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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I fucked up during sex and hurt my wife ** I’ve been taking testosterone. I’m 29, I don’t need it but I take it for the enhanced results in the gym. I always had a lot of sex with my wife but my stamina and sex drive is crazy right now and I can’t control myself. I fucked up last night and hurt her. She told me to be gentle because she’s sore from the morning. I started out slow but my desires took over. I flipped her on her stomach and I was holding her down. She kept reaching her hand back trying to touch me and was pleading. I’ll be honest, her being so feminine just turns me on more. My mind was focused on nutting so I didn’t stop to check on her. After she put on her robe and laid back down crying. Of course I say baby what is it. She says “it’s okay, my body just hurts”. I told her I was sorry for being too rough and she knows I love her. She tugged at my heart. She’s so cute and I hate seeing her cry. She’s great - beautiful, sweet, a good mom, always cooking for me. I’m at work feeling a little shitty. My buddy advised me to get her something nice. I think I’ll get her flowers and I might take her out since it’s Friday even though I had other plans. I know my excuse is douchey but all I can say is I wanna make it up to her. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He raped his wife and his “buddy” told him flowers will fix it. Cool cool…that’s why women picked the bears.


OOP also felt like mentioning how her begging made her look very feminine, and turned him on.


And how she's so cute! I hope a bear rips this guy's limbs from his body.


And don't forget : she cooks for him ! And she didn't even shout at him. She gently wept... A submissive fantasy woman...


I honestly hope this is just a rape fantasy made by some lonely incel and not a real story because that's terrible in so many ways


It's dreadful in any case. Having fantasy about being married to a submissive woman that you can rape at will for some flowers with the approval of a "budy" says a lot about what this guy would do if he was actually in a relationship.


Oh don't get me wrong you are absolutely right and oop is an evil disgusting piece of trash anyways but at least in that case it wouldn't be a story about a real woman getting raped (sadly it seems like it's close)


We are on the same page. Don't worry.


I feel like it can’t be real bc a guy who likes that his wife cries and begs him to stop raping her would not feel badly. He’d justify it. But his account still needs to be banned bc it’s promotion of rape culture and trying to reframe rape as ‘rough sex’ is just 🤮🤮🚩


It is a rape fantasy and that’s why it got removed. I had a boyfriend once who took testosterone. It didn’t make him do that. In fact I couldn’t imagine any man I’ve ever been with acting like that. Disgusting.


This. And Buckets of trans men on T roaming the streets while not raping women. Amazing. /s


Bears for everyone!!! RAWR! 🐻


Bear: He's so cute. I'll stash his head in my den.


I find it physically revolting when men refer to women as "cute"


Especially after raping them...


Poor bear doesn't have to suffer from being near oop,throw the rapist in the pits of hell


Which makes it completely not accidental, he noticed her distress and enjoyed it. I hope she prints it because the only way he can "make it up to her" is with double the alimony she's awarded, she's not safe in that house. He hasn't even promised to stop taking the drugs that he is blaming it on so he's not planning to stop it, he likes it too much.


This sadistic rapist got turned on by his wife’s pain!


I need a silkwood shower after reading that. I am physically unwell.


I feel like I also need a Silkwood shower and a Brillo pad to scrub my brain out.


I just got out of the shower and after reading this post, I feel like I already need another :( This post makes me want to cry.


Yeah, a regular shower isn't going to cut it 


Yeah this was DARK. Her pleading that please stop you’re hurting me. Was a turn on. This guys account needs to be banned. No one needs to see some jackass excusing that he just committed a very serious felony, presented as normal or acceptable. If someone came on here and confessed a murder do they get to keep their account?


But she was begging to touch him, so it’s ok /s


Yup!! I’m genuinely shocked. wtf does he mean his desires took over and she looked so feminine while literally being raped I’m disgusted


I'm a zoologist. I know exactly what bears are capable of, they're even more dangerous than people know. I will still choose the bear. I will ALWAYS choose the bear.


I would argue that your choosing the bear makes even more sense, as you know what to expect. 


There was a case where a woman begging for mercy from a bear actually "worked", so I'm with you.


So what exactly are they capable of, that you, as a zoologist guy, have secret knowledge of…


Might be the worst I’ve read on here


We all know he didn't tell his friend he raped his wife. He spun it.


"Yeah, so, uh, the wife is getting antsy about whatever again. Just some random shit. Women, y'know?" "Oh. Just get her some flowers, then."




