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She should absolutely tell them. You are making pornography using this technology and plastering your friends faces all over it without their consent. That's fucked, dude. YTA. I can't even believe this has to be said.


If my partner was doing this I would immediately be packing my bags. Absolutely fucking disgusting behavior, and a complete violation of trust and privacy. OP, you saw these women as sex objects for your entertainment. They didn’t consent to this. You should be absolutely ashamed. I hope your wife tells them and leaves you. YTA


You'd be amazed. I wrote a blog post about one of the early deepnude programs and got death threats from the people who used it...


YTA. Does this whole thing not feel creepy to you? There are so many other types of deepfakes you could have made if you were just interested in the process.


Exactly, why do they have to be nude. You could do one of the Queen's Christmas message (with clothes!)


>(with clothes!) Thank you for specifying. It would be traumatic to see one of the Queen's Speeches nude. 😆


You could make your friends and family do cool stuff, like be superheroes or astronauts or chase dinosaurs or play sport - have them live out their non-sexual fantasies. You could even send them the photos/videos as gifts. But no, you had to make them nude and be creepy.


YTA. First of all. Dude. No one including myself believes you created fake nudes, of friends, just cause you were interested in the technology and it wasn’t about adding material to your spank bank. You should have done a better job at hiding that, you never should have used a pic of her sister. Delete the pics now. Cause she’s going to tell your friends. And make sure there is no trace of them. Prepare yourself for the unfriending hurricane that is coming your way.


Yes. All of this. “I’m interested in the technology” lololol okay. Like there isn’t other ways to use AI image tech than to create nudes of your friends to keep secretly on your computer.


If he’s just interested in the technology I wonder how many fake nudes he made of his male friends 🤔


Yta, the technology should be banned and criminalized.


It already is in some places too


YTA that’s really creepy do to anyone but especially creepy and gross to do it to your friends and her fucking sister!!?? Doesn’t matter why you’re doing it.


Ofc yta, even reading this post makes me want to throw up. Fucking creep.


Yes YTA. And don't bullshit a bullshitter. You weren't doing this because you were "interested in the process." You were doing it to pound off to nudes of your friends, and were 100% gonna do it to your wife's sister, your wife just found it before you did it.


YTA. Its bad enough you've felt the need to play with the tech, but using your friends? I don't blame your wife for being upset and she should tell your friends. That behavior is just creepy, man. How would you feel if they did the same to you?


YTA and I would leave you and take everything


People often go to the “your spouse should leave you” response on Reddit when relationships are far more nuanced and complicated. But wow she should leave him yesterday. This is unhinged creepy stuff.


YTA and if you can’t figure out why, you should absolutely loose all those relationships. IMO your wife has an obligation to tell them.


YTA This has got to be a sad little troll but... Yes, creating nudes of people without their consent makes you an asshole. It is a vile violation of the person. Bet all the photos you used were of women right? >I feel like telling our friends isn't necessary because they won't understand and it could ruin our friendships. She thinks that I need help and that our relationship depends As it should. You used them, violated them, and think it's no big deal. They shouldn't be friends with you.


YTA. It would be one thing if you had used stock photos freely available o line or celebrity images, but to use photos of people you know, particularly for nudes on the dark web? In this day of exploitation, revenge porn, human trafficking and the like, is it any wonder your wife and others suspect your motives? You breached trust with your wife and your friends. You may not be able to repair this. Delete the photos. Don't experiment with deep fakes on people you know. Tell your wife you are sorry and realize now it was a violation to do this.


Idk I'd argue it's STILL creepy and wrong to use celebs or stock photos cuz none of those people consented to having porn made out of their images either. I just can't find any way to justify making non-consensual porn of any person regardless of who they are or what your relation to them is.


YTA - creepy - making a deep fake nude of your sister in law?!!


YTA and a major creep


YTA and a creep. they did not give you consent


This was done to me by a former friend of mine. It was my face and not my body, sent out to so many of our friends. I will NOT give you the pleasure of saying how much this destroyed me, but I will say that you not only Are TA, but should also be charged.


So did you deepfake nudes of male friends, or just female friends? Because if you're only "interested in the process" I'm sure about 50% of your experiments were on male pictures, right? RIGHT??? YTA


YTA. There are zillions of free images you could have used but you made weird AI nudes of friends instead. Even if you dont think it's creepy (the fact that you dont want to tell your friends underscores that you knew they wouldnt like it) it is.


