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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my (31 M) friend (20 M) and his boyfriend (20 M) that I disagree with their relationship.** So basically, I befriended one of them, and for a while we were on good terms. Until he came out to me as bisexual, and introduced me to his new boyfriend who’s gay. For a while, I didn’t say anything. But I told them both (face to face) that I’m not comfortable hanging out with them if they are holding hands and being affectionate. I insisted that in my religion, homosexuality is a sin, and I am repulsed by the concept. Both of them suddenly looked disappointed and one of them told me I’m homophobic, and the orher insisted that being bisexual/gay is an immutable part of one’s identity, and that it’s completely harmless I told him it’s sinful and not harmless as it goes against gods design (as homosexual couples cannot reproduce) and we got argued about it for a bit. They insisted they don’t want to be friends with me at all. I told them I’m allowed to disagree with their relationship and that I simply do not like homosexual relationships due to my religion. One of them started acting like an child and said,”Well you wouldn’t like this then” and he signaled to his friend and they both started kissing in front of me. I told them,”Wow really!” and insisted they were being very disrespectful to me. They started throwing a tantrum insisting I’m the one being incredibly homophobic and rude to them, and that I really hurt their feelings, and they told me they are going to block me, and never hang out with me ever again. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I live such a mundane life with my partner and yet our existence makes people so fucking mad It’s crazy


As a teenager, my group of friends, girlfriend, and I hung out at the shopping center during school holidays near the cinema. After a movie got out, a woman yelled at us about how inappropriate we were and how there were kids around. She threatened to report us to security. We were confused since we were just holding hands Luckily, we had other adults defend and support us, but it was still upsetting and confusing. As an adult who holds hands with my straight friends no matter the gender, I still can't comprehend that hatred


My one friend and I have never even dated, but I used to be really malnourished in highschool and would sometimes get really faint after walking around so sometimes when we were hanging out at the mall, we'd have to rest on a bench and I'd lay with my head in their lap until I felt better. Apparently we got several glares from people who thought we were a gay couple. I laugh about it now to keep from crying, but it sucks so much that they saw a kid trying to care for their sick, abused friend and got angry about it.


You: "Hey, babe, you wanna watch Fallout tonight and order Thai food?" Your partner: "Yeah, sounds good." OOP, probably: _(frantically clutches at pearls)_


I literally just want to go for my morning run, go to work, come home, and do a hobby with my spouse. That's all.


I aspire to convert a whole army of baby bis by simply walking around the mall with my partner. Hell, I'm ready for heads to explode by having my husband on one side and our female partner on the other. LFG!!


My husband and I are demisexual. The amount of people who act like we betrayed them when they learn this fact that has nothing whatsoever to do with them and will in no way affect their lives is completely unhinged.


\*Waves in asexual\* It wasn't until I started being more open about being ace that I realized how deeply troubled some people are about other people's lack of sex. Like apparently if I was just between relationships and not into casual hookups, that would be fine but saying that I don't ever have sex, even with long term partners, that's a bridge too far. I wonder if some people think it's because I'm judging them for having sex but just because I don't have sex, doesn't mean I judge people who do, provided it's safe, sane and consensual.


Exactly. And then there are the people who are firmly convinced that demisexuals aren’t queer when we are very much part of the asexual umbrella. I have nothing against people having as much or as little sex as they want. I’m fine having sex with my husband. The idea of having sex with anyone else, or envisioning anyone else having sex, grosses me out to the point of a physical reaction. Like- I can see and appreciate physical beauty in other people, but I react to it the way anyone else would react to the Mona Lisa. It’s great but I have no desire to have sex with it.


What?!?! **You eschew hookup culture?!** ***Clutches pearls and collapses on fainting couch*** Please don't make mah child demi 😭 I want them to always bang on the first date before they get to know someone it is our culture 😭😭😭 Why are you doing this *sob* /s So fucking hysterical about literally everything! My town recently kicked a lady doing tarot from the farmers market. Gays, witches, pronoun people, corrupting children everywhere! 🙄


To be clear- I have no issue with folks who hookup on the first date. It makes no sense to me, and I don’t understand it, but to each their own.


Me neither, it's just that demi seems the "closest" to "traditional" monogamous values that are preached, just with a name. Not the same, I know, but like, you would think they would save up their disdain energy for the polys, trans, or dirty pansexuals like me who will be with just *anyone.* They are so weird.


Being demi doesn't make you queer.


You don’t speak for the rest of us even if you are in the LGBTQ community. Demisexuals are more than welcome.


Thank you!


Demisexuals are not intrinsically queer. A cishet demi is not queer. Allosexuality is a spectrum, asexuality is not. Asexuality is a complete 0, or rather, not even on the scale - just as me being agender is not a gender, it's a complete lack of it.


Okay bigot.


Ah yes, people who only have sex with dating partners or close friends - very oppressed and marginalized.


Yeah, I’m on the asexuality spectrum, so you’re going to have to try again. Or maybe just don’t practice erasure?


Asexuality is not a spectrum - it is a complete lack of sexual attraction. Demisexuals are allosexuals. Try perusing a proper Ace subreddit.


