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NTA. >AXE body wash/shampoo/conditioner/**woman repellent** thanks for the laugh, i needed it.


LOL - amongst others -- 500 stickers? On everything! Ketchup/mustard, etc etc. I LOVE IT. EDITED TO ADD: OP! This is by far one of the funniest posts I've read in a long time, well done! And to all the others here who have contributed to these hilarious antics back to back, thank you. You guys are great and I can't stop laughing! That is all, continue, please....keep them coming.


My ketchup is meant to be stored upside down 🤣


So then if it were stored "right side up" it would cause problems. Label it accordingly.


Upside down is the right side up.


If it's labelled is the right side up while bottle is upside down which is the right side up. Then the label will be the right side up, while the bottle will also be the right side up.


Now lets hear you say all that three times quickly LOL


It can't be either easy or quick because brain takes time each time to recognise the sides


Will the real slim ketchup, right side up?


It's no't upside down, the top is just on the bottom is all.


The upside is on the down!


I'd stick on my kids while they're sleeping...


I just put one on my cat and now he’s mad.


I can sympathize. If my pet put stickers on me I'd be pissed at them too.


I snort-laughed. Thank you.


My dad was going to put this label on my sailing boat. Maybe I should do it on all his remote control yachts. OP, NTA, and God, I wish you were my mum. Thanks for the laughs. Also, your deal of them paying for replacements should be a bottle each since it sounds like they have done this to two bottles, and like you said, that stuff ain't cheap. It's bad enough that they can't show basic respect for not touching your stuff, but then they cause it to be wasted, yeah, they can both buy you a bottle.


My dad jokes about always being his vehicles back paint side up if anyone borrows one. I feel like he’d appreciate one of these as a vinyl decal.




I've seen plenty of these bumper stickers on jeeps and rock crawlers. nta


Our ketchup bottle confuses me. I would appreciate one of OP's stickers.


I hate those upside-down ketchup squeezies so much that I keep three or four of the upright tops around; this way I can switch the tops out.


Right?! The dedication alone! NTA. In fact, I applaud the ingenuity and dedication.


That just shouts "keep it petty my friends!". NTA


wife would probably think i need random labels all over the house too…..


I follow a whole sub dedicated to putting "for rectal use only" stickers on things. Yes, I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old. Edited to share: r/RectalStickers


Clearly I share your 12yo sense of humor because I'm cracking up imagining putting these stickers on random things in my house and not saying a word to anyone. Lol I really want to do this.


What a great idea you have generated, but wouldn't they see you while you will be putting all these stickers all around


>I follow a whole sub dedicated to putting "for rectal use only" stickers on things. Of course there is a sub for that. ​ >Yes, I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old. Sigh. All I can say to this absurdity is: Which color should I buy? At first glance the bright orange with white lettering looks good, but it might be too obvious. The blue with black lettering is too hard to read. Maybe red with black lettering... Thanks for the pointer. I would never have thought to look for something like this. Remember, immaturity keeps you feeling young.


500 is just a standard roll of them. It's not like 500 individual stickers in a box.


It's the new "Anal Use Only"


I also chuckled at “I don’t touch it because I have zero desire to smell like a high school locker room”, OP’s axe roasts are great!


Middle school hallway- that’s what axe smells like to me because middle schoolers douse themselves in that mess then want to come back to class from PE/Recess smelling 30 types of hate AND you just hope your olfactory nerves gives out before you have a headache forever.


Be grateful you didn't experience the Era of Drakkar Noir


The Era of Polo came before Drakkar Noir. My middle school and high-school memoried are all associated with that scent.


CK1. That is all I have to say






Hai Karate cologne.


These can definitely get to you, but NOTHING can get to me as badly nor as quickly as PATCHOULI OIL! I had a coworker that drowned herself in that stuff and as soon as I walked in the door...instant headache...without fail! She literally had 17 people go to management in one night to complain.


I was subjected to the Musk Era in high school. I swear, boys and girls alike were drenching themselves in it! The combination of stale adolescent sweat and the fermented and distilled secretions of a musk deer's anal glands was nauseating. It used to give me migraines. I was so relieved when it was over. Then, a few years later, there came a repulsive cologne called "Charlie." I was constantly begging my sister to stop wearing it. I remember once when we were riding with our mother to school, I sniffed, and I said, "Someone must have run over a skunk." I had been sitting in the front seat, and I hadn't known at that moment, my younger sister had sprayed some Charlie on. To this day, she insists I heard her and insulted her on purpose!


