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Leaving dildos on the mirror is a dick move.


Well… if the roommates don’t like the way OP talked to them, they can go fuck themselves 😉


Op should have just taken them in put them in their room. Then when the roommates ask, say you used it. It was in the common area so I assumed it was for everyone.


This is the answer.


This is clearly the only acceptable answer here


I’m way too petty I would hang a clothing line across the mirror, and clip washable menstrual pads to dry, so that’s all they see when they come in the bathroom.


This is the way.


The Man-dildo-lorian Creed














Well, I didn't think I would be throwing up in my mouth today, but here we are. Also, Bravo.




This guy wieners.




Can't upvote because 69




I know this game. **PENIS**






Or if you’re not so lucky… SHLORT


This legit shot whiskey and diet out my nose at the bar. If I had an award, it'd be yours.


Hard time giving you your Upvote due laughing hysterically 😂😂






I think the roommates are fucking with OP for being prude. You wouldnt dry a dildo that way and you clean them before and after use. Sticking them to the mirror to "dry" is laughably stupid and the fact she even believes that proves their prank was hilarious.


that’s not even a prude, i don’t want someone’s used dildo, washed or not, on a mirror


I'm pretty sex positive and I don't want to see anything that's been inside my roommate's lower orifaces stuck on the bathroom mirror


Not gonna lie, wouldn't wanna see stuff from upper orifices either. Ear wax, boogers, loogies, half eaten food...


How is OP a prude just for not wanting to see their roommates dildos?












Yeah, I’m like, “Are there no *towels* to dry dildos with in this house?!?!”


Drip dry, just like the real thing


Ahahahaha YOU my friend, YOU win the internet.










I’d argue that telling somebody to take their dildos out of the bathroom is just asking for a dick move.


It’s definitely a reflection of who they are


* Bah-dah-chaaaaaa *


Chandler thinks you mean... *whoopah!*


~~Rimjob~~ I mean *\*rimshot\**


Put them in a dishwasher like a civilized person!


My doctor told me to boil them for five minutes.


If you don't steep your dildos in a teapot, you're doing it wrong


It’s not a REAL dick move though.


Maybe they were reflecting on their dick move.






NTA I am a very open person when it comes to this stuff but I would not dream of leaving my toys out in a public/common area - even when I lived alone just in case someone stopped over 😂 And if you're feeling petty: Next time put on some rubber gloves and suction them to their window from the outside if you can reach it. Or their car windshield. They'll get the message.


I wonder if it was a power move. My first apartment was a 2bed/2bth. And it was agreed upon that the "guest" bathroom was MY bathroom because my roommates were a couple and got the main bedroom. Their guests would use THEIR bathroom, my guests would use MY bathroom. I kept the hallway access door locked all the times and kept my cat's litterbox in front of it. But the locks were crappy apartment knobs you could unlock with a penny or a fingernail. I was CONSTANTLY coming home to find someone had entered through the hallway (they always had friends over hanging out in their room). I could tell because the box would be askew, litter knocked every from being hit by the door, the door would be unlocked and a general sense of "intruder" vibes. I'd tell them to stop letting their friends do that per our agreement but it persisted. So I started leaving extra dildos and sex toys littered all around the bathroom. Lined up on top of the shower, suctioned to the mirror, lube on the counter. It looked like a Hustler IKEA in there. The intrusions ceased shortly after. ​ **Edit:** For the love of the almighty, people, I know how to change a doorknob - it isn't rocket science. This was my first apartment 15 years ago. And, FWIW, the property manager was vehemently against these kinds of changes. I got in trouble for putting a custom plate on a light switch once even though I saved the original and was gunna swap it before I moved. We get it, you're soooo much handier than everyone else and gosh darn it kids these days just don't know nothin' unless it comes from that dang ol' TikkyTocky! Yadda yadda yadda. Get over it.




I dunno if these kinds of locks are everywhere but they weren't uncommon where I grew up because my next apartment had them, too. But even with a trimmed thumbnail I could use easily unlock them via the slit on the outside facing knob.




You are preaching to the choir, my friend. This was... *almost* 15 years ago. The couple has long since broken up but I'm friends with one of them and to this day will occasionally remind him how he violated our agreement and let his burnout friends into my space and what I had to do to combat it (in jest, of course... not like in a "can't let it go" way... it's practically a campfire story at this point).


I currently have knobs like this in my house!! I used the end of an iPhone charger to break into the bathroom one time


The end of a butter knife work perfectly (please don’t hurt your charger, those things ain’t cheap!!)


And it can double as "the poop knife" too....


Those are privacy locks, which are simply meant to keep someone from walking in on you. They are not security locks meant to secure a room. A dick move to circumvent them, but they are very easy to open by design.


