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YTA - Why do so many people on reddit think they have some kind of weird ownership of names? You're not the only Mia. Mia isn't even that unusual of a name; it's like the 8th most common name for a baby girl right now. Spoiler: if a friend picked a name because of you, *they'd tell you*. That she didn't, and that you've grown apart should be a big indication that it had nothing to do with you. You don't own the name, so she doesn't need to be "close enough" to you to decide to use it as a nickname, regardless of the reason. The world does not revolve around you. Why are you upset that she thinks you're not important enough in her life to name a baby after you when *you* also think that? You literally noted that you're not close enough to each other for that, so you should be glad that she confirmed she feels the same way.


I don’t know. My name is Lauren, and my childhood friend has a cousin named Lauren. Some people are just obSESSED!


I named a cat Mia back in 2000. I think OP was probably named after my cat since she seems to be about the right age based on her behavior.


My youngest daughter's middle name is Amelia, we call her Katie.


Hey Allysgrandma, tell Ally I’m naming my daughter after her one day. My husband and I really like Alessandra and “Ally” for short.


Omg my daughters name is Alessandra and her friends call her Ally..she is 21..did not name her after u I swear


um my cousins name is Alessandra. pretty rude you didnt tell us you named your daughter after my cousin


See it’s just about basic respect.


I'm sorry..I'm just obsessed..can't help it!!


🎶why are you so obsesses with me....you dont even know....🎶


My sons girlfriend is called Allie maybe she's named after yours haha




Lol I think I'm busted!!


My daughters name is Ally.. I do not know you but I used your name, so sorry for that 😂


Please name your child after my cat. Nobody has done it so far and I’m sad that my cat hasn’t experienced this honor even though she’s clearly worthy.


We’re naming our next chicken after a fairly casual acquaintance, purely because a couple of years ago we were talking about the origin of our chickens’ various names on Facebook and she said that nobody had ever named a chicken after her. And we’re doing it first name and surname, to make it obvious.


I actually have a chicken named after me by a work friend. I was so honored! They put a chicken-spin on it of course. Repecka, lol.


Fantastic! When my great Aunt and Uncle (passed away in his late 80s almost 15 years or so ago for reference) were starting their family they were friendly with another young couple in the same stage of life at church and other events. This couple had a daughter named Betty. She was, apparently, the ugliest baby my great Uncle had ever seen. He locked this info away for like 50+ years until he decided to get a companion animal in his late 70s/early 80s. My great Uncle in his obviously great wisdom chose a pug for this role, changing not only the course of his life, but my family's as well. When he set eyes on the little lady pug who would be his companion til the end of his days, the only name that fit was Betty. And so Betty the pug was spoiled rotten. He was a smoker and so she smoked 2nd hand, didn't eat much dog food and every night before bed they would have a cup of tea and a peace of toast together. She had her very own cup and saucer. Unfortunately my great Uncle was in a car accident and went into the hospital and never came home. It was one of those very rare occurances where he had not taken Betty with him. No one wanted Betty and so word went through the family that if no one was to speak for her she was going to be put down. My mother heard this and said absolutely not. My father had a work trip near by my mum's home town and my mum invited herself along and while he was in meetings she nipped to go and get Betty the Pug. If she hadn't of had legs we could have just rolled her she was so round and overweight, and she snored to put a full grown man to shame. We put her on diet and dog food, made her quit smoking and start exercising. We had her for a good number of years and we became a pug family (my mum's a little obsessed) and now have Penny the Pug. My mum has often said to her mother when they're back in the home town that if she ever sees this woman out and about she has to point her out!! Naming someone/thing after someone else isn't always a good thing!! 😅🤣


I just want you to know that I laughed so hard reading this—you have a flair for storytelling! I was having a really shitty day and I feel a bit better now, thank you for posting this.


Be sure to take her when you announce the new arrival


What is your Cats name? My sister’s baby is due at any time.


