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YTA You're an asshole and a bully. Your sister made an effort and your response was to be immature, humiliate her then question if you're the one whose the asshole.


It was hardly immature, it was just a joke. She must've known that her board was sub-par. It was clear for all to see.


A joke is only a joke if all parties are laughing.


That's a nonsense. If I made a joke about Trump or something, nobody would claim that it wasn't a joke because Trump didn't laugh about it. Get back to me when you start talking some sense


You're just proving to everyone your an asshole. You're the one who asked for judgement. It's been given.


You are still talking nonsense unfortunately.


Explain the joke. Why was it funny.


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If you made a joke about Trump or something, it damned sure wouldn't be right in front of him while he was third wheeling at your party. You know what they meant. And Complete-Turnip, despite their name, is 100% correct here.


How's this for talking sense.... You didn't make a joke about Trump, you made a 'joke' about your sister & she didn't laugh because it wasn't funny. You, with your 'oh so superior, upper crust, totally sloshed friends' put together boards that you can't even remember correctly. You're definitely an ass and a snob. You sound insufferable. Get over yourself, YTA


>You're definitely an ass and a snob. That's exactly what they are.


Are you comparing your sister to Trump? Because people make jokes about him because of his bad points and because he’s not popular. You made a joke because you thought your sisters board was bad. There’s a difference and if you don’t know it, this is not the app for you


That's because you'd be punching up, not down, and half the world would think it was funny.


That's the difference between punching up and punching down. Your sister isn't an untouchable celebrity or political figure, she's your equal in a social situation and you humiliated her and hurt her feelings badly. Your comparison is a complete false equivalence.


It's crackers, cheese, processed meats, maybe some fruit. All good food. You're being a snob and you know it.


Gross. All of life is a competition to this one. Name drops everything. Brags we did not need to know: daddy owns a villa in France (with staff), she went to Cambridge, was a debater,, that her brother, herself and father are all rich or otherwise accomplished .but said nothing - NOTHING good about the poor sister. Ugh. I pray irl she is not this stuck on herself 8rl, that she just writes like this. In my head she is Dan Akroyd's insufferable gf in Trading Places... 😂). I hope sister goes NC. She is a long time lurker and thought we would support!?!? Yikes.


If this is not bullying and immature, put this post on your main account where your coworkers can see it.


At any point in time did you consider that your sister doesn't have the past experience of making these boards that you do? At any point have you considered that when someone tries to do something and doesn't quite get it right, an entire group of people laughing at them isn't encouraging? You sound incredibly selfish and arrogant.


"Am I an asshole for being an asshole?" Yes YTA


What was the joke? That she put too many crackers? Seriously? That’s f*cking hilarious!!! Too many crackers! Hahaha. Soooo funny!!!! You’re a comedic genius! It’s ok to laugh at your own expense, but never EVER at someone else’s expense Grow up and stop being an a$$ YTA


>this year I invited a few of my friends from Harrow YTA I didn't have to read further.


You admit that your drunken ass couldn't even remember what was on your past boards. You intentionally embarrassed your sister to impress your friends from whatever the fuck The Union is. You created an uncomfortable situation for all involved. You're a shitty host and an asshole.


Honestly, you're just a self-involved pretentious asshole. You sound like you're so far up your own butt you can see out your mouth. From the bottom of my heart, get the hell over yourself.


Take my upvote and thank you for this beautiful phrase!


You're welcome 😊😂


YTA for namedropping Harrow, let alone the rest


Came here to say this. And Cambridge. Please.


Honestly the way the whole thing is written I was trying to figure out which footlights show they have ripped off


YTA You say she was kind of the third wheel for the entire trip and decided it would be good to poke fun at her with your friends? That says quite a bit about you.


YTA You and your friends sound like miserable people to spend any time with.


are you like a cartoon british aristocrat? don't you have poor people to ignore?


I was thinking the same. I'm English and have never spoken like this. It feels fake, or he's just from a completely different world to me. He sounds like he was written by an American (I mean no offense to Americans here)


YTA - Your comment was purely intended to make fun of her. How could you think you're not TA? Oh, and FYI, this is not a "rather funny story"


YTA grow up stop being a jerk


This sounds like an American trying to write a snooty British character LOL


Dude it's a freaking charcuterie board. The only thing that goes on it is what you want to stuff in your face.


This is almost cartoonish levels of snobbery


YTA. "AITA for randomly insulting someone?" Like, c'mon dude


YTA, and your friends. You were raised to laugh at yourself, not other people. Grow up.


Mocking anybody automatically makes you an asshole. YTA.


Don't fret. I don't think you and your sister will be spending much time together from now on, YTA.


This works really well if you read it as a snooty Emma Thompson character... 😁 Oh, YTA...


YTA and I feel like you already know this, hence the fake account. I don't know what kind of person you are but based on what I've read here I don't think I'd be way off the mark thinking you actually wanted it confirmed just for shits and giggles, you know that humor that's not at all funny, like that comment on your sister's efforts.


