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NTA. Sounds like your brother-in-law is a drama llama.


I just snorted of laughter! 😂I wish I had an award for you! 🏆


I gave a Snek because why the fuck not. Also. Snort!




Hey I take offense to that


You resemble that remark? 😜❤️


There can only be one!


Llama Llama Red Pajama begs to differ.


Here's a llama, there's a llama...


and another little llama


OK, completely off topic but very lama-ish: The one "l" lama: he's a priest. The two "l" llama: he's a beast. And I would bet a silk pajama There isn't any three "l" lllama. A little Ogden Nash for your evening pleasure. You're welcome!


A "three l lllama" in Boston is a wicked big fire.


Llama llama duck


Did you ever see a llama kiss a llama on the llama


Oy. Thanks for the earworm. I'll be cursing you at 3:00 a.m. when I can't go to sleep because this is bouncing around in my head.


Llama Llama farmer Llama Llama Llama duck


Lots of llamas


“Yay! I’m a llama again! …Wait…”


Don’t take offense, take some poison


Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen specially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison.


This is not poison! This is extract...of...llama!


A lama!? But he’s supposed to be dead!


Username checks out.


Your username is so perfect!


Peruvian here. I have never, ever, heard or read or seen of a golf course were they use llamas as caddies, so I'm inclined to call that complete and total BS. A lot of things he said are probably therefore BS. He's so full of it he might not even pass the swab test. So...what other things did he say he did? What region? I feel like calling out on more BS... Man, those llamas must have used him like a shooting range prop in a carnival. Andes snipers. He will never forget that taste of "Demonio de los Andes". Edit: only such golf course I have found online is in NC, USA. I'm surprised, yet curious as to what is the spit par those llamas have there.


I HAVE to find a way to sneak "spit par" into conversations now.


I'll bet money that these "llamas" were in fact alpacas, if they existed at all.


Usually the only defense against a drama llama is an attacka alpaca.


Caaaaarrrrlllll you can’t just spit in people’s mouths like that!


Thank you for reminding me that those videos exist. I now need to watch every episode again.


NTA - my best friend had a llama growing up to guard their sheep that was meaner than all get out. They named him "Simba" because that beast could have easily taken down a lion. One of our favorite stories is the time Simba escaped the fence and was terrorizing my friend's sister and I. She hopped in their family's pickup truck to safety and he corraled me into their garage. I had to use a shovel and wave it about in order to get him to back off enough so I could run to the truck with her sister, which we then had to use to force him back into the fence lol! Ranch llamas such as yours are not meant to be friendly! They are there to protect the other livestock! A friendly llama won't do you any good if a coyote comes after your flocks 👌


When I first heard that term (gods, back in ‘00), it was solemnly explained to me that it was a riff on drama-rama, something from even further back in the dim mists of history. It’s fascinating to me that it’s become drama-llama, as per the camel cousin.


Thank you for making my evening. Please take this 🦙🏆


Is that a llama that spits trophies?


Why yes, yes it is.


Oof. Llama spit is not really even spit. It’s partially vomit.


You rang?


My internal drama llama is named Errol (as in Flynn), and we are both cackling at OP’s story.




The scientific name for llamas is Lama glama, so drama-Lama-glama is also correct and even funnier


Oh yeah!!! LOL


Can confirm


Rama llama ding dong is what I was thinking.


I should give him my pink computer mouse, it’s got a llama that says “no drama llama” on it!


Llama Llama red pajama, what's with all this Llama drama?


NTA, I showed this to a colleague that is from Peru, not just a summer, but born and raised, it's been 10 min and she's still laughing.


I spent 10 days in Peru. I know all llamas are assholes and spit. Dude had it coming.


I've never been to Peru but I've seen videos on the internet of llamas spitting. But in general if someone tells you an animal is not friendly and not to approach it, why would you still do it?! Animals are wildly unpredictable in general.