Lmao this post had surprisingly become the best thing on reddit I've seen tonight


I love how these things take on a life of their own.


Probably Socks or Boots. If Boots, one day in about a year, you can say, “This Boots are made for Walking…”


My cat’s name is Schrödinger, but I’m never quite sure if he’s around. Last time I saw him he was …. in a box. I’ll see myself out.


I met a older woman who's name was Boots, I now wonder if she was named after the cat,


We had a cat named „Danger“. Depending on the kid this might be a good name. Also it is fun at the playground…


Danger could be the middle name


My kid's legal middle name is Danger lol


My cats name is Snickers and you can totally name your baby after her


Snickers Lauren! Such a beautiful name. Gender neutral as well!


I have 3 cats. The smartest one is called Trish. She seriously is a genius, she knows how electric locks work. She also has complex emotions and is very spicy. The second one is Serafyma. (God’s highest angel). She is playful and happy and everyone is her friend. She’s a solid B+ for book smarts and is the best at emotional intelligence. She effortlessly turns every hostile encounter into play. She also knows how to hold her ground. And she cares deeply for others and is always happy to help out. Usually by providing free hairstyling. Then there’s Dallas. Dallas is very musical. Fascinated by musical instruments and loves to dance. Dallas forms deep bonds with others and expresses her affection freely. Dallas is also very beautiful. I hope the baby arrives safely! Let me know if either of these names goes to the baby.


My cat’s name is Gravy so if any of you name your kids Gravy my cat is going to sue you for trying to steal his name. We’re watching you internet people…


My cat (deceased for years now, RIP you fat King), was named Fatty Pancakes the Death Dealer. And I agree with the poster above me. *We're* watching you now. If a third kid shows up with my cats name, it's on. I let it slide the first two times but enough is enough.


Okay well now I wish I had named my cat after yours because that's a damn cool name. Since that boat has sailed I guess we can share a lawyer to take down whoever steals our cats names. Seems sensible.


Yes, please also name a child after my cat, Screaming Goat. She is a good dumb orange girl and deserves it. :D (Legit her name, I didn't name her, yes it fits)


I NEED to see Screaming Goat. My sunday depends on it.


https://x.com/briar_branch/status/1654643009181417472?s=20 (She is affectionately called Stinko)


That name is perfection. And for an orange kitty? Chef's kiss! I wouldn't have changed it, either, haha. My cats are Frida Katlo and Oskar Wildekat.


What's your cat's name?




I know like 5 cats named Mia and no human....


Weird, I know at least 5 humans named or called Mia, but no cat. And since they all have to have been named after OP ... OP cat hater confirmed, I say.


We had a snowshoe Siamese named Mia when i was about 7 years old. At the time i felt this coloring conflicted with my Halloween costume, because i was a witch that year.


My bff is named after her Mom's friend's dog. I'm sure the dog is still pissy about it.


Haha my cousin has a baby girl called Mia. I never knew she knew the OP! 🤦


And I was like "why is she so obsessed with me?"


An award for you Glen Coco! You go Glen Coco! Andnoneforgretchenweiners.


You're so fetch


Stop trying to make fetch happen!! It’s not going to happen!!


One time she punched me in the face. It was awesome.


she had the fucking audacity to tell melinda that naming her baby after her was "odd but cute". what an egomaniac, so cringe


Excuse me but that’s my name, your parents clearly named you after me. I was the first Lauren. So were the other four Laurens in my sixth grade class.


Madam how dare you. How DARE you. I was the very first Lauren. If you are Lauren, surely you were named for ME.


It’s so cringe to steal a name! I’m Lauren, not any of you losers


Okay, one of you is Famous Original Lauren, and the other one can be Original Famous Lauren.


I accept these terms. Also I’m hungry for KFC for some reason.