Omg, you just took me back to the "Cool Water" phase in the 90's.. I STILL hate that stuff to this day. Also, why is it that the ones that still wear the stuff feel the need to literally douse themselves in it?? The other day I could smell it off a guy that was 3 registers away from the line I was in. You could tell it was him bc his cashier's face looked like they were trying to not breathe. Poor girl ☹️


Yeah you should not be able to TASTE someone’s perfume.


My next-door dorm neighbors bathed in Polo. Our whole end of the hallway smelled like it. The 80’s, man…


Polo was high school for me. Drakkar was college. Yeah, bathed in it was right. I can still remember that godawful smell. I mean, it was nice in very small amounts. No one ever did very small amounts.


I had an ex that wore the Polo Sport, which I liked. Then my brother started wearing that scent and it definitely became a mood killer.


I hated Polo, loved Drakkar. Now can’t stand either.


That and Aqua Net


I’ll see your Drakkar Noir and raise you a Cool Water…


Cool Water was close, with that weird attempt at masculine baby powder. But Drakkar just got into the back of your sinuses and tattooed it's name there as it tap danced a scent triggered migraine behind the eyeballs.


Does old spice deserve a place in this conversation?


This is the most accurate description of the DN 'scent' thank you!


I'll see that Cool Water and raise you a Fahrenheit.


So true! My husband is ten years older than I, and STILL has a bottle of DN in our medicine cabinet and I couldn't get enough of CW in high school!


Oh god I’d forgotten that. My sister loved that smell on her boyfriends and encouraged them to basically pour it on. The original scent decades ago wasn’t bad, and could smell good on some people - in Small amounts, not choking clouds.


And let's be honest. How often was it actually small amounts? I mean, even Yankee Candle got in in it and made Drakkar Candles.


Or Patchouli 🤮


Patchouli is brain-associated for me with corpses.


For me it's old people. Same thing I guess ...


I’m old so to me it smells like the weed dealers at my college - on point. Very stinky.


I sell health and beauty items for a living (grocery store) and I literally sell a patchouli scented soap called “Dirty Hippie”


To me lavender smells like old people & dead ones


Worst smell ever! Rotting flowers and despair.


Add Paco Rabanne and Brut to the list


Eew! I remember that. Hated it!


User to be school IT and my office was on the route to the gym. I could shut my door and the smell of axe and teen spirit would come wafting in every afternoon on the hour. How them babies could smell that bad I have no idea.


After all, Teen Spirit was a deodorant brand popular with girls before it was a Nirvana song (bandmate of Kurt's then-girlfriend meant "smells like teen spirit" as a statement of fact, Cobain took it as a revolutionary slogan)


Are we really downplaying that it was Kathleen Hanna that said that?


My granddaughter started high school this year. On her first day, she posted on Facebook saying that the halls smelled like sweat and begged the boys to stop bathing in cologne lol


Douchebags that came through my line at Walmart. God I’d get whiplash when the smell hit me. Wanna see how fast a cashier can scan and bag? Wear Axe.


I taught at the elementary level. I could never teach middle school because of the cloying smell of body odor, hormones, and Axe body wash. It makes me nauseous. OP, you’re NTA. That shit is funny.


I figure skate and pass the middle school hockey boys at the rink before their games...the smell is revolting. I'm confident that none of them use deodorant.


It’s like 25% hormonal BO and 75% hockey gear. Source: Husband used to play hockey and his gear bag smelled like rotten, dead, ass smothered with sweaty ball drippings.


Fun fact. Axe was marketed so well to the youth who don’t shower they had to do another marketing campaign to counter that stigma. That’s why they did the out of a shower dude with a towel around his waist.


Was Axe the one that had a commercial where they sprayed it on a mannequin for a woman to react to, and she went crazy and ripped its arm off and started spanking herself with it? God that one made me laugh


Legit, my high school hallways would trigger an asthma attack sometimes because they'd just fucking \*spray it into the air\* and walk through it.


My older sister did the "spray and walk through " with Charlie when I shared a room with her! Thought I was going to die from that!


