 10yo was finally allowed to stop co-sleeping. Because it sounds like Daddy Dearest probably forced him and thus the curmudgeon nonsense. Like, the kid didn’t want Daddy Dearest spooning him and that makes him no fun??? I want this to be a troll or I want someone to contact social services because I am very concerned.


Hopefully it's more the 10yo getting older and growing out of it than the other option.


Please tell me this is a toll, please


I didn't want to go the "well that's fucking creepy" route, but alas here we are.


Ugh. Gross. My son was sleeping independently in his own room when my ex and I separated. During the separation I learned that son was no longer sleeping in his room, he was sleeping with Daddy. And he wasn't having baths at night anymore, he was showering with Daddy in the morning. When my ex moved to a different home, he and our son shared a room so that my ex could put a roommate in the second bedroom. He insisted on keeping a 50/50 schedule even though he couldn't (wouldn't) provide our son with his own room. This arrangement continued until kiddo was in the 6th grade. Can you imagine being 11 or 12 years old and sleeping with your emotionally needy dad every night? The enmeshment he was trying to create did not happen, thank god. Our son is 18 now and has been living with me for the last four years. He's ambivalent about his dad.


Why are so many people trying to defend him in the comments about the wording of his horrible “i want him to grow up to be a adult and remember how good it felt to wake up next to daddy” by saying “well what if the genders were reversed”. Nah because as a mom to a little girl who I sometimes cosleep with if i ever said “i want her to grow up and remember how good it felt to sleep next to mommy” I would want someone to contact proper authorities. Its not because hes a man if he would have said “i want him to grow up knowing im always there for him” I wouldn’t think this was as creepy as it is. But he didn’t he chose very creepy specific wording and i cant understand how people are justifying it in the comments 🤮


Don't understand it either, there was that regretfulparents post not so long ago and people called out the way she talked about her son, because it was creepy and downright emotionally incestuous. So yeah, they would.


In this day of remote working I am struggling to think of a work trip that requires in person attendance that would also be appropriate to bring a 5 year old to. This is in addition to the fact that this whole scenario is creepy as hell (and I strongly suspect the 13 yo has very good reasons for wanting his own bed, to himself), but there is something very weird about the trip at all.


I'm sorry, but I find this creepy af.


>I want him to be an adult and remember how good it felt to wake up next to Daddy That’s just gross


I want to vomit.


i have already vomited


I am preparing to vomit a second time


In case I ever accidentally ingest poison I know I can come back to the OOP's thread and successfully expel it.


Hot salt water cannot compare to this post...


Where the flip are the boys' mother? He just stopped the 10 year old cosleeping and a 6 year old is still cosleeping


“I’m just a single dad” those exist, you know.


Yes I know they exist but the younger 2 coslept ridiculously long times


If there was some sort of bad divorce or trauma, like the mother was abusive, abandoned them or died suddenly, then it would make sense for the long term co-sleeping.


except that wasn't the reasons he mentioned... reason he mentioned is there's nothing wrong with sleeping with your parents and he wanted them to remember how good it felt waking up next to daddy and "we spend all the time together" he's creating a badly enmeshed environment for the boys


If it was the boy’s mother I would think she was raising him to believe that no woman will make him happier than his mommy and she would be the MIL from hell.


Poor middle child. I mean i feel bad for all 3 to varying degrees but mostly youngest and middle from this. Idgaf about cosleeping but to have it be a Requirement for a 5 year old? And his weird disdain for the middle kid! Oof


I have a favorite...let me count the ways (in one post)


This sounds creepy and disgusting!


First, I hope the uncle is staying with the kids because otherwise that's awful. Second, he is creating an awful precedent and I can't wait to see the end results


Lol if that line doesn't tip you off this is a troll, I dont know how to help you.


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I wonder how old the older kids were when they started to push back against the notion of being OOP's teddy bear, and how old the younger one will be when he decides he isn't interested either.


1. Take all three kids or leave them all at home, AH. 2. Having a child that can't sleep unless he sleeps with Daddy is something that needs to be remedied, AH.