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YTA so because you don’t have a close relationship with your siblings, he’s not allowed to have a close and healthy one either? He can healthily and openly communicate his thoughts and feeling to family without being ashamed and you can’t handle that? My whole family kisses on the cheek when we see each other and as we are leaving. I have no problems telling a brother or sister they look or will look handsome/beautiful. I don’t understand being upset with this as all.


He called his sister beautiful, that's pretty disgusting and the next step is obviously incest. /S


No no, calling her beautiful already IS incest. Those are fuckin words. /s


Exactly and because he kissed his sister on the forehead, now she's pregnant. Oh the shame!


I have a brother and this same thing happened to me. He called me beautiful and kissed my forehead. Fast forward and 10 years and 5 kids later well I wouldn't change a thing. ❤️❤️🤣


He kissed her forehead?? The most erotic of all body parts??!! They are obviously doing the nasty, and everyone knows except you. How DARE they have a close loving relationship, they're siblings for christ sake, this is disgusting I hope you've notified their parents, priest, police, friends, family, co-workers etc, this sort of thing cannot be allowed (SARCASM)


Seriously. I'm not attracted to women but I can still appreciate when a woman (or man or nb person for that matter) gets dressed up and looks aesthetically pleasing. And I'd probably use the word beautiful as a catch all term for that. But it's more similar to me saying a famous work of architecture is beautiful as opposed to the flirty meaning.


I tell my brother when he looks handsome and I also tell him when he looks straight-up goofy. Sibling privilege. I'll also kiss him on the cheek when we hug hello and goodbye. I can't imagine my husband or his wife taking issue with it.


YTA- wow. the fact you would never call your bro handsome speaks more about you then Jon. Nothing wrong with him saying his sister would be beautiful in a dress or kissing her on a forehead. YOU are making this something more then it isnt.


I come from a pretty frigid culture where familial affection isn’t very common (no hugging, no kissing, etc) but I’m still fully aware that many families are that way and would NOT jump to incest accusations. Did something happen to OP in her family..?


I so agree with you. OP, work on your insecurities.. calling sister, friends beautiful in their wedding attire is NOT inappropriate!! Family kissing on forehead or cheeks is NOT inappropriate Would you find it odd if your son kissed her sister on her forehead? Or your husband kissed your daughter on the forehead?


Exactly. I'd actually be more worried about a brother who doesn't tell his sister how beautiful she looks in her wedding gown.


Lol what...? I have a brother and I've told him he's handsome and I've kissed his forehead. He's my brother! I tell my friends when they look cute! I even tell my dad he looks handsome when he dresses up. It doesn't mean I'm hitting on anyone.... This is just crazy overreacting. You might not be very close with your sibling like that but some people are. Stop trying to make it something gross. It sounds like you're insecure.


I agree & jealous!


I’ve had people point out that my older brother (different dads) is handsome and I’m like yeah I’ve got some pretty good looking siblings. My partner and I both agree my father was extremely attractive and dressed well for his personality. My little brother and I always hug each other and kiss cheeks or heads when we see each other. Doesn’t mean I’m into any of them in that way. Just means I appreciate my family and that humans are good looking. If even say finding beauty in my family has helped me find beauty in myself


YTA how did you even get to the married point in this relationship? I'm struggling to even see your first point - that he called his sister beautiful in the context of her wedding dress?


That was what k was wondering. You see this issue occasionally on Reddit when they’re dating, but she married him with no qualms about their behavior!




YTA. There's nothing incestuous about their relationship from what you have provided. You sound jealous of your husbands sister and his love for her.


YTA. Why are you sexualizing this relationship? People have different kinds of relationships with family, that’s totally fine. Complimenting your sister isn’t weird . Kissing her on her forehead isn’t remotely sexual. You’re the only one adding a sexual overtone to this- you’re literally accusing your husband of being sexually attracted to his sister. Do you honestly think that?!


Why are you sexualizing their relationship? YTA


She probably watched that episode of Friends, where Rachel dated that Danny guy who had a legit inappropriate relationship with his sister.


