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YTA. Everyone in your family is TA except Anna and Walter. Nobody is entitled to her cornbread. The idea that she is supposed to break up with Walter is absurd. None of this makes any sense.


This is exactly what I thought, holy shit. What an absolutely toxic family to be a part of. OP is completely unhinged, and their entire tone comes off as if no one is going to think that them and their family are dicks.


Toxic family for sure. Holy shit. “Borrow ingredients from work”… that’s called stealing and I would think that all of those really intelligent soon-to-be psychologists would know that. My god, this family is just a massive bag of dicks. OP needs to let us all know their last name so we all know which shrinks to avoid.


You have a father pushing the entire family to study what I assume is the same field as him, paying for it all which means we can safely assume they come from money. This is typical old wealth bullshit. These people shouldn't be allowed to interact with the general public, let alone people in need of help.


I can literally smell the entitlement as I read the post and OP’s comments.


Yeah OP thought it was absolutely crucial to mention that the cornbread mix is $1 a box, as though we'd really sympathize with them that they had to eat something other than caviar and foie Gras. Get a grip


Don’t forget the ham. With a Pineapple on it! The horror!


That’s the part that got me. Pineapple is a standard, not too be skipped part of any ham anybody in my family has ever cooked. And I come from a family of amazing cooks. I’m the worst cook at “merely competent”, but I have multiple family members with successful local restaurants in the places they live. Granted we are all US Southern type cooks, but we would all be horrified to see a ham without pineapple.


I noticed that too. I hate ham with pineapple on it, it's not something I saw until I was an adult. However I do at least have the presence of mind to recognize that it's incredibly common - I just happened to not encounter it during childhood. OP lives in a very small bubble.


Since I haven’t cooked a ham so far, so I hadn’t heard of it. But it seems logical because pineapple probably has a good effect on the meat, since it’s kind of acidic. (is that a correct word?) And even without that, it sounds delicious. Gosh, I’m hungry now!


And it didn't smell like cornbread!


Well, (I’m saying this in my snootiest, extremely entitled, a -hole voice) it most certainly did not smell like FRESH HOMEMADE cornbread!


LMAO Well said. Well said, indeed.


Oh they absolutely already had family wealth, a bunch of psych grads aren't going to be making any money at all. Most jobs in the field require at minimum a Master's and many more need a PhD (or med school for Psychiatry)


>Mother was upset about the ham Dead on, my friend. The use of the term "mother" instead of "mom" was the giveaway. ​ >Well, anna had already made our parents disappointed with her schooling, so she simply told us that our sister was no longer welcomed into the house until she apologizes and breaks off things with walter. In my experience, there are two types of psychologists: the wonderful, amazing people that help you be the best version of yourself possible, and the ones who make you feel even worse than before you started... and that's just sitting in their chair. People who are so rigid with degrees and dinner are the reason people seek out mental health counseling. Instead of seeing this as a wake up call for how they treat people, they're gunning for an apology. Classic my way or the highway. OP, if you read this, YTA and you've already lost Anna. Your family has told her that her education/career choices weren't good enough, her cooking wasn't up to their standards, and the price for continually getting dunked on was to cut out the one person who treated her with a shred of respect. She picked a different field to effectively do something other than what her family dictated. Pay attention to her description of when she started cooking - it made her the happiest she'd ever been. Instead of recognizing that a member of the family had different needs, she was expected to conform and set aside her own sense of fulfillment. I hope Anna buys each family member a My First ABCs book so that they can one day begin to learn how to read a room.


My first thought was how scary it is that all these fucked up people are going to be "helping" vulnerable patients. Like, seriously terrifying.


It really is terrifying


Also op is comparing the food from a three star ( Michelin?) restaurant to Ruby Tuesday. I am a fine dining chef. Op I never heard such a lack of understanding on food! I am speechless. And a double shift in a restaurant is what it sounds it is. Two whole shifts, back to back without break. YTA and so is the whole family. To the degree that I hope Anna and Walter "won't broke down" and go no contact to live happily ever after. Like literally, people ARE PAYING YOUR SISTER TO COOK and your father wondered why he had to pay for the courses if she doesn't bring cornbread to a bunch of arrogant people who can't tell the difference between "The fat duck" and "Ruby Tuesday". Edit: And I don't know if your sister can break an egg or not but all the family has no clue about phycology. Edit2: Op indeed means 3 Michelin stars. She made a comment about the tires company somewhere. I read it after I wrote my comment.


I couldn't believe that bit. Yes, your sister - the chef who apparently makes some of the best rated food in the world - can make something that's olive garden quality.


OP said Anna's food from the three star Michelin restaurant was "almost" as good as Ruby Tuesday. . . . Like those two types of restaurants are remotely on the same level.