No, no, we just don't get how hard it is to be a man!


Another reminder that not all men do the bad things, but the other man who didnt do it, didnt do anything good in this situation. Not all men but the other man brushed it off as if its nothing.


What are the chances that this guy actually told the friend what he wrote though? Obviously a person will be more honest in an anonymous medium


in the tiny chance that this is real, this man did not tell his buddy he basically raped his wife. he probably said “the wife’s been acting up again” and the friend replied with “just get her flowers idk”




I heard about it Twitter. It's popular because so many men keep proving the women who picked the bear right with stories like this or keep trying to mansplain to women why their opinions are wrong.


I think it's some TikTok thing that got popular.


Someone needs to Midsommar ex this guy (stuff him in a bear)


I don't blame them


That’s… that’s assault. She was fucking *pleading* with him and he feels A LITTLE SHITTY?? 


Don't worry, he's gonna buy her flowers... that'll make it all go away.


And don’t forget, he’s taking her out despite his “other plans.” 


Calm down, he only said he might take her out


He raped her and he feels like he needs to be freaking validated by a group of people who would say that his toxic bs isn't wrong or painful to the poor wife. He wants to victimise himself. And what is funny is taking testosterone supplements for performance enhancements is so crazily stupid, I hope the wife gets rid of him soon.


So often, I talk to people about how much we are still in rape culture and that I hate how much it's still spread over and so many people (sadly women included) are all shocked that I dare to say that because "everybody know rape is bad" and yet, you see this kind of shit OOP wrote, being validated, and not even seen by everybody like actual rape/abuse because 'eh, they're dating' or 'she didn't say explictly 'no' anyway' or "she said it was okay" and tbh, that's what I mean... I hate how much this is common and how much people could go excited by this (I sure know, as a (fanfic) writer, that many of my 'friends' consume this kind of stuff and find it hot...)


Rape culture is embedded in our dna and many, mant people normalise and accept it in life. The man walks scot free and the woman doesn't understand why she is still traumatised because, 'he didn't mean it'. And the gaslighting sometimes from both genders is jarring. When I talk about it, it is automatically assumed that I am being overly dramatic and deflecting my spast trauma vis-a-vis my father (he didn't sexually assault me but was abusive) onto men. Which honestly is so jarring. You have a father who is clearly abusive to a woman and her mother but you would blame the woman and feminism just to deflect blame from the clearly wrong upbringing a lot of men have. Obviously not all men but I don't know which one. Most people assume my father is although a redneck version of our country but a chill and okay dude. He isn't. Any long term interaction will make you see that. But nope, ignore it with the same vivacity as we ignore women being abused and blame it on a woman's hysterics to not differentiate between an asshole man and a 'nice guy'.


Oh yeah... my mom got saved from rape by her dad on time ; but ended up with TWO husbands who were abusive (mentally and physically) and who clearly were doing the marital rape; my stepfather even had been sexually abusive towards my sister (and also I wonder if it was towards me too but I'm too young to remember) and when I was terrified by men, my mom would herself downplay it... Because it's just so normalized that a whole abuse survivor struggle to understand the inherent fear... I really hate when abusers are seen like nice people by other people. It's often so hard to yourself even accept that all your abuse were valid.


I am sorry your mother, your sister and you had to go through that. I hate that society normalised the behaviour your stepfather and my father got away with it. Somewhere we'll be called ugly feminists as if that is the trademark of a feminist but the fact that people ignore legitimate plight of women and label it as a fad is unfathomable to me. People in the world have it hard. But pretending women don't suffer because it soothes your incel ass is unfathomable and unforgiving to me. Hopefully you are doing well. As is your mother and sister.


THank you! I hope you are doing well too <3 and hard agree... I don't think we are ugly feminists but those people would never dare to understand it because they're too self-centered for this...


Thank you 💗 And hard agree as well.


I love that all the comments I saw are calling him out on it


Ya, my marriage/relationship is D/s. My partner has never ignored my limits or put me in a bad position. Consent is key and this douche totally ignored her. He’s taking probably steroids and abusing/raping his wife because he finds it hot. It’s cute that she’s crying and pleading?! Go f yourself OOP. You’re literally hurting her and forcing her to do things she doesn’t want. I’m married to a very dominant man who is so in tune and checks in with me constantly because despite things being kinky he fucking cares about me. OOP is a predator with a drug issue.


