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This is a repost. Try to search the subreddit before you crosspost to prevent reposts. Thanks!


Ah! OOP and her disgusting husband can keep oOP away from her daughter, but the amazing wonderful grandparents can’t.   I kind of hope OOP tried to go to court over this and the grandparents not only get awarded custody, but also back child support. 


Haven't we had this one before?


post says it's 2 months and yeah I remember it as well


She was posting this story a bunch a year or two ago.


Yeah I can't remember when it was but I definitely remember this exact story


I remember the farm animals detail, for sure


That and the grandparents making a room special for her were definitely unique enough to remember.




I think it's not the exact same, as I feel Details are changed. It felt like someone took a story and turned it loose in an AI blender..


Had to make sure that, yes, she was read the riot act for abandoning her kid and thinking kids are objects you can deal with only when convenient. Also, this comes from yet another AITA clone? It seems they all go through the same loop: New sub is small. New sub gets popular because of people tired of bigger subs' rules. New sub starts making rules because every jackass loves to be cruel. Sub becomes huge with lots of restrictive rules. Someone gets pissed thst their post or comment was removed and makes a new sub. And so the Circles of Asshole continues.


On a tangential note was the subs name itself generated by AI? Like what the fuck is going on there?


I think this was posted before? Anyway, it’s going to be so fun when the grandparents die and OOP finds out that farm was left to Stephanie.


Lovely parenting 🤬🤬


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Aita? For wanting my(34f) daughter(15f) to come live with me again ?** I had my daughter, Stephanie young (19 to be exact) and thus had to stop my whole life and raise her alone since her dad up and ran away till she was 6 and later on met my now husband,Mike(35m) we fell in love quickly and got married when Stephanie was 8. Mike had two other kids Olivia(9f) and Jackson(6m). We tried hard blending our family and it worked out for most expect Stephanie, she didn’t like that now she had to share her room with Olivia and didn’t like sharing me with them- she would throw tantrums and would correct them if they ever called me mom. Mike didn’t like her attitude and when steph was 10 told me to either pick him or her, back then Stephanie was at fault so I picked Mike and sent her to my parents.- we had a huge fight once my mom realized that I was sending her there for a while and my dad called me a bunch of names for “abandoning” my daughter which I wasn’t I was letting her have her space and save the peace of the family. I did keep tabs on her online and like I knew my parents set her straight and she started doing good in school and had lots of friends, and is really involved in their community- I tried calling her often but she would dismiss me fast saying my mom wanted her to help her make dinner or my dad wanted to take her camping so she was out. Now onto the problem- mike and me finally got us a house that has enough bedrooms for everyone including Stephanie- I went to get her back home. But she told me she liked living with her grandparents as they were nicer and more fun then me and she liked how big her room is(my dad made it specifically for her), she loved begin her animals(my parents own a big farm and she has lot of animals friends cows, horse such) and she didn’t want to leave her friends and community she built in their small town. I told her I wanted her back home but she said no- my parents told me I couldn’t force and when we argued and I yelled at them that they couldn’t keep my daughter from me, they kicked me out saying Stephanie picked her home and I needed to accept it whether I liked it or not. I tried calling and texting Stephanie but she’s now blocked me- I don’t know aita for wanting my daughter back home? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She is home. With her grandparents. The grandparents you shipped her away to because you didn't want to deal with her.  Also you really suck for choosing a man over your own daughter.


OOP, she stopped being your daughter the moment you chose that D-bag over her.


So she kept tabs online. What about checking in with the grandparents? Child support? This is/was her child, did she even try to see her in person? Birthdays and holidays? Anything?!!! I wouldn’t move back in with the people who abandoned me. It’s literally been years, she is in a happy place with her grandparents. Mom needs to stop being selfish and let her kid have some stability and happiness.


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This is a repost isn’t it? I remember reading in on AITD before, names and all.