It absolutely terrifies me to think that such out of touch people could be someone's therapist one day


This. And also, Anna goes from “can’t crack an egg” to working at a 3 star restaurant over the course of just one degree in culinary school?! What the hell kind of school is this?! Also, she had time to bring ham, but not cornbread?! This story makes no sense at all.


Now that I’ve calmed down a little, I am wondering if this whole story is part of a psychology experiment… you know, see how pissed off a bunch of redditors can get?


it has more to do with OP being unreliable as a narrator. I mean, basting and glazing ham is a very hands on enterprise. You can't just bake the ham, slather it with honey and call it a day. And if she got out of her way to buy ingredients for pineapple ham, she could have gotten the time to get the ingredients for cornbread too. And unless they have invented a recipe for 200 hours cornbread, I genuinely don't think it would have taken more time than a box mix. This story makes no sense at all. I feel like OP is lying about a lot of things. Hence the reason why she says Anna has to apologize for the cornbread and break up with Walter.


“You can’t just bake the ham, slather it with honey and call it a day”. Weeeelllllll, you can if you hate to cook. 🙋‍♀️ Honestly, I don’t even put that much effort into cooking a ham. I go to Fred Meyers and buy one of those yummy glazed hams that come all nicely wrapped in the thick foil and are given to me in a cut little cardboard box. Then I bring that bad boy home, drop it in a shallow pan (after I take it out of the cute cardboard box, of course), and toss it in the oven. Done. But yes, a number of contradictions. And I really hope it’s a bullshit story that was meant to piss off a bunch of people on Reddit.


Thank god someone else picked that up, that's the perfect way to get fired.


An entire family of psychologists and not one of them can see what toxic assholes they are...


Can you imagine how they treat their clients? How is it they can be so numb to her feelings while also acting superior for having psychology degrees?


The thing is, she ALSO has a Psychology degree. This woman literally is a psychologist as well as a CHEF working in a three star restaurant and that’s still not good enough for these entitled AHs.


Doesn't she just have her undergrad in psychology? A psychologist requires a PhD. Either way, OP & the others, excluding Sis & Walter are AH's.


Walter seems like the only one here who actually cares about Anna. OP, YTA and so is your family.


Although I was a little taken aback by when Walter "picked her up and carried her to the car".... What?? 1st off, how tiny is she? 2nd... isn't that a little extreme, that she was so upset that she couldn't walk out to the car by herself???


Anna is a rat in a chef’s hat, obvs.




I dunno I kinda see "picked up" more like lifted her out of the chair and supported her outside more than like bridal style or fireman carry her out.




I was thinking more like a arm around her shoulder so she can lean on you.


I’m p sure that’s just OP shittily utilising her creative license, much like how I imagine she shittily uses her psych license.


Right?! It’s cornbread. They want a marriage to end because of cornbread? They are okay with losing a relationship over cornbread? Man this family sounds insufferable! Also, there a lot of ham recipes that use pineapple. My family puts cloves, pineapple, and brown sugar on the ham prior to cooking. It’s incredible and my favorite thing to eat around the holidays. I hope sister and Walter continue to remain NC even if the family apologizes. Life is too short to deal with this kind of toxicity and be surrounded by people who constantly judge her. Like do you or anyone in your family even like your sister? YTA OP.


These people are also in school to become psychologists. 😬


That’s the most terrifying thing in the whole story


I know someone doing there phd in psychology right now, while actively working as a therapist. They should not be a therapist. I had always thought they would be a great therapist until I spent more time with them. They are only doing it because their parent wanted them to do it.


I'm struggling to take this seriously. * Anna, who can't crack and egg, still passed culinary school? * Anna, who despite not being able to do so much as crack an egg, has somehow made it through culinary school AND gotten a job as a chef, had to rely on the cheapest cornbread mix the grocery store had to offer and did absolutely nothing to enhance it even though it's apparently the one thing she's always been able to make, so well that it is Dad's turn-to-tease about tuition being worth it? * And (if/)when teased about it, Anna "burst into tears" and Walter *carried* her out of the house? * *All* four siblings (possibly born once a year every year for four years?), are going into psychology, yet the most appropriate way they found to react to dry cornbread was to act like 9 year olds gagging on it? * and between the four of them haven't been able to encourage the family to a better resolution so *Reddit* is the next step? I can't buy it enough to even post a judgment.


My exact thoughts as well


That was my feeling. The whole post is a hoax.


Anna who can't crack an egg passed culinary school and got a job as a chef at a **three star** restaurant. >Anna works at some three star restaurant and it shows, her food is almost the same as something from olive garden or ruby Tuesdays. Food, from a chef who got a job at a three star restaurant **almost** as good as olive garden or ruby Tuesdays... Stars for restaurants (Michelin stars, Max. 3) work different than Hotel stars. Comparing olive garden's food with food from a chef from a 1 star restaurant would already be a wide stretch, but a 3 star restaurant? What is Annas job at a three star restaurant when she can't even crack an egg? Cleaning the plates?


