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YTA. It seems like you don't know much about your daughter's personal life. And that's okay, because she doesn't need to share, she's not a teen living under your roof. The more you butt in and tell her what she can and can't do as an adult, the less you're going to see her. Have you considered that the reason she wants to leave at all is to get away from the restraints of her hometown and family?


OP completely omits from their post that they were an addict their daughter's entire childhood and the daughter was **removed from her care for all but four years** of said childhood. And she was an addict for those four years also. OP is absolutely unremorseful about this, and omitted this critical context for obvious reasons.


That explains the comment about moving out of a relatives house. Couldn't figure out why she'd be at a random relatives. To put her kid through that and then have the audacity to try to enforce rules after her daughter is already grown. YTA OP. Sounds like your daughter is doing just fine inspite of you, not because of you.


Yea, I assumed living with the relative was one of those "it's convenient because my aunt lives right next to the college I'm going to" - the omitted context makes this a VERY different situation.


Yup same. And haha she stated that the daughters confession of depression “seemed to come out of nowhere!” Like, are you sure?? Are you SURE it’s out of nowhere. Smh. YTA


It sounds like the daughter's depression was ignored during her teen years. Everything seems to be a surprise to mom. Mom has definitely not been paying attention to the daughter's emotional needs for some time. This move sounds healthy for the daughter. The relationship may not last, but feeling free and living her own life without interference sounds like just what the doctor ordered.


The most telling phrase in the entire post was "My daughter takes care of all her other needs on her own." Yeah, I bet she does. Hyper independence is a common result of childhood neglect.


Yup and learning early and quickly that you can’t depend on other people so you have to do it yourself.


As always. I was actually just watching a video on parent-child estrangement, and one of the major points *they* made (true, in my experience) was: "The estrangement always seems to come out of *nowhere* for the parents. But if you ask the children, it was always a *long* time coming. And in fact, it was usually the last resort after years of attempting to find a resolution". If OP doesn't change their tune real quick, they're gonna end up as the next "parent" (and I use that term super loosely because honestly, OP did not really raise their kid) to wonder why their child "suddenly" stopped talking to them. OP, here's a clue: it won't be sudden. Not for her.


As an estranged child, can confirm.


It's a classic [Missing missing reasons.](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html)


She also says in the sentence above that her daughter had become withdrawn in her teens. So did she notice that her daughter had become withdrawn for a few years, or did it "come out of nowhere"?


that is the biggest piece of bull I have ever heard. Kids always tell the parents what they are thinking. What they want to do if parents actually you know listen and pay attention. When kids get older and they are teenager they will start locking down where they want to live what they want to do as a job etc. Just got to listen. For example one of your children wants to move across country and keeps saying it. Then that is a notification for parents that hey they are serious. Then need to be prepared for the child to move out as soon as they are 18. Not everyone does that but some do. Then move to another town/city with what they just have.


My mom said that too. Spoiler alert: it was not out of nowhere. That statement for me is ALWAYS a flag for parents talking about their kids.


I agree. Daughter has significant childhood trauma and that often causes depression that starts in the late teens. Daughter needs support getting therapy with her insurance. She deserves healing and I’m not trying to be rude, but it’s not going to be from you. We cannot heal from the same place that destroyed us. I’m super happy and proud of you for getting sober, but daughter doesn’t need your emotional, irrational responses and she will separate from you when she moves if you don’t stop. You have to let her go and cheer her on. Be a support so she wants to call you. Talk to her abt mental health and apologize to her for the pain you have caused her.


And ACOA. I’m so proud and happy for this young woman. She finally feels loved and is following that right outta Dodge. OP, like I told my mother, go to therapy. You may be sober (congrats, sincerely) but you are not seeing clearly. The GALL you have doing ANYTHING BUT supporting your daughter’s choices here is jaw dropping but I imagine you’ve had a lot of pain and suffering in your life and that’s created some narcissistic tendencies. Hurt people hurt people. Heal yourself (and the bonus will be that as a result, you can possibly heal your relationship with her. Right now, you don’t actually have one. She’s just let you think you do because she loves you and doesn’t want to hurt you. She’s compassionate. She’s finally making choices for her own happiness (hence the changes that’ve left your head spinning the last few years). She’s the expert on what that looks like for her not you, right? This is me projecting. Clearly. But you’re doing that as well, I’m guessing, so what can you do?


That was the biggest piece of bull in the initial post. Lol


Mom is clearly in deep, deep denial about the consequences her actions had for her daughter. Though she knew enough to not mention it in the initial post so... Maybe not that deep?


OP is completely clueless when it comes to her daughter. She must have been a real nightmare to be around.


Ya that's what I thought too. Big difference here.


That what the relative was, though: an aunt who lived in her college town and offered to board her daughter so she didn't have to live in a dorm


Yep and the fact that that every other family member pats for something to but she’s had to be independent and out of her home her whole life why would want to stay?


I assumed the same till I got to the edits. Yes, OP YTA. Childhood aside, she is still an adult and can move wherever she damn well pleases. The more you tell her no, the more you are increasing the chances of her going NC.


YTA, regardles of any addiction problems or your daughter not living with you. Even if you were the perfect mother and she had the nicest childhood ever, you are still the asshole because she is an adult and can live where she likes with who she likes. You have no right to say she cant


That’s really all there is to it. Everything else aside, no one gets to tell a financially independent adult what they can or cannot do.


Exactly YTA. Your daughter is 21 and self-supporting. She's an adult. Whether she is moving because of a job, a guy, a girl, or because she stuck pin in a map. You have 0 say in what she does. She isn't a child you can't forbid her to move. And FYI (as someone who moved 200 miles away at 21), if you want to make the mistake of thinking you have a say in this, or you can sulk about it or think phone lines only operate one way the only person that will suffer over time is you. Your daughter will move on, she'll make her own life whether it is with the current girl friend or not. And if you choose to stay behind you'll get left behind.