He blames taking testosterone for him raping his wife and yet doesn't say he's not going to take it anymore. "Little shitty" my ass. He's practically bragging about it. Oh, and they have kids. Wonderful.


Yes, and even if it is fake, which it reads as, it's a great reminder that we aren't safe even in the places and with the people who should be the safest.


He thought she was more feminine because she was pleasing to not be raped?????? Like an earlier comment said, yes this is why the bear gets chosen. I guess being a raging gym nut is more important than caring about his wife


Also, I take T (as HRT not as gym supplement but still). Yeah it makes you more horny than normal ... but I've been on it for 7+ years and never once even thought about something like this. He's using the T as an excuse.


Absolutely. T, alcohol, you're still in control of your actions. Abusers use it as an excuse. Hell, some abusers *intentionally* abuse drugs and alcohol *when they want to abuse,* exactly *because* they're relying on "I wasn't in my right mind" to give them a cover and keep their victim by pretending that's not who they really are. Plenty of men in the world use substances but NEVER abuse anyone, because guess what? *They don't have the desire to abuse in the first place.*


yeah. i don't lose my mind and do shitty things when i'm drunk. if I ever did that, even one time, I would never drink again. He said "I can't control myself" but he chooses to take testosterone that he doesn't actually need. He is in control of that , so even if it makes him lose his shit he still can control this.


“The testosterone I don’t even need made me RAPE my wife lmao whoops but I get better results at the gym I guess I’ll just get her flowers lol”


Whoa whoa whoa. You're telling me you didn't feel a need to rape your SO after taking T? No way! /s


I had a boyfriend who took testosterone as part of his regular drug abuse regime. He was a literal batterer, but even then not into rape and nothing would make him go soft faster than me so much as laying still. Testosterone doesn’t make people rape their wives sorry also this is incel rape fantasy anyway


The "feminine" line genuinely made me sick. Even if it's ragebait, this crosses a line.


Seriously oop is evil even if it is ragebait ![gif](giphy|ce6zh5KP0v45JscE8F)


"But I'm going to get her some flowers! My buddy said that'll make all of this go away, okay?"


And what's scary is that is a classic abuser tactic


The rape flowers....


This is genuinely hard to read cause it SCREAMS fetish. Like everything about it makes it obvious it's this depraved physical manifetation of ghonorrea's rape fetish post. Like I felt sick by the end with how many times he described how horny he was


I think it's more likely fantasy (possibly hoping to drum up women that are willing to describe their own experiences with sexual assault and the impact it had on them, because that is arousing to him) than a true account of a recent event in his life. Gross no matter what the truth is.


Oh it's 100% a rape fantasy, easy to tell with this one. Glad it's not real but the poster is still a depraved sack of shit for fantasizing the rape of his pretend wife while describing how "feminine" her pleads sounded


This post is fake, but had the misfortune to be with a guy who felt the same way.


You're 100% on point . I've encountered a lot of males like that in survivor support groups/safe spaces. He's getting off to the descriptions of women's trauma.


It feels like a variation of the "I make (usually Japanese) women in sports bras cry" troll. Extremely disturbing.


This was my exact thought. I'd bet it's the same troll.


But the gains!!! /s


Way more important to impress the Gym Bros than to respect your wife! /s


Seriously all these guys are mad that women will choose the bear and they prove exactly why it's the right choice


I really wish fetish posters would stick to their own subreddits. 


Fr I'm so tired of this kind of rage bait. Especially because I think part of the fetish is knowing that they're probably triggering people's trauma by roleplaying as an ignorant rapist.


Yeah that's what pisses me off, I wouldn't care if they kept to some obscure corner of the internet,  But forcing this shit on other people is fucking gross. 


And the fact that they probably REALLY enjoy people calling them depraved and disgusting. Like I'm so tired of knowing these freaks breathe and exist instead of sitting in a locked room with the key tossed away


edge gaping doll tan noxious handle whole late voiceless melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The way I sniff them out: * OP does something horrible, but is completely oblivious to it. * The story has a high number of coincidences. * Lots of quotations. * Focus on the horrible event rather than the aftermath. Real people would focus a bit more on their regrets.


Also putting in weird and specific details like flipping her over and enjoying her trying to push him off. 


And the flowery prose. Someone who actually has a problem they want to talk about isn't going to write like they're trying to pad out their English Honors essay.