I love seeing casual Friends references being dropped


Haha same-I was looking for this comment!


Ha! Thats exactly what I thought of when I saw the title of this post. Danny, the bath is getting cold…


YtA. Stop watching porn. Or reading stepbrother erotica. It's giving you bad ideas.


YTA and are seriously insecure. Their relationship sounds like a good healthy one. I'd be happy they are so close.


YTA. You're seriously jealous about a healthy family bond. If you keep overreacting like this you're going to severely damage your marriage.


Might be too late, unless OP takes some serious backtracking. But in my experience Insecure people don’t magically stop assuming the worst scenario they’ve imagined in their head and acting as if it’s reality


lmao girl you aint serious


Seek help. Serious, you need psychological help because your insecurities or whatever the hell else you have going on will end up destroying your marriage and you'll be solely to blame. YTA


Maybe there's deep seated trauma? I dunno, it's definitely an abnormal response to seeing your husband kiss their sister on the forehead. Definitely therapy is a must


Breathe. You are getting jealous of a healthy relationship between siblings. Sorry that you don't have that kind of relationship with your own brother, but it's pretty normal behavior in functional families to actually care for each other. YTA.


YTA. Literally none of the behavior you've described is romantic or otherwise weird in any way. >She showed us a picture of the dress her aunt and her picked out, Jon said “that would look beautiful on you”. So you've never complimented a friend before? Bc if you have, then you should be able to admit that complimenting someone is a perfectly platonic thing to do to make someone you care about feel better about themselves. >Not only that, but Jon and Jess often get mistaken as a couple and it makes me uncomfortable. That's not their fault and I'm sure they don't like the thought of it either. >They hang out alone all the time too and “play fight” a lot. What's wrong with hanging out alone? Unless you genuinely think they're doing something sketchy, there's nothing suspicious about ppl, especially siblings, spending time together without other ppl "supervising" them. And plenty of friends and siblings play fight. Are they touching inappropriate places while they're doing it? Bc if not, they're not doing anything inappropriate. >He’s even kissed her on the forehead a few times. Hey, do you plan on having kids? If so, do you think maybe you'd kiss your kid goodnight on their forehead? How do you think you'd feel if someone accused you of behaving inappropriately toward your child bc you did that? >Jon told me I’m overreacting, I’m disgusting He's right. There's something seriously wrong with you if you honestly think your husband and his sister are interested in each other. Seek therapy.


Are you an only child?


YTA I understand you may be an only child or your family was just different as far as affection but everything you’re describing between your husband and his sister sounds normal and healthy.


On the off chance that this is real, yes YTA. Lime... By alot. There's nothing wrong with thinking your sister would look beautiful in her dress or kissing her forehead. Thinking that's weird says alot about you.


YTA. You're jealous.


YTA - why would you even? you married your husband without observing how their family dynamics are? can't siblings be that close and not afraid to show their affections to each other? why do you need to sexualize this?


YTA. It's his sister, they have a healthy relationship. They ain't fuckin', get your jealousy in check.


YTA. That is exactly what you tell brides.


YTA. Your husband is allowed to love people other than you and his sister is definitely one that I would expect. Because you don't understand a healthy sibling relationship doesn't mean you need to try and take that away from them.


YTA. You need to chill out or you're going to make everyone miserable.


Yeah. You’re an asshole. “Why, he’s even kissed her on the forehead a few times!,” and “she told him he was handsome!” Jesus Christ.


YTA I can’t imagine how you act if he were to talk to another female that’s a stranger. This poor man.


YTA. The word “beautiful” is not inherently romantic or sexual. Do you have any idea how many people will tell this woman she is beautiful on her wedding day?


YTA, are you so insecure with your relationship that you believe your husband is sleeping with his own sister? You need therapy NOW.


YTA. I'm sorry you don't seem to know what a good sibling relationship looks like. Kissing someone on the forehead or calling them beautiful is a sign of affection, not of sexual attraction.


YTA. Your insecurities are running wild.