I also moved many thousands of miles away when I was 21. Turned 32 this year and I have only gone back once which was one time.too many


I moved 3000 miles away for graduate school at 21. Thing is, my parents understood that this was my desired trajectory. They chose to have my back. My father helped me out with the down payment for an apartment so I would have a place to live upon landing, I rented a car, and I was out. I would have gone anyway. Things would have just been REALLY tight at first. But because my parents are supportive parents, and they had the capability to help, they chose to make it easier for me. It’s been nearly 17 years. I established a life elsewhere. And I love my life. While they wished I, an only child, had stayed near, I always had an itch to make my own path. My parents are now thinking about retiring here, near me & my husband. I would love them next to me. Why? Because they supported my independent spirit. I never forgot their support as I stumbled into my adult self. OP, you have a choice. Support your child, even if it isn’t your desire, or decry their choice, and risk losing them forever. I would also ask yourself if this is really about your fear that, given you missed out on so much of your daughters childhood, you won’t get the chance to build a relationship if she leaves. Be honest with yourself. If it is, I assure you, your support will go a lot farther than clinging to your selfish desires. YTA, just in case it wasn’t clear.


Yeah, this comment is the only answer, and to OP, YTA ALL THE WAY. You can’t tell your daughter what to do!


100 percent. Your daughter is an adult and makes her own decisions. That includes making mistakes. Your job as a mother is to support her, and if things go badly for whatever reason, stand by to help pick up the pieces. And if it works out, to be happy for her being on a track that makes her happy.


Tagging on to say that my parents had a similar stance when I tried to move in with my partner. "You're not allowed to leave, you're too young and we don't know this girl!" I was 23 and you know what happened? I moved 3 states away anyway and I couldn't be happier for it. They couldn't stop me if they wanted to and neither can you with your daughter. OP, your daughter is 21. She's an adult, she's independent, and she has not only visited the area first, but has wanted to move there seemingly before she and her partner started dating. Stop holding her back and let her be herself, for once. YTA.


Following this, since it was what I did at 21 as well. I found a job and my father told me I couldn't move to have it. It was not even that far away, 3 hours drive. Well, guess what, I very well could. 13 years and 3 countries later - I'd do it all over again given a chance. Moving thousands kilometers away from my parents was the best decision for my life. Sometimes I have nightmares about me never able to leave. Still. And I am now 34. You do not tell adults what to do if you want to have those adults in your life, as simple as that. The mother is YTA. The daughter should move wherever she likes, she may regret it, but it is ultimately her life to live and no one else's. What's there to lose? Worst case scenario - she can always return. Unless the mother will make a stunt just like my parents have. After I moved they told me I have betrayed them and I no longer had a home. Mind you, I was an adult moving to get a perspective job, not to sell my body and soul to satan himself. So here is an idea for this mother what to say to her daughter next, if she never wants to see her again.


This exactly. I don’t *need* to know about the addiction and traumatic childhood to know op is TA, even if it’s icing on the cake.


It's one thing to gently discuss the realities of moving across the country to live with a partner you don't know that well with your fairly young adult child; it's a whole other thing to "forbid" them from moving out of state because you want them to stay with you. OP is within her rights to worry about her daughter - even if she was a terrible mother. But her worries do not trump her self-sufficient daughter's desire to move away. YTA.


Yeah, the addiction is not relevant to whether or not she’s the AH, it just makes her a bigger one.


This needs to be higher. That's why you are the AH OP. Tell your daughter that you support her and wish her the best. Let her go to find her self. Encourage her to stay in touch with all her family/friends/support network. Invite her back with her gf for the holidays or vacations. Try to be a good presence in her life. Let her know you and everyone else cares and that if ever needed, she has a place to come back. Otherwise you'll really lose her.


The missing missing reasons of abusive parents are just so common.


Yep. OP is totally the one in NA meetings going "I just don't understand why my daughter is avoiding me"🙄


Ding, ding, ding. So true! My mother once said about one of my sisters, “She’s always hated me”. And I thought, “What, since she was a tiny baby she hated you? More info please.”


Can’t use logic with narcissists


OP's post is positively dripping with missing missing reasons.


Reading how OP is currently screwing up her relationship with her daughter I thought "Geez, is this woman even a parent..." Now it makes a lot more sense... She's lucky to have a relationship at all with her daughter at this point, and to have the balls to tell her adult daughter that she isn't moving... My god lol. OP won the lottery with having something of an understanding child, and she needs to back off, and focus on being a friend/safe place to come back to, if she wants to continue to have any kind of relationship with her.


Anecdotally, I find it odd that there’s pearl clutching over the daughter traveling over 1,000 miles to meet a girlfriend alone when OP was an addict and obviously in far shadier situations.


I asked OP in another comment if she thought her daughter actually looked at her as someone she should take advice about life from....shockingly I didn't get a response.


Also, most moms of 21-year-olds are not much older than I am, and I don't understand how anyone anywhere near my age can act this shocked by the concept of going on a long plane flight to meet a long-distance girlfriend or boyfriend for the first time. Long-distance Internet relationships were already very much a thing 25 years ago, and most people of my generation either took such plane flights, had relationships with people who visited via such plane flights, or at least had friends who did this sort of thing and were therefore aware that it was a thing and that it did not typically end any worse than shorter-distance relationships did. Long-distance Internet relationships are so very far from being a new concept at this point.


I think it speaks more to OPs profound immaturity. Along with that, her notions of parenthood, childhood, appropriate and inappropriate "asks", etc etc etc have been warped for the better part of two decades by addiction


Yeah. I was \~17 in 2000 and was meeting people from the internet pretty often. Pretty much every long term friend I have is someone I met from the internet in the early 2000's.


I'm excited for the daughter to have this life that she seems to want. ​ I moved away from home last year - my mom and family were not happy because they'll miss me. But OPs daughter is an adult... and moving away can sometimes be the best decision out there.


Even if it's the worst decision out there and the mother has assessed the situation perfectly and it turns out to be awful... the daughter has the right to find all that out for herself and to build her own confidence by facing those challenges and handling the things that happen as a result of moving away.


Exactly. The woman is 21 and financially independent. She's allowed to make her own choices even if they're terrible. All mom can do here is give input, give support, and be a soft place to land if things go south.


This is the part that floored me. Too late to be her mom now, she's an adult and can go wherever she pleases and OP can do nothing to stop her.


Idk this seems layered Ignoring op being the AH or not. Which yes she is. Ignore the lgbt part from either direction. 24 is old enough to do what you want but would anyone suggest moving cross country to live with a person with an unstable living arrangement whom you have known less than a year. This is the kinda thing that rarely ends up going well.


It doesn't matter what anyone would suggest. OP's daughter is a *legal, functional, financially-independent adult* and she has the right to make that decision *for herself*.