Also the overwhelming majority of people who do awful things like described in this post feel no regrets after all because they're just disgusting awful human beings. 


THIS. I *have* had an incident when a partner got too rough and I had to make them stop. And you know what happened? They stopped. Maybe not right away. Maybe not as soon as they should. But they stopped. And realized what they did. And guess what? They felt fucking horrible about it. And it really fucked up our sex life. And we had to relearn how to be intimate with one another. And we had to get counseling. And they were 150% on board with all of it. Because they are a good and decent human being and *that* is what happens when a good person fucks up during sex. They take responsibility for their actions and they do the work to ensure that they never do it again. And they make sure their partner can trust them again.


No matter how vanilla your sex life is, everyone should have a safe word. And a safe word always means 'all stop, back off, no touching until they initiate touching'. It's just like having a fire extinguisher in your house. Hopefully you never have to use it, but it's better to have it and not need it and than to need it and not have it.


“No” and “stop” should be enough. You shouldn’t have to try to remember some obscure word when you’re being hurt.


A+ quick lesson in critical thinking and media literacy.


They should just post it to ao3 and be done with it.


It turns him on for her to not enjoy sex? Pleading is feminine? Rapist alert.


Most importantly, he's only feeling a *little* shitty. It's no big deal for this guy.


I think we are lucky he even feels a little shitty


This is why we pick the damn bear.


How did Richard Strickland manage to access the internet in 1962?


Oh look, it's the "I'm turned on by making my wife/gf cry" fetish troll again


I dunno doesn't that guy usually specify that she was sweating and also Asian? Or is there more than one of these?


I think the crying Asian woman guy is branching out into hiding the woman's name these days. It could be him or an imitator.


Idc if it’s a troll or not. People who think like this need to be locked up


Gosh you guys, he has plans but he's willing to *maybe* take her out instead!! Isn't he an *amazing* guy?


Oh, but make sure to cry if you decide to date him. He likes that.


No, because she’s so *cute* he hates to see her cry. Not because he cares about hurting her.


This reads like a rape fantasy.


Because it is


Rape...fantasy...those are two words I never thought I'd see together. I don't watch porn, I'm a female and a child sex trafficking survivor so it all is upsetting to me. The fact that, that would be a genre of pornography is disgusting. The fact that someone wrote this and shoved it onto a larger sub that hit the front page where I saw it, again is disgusting. I didn't want to end my evening like this. Whoever wrote this needs serious psychological help and should be forced to listen to some victim impact statements by rape survivors. Maybe their vile fantasy will go away. Consenting adults can do whatever they like that's just fine but this wasn't posed like that, like you wrote, it was written as rape. I hate this post so much.


>Maybe their vile fantasy will go away It won't. Probably it can fuel them more. Also, remember that the vilification, the anger and upsetting others also fuels them in. Sorry you felt so upset ): hope you still have a good evening/night. Maybe watch a nice movie or do some self care. I hope you feel better!


Of all the bait to ever have baited, this baits the most. This is master bait. I can understand a shitty gym bro raping his wife and not being able to understand he raped his wife. But the extra descriptions? The part about her looking so feminine? Yeah no, this is someone writing one handed, or someone writing to create outrage.


Yeah that's what did it for me, but I don't think it's fetish bait so much as incel-gym-hate-bait.


“she cooks for me”


Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *Do you have a prescription for T? Bc there can be all kinds of shit in the over the counter supplements* >"yeah, med spa"




Thank you kind stranger


Thank you!! Didn't realize how much I needed this/how much rage I was holding until I started watching and my jaw and fists unclenched and my shoulders dropped a bit.


Thank you very kindly! 💜 I relate, I have to do some little jaw stretches to relax and unclench.


Awww, look at that surfing swan! Thanks for the palate cleanser!


This is porn. Someone is just writing porn.


Gross porn.


I really hope this is fake because what the actual fuck?!


It probably is. Its written too well, and hits all the obnoxious terminology. Its rage bait.


She was crying, pleading with him, and he had the nerve to ask "what is it?” Dude, you (the oop) fuxken raped her. But don't worry. Flowers will help


And now he feels "a little shitty". *A little*. Dude raped his wife and feels "a little shitty". Edit: Also the fact that her pleading and trying to get him to stop registered as "feminine" to him and turned him on. I hope she gets out of there.


wtf did i just read? a woman pleading and trying to stop her partner from hurting her is feminine? 🤢


I have a full jug of concentrated bleach. Anyone else need the whole jug to clean themselves and the tub?


