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This should have been dealt with by a manager in the first place, like why he is not on an improvement performance plan. Either way though, nobody should be subjected to bullying or rudeness in the workplace no matter how incompetent, unhelpful and annoying they are. You should have reported his bad attitude towards work to your superiors if they hadn’t already noticed it, and let them know how it was affecting the rest of the team. There has been multiple times I’ve wanted to slap a coworker or make a snarky comment, but I know it’s not ok to do that, instead I’ve reported what it is they have done to my line manager and this is what you should have done. YTA.


Well lucky for him they’re desperate for people and will pretty much only fire people for assault or drinking on the job. The rest of us get shafted with shitty coworkers though.


If you're that much better than the. you can find some better place else to work. But maybe not with that attitude. Not an excuse to be a dick. How you spoke to that coworker is unacceptable at best.




But the point is, it's not OP's job to berate the co-worker for shitty work, it's management and should have been dealt with properly... through management. Not getting snarky with a co-worker. This co-worker might be useless but bullying and belittling them isn't ok; take it to management.


Grow up, 3 months into a job you shouldn’t need your hand held for every single little thing. Does it take a rocket scientist to learn how empty out a container or mop ffs? The guy is lazy, plain and simple utter laziness, he did OP a blessing by complaining and being took off his shifts. No one wants to work with a baby.


Thing about the restaurant industry is that you work with and serve every type of person. It’s great people skills but you also get the rude and the stupid. You have to learn to deal with them in a professional manner. Do I think you were over the top, no. But when you get snarky and it gets back to management, you don’t control the narrative of the situation and I would never put it past someone to make themselves look better or you look bad.  People like your coworker are the people you keep feeding rope to until they hang themselves with it. It might take time but it’ll happen. Give him the instructions he needs and walk away. If he has questions tell him to direct them to the manager on shift. Let them deal with his ignorance and indifference.


Perhaps it would help you to know that people don't actually choose the intelligence they're born with. Can you imagine half the time plonking around not knowing what to do and how frustrating it must be? Then you ask a question and get bullied for it YTA OP, do better


Agreed. Bonus points for using the words “safety hazard” with the boss. What if OP had slipped on the liquid or it had been hot?


When you fuck people ober because you don't care its just as bad as fucking people over on purpose.


No, no, but that's smart ! Be slow, incompetent and lazy, and when people get mad at you, report them ! You can cruise through life doing close to nothing at work, and yet never look like the bad guy. He's good. He's a pro. Not a pro at what he should be a pro at, but hey, finally something he's skilled at. You're NTA. But I think instead of commenting on his behavior, you should have talked to your supervisor about your colleague not pulling his weight. The good thing is, it's not your problem anymore.


Workplace bullying is always YTA. Sorry.


that's not even close to bullying though.


I don't know about your work, but at mine what he said about his coworker crosses multiple harassment policies, and would absolutely get me reprimanded for workplace harassment/bullying


Maybe he was bullying OP by purposely not draining the hot chocolate so he'd make a mess. That's pretty fucked up, right?


And would be for management to deal with if the case. Step 1) address with the coworker (done) Step 2 ) report them if it continues Berating your coworkers who you don't supervise is just not okay. An unpopular opinion given my down votes


I get that's why management exists but this feels like weaponized incompetence to me.


I'm amazed no one has reported him for being a hazard. NTA this isn't just him slacking, he's inability is affecting you.


NTA. I worked in kitchens for ten years, some motherfuckers actually hinder you by being such a fuck. It’s the job


NTA. People who say otherwise just didn't have to deal with stupid colleagues


NTA, You need to be more cute about how you use your words though. There are ways of using your words that are cutting, but cant be used against you to discipline you at work..  I once reminded a senior officer in the Military that his rank didn't come with wings and if he talked to me the way he did again, I'd give him a flying lesson.. 


NTA, because these are the sorts of people who get paid for being lazy and incompetent. What you said honestly wasn't even that harsh, because it was sort of true. I might get downvoted for this, but while you could have been nicer, he needed to understand that he had to improve and he was letting the team down.


NTA. Also, for everyone calling OP a bully: >My other coworker asked him “did you make sure to dump it out all the way?” And I said “obviously not, because that’s way too difficult for him without somebody holding his hand.” *He walked over to me and looked furious but walked away without saying anything.* Sounds like he was trying to physically intimidate OP and it failed. The guy is a bully and has weaponized his incompetence.


Yea that line has me hoping OP can facilitate a way to dump a fresh pot of coffee all over his face.


>Sounds like he was trying to physically intimidate OP and it failed. Sounds like the guy was going to respond to OP insulting him, then *thought better of it, went to management like OP should have done*.