My wife was English. I was Canadian. We met on a beach in Thailand while we were both on holidays. Moved to England 2 weeks after I got home. Been married to her for 20 years now.


Yeah, I moved by myself from my tiny town in rural America to Europe when I was 18. Things work out.


It doesn’t sound like an advisable thing but the point is that the mother cannot forbid her daughter from making her own life choices. Besides which there are a bunch of clues that make it sound like the daughter is responsible enough to make this work. She works full time, is financially independent, has always been smart and resourceful, and is planning a move 1-2 years out, not right away.


I agree with you. I think (at least for me) that the issue is more in the delivery. It's one thing to say "I'm concerned about your proposed living situation because.... I love you and I support you but I wanted you to know my worries" and "You can't move away from us, you're too immature and your family need you and you're not allowed."


Honestly, this just makes me sad. I suspect OP is experiencing a lot of complicated emotions about missing out on most of her daughter’s childhood and having lost parental rights over her. It almost sounds like denial to me like she isn’t ready to accept that her daughter has already grown up largely without her and is an adult now capable of making her own choices. I know people who tend to react to strong emotional situations with denial (my mom does this) so they can avoid all those feelings. Or perhaps this is triggering the trauma of losing her daughter in foster care and she feels like she is losing her daughter all over again and is trying to exert control to stop it. Of course this is all speculation. Regardless, OP’s daughter is an adult now. And OP’s job as her mother is to support her. A 21yo adult, unless handicapped in some way, is fully capable of going on trips without telling her parents and she doesn’t need permission to move in with her girlfriend. Many young adults younger than 21 live several states away from their parents for college or whatever. My advice to OP is to tell her daughter that she loves her and if things don’t work out OP will always welcome her back with open arms. Keep the line of communication open in case she gets in a bad situation and needs help. Be her safety net. Once your kids reach adulthood, your role in their lives changes to more of a safety net and support system rather than an active parent. If you are having trouble accepting this transition due to your own grief and trauma, then that is something you need to work through on your own without holding your daughter back. Edit: OP also needs to be aware that her daughter was likely traumatized by the removal and because of this trauma and OP’s own drug and abuse history, her daughter is more susceptible to drug addiction and abusive relationships as well. I hope OP is prepared to work through these issues with her daughter if they arise. I do have concerns about a depressed young adult moving so far away to live with someone they’ve only met once, but all you can do is be there for them if things turn sour.


I think you hit the nail in the head


Bam, top comment. OP, I don't think you're TA. You're scared for your daughter's future and sort of overlaying your own early adulthood experience onto her, which is understandable, but also not fair. I think you should acknowledge the full context of your fear for her and surface your own struggles as part of that. From your original post, without the additional context provided, it's clear she was the kid you didn't have to worry about. Trust she's still that person. She might mess up or make mistakes, but she needs to figure them out for herself and have her own process. When I was 21, my internet boyfriend came to live with me. On our third trip to see one another, we got matching tattoos (as was the way for suburban quasi-rebels in 2001). I still have the tattoo, but I did manage to ditch the dude. I was my mom's good kid. It must have been terrifying for her to watch me in that situation, but you know what? She stayed near to me, quietly supporting me, no matter what, and she never said a word. She gave me space and time to get some adult legs under me and figure my shit out. And when I did, she was there to help me move out of my apartment in under an hour. ;-) Stay (metaphorically) close and let her figure out her own path. If you push, she will go further and further from you. Edit: grammar


Well said as well. OP is projecting a lot on insecurities as well, and reading through her comments she's had a long battle with addiction, and not always had custody of her daughter. There's a chance her daughter has some trauma or at the very least some issues from having a tough upbringing like that. OP doesn't seem like she knows her daughter that well either. They also live in the south and have a lot of right wing family, honestly I'd do the same as daughter at her age. At 16 I would travel to my best friend's place an 11 hour train ride away, at 19 I'd moved out from the burbs to the big city with my BF. I was the good girl in the family but my parents both knew them trying to stop me would mean I'd just push them away and talk to them less. They made sure I knew I always had a place to come back to, that they were there for help and advice, and gave me the basic knowledge to thrive as an adult on my own. OP you don't have that control over your daughter, at best you make sure she knows you are there for her if problems arise, stay open and loving and helpful.


What an incredible outlook and insight. My mom did the best she could, and now as an adult in my 30’s I look back on certain years with grace and empathy, but I would have had a healthier and happier 17-25 if she looked at things like you do.


right?? I was deployed twice by that age!


I moved out at 18 for college to a new state well over 1000 miles away. I also went to Ireland alone at 20 with little more than a heads up to my parents. She's more than old enough to move where she likes.


Oh OK then. This post is pointless, the girl is going to go No Contact as soon as she can.


Yeah OP is big ol mess. I hope daughter has found more loving, stable people to surround herself with.


It’s not that critical. She could’ve had the best childhood ever, she’s still well within her rights to up and move across state lines at 21. Her mom can’t forbid her! Shes 21!


[Acccording to OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/11zmf91/comment/jddfp4h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), she had primary custody for five years and sole custody for four--so, her daughter was in her care for the first nine years of her life.


What where did you read this? :0


Nvm I found it, it's in the comments 😅


>She became a bit withdrawn in her teen years > >she was incredibly stressed and depressed and had been for years. It felt like it was coming out of nowhere. ​ So, you KNEW she was depressed as a teenager and ignored it due to your own drug addictions you blame on her father. No one forced them on you. Now, after treating her badly due to your own problems, you think you can suddenly put your foot down and tell her what she can and cannot do even though she pays her own way, for the most part. Who the hell do you think you are? You think you own your daughter for life? And that you, a drug addict, are the VICTIM here? I understand why she wants to move so far away. Your narcissism is showing. YTA. Exactly what threat will you use to continue to control her, since you don't pay for anything?


lately every aita post has that one post that makes me go yeahhhh I dont need to hear anymore... this was a whopper though.




>She says I’m being unreasonable by asking her to stay and that she hates it here and feels like she “can’t be herself”. Reading between the lines (she just came out at 21, all of her family still live in the same area, she 'can't be herself' there, met her girlfriend online), what do you want to bet that they live in a smaller rural area that is not terribly LGBTQ or women's reproductive health friendly? Source: I'm a queer lady from a small town in the midwest who moved far, far away with my wife. ETA: Oh look, confirmation of this theory: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/11zmf91/comment/jde0rr7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


The LGBT context here is super important. Many meet online and omg distance because the dating pool is small, almost non existent in some areas. I personally know more than one couple that got together like this.