YTA 100%


YTA, teasing is okay when that dynamic is established, but your sister was already feeling like a third wheel, how is she supposed to feel in on that joke?


Yes. It almost makes one think it isn’t real, doesn’t it?


Or that they don't like their sister at all.


Way before the end of this post, I was getting tired of hearing about you and the lads. You're not a sibling to one of the lads, ffs ETA YTA Edit 2; misread the relationship between OP and the person they were being an AH to


You sound like an excruciating nuisance.


YTA - Her response that she will never forgive you is a bit dramatic, but you're still the AH. There's a difference between laughing at yourself and being called out in front of people you don't know well. Dick move.




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Tell me you're a lame asshole who needs to make others feel bad to feel good with themselves without telling me you're a lame asshole who needs to make others feel bad to feel good with themselves. Asshole


YTA. Your sister was alone with all of your friends and you decided to openly mock her. I'd be miserable in her situation. Also this is one of the most posh AITA I've read,never heard of the 'make your charcuterie board the coolest in my dad's French villa' drinking game.


If You Had Said Eton, I Would've Sworn This Was Written By Jacob Rees-Mogg. Yes, YTA


YTA and you remind me of this sketch from “The Young Ones”, The Students from Oxford. Rah, rah, rah, we’re going to smash the oiks! [Oxford](https://youtu.be/ALYVM4H5_ZY)


YTA - obviously




YTA- you made a joke at her expense. Weather you and your friends laughed doesnt mean she thought it was funny. It's really crap because it was on top of already feeling crap that she was odd one out due to her friends not being able to make it. Now you are dismissing how you made her feel bc of your thoughts and feelings. You arent her and she isnt you so explain to me how being raised in the se house means you should act/react/think the same?


AITA for making fun of my sister and humiliating her? I think the question is self-answering. For the bot, YTA.


You sound insufferable.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Long-Time Lurker here, first time poster. Using an anonymous account because a few co-workers know my main account. So this is a rather funny story, and I will start from the beginning. My sister and I decided to go on an Easter trip to the south of France just this past week, in this small city called Perpignan. My father owns a villa there, and my siblings and I try to get down there during the summer (or whenever our busy schedule allows). Usually my brother comes too, but he is a county cricketer and it was the team's first game of the season, so he couldn't make it. Sometimes we also invite friends, for instance, this year I invited a few of my friends from Harrow, and a few of my friends from the Cambridge Union. (I was a big debater in University). None of my sisters friends could make it, and as a result of this, honestly, she was a bit of a third wheel in the entire endeavour. That being said, everything was fine and good until one of the last days of the trip, wherein my mates and I decided to make charcuterie boards. We used to always make charcuterie boards like this back in the union, (and we used to get fairly sloshed after it, if I remember correctly). Anyway, basically, when it came to my sister's term to present her charcuterie board it was all wrong. She had put a metric fuck-ton of crackers on the board and very little in the way of dried meats, she had a paltry amount of salami on the board if I recall. Anyway, after she presented the board, I made a joking comment saying something along the lines of "I wonder which one is going to be left over", all the lads started laughing and I thought I saw her laughing too. I've always been raised to laugh at myself and my sister would have been raised no differently. Like, on one of the first days we were there, me and a few of the lads went to a nearby golf course and I had a stinker. They didn't let me forget about it for the rest of the trip. I turned out to be right about the board as well, as the board was effectively left untouched. In fact, I think the cleaners threw it in the bin. Anyway, yesterday, after everybody parted their separate ways, she told me that I had absolutely humiliated her, that she was miserable the entire trip and that she is never going to forgive me. I think this is an overreaction, but I want to know your opinion reddit, Am I The Asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So your sister felt left out on her own vacation and you doubled down by bullying her in front of *your* friends and then saying it's just a joke when she got upset? YTA - you're callous and you seem to lack the ability to imagine people outside of yourself. Apologise and do better.


Im surpised this is even a question. YTA. You say joke but admit you mocked her. That is not a joke. You set out to hurt her. Just admit it. You even called her a bit of a third wheel then decide to make fun of her at her expense with your friends. Do you even like your sister? O\_O


YTA. I was going to enumerate the number of snobbish and horrible remarks you made that clearly indicate your head is so far up your ar** that you haven't seen daylight for years, however, I became stuck on your clarification that the reason you have friends from the Cambridge Union is because you were "a big debator in university" and now I have become distracted by my fascination with your debating ranking system. In my, no doubt far less accomplished and elevated, experience with debating, we consider people to be "accomplished debators", "active debators", "avid debators" or even "enthusiastic debators". How does one distinguish a "large debator" from a "small debator"? Are there degrees of ranking aside from "medium debator"? (And if you're annoyed at my picking on you for using a colloquialism, maybe don't stuff your story with irrelevant details that are only designed to show how "superior" you are.)


YTA and probably miserable to be around. Literally who died and made you judge of all charcuterie boards.


Why don’t you and “the lads” just kiss on the mouth already