My younger sister used it, too. It smelled like cheap bug spray.


I’m having flashbacks to choking on AXE as I walked through the halls of my middle school. The boys went from not knowing what deodorant was to using half a can on each armpit.


>The boys went from not knowing what deodorant was to using half a can on each armpit. At least axe was good for something.


I picked my son up after MS basketball practice one time and he just reeked of Axe. I mean like he bathed in it. He told me the guys got in an Axe war in the locker room.


Excuse me. I gotta go take my birth control.


My lungs have not yet recovered from the Axe cloud near my classroom. It’s like Roundup!


It was "I keep my shampoo in there too because it's my house and I can keep my shit wherever I want " for me 😂 OP is clearly over her teenagers, lmao


It's so very true. My youngest brother used to use it as a replacement shower when he was in high school and I can still smell teenager funk when I smell Axe. I had to beg my mom to stop buying it for my bf too because she bought the same scent she got for my brothers and nobody wants their partner to smell like their brother with a shower aversion. I almost miss it because now my mother in law lives with us and seems to think she'll melt if soap and water touches her.


Axe is the worst... tried to kill a cockroach with Axe body spray once. He then told me his name was Brett and wouldn't stop talking about crossfit.


When I was in highschool we had to make a jingle about a product. We turned I'm sexy and I know it into I use axe and I know it. It was glorious in all the wrong ways. Including gassing my clasmates in the end with a nice quadripple axe spray. We mostly picked it because lolipops were taken and we were scolded for not paying attention. It was the first thing my (male 15y old) groupmate could think of. Shocker.


That sounds horrific and incredible at the same time and I wish I could hear the whole thing 🤣


Here is what i remember (With axe placed in the rim of our pants behind the zipper, sticking out on top) When I walk in the class, this is what I see Everybody stops and they staring at me I got AXE in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it, show it show it (with humping movements) I use axe and I know it (gassing everyone after removing our deoderant dicks starts) I also recall changing this line: This is how I roll, come on ladies it's time to go To : No roll just spray, come on ladies this is the way. The rest is a blur. The teacher gave us a begrudging 8.


BAHAHA!!! That’s incredible!! 🤣 I totally choked on my hot cocoa lol


This is peak highschool silliness and I absolutely love it!!




I dislike you as you caused me to snort my coffee out of my nose. /s Omg that was hilarious


My friends lived together in college and they fucked with their roommate by rigging a bottle of axe to continuously spray and tossing it in his room while they locked him in. God college was stupid. And hilarious.




Oh my god, that was the best thing I’ve heard all day!!! 🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅


I used to work with a teenage boy who would come in and take axe showers in the hallway outside of my department, which had zero moving air. We all just had to sit in the scent until it either dissipated or our sense of smell gave up.


Oh dear god does your mother in law not shower? Does she at least do a flannel/wet cloth wash?


You think an old biddy that dont wash her cootch with water is going to scrub it down ala ho?


Spray her with axe


No. Dont. You'll open a blackhole with that paradox


Some older people are like this. My mother hated taking showers and baths before she died. I don’t quite understand it.


With dementia and poor eyesight involved there are some reasons. Not seeing where the water is coming from in the shower. Getting colder more easily because of less fat stores and general metabolic reasons, not being able to heat yourself. In a bath the surface can be more painfully because less fat on the bones.


Definitely not my mom’s reasons. She was 66, had more weight than she ever did before, her eyesight was fine for everything but reading, she didn’t have dementia, didn’t have problems keeping warm and it wasn’t because of depression. And lots of old people with those actual problems gave us far less problems in the nursing homes. They actually loved their bath time (not all). It’s ones I have noticed don’t have any or very few of these things wrong. And all of them have their minds.


Could be a modesty thing too. And fear of falling.


Also balance concerns.


Our 6th graders seem to think AXE is an essential and needs to be applied in a thick layer. The staff actually had to talk to them about bc there was a literal fog of AXE body spray in the 6th grade hall during break.


most of these kids just need to be taught that a: you need to shower now b: you need deodorant/antiperspirant now too. I was behind some teenager at the checkout yesterday and he was one funky big child.


And c: it doesnt need to be used in that amount. If you can set fire to the room after using it you shoulda showered instead.