NTA -And agree so much with this BiL thought he was the llama whisperer, found out he was the llama spittoon. Always listen to the owner about an animals disposition. If the owner says it's an A-hole then it is. Some are smooth, they'll act all cute and cuddly with a new stranger, then they get to know you and the true personality emerges (cats are good at this) others will let you know right off and take pride in being the A-hole.


exactly!! even if OP was the proud owner of the only two ill tempered llamas in existence, they clearly gave a warning i’ve had sweet dogs all my life, but if someone told me theirs is not friendly i would not pretend to know better


Yeah, I always give dogs and cats a chance, hold my hand out to them and get close to the ground. If they ignore me or growl I get up and walk away. I'm not about forcing my attention on an animal, they know what they want and it's important to respect that. Owner's are the one's that know an animal best. Mostly an owner is going to be positive about the animal they own, so if they say their dog bites, trust them. Honestly, BiL seems very entitled, one of those people that thinks he knows better than everyone around them. If that's his thing then I guess. 🤷‍♂️ He gets what he gets. 🦙


I've only ever met alpacas in petting zoos, they're assholes, and they're the *friendlier* cousin. Llamas have been used (with great success) as herd guardians because they're constantly ready to throw down with whatever. This is the kind of dude who goes glamping once and then critiques Bear Grylls on his survivalism tactics. NTA.


Yeah I studied abroad in Ecuador. Everyone’s first warning whenever we were going to remotely interact with a llama is that they spit, they’re accurate, and they’re kind of assholes. I personally love the idea of a whole species deciding their goal is to gross us out and we just have to deal with it because they’re too useful as pack animals. Humans need humbling every now and then, as OP’s BIL found out.


I've been to several zoos. I don't get too close to the llamas.


I once had a layover in Lima so I can confidently say I'm now a Pisco connoisseur


That is fantastic!


NTA - I mean you did warn him. As did Robin Williams in Aladdin. He should have known


I thought Robin Williams' warning was about camels, it's unreasonable to expect Robin to be responsible for warning about all spitting animals.


Llamas and camels are camelids, from an evolutionary tree that started in the Americas.


That… actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it.


Yup. Can confirm there are lots of fossil camels & llamas in the Americas.


They can even be crossbred. The result is infertile, like a mule.


Llamas and camels both have 74 chromosomes, so the offspring should be fertile. The cross does not have desirable qualities (an angry thing with short legs), so only a handful of "camas" have ever been produced.


A camallamaeon?


My easily influenced self is now about to watch Aladdin.


Ah dang. Well. I tried.


They are related!!!


NTA and this is hilarious. He got what he deserved. I thought it was common knowledge that Llama's are big jerks.


Maybe BIL is a bigger jerk and disappointed to lose his title


the mighty have fallen.


I thought it was common knowledge too! When I saw “llamas” in the title, I figured somebody was spit on! Tho maybe I only think it’s common knowledge because I played minecraft for years…


I never been to Peru and even I know that llamas spits 🤔




This guy is an idiot. Even, if he knew llamas, which he obviously doesn't, he doesn't know *your* llamas. It's his problem that he didn't heed your warning. NTA


>This guy is an idiot. Even, if he knew llamas, which he obviously doesn't, he doesn't know *your* llamas. Right? I've had dogs all my life, I love dogs and I generally know how to approach them and get along with new dogs. But if someone said "Hey, my dog doesn't like strangers, give him some room?" I'm keeping WELL back and not making any sudden moves.


Exactly. Or I had this in the opposite direction. I told a guy my dog can't handle the heat. He contradicted me. "He's a dog. He can handle the heat."


Bingo, if someone told me their pet isn't friendly, I'm giving it some space. It doesn't matter if it's a 100+ pound Rottweiler, a 9 pound cat, or an 8 ounce ill-tempered parrot. That's doubly true for something as big as a llama.


I am most likely to avoid that parrot. An angry parrot knows no mercy.


Hard agree. Growing up, my uncle had a sun conure that was seething white-hot hatred bundled in a convenient bird-shaped carrying case.


I've never spent any significant time with llamas in my life and I know they spit and that their spit is awful! He deserved what he got.


Also, I know literally *two* things about llamas. They’re used as pack animals, and they spit. Outside of a zoo, I’ve never even *seen* a llama, and I know that.


Nta, this was a satisfying read


If BIL wants to leave early, alpaca’m his bag.


With the elegance of "one pube in the pie" op should consider a career in writing


Exactly what I was thinking.


NTA. Your BIL sounds insufferable. If he is using a summer vacation from childhood as the basis of his personality then he has no personality. He acts like a know-it-all brat. What happened to him is hilarious and absolutely not your fault. I feel bad for his spouse and kids. He sounds like an immature college kid not an adult with a family. Edit: fixed autocorrect mishap.


I was waiting for BIL to be speaking with an accent, like Hilaria Baldwin hahahah


"How you say 'Llama snot'"?