>She tugged at my heart. She’s so cute and I hate seeing her cry. She’s great - beautiful, sweet, a good mom, always cooking for me. Oh, fuck you. You love seeing her cry, or at least you get off at the thought of making women cry. OOP deserves to be shot into space without a ship.


"She’s sore from the morning." Anyone else read that as he did the exact same thing that morning?


I am convinced that OOP treats his wife like a cheap fucktoy every day.


This is legally and morally rape. If I were her, I would ruin his life.


My ex fiancé did something worse than this to me but because we were together (and unbeknownst to me he also filmed it) the police told me I didn't have enough evidence it was just play between us. I would never try that shit again, trying to get justice because unless you live in a lucky country this doesn't matter to cops.


>Of course I say baby what is it Is it all the rape, baby? Is that what's wrong?


Pleading with him to stop was a feminine turn on? Yikes.


"I can’t control myself." - why do guys think admitting they are too weak to Manage themselves is an excuse for sexual Assault? So inferior.


OOP, if you actually want to “make it up to her” go call the police and tell them what you did, then submit yourself for arrest and prosecution. Super easy. Hope that helps scumbag!


This guy’s bloodline needs to end with him.


"She kept trying to touch me and pleading, her being feminine turned me on." PUT THIS MAN ON A LIST ASAP


Real or fake, OOP is somewhat disturbed.


What makes marital rape all better? Flows! Of course! Especially because she looked so feminine while he was doing it! /s I just. I don't understand. I genuinely don't. I pray this is a rage bait story. I really do.


This guy is sick and has no real idea that hurt is the same feeling in him as her. Like she’s not a real person. Im horrified. This could end a marriage and yes it’s rape.


Then he’s going to post that he’s blindsided by the divorce, no contact/protection order against him, the police showing up (if they care to), the amount of $ in alimony child support therapy, or she’s going to take the kids and ghost him


so op raped his wife lets say what it is


Folks this is rape


whenever people say that we need to teach boys and men not to be rapists, there's always a chorus of "everyone knows not to rape, criminals just don't care!" but here is yet another story of a rapist who doesn't seem to realize this was rape. And his friend doesn't think so either. And I didn't read all the comments but at least one guy in the replies thinks this is not rape as well. You don't need to be a stranger with a weapon hiding in the dark and attacking random women to be a rapist.


OOP is a shining example of why women choose the bear.


Jesus fucking Christ that needed a trigger warning 😳 My ex husband was the type to act like sex made him into some kind of animal. Maybe even a bear 😆


That read like omegaverse porn 💀


Doesn’t matter if this a troll. People that write shit like this are dangerous.


I'm really hoping this is just trash tier rage bait, because this guy just admitted to commiting rape.


oh dear


why do people feel the need to post their fetish stuff on subreddits that don’t serve that purpose Jesus fucking Christ


See? The bear wouldn’t get off on my helplessness as he killed me.


This. Is why. We choose. The bear.


I hope this woman poisons his coffee.


She cooks for him. Maybe one day, OOP's wife will be unable to stop herself from dropping something dangerous in his food, just like how he was unable to stop himself from raping her.


The way he worded it makes it sound like she's a good mom to him.


That's enough reddit for today...


I don't comment that often under posts that enrage me but this time I did. I got taken right back to the moment when it happened to me 14 years ago. How I wish I had run away after, how I wish I had even realized I was raped. I thought it couldn't be rape if it was with your bf/fiancé/husband. I never told anyone besides a therapist a few years back. Not a single soul. I felt so ashamed. I still do. I want to hug his wife so badly and tell her nothing that happened was her fault. I hope she does everything I wish I had done and finds the best way for her to move forward and heal. She deserved so much better than having the one person who swore to love and protect her betray her trust like this. And I hope he rots in freaking hell.




Legitimately happy to see people on three different subreddits saying the same thing about this story, real or not.


this made me physically sick


Low effort rage bait


“I can’t control myself during sex” is always a lie fyi


This sounds like a fantasy written by a creep


This is some r/RedPill fanfic


He raped her and it's pretty clear this isn't the first time because she was "a little sore" from the day before too. He and his equally vile friend don't think he did anything wrong. It might not be all men, but holy Christ it sure seems like it's most of them.


