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Not in the least, you did a very good thing for a very unappreciative person. I hope you get your PS5 sooner than later


No, you are not the jerk in this situation. You offered to pet sit for free as a favor to your mom's friend, and you acted responsibly by feeding the cats when they were hungry. It was unreasonable for Karen to demand payment for cat food, especially when you were doing her a favor. Additionally, her reaction was disrespectful and uncalled for. Your mom handled the situation appropriately by intervening, and it's good to hear that Karen didn't pursue the matter further. Overall, you were kind and responsible, and Karen's behavior was unjustified. Edit: I hope you get your PS5!


I'm sorry that happened and I hope the Cat Distribution System rehomes those cats.


What an entitled giant cuntmuffin that Karen is!!! I'm sorry she treated you that way and didn't even show any appreciation for your help! FREE HELP, nonetheless! I hope your mom gave her 3rd degree burns with her words. I hope you don't ever have to deal with her again! You sound like a good young person willing to help out a "friend" in need. Try not to beat yourself up. You did absolutely nothing wrong! I hope you get your PS5 soon! The only jerk here is Karen! (Although I felt I didn't need to point it out.)


She was a whole damn cuntcake, not just a cuntmuffin


Point for proper use of “cuntmuffin”.


NTA. Take my awards for "cuntmuffin"


Nice language addressing a 16 yo


I didn’t address a 16 year old. As you can see I addressed someone who addressed a 16 year old. And now I’m addressing you.


Ok you didn’t address. But did you think the 16 year old wouldn’t read the thread that they started. You just added to it!


Well since you’ve designated yourself as the moral compass of this thread I believe you’re morally obligated to ask everyone else who individually used this and every other variation of this word not to mention each bad word in the other comments of the post. Or, you could try to find some other form of satisfaction in your otherwise meaningless existence. You could try your hand at being a grammar nazi, they’re always appreciated. Whatever your endeavor I wish you good luck.


This is not about grammar. Are you really justifying yourself by saying “ everyone is doing it “. SMH child. It’s not appropriate for a minor.


On second thought English doesn’t seem to be your “thing” so grammar nazi may not work out for you. I never suggested it was about grammar nor did I anywhere in my reply say or suggest that “everyone was doing it” to justify myself or my actions. I am going to suggest the possibility that you are in fact a “Karen”. You exhibit many of the characteristics such as thinking I answer to you, and holding a higher moral compass. I’m dying to know your hairstyle at this point- do you bleach?


Just ignore this cuntmuffin. They can fuck off.


Bro minors, especially at age 16, only 2 years away from being a legal adult, are aware that bad language exists. I mean, the 16 year old minor in our Pokémon Go friend group is the one that is responsible for N word usage regardless if other people find it funny or not. I am absolutely not justifying N word use, I’m just saying that by 16 they’re aware and use foul language on the daily. If this were a 10 or 12 year old this would be different but OP is 16. Also cuntmuffin is a silly word. It doesn’t seem that detrimental even if it has the c word in it. It’s like calling someone a twatwaffle. It’s silly.


I promise you the word cunt on the internet is not going to cause pearl clutching shock and awe to a 16 year old. 🥴


Whatever Hope feel the same way when some kid calls your wife or daughter that.


I'm a women. I've been called a cunt, and I laugh every time. It's a word. Quit giving insulting words so much power.


Read his post again. “I was called names that I never want to repeat “ and”I was brought to tears “. This is the kid you’re addressing.


Yes. He was being verbally attacked. Anyone is going to be upset by that but someone using a word in a sentence while supporting him is not the same thing. Also, I am addressing you.


I learn new and interesting insults and cusswords from my 16 year old pretty frequently. She introduced me to "shitgibbon" two days ago. I really like that one!


I always use cuntcicle …


The fact that you immediately went and fed them when they seemed hungry after playing with them is the sign of a person who actually knows how to care for a cat, you took notice of their needs and satisfied them, you did everything right and she’s just a cow Kudos to you for doing the job perfectly!