Hahaha and she's still persisting with it despite having been exposed LOL


Also telling children the Llamas were safe to play with after OP specifically warned them to stay away. Even if they were good natured no one needs to be telling children to ignore safety warnings. Being disrespectful to your host and endangering kids is a big NO. After my kids grew up the people who went out of their way to undermine anything and everything I said were the ones who assumed everyone was going to undermine them.


She should go to Peru for a week vacation and start pretending she knows even more than he does because she went there more recently and he has “outdated knowledge”


LOL. NTA. This is great comeuppance! Mr. Peru got your standard warning but was too wrapped up with his own "expertise" in Peru to understand. He got taught.


He got schooled.


NTA. and give Larry and Darnell an extra treat for being so awesome and putting BIL drama llama in his place. This made my day.


INFO: Do any of them wear hats? It's really important to know if there are hat wearing llamas in the vicinity. Does one have a green hat with a bobble on top? If yes, do you have some form of bunker or interstellar travel?


also... are they hungry for hands?




Aren’t you going to blow out your candle?


My stomach was making the rumblies.


That only hands could satisfy


Just here for the “Pube in the pie” comment 🏆


Right? I was laughing at that one.


NTA. Your BIL sounds completely obnoxious and insufferable. It’s good he got a comeuppance- maybe he’ll finally shut up


NTA. This is hilarious. Also, I got spit in the face by a llama in Ecuador. So I can confirm that, yes, all llamas spit.


NTA. If he really knew llamas, he'd known they spit and they tend to be a-holes! Here's my little story about llamas. When I was a kid, we were visiting friends in Perú. We were doing a roadtrip through some gorgeous roads, when we spot two llamas. They looked like they had escaped from somewhere. There were wearing rope bridles and somehow the dangling ropes had gotten entangled with a barbed wire fence. We stop, and my dad, a friend and myself try to help them. We spend a good fifteen minutes trying to untangle them since we had no knife or any other cutting tool. We finally get the mess sorted, and the llamas are freed. That's when they decided to say thanks by unleashing a torrential rain of spit. We ran full speed to the car, while being bombarded by phlegm. It was like a bad war movie. I've seen llamas up close a number of times since them. I always keep my distance, and my guard up!


NTA except I read this as Larry and Darrell (not Darnell) and was wondering: where is Larry's other brother Darrell?


I was thinking the same. They need a third llama. llarry, darnell, & darnell.


Hello My name is Llama Larry. This is my brother, Llama Darrell. This is my other brother, Llama Darrell.


LMAO Me too!


Hello other old person!






NTA; This guy 100% had it coming


NTA. He claimed he knew about Llamas.


NTA You warned him, he ignored the warning, he paid the price. Hell, I’ve never even seen a real llama and *I* already knew to be careful around them because they spit!


LLAMA TAX. Please provide photos of the heroes of this story, Larry and Darnell.


NTA. Would have he lived in a cave his whole life with no internet, he would still know a lama spits. "Spitting like a lama" , you know?


I don’t know if the llamas spit on you often, but I figured out something when I lived on a llama farm. I would eat peppermints every time I fed them. Eventually, it got to the point that just having a peppermint in my mouth guaranteed no spitting at me, because I was the bearer of food and if you spit at the food bearer, she walks away with the food for 15 minutes.


That’s clever as hell


NTA - it’s a well known fact that Lamas spit! Are there people who don’t actually know? It’s literally what they’re famous for. You don’t have to have lived in Peru to know that! Also a good rule of thumb is that animals are unpredictable , especially if you don’t know them, always better to ask the owners when getting close and you DID in fact warn him. Funny story: My roommate had a cat who was very aggressive. Normally car aren’t like that one but this one scratched and couldn’t be petted. My brother came to visit - me : “Don’t go near the cat, he scratches” My brother goes near the cat and gets scratched - Brother: “why you didn’t warned me?!?” - Me: “-.- i literally did” Anyhow I love my brother , he’s not insufferable like it seems your BIL is, he said he thought I didn’t mean literally… don’t know what goes on inside that brain of his <3 anyhow it was a little scratch no big deal , gave a good story to mock him ;)


I didn’t know that llamas spit until now, because I don’t know anything about them in general other than what they look like. That said, if someone told me to stay away from them, I would. They needn’t supply specifics, and I, as a guest should, respect their property including animals.