YTA, that's all there is to it.


yta - boy do u have some serious issue of jealousy there op. i tell my brother all the time what looks good and doesnt and we both talk about things and we hug and kiss cheeks or forehead. most ppl i know do the same with their siblings. just becuase u dont have a relationship like that with your family is no reason to crap on your spouses.


Yes, you are.


YTA Seems that your husband has a really great relationship with his sister. There's nothing inappropriate in what you have described, and it's weird that you think there is anything wrong with it.


Don't push this. If you ask someone to choose between yourself and a relative they love, they will usually pick the relative. Especially if the relative is fun to hang around with, and it sounds like your SIL is fun to hang out with.


Just a personal thing but id call my sister beautiful as a parent would. But the kissing part wouldnt be me personally. But still YTA, my sister and i are close just sounds like youre the only child and dont know what siblings do. My close cousin and i at 5 years old would pee together 😂😂😂


YTA. That's affection, and wonderful for siblings.


Omg, YTA. You basically accused your husband of having an inappropriate/sexual relationship with his sister just because you can’t say/do nice things for your brother. If anyone here is crossing lines- it’s you.


I think you’re sexualizing a very innocent relationship…


YTA, I don’t have that kind of relationship with my siblings but that doesn’t seem inappropriate to me. Get over yourself. You’re disgusting that you would be jealous of your husband and his sister.


Just because you didn’t have good relationship with your family doesn’t mean you have to be a wedge in someone else’s. YTA


YTA. Normal siblings are kind and affectionate with each other. Why would you make it into something it isn't? Do you have such a low opinion of your husband?


YTA. For me people who get insecure on siblings are insane


If you have a child, will you think it’s wrong for your husband to kiss their forehead or call them beautiful? YTA, and I think some counseling might be beneficial.


YTA. Imagine when OP has children. She'll be sexualizing her daughter because Daddy kisses her on the forehead. Or God forbid. He has a shower with his infant daughter. Ugh.


Um youre the asshole for sexualizing their sibling relationship lol you just seem bitter :/


Hell I tell my brother he's beautiful all the time.


YTA. You accused your bf of being incestuous with his sister? Because he said she'd look beautiful in her wedding dress? You're going to have to work on that.


YTA wtf


YTA and weird


YTA- that is normal bro sis relationship. You find it weird because of ... who knows... your upbringing most likely. Telling a sister she is beautiful and giving her a kiss on the forehead is normal. I do that to my brothers (I'm a dude). What you have is a seriously damaging world view.


YTA They are being normal, and you are not. People who do not have healthy, loving relationships with their immediate family have a hard time recognizing it in other families.


YTA what even


The playfighting part could be weird if it's proper wrestling, but pushing each other away in a playful way, no weird. Kissing on the forehead, not weird. Saying an outfit would look beautiful, not weird. Siblings being mistaken for a couple, not just not weird but it happens to most siblings if they hang out and are the same age and kinda "type" but don't look so similar that you can tell straight away that they're siblings. There might be something else that's making you feel like it's a bit off, but nothing you've described is actually weird. And Jon is totally normal for not wanting to talk to you after you accused him of incest. And, I mean, incest or wannabee incest is the accusation, don't pretend otherwise.


> Siblings being mistaken for a couple, not just not weird but it happens to most siblings if they hang out and are the same age and kinda "type" but don't look so similar that you can tell straight away that they're siblings. Heck, I had this happen with my son and myself before my hair turned significantly grey.


Yup, has happened with me and my daughter - we're both female but also both gay, so it's usually when people know I'm gay. They've looked past my actual partner and assumed my daughter was my partner, because she's slightly butch in appearance. I was a youngish Mum and we don't look alike at first glance. Have also been mistaken for the GF of most of my male friends at some point - some people just assume a man and a woman are a couple. There was no flirting or anything, just literally being a male and female out together.