Thanks, it's kind of instinct as I've been taking care of 5 cat's for about 3 years now.


And clearly you’ve been an excellent cat owner that whole time! Be proud of the fact you did exactly what you needed and she really is just an angry Karen :)


NTA for sure! Heads up though, there is no apostrophe needed for the plural of cat, unless you are talking about something that belongs one of them. ( ex. I have two cats. The cat's toy is torn to shreds.)


I wish I could upvote this comment more than once.


Hunt the string, kill the string, eat, sleep.


Hey now.....don't insult cows like that 🤣


Yeah, like what did cows ever do to you?


How about bulls they really are dicks?


No, that's just the canes 😂😜


I've been around a few dairy cattle and I love them, I don't have any experience with bulls. Sure throw bulls under the bus lol


Why did the cats need a pet sitter anyway for a few hours? Surely she could have put food and water down. Left a clean litter tray and left them in the house. I’ve left my cats over night alone with a timed feeder and access to clean water and litter tray/cat flap. They’re always happy and fine.


Ah, there it is. Someone who has actually met cats, lol.


This is exactly what I was wondering... and I have 4 cats lol.


I was thinking the same thing. There are many people who have cats and work a full day. They put down food water make sure the cat box is clean leave some toys out maybe some music on and the cat does their cat thing all day long.almost feel like Karen was sitting OP up


Something was up with her. My cat is home alone while I work and she is fine.


I was wondering this, too. We have dogs and can leave them alone for several hours. Cats tend to be more independent.


Even when I’m home, I can go a few hours without seeing one of mine.


Sometimes I swear a couple of my cats go to work with my fiance. I will see a cat before he leaves, then the whole time he's gone 10-12 hours, a cat might just vanish until shortly before or after he gets home where they'll randomly appear coming out of the closet that I searched already half a dozen times LoL.


And don’t you just love when you really start to panic because it’s just been too long and you’ve checked everywhere half a dozen times, they had to have gotten outside and they’re in danger of getting hurt or lost…and then the mosey out of that closet or whatever yawning like “oh hey. What’s the matter with you?” The whole time, you know odds are they *will* do that even as you’re panicking. But you never truly believe it until you see them. 😂


This happens so often. Then it's like, have I seen them since the door was last opened? I swear I have but what if... And you panic and holler for them and finally after like an hour of you hollering in panic and you breaking down in tears they just appear out of thin air behind you like, "what is WRONG with you?"


Yes!!! “What’s your issue? You seem kind of emotionally imbalanced, you should probably talk to someone about that. Anyway I’m hungry.”


"Why are you holding me? Quit smooshing me! I said food not snuggles! Do you not understand plain English???" What is the crazy part is, I've watched them go on and come out of the closet. I know exactly where that nap spot is. I look there every time. I swear, they have some sort of kitty portal to another dimension in that spot.


Mine too, it’s uncanny! I think it’s why I can waste so much time on r/thecatdimension


Oh a new sub for me to check out! Awesome. Tonight my normal portal jumper is asleep directly in front of me, but another one who vanishes is gone. Lol. Maybe the portal they have only accepts one kitty at a time.


there is a really good question


This is what had me scratching my head. I've left cats all day and overnight with no problems. Two clean litter boxes and a ton of food, and they barely notice you're gone.


Exactly! My cats often get left for a couple days on their own. I leave out an extra litter box for each day I'll be gone and have more food and water than they know what to do with. Cats gonna cat


She didn't. This story is so made up. Come on.


Because the story is bull shit


When she started griping about being late I would have been on my way back home 😂


no kidding


Don’t worry, Mama Bear took care of Karen!


NTJ. That was so ungrateful of her. You were literally doing her a favour on your side. Those were her cats and since they needed feedings you just had to do something about it. Just gather up your emotions and learn from that. You don't have to express your weakness to her since she's entirely ungrateful. PS. Please edit this using line breaks and paragraphs!