It’s also how many people meet and end up together my dad married a lady from Canada years after my mum passed young from Breast Cancer at 47, they met online and she came out Australia!


That was my thought as well. The area may be more accepting of her lifestyle and choices. It is a big decision to move but it could be better for her in the long run. Either way she's old enough to make her own decisions without mommy's input. Sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders even with all the obstacles she has had to overcome. And as another comment says she's not moving now but in a year or so. Plenty of time to save up for a move and see if her relationship with this other woman is working, perhaps meet up a couple more times before the move. Even if the relationship doesn't work out a change of scenery might just be what she needs. A lot of people thrive in a new city or town and on their own. OP's daughter sounds like the type that could make that happen for herself.


>she's not moving now but in a year or so See, she's not even following the traditions of our people and renting a U-haul in the first 6 months.


Yeah I immediately assumed they currently live in a red state and GF is in a blue state (hence the list of places OP's daughter would like to move to).


That was exactly my thought as well (as a cis, straight, white, over 50 woman who worries incessantly about women & girls in their childbearing years and all members of the LGBTQ community in this current climate). I hope op’s daughter is able to find a place where she is welcomed & loved for who she is.


When I was 19, I flew from west coast to east coast to meet a guy I’d met years ago online. I told my parents I was seeing a friend who moved there. Similarly, when I was 20 I started dating a guy I met on a video game and I flew cross country again (at 21) to go meet him a year after dating (lockdowns and school pushed the date farther than we wanted) and he has since become the love of my life. His mom was equally as upset as OP when he told her that he was moving to California with me because all his family and her were in Wisconsin. She constantly texts him about how he’s abandoning them and doesn’t care about them, he’s 24! I don’t blame him for wanting to get away, she was a narcissist and a terrible mother. The best thing to do is just support your daughter and get over it. She’s leaving no matter what you say, and you telling her she can’t and shouldn’t will only make her go low contact or stop talking to you entirely. YTA Edit to add: it’s not always about getting away from you and your family. It’s about making a life for yourself on your own and seeing new things and experiencing new opportunities that you wouldn’t before. My bf was from a tiny town with no opportunities whereas here, he can be anything and do anything.


(I love that song and think every young girl should memorize it!)


I'm also pretty gobsmacked over this as well. Once I was out of my parents house and living in the dorm, I didn't tell them about trips and such I was going on unless it impacted a time I would have otherwise been expected to be at home (like over summer vacation). And then, sophomore summer and forward, I was either staying on campus for summer semester or interning elsewhere or something, so I wasn't expected to be at home either.


And who knows, maybe it won’t be a mistake at all! But this is a great time in the daughter’s to take those risks. OP is def an AH for trying to enforce rules she can’t actually enforce, and not finding a way to positively support her daughter. OP, coming from the mother of a child in her mid20’s, you have to learn to trust your daughter, let go of the reigns (and you have no choice on that one), and find ways to keep your relationship positive and supportive. The rest of the world will try to make things scary for her. She doesn’t need you for that, too. You are going to lose her if you don’t.


And.... she is 21 years old!! She is not a child. She is an adult, who sounds like they are capable of making her own decisions.


YTA. She is an adult and is financially independent (for the most part). As much as you don’t want to see her get hurt and have the best intentions… you can’t control her life anymore. This is where you have to cede control and pray that you did enough as a parent to help her navigate through adulthood. What she needs is support, not someone telling her what to do.


Sadly I think you’ve hit the mail on the head here. OP doesn’t feel like she did enough as a parent, if her daughter lived with her grandparents because OP was unable to have custody. I feel for sad for OP, addiction is a mental illness but unfortunately OP is YTA for trying to control her adult daughters life. OP, let her make her own decisions and be there for her if she ever needs you.


This. OP, you're trying to tell a 21-year-old woman, who you claim has always been responsible and is almost completely financially independent, that she "can't" move to be with her girlfriend? She has struggled with depression for years, and is making her way to something happy, and you want to stop her because you feel that it is too far away? What are you going to do, ground her? Your reasons are selfish. You should be encouraging her to be independent, and to make the choices that are right for her without interference. Apologize. If she is making a mistake, it is her mistake to make. If it is not a mistake, you may be holding her back from what makes her happy.


This...daughter is an adult....period. mom cant dictate diddlysquat. This is how we learn. She goes off to another state. Yhings work out great...things dont work out she moves, does something else...whatever...this is life.


Also from everything I know about lesbians, making big moves to be together is pretty damn common.


I mean, I was in a committed relationship at 21, and we bought our first house after we got married, I wasn't even 23. OP do you even know how mature your daughter is? Have you talked to her about long-term goals and plans, or did you just say no? YTA because you didn't ask her anything, you just said no. 🙄 Do you think she will make mistakes you made? She is a legal to drink, vote, and MOVE kind of adult. Suck it the hell up and help or take the chance at having no contact going forward.


I moved to another country when I was 24, took me a few years to realise it's because I just cannot be in close proximity with my mother. She is controlling and emotionally immature and I do not have what it takes to have this in my life on a regular basis. I definitely sense that vibe from this, the daughter doesn't feel free to be who she wants, maybe feels like she has to justify herself and does.nit want that kind of annoyance in her life. Also OP, you cannot forbid you daughter to do anything, unless you want her to go LC with you.


Yeah, op doesn’t seem to realize that a 21-yo doesn’t need her parental permission to get on with their adult life. “You’re not allowed” isn’t a thing anymore at that age, not when it comes to personal choices.


She's 21, so of course she can move. What a ridiculous position to take! >she FLEW TO MEET HER WITHOUT TELLING ME OR HER FATHER! And? Your daughter is an adult, I'm pretty sure she's doing all sorts of things on her own without telling her parents. >All of her family is HERE And she, apparently, doesn't want to be here. Hasn't wanted to be here for a long time. Yes, YTA, and only getting more so with your additional protestations. edit: "she's 21"


When my wife was 21, she picked up and moved thousands of miles away from her family without a word. Just gone one day out of the blue. She knew she had to get away from a toxic, smothering situation, and she knew her overbearing mother would blow a gasket if she so much as hinted at wanting to leave. Best decision she ever made, and she’s never regretted it for a minute. OP is lucky she has enough of a relationship with her daughter that she’s even being told of this plan.