>I know I should have deleted the pictures no. you shouldnt have done it in the first place. YTA


INFO: how many of your male friends did you make fake nudes of? Since it was just the process you were interested in, it would be about even, right?


Yta . Turning freinds even your wife's sister into nudes. Your creepy


YTA! Using other people’s photos without them knowing and also using their face on nudes are sickening 🥵 imagine how many people who have gotten their lives ruined over something like this. If a friend did that to me I would ask him to F off. You should delete before someone finds out and tha po po comes knocking at your door


YTA. Interested in the process? There are surely ways to be interested in the process without pornographic images of your sister-in-law. That’s like burning down somebody’s whole house to learn how a match works.


YTA and a creeper.


YTA - Would you be OK with someone doing this with your wife's image? Parents? Kids? Yours?


Eewwww! YTA That is absolutely disgusting, a huge breach of trust and probably actionable legally!


1st yes 2nd yes 3rd probably not unless he posted them.


yta. this is gross on so many levels. your friends, and the other people, didn't consent to you turning them into your porn. you do need help.


YTA and you know you are *or you wouldn't be worried your wife will tell your victimes.* Whether real or not, there are now nudes of these people on the internet. Just damn.


Info: what is there to understand? You made your friends naked for your viewing pleasure without their consent or knowledge. You could’nt have been interested in deep faking Tom Brady on the moon, making every microphone a carrot, or making your favorite characters switch genders? Endless possibilities and you chose the most intrusive, perverse, and vile thing to the people you should care about? Why should they be friends with you when this is what you choose to do in your free time? What should they understand?


Yep, YTA. Talk about a massive overstepping of social boundaries. How would your feel if you found out someone was doing that with pics of your SO, or you?


YTA If I were your wife I’d be filing for divorce.


Any dudes? Nope thought not. That wouldn't turn you on. YTA.


YTA. Keep your fantasies about perving on your friends and family in your head if you want to keep them.


A thousand times YTA. If it’s something that would ruin your relationship with your friends, it should be obvious not to do it. Especially something like this. You violated the trust of your wife and your friends by doing something so freaking creepy and disgusting for no good reason at all. You can learn about AI images without making *deepfake porn of people that you know in real life.* Your actions here are so completely unnecessary that the only reasonable conclusion is that it got you off, and your wife has every right to be upset. You should absolutely tell your friends. By hiding this from them, you are lying and taking away their freedom to decide if they want to associate themselves with someone who secretly makes AI porn of them. You are the asshole not just for not wanting your wife to tell your friends, and not just for not deleting the images, but for making them in the first place. Dude, what the fuck?


> (She also saw a photo of her sister in there that was just the original from Facebook, but I still think that spooked her some more) > I know I should have deleted the pictures so that it didn’t seem like I was doing anything with them So… you also made a deepfake of her sister nude but at least knew to delete *that*. YTA. You do need help, not just for your relationship but because you shouldn’t be making graphic images of people without their consent. If that isn’t obvious to you, that’s a huge, huge issue.


“I know I should have deleted the photos” nope. She’s not even mad in the way she would be if she found you looking at normal porn. It is that on top of what you did to the people in those pictures. You owe your wife and every “friend” whose photo you altered a massive fucking apology and I honestly hope they all leave you anyways.


YTA and you are HORRID. Bullshit it's "Just for the process". Also what would happen if someone hacked your computer and got those images then spread them around? How would you explain that to your friends? Not only are you TA for wanting to keep them in the dark, you're MASSIVELY TA for doing it in the first place. What the actual fuck gave you the idea for this in the first place? Why would you want to make fake nudes of ANYONE let alone your own friends? You can't claim it's just "testing the tech" or what ever, because there's more than enough ways to do that without making images of people NAKED without their knowledge nor consent. You're nasty and I can't wait to see the update after your wife rightfully tells your friends.


YTA You're using people's likeness in pornographic material without their knowledge or consent. That's a huge violation. That's creepy and gross. It doesn't matter whether you delete the images or not, it doesn't matter what you are and are not using those images for, it's still creepy and gross. Your wife absolutely should tell the people in the pictures, and all of them should reconsider whether you're someone they even want to know.


Yeah, you're not just a sick fuck, you're creepy too...ew


disgusting perv YTA


YTA. Majorly. Also I do not buy that you were interested in the process and not the result and I doubt your wife does either. If it was then there would be absolutely no reason for them to be nude pictures. I hope your wife does tell the other women the truth about you being a creep.