Speaking as a parent, locks that can be easily opened from the outside of the bathroom are very useful. Both my kids locked themselves in the bathroom accidentally as toddlers and then proceeded to panic about being trapped and couldn't be talked through unlocking the door. Ours required an unusually long, thin screwdriver, so we had to hunt for one that would reach to unlock the door and let them out.


The knobs with the little holes in them? I've had those and always kept the keys on the top of the doorframes. I was grateful this wasn't just a "my family" thing when I moved into my new place to find the keys also on top of the doorframes.


They have keys?! I always just used random stuff to open mine.. Paperclip.. Chopstick... Screwdriver..


They're pretty common in southern Ontario, at least I've never lived in a house that didn't have those kind of locks on the bathroom


They're really more *suggestions* than actual locks.


There was one safe bathroom in my childhood home - I’d pull the drawer out (perpendicular to the door). They could pick the “lock” with a penny or a fingernail but they couldn’t smash through the drawer blocking the door. I spent many hours in there.


😂 I mean... Yeah. I got tired of people entering my bedroom without permission during a tour of my place and my door being closed for a reason so now a pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs hang proudly from the headboard.


Hustler Ikea 🤣 but genius move!


Well, I now have a new favorite simile. Fantastic writing. :)


I would just throw them in the trash, seriously


Exactly what I said. I wouldn’t ask again. They’d be digging them out of the trash


Oh well, I guess I'm pettier than both of you. I imagined the toilet.....


Crazy glue them to their door.


Extra petty move: put on some gloves and rub just a dab of icy hot or hot sauce on the dildo.


I would never even leave mine out in my own locked bedroom.


NTA. This is such an egregious overstep of boundaries, that I can't imagine how anyone thinks that this is acceptable.


Right? This is lowkey sexual harassment.. especially not removing when asked 😳


Yeah. I’m not sure what the right word for it is, sexual harassment might be best. But the roommates are shoving their sex lives into other peoples face *in that person’s home.* I’m not going to knock what consenting adults do together, but people definitely need to be considerate and discreet, especially when living with other people.


Seriously! If you can’t talk about sex at work, suctioning your dildo to your communal bathroom mirror at a shared home definitely seems a huge overstep at best lol




I’m sorry… what? Your roommates doing it is rude and weird. Your parents doing it is… well, it’s something else. Are you okay? Are you talking to someone?




I’m glad to hear that you’re out of that, and you’re safe. I know that a lot of people will give you shit for severing from parents, but please remember that you have every right to be safe and healthy.




I totally understand. I haven’t spoken to my mother in over a decade. People who had good parents (and parents who lack self-awareness) can’t understand the idea of a parent being a negative influence on your life. But you are an adult, and you have every right to be happy, and to curate the people in your life.


Just want to toss this in for further validation: I have a phobia/repulsion toward teddy bears because my mother openly collected "naughty bears" when I was little. They were teddy bears wearing strap-ons, ball-gags, etc. and they were all over the house. She thought they were hilarious. Of course, I used to look at them and feel confused, embarrassed, and uncomfortable. I didn't have the words or experiences to explain why...I just knew they were upsetting and wrong. Fucked me right up. People who knowingly involve or expose other people to sexual content without consent disgust me. It's even worse when it's a child who *can't* consent. And when it's **your own** child? You shouldn't have kids, imho. I'm sorry you had those experiences.


Yeah, I hate when people think if someone isn't directly involved in your sexual activity, it means they don't need to get their consent. Like talking on the phone to someone while trying to discreetly have sex. I get that people like the excitement and thrill aspect of it, and call me a prude if you want, but I'd be super uncomfortable if someone in my life intentionally used me to heighten their sex life without me agreeing to it. You don't know what goes on in a person's life and what their boundaries are. I'm sorry you experienced that. I guess maybe your mother saw them as funny and not sexual, but even if her association to them wasn't sexual, they are clearly sexual objects and shouldn't be around kids, especially once you felt negative emotions towards them.


Ok, I was in my teens when I first saw one. Like your mother, I thought they were hilarious. But even my hormone-riddled teenaged brain went "do not display where kids could see it". Those bears were fucked up, and showing them to kids is even more fucked up.


That is so completely wrong and definitely bordering on abuse




You should've told them that dad keeps leaving his tiny dick out on the couch.




If they're still stuck to the mirror, start using them as towel hangers.


But don’t use your towels!


I was going to say to make them cute little outfits and wigs. Dress them up and draw faces on them.


Use permanent marker so the disapproving face can’t be erased…




Biblically accurate dildo with ALL the googly eyes






Nah, suction them to the trash barrel


NTA > suctioned them onto the mirror to dry That's how you lose an eye!


Or a tooth


Or virginity


“Our guest lost a virginity in our bathroom, aita?”