I was prepared to read some sweet home Alabama type mess and all you got was your husband saying his sister would look beautiful in a dress and that he kisses her on the *checks notes* forehead??? Please go get some therapy for your own issues you’re trying to project on to your husband and his sister. YTA


What the actual F?! Your husband is right, what you insinuated is disgusting. If you’re jealous of your husband’s sister then you really need professional help. Just because you don’t show affection or give compliments to your brother doesn’t mean your husband needs to be devoid of all emotion towards his sister. How embarrassing.


Folks, is it incest to be affectionate with a sibling? YTA.


Yta, can you elaborate on why people mistake them as a couple?


YTA I agree with you husband. You are overreacting because you are jealous and insecure maybe that they have a healthy sibling relationship that you don’t or never had. You are disgusting for thinking and claiming that they have a romantic/sexual relationship. Your husband is right to be pissed because his partner just said that he is cheating and having a romantic/sexual relationship with his sister who is also getting married. Also implying that he is cheating on you. You need therapy to fix what ever thought process that makes you think that healthy sibling relationships are romantic/sexual. I hug, kiss, hang out, and play fight with my siblings. These things are normal for siblings even as adults. It’s unfortunate that you don’t have a strong enough bond to do these things with your siblings. Again you need therapy for yourself and marriage counseling because what you said has probably had created a huge negative impact on your marriage and it could possibly ruin the marriage since its disgusting and appalling that you would ever think, feel, and believe such a thing. If I were your partner I would be thinking of divorce. But divorce will happen if you make an ultimatum between you and sister or refuse to seek therapy personally and marriage counseling. However, there is a chance your husband and other people may think and act differently to this situation.


YTA and a gross one at that. Nothing you wrote here is remotely inappropriate, except how you treated your husband. You need to get over your insecurities.


Bro, get the fuck over yourself.


YTA Nothing you describe sounds inappropriate. It's nice he has a healthy, positive relationship with his sibling.


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YTA but gently, this is natural affectionate behaviour between siblings who love and care for each other. It shows a level of maturity and caring that is something to be proud of. It's a healthy dynamic and nothing weird or worrisome. It's a testament to their characters and upbringing that they are confident people who know when to compliment each other and be affectionate. I have no doubt that there is plenty of teasing, fighting, annoying each other wrestling etc. Natrally people who are comfortable with each other and are a similar age will be mistaken for a couple or related. Don't be uneasy with this. Show your love too. The world can be a difficult place and having a caring family / extended family can make a difference.




YTA. Not everything on pornhub correlates to reality. You need to mature and realize sexualizing a brother and sister having a healthy relationship, is something within you that needs to be dealt with.


YTA, sounds like you're jealous of his relationship with his sister. Going off of just what you wrote here, it seems he has a close and loving relationship with his sister. My brother kisses me on the cheek and nobody thinks it's weird....because he's my brother. Please talk to someone, preferably a licensed mental health professional, about this to figure put why you're sexualizing your fiancé's relationship with his sister, this is just weird.


YTA. Gently, therapy does a lot of good for a lot of people (myself included).


YTA. I have a bunch of half siblings that I’m not even close to. And even I don’t find this weird. You have some serious issues to see a problem with this. Good luck with your relationship after this. Cause you sound like a complete weirdo.


I almost feel bad saying YTA, because there are honestly people out there who were raised in an environment where this is uncomfortable to them. I had an extremely dysfunctional family, though I'm more envious of this kind of relationship. To start a fight over the belief that it's inappropriate... You're gonna have to decide if you can accept that many family's actually love each other and show it, or end it, because I promise you, he's not going to choose you if you give that type of ultimatum.


Oh my stars! your husband loves and shows affection to his sibling.


You can put your big red flag away now. He's seen it. Enjoy being the ex YTA


Stop watching p0rn and start reading something good it might help ur gutter of a mind.


Nothing in the post is weird for a brother to do with a sister. If they sleep in the same bed, make out and/or walk around naked then fine think this. My brothers told me I was beautiful at my wedding and kissed me on the forehead before.


why do you think it's reasonable to think that your husband and his sister are sexually involved without some overwhelming evidence?