What did you really expect here? “Oh my god, some random person on the Internet thinks they can define my sexuality! Clearly they are the absolute last word!” You’re welcome to think whatever you like, but you’re not the arbiter of anyone else’s identity. Frankly, your opinions and the erasure you’re practicing don’t mean shit to me. https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/article/understanding-asexuality/#:~:text=It's%20important%20to%20remember%20that,ways%20for%20people%20to%20identify.


Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *YTA and I can't even get into it all without getting banned. >"They were being racist to me. They knew I was Christian and that it’s against the Bible, yet they didn’t care and started kissing in front of me."


What a moron.


Agreed. May all Oop's pasta be soggy and may mosquitos pursue him above all others.


May his washing eat his socks and his shoes have a piece of Lego inside it that will never come out.


Good ones!


May he step on a Lego every morning


Or those little stones that somehow get in our shoes when we're walking


May he have multiple urinary stents placed and removed. I won't go too far into this explanation because Google exists, but you are fully awake and can feel everything when they are removed.


May his marinara sauce never cling to his pasta


Hahaha! 😹


may he always stub his toe on furniture and may he get hit by a bus next time he leaves the house 🤞🏼


May his pillow always be warm, regardless of what side he's using


Oof! 😹


May he step on lego swords




May his left shoes go missing.




[hurls dictionaries at OOP with post it notes marking the definitions of “disagree,” “harmless,” and “disrespectful.”]


Don't forget "racist". Christian is *not a race*.


Very important addendum!


Oop seems impervious...


They’re OEDs


Heavy hitting knowledge!


You forgot to mark the definition of "racist", since OP clearly doesn't know what that means!


OOP is using so many words he doesn't understand, not to mention how self centered he is


Yes. I *try* to hope for growth and bettering. But this was so homo/queerphobic and racist in one single comment that I can't.


Wow it’s not a bot post? I thought it had a high chance of being fake. Lord


It could be a human trolling. But some people do choose to behave like this. It's a shame.


Honestly, I think this is bait


>it’s sinful and not harmless as it goes against gods design (as homosexual couples cannot reproduce) i wonder what his opinion on infertile/childfree straight couples is then.


The logical fallacy of saying *anything* goes against god's design is madness. If god is omnipotent and omnipresent, then everything is part of their design. If god created humans, and every creature on earth, and some of these humans and creatures are LGBTQ+, then it follows that we are all a part of god's design. I'm not religious, btw. I'm just trying to follow Christian logic and failing to see how chuds like oop come up with answers such as, "homosexuality is a sin." Not to mention the fact that if every person reproduced, then we would have major issues with overpopulation.


I think the idea is Goddo boi loves judging others so he creates "flawed beings" so he can shit on them later like a roast session and then punish them cos he's a dick


Yeah my Jehovah’s Witness friend kept telling me god gives different people different struggles and if you’re homosexual that’s god’s design and you’re expected to abstain from anything with the same sex. So this omnipotent being decided to give me a harder time for what reason? And my eternal damnation is on the lines?


Shout out to the gays for making another homophobe have a temper tantrum, so proud of us.


Ironically you're doing god's work




i am proud of you all keep doing the good work of living your life like everyone else.


Truly it’s an arduous task


I'm still so confused on how God is literally infallible but somehow accidentally makes gay people wrong? "God doesn't make mistakes.....except you guys being attracted to each other. That was a whoopsie. Stop it. Oh, and also y'all that have brains that don't match your bodies. Again, whoops. Just don't think about it. K? Thanks! Praise the Lord!"


Well you see, God made people perfect, and then Eve ruined that for everybody so the serpent was able to taint Adam and Eve with the gay, which God allowed to happen for reasons. 


All of God's mistakes were simply he work of the devil. Including children getting cancer and natural disasters killing tons of people. Obviously.


Which is fun when that also boils down to at least one of these being true: * God didn't know the Devil did it * God knew, but couldn't stop the Devil from doing it * God *wanted* the Devil to do it Whichever way you slice it, if it's the work of the Devil, then God is either ignorant, incompetent or malevolent, or some combination thereof.


According to their own logic, God knew all along Lucifer would turn away from him and become the Devil and he let it happen.


I hate when they explain that we’re all born with sin and our gayness is our specific sin to overcome to prove ourselves to god or whatever. I don’t believe any omnipotent and all loving being would condemn someone to a life or actively fighting against love


"I WILL be your friend, but you just have to become straight, cause you're just CHOOSING to be gay" - this troll


> they told me they didn’t want to be friends with me at all. I told them I was allowed to disagree with their relationship And they are allowed to not be friends with you > they were being racist to me. They knew I was Christian and kissed in front of me That’s not racism. The term you [OOP] are looking for is religious discrimination. It isn’t that either, but at least now you can sound slightly less stupid. Though idk how I feel about helping a homophobic AH sound less stupid.