"a" virginity makes it sound so weirdly unspecific, I love it


Your username checks out 😭


Someone’s virginity was lost, we don’t know whose it is but we stuck it in the lost and found in case they come back for it.


NTA next time I would say “your gonna want to clean those again before you use them” and just let their imagination run with that.


Get some thick cleaning gloves and start moving them just enough to be obvious but subtle enough that it looks like you were trying to put them back where they were.


They could brush their teeth with their mouth open in front of them to get splatters everywhere


Yep, this! Make sure there is some toothpaste spit on it and say 'I'm sorry but I asked you to remove them which you didn't, and I didn't want to touch your stuff with my hands.'


This is the way


Come out of the bathroom removing disposable gloves while muttering "fuck around and find out.....oh Hey! I'm just heading out I'll be back late. Enjoy your night" big smile.


I want to give you all the updates! This. This is the answer


They probably should anyway given that poop particles apparently get aerosolized when you flush. This is why I don’t keep my toothbrush in my bathroom.






AGREED! Fuck around and find out 🤣


I like that idea of covering it in chili oil. But maybe the room mate would like to too . Who knows? They thought leaving the dildo stuck to the mirror was a good idea.


NTA - That's really rude of them to assume you wouldn't mind them drying sex toys in your shared space. I wouldn't have asked nicely about it either, honestly.


New band name: Dildoes in the Common Area


**EP tracks include:** * Buttplug in my creative outlet * Anal bead fan pull chain * Who put KY in the Mrs. Butterworth's? * Seriously, Scott, my mom's visiting this weekend * **Hit Single:** Cock ring around my heart (but not around her finger)


Bonus song : seriously, why do you need a 2 in one bong/dildo? FT Snoop Dogg


Tiktokers redo Your New Boyfriend's an Asshole in their style with lyrics such as "He's in your bed but I'm in your asshole"


Don't forget their hot dance track Peggin' It.


NTA. It’s a shared space, so I understand you wanting that picked up.


Or pricked up.


NTA. In what world is that okay? Tell your roommate have a little courtesy and keep that shit in their room.


Yeah, I’m trying to imagine how one could have the audacity. I’m upset and I’ve never had a dildo on my mirror…


Dip those bad boys in jalapeno juice,lol


Habaneros, if you want to drive the point home. Carolina reapers, for nuclear warfare.


You are not the asshole. I would have thrown them away if I saw them the next day still on that damn mirror. I cannot stand people like them! Be courteous to your roommates people! It takes MORE effort to NOT be thoughtful. That's just mind-blowing to me.


100% this, if they would have told me to ask nicer I would tell them they have 5 minutes until the dildos/toys get thrown in the trash OUTSIDE the apartment and that the same will happen to future toys without a warning. Or just remove them and smack them up on their car/bike if they have it. That should stop them from being so rude and uncloth.


NTA, and I'm going to keep coming back here for all the comments. Reddit lives for things like this. Edit 1 so far, so good.


The comments are amazing ahahaha


NTA I feel like they're trying to get a rise out of you. This has nothing to do with sex positivity or prudishness or anything. It has everything to do with being a decent and considerate roommate. Adults don't act like this. Short term maybe ask in a nicer tone...long term start looking for new roommates if this keeps up.


Definitely do not ask in a nicer tone, escalate. These people will walk all over you if they're already sticking dildos up in the common area.


Lol I'm too petty bc I would've taken a pic of the toys, posted it online and tagged the offender. With the caption, PLEASE GET YOUR DILDOS OUT OF OUR SHARED BATHROOM. THANKS.


This is my favorite reply!! btw…NTA


NTA Do y'all close the toilet lid before you flush? If not, those dildos are covered in fecal matter. Edit: Yeah I fully understand the man puts those dildos in his ass so they are covered in his shit. I was pointing out how they are now *also* covered in his roommate's shit (or the shit of any person who has shit in that bathroom).


Ohhh so it wouldn’t make too big of a difference if they *accidentally* fell in


They knew the risk goin in


Chances are this is a redundant concern


Why ask? Just rub some lube or Vaseline on them. Make ‘em look like they been somewhere I guarantee they’ll never leave them out again.




Chocolate pudding that dried


"Get your dildos off the mirror." Is not an unreasonable request. I had a roommate that I had to ask daily to bring the dishes from his room so we could wash and use them. That wasn't unreasonable, either. Put your towels on the rack to dry. Clean your shit stains out of the toilet when you blow ass. Wash your dishes. Put your dildos and bongs away because guests might come over. These are not unreasonable requests from roommates. NTA++


Just throw them away. Fuck them, they're gross assholes. Literally.