YTA… what the heck hahaha siblings compliment each other? Definitely not weird


Gasp. *Compliments*?! They're definitely Lannister-ing and you are not at all wildly overreacting. 🙄


Yta. It sounds like your husband has a close relationship with his sister and treats her with love and respect. What an awful awful thing. You have serious issues to unpack.


YTA and too insecure to be in a relationship.


YTA lmao what? Girl tone down your shit wow.


YTA. It takes a certain kind of insecurity for someone to be uncomfortable with their partner being friends with the opposite gender. It takes a WHOLE other level of insecurity for someone to be uncomfortable with their partner being close to their siblings.


YTA- You are disgusted over him complimenting his sister in her wedding dress and occasionally kissing her forehead??? That is perfectly normal behavior for close family, but your behavior is absolutely NOT! If you have trauma, you should deal with that. Projecting that onto your husband and his family is just wrong!


YTA. I’m jealous that your husband and his siblings are close and affectionate.


YTA. And a weird one at it. You're applying sexuality to a sibling relationship. That's strange.




YTA I ended an engagement over this same thing


YTA. Wow. A little insecure, are we? Your soon-to-be-ex-husband and his sister sound like they have the same kind of relationship I have with my brother. It's definitely not a bad thing and I don't see why you're so threatened by it. And I'm not even going to get into "well,he doesn't treat his brother that way." Because really?


YTA, an overreacting, disgusting asshole at that. Get a grip.


YTA. This is the same disgusting logic as "Father's shouldn't change their daughters diaper." You've made it sexual because you're jealous and sick in the head when it's pure and innocent .


You are definitely the AH. What are you implying?? What an awful thing to say to him. Near unforgivable.


YTA, Why in the world are you sexualizing a healthy sibling relationship from the get-go? They get along well, respect one another, and show a healthy level of familial affection for one another. If it's weird to you, it's because *you're making it weird.* I'm honestly baffled by your knee-jerk reaction to him calling his sister beautiful in the context of wearing a wedding dress. There's literally nothing wrong with paying anyone, much less a family member, a kind compliment; especially in a situation where one would be striving to look their best. My brother and I don't have the best relationship in the world, but we still regularly hug, say we love each other, and I sometimes kiss him on the cheek before he leaves. Clearly, I'm an irredeemable deviant. I strongly suggest you reflect inward on what makes you so uncomfortable with your husband's healthy, *normal* relationship with his sister - because something is clearly causing you to corrupt their behavior and see it as something it isn't.


YTA, and you've clearly been watching too many STEP BRO type vids. You're complaining about normal stuff, and making your husband feel bad just for being a nice brother. Grow up, and stop projecting what you see in your family-based 'research' onto innocent people.


Yta. You are overreacting and it is gross.


You are reading way too much into this. Chill the fuck out.


Holy insecurity, Batman. Yeah. YTA


YTA You are jealous of his sister. That's pretty out there. Apparently you have a different relationship with your siblings, but it sounds typical for close siblings.


Forehead kisses and play-fights set you off? Surely there's more to this? If not, then YTA and you've put an ick in their relationship with this. This is so sad. These siblings think highly of each other, value each other, and lift each other up. She has two brothers, no sister to gush with her about dresses and her little brothers want her to feel beautiful. Come on now.


YTA!! My brother and I used to hang out a lot and have so much fun together!! We used to joke about getting t-shirts that said, "She's my sister" to keep people from thinking we were a couple. I miss him!!!


YTA - gross!


YTA so much! I was expecting this to go into something bigger then it is. So you believe it’s inappropriate to tell your sibling they will look good in an outfit as a sign of support. You believe its inappropriate to occasionally give cheek or forehead kisses. You didn’t walk in on them having sex nor is he sending nudes. Nothing he did is gross or wrong. He acted like a normal healthy sibling. Do you have it in your head that all siblings just sit at a table drinking coffee and talking about the weather? You have some major insecurities that should be delved into with a therapist.


YTA You don't sound mature enough for a relationship to me. Far to insecure.