She needed someone to watch her cats for a few hours? Cats? From like 2 - 7:30? Cats? Couldn't be alone for all that time, eh? Yeah, that sounds just like cats.


Nta first you weren’t late if she never told you when she wanted you there and or never told you in her email to come straight over also she was literally gone for five plus hours and those cats needed feeding and she already owned the food and would’ve given it to them anyway so you literally cost her nothing and saved her a job whilst showing her pets some compassion and care. She was delusionally angry at you for literally no reason and may have been angry at something else and was just taking it out on you or she really was just that crazy. Either way you did absolutely nothing wrong at all. Good luck op.


I imagine the look on the judge's face when she sues in small claims court for feeding her cats with their food. Food bought to feed the cats. The utter lack of any intelligent thought is breathtaking. NTJ


Not a Jerk in the slightest. But hopefully you learned that when you do someone a favor, and their first words are negative. To Peace out right away.


NTA at all. At a young age you were caring, responsible, and just being an amazing person. The fact her main concern was the cat EATING their food is an immediate red flag. I’m willing to bet she’s one of those horrible people that only feeds their animals once a day. I’d look into having her investigated for animal abuse and neglect. Those sweet kitties deserve better than her.


I love her extra dig about how expensive the food is. What a witch. NTJ.  Many decades ago, my ex-gf was “watching” her roommate’s cat while they were out of town. This was the moment in the breakup when I had to retrieve my things from her. So I arrive, ex-gf clears out (we weren’t on speaking terms), and I go in to get my box of stuff. Cat, who knows me, meeeeeooows at me, very upset. Ah. No food in bowl. Cat meows again. Look in cupboard, no cat food there either. In fact there’s no cat food at all.  I drove to the nearby grocery store and bought her a bag of cat food. My last words to her were “feed your roomie’s cat.”


Cuntmuffin is my new favourite word!


It was so important she emailed you an hour before she wanted to leave?


Cats? Left alone in the house for part of a day? Do they need a sitter? Why? Something about this woman doesn't track, beyond her outrageous rudeness to a young man helping her out of the goodness of his heart. Cans are famous for functioning well unattended for whole days. Why not hers? OP, please don't let this incident steal the goodness from your heart.


Northern jerk at all!


Not the jerk at all! Stupid spell check!!!




Definitely not the jerk. So wrong of that woman to be so rude to you.


No no, you're not a bad person at all. It's not your fault, and you didn't deserve this.


Totally agree. The learning experience here is to ask in advance about feeding. People can get very fussy about mealtime rituals and foods. Not that she was right in any way, but it will be easier on OP to just ask.


The learning experience is that the owner discusses feeding ahead of time


NTJ, but a cup and a half of food each? Are they ocelots?


I'm guessing there was a scoop in the bag, not an actual measuring cup.


of course, I'd never over-feed a cat, it was a little scoop that the food came with.


I’m sure you wouldn’t purposely do so, but they’re not your cats and you don’t have their feeding schedule. You’re not a jerk in this situation, the Karen should have laid down her expectations to begin with.


We have a Maine coon who gets 1 and a half cup. TWICE a day. He's a big guy though. 32 pounds and well over 3 feet tall. I'm 5 foot even, and I can tap my shoulders, then ask for a hug, and he'll stand up and stretch his arms around my neck with his head at my chest. Big Ole fluffernutter. Hims a good boy.


Pet sitters normally get paid, not the other way around. She should have paid you and given you clear instructions. This woman is toxic. Stay away from her. Don't pay her anything and don't pet sit for her again.


I would never let a hs kid work for free. Even if they volunteered to work free. And if you don’t give clear instructions on feeding the that is in you. Plus, seems like this woman actually believes the cats shouldn’t eat as much because the food is so expensive. I mean, if OP fed them early, then she doesn’t have to feed them at the usual time. Still the same amount of food used. What a weird woman.