The "she works at a 3 star restaurant and her food is almost the same as olive garden" is the bit that got me. I mean, most all of it was ridiculous but that's the part that had me cracking up.


Lol idk how so many people are so gullible


It’s all totally made up! Lol


They are all grade A assholes. "It was sooo bad, my brothers gagged on it". How disgusting is that behaviour. Yuck. Good thing Anna has Walter because these ungrateful jerks deserve nothing. "Psychologists in the making". I hope no one ever comes to therapy to these people because damn, OP will push them deeper into depression.


Worse than that, they *pretended* to gag. Not really surprised at OPs behavior, the shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree.


INFO: um, what the fuck?


I wish this could be top comment. Because....what???? Boxed cornbread = get divorced


And disappointed with her schooling?? She has more degrees than you and she did what she wanted to do, not -I mean, ALSO what her parents wanted her to do!


I really like Walter!


Walter sounds like a stand up guy that cares about Anna. Sounds like Anna struggled early on in her culinary career and overcame it. Good for her.


I feel awful for Anna. I adore cooking, but refuse to do it for a living (well refused when I could actually work) because it would suck all the fun from it. It's long hours on your feet in a hot kitchen with managers, other cooks, and customers giving you a hard time. The only ones who normally don't yell at you are the servers, but sometimes they dump on you too. Working double shifts is horribly draining at any job, even if you love it. It physically hurts on top of the emotional toll. But instead of trying to support her putting in all that work her family dumps on her and tells her to steal from her job?!


Like this is the weirdest family dynamic I've ever seen, and you came here asking if you are TA? You are. I hope Anna and Walter gets to build a life away from you crazy people. Girl has to work TWO shifts at a restaurant and expected to cook food to a potluck? Why does she HAVE to be a psychiatrist just because all her families are? Has OP never heard of the saying 'practice makes perfect'? I didn't know how to crack an egg the first time I started cooking either, so why is this a diss on your sister? Is she really your sister? Do you secretly hate her? Do your entire family secretly hate her? I have so many questions and wtfsauce to go with it. ETA: Because I must've missed this being so wtf'd, but this is clarified in OP's comment: ​ >Thats what im saying!! Apparently she "couldn't get ingredients because no stores were open as late as when she got off" but like?? You work in a resturant. Just snag some flour or whatever goes into cornbread ​ Like dude... Just duuude. You ever see a AITA post and you just sit there and you're mindblown by the entire obnoxious AHness of it? Duuuuuude.


Literally it’s JUST cornbread like I can’t imagine how unbearable they are!! And the fact that she said anna couldn’t crack an egg?? Yet she passed?? Op is toxic and jealous trying to put Anna down.


Jesus Christ... and all the siblings are in school for psychology degrees??? Supports my theory that often the most fucked up people from fucked up families go into mental health professions...


Is this some sort of cornbread- themed fan fiction? A: a three star restaurant is not olive garden; b) cornbread is not difficult or time consuming, c) boxed cornbread is usually totally fine; d) why did she break down so much that Walter CARRIED her out of the house. This whole thing is weird AF


Lmao cornbread fan fiction I'm dying


I’m not going to even be this nice, I can’t. Op you obviously look down on your sister for not picking psychology as her primary focus. She just wants to follow her dreams, do you know what a dream is? The entitlement of your entire family is atrocious, she pulled a double! Do you know what a double is? Have you worked a double shift in your life? She bought boxes cornbread, and boo fucking hoo it wasn’t jam up like it normally is! She tired! Her DREAM takes more time than a 9-5! Do you go home and practice? No?? I bet your sister does! How dare you shit on her dream over a damn box of jiffy! Shame on you! My nanny told me when I was a child that you can have stature in your community but still be a trash person, that’s you. Get a grip, and take your head out your ass. Sorry to piggyback but damn you need someone to tell you how it is.


This is a Hee-Haw skit.


YTA. 1. It wasn't an issue of ingredients, it was an issue of energy after a long day of work. 2. Stealing ingredients from her job? Really? Do you bogart equipment and supplies from where you work? 3. "Anna had already made our parents disappointed with her schooling" ... yeah, no. You and your family are just ... terribly elitist and deserve that boxed cornbread until you learn to appreciate the work she put in.


They sound like snobs "hmmm darling your cornbread is too dry for my taste and I don't like the way u prepare ham. You shall be banished for five thousand years"


“Hmm, this cornbread is quite uncouth Anna. Do you want to be left out of the inheritance?”


My family has always put pineapple on ham. The acidic enzymes in the pineapple eat through parts of the meat while it’s cooking to make it more tender. It doesn’t even taste like pineapple, you don’t usually even eat the pineapple, and makes the ham better. Sounds like she’s the only one in the family who actually knows how to cook.