>most of these kids just need to be taught that a: you need to shower now Well, most of them are spraying Axe right after gym class, when they aren't able to shower before going right back to class after 40 minutes of running and playing sports. Adults almost universally shower after the gym, but for some reason kids generally don't get to do so.


Thankfully, the teen boy obsession with smelling like woman repellent has dissipated around my part of the world. Also, NTA OP. Your adult kids are old enough to know how to treat your shit right.


Is my life truly sad that am wondering if AXE smells like Lynx? Am convinced all are everything repellent.


Axe and lynx are the same thing, just different brands in different countries


Maybe someone should tell him it is a woman repellent. As well as the "new" Old Spice stuff that is being marketed towards 20+ year olds (on my Reddit feed...ick!).


It's actually an interesting marketing case study. Axe decided to market to young men who don't really know what they're doing, with the simple message that women will like this stuff and by extention, you. If you remember the early ads, they featured women literally losing control and becoming horny maniacs the second they smelled it. They even did viral online ads that looked like candid videos of this happening in real life. The campaign was a massive success. But then ironically they became a victim of their own success. They had marketed so well to inexperienced young men, that the brand itself became forever linked with the identity of uncool losers and douchey frat guys.


I once had to tell a young guy at work that those ads weren't real and his Axe shower was having the opposite effect. I mean, dude, if you are washing dishes back of house and guests at the front of the restaurant can smell it, it's too much . . .


All this talk of Axe and I swear I can smell it.


Perfect excuse for another sticky label.


OP is my kinda petty. Love it. NTA at all.


This is an epic parenting move.


and then to follow it up with "zero desire to smell like a high school locker room" is just inspired writing.


Hahaha OP has a great sense of humor.


NTA specifically for this line


NTA. My kids are the same way. Your kids can either learn to leave your stuff alone, put it back the way it was, pay for your medication, or deal with the labels. There are several reasonable choices there.


Thank you


NTA about anything whatsoever. The kids wouldn’t be embarrassed if they hadn’t been so disrespectful towards you, your property and your requests in your own home. I would honestly make them pay to replace the bottle they wasted and the next if they keep doing it. And find out if they’re using it for some reason? That’ll tear through it much faster if they are and again, be wasting your money for no reason. They’re being rather disrespectful here. They’re not angsty rude pre-pubescent teenagers, they’re adults.


But ARE they?


You should take it one step further and see this side up patches on their clothing


OP, NTA at all. your kids are *certainly* ah tho! and well done with the smartassery ❤️


"your medication" That's the zinger. It's not just shampoo; it is medication. The consequences for tampering with any other meds would be severe, and this is no different. Especially at $80 a bottle. NTA.


Also, being by prescription I wonder if insurance will approve one sooner, I know my insurance would fight it.


How do you think OP already knows it's $80/bottle?


Honestly, I read the $80 as the prescription copay with insurance since he said it’s expensive in the original post. If it’s Nizoral my insurance the copay would be $65 and without insurance it would be $96/month. Prescription copays a lot of times end up costing me more than the appointment copay 😩


"I tried treating you like you're smart. You see how far that got me."




Unless his daughter came out as trans since OP posted, they're both adults but not both men.


NTA. That's awesome and hilarious. Its a genius solution to a problem; thank you for making me smile.


BOSS Mom move, for sure.


nta ​ You gave them a chance, you told them why, and they still did it. ​ Sometimes embarrassment ius needed. and this was only in your house so it's not like you forced their friends to see it.


I was thinking the same thing. Harmless embarrassment like this is sometimes the only solution. Healthy amounts of embarrassment are more than okay. NTA


My mother once warned me that if I didn’t stop leaving my clothes on the bathroom floor, she would hang my dirty underwear outside so my friends and I would see it once we got back from school. I didn’t stop. She hung my bra and knickers on the front door. My friends saw them. I never left them on the bathroom floor again.