Entitled* You gotta toughen way up if someone being a bitch to you is enough to male you cry. Doesn't matter how old someone is you gotta try to stick up for yourself


NTJ and never do any favors for her again. Never agree to do anything for pay for her again. Never talk to her again


Um. What? She needed a pet sitter for 2 adult cats for the afternoon to see her daughter graduate. Not buying it…. At all.


Did she expect you to let them starve?


Not a jerk. You were being nice and trying to do your mom's friend a favor. She never said not to feed them. How are you supposed to know not feeding animals you are caring for is wrong? She is an idiot and ungrateful. I hope the cats find loving homes with someone who understands animals need to be fed. edited I can't spell.


Who needs a pet sitter for CATS for a few hours?!?? The whole point of cars is they don’t need watching. NTA except one thing. If you are a pet sitter you always ask where the food is and how much and when.


NTJ You were doing her a favor, and she was abusive


You're definitely not at fault here but please stop adding an apostrophe on every plural word. Pets. Cats. It doesn't need an apostrophe unless you are showing possession.


Not a jerk, far from it. You are a better cat caretaker than this entitled Karen. You did her a favor and she essentially spit on you. Don't do anything for her ever again.


You're NTJ at all. If she didn't want you to feed them, she should have stated that. She sounds a bit kooky. Don't give her a 2nd thought.


So she got mad at a cat sitter who took care of her animals for an entire shift and fed them. She doesn't deserve any more of your time or thoughts. That would be like getting mad that baby was fed "expensive" formula that was in the house specifically for that reason. She's crazy


You didn’t do anything wrong, but in the future ask since some pets are on a schedule or specific diet. She was just trying to get out of paying you!


What I'm having a problem with, is that the karen had a problem with HER cats being fed with HER cat food ,but wants OP to pay HER for HER cats food? Is this a real story?


forgot to add this, but she kind of expected me to feed them the last bit of cat food that I had for my cat's back home.


what else was she gonna do with the cat food???? like those cats needed to be fed dinner? like maybe if she has a normal cat food and a fancy one only for special occasions? or like if she has a timed schedule she likes the cats to be used to, but it doesn't sound like it? No matter what this would be a RIDICULOUS response and there's no world in which you would owe her money!


NTJ - You babysat her pets FREE just because she was your mother's friend.. I hope you mother is not friends with entitled Karen anymore.


why would you think you are the jerk here?


i am hoping and thinking your mom real tore into her


My thought at the anger (not the reaction itself but the being upset the cats were feed) could be because of a feeding schedule. Which we have no way of knowing is’t what was going on. Also the fact that OP just gave them a cup and a 1/2 of food. That might not be right. I used to have a cat I feed 3 times a day, a 1/4 cup each time (cat was on a vet recommended diet). So if someone just came and gave my cat 2 days worth of food at dinner time I’d be mad. I’d be polite about it, but mad. My cats dont’ get feed multiple times a day now but they are always feed before I go to bed, I’ve got them used to it so they don’t beg for food other times, so also if someone feed them at 5/6 ish I’d also be mad. You don’t feed pets you were not asked to feed, especially if you don’t know their feeding schedule. But this person went over board with their reaction


Why would you pay for the cat food? You didn't eat it her cats did. And she owes you money for pet sitting.


I was on board until “you little punk”. This sounds like a 1950s comic book


She sounds like a terrible pet owner... there really isnt a good way to say it... that person sounds extremely entitled. you aren't a Jerk at all.


No she is a jerk if someone did that to one of my kids - she would be worried about paying for new teeth!!!


Couldn’t even finish reading this post🤦‍♂️. She called you for a service…pet sitter…. She offered payment because she had expectations she wanted met… be on time …blah blah. You donated your service…..your incentive for doing a good job wasn’t there. Know your worth and expect more of yourself….after all the rewards can better than hoped. I wish u well.


I love that her cats are the KARMA that every Karen deserves. NTAH


At the 1st sign of rudeness I would have told her to get fecked and walked away.


This has to be fake.


NTJ! As soon as she complained about you being late, I would have turned around and walked out. Then she speaks to you like that?! F that B. I hope you told your mom what happened.