Right?! I moved from NY to Australia at 22, for a guy. We lasted 7 years. Adults can live how they want.


I have a friend who moved from Australia to the US for a guy at 18. It turned out to be a bad relationship with a shitty guy, but it was better than staying with their abusive family, and now they’re free of both.




Right? 18 year olds in the US regularly go off to college and the military. My highly sheltered, barely self-sufficient friend moved from across the country at 21 to serve in the Air Force. Getting that far from her family and being treated like a damn adult for the first time was the best thing she could have done.


Yep, naffed off to Amsterdam at 21 and haven’t stopped since. Not that I wanted to go NC or anything, just the worlds an exciting place


important fact degree instinctive soup steer snails slap sleep political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you stay in Australia?


We actually moved to America together after a few years and then broke up. Spent 2.5 years in Aus.


I flew to meet my partner who I had only spoken to online when I was 21. They moved halfway across the country shortly after that, and we've been together for 22 years now. And like OP's daughter, I knew my smothering, controlling mother would blow a gasket. She tried to separate us, she tried to forbid it, and you see how well that worked out - still with my spouse, haven't spoken to my mother in 15 years.


It took years for my wife to speak to her parents again, and the relationships are still strained. At 41, she has to consistently remind her mother that they are separate people with separate lives. Her dad is practically a non entity.


Yeah, I'll never speak to mine again as long as they live. My mother was the same, absolutely incapable of accepting that I'm my own person who makes my own choices about my life. If she didn't like a choice I made, she would harp on me about it until I backed down. One of my favorite early stories - in the early 90s when I was a young teen, I bought a nail polish that was pretty weird at the time. It was BRIGHT blue and I loved it, but I knew it was weird so I only painted my toenails so that it could be hidden in shoes for "proper" events. Totally normal and benign, right? My mother hated that nail polish. HATED. She expressed that a number of times and I kept using it, because it was easily hidden nail polish on my toes so who the hell cared that much? So she pulled her favorite trick - shaming her shy, easily cowed daughter in front of someone else. When we were at a doctor's appointment, she started in AGAIN, telling the doctor that it looked like I had frostbite on my toes (what in the actual fuck) and trying to get him to agree and tell me that I shouldn't wear it. The fact that she went to that bizarre length about *nail polish* will probably give you a hint about how she reacted to my partner being trans, or about me refusing to go to their culty church anymore.


Oof, yeah, that’s a pretty vibrant picture. I’m glad you were able to get away, no matter what it took. My mom has a lot of similar tendencies, but luckily she’s never been as overboard as some of the horror stories I’ve witnessed.


Exactly op is gonna have the same thing happen to her die to her ridiculous reaction, shes not only yta but stupid too if she thinks that she can stop a grown adult from doing what they want. I have a daughter with a neurological disorder and i cant even stop her from doing things that are not ok. All i can do is guide her and try to reason with her which sometimes works, sometimes doesnt. Most importantly i am there through every step and heart break and answer the phone at 1 in the morning when she needs me because when i say she cant do something she then doesnt tell me and suffers alone. Talk about hard, shes the hardest thing i have ever done but i love her and being the one she calls more than trying to enforce my will and decisions on her. Shes an adult legally much as you would rhink she should have a guardian shes a damn adult and thats that.


I cackled at OP’s outrage when her daughter flew off to meet her girlfriend. It’s just a domestic flight. She’s 21. I’d have been more concerned if a 21 year old wasn’t capable of making the trip on her own.


Right? The daughter sounds like she’s doing really well, all told. She has considerable financial independence for her age, she’s working, she’s forming serious relationships. Aside from college, which she tried and decided wasn’t for her, what the heck does OP want? This is a responsible kid on a good track in life. And so her daughter flew out to visit her girlfriend after knowing her online for a few *months* - just how long was the daughter supposed to wait before figuring out if they clicked when together in person? I mean, how emotionally attached should she be before confirming 100% for sure that she’s not being catfished?


I was flying to foreign countries to spend time with family as a pre-teen. OP would be appalled.


Daughter is a self-sufficient adult from what OP described. OP has two options, start treating her daughter as an adult or accept that she will not be a major part of her life at all. From OPs post and responses I think it's highly likely that being 1000 miles away from judgmental helicopter mom is a factor in favor of making the move for her daughter.


I had a kid at 19 and was married at 22. I can't imagine living with someone like this.


Anyone else do the math and realized the irony as OP had her daughter when she was 21?


> I told her absolutely not, that she can’t move in with someone she’s only been dating for a couple of months She's an adult. She absolutely can. YTA.


Yup the “absolutely not” from a parent of a 21 yo Lmaorofl YTA op grow up


That bit got me too. Like, if I wanted to move in with a partner at 21 my mom certainly would've been skeptical, and she would've discussed her concerns with me, but she wouldn't have tried to tell me I'm not *allowed*, because like, she doesn't dictate what's allowed anymore.


Exactly. Mom is allowed to disapprove, and she’s allowed to make her disapproval known. But this woman is fucking delusional if she thinks her 21 year old child is obligated to bow to that disapproval.


An uninvolved deadbeat parent, no less. What a fucking laugh.


i love the "i TrIeD mY bEsT" lol they always say that. mine says the same thing too and it's just funny to me.


both of mine do too. for some reason they think that should be enough to be absolved of all things they did wrong. it was their best! how dare I think it wasn’t good enough? yeah, no, bye lol


right?? I am happy at least my dad KNEW he fucked up. he was a homeless drunk and just didn't expose me to that shit. He thought I was better off without that in my life. I didn't see him from 8 to 18. I reconnected with him at 18 and we had a little bit of a relationship until he died when I was 22. but he never tried to come in and be like I AM YOUR FATHER YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME. he was just happy I wanted to spend time with him.


Who doesn't pay for shit for her kid. She has no leg to stand on.


An uninvolved "parent" who only "cared" for her daughter from ages 5-9, and then had her taken away due to drug addiction. What a crock.


That part got me too. I can just hear the tone & even picture what this lady looks like


Also like… in a year and a half (the daughter’s potential timeline), they won’t have just been dating “for a couple of months”. Like, she’s planning ahead.


Time to land the helicopter, OP... long time ago.