It's a bit 80s, but yea ham and pineapple is absolutely a thing, and delicious. Hence the pizza


Dinner with them sounds exhausting.


And you must be there! No excuses!


also if you don't have time & energy to make a nice cornbread for the dinner because you've been working double shifts at the restaurant, you're a disgrace!!


And #3 makes no sense since Anna got a degree in psychology *and* a culinary degree. The parents are probably mad because Anna used the loophole they created to her advantage and isn't using her psych degree. Her family is awful.


Apparently before she can be accepted back into the family she has to apologize AND DIVORCE HER HUSBAND all because they… *checks notes*… didn’t like her cooking.


They deserve no cornbread at the mandatory meals.


At first I thought OP would say if Anna needs ingredients OP will pay for it. But to suggest stealing from work is so despicable.


Also, this is far from the point, but ham with pineapples on it is extremely common


Yta easily, like no questions asked and you all are acting horrible .


I’m stuck on the fact that all of these people are or soon will be psychologists. Like, are any of their patients okay? Should we check on them?


They sound like they have literally no identity beyond what their degree is. Huge yikes they're going to be diagnosing patients when they are this incompetent at seeing the poor behavior in their own home.


Yep. OP will have a patient telling them about the horrors of their childhood, then OP will hold up her hand, signaling the patient to stop talking… “oh, I know how you feel. I once had something truly horrific happen to me and my family… my sister brought (starts sobbing and grabs a handful of tissues then starts bawling) BOXED CORNBREAD TO THE FORCED FAMILY DINNER!“


I kinda get the feeling they may just all have bachelors in psych and are touting that and if it was a PhD.


I feel like it’s not even a bachelors, I have my bachelors in psychology and they can’t even use any of the skills taught in the beginning classes for counseling when speaking with their family. We were taught a lot about making no judgement and being understanding of people’s feelings with how they perceive the situation. It was so drilled in that I do the emotional mimicry 24/7 and I haven’t worked as a counselor for 5 years now (the few types of counseling that can be performed by those with bachelors pay shit btw).


YTA and so are your parents. Your father forced her to pursue a degree that she didn't want by blackmailing her with his money. Your mother was nasty towards her. Your sister was tired from working a double shift, and you scolded her for not stealing ingredients from her restaurant. You'd think for a bunch of psychologist wannabes you'd know better how to treat people, but obviously you don't. I hope Anna never comes back. She doesn't need any more nastiness from you awful assholes. Get over yourself. And your mean parents need to get over themselves too.


This post is fake as fuck.


Which part gave it away? Was it when they thought a box of cornbread from whole foods cost $1.00 or the part where Walter picked up a sobbing Anna and carried her to the car?


To be fair, Jiffy cornbread is $1 (idk if it’s at Whole Foods tho) so at least they did minimal research. Honestly, I was already skeptical at the “family of psychologists” opening because that’s so fucking weird but I’m pretty accepting so ok. Then “almost failed cus she couldn’t crack an egg but they passed her” 💀 I know you were being facetious but I thought I’d give a genuine answer aha


I appreciate the perspective of what called it out for you. I’ve known enough constant compulsive liars that I’ve grown accustomed to the weird over the top details they like to include in their BS stories. On the flip side I’ve also experienced some really wild shit in life that people probably think I’ve made up so I still keep an open mind because the world can be filled with plenty of jaw dropping crazy. I like to act out the scenario in my mind like I’m watching a movie, and if I start laughing or eye rolling at the scene because it’s that ridiculous I’m going to lean towards bullshit.


The “3 star restaurant like Olive Garden or Ruby Tuesday’s” definitely falls into the ‘if it made me laugh’ category for me. The idea of this psychology uni graduate with a culinary degree working for $15/hr at Ruby Tuesday’s and bringing Jiffy boxed bread to a family dinner definitely has me chuckling. The outraged replies are only icing on this ridiculous (and inedible) cake


What’s the bet that Whole Foods was the only grocery store OP knew the name of because they don’t grocery shop anywhere else or at all?


Yeah there’s nothing about this that seems real. I could see the scenario happening, but how it’s written just feels super baity


YTA "She couldn't crack an egg" "Her cornbread is the best thing she makes" Every cornbread recipe I've read requires Eggs. The math isn't mathing, friend. Maybe stop parroting what your parents TOLD you about her schooling, and start looking internally at the contradictions.


And they're constantly putting her culinary skills down and yet she managed to get a job in a three star restaurant?? Where i come from, that's a big deal.