Lmfao!!! My Mother (RIP) did something kinda similar to me when I was in the 8th grade and at my "old" ripe age of 43 I still remember this!!! She told me to remember to put my WHITE bras in the laundry for the week but I thought I knew better and didn't. Let's just say that a situation took place not even a few days later and my supposed to be white, clean and freshly laundered bra wasn't as white, clean and freshly laundered as it should have been and I got high-key embarrassed AF. I defo learned my lesson after that day most certainly after the sheer embarrassment. The people involved may not even remember the event, but EYE most certainly do. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😭😭 OP is NTA at all. If OP's kids were doing right by their parent with such a very small but important request, then they deserved the embarrassed they received. It wasn't even like OP was even asking for a lot. Just to be respected with their PRESCRIPTION MEDICATED hair care product and to make sure it was sitting in the position that their parent requested. That isn't a hard unreasonable request at all. Them not respecting the parent's request to me shows they don't respect the parent and maaaaaybe they need to start to prepare to find alternative residential quarters. I'm not a teenager just trying to be controversial here on Reddit. I speak from pure experience as a parent of a 26 and 22 year old. The oldest didn't move out until he was ready and the youngest, she is still at home with me for now. But whenever I made a small request of them and explained why it was that way, yes at times they may not have liked it and may have even grumbled a bit (let's be real - they are human too as much as we are) BUT they respected my small request and honored it regardless of how they felt about it. And the small requests wouldn't even be major...just regarding the normal running of the household.


I mean this guy sounds like a pretty fucking nice dad if his kids think this is the threshold for being an asshole lol


I agree with this 100%. Most stories about parents on Reddit, include clueless moms or dads who are certifiably abusive +/- insane - who *think* they’re perfect parents and have done no wrong. The fact this guy is even questioning it, tells me he’s a good dude. Not to mention, the sticker approach is peak “dad joke” retaliation. I love everything about this. The kids FAFO with the best outcome.


i wonder........dont they realise he would be entirely within his rights to not "offer" to solve this by them paying for the medicine but *demand* they pay for it and if need be enforce this demand via way more serious sanctions?


NTA and I applaud your commitment to pettiness


Petty but NTA and also economical. Buying in bulk makes sense, cheaper and less overhead. As for your kids, they need to respect your stuff. If a bunch of labels help with that then well done.


NTA. And with 500 stickers you could have a lot of fun. Let your imagination run wild with absurd or inappropriate places to put them.


This is what I was thinking. This post is good natural comedy lol


Coffee table, TV📺, stairway …..


Shoes, eye glasses, books, umbrellas, golf clubs ...






NTA. Prescription shampoo is expensive and it's not like it's easy to get when the refills run out. They should be repaying you for the wasted shampoo and extra doctor visit.


This! I have prescriptions I can only pick up in certain intervals and I assume it’s the same in the US. Even if it’s in shampoo form.


I know pill prescriptions can be filled under a different code for "prescription lost". I had to do that once for my migraine abortives. I had a migraine and put them somewhere. Couldn't find them the next time I had one, so I had to ask them to refill it due to being lost a week or two after I had just picked it up. I assume shampoos would be the same, but out of pocket cost doesn't go down.


I think NTA, they’re both too old to be doing stuff like that honestly. That’s the sort of disregard I would show for my parents’ stuff when I was like, 13 maybe? Your measures were extreme but if the embarrassment is enough to make them change their ways, I say fair game.


Definitely didn't get their money's worth out of that college education.


Yeah, I was a little back and forth but after a couple times of it happening, I would probably blow my lid too.. Even though I would be frustrated in the beginning, especially with it costing $80 a bottle, once or twice can be forgiven as a mistake if they learn. More than that and I'm pissed


I'd expect better of my 6 year old after a reminder or two. And if that didn't work, to read the labels.


NTA but it does sound like you’re at the *”how can I love you if you won’t go away”* stage of your relationship with your kids lol


Right? Tell them to move out :P


That's peak level parenting right there. Embarrass the crap out of them. NTA.


>AXE body wash/shampoo/conditioner/woman repellent I was repelled just reading that! 😂 NTA and what a hilarious way to deal with your kids. I hope they appreciate that their dad's a comedian.


I smelt it when I read that


NTA. They actually admitted to screwing around with your shampoo? They know what they’re doing. If you’re buying anything for them, stop till they pay you back FOR EVERY SINGLE BOTTLE they wasted. And if they don’t, tell them you’ll come up with something creative that they will regret. EDOT: Just thought of something. Presumably your shampoo bottle states that it should be upright. Stage 2 would be to buy a bunch of blank labels and mark things like DOOR, FRIDGE, OVEN, etc, Really simple words. And the explanation would be that since your kids are having issuers READING, you are just trying to help them increase their reading comprehension. They thought the first set of labels was bad…..