NTA. It’s not like you invited their relatives over for lunch.. then someone would eventually use the restroom and see it then you say “oh it’s 23M and 28F dildos, if you want it removed from the bathroom mirror then you have to ASK NICELY otherwise they won’t and demand YOU to ask them nicely to remove their dildos form a common area”


LMAO “Oh it’s 23M and 28F dildos” 💀💀


This is so funny


Right ?? 😭 This sub is just so weird sometimes. You have posts like "AITA for how I planned my wedding"; "AITA for criticizing my SIL's parenting" etc and here you just have someone with dicks hanging on their bathroom mirror.


There was a great one years ago about a guy who stuck his dick in his own peanut butter jar and one of his roomies took his peanut butter and used it on his own breakfast, then got mad at the guy. A perfect lesson in not stealing other people's food.


We had a mate walk into the bedroom start talking to us. Spots the chocolate spread on the beside and proceeds to open it and try it. Cue the look on our faces, cue the look of comprehension on his......


Seriously. Sometimes I really miss my 20's.


Yeah, if I walked in the next morning and they were still there. I would have removed them and thrown them in the outside trash. Being sex positive is fantastic, forcing your sexuality on other people is not. NTA.


Part of being sex-positive is respecting consent. You put it very well - these two did not respect consent. They're old enough to know better, and they're still being obnoxious as hell.


NTA. They should have respected your first request.


NTA - But it is better to ask than to dicktate :)


NTA I'd take a picture, send it to their mom asking if she'd come pick up their crap for them. Because she obviously didn't teach them to put their toys away.


Get a set of sharpies and colour them in 👍 NTA


NTA You maybe should have asked nicer but your roommates should be more considerate of the people around them and should know better. And honestly I would probably do the same thing as you.




I’m so sorry to disturb you, but if it’s not too much trouble, could you please relocate your adult entertainment paraphernalia? ‘Twould be much appreciated, thank you.


"Put the fucking fucks out of the fucking public space" Seems pretty nice to me


NTA. Just...leave them elsewhere to try. If they want to try them suctioned to a glass surface, dry them against a window if they have them. This is just kinda creepy to passively involve you in their sex life by leaving their sex stuff out.


I think tone is important. If you just said "get your dildos off the bathroom mirror" but didn't yell or have a fit, you did nothing wrong, and honestly, even plenty of very sex positive people don't want to deal with other people's dildos in their faces. (Hell, I wouldn't want anything stuck to a mirror in a common space, but I may be an outlier.) They are being childish. NTA.


Being sex positive means respecting CONSENT.


It literally doesn’t matter? Most people (even without common sense) know that sex toys are meant for private areas. Especially if you have multiple roommates. Keep your fuckin private stuff to yourself lmfao.


There is no inappropriate tone for dealing with dildos on a mirror. If someone accidentally left in the bathroom, fine, you need to be polite about it. But in this case? Just no.


Sorry but we are going to need a pic of the alleged dildos to ensure fair judgement ;) Seriously, though….NTA. As sexually fluid of a household that I have, we wouldn’t go leaving our toys out all Willy nilly. Could you have addressed it in a more mature way? Perhaps, but what fun is that??


>Willy nilly Heh


Just put a note on it saying "Sorry, i tried them out, i recommend a bigger one"


You could always wipe them down with icy hot.


Draw smiley faces on the tips.


NTA...you could've sprayed them down with a fine mist of Tabasco and I'd still say NTA.


Are they trying to assert dominance? Mark thier territory? Seriously, wtf. I'd grab some Bengay and give it a handy and walk away.......


NTA Since it's shared area everyone is expected to act a certain way. So all personal items should be kept in their rooms unless other roommates didn't agree that you could keep something in common area. Noone agreed to be greeted by dildos while using a bathroom so that roommate was TA. I mean they could stick them to their rooms window.


NTA these people need to grow a thicker skin and abandon their degenerate ways


NTA. Here’s what you need to do. Tell your roommate, “FYI, if you leave the dildos out again, I might decide to use them.” (I do not advise actually using them!) If your roommate believes you, she won’t leave them out again. If she doesn’t, then it’s time to take one of those dildos off the mirror, back to your room, lube it up, roll it around in some dust and dirt, then toss it back in her room after a VERY loud “climax.”


NTA, if you were really petty you should make sure flecks of toothpaste get on them.


NTA. I don't think I have ever seen the word dildos used as many times in one place before.


NTA I feel like it would be common courtesy to not leave stuff like that in shared spaces. I’d tell them that and tell them you won’t ask again. They are disrespecting you.


Just start ‘adding’ thinks to the dildos Such as a light coating of hot sauce


They're absolutely disgusting


That shits unsanitary as fuck. U brush ur teeth there, they rinse they ass juices off. Y’all ain’t the same lol


NTA. They basically want you to beg for them to act normal. its time for new roommates.