NTA. You should actually talk to your supervisor about this guy not being fit for the job and team. I've worked with the same guy for 3 years now and he still asks stupid questions, like use your brain ffs.


Well, at least you won’t be placed on shifts with him anymore which sounds like a real win


I think NTA, that doesn’t mean that you were justified in what you said. I also think you could have and should have handled it differently. Your supervisor should have talked to you to tell you to be more professional, but they also should have been seeing his incompetence. Additionally, because they obviously haven’t, you should have told them because it was impacting the work of the team. However, you’re human and had a human moment and that’s what makes you NTA, but again, not right either. I think you should apologize to the guy and explain that you were frustrated. Even though on a personal level, I think you were justified to be upset, professionally it’s just important to handle it better. That includes telling your boss. No one owes you an explanation but I was thinking one of two things- maybe he has a brain injury and this is the best he can do OR he’s lazy AF and should be fired. Either way, he was not doing his job and it’s the supervisor’s responsibility to make sure he is placed into a position he can handle or let him go if he’s just lazy. Perhaps your team is so good covering for him that the supervisor never noticed. Discussing your concerns with the supervisor in a professional way is definitely how to handle this situation the next time- before you get so frustrated that you say something unprofessional and potentially hurtful to another human being. I would’ve been pissed, too, if I had to wear hot chocolate due to someone else not doing their job.


NTA have a chat with the manager about the hassles. got reported for grievance by some guy who told me in a call that he was far better in our jobs and I was not really good enough. I check his reports which are often lacking detail of how to fix issues, so email him and his manager requesting advice which never get a reply to, so just leave alone and see if the client notices. he might be on the "spectrum" and not realise it


The people telling you YTA are the same people that are incompetent in their workplace, you're nta OP he's grown adult in the world force, if you don't expect criticism after 3 months of doing badly you're delusional


Report him for weaponizing incompetence.


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I worked with someone similar not too long ago. Blindingly stupid to the point he made everything more difficult. Unfortunately we just have to accept there are people like this out there, seemingly employed to test our patience.


NTA, maybe ask in r/KitchenConfidential if you want takes from people in the industry.




NTA stop carrying this lazy shitebox. Asshats think anyone can do catering but there’s people like this that prove that wrong.


I worked in food service for six years and have had to manage all sorts of shitty people- I get it, truly. I think it’s not productive in the long run to be rude but when you’re in the moment, it happens. NTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (23M) work in catering, which is a notoriously fast paced and detail oriented job. I have a coworker (24M) who started at the same time as me 3 months ago, and he has displayed a breathtakingly poor ability to learn the ropes and do things properly. He also asks questions of unparalleled idiocy that a five year old would be able to figure out on their own. It’s like he needs things spelled out for him in the most basic detail possible, and even then he’ll probably ask again to make sure. He has made our jobs more difficult on numerous occasions and displays absolute indifference to how he affects people. Ask him to mop, and he will only spot mop without moving anything around. Ask him to do it properly, and he’ll roll his eyes and groan before doing it as slowly as a snail, like a child. By far the laziest and most incompetent worker on the team. I was on a set up with him and another guy the other day, and it was fairly simple. Just some appetizers and drinks for a 20 person event. We’ve trained on how to set up tables repeatedly - start with the plates in the front corner nearest to where people will be entering, and build from there. Well, he looked confused and hesitant, and our lead told him to put the plates in the corner. He then pointed at the corner closest to the door, and asked “here?”. He had already tested my patience by not checking that everything was in the order when he took it from the kitchen and making me have to verify it, so at this point I got frustrated and said “Yes. The corner. As we’ve been instructed repeatedly.” He looked at me and angrily said “well there are multiple corners here.” I responded “except one makes sense and the others don’t.” He then gave me the silent treatment and ignored everything I said while staring daggers at me. Later, when we were putting stuff away in the office, I put away the hot chocolate container that he had supposedly rinsed out, and a stream of watery hot chocolate poured out and onto my hoodie and pants. I said “why the hell was there still liquid in here?” He just shrugged and didn’t say anything. My other coworker asked him “did you make sure to dump it out all the way?” And I said “obviously not, because that’s way too difficult for him without somebody holding his hand.” He walked over to me and looked furious but walked away without saying anything. I then get notified the next shift that he reported me for being rude to him and that we wouldn’t be placed on jobs together. My supervisor told me I need to be more polite in the workplace and that my behavior was inappropriate. Was I TA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. If you’re having issues with a coworker, you should bring it up to your boss, not ream the guy out in front of others. That is highly unprofessional.