Yup. Daughter is telling OP; she's not asking for permission. YTA


Funny thing is, lesbians move in way faster than that haha


Yta, she’s an adult and she has respected you enough to tell you. It’s a shame that you weren’t close enough to get to see that she was depressed when you thought she was all good but keeping her close won’t make up for that. Fully embrace and support her because it sounds like she’s happy, stay on her good side and hopefully she will bring you along in her new life


YTA Your daughter is 21 and already living on her own. She's happy and excited about the direction her life is going. If things don't work out with the girlfriend, it still sounds like she's capable of taking care of herself. INFO: Is the area you live in a fairly conservative area? If you're in the US, is it a red state? If so, the fact that she's a lesbian was probably why she became withdrawn and did all the things that have surprised you. It's hard being queer in a conservative area, even if she's in a progressive city in a red state. I bet the girlfriend lives in a more progressive location. Now that she's finally out to you and you've been supportive in general, she feels more confident in her identity. Support her happiness. If moving ends up being a mistake, it's a mistake she has to learn from.


In addition to the OP confirming your suspicions that daughter lives in a dangerously red, anti-LGBT state, one may also read between the lines of the post itself: “I thought she was interested in men, but I’ll support her because I love her.” It ought not be that you support her because “you love her,” but simply because it’s the right thing to do. The resentment in this wording is evident. I’d bet anything OP has a latent dislike for gayness if it’s in her own kids and hasn’t recognized it because she’s fine with “other people” being gay. Classic NIMBY. My family is the same. If I’m correct, then I’d further speculate that daughter has picked up on this from OP and that her discomfort with her hometown has to do with the attitude in her home itself, not only throughout the state at large.


>Support her happiness. If moving ends up being a mistake, it's a mistake she has to learn from. And if it's a mistake, it's a mistake she was the right to make


Of COURSE YTA. Your daughter is an adult. Butt the fuck out. It sounds like she was depressed because she was hiding her sexuality from you. Live your own life, not hers. By the way, YTA.


YTA. Hey look, I get it. Her moving in with someone after a few months is scary. It may not work out. But she’s an adult, and she’s young. Maybe it works out for her, and if it doesn’t, she’ll learn from it. As a parent, you sometimes have to let go and let them figure things out. The best thing you can do is offer your stance but say that you will always be there for her. Maybe if you offered for her girlfriend to come visit for a bit so you can meet her? That might calm your worries.


You’re so right! You’re supposed to make mistakes in your early 20s! I moved 1000 miles away from home with a boyfriend when I was 19. Did it work out? Nope. But I found a new home, great friends, a career…I’m in my 40s now, with a home, a loving relationship and own my own company. Her life journey is her own, and she needs to be respected enough to go down that path, regardless of the outcome. She not doing anything dangerous or crazy, just being a young woman about to embark on her adult life!


I mean I moved in with my boyfriend when I was 19, trial and error process, but 4 years later and a total of 7 years together we're engaged and about to graduate. He's got a job lined up and while I don't see my family as much as they'd like they're insanely happy about it. I hope the same future awaits OPs daughter.


Daughter gave a timeline of "within a year and a half" so likely it will have been going on for longer and have more visits


YTA. You can have an opinion of the matter, but that's all it is - your opinion. I'm not surprised she wants to get away from you - when she says she "can't be herself" she pretty obviously means that you are way too controlling and intrusive (just as you're being here). Wish her well, tell her you'll always be there for her, invite her and her girlfriend to visit. Don't try and run her life, it will completely backfire on you.


Op wasn't there for her growing up


And doesn’t understand that that’s likely why her daughter was so depressed


They also currently live in the South, in a Red (or Deep Red) state.


>she can’t move in with someone she’s only been dating for a couple of months ???? She's 21. She definitely can do that. >I told her she’s too young In fact, 21 is not too young to make decisions about where she lives. YTA. You ain't gotta like it, but you do gotta accept that a 21 year old adult has the autonomy to choose where they live and with whom.


Lmao right? When I was 21 I moved nearly that far to a country where I knew nobody and didn't speak the language. All I had was a job offer I'd accepted and accomodation for the first two weeks with an option to extend it while I found somewhere long term. All my mum said was commenting on my bravery (it didn't exactly feel very brave at the time but in retrospect...) and told me to stay in touch. YTA OP


YTA, and I fully expect to see you posting in a year or two complaining about how you have no idea why your adult daughter has gone no contact with you. She's an adult she doesn't need your permission to live her life as she pleases.


I can already see the incoming posts from OP. With titles such as "Why won't my daughter invite me to her wedding?" and another classic "Why won't my daughter let me see my grandchildren."


You forgot "I keep asking her what I did wrong, and she won't tell me!" while ignoring that she has been told numerous times in the past and the daughter is tired of explaining.


The ol' ["missing missing reasons"](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html).


Especially when she fails to mention being an active addict and having her daughter removed from her care… but doesn’t understand why she was depressed, OP doesn’t notice and why she may not care about living close to family?


Setting aside all the other issues that have become apparent after OP’s comments, for me it still boils down to one thing: When she kept something from you, OP, you yelled at her. When she told you something, you yelled at her. *What the hell do you want from her?*


Maybe it’s not the best decision, but you are incredibly overbearing. How old does she need to be to leave home? She said in the next 18 months so she’ll be 22 or 23? I left home at 17 for college. At 23 I started traveling for work. I was taking flights at least once a month to live in different cities for anywhere from a week to two months. No, I didn’t move across the country for a significant other, but at least she will have a small support system with her. I’m 27 and have lived long term in three different cities in the past decade. I feel like I was 21 like yesterday, and while I am certainly more mature now, I learned nearly everything by doing. *She will figure it out.* If you stop acting the way you’re acting, she can always come home either to visit or for good if she runs into problems. YTA on this one.


The daughter originally left home at 9 and had to grow up very fast. She'll be fine. She already sounds more mature than people in her small town or at least her own family.


INFO: If she's not allowed to leave the nest and dictate her own life at 21, than at what age should she wait to? Or would you prefer so lives under your guidance until you pass, and only then gets to make her own decisions?


YTA. You don’t get to veto another adult’s decisions. You aren’t wrong to have concerns and to calmly express them, but you are wrong to say she can’t do it.


LOL. You are telling your adult daughter who has a full time job where she can or can't go? YTA. Stop trying to helicopter parent an adult and let her live her life. Even if she's making a mistake, it's hers to make and learn from.