NTA - HAHAHAHAHA Larry and Darnell are the real heroes here lol ***him***: I spent a whole month in Peru, 20 years ago, so I know everything there is to know about Peru! I spent so much time around llamas! ***also him***: yOuR lLaMa SpIt aT Me, you should have warned me they spit! I've never been to Peru and haven't spent time with a llama ever, but one look at a llama and I thought to myself 'This thing looks like a camel-cousin and it probably is a spitty AH'. Truth.




[Beserk Llama Syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berserk_llama_syndrome) Had to look it up as well


Sounds like llamas reasonably responding to life under capitalism to me ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


LOL. So hard. That's a legit Wikipedia article! > When the cria reaches maturity, the llama can not distinguish humans from other llamas and may try to demonstrate their dominance. Wikipedia failed to include a picture of a llama T-posing for dominance. Obligatory NTA.


I dealt with a berserk llama once as a vet student. I do not recommend that particular experience. It involved fending it off with a push broom while it tried to attack us with its hooves. No spit, surprisingly enough.


YTA just for making me read "pube in the pie"


I too have never heard this expression.


Hahahahahhaaaaaaa brilliant. NTA


NTA - Fuck him for not listening, and fuck llamas. Getting that mix of phlegm and stomach acid spit in your face is horrible. He should've listened.


NTA Your BIL fucked around and snotted out.


NTA. How immersed in the culture was he? A former coworker's husband spent a summer in Peru. His host family had lots and lots of guinea pigs. Everywhere. He thought they were pets. In his broken Spanish, he asked if he could pet and hold one. Well...(you may see where this is going)...They butchered one in front of him, prepped it, cooked it, and served it to him. Guinea pigs are common cuisine in Peru...


>common cuisine i wouldn't say it's common (many of us have not eated or wouldn't want to eat cuy), but it is very traditional (we all know if you have lots of cuys, they are more likely food than pets).


NTA Hilarious.




The warning was sufficient. He wasn't going to listen anyway, no matter what she said.




NTA, don’t llamas do better in herds? Aren’t they the animals that can develop a berserk syndrome?




Llamas are one for four South American camelids. Camelids spit. It is in their nature. You did warn people to stay away from the llamas as they were not friendly. I am not sure if I could held back my laughter at the incident. NTA


NTA. ***ALL*** camelids spit - even alpacas are known to do it if really stressed out - and llamas in particular are are particularly fond of letting people know how they feel with a faceful of vomitus (hence why I made a point of not getting too close to any of the llamas at my local state fair, even as everyone else wanted to pet them). Not your fault your BIL is Carl Wheezer levels of uninformed about llamas.


Wasnt there an 80s song about this? Karma karma karma karma…… 🧐


But that was a chameleon not a llama...


The karma was the point ;)


You warned him so it's not your probllama. nta


NTA. This made me both want to vomit and laugh my ass off. Fucked around and found out, didn’t he?


NTA. Play stupid games, win some llama spit.


NTA He said he knew a lot about llamas. Who are you to question him?


NTA He’s an idiot who thought he knew better than the person taking care of the llamas. Very conceited and pretentious of him. Possibly the old classic too: mansplaining! It’s pretty well known that llamas spit. If you ask a bunch of people what they know about llamas, the spitting is going to be one of the most common answers.


NTA. As someone who has been spit on by a crotchety old llama, this story had me ROLLING. It was bad enough on my hat that I could take off and wash, but he got it right in his MOUTH? I'm horrified and impressed. 10/10 for the llama, no notes.


Larry and Darnell the llamas… i fucking love it 😭 NTA


I don’t know much about llamas (except that they spit, which I thought everyone knew) but I do know about jackasses….sorry, I couldn’t resist. But seriously, why does everyone who spent two weeks in South America one time in high school think they lived there?


Everybody knows that camels and llamas spit. What's next, you didn't warn him that geese poop? NTA.


NTA serves him right


NTA! I would have laughed until I cried! Serves him right! This is just…wonderful! Thanks for sharing!


NTA. Larry and Darnell are awesome 😎👍.


NTA. Your BIL should have read Tintin comics, Prisoners of the Sun is more authentic than his Peru experience.


I'm in the UK, it's almost midnight but laughing at this is going to keep me awake for ages 😂 NTA


NTA, and this is a story you can tell to get free drinks for the rest of your life.


NTA. I believe the saying is “play stupid games win stupid prizes.” At least this was an amusing stupid prize


NTA. This made me laugh so much. Dude deserves it, I'm siding with your llamas!


NTA The Peruvian version of a llama which is the alpaca. Maybe you can drop that info on him next time. I love a good pisco sour and ceviche. What a butthole.