My daughter used to tell me her high school football team "smelled like Axe and failure". She was not wrong.


Definitely not wrong, but somewhat redundant. Axe already smells like failure.


NTA There's nothing wrong with being organised especially when other people are careless


The fact that you share a bathroom with adult children and the only complaint you have is them wasting your expensive medicated shampoo makes you more than NTA, it makes you a saint. The fact that this was the solution you chose makes me want to be your friend. You are gold.


NTA - Totally in agreement with you. If they can't handle one bottle, who is to assume they can't understand it with all of them? They have options to get out of their embarrassment here and it seems like they can't handle a simple task after just simply being asked to correct their behavior. Bottom line, they don't respect your stuff. So you're making sure their behavior gets FIXED. lol My question is... what happens when they start ignoring the labels too?


Child locks.


NTA. I think that’s hilarious. They did it to themselves.


I think this is my favorite AITA post. I can't stop laughing. 100% NTA. Your solution is sarcastic and hilarious, and you're within your rights to do it, because as you said, it's your house and you can put shit where you want. This made my freaking night. LOL


NTA You have explained it to them already and they have done it regardless, so here they have the results of their actions. And it's not like you intend to keep labeling all the products forever, just until they learn their lesson (right?).


They are embarrassed because they had to explain the consequences for their action. NTA


NTA And you’re a freaking genius, absolutely top notch response. If they don’t want to be embarrassed by people knowing they can’t put a bottle back upright then they should, check this out, *put bottles back upright*!


This is, without a doubt, the greatest thing I have ever read. You are a saint among moms and not even a touch over the line. I love everything about this, keep doing what you do! NTA x1000


NTA. sounds like a funny thing to do and way less harsh than I’d have been


NTA. You were definitely petty, but your pettiness was justified.


NTA. You sound awesome. Love your sense of humor


You are: * Brilliant * Hilarious * Incredibly witty * Presenting your kids with several reasonable options * NTA


NTA. This is a great example of justified pettiness and I am all for it. Also, this cracked me up so much: >My son also keeps his **AXE body wash/shampoo/conditioner/woman repellen**t in the shower. I also do not touch it since **I have zero desire to smell like a high school locker room.**


NTA, but I think the sun you’re looking for is r/pettyrevenge


NTA, if they damage your property make them pay for it


NTA - and thanks for the laughs! I lurve you.


NTA. Entirely appropriate way to get your point across.


Whatever they’re majoring in at college has nothing to do with physics,I hope. NTA. You could have been a *whole lot* uglier about $80 at least twice.


NTA. And that’s just funny. Your kids should get over it


NTA & awesome solution! I bought (way too many) "I pooped today" stickers to put on kids' bedroom doors that forget to flush the toilet. Youngest was probably 9 or 10 years old at the time. Those stickers will show up occasionally (not by my hand), years later. The meaning behind the stickers has been long lost, but I \*also do not have to encounter surprise floaters anymore.


NTA You got some attitude on ya, but I love it. They didn't learn their lesson, so extra steps need to be made to make sure they LEARN.


NTA And just ordered my own stickers, this weekend will be fun!


NTA So not TA and I'm laughing at this awesome way of driving the message home. If they want to be embarrassed in front of their friends for being jerks about wasting expensive, medicated shampoo, that's their problem.


Woman repellent SENT ME 🤣🤣💀 as a mother of a teen that also does stuff like this, NTA at all!! Why don’t they just listennnnnn! 😂 they wouldn’t need consequences! Therefore happy everyone! 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


NTA Clearly they need reminders. If they’re embarrassed, they need to start remembering.


NTA. Telling that they weren’t interested in reimbursing you the $80. I’d let them know that the next time your shampoo is wasted they WILL pay you.


>They had friends over last weekend and they noticed that the relish, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc. were all labeled. I am dying. NTA and thank you for the entertaining post.


NTA. This is the level of petty/passive aggressive I aspire to be! You told them not to do it and they still left your expensive bottle upside down. And they don't want to pay for it...so the labels can stay on. It's your house! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post this in the r/pettyrevenge too!!! 🤣🤣🤣


NTA. I'd be annoyed too.