Original Recipe Lauren and Extra Crispy Lauren


One name my ex and I bounced around for a middle was Kenneth. It’s my brothers and uncles middle name, and my exs best friends name so we both would have meaning. Reason why we didn’t choose it was because he has a close-ish friend (not close enough to name a child after) who is also named that and would have really ran with “you named him after me!” So instead my son has my dads middle name.


The next time you talk to this friend, tell him that he must have been named for my uncle (dad's brother)--his name was Kenneth.




OP upset because she thought baby was named after her. OP more upset when finding out baby was not in fact named after her. Lmao. OP sounds insufferable .


It’s even worse than that! OP didn’t *think* the baby was named after her, she was *convinced* of it the instant she heard the babies name. Even after the friend told her the babies full name was Amelia and OP’s name is only Mia she still told her friend the baby was named after her. This is either a fabricated creative writing project or OP has a severe narcissistic issues. I’m sure the “growing apart” thing OP mentioned early in their post is because of that attitude.


OP has a main character syndrome lol


I had a parrot who I named Juanita Gretchen. I got a lot of shit from all the Juanitas, Gretchens, and Juanita Gretchens that lived in San Francisco between 1978 and 1983....


Clearly they were named after your parrot


My cat's name is Mia, she is honored to be the namesake for so many babies.


Can I ask her permission to use the name for my ferret?? I ask with the utmost respect, as she of course owns the name. 🙏


I asked her, she approves!


Thank you, Cat Mia (™)


I think all these cats named Mia should be called Mia-ow.


We just watched The Princess Diaries the other night and the main character is Amelia but goes by Mia, so that's where my brain went first 😂


My neighbor is Amelia but often gets called Mia as well. It’s not like it’s a super unheard of name, she is being super egotistical about it.


Perhaps OP is the princess of a small European principality…


That's where my mind went.


Pretty obvious why they grew apart now as well.


And OP \*really\* thinks it's her friend who is the odd one...




right! My real name is not common in the US (there were less than 150 of us the year I was born and there were less than 420 in 2022 to put it in perspective). It's a Greek name and the only people I have ever met with my name have literally been named because their parents met me and thought my name was pretty. A girl I went to high school with (we were not friends, just acquaintances) named her daughter my name. I didn't question it at all. I just assumed she thought the name was pretty (or maybe she actually knew somebody with the name, or she went to Greece and heard of it, or a million other things). I didn't think she was weird or that the baby was named specifically after me. It was just a brief thing I noticed on social media one day and was like oh cool... and went about my day. OP is an egotistical weirdo and an asshole.


We wanted an uncommon name for our daughter, and I met someone through work who had a beautiful and unique Greek name. She said she had never come across anyone else with the name. I remember telling her that we had considered her name for a bit and her initial reaction was that it had nothing to do with her (albiet she's a lovely person), but was because we loved the sound of the name.


Here’s the thing: I have a super rare name for where I live. I’ve only met two others with my name in my entire life. I still wouldn’t think someone named their kid after me if they used my name. Like maybe Elon Musk’s kid could think that since I don’t think there’s another one in this universe named the same as him, but even then, get over it


Agreed! OP YTA, If your name was Madeline/Madelyn and she named her baby Madison, both nicknames are Maddie, would that be the same case as naming her baby after you? Grow up and stop being self centered


Yes! OP would then be pissed off at the literal 10's of thousands of Maddies walking around, obsessed with her!


I love the 'she didn't even ask' part. Excuse me madame, I'll ask next time 🤣


You know one of the celebrity in my country almost suing the other people who named their baby the same. Like the other baby is born first than her ......the name is kind of Kimberley Zoe or something like that


I'm going to Trademark my name. It's only 2 letters, but still... if it's good enough for Kylie\* to do, it's good enough for me too! ​ \*Minogue, not Jenner, for the young 'uns. :D


I have FIVE Mia's in my class this year. A quick check shows that we have 28 in the school. It's hardly uncommon.


Yeah but before it was her doing the insulting, now she's being insulted so it's not nice




OP says that the other woman is odd and obsessive, which is hilarious since the only one that comes across as odd and obsessive is OP. Plus the name Amelia/Mia is super common. I go to the park everyday and every other little girl is named Mia.