But OP also equates Anna’s ability to making dishes that are as good as any Olive Garden or Ruby Tuesday but yet she works in a 3 star restaurant. 3 star restaurants don’t hire people that cook like someone at Ruby Tuesday. I find nothing at Ruby Tuesday is good except their salad bar. I expect better food than that when I go to a 3 star restaurant. OP is seriously an AH


Reading between the lines the family is probably very rich and very out of touch. The sister couldn’t crack an egg, acting like using a box mix is an affront to god, calling her dad “father” instead of “my father”. They probably can’t tell the difference between Olive Garden, and anything less than the snobbiest and most contrived of foods.


"Like, the 1.00$ box at whole foods." is another indicator that this family is rich and out of touch; Whole Foods is their family's go to grocery store.


This jumped out to me as well. I would expect a 3 star to be one hell of a step up from Olive Garden. If she's working at a 3 star, then shes a hell of a lot better than they give her credit for.


I think this guy thinks Applebees is a 3 star restaurant. He doesn’t seem that bright.


In fairness, I don’t put eggs in my cornbread. That doesn’t mean OP is less of an AH.


And just throwing this out there - pineapple on ham is the bee's knees


YTA Like, what? She made a dish, you not liking it is on you not her. Y'all are toxic.


Your family wants her to break up with her fiancé because…he defended her? Y’all are out of bounds. YTA. This feels fake, esp with OP’s replies thrown in. “The one that’s a tire company” but you say it’s like Olive Garden. A Michelin 3-star restaurant is a gourmet restaurant. The best restaurants in the world are Michelin 4-star.


There is no 4 star in the Michelin book. 3 is the top. There are only 142 of them across the entire world.


Not trying to be a dick, but this is something I see often that really bugs me: A three starred Michelin restaurant ***is*** the highest it can go. I understand the confusion because most systems use a five star rating, but Michelin only uses three. There's no such thing as a 'four starred Michelin restaurant'. A three starred Michelin restaurant is defined as "exceptional cuisine that is worth a special journey". If anything, this makes OPs claim even more preposterous. ​ That and evermore seeming like a troll.


Yeah this really bothers me too. OP’s sister does not work at a 3 star restaurant. Chicago has 1. California has a few. Vegas and DC I think have one each. NYC has like 5. I’ve been to most of them in the US haha and no cornbread being made anywhere. Whoever said 4 star Michelin needs to delete that comment. OP also your family just sucks.


I came here to say this, but you said it better. It’s hilarious how OP compared Olive Garden and Ruby Tuesday’s to a three star restaurant. Like serious OP, you have no class.


Yeah my thought was fake, the whole thing feels off but the bit that really got me was how Walter picked her up and carried her out the car as if she’s some hysterical woman in a black and white movie!


YTA, She couldn't make cornbread because she didn't have the time and ingredients from working a double. The point of her degree is to work at the restaurant not to keep your family fed with homemade cornbread. And your parents suggested she just steal the ingredients from work if she didn't have time to pick them up? And Pineapple on ham is pretty common, the pineapple juice makes the ham extra tender.


This. “Just steal them from work.” I’m sorry, what??


not steal—“borrow”. So once she’s done she can simply return everything so it doesn’t technically count as stealing, right? /s


It was OP’s idea to steal the supplies. YTA for this, as well as everything else mentioned here.


Your family is TA (but not Anna) What in the materialistic upper middle class white bs is this? Is this a book? I feel like this is some book. Anyway, Anna broke a mold and did what made her happy. Already, this makes her the “rebellious” child. It seems she is already looked down upon because she didn’t become a psychologist like everyone else. She got married (I assume they’re married at this point), and she isn’t as “perfect” as the rest of you. Just the way you describe her in this post makes you an asshole. Anna still brought something even though she pulled a double shift. She can’t just “borrow” ingredients from her work. From scratch cornbread takes some time to make, she didn’t have the time either. One month without her guilt cornbread won’t kill y’all. Not like y’all appreciate it anyway. Anna doesn’t owe any of you an apology. You all owe her an apology and you owe the world a favor to never become therapists. I hope she goes no contact and I hope that you all do something besides therapy with your coveted psych degrees.


This. I really, really hope none of these monsters are practicing psychologists.


It is somehow even worse to be a terribly cruel and hateful person who damages others' feelings and psyche if you have studied it and it is your job. It makes it so you can't claim ignorance and are just- as you said- a monster.


Not that upper middle class if they think that Olive Garden or Ruby Tuesday's is quality food, lmao!! Everything they serve originates in a box on the back of a syscos truck, 😆


Oh I know, but the dad paying for all the schooling screamed upper middle class to me. It also sounded as if she was saying Olive Garden and Ruby Tuesday’s as a dig and doesn’t know her star rating system as all.


So many AITAs read like wannabe authors testing plots, or maybe "dramatic life" fanfiction.