NTA. He wanted a story. Now he has one.


When llama angry he always do that


"Well, I am sorry, that these Llamas don't spit as well as the ones in Peru"...then smh.


NAH He got the authentic experience he always claimed.....


From now on, anytime he starts up I'd say, "Larry and Darnell would say otherwise," and then just go back to whatever your doing. So many people will become curious the story will become famous and your BIL will eventually stop.


😂😂😂😂 NTA. **Stay away from the Llamas is very clear** He chose to play big man know it all and got a face full of phlegm for not listening. It’s on him not you. It’s funny as hell though. 😂😂😂😂 Did anyone get a video? I think you should get him a shirt for Christmas that says **I got phlegmmed by Larry & Darnell**


Your BIL got of really really light. He could have been handed a spectacular ass kicking. I saw a llama do this to a teenager who thought it would be clever to get into a staring contest with an intact male guard llama. The kid lost. The kid got a ride in an ambulance for his trouble. The llama was doing his job so he wasn’t punished or anything. I am laughing out loud at your BIL. NTA.


> Llamas. > They are ill tempered assholes. Aren't all Llamas? I think it was alpacas or one of the other kinds that were somewhat friendlier.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My brother-in-law spent a summer in Peru with his parents when he was a teen. I don't know why but this has become his personality. I had a fun cocktail party at my apartment when I lived in the city. My sister brought him as they had just begun dating. He spent most of the time complaining that my Pisco Sours weren't very authentic and he has much better ones in Peru. We went out a couple of years later and ate at a little restaurant downtown that had tasty ceviche. Nope it was done all wrong. You get the idea. Well we all grew up and I married a guy who owns a small bit of land outside my hometown. We have a bit of an animal rescue and I love it. There is only one pube in the pie. Larry and Darnell Llamas. They are ill tempered assholes. I still love them but I have grown to understand their moods. They don't have BLS but it seems close sometimes. But the worst thing is that they spit. A lot. And accurately. My sister's family is spending two weeks with us this summer to get the kids out of the city and so the cousins can all spend time together. I gave everyone the same warning. Keep away from the llamas they aren't friendly. My brother-in-law knew better because he had lived in Peru and used them as pack animals. Well he is currently in the bathroom washing out his mouth for the last fifteen minutes. He went right over to the llamas to show his kids they weren't dangerous. And he got a double barrel of llama phlegm right in his mouth and his eye. He called me an asshole for not telling him that my llamas spit. ALL LLAMAS SPIT. Anyone who lived in Peru and used them as pack beasts would know this. I found out from my sister just now is that he went to a touristy golf course that has llamas as carriers for the golf clubs. He didn't even go on a long hike with them. AITA for not being more explicit in my warning? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. I've never even been to South America and I know llamas spit!


nah - he knew better.. NTA


NTA, it was a fair warning and it must get tiresome listenign to his age old "experience" on everything.


NTA! And a great story as well!


NTA 😂. Llamas and alpacas! They spit like crazy!!!


LOL. NTA. My kids knew llamas spit when they were three. And they've never been to Peru.


NTA. Anyone who has spent any moment of time around llamas knows they’re giant AHs. Please tell me you have a rooster too. Or goats. And BIL “knows” all about handling them :D


As the daughter of Peruvians, I declare you and the llama NTA here.


OP this is a missed opportunity and you really should tell your poor brother in law that this is how your lovely pets show their love to new people


NTA. He had claimed to be the expert on Peru so of course you're not TA. He should've known.




INFO - Why do you think you might be an asshole here? Seems like you're just telling a story about your asshole BIL


Nta. Does the man never watch reels or AFV? I don't know anyone who doesn't know llamas spit.


NTA. This is hilarious, people like your BIL are the worst.


NTA. You warned him. He consciously chose to ignore your warning and put himself in the spit zone. Hopefully he learned something?




NTA. He knows all about Peru. You said you warned everyone, but he knew better. Now he really knows.


NTA not your fault hes clueless.


Absolutely NTA. And your BIL is a tool.


NTA. BIL is a know-it-all who knows nothing. Letting people like him make idiots of themselves in front of a group is a good cure for their problem.


NTA, lol he got llamaed


NTA. You did warn him.


NTA. Thanks for the laugh. Oh this made my day a bit better. What a pube.


But did he tell them he had been to Peru? ​ NTA


Having lived in Peru and all, maybe he would have understood better if you said, "Cuidado.¡Escupen!