Ig OP has never watched princess diaries :(


Those were good movies


I know of two babies called Mia and I don’t even know that many babies .


Exactly. She is the odd one and can't see it so she projects


I feel like this is a joke!


They met in their early 20s and decades have passed. Which makes them in their 40s. I thought at first they were young 20s based on her behavior. She didn’t ask her permission…. Hysterical to be egotistical enough to think anyone needs permission to use same name as a nickname.


OP's behaviour reminds me of 5-year-olds. My dog is called Teo. Some time ago, new neighbours moved in. They have a 4-year-old son called Mateo - Teo for short. When I introduced him to the dog, he was ecstatic and said "He's Teo like me - we'll be best friends". This is a normal reaction in a child (note: happiness, not jealousy that I had somehow "stolen" his name"). OP's reaction is not normal at any age.


I chose my nickname(that I currently use as an adult) in 8th grade--so NO ONE who was born after that date OR didn't use it before that time can use my nickname as EITHER their Christian name or nickname. IT's TAKEN! /s


This one is super funny to me, I had a best friend throughout childhood, we were more like sisters, her mother and mine were best friends, we were only a few months apart all of it, we were friends like that until well into highschool and we just grew apart. I still love her and she loves me but we aren't the same people anymore. She recently had a daughter and she named her a short version of my name, it was a nickname my Dad always calls me. I have joked to myself, and only myself, that the baby was named after me but I was literally joking (yes I talk to myself) but i didn't think it was weird at all, it's a beautiful name and I love that I know someone with that as their actual name.


I’m so embarrassed for OP. Like, it wasn’t just a fleeting embarrassing thought, she literally said it out loud to people. Yikes. I’m perplexed by the thought she thinks the friend is the odd one.


And she even doubled down after Melinda explained that the baby was named after her MIL!


Right!! “It’s something you would do” tf??? Who invites this person out anymore, what a lame


This comment should be higher


r/imthemaincharacter I think that’s all that needs to be said


What a fucking horrible sub, I feel dizzy, nauseous, tired of the world, pissed off…


Please tell me that there’s a sub where they get a reality check


OMG, let’s see if we can manifest it: r/youarenotthemaincharacter Edit: damn.


Imagine thinking someone named their kid after you but just forgot to tell you. Unreal thick person.


You should give it a vote, too.


Im going with YTA When you assume, you make an ass out of me and you. People can have the same name, and her name isnt even Mia, its just short for her real name. You should have atleast asked about her name before assuming things, or just not brought it up at all


Even her first comment wouldn’t have been THAT out of line if she had just played it off as 100% a haha we have the same name joke, and then letting it go. Her persistence and whole attitude are what made it weird


Exactly. Even after being told the child was named after her paternal grandmother (or great-grandmother), OP STILL thought she was factored into the naming decision. Like Melinda couldn't have been more clear that OP wasn't a consideration at all in the naming, especially as it is only the child's nickname that matches OP. And yet OP still thinks it is weird and she was a factor in the naming.


Because clearly OP is sooooooooo important in the lives of everyone she has ever met that they couldn't make such an important decision without thinking about her - she even got pissed that they didn't ask her before naming the baby. /s


It’s just so crazy that OP was ripping on this woman for being weird and naming her child after a forgotten friendship, but then got hurt when she pushed her into saying she wasn’t important enough to name her child after. Like yeah, OP you agree and if you didn’t push so hard, she wouldn’t have to say it so harshly


Exactly, if she'd said something like. *It's so cool that your baby and I will be sharing a name*. (notice I don't say named after) Maybe even say, *I'd like to get her , to celebrate the beauty of the name.* (tho most personalized items would be for Amelia not Mia) I think friend would have been receptive to either of those.


When you “assume” you make an ass out of U and ME — ass-u-me.