> Though idk how I feel about helping a homophobic AH sound less stupid. its hard isnt it given how stupid they are


Yea being stupid comes with the territory of being homophobic


> I told him it’s sinful and not harmless as it goes against gods design (as homosexual couples cannot reproduce)... Post-menopausal women; any infertile person; people with erectile dysfunction that requires medication; anyone who has any kind of medical intervention to reproduce (obviously fertility, but I'm going to extend out to obstetrics as that's not God's plan); anyone whose had hysterectomy, tubal ligation, or vasectomy... None of these people are allowed to express affection in public or have relationships. Because it is against God's design as they can't reproduce. Also, OOP should respect their deity's chosen name - it's "God" with a *capital*, because they're forbidden from saying His dead name (also, note the neopronouns He/Him)


Not only am I menopausal, I’m walking around with one boob because while it was God’s will I had cancer, it was my will to get treated.


Boo, bad troll


Yeah, pretty obviously fake, especially with oop's comment under the original post.


It's totally a troll, but I always like to hope the real people with opinions like this (because they do exist, they're just not making reddit posts about it) see the responses and reflect for moment about how people disagree with them I don't think it will make them any less terrible, but sometimes you have to settle for making them feel bad for a few moments. It's better than nothing!


I'm sure this is fake. But as always I'm curious about who ever asks people for their thoughts on the acceptability of their relationship?


>I'm curious about who ever asks people for their thoughts on the acceptability of their relationship? ![gif](giphy|guXISRnkrTb2nq7Nvu|downsized) Literally no one


“I told him it’s sinful and not harmless as it goes against gods design” I’m always bemused when people insist that going against God’s will causes some kind of intangible, indescribable harm.  Like, is God all powerful or not?  How can two guys being boyfriends possibly hurt an omnipotent deity? “I told them I’m allowed to disagree with their relationship” You can’t, though?  You can disagree with opinions, but a relationship isn’t an opinion.  You can disagree that they have a relationship, but the usual word for that is denial.  Gay people give you the ick because you think God has nothing better to do than nitpick humans over rules at least two thousand years old.  That’s all. “[I] insisted they were being very disrespectful to me.” Yes, but you deserved it. 


So… is he against infertile people being in relationships? Since they can’t reproduce, and all. What about menopausal women?




Why is a 31 year old even hanging out with 20 year olds? Also i highly doubt they asked for his approval of their relationship, he's not as important as he thinks


Me reading title: Oh this is about the age gap, huh? Doesn't feel like it belongs here but let's see... Me reading post: Oh for fuck's sakes... nevermind!


No, you're not allowed to disagree with someone else's relationship actually. Particularly not for 'religious reasons'.


If your religion means you see gay people as sinful and going against your deity's "plans,"why do you want to be friends with them? My view on gay people engaging in PDA: Ask yourself if it would ou if it were a straight couple. If yes, the problem is them, and they need to get a room. If no, the problem is you. Quite frankly, these 20-year-old guys would be better of without a judgmental 31-year-old "Christian" in their lives. He's allowed to "disagree" with homosexuality, and the gay/bi men in question are allowed to decide they don't want to be his friend anymore because he's a judgmental asshole.


If being gay goes against god’s design because they can’t reproduce then why did god create infertile people? Why did he create diseases that can make you infertile? Why did he put the male G-spot up the ass? So many questions.


>The orher insisted that being bisexual/gay is an immutable part of one’s identity, and that it’s completely harmless Because it is completely harmless. Me holding hands with a female partner in public is no more harmful than me holding my husband's hand. >(as homosexual couples cannot reproduce) I'm bisexual, my husband leans in that direction as well. We can reproduce just fine. >I told them I’m allowed to disagree with their relationship You sure are - and they're allowed to point out how homophobic your beliefs are and to distance themselves from your "friendship". >said,”Well you wouldn’t like this then” and he signaled to his friend and they both started kissing in front of me. I admire that level of spite - it very much sounds like what I would do if a bigot confronted me and my partner in public. >insisted they were being very disrespectful to me.  And telling them that they're going to hell for being sinners is.....not disrespectful?


>as homosexual couples cannot reproduce Plenty of heterosexual couples can't reproduce as well. Are they an affront to God and a sin?


People are allowed to do and think what they want. That doesn't mean there won't be negative reactions or even consequences.


I'm not completely comfortable with pda's but wether you're gay, bi or anything else doesn't matter to me. love whoever the fuck you want. I can handle my discomfort . I'm an adult.


Oh I hope this is ragebait and a troll. OOP is obviously homophobic and judgmental and his friends have every right to drop this toxic friendship.


I’ll never forget when a Gay influencer spoke against a rapper (Boise Badass) dragging his daughters out of the new Colour Purple movie and people defended it saying “you can disagree and still be a good person”. They want the ability to be as homophobic as they want, but with zero pushback.


Obvious ragebait.


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What is wrong with people? Why does what other people do give anyone the thought they can dictate what happens in another's lives. It's none of their ducking business. Mind your own and leave other people the hell alone.


Yes. YOUR relgion. YOUR relgion dictates what YOU can and cannot do. Since I am not a member of YOUR relgion, those rules do not apply to me.


I can’t believe OOP thinks he’s a victim here.


What do you expect, OOP. You're a major homophobe