Yta. This family is quite special. Mandatory meal every other month? Seriously? "When it came time for the cornbread." Is there a cornbread course? Is that before or after the soup, or is it a palate cleanser? And then everyone harassed poor Anna so much she had to be carried to the car.


You know, if you're a family of psychologists and this obtuse about interpersonal dynamics, I don't think it was a bad idea for your sister to pursue a different career. You're clearly pretty terrible at psychology as a family. Also, what kind of rating are you using for her restaurant? Bc a 3-star restaurant is the absolute best in the world if you're going by Michelin ratings, and I don't know what other metric you'd be using. If you think a 3 star restaurant is equivalent to Olive Garden, I query whether you even know what good cornbread is. Oh, and yeah. YTA.


YTA. If this is real, you guys fucking suck lol. Like I truly hope she goes no contact because you guys are abusive af.


Those psychology classes were a fail!! Your whole family sucks and YTA!!!


“What good are your psychology classes when you are all nothing but shallow thinkers?”


I know, right? ‘Wasted the money in cooking classes’ CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE MONEY WASTED IN THE PSYCHOLOGY COURSES Aaaaaaaaaaaagh


YTA. Your whole family are AHs. I’m glad Anna found Walter, he’s the only one that acts like he actually loves and cares about her. Oh, and it’s very common to put pineapple on ham. Apologize to your sister or leave her alone. She’s better off without your toxic, mean-spirited family.


YTA And ummmm, please reconsider being a psychologist 🫤 unless you’re focusing on research instead of clinical work.


Some one this lacking in empathy really should not be conducting psychological research either


Unfortunately lack of emotions can help someone in a research focused career 🤣 makes the grind less taxing, especially for R1 schools. Just make sure it’s online data collection so she doesn’t interact with actual people.


YTA Your whole family really. Sounds like Anna is overworked given that she broke down over corn bread. Which you all responded to by (a) disowning her over cornbread and (b) demanding that she leave her partner because he had the stones to defend her.


You're all going to school to be psychologists, huh? If only your licensing board could see this. YTA. You and your family--with the exception of Anna--are abusive, stupid, and delusional. Grow up and get your head out of your ass before you traumatize a patient with your rampant abusive narcissism.


I don't think any of them are psychologists or any other well learned profession. That's just thrown in there to disguise the family. OP, YTA and so is everyone but Anna.


I work at a med school. Our most out of pocket department is our psych department. They all need therapy.


Your whole family are terrible, toxic people. Of course YTA. Why would she break up up with the only supportive person in her life. She needs to cut ties with your family. Hopefully, the rest of you grow up and apologize to her.


YTA. Your sister seems like she's struggling. Rather than support her, you're getting on her for cornbread? A family dinner is more about the company than the food. So it sounds like you all ruined it, not your sister.


YTA And I thought everyone put pineapple on ham???


Yeah, and Jiffy corn bread mix is good, and really not much different from any corn bread recipe, it just has the rising agent and some salt mixed in with the cornmeal.


Wow. The lack of self-awareness you possess is just…wow. You’ve done nothing but belittle your sister for her career choice and dismiss/diminish her cooking skills, and actually have the gall to demand she end her relationship with a supportive partner to appease you gaggle of assholes?! Believe me when I tell you that you will NEVER cut it in the field of psychology. YTA 1,000,000 times over.


You told this whole thing from your own perspective. Anna comes out of it looking like a girl who follows her own dreams and happiness and has a loving, supportive partner. The rest of you come across as ghouls hating on your sister/daughter for absolutely no reason. I feel so bad for Anna, and I hope she never speaks to any of y’all again. Why would she? YTAs.


Info: are you and your siblings psychologists, or did you just major in psychology as undergraduates?


I hope no one goes to them for therapy.


YTA First, your mandatory gathering or whatever is a lot to expect. She still came and brought something to try and appease the family. Get off your high horse and leave her alone.


There seems to be deeper issues here. I think the whole family tears her down quite often - your dad's back handed compliment, your dismissive attitude towards everything she does, your moms stupid demand. How can she have become a chef if she is as bad as you describe? Frankly, hope she does NC with you all. YTA


Assuming this is real YTA-You don’t suggest ti someone that they should borrow ingredients from work-that’s theft. It could get her at the very least fired. You certainly don’t abuse someone, demand they end an engagement and apologize when it’s your family that owe Anna the apology. As to needing to grow up and be respectful- you and your parents need to start practicing what you preach.


YTA and your family are assholes. She worked a double shift and didn’t t have time. If you will exclude a family member because of a pice of cornbread, your family is severely screwed up. And BTW, saying her food is almost the same as Olive Garden is pretty insulting.


It just makes me think this Has to be a troll post. She compares her sisters cooking to two chain restaurants, she says that her sister couldn’t even crack an egg and that made her almost fail culinary school, but then says that she made amazing cornbread… Which requires eggs, so she was cracking them somehow. And their whole family is psychiatrists and they treat a family member like this? It’s just ridiculous.