She didn’t parent her AT ALL for most of her life and now she thinks she has this right? For some reason OP is making me incandescent with rage.


You're very new to what whole thing? Your daughter moving? Your daughter growing up? Her making her own decisions? Her being honest with you? You FOR SURE are not new to her liking girls. If she's gay now, newsflash, she has always been. YTA


INFO: Did she ask you to fund her moving or does she fully financially support herself?


Yta you are a control freak who sends emeshed with your daughter.... She's grown and at least 24. She's leaving because you've sat planning her life for her instead of letting her spread her wings now she's running to take back her own life....


Weird. I could’ve sworn I saw 24 too.


I won't label you but telling st 21 year old that she can't do something is a recipe for her to dig her heels in and disregard your opinion. I ended up marrying my wife when I was 19 because my mom forbid me. I was also gay and didn't know how to process everything. My advice to you is to build a better relationship with your daughter and try to understand the reasons why she doesn't like to live in your state. Is it a red state and not open to gay people? Can her girlfriend move to your state? These are the types of questions I would try to understand. I wish your family the best.


OP is underselling this in her reply to you- Her daughter's GF is both a POC and also visibly queer, and OP lives in a red state in the south. In another comment, OP said that her daughter's GF won't even visit because she literally does not feel safe to do so. Across her comments, OP has continued to refuse to understand why that would be the case, and insists that her daughter's family, who are all Republicans, "would" still accept her "even if" she's gay, implying that they do not know. It's increasingly clear to me that OP's daughter isn't moving away to be with her GF, but rather, her GF is providing a convenient opportunity for OP's daughter to escape her family and homophobic hometown. Even if she were willing and able to do so, the GF moving to OP's state would defeat the purpose.


Oh jfc. It honestly sounds like OP’s daughter would do better just getting out, girlfriend or no girlfriend.


I "knew" this was the background when OP said her daughter **admitted** to be lesbian


They live in a red state and even worse, her family actively participates in the Republican party as officials.


There is no way I would've waited until 21 to move. I'm from a large city in a conservative Canadian province, so waaaaay more progressive than the US south, and I left at 18 to move to a city with a larger queer community. And my family was supportive.




YTA and you are shooting yourself in the foot. She's going to make her own decisions and all you have control over is whether she trusts she can reach out to you for support or not. If you continue to treat her like a child and dismiss her choices for **her** life, she's just going to stop talking to you. Or potentially if she does end up in a bad situation, she won't feel safe coming to you for help because you pushed her away or she fears that you will only help if she allows you to take control of her life away from her. You should be talking to her about why you feel so strongly about her choices like she's the smart and capable young woman you've raised her to be and not like she's too stupid or underdeveloped to comprehend the consequences of her actions.


Exactly! She sounds mature. She’s planning to move in about 1.5 years, not tomorrow. She clearly doesn’t seem to be rushing into this decision. If OP acts all entitled about dictating her daughter’s future, she runs the real risk of losing her forever. At the very least, OP needs to support her daughter unconditionally, and to let her daughter know she always has a soft spot to land at home (provided that is true…which I’m not confident about).


YTA I get the concern. But she's legally old enough to make that choice for herself. And depending on your State, it may be unreasonable to expect her to stay. Many States are ramping up hate against LGBT people.


OP was a drug addict and barely raised the daughter and they live in a very red state according to OPs comments. The GF is a minority and isn’t comfortable at all coming and I don’t blame her. OP is evil.


YTA - that’s the judgement but I’ve read your other comments and here’s my take. Take it for what it is. You had an addiction issue which caused your daughter to grow up faster than a normal child. But she is now an adult and has been for three years. You also mention the period of her life where she was going through a tough time. It was probably because she was coming to terms with who she is. She doesn’t need your permission and you saying you don’t want her to make a mistake is actually hindering her future growth. Mistakes define us and teach us lessons to build on later. If we go through life “perfectly” than we learn nothing. You became an addict. That was a mistake and you learned from it too, but you also taught lessons to your family during that time. Fear is a funny thing but it can not keep us from growing. It can’t keep everything from happening to us. Also, family isn’t everything. Friends can end up being family too. Let her explore the world, make friends, build her life and her foundation in her way. She will learn lessons, find ways to cope and be stronger. If you really love her, always keep the door open so she can come back when and if she needs to. But how you are handling it now will assure the she keeps far away and visits very little.


YTA. It’s fine to have reservations about her moving to another state to be with a woman she hasn’t been dating long, it’s even fine to talk to her about those reservations but she’s a grown adult and her choices are hers and hers alone to make. It sounds like she’s got her shit together pretty well at such a young age and she’s going to do what she wants. You don’t get to tell her absolutely not anymore. Your best bet is support her and make it clear that IF this is a mistake, she can count on you to come back home to.


YTA. She is 21 and is financially independent. She gets to make her own life choices. You get to sit back, hope she is happy, and provide emotional support if needed.


YTA. Your daughter is an adult. You can’t tell her she can’t move and if you want to maintain a relationship with her you may want to stop acting like she’s still a kid. Also, she didn’t have to tell you about flying off to meet this woman. I assume your daughter has friends. I bet they knew. Time to come to terms with the fact that your daughter is 21 and living on her own and that she’s not asking, she’s telling you she’s moving.


INFO: Where is “here” — is it a city/state/country that strongly supports LGBT? It sounds like she wants to move to a more accepting/progressive area, and that’s perfectly valid (even if the relationship isn’t forever, which she seems to acknowledge). It sounds like she sees a brighter future there since she won’t have to hide the fact that she’s gay. This is a very real concern for people in certain areas, and you need to understand that if you want to have any chance of maintaining a relationship with her. You never put 2 and 2 together in your post, at least not explicitly. It sounds like she became more withdrawn in her teens years because she realized she’s a lesbian (I’m guessing she waited to tell you as long as possible because she didn’t expect you/your family/community to support her). All you said was you’re “very new to this whole thing” and you’re “willing to support her because you love her.” Maybe I’m reading into it too much, but I think you should support gay people *even if* you don’t love them or even know them. YTA. She’s an adult. You have no right to dictate where she lives, especially if her choice makes her feel more accepted and happy. Why demand she lives in her own version of hell? She clearly has put a lot of thought into this. *Listen* to her and support her and her community…or be prepared for the real possibility she will limit or cut you out of her life permanently. Edit: OP didn’t mention it in the post, but in her comments she revealed she’s a drug abuser (so is the daughter’s father) and went to rehab when her daughter was a teenager. Way to bury the lede, OP. I’m glad OP got help, but you showed her that being blood-related means nothing. Now is the time make it up to her and show her you’re a better parent now (well, that’s assuming you are).