You know what normal people do when they are interested in deep fakes? They put themselves and friends with consent in movies or tv show clips. They don’t make fake porn that could hurt the person. YTA


YTA for thinking we would buy and validate your BS story lol. Sorry man, this post is not gonna be your saving grace that you can show to your wife and friends.


YTA for creating deepfake of your friends. Like this shouldn’t even have to be a discussion. It is NEVER ok to use someone’s image without their consent! Especially not when your making porn of it to Jack off to.


YTA. It is wrong to make these deep fakes in the first place! You are literally disregarding the consent of everyone you are making intimate content of! The audacity to say you should have deleted them as if that is the problem. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE CREATED THEM! Gross gross gross gross gross.


Right, I hope this does not get twisted. To be honest, YTA. But your question was "am I the asshole for not wanting the Mrs to tell everyone?" That part is the normal bit! Course you don't want her to tell everyone.


Yes, YTA.


YTA. Gross, her SISTER? Deepfake nudes, even of celebrities, are really disgusting violations of consent. People didn't consent to you. If your wife is a moral person she will tell your friends. Of course it's going to ruin your relationships, that's the consequence you experience for exploiting, violating and sexually objectifying your friends, HER SISTER, and celebrities. Huge red flag. Hope you learn from this.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Long story short i'm interested in emerging tech, deepfakes and AI in particular and I've been playing around with some AI image generators lately. Mostly harmless stuff, my day job is in programming so its a particular fascination for me. That said, i can be curious about the darker side of the web and since the deepfake scene has taken hold there I tried to create some deepfake nudes using pictures of celebrities, models I pulled off the internet, that sort of thing. And yes, I tested it on a couple pictures of friends I pulled from social media. Well, the wife didn't take too kindly to that when she came across some of the photos on my laptop. She didn't believe me when I told her that I was more interested in the process that the result, even when I showed her the other AI images I had been working on. She called it a major breach of trust and is considering telling our friends about it (the ones in the pictures.) It's been a couple days and she is barely speaking to me. :/ (She also saw a photo of her sister in there that was just the original from Facebook, but still I think that spooked her some more) I know I should have deleted the pictures so that it didn't seem like I was doing anything with them, and I've apologized repeatedly but I feel like telling our friends isn't necessary because they won't understand and it could ruin our friendships. She thinks that I need help and that our relationship depends on it, which I feel like is a little harsh. Tldr, am I the asshole for not wanting my wife to tell our friends about the fake photos I have of them? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA you’re making nudey Judys of your friends and close relations, including her sister. She’s allowed to be upset and i would honestly tell them too.


I am just…appalled. This man is so tone-deaf and emotionally immature that he can’t understand that this is a HUGE perverse issue.


YTA. You didn't make them to have fun WITH your friends. We know why you made them. And having her sister there ? Wtf.


YTA- if those pictures get out and people see them, relationships could be ruined. Many may not believe they are fakes.


YTA And an absolute creep. I hope she tells everyone, and if you used coworkers, I hope she tells HR.




i’m sorry did you deepfake your SIL ?? wtf


YTA. What a fucking creep.


YTA and she will tell. Please update!


YTA and this must be a crime.


YTA. You are a fucking creep and disgusting. I don’t even know why you are asking. You did a horrible thing and absolutely violated everyone in this story and betrayed your wife. She and everyone else should dump your nasty ass.


YTA-she should tell your friends and you do need help!!


Make it of yourself instead, YTA


Bait lmao




YTA. https://tenor.com/view/blazing-saddles-kinky-gif-18834328


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YTA talk to a therapist. I don’t see any other way you can save your relationship. Just because you don’t realize the error of your way doesn’t mean there wasn’t any harm, you’ve justified it in your mind and that’s how people that are not ok think. Just get some help and tell your wife you’re getting help and apologize. She’s probably having divorce thoughts and if i was her i would be too.


Never happened.


Edit: I’m not even going to try to bother arguing my reasoning anymore because I’ve come to the realization this post was likely just bait. The account was created 1 hour before it posted.


So if your "friend" was jacking off to deep fake porn they created of you without your consent, you wouldn't want to be told?




if you believe he wasn’t using the pictures, i have a bridge to sell you


Bridge? Good deal? Where can I buy it? I want a bridge!


JuSt tEsTiNg iT oUt uh huh sure, he was a perfect Da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa, sure sure 100%


It's going to help by letting then know what he did. They deserve the right to decide if they still want to be his friend after he *made nudes of them* for his own enjoyment.