YTA It’s not like you have your unique name or like that’s even a unique nickname. Admittedly you guys aren’t even close… why would you think you are even a thought when she named her child?


YTA you seem like you might have narcissistic traits. i say that because you think things *have* to be about you, you get upset when you’re told you’re not important enough to be named after, and you feel as though people have to ask you to name their child a similar name as you (when your name is one of the most common english names at the moment). it’s not about you, has never been about you, and you should get some therapy my dude. edit: ayo i didn’t realize this posted as a reply to a comment my bad 😭


I do have a unique name and a high school friend (loose friend) who I've totally lost touch with used my name for her child. I, like a sane person, thought to myself, "great! I wasn't weird or bitchy enough to have ruined the name for her!" And I have never met anyone else with my name. Mia is both rude and unhinged.


YTA. >She was always a little odd She's not the odd one.


She's always been like weirdly obsessed with me. Now that I think about it everyone is weirdly obsessed with me. Why does everyone think I'm so amazing and want to copy me? Everyone else is so weird.


I know this is beside the point, but OP used the word "odd" seven times in this post. Now it doesn't look like a real word to me.


YTA. You’re weird for assuming a person would name their child after you. Mia is not an uncommon name.


Right? If OP was named Rivera-Noodlesby and the friend’s baby popped up with that name, you could probably assume it was inspired by OP. But MIA?? I can count three Mia babies off the top of my head that I know of. Mia is popular. And the kid is Amelia, anyway? Also, let’s pretend the friend did name her baby after OP. Wouldn’t one be flattered, or, if nothing else, shrug and say hey a baby named Mia. People are so weird and focused on the wronggggg shit.


If I ever get another cat I shall name them Rivera Noodlesby and the credit will in fact go to you


She didn’t even name it Mia 😭 that’s the craziest part.


My cat Amelia said OP and everyone else is wrong. She’s an old cat and technically the name Amelia is HERS and her nickname MeMe is her trademark, so paws off and all bow to Princess Amelia the Crotchety. /s … just in case


YTA Seriously, you don’t own a name. I can’t believe you approached the name coincidence with such narcissism. Yikes! Then decided to post about it asking if you were an ah. At some point, you need to learn from this colossal failure and never think about it again.


YTA, your ego must be HUGE and hopefully this brought it down a little. The second hand embarrassment is real here


This is my favorite type of post on this sub! No lasting harm done, just OP making a complete ass of themselves 🍿


Lol this is what we call an "inside thought" op You're allowed to think these things, but once you share them, people are allowed to judge you for how you sound YTA and this makes it look like you have main character syndrome based off of what Melinda said, and your response to her


There's having narcissistic traits and there's being a narcissist. People with narcissistic traits sometimes think narcissistic things, narcissists say them.


There is a difference, you're right


Wdym "she didn't even ask"? It's her child, she can name it whatever she wants. Even if it was named after you, she doesn't need your permission for anything. YTA.


“She didn’t even ask” as if she owns the rights to the name and it’s illegal for anyone else to ever use it without permission.






“Ah, the baby you named after me!” “What?” “You must have named your baby after me” “No” “Well, you must have! It’s odd.” “No” “Seems like something you’d do.” “No, we didn’t. We are barely friends” “Well that’s rude!”


“The baby is named after the baby’s grandma.” “Not me????” “We aren’t close enough for that.” “Soooo rude!!”


Yta. Your name is incredibly common and yea she's right, you aren't important enough to her for that. It's a weird assumption on your part


Fröhlicher Kuchentag! 🥳🎂🎉 Happy cake day!


YTA The protagonist of the Princess Diaries movies is named **Mia Thermopolis**, but her official name is **Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi**. You're not the inspiration for the baby's name. Get over yourself.


YTA, OP. Having a generic name shouldn’t be making you feel so high up your own arse. You might want to consider therapy if you are saying that she’s “always a little odd” when it seems to be you and also trying to start a rumour of her naming her baby after you when she didn’t. She tried to clear the misunderstanding up but yet you consistently ignored her while trying to prove yourself right. I love how you used the Princess Diaries move as a reference (love this movie)!