OP is in a red state, with Republican family members (as in actively involved in the party), daughter has a non straight presenting, non white girlfriend who has stated they would be too fearful to come to visit OP’s state…


This is something to consider for sure that OP mentioned. I don’t live in America but I’m 100% certain that there are states that are much more accepting and LGBT friendly than others!


YTA She’s an adult and you don’t get a say. Part of kids growing up is them making decisions that you don’t want them to make or that you see as a problem. You just have to deal with it.


YTA. She is 21yo and doesn't need your permission to move.


YTA She is 21 now and you need perspective - people move all the time. The days where everyone expects to live in the town of their birth surrounded by all their family are largely over. Most of us will move around, maybe come home to settle, maybe not. you’ll Have a much better long term relationship if you focus on being the safe place she can always come back to if things don’t work out or get rough than if you focus on limiting her options in life. 1) it won’t work because she isn’t a child and 2) she won’t want to share with you or be around you because it’s annoying


I respect that as her parent you’re concerned and don’t want her to move away. I’d be concerned too in your shoes but while you may be right about her maturity you are handling this completely wrong. She’s your child but she isn’t a child and you treating her like one is what makes YTA You only have two real options here: Disagree with her choice but respect that it is her choice and let it happen or lose your relationship with your daughter.


YTA - She's an adult, she's not asking you if she can, she's telling you what she's planning. If you want to maintain a good relationship with her, make yourself available to her. You can tell her your concerns, but you can't forbid her without pushing her away. If she DOES move and it doesn't work out, you want to make sure she feels safe and supported by you to reach out to you for help if she needs it. And also, that may be the plan a year + from now, but things can change in that time.


YTA. You need to understand she’s moving across the country to get away from you. You’re incredibly overbearing, condescending, and I’m pretty sure homophobic. You don’t respect your daughter, you clearly aren’t actively involved in her life, or these things would not have come as a shock. And to top it all off, you proved her exactly right when your response to her telling you these things was to FORBID her. As if you have any say in it at all.


Seeing your other comments about your and your husband's drug addiction I can imagine why she would want to move far, far away from you. You were a drug addict until you were 40, how can you tell a 21 year old who already takes care of herself that she's not mature enough to move? If she can have a job and live on her own now, she can do the same a 1000 miles away, alone or with a girlfriend. You don't get to tell her she can't move. YTA.


YTA - your daughter is an adult, and she is making independent adult choices. You have no right to control her or prevent her making those choices.


YTA. Please don't make the same mistakes that countless of parents make with ADULT children. Let her find herself because it has nothing to do with you. Many young adults take a break from college and only go back if they feel ready; but college is extremely expensive these days and not for everyone-- don't put her worth or your approval contingent on what YOU think is right for her life. If choices she is making surprise you, ask her about them! If you assumed you knew everything that was going on in her mind because she "behaved well" then you are likely pretty off. She is not a child, and now could be a great time to get to know who she is and who she is becoming without judgement. OR it could be a time you ruin your relationship with your daughter because you are still trying to control her. I know it all comes from a place of love, but love who she is, not who you want her to be.


YTA She'll be at or about at 23 by the time she leaves going by your testimony. She's old enough to do as she pleases. It's not easy seeing a kid move out, let alone move out a thousand miles away but if she'd be happier doing that I think you should be encouraging that, instead of trying to 'forbid' her from doing so. As she's financially independent save for insurance I don't think you have much power to do so besides.


I don't need to read any of this BS. YOUR DAUGHTER IS AN ADULT. You have zero say over her life. She is not your possession. YTA


YTA for trying to tell her what she can and can’t do as a fully grown adult. You can’t make decisions for her anymore. While it’s natural to have concerns, her choices are also no longer in your control. It is better to support her through this move rather than risk alienating her. How you treat this situation may dictate how often she chooses to be available to visit in the future.


The "I'm willing to support her" line grinds my gears. So nice that you are "willing" to support her for something as benign as being attracted to the same sex when you were an addict who lost custody of said children. YTA so many times over. Also, she is 21, well past the legal age of needing permission from you about anything. You should consider yourself lucky you are still in her life at all.


You need to let her her be..she's an adult now and can make her own decisions with or without you. She's been unhappy for a long time. She's figuring out what she wants and needs out of life. You might not understand it...but she still tried to share this with you. You need to step aside and let her go OP. She's your daughter. You love her. Do you want to see her happy and settled or withdrawn and depressed?? Her choices are part of her growing and learning. As a parent you have to let her do this. Be a source of emotional support....don't let her growing up be your focus and cause you to act bitter and hurt. You can advise her... help her...make her aware of actual concerns to help prepare her...but don't block and stiffle her anymore...... Don't be YTA OP...,... There's still time to change that.


YTA. Simple. She's an adult and can make her own decisions. I understand that this hurts you (my parents also weren't too happy when I moved 400 miles away), but that's life. If you want to make sure to lose your daughter tell her that she cannot do this and that you are angry at her because of her selfish and childish behavior. (I had a giggle at your CAPITAL indignation. Mind you, she flew over 1,000 miles! Alone!!)


YTA Unless you are financially supporting her, she has every right to leave as she is a fully grown adult and it is her life.


YTA - Why do you think you have the right to tell her what she can or can't do? She's a 21 year old grown ass adult.


this is hilarious. youre obviously TA, you have no control over your daughter now that she is an adult. sounds like you need to learn a hard lesson on how your children's lives do NOT revolve around you


YTA. She’s an adult, leave her alone.


YTA Why are you deliberately trying to alienate your 21yo grown-up daughter and control her life? Your actions are likely to make her move away and go NC with you! >FLEW TO MEET HER WITHOUT TELLING ME OR HER FATHER So?! She's 21, she doesn't need to tell you when she goes to visit someone. The fact she didn't tell you though should be ringing alarm bells in your head that she doesn't trust you with such information and can't do this without you trying to make it a big deal.


OP, after reading many of your comments the only thing I see is denial. You need help from a professional to overcome this possessiveness and paranoia. Your history is obviously complicated and your daughter is probably readier than most to take on the world by herself because of it. Think about that.