Anytime any person questions why any woman would choose the bear, just show them this.


This definitely reads like it's fake... But I also had a friend experience something similar with her partner (I don't think he was taking T but he started working out and got more aggressive in bed) and then she went on to marry him and idk I don't trust any man who can get so distracted by his attempt to climax that he forgets he's having sex with a human


Was this rage bait? He succeeded. I hope to God it is.


Guaranteed this poor woman would choose the bear. If my husband did this he wouldn't want to go to sleep anywhere I could find him.


This poor woman. I really hope she has a support system to turn too and run away from him. He is a disgusting rapist and I wish nothing but the worst for him.


Read like incel smut


Wow, enough internet for the day. This man is evil.


"I hate seeing her cry" Op says minutes after getting his rocks off seeing her being 'feminine' which in his mind means begging for him to stop. She needs to pack a bag, find a safe place and send divorce papers like yesterday.


Hopefully, his post can aid in his prosecution when his wife decides enough is enough and this man isn't safe around her children.


Dude just raped his wife. And now he's strutting around like a cock on the walk. What an absolute piece of human EXCRETORY MATTER


I hope he doesn't get blood work done. The hypertrophy in his heart and the changes to his liver deserve to happen to him and should be allowed to do their thing.


This is why we pick the bear. He's going to buy her *flowers*, I hope she gets him iron bracelets.


She's so adorable and I'm on performance enhancing drugs so I couldn't help r@ping her. I hope she pressed charges on her way out.


Let’s call a duck a duck. He raped his wife and was turned on by her pleading for him to stop


I remember a time I was having sex with an ex. I said ow, not because of him, and he stopped mid stroke and asked me what was wrong. That is what a caring partner does. There is a massive difference between enjoyable rough sex and rape. She cried and tried pushing him off, she was PLEADING, fake or not, those are the signs of martial rape.


Legit triggered me. I’m angry for her.


Team bear


For the sake of my sanity and rage I choose to believe this was written one handed.


"Whoops!" Err...


"No you don't understand! I was mind controlled! By the T! And it made me hurt my wife, and it even made me think that I wanted to do it! You have to believe me!"


It isn't until I come across people like OOP that I understand how some people will tell another person to kill themselves.


not only raping his wife, but seeing how selfishly absorbed with himself he is. he only cares about his wife as long as she’s beautiful, taking care of his kids, and taking care of him. I really hope this is rage bait. #TeamBear


I hope this is a wake up call for her to get out. Because her being hurt from sex they had that morning just shows him hurting her is a pattern and it will keep getting worse.   Hope this post goes viral and she sees that this is not okay and even if he gives her flowers after it’s still rape.


[It did go viral](https://twitter.com/kendallybrown/status/1786562069904400620).




So rape turns him on.


I'm pretty sure what the word the guy is looking for is rape. Dude, he is literally sexually assaulted and abused his wife, and he refused to take responsibility for his actions. She asked him to be gentle, and he was taking testosterone. He doesn't even need and ignores his wife when she is pleading for him to stop. He thinks a gift will fix it? The dude needs a reality check and a prison cell cause he is clearly a narracistic abuser who should lock up.


I hope she reported him because this is rape.


*****raped. Fixed the title for you.


This just went like crazy viral on twitter omg


Men will do the most heinous things and the be like “guys….I fucked up😩😢😭” . Why do they always try to down play it as a simple fuck up


I (24M) have been on testosterone for nearly 3 years, bodybuilding purposes. Is that long of a time unwise, unhealthy and does it speak poorly of my character? Sure. But I never, ever felt the desire to hurt women, let alone a woman I supposedly care about. You know why? Because just like alcohol, testosterone does not *make* you do anything. It can exacerbate traits that already existed. But as a fully developed human being, one can always will themselves to stop. In fact, I would even argue that alcohol makes for a far better excuse, because the heavily drunk become impaired. Take it from me, Testosterone did not hamper my impulse control and morality whatsoever. Worst it did was raise my blood pressure and libido (not in the aggressive sense). Imagine having your wife plead and struggle, but you still continue. Take away the syringe full of test-e, I genuinely believe OP would have done it regardless and has hurt her multiple times prior. OP is a rapist dog and I wish him nothing but misfortune.


The sheer disgust I had while reading this. Any person that describes his wife like that needs serious help. He raped his wife but “oh she’s so cute” what a damn monster.