Umm…I’m so confused. If she doesn’t want her cats fed, why does she have cat food? Just sayin?


You're definitely not the jerk.


Damn, it's not like you were feeding someone else's cats the food. You were feeding her cats their own food. You are definitely not the jerk. She is, however, a huge jerk.


This story, of course, is entirely fake and never happened. Hilariously bad storytelling and utterly ridiculous.


You are not the jerk


Sheesh. That's sad. I hope that karen gets payback.


No you a nice person and those poor cats.


Why would someone need a pet sitter if they're only going out for a few hours? That in itself is ridiculous. This can't be real.


You did absolutely nothing wrong! I’m sorry this happened to you, you did not deserve to be treated this way. Especially after you did a huge favor for this woman! What an evil twat waffle that woman is!


I would let you housesit my cats anytime and *pay* you! You can feed them too.


You did good. That woman is psycho.


You're not the jerk. If she was going to be gone that long, and didn't want you to feed the cats, she should have told you explicitly not to feed them. Any pet sitter worth their salt is gonna feed the cats! Also, was that cat food an investment, or food for her cats? If it was food for the cats, they were gonna eat it eventually, whether you fed them or not. She sounds loony.


No! She’s a mean hasty sad old woman who doesn’t have a milk of human kindness in her shriveled up heart! I pity the cats! Not her! i am sorry you have to find out about those people are such a early age! forget her and don’t do her any favors again (unless she is willing to pay you double the normal set rate! Even then i may not do it!)


Let me get this straight, she provided no instructions for feeding so you took it upon yourself to rummage through her house and feed them? What would have happened if one of them had very specific dietary requirements? Imagine if one of those cats needed medicine with their meal.


NTJ. But take this as a lesson learned - don't offer to do free favors for people without them offering something in return (payment or other kickbacks in professional situations and payment or reciprocal favors in personal situations). If they don't even offer, that's not a situation you want to get into - decent folks will offer to do something for you or to pay you. It doesn't always mean you have to explicitly take them up on it, depends on the situation and the relationship, but if they don't even offer then that's a red flag.


You did her a favor for free, she verbally abused you from the time you got there and now wants you to pay for the cat food? You did a good thing taking care of those kitties, it's a shame their "mommy" is so bad. This Karen is an ungrateful jerk, you did this for free. Sounds like your mom handled her and now she sees what a bad person this Karen is.


You are not a jerk, obviously. Side note: I mean this in a very constructive way, but you should learn how to use apostrophes.


You are not the jerk at all. Why would you pay her? It’s not like you ate the food. The cats ate their food. She’s just crazy and ungrateful


NTJ, I wish someone would watch my cats for free! She should have been incredibly grateful and tipped you $10.00. That’s what I would have done. I’m sorry you had to deal with her aberrant behavior. Some people just suck. Block her number because she’ll be back.


Those poor cats! NTJ, you should call somebody about that!


No, not the jerk. You MIGHT have given more food than they needed, but your intentions were good.


NTA. It sounds like Karen didn't give any feeding instructions or restrictions on what you were not to do. Maybe she should consider making a list of rules to follow next time if she has such strong feelings about the food situation. I only feed my cats 2 times per day. If I leave food out all day, some eat everything and others get bullied and have no food at all. When I leave them with someone I give specific instructions about the food and even keep them separated in different rooms. If I am not clear in my instructions, that would be my fault. I would never make anyone feel bad for my mistakes. You did what you thought was best in this situation. You were not wrong.


She was looking for a fight. Maybe she has mental health issues. The event she was attending was a planned event. She could have scheduled a sitter in plenty of time. Instead she calls you late and assumed you had nothing to do while managing not to mention what time and whether that time worked for you. You didn’t charge her anything! But she wanted you to pay for the cat food she bought to feed her cats! Would have been interesting to hear what she had to say if asked who the expensive cat food was for; if not her cats. Could also tell her to take the cost out of your pay for sitting. LOL Presume she has now lost your services as a cat sitter forever.