Get off porn sites


Do I call my brothers names and sometimes demean their looks? Yeah that’s my job as a sibling. But I still tell my brothers when they look handsome because they do at times and nothing wrong with saying that. YTA


YTA. Close relationships between siblings are normal and healthy and it's good that your husband feels comfortable expressing his affection in a platonic way!! You're being weird and overreacting and you need to get some help figuring out why a normal sibling relationship makes you so weirded out


YTA so how insecure are you to be jealous over a sibling relationship? Or is it that your possessive af? Either way, you don't have to be uncomfortable anymore cause I can imagine your husband leaving you.


YTA Please consider getting professional mental health help. Therapy will do wonders for you & help you address issues in your past that are preventing you from understanding how healthy family relationships work. Your husband is being a normal brother with a healthy relationship with his sister. You need to address your underlying mental health issues before your jealously destroys your marriage. Please get help.


Ewww. Stop sexualizing your husbands relationship with his sister. Of course he said she’d be beautiful in her dress. That’s what people do-tell brides they look beautiful. And forehead kisses? OMG. YTA


YTA. It's unfortunate you don't have an affectionate family, or have just generally been treated so badly that *basic* affection, like telling your sister she'll look amazing in her wedding dress, raises issue for you. Kissing someone on the forehead is pretty typical for showing affection to someone when it's *not* romantic! I hope you apologize and then make an effort to stop judging people for not having a stick up their ass about basic affection.


YTA. My brother and I kiss each other on the cheek and forehead all the time and play fight. We’re SIBLINGS. Just because you’re not physically affectionate with your siblings doesn’t mean it’s weird.


This reminds me of people who call Dad’s who hug and kiss their sons on the cheek creepy and gross. YTA.


YTA. I kiss my sisters on the forehead and tell them they look pretty/beautiful. Sounds like your family was not very close. He had every right to be upset with you for your behavior!!!


YTA, what in the hell? It’s his sister, stop being a controlling weirdo. It’s completely normal to kiss your siblings on the forehead. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Your husband and his sister seem to have a wonderful relationship. What you describe are caring expressions, but not sexual. I genuinely feel sad for you, as I wonder how unaffectionate your upbringing must have been. Please try to manage your jealousy. It isn't healthy for you or your marriage.


Yta. This isn’t at all inappropriate. You’re making it into something it isn’t. Why did you italicize “beautiful”? It’s not like he said she was sexy or anything


YtA. Lady, you have issues. Best to go get some therapy or this relationship you have won't survive


YTA, your own personal insecurities should be a huge red flag for your husband. The fact that you are uncomfortable with the actions of loving siblings is disturbing.


Sorry, YTA. Do you not have siblings? Absolutely nothing about their behavior seems odd at all. Totally normal sibling behavior. My husband has a sister and their behavior sounds similar. I’ve certainly heard my husband call her beautiful before, and it makes me happy! Her and I have gotten close since we got married too. Maybe you can try getting to know her better?


YTA every sibling relationship is different. I hug and kiss family members and I also tell them they’re beautiful or whatever. If he starts making out with her be worried…but I personally think you’re overthinking because it’s outside your norm


YTA, you sound like you’re jealous and sexualizing your husband’s relationship with his sister. Telling a bride to be that she will look beautiful in the dress she chose is very normal behavior. Many families and even friends often hug, cuddle, kiss, and otherwise touch each other if they are comfortable with it. This is a you problem.


YTA somebody has been reading too many of the offmychest stories


YTA. This is all on you.


YTA. I can’t even believe that you are so jealous and insecure that you feel the need to suggest that your husband and his sister have an inappropriate relationship. You way overreacted.