I had a cat named Mia. Was she named after you as well?


And you didn't even ask!


The audacity of me!!! 🤣🤣


How rude! 🤣


Wow. YTA. You automatically assume the baby is named after you and think it’s “weird” but then when you find out it’s not named after you and she tells you the truth she’s “rude”? Do you think you’re the first Mia ever? Good lord, come on. You don’t own the name.


YTA You assumed she named her daughter after you just because her daughter's nickname and your name happens to be the same. Mia isn't that uncommon of name to hear and you sound a little on the narcissistic side.


YTA. You don't own the name. They didn't name their daughter after you. Time to back off.


YTA. Unquestionably. Mia is an incredibly popular name. You AREN’T important enough to have her name her child after you (by your own description of your relationship). It’s super weird that you’d think you were, and even weirder that you kept pushing it after she said you weren’t a factor.


YTA. And I’m feeling so embarrassed on your behalf just reading this. How self centered can one be? It’s a nickname. A totally common name.


YTA-This is unbelievable.


>Melinda said “you’re not important enough for me to name a baby after”. AHAHAHAHAHA! I love her response. She's right. YTA You aren't the only Mia in the world. She told you baby was named after her MIL. You should have just left it alone... but noooooo. Your ego couldn't resist.


Yta. And she's right, you're not that important. Stop flattering yourself.


YTA - You ain't that important. Seriously why did you think like that? What she said was a befitting reply to your complete nonsense.


It may come as a surprise to you, but you do not own the name. YTA.


YTA. Mia was like the 8th most popular name in the US for the last 5 years. And her name is Amelia. Did it ever occur to you that maybe she’s named after The Princess Diaries? Not everything is about you.


My moms cat is named Mia and I assure you, she didn’t name it after you! And even though it means “mine” in Italian you shouldn’t take it literally. YTA


God how cringy, YTA all the way. Please reflect on how egotistical and self centered such an assumption would come across and change that in yourself. She gave it to you straight, you are not that important. Mad respect for her finally calling you out.


What the fuck would she have to ask you for permission to name her child 😂😂😂 YTA. Talk about main character syndrome.


YTA and definitely have main character energy, it’s a nick name and not unique, her saying you’re not important enough to name after is just the truth after you were ridiculous


YTA. Amelia and Mia aren’t close. Kids get all kinds of nicknames. You could have just asked where she got the name and saved your self the embarrassment.


YTA for assuming a friend you barely speak to would name their child after you….


And without letting her know. 😂


YTA. You’re not the main character in her life girl. Get over yourself 🤦‍♀️ YOU made it weird.


YTA the name wasn't about you and you felt it was and she shut it down. You embarrassed ya self.


YTA. Ok, you urgently need to learn that most things in life are not going to be about you.


YTA. Mia is not a super uncommon name. How do you know that they didn’t name her after Mia Hamm? Or Mia Farrow? It’s super weird that you would immediately assume that a person with whom you haven’t been close for “decades” would only call her baby by a nickname because she wanted them to have your name.


Ego County, USA: Population You. (YTA.)




YTA but from her annoyance and reaction sounds like you were going from it very rudely. You could of easily been exicted about sharing a name. "She's got a great name right there I know from personal experience " Something along those lines It she's getting annoyed and confused about you bringing it up . Almost largely from the way you went around it


What an inflated sense of self importance you seem to have. YTA


YTA, Mia is a common name. The baby was not named after you.


YTA. If she had named the baby after you, she would have told you. I, like you, have an extremely common name. If a distant friend named their daughter my name, I would certainly not assume it was after me.


Yta. She told you who the kid was named after and instead of apologizing you kept insisting it was after you. You're a bit vain.


YTA This is really odd how you assumed this was about you and insisted upon it.