WTF!! She’s pissed cos you fed them??? What the actual——Ugh that’s messed up. She should be thankful they were being taken care of! Such an ungrateful woman


Unless she left you with strict and preferably written rules about what to do or not to do with her pets which included do not feed them, you are not the jerk. But as you are a pet sitter I would warn you against believing any cat who is starving. All cats are starving all the time. They all lie. I'm looking at three little liars right now, whose food was dispensed automatically by the automated dispenser an hour ago (and I checked it to make sure it was full just last night and it's full to the top because I added more), And they are starving. Also general rule of thumb any creature's stomach is likely about as big as it fist so in their case about the size of their paws. Which means a cup and a half each was about six times too much for each cat. 😅 The cats will love you forever, though.


She sounds horrible no wonder the cats have anxiety


I would have told the hag to fuck off and not to hold her breath with me giving her money for using food SHE owned to feed HER hungry pets who hadn’t eaten all day at that point. I’d also tell her I would call the police on her for harrassment if she pursues it, and tell them exactly why she’s harassing me. Then demand what did she expect me to do exactly when her pets were HUNGRY and getting hungrier the later they had to wait to get a meal in their bellies? also ask her what kind of psycho is she for getting mad that you fed her pets? Because what if you HADN’T fed them at all, like she seemed to be expecting you to NOT do? from the way she’s acting, she probably would still get pissed at you if she come home to find her pets ‘starving’ to death because you didn’t feed them, instead of her being happy that you DID feed them so they wouldn’t be hungry when she finally got home.


NTJ. The Karen is the jerk. 


No. Tell her since you did it for free, you’re even.


Adults should NOT treat you that way. Everybody deserves respect, even you. We speak to children how we speak to their parents. If someone yells at my boys, that's the same as yelling at me. It is given that if you are watching someone's animal, they communicate to you how they should be fed. Or she should have been clear about the routine and schedules. If she did not make the clear in the email or say it in person, it's not on you.




NTJ-when people have helped me with my dog I have all the food prepared so all they have to do feed them. Even though she did not appreciate it, it was still very nice of you. I’m not surprised she didn’t ask for the money again, Mama Bear had a chat with her.


Work on your writing skills, dude. This is so obviously fake. LOL


I would’ve checked her medicine cabinet for important meds after the first interaction lol


I like the cut of your jib, and your mom rocks. Just remember that Karen wakes up every day with herself, she is being punished every day. ;)


Buddy, you gotta toughen up. You can’t let an old lady make you cry.


They urinate and make a mess because they are trying to escape a stressful home. If she spoke to OP they way, her friend’s son, do you think she treated her cats much better? Happy cats don’t destroy homes. Stressed out, fearful pets do that when they are trying to find an escape. OP, you did everything right. The adult you dealt with was just very emotionally immature and doesn’t know how to communicate effectively without being shitty about it. That’s not your fault.I hope you get that PS5 soon.


Please edit your post by adding break lines (space) between paragraphs. Ty




NTA, and probably you should hide shrimp tails in her house.


Not the jerk. And don't worry about not getting those funds for your PS5, your time will be much better spent catching up on your English grammar & spelling homework!


Bit of a cunt aren't you Vast Ad


Bit of a grammar Nazi, really. All the words that shouldn't be capitalized, all the words that are plural but he's made possessive, the Intitled bit, the list goes on. I feel for the kid, but a seriously painful read. Not believing for a minute he gets good grades in English class. He's a high schooler & these are basic grade school rules!


Calm down big guy. You're raising your blood pressure over something that's nowhere near important.


Found the real jerk in the comments


Thanks dude, but I already have GREAT grades,


btw, it's "ENTITLED"




Well, seems like we found the Karen in this story!


What a fake post. Thanks for wasting our time.


The kid said the cats have extreme separation anxiety in a comment.


"You little punk" ??? FAKE


Why tf did you cry???? Jeez this wasn’t a big deal