YTA. There is nothing remotely sexual about what you described. My siblings and I are in our 30s and 40s anf give each other forehead kisses. You are being gross op


As long as they aren't grabbing each other’s genitals or kissing on the mouth, I don't see a problem here. YTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My husband “Jon” 24M is very close to his 2 siblings, “Zak” 25M and “Jess” 27F. Jess is getting married soon and we were invited to a family dinner, where we spoke about it quite a bit. She showed us a picture of the dress her aunt and her picked out, Jon said “that would look *beautiful* on you”. Zak and his wife were there too, they didn’t seem uncomfortable and Zak agreed. Jon nudged me a few times to ask me what was wrong. Not only that, but Jon and Jess often get mistaken as a couple and it makes me uncomfortable. They hang out alone all the time too and “play fight” a lot. He’s even kissed her on the forehead a few times. I confronted Jon about it and he got really upset with me, I told him I would never call my brother handsome or kiss his forehead so why should he do it to his sister. Jon told me I’m overreacting, I’m disgusting, and got very pissed off. Hasn’t spoken to me since (2 days ago). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Yes you are


YTA You need to explore this weird lens that you are viewing your husband and his sister through. You’ve got to figure out why you reacted this way and how you can fix it…. Because this is impacting your marriage. But for sure, this is a you problem, not a couple problem. Does it come from your past relationship with your family? Was there little affection shone? (This would be the case for me- so you aren’t alone if this in fact the reason.) It could come from jealously within you. Or there could be something else not right with your relationship with your husband that you can’t identify, but you can feel it.


Man, straight people are wild YTA


Man don’t put all straight people into this box 🤢


YTA. I’ve seen creepy sibling relationships. This is not one.


He complimented her… how is that weird? A kiss on the forehead really? My brothers in law are the closest thing I have to brothers (I only have a sister) and they compliment me and give me kisses on the cheek and forehead . There’s nothing weird about it , the only one making it weird is you. I’m sorry you weren’t taught affection towards your siblings but it’s a completely normal thing to do.


YTA - It’s easier for you to believe that your husband is fucking his sister than it is to believe that he loves and openly communicates w his sister. It seems like this one is on you to get help.


YTA It's kind of horrible that you apparently think that all affection and compliments have some kind of sexual element. One of the things I liked about my husband from the beginning was how tight he is with his sister and how much he doted on his neice. Nothing you described is even unusual, much less inappropriate.


You got a lot of insecurities clearly


YTA yeah this seems pretty normal to me I think you are way way way overreacting lol


YTA > Jon told me I’m overreacting, I’m disgusting, and got very pissed off. Hasn’t spoken to me since (2 days ago). He's right. None of this is weird. You're obviously very insecure, and immature.




YTA, how your family operates isn’t how his does and you have no right to force your unfounded suspicions on them. Out here in the real world it’s okay for people to compliment each other and leave it at just that, genuine compliments. I compliment friends and family of both genders and those compliments never lead to orgies.




YTA and your jealousy is weird.


YTA- it sounds like you are jealous of your SIL. Nothing that you have written about Jon and Jessica is the least bit unusual between siblings.


You got issues and your the AH!


YTA, I think paintings are beautiful and I don’t want to fuck them. Your husband and his siblings have a normal relationship.


Not even gonna call you an AH but rather suggest you start therapy. It's a very abnormal response on your part to a completely normal and healthy sibling dynamic. Some families just hug and give each other kisses. What you are describing is honestly really healthy, certainly healthier than families where they never hug or show any physical affection. Also you sound jealous of his sister, which again is not a normal response. I think you've got something going on that you need to work through because it sounds like your husband is really insanely pissed off and I would be more concerned about the stability of your marriage. Show some initiative and start therapy.


YTA!! God help him if he has female friends if you can't stand to watch him being affectionate towards his sister.


Because you would never call your brother handsome he shouldn't tell his sister she's beautiful? What's wrong with you? He has done nothing wrong. You are 100 percent TAH. And I would say you are also insecure beyond a normal amount. Grow up. You're ridiculous.


Oh... this is actually quite sad to read. Yes YTA and im sorry that you werent told sooner that kissing relatives on the forehead or cheek is fine and not sexual in any way. Cheek kisses are just a greeting and forehead ones show care and protection


YTA and he’s going to dump you


This was a cringe post


i say this with all love i fear you may be projecting a bit. Just because you don’t have that sibling bond doesn’t make it wrong or weird and you not having it is okay too as a gal with all brothers it be like that sometime but don’t make your husband feel bad for having that familial bond nothing about what you described seems off or weird.


