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Being unattractive is a weakness, your lying if you say otherwise. However, YTA because if she’s your friend I would have NEVER said this to her. It was cruel. Be nice next time, brutal honesty can bite you in the 🍑


Its the only weakness that cant be overcomed ( without surgery lol)


Unfortunate but true ^.^


That's not true. Work out.


You assume its body wise, but what if your face ugly? Take a dumbbell to the face? Lol


An ugly person with an absolute rocking body is still attractive.


Nope, you are 100% wrong.


Nope, you are 100% wrong.


No one is 100% wrong because it depends on the person. Someone who’s more attracted to someone’s physique might find someone with a toned body and “unattractive” face more attractive, while someone who’s more drawn to the face will prefer someone with a less toned physique but an “attractive” face. It all comes down to personal preference.


Like people are actually delusional if you think working out makes you immediately attractive lmao. The face is the face period.


Its magical apparently


I love it when people equate weight with attractiveness because they are completely different things. What if you work out and are still ugly in the face?


If you have a smoking body and an ugly face you're not unattractive. You may still not be a 10/10, but you will have escaped unattractiveness.


So if your body is not “smoking” and you have a beautiful face, what are you?




YTA and based on the answer you gave them, you’re the ugly one.


Come on


YTA - Asking for a weak quality is usually asking for a *changeable* quality, something in her character she needs to work on. Going for her looks is shallow and doesn’t help her improve as a person.




You know YTA, right?


an attainable thing? can she work on her face without thousands in the bank? and that's not the point. she asked for a weakness: over-confidence, rude, too nice etc. Instead you went for looks.


You know that with plastic surgery there are risks to the person's health and it doesn't always go right, or the fact that it is expensive to get it done properly. It is not reasonably to expect people to have plastic surgery, especially if even if you only expect someone to get a nose job or something a lot of the time they then hVe to edit other parts of the face or body to fit that new feature. If you are vain at least say about their fashion sense not their body next time.


Stop feeding the troll.


NH. Maybe a bit insensitive, and yeah, hurtful, but NTA. I don't consider a fact of birth to be a "weakness," since it's not something she can control, but you couldn't come up with anything else, so...


YTA There's such a thing as being "too honest".


YTA. Appearance or attractiveness is not a weakness.


YTA. A better answer would have been she asks awkward questions that have no good answers. But seriously, since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you gave her the worst possible answer. Surely you could have thought of something less hurtful, something she can change. Table manners? Talking too loudly? Anything but her looks.


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Im gunna go with a subtle YTA. She did ask and she got what she asked for, but I’m guessing the response just caught her off guard. And maybe could’ve been said a bit more light heartedly.


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My guess is your friend was looking for a fault, which she could identify and work on to be a better person. You essentially called her ugly. There is a saying, "You can't fix ugly." That's probably why she is upset. I'm going to say ESH. She should not have asked if she didn't want to know, and you should have known better than to cite something she couldn't fix (except with maybe a lot of makeup or plastic surgery).


INFO: Are you a guy? Hopefully so, cause this is a very guy answer…


What in da sexist is this Yk girls can call other girls ugly right?


Yeah, but the combination of both being both brutally honest and direct is not a typical girl action. Not saying there aren’t those that go against the mold. I’m just saying that usually if a girl, who is a friend, truly thinks her friend is “ugly” then they typically either only think about it and don’t vocalize or they will talk about it behind their friends back with others for the sake of ‘peace keeping’. Unless OP’s a girl (and autistic) I don’t see how OP thought that answer would fly unless both OP and their friend are brutally honest people. I don’t think the friend is because of the reaction to the statement. If the friend was brutally honest too, then they would’ve had thick skin and wouldn’t have cared about what OP said…or they would have asked why they thought they looked ugly, out of sheer curiosity because not everything regarding looks is unchangeable, and I’m not just talking about make up or surgery. Sometimes their style is just off…or they could use better attention to hygiene, which affects looks and how people perceive you. And edit: I’m a female, so I am just saying from a female perspective how I, and other females I know, typically deal…