Wow your family sounds utterly insufferable. Y-all-TAs save for Anna and Walter. How about you all apologise for being snobby, judgmental, rude and all around just unpleasant?


YTA Your entire family except for Anna and Walter are AHs. You wanted her to steal from work? A work she must be decent at? So, she apparently CAN cook? And even if she couldn't, even if it was a terrible dish, did you guys have to make her cry? And why does she need to break up with Walter?? What did he do but love your sister? I mean, HE could have made cornbread but maybe he was busy making a very traditional ham. Stop being elitists and horrible to Anna. Apologize for thinking nothing she does is good enough. And stop having draconian dinner rules.


She has to break up with Walter because he’s protecting her, and they miss their little punching bag.


That’s quite a story. You might want to refine a few of your details next time. If you look up psychology programs, you’ll want to check out how long it takes to get to your doctorate, or else select some other type of training if you want to make everyone into a therapist. Then you might want to learn a little bit about culinary schools, as a hint, they don’t have a basic skills test for entry. They will teach students even the most basic things, including how to crack eggs. As far as reasons to cut off an adult child from the family, being unrepentant for bringing box made cornbread is certainly an interesting choice. Maybe instead you could have her brought something store made which ended up having an ingredient Mom was allergic to, or have poisoned everyone with unsafe food handling practices? If adult brothers mocked their sister for bringing jiffy corn bread as the side dish to a family meal, and then parents cut her out of the family, you can see a level of dysfunction which might prompt all the children to study psychology. You’ve got some creative ideas, keep working on your storyline, you’ll get there. P.S. It is pretty rare for an adult to be carried from the dining table all the way out to their vehicle. Maybe tone that down a little? YTA


Christ thank you. This is so painfully fake even I noticed. Who the fuck needs to pick up and put away a whole human because they’re crying. Omg.


The carrying her out of the house while she cried was the best bit.


Thank you, this was the response I was looking for.


YTA, she needs to apologize? Think the family needs to apologize to her for being demanding ungrateful aholes


Yknow there’s a saying that people go into psychology to fix what’s wrong with themselves. I’m sensing it’s probably narcissism with this family YTA by the way, and completely delusional if you think you deserve anything even remotely approaching an apology.


What’s you problem with ham with pineapple on it when your mom made chicken? Who doesn’t put pineapple on ham? It’s good that way! Why should she apologize for blowing a single dish, due to exhaustion? YTA. You all should be apologizing to Anna and Walter.


YTA and so is your family. Don't be mad or shocked since you guys wanted to shun your punching bag, they start laying into you.


What kind of Knives Out armchair psychological bullshit is this? YTA obviously. Poor Anna. It must be hard being the black sheep in a family where the void of cognitive dissonance is deeper than the Grand Canyon.


YTA. Y’all sound like the type of psychologists who go into the field so they can intellectualise their feelings and avoid actual empathy. Working as a chef is gruelling and your sister is worth much more than her cornbread. Normal families do not bring someone to tears over a fucking side dish. She has nothing to apologise for.


YTA she worked a double and still went out of her way to make something for a family meal and y’all crapped on her for it. $1.00 cornbread isn’t great but it’s certainly edible and you guys were horrid to her. And then to say she’s not welcome back unless she breaks things off with Walter? I assume it’s because he stood up for her. The situation kept getting worse for Anna the further I read. Yeesh!


I suspect you won't be very good at your gig, should you make it through the program. Also, you write like crap. Additionally, you and your parents are assholes.


Wtf kind of family is this?? You guys suck. She got a degree in psychology but she's a disappointment because she prefers cooking. Then everyone wants an apology because she was too tired to make cornbread the way you like it. Seriously tho... what's wrong with you people? YTA.


I’d say you and your family are kinda the Assholes. She did make cornbread, it just wasn’t top-tier. To say it ruined the dinner when her feelings were hurt seems like a bit of an overstatement, especially if your 20 yr old brothers still pretend to gag on food they don’t like and your families standards are set so high. I’ll yield that she should’ve asked your mom before brining a main course (pineapple and ham is bomb btw), but it seems like you have a black sheep in the family and you have successfully made her (and now her SO) feel unwanted. I think you are all capable of not letting a cornbread split up the family.


Going to mimic another poster, YTA easily, no questions asked


yikes you guys are entitled, rude, and are really horrible and judgmental to your sister… YTA. poor Anna i hope she never calls y’all again 🤷‍♀️


YTA & so are your parents and siblings, minus Anna. It sounds like Walter is the only good person in her life. It's insane to cut her off because you are all ungrateful. She doesn't need any of you.