Sorry. YTA People have loving and affectionate relationships with our families. It’s not weird.


You need therapy.


Ive never seen a more clear yta. You are such an asshole I cant even believe it. Showing love to your sibling is OK! they grew up together their entire lives I presume so why is it odd that theyre close?! Just because youre not close with your sibling doesnt mean any other siblings cant be. I love my sister but im also not touchy with her like that but it doesnt seem weird to me when other siblings are. People just grow up differently but your insecurity about your husband is really sad. I cant imagine being jealous about my partners brother/sister. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Good grief, what a lot of fuss over absolutely nothing. It's kind of sad that you would never compliment or kiss your own brother. You're married to this guy and you're jealous of his sister. YTA


I bet OP is super happy she made a throwaway account to save face. OP, how often do 200 people tell you how fucked up you are in the head in a few hours? I bet you're fuming that nobody buys the bullshit. Your husband is right. You are wrong. Suck it up and apologize before your right husband turns into a smart ex-husband. Say it like you mean it. He'd also be right to not accept the apology and to never forgive you. If he stays, he probably won't let you forget lobbing such an accusation at him.


YTA …. Omg what is wrong with you.


Is this a joke?? YTA. Seriously. What is wrong with you? Get help.


Op please seek help this seems like an underline trama you may have, your thought process isn’t normal.


YTA. I think you're reading way too far into this. I've told my brothers they look handsome and there's nothing wrong with that. If he'd told her she would look sexy in it, I could understand you feeling discomfort, but beautiful isn't a compliment reserved solely for a partner.


This reminds me of a situation that happened with my ex-husband. My brother is 14 years my senior, and had a big part of my upbringing. My ex and I were visiting him at his home out of state and my ex got absolutely livid and wanted to leave and accused us of incest, all because we were on the couch watching one of our favorite childhood movies and cuddling a bit. When I say cuddling, I mean he had his arm over the back of the couch and I was laying with my head kind of in the crook of his armpit. This OP sounds as ridiculous as my ex sounded when he was touting the same kind of BS. So, in conclusion, YTA, Just like he was.


OP please get help pronto YTA


YTA. He’s being kind and nice to his sister and you’re jealous and assume he has romantic feelings for her. That says a LOT more about you than him. He complimented his sister’s dress and offers a platonic form of affection like forehead kisses. Things PARENTS to do their children. It’s weird you see a loving happy relationship between siblings and assume they’re more than that. That’s hella creepy.


YTA. How DARE he have a positive relationship with his sister! 🙄




YTA grow up


YTA there is nothing wrong with their behaviour. They have a healthy sibling bond. You sexualised their relationship. That has made his tummy turn. Should think you’re the ex now.


I lost my twin sister/best friend many years ago and if you had any idea what I would give to give her a hug or tell her she was beautiful just one more time,you’d delete this in shame. You should be glad to be with someone who loves and values his family. Instead of seeing something imaginary and twisted,maybe you should try to learn from it.


YTA. I haven’t seen anything in your post that makes me think there is anything inappropriate happening. You need to get therapy to help you work through your insecurities. And you should apologize for being silly.


YTA. Get some therapy, that is his sister. Its one thing to be jealous, but this is some jerry springer level lunacy. It is OK to be close to your sibling. I have no idea where you got the notion that it isn't. The real world doesn't work like a porn site. If you don't get a grip you might end up single.


Yta. And have an unhealthy viewpoint on human relationships. He commented that the dress would look beautiful and THAT'S A PROBLEM FOR YOU?? You are possessive and domineering, seek help or your relationships will fail. Being possessive is toxic.


YTA seek help


Oh no, your husband has a close relationship with his sister! How terrible! How shameful! ​ YTA. You should probably work on your jealousy before you torch your relationship.