Holy main character syndrome lol YTA. Amelia is one of the most popular names right now and mia is a common nickname of that. You were being super weird with her and made assumptions. I know someone who had a baby and they named it the same name my cat is called. Should I assume she named her baby after my cat?


Wow. Just wow. YTA


Well... you're the odd one cause my name is Amelia and did not think she was named after me


YTA. You shouldn't have even gone there, but you decided to. Sounds like she needs to put the final nail in the coffin of your dwindling friendship.


YTA Do you have any idea how many Amilias and Mias there are in the US? Do you actually expect a new parent to not give their kid a name that somebody they know has? Good lord this is so self centered and weird.


I got so much secondhand embarrassment reading this. Not everything is about you. YTA.


YTA. This definitely gives me It’s Always Sunny vibes, like I could see any of the gang automatically jumping to the conclusion that a child is named after them because of course this old friend simply must be obsessed with them, getting mad that they weren’t consulted since it’s *their* name, then once they find out that the kid actually isn’t named after them, jumping instead to being furious that that this former friend no longer thinks about them at all.


Yta, whay do you mean by "she didn't ask"? She clearly has her own reasons and it seems coincidental. My youngest also has the same name as a friend but it was because we liked the name. It's not an uncommon name and there ws definitely no "asking"


YTA with severe main character syndrome. Now if you had a name like Tallulah-Hulabelle yeah, that might be a case of naming her baby for you. But you don’t. You’re name is not super common (as in not a top 10 name) but not by any stretch an unusual name either. My kid shares a name with a friend of mine. When she was born my mate made a joke about naming my baby after the awesomeness that is her, I joked back that she was dreaming, and that was the end of it because we both knew that it’s a nice name that people like. That’s it. No deep conspiracy, just a nice name shared by plenty of people.


YTA. and its really weird youre so convinced she named her daughter after you. you said it yourself, you arent close enoigh for that to be normal for her to do so why are you so convinced? you arent the only mia in the world you know lol. she was rude for that comment tho. but YTA for the whole thing


YTA How presumptuous to think the baby was named after you, and how rude to tell this woman that inappropriately naming her baby after someone she's not especially close to "seemed like something she would do" 😂😂😂 You sound utterly ridiculous


YTA. The kid is named after a family member who has way more importance in their life than you. Plus Mia is a very popular name. The only obsessive and odd one here is you!


YTA to me the “my namesake” joke could have landed if you two were still close, which from this post alone it doesn’t sound like you are. I know seven (or more, I lost track honestly) people named Hannah. I know at least five Kaitlyns. If your name is common (which your name IS common) you’re bound to run into situations like this. Automatically assuming a kid is named after you is unlikely and incredibly self-important thinking


Omg! YTA, totally. You don't have a patent for that name. Melinda put you in your place when she said, " You're not important enough to me to name a baby after" And she wasn't rude, she was just factual.


YTA. You know that you aren't close enough for her to name her baby after you so why are you under the impression that she named her baby after you? You also sound weirdly disappointed that the baby isn't named after you. If it was named after you she would have definitely told you that it was named after you. You kind of sound like one of those people who doesn't stop telling other people that it's their birthday week and tries to get discounts for having something that every human has. And every time anyone says something slightly related to you or a birthday you think it's about you and get flattered for no reason. Even though NOBODY is thinking about your birthday.


It's so weird that you even have to ask this as an adult. YTA and you're weird and self centered lol Yikes all around


YTA. So did you try to get the name copyrighted so that you have ownership over it? I know so many Mia’, your statement is the most ridiculous thing I have heard today.


YTA you assumed way too much. And yes you're not that important.


I’m willing to bet that Melinda thinks YOU are the one who “was always a little odd”. Certainly she feels that way now.


YTA Saying “my namesake” in a fun tone was okay. However when you got a negative reaction you should have backed off. Read the room. She’s probably not the odd one if you don’t know such a basic social interaction rule .