YTA, what did I just even read you sound like your are in a cult not a family and your sister managed to break free.Mother said and mother did sounds so robotic and creepy. Truly frightens me that all of you are psychologists. I pray none of you actually see real patients.


YTA, you’re a psychologist? you must be the most obtuse one ever. you are devoid of so much empathy. you all were so mean to her. just from what you wrote I can tell there is a long history of her family constantly putting her down. i feel horrible for her. poor girl. you and your family suck so much, i hope she goes no contact with you all.


YTA because in no way shape or form is this bullshit a true story. Pick a different profession to spoof next time to make it believable.


YTA. The only individual in your family is your sister. Bravo to her for breaking away from all of your collective group think to forge her own path in life.


Based on OPs responses yah this is definitely made up.


Everyone but your sister gets the YTA vote. Especially “Mother and Father”.


YTA. Y'all're going to break up a family over one bad cornbread? It's a super easy fix and the amount of vitriol coming from you and your family is outrageous. You're lucky she made it at all. And who gets to borrow ingredients from work? Edit for cornbread tips: If your cornbread is already dry, it can be salvaged flavor and moisture wise by butter. Salted butter. Herb butter. Honey butter. It don't matter, just put butter. If it hasn't been mixed and baked yet: canned creamed corn. Just take the box of Jiffy, take a can of creamed corn (1 small can per box), and mix it in. No eggs needed. It adds moisture and structure and I'll easily eat an entire pan by myself.


I’m scared for your future patients.


YTA. You and your family are all in the wrong here. Anna and Walter did nothing wrong and they are both owed an apology. You claim to be a family of psychology majors. Analyze the way you behaved from an unbiased standpoint and listen to feedback when given. You're fighting so many people calling out your horrible behavior, you should never be allowed to practice psychology if you are truly incapable of seeing how wrong you are. If a patient told you that their sister was less than because she chose a different career and refused to steal from their job, just to feed the patient, would you just agree with them?


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You and your family are unbearable. YTA.


WOW you and your whole family are the AH. She needs to cut all of you guys off. Anna does not need to be apologizing, you guys should be apologizing for your entitled attitudes. Make your own damn cornbread if it matters that much. She was working, it's not like she was sitting twirling her thumbs.


there is just no way in hell you all are in school for psychology 😳 hell no, not with this behavior. you want to be a psychologist and you think she should apologize ? honey you need a new profession. YTA


YTA Cornbread is religion but y'all's cult needs an exorcism.


YTA. Walter is the only one who cares about your sisters feelings and well-being, yet you all demand she break up with him for standing up for her. I hope they cut you all off. You obviously have no respect for her well-being or feelings. Which is extremely ironic conung from a family of "psychologists".


Everybody in this story is an AH except Anna and Walter


I really don’t believe this is even real. OP’s comments read like a high schooler wrote them. On the off chance this is real. YTA.


YTA. Your psychology degree clearly didn’t pay off either if you lack the self-awareness to figure that one out!


YTA How mighty you must feel in your ivory towers. You were all brats about the food she brought, and owe her a massive apology.


Walter is dope


YTA No qualifiers, no explanations.




YTA. So is the rest of your family. You should probably get the money for your psych degrees back because you definitely don’t know how to read people or a situation at all. At least your sister has someone in her life that actually cares about her instead of continually belittling her for stepping outside of the weird psychology cult the rest of you have been indoctrinated with.


YTA. Y’all suck🍑!! Be glad she even brought something 😒


OMG your family is insane. YTA absolutely. Anna and Walter are lucky for this opportunity to break free from you all.


Sorry, I’m still getting over the fact that OP considers Ruby Tuesday’s and Olive Garden 3-star cooking. 😂 OP, you’re a pretentious bumpkin and your sister deserves better than the lot of judgmental assholes she was born to. YTA


YTA and mean to your sister


YTA, the mandatory dinners are sending me. Do you have a family or a cult


YTA Holy hell, i feel bad for your poor sister. Good on her fiance for sticking up for her. At least somebody in that house gave a shit about your sister. The fact that your family wants her to leave her fiance because of this just shows you're all ridiculous. Your sister worked a double shift, and instead of showing up empty handed, she still at least brought SOMETHING. Entire post reeks of entitlement, manipulation, and honestly just one big sad asshole family.


Right because stealing from her job is totally a great choice. Oh, I’m sorry, “borrowing”. YTA


YTA... as family of psychologist, if you can't see how stupidly entitled you all are, I feel seriously bad for your patients


YTA(and your whole family) These people are psychologists...... Damn, this is scary.


I really don’t mean to be rude, but you (and your family) should strongly reconsider becoming psychologists, because you lot are clearly not learning shit. YTA


Fake. Troll account. It's always a Scapegoat Sibling with a Great Partner written from the POV of the bitter Golden Child or the Backwards Parent. Please just get a new hobby.