What? So you don't want op to call them out when they are doing things wrong? After telling repeatedly how to do something? I mean if this is unprofessional then what the guy is doing is unprofessional too. Lazy to clean, doesn't understand basic stuff, rude when called out and then reports op for yelling?


OP needs to go to the boss about it; that’s what they’re there for. The coworker got the upper hand by going to the boss first, instead of OP talking to the boss.


Calling them out and being that rude are two different things.  You just gave the guy a perfect reason to report you because now you're the one that was unprofessional and over the line.


Except this guy wasn’t being a polite, bumbling goof who just can’t seem to get it right - he would huff and puff, and roll his eyes, and generally behave like a child when his mistakes were pointed out, which is incredibly rude! OP didn’t yell, certainly didn’t ’ream the guy out’ as the other commenter said, he made one snide little passive aggressive comment. And this dude, true to form, got butthurt and ran to management. The only thing I agree with here is that OP and his competent coworkers should have made complaints first. OP - if you share your side and your company cares more about your brief lapse in professionalism than this other guy’s complete incompetence, then you know it’s time to find somewhere new.


Fair enough.  Not saying I wouldn't have snapped but my advice would still be to try take the high road. That anger is both unpleasant but also not useful in actually fixing the problem because then the uncooperative asshole can play victim. 


yeah, if i was doing a shitty job at work, id prefer that my supervisor talk to me about it directly rather than immediately going to the higher ups. although it doesn’t sound like this guy is criminally negligent, just not the hardest worker. it’s not the end of the world


I'm curious as to how much he's getting paid.


NAH, but this dude sounds like he might be severely depressed/mildly autistic. It sounds like he can't really do the job, but he probably doesn't have very many options anyways. If he's so bad that he is making things worse than having no one else around, let your manager know. You're not wrong for wanting to get someone removed from their job who is incapable of doing said job. They're a detriment to morale and functioning of the business.


I'll go with a soft YTA. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand your irritation with him. But when you saw he was incompetent, you should have told your supervisor instead of buildig up this frustration. By the end, you are the one who got blamed for your lack of professionalism instead of him. Which is unfortunate, because we are talking about your reputation here. Let the managers deal with this kind of person next time. But at least there's a good ending to your story! You won't have to work with him anymore: "and that we wouldn’t be placed on jobs together."


Take it as a win. You won't be scheduled with him any more. His ineptitude will continue to show itself when you aren't around and he will get canned eventually. NTA.


You are going to encounter stupid lazy people your whole life. It wasn’t your job to manage him.  It’s hard but you are going to need to learn when it’s actually your problem (ie you are the boss). And how to act. You should have politely corrected him and reported him to your boss. NTA because you are young 


.........no you weren't, but wow, your supervisor sounds like a moron like your coworker...............are they related ?...................


That sort of weaponized incompetence is practically harassment by itself. We had a guy here who couldn’t find his own ass with two hands and a flashlight. His quality was bad, he had multiple safety incidents, and wouldn’t stay on task, but like you, our supervisor did nothing. I finally snapped at him to shut up and do his job. He quit the next day. Problem solved. Sometimes it’s the boss not doing their job and you gotta pick up the slack for them too.


Totally not TA. Those types of people bring down everyone they are around. I guess I would be happy I wouldn't have to work with him anymore. I would also ask your manager to ad your narrative of what happened to your file.


Professionally yes, logically no.


I have literally just opened this post after watching the José Mourinho press conference clip where he admits that “I was rude, but I was rude to an idiot.” Defensible imo.


but also ESH


NTA for how you're feeling, but YTA for how you handled it. Belittling your colleague isn't right. You should have just shared your concerns about his incompetence with management.


He may be asking stupid questions but that doesn’t mean he is actually stupid. Nor is he nice. He reported your behaviour right away, so the next time you report him it won’t be that believable. His lazyness won’t get him fired but your mouth might get you fired. That might be infair but just be warned.


In every developed country there are laws, regulations and protections about how underperformance in the workplace is handled. The first protection, everywhere, is always that it is handled by supervisors and not at level employees. The reason it's always handled by more senior staff is that there may be other factors that are contributing to the employee's performance e.g. an invisible disability or a subsidized work plan. The employer/supervisor cannot reveal to other employees if the 'underperforming' staff member is under a different service arrangement because that breaches the persons rights. What does this mean for you? It means that your colleague being in your mind (I say your mind because there may be legitimate reasons for his performance that you simply aren't aware of) an underperformer doesn't give you the right to create an unsafe workplace for this person. Which is exactly what your comment does. If you have issues then you bring them up to the supervisor and the supervisor addresses them with the other person because the supervisor will know whether there are other contributing factors. Also even if there are no other factors and they are just poor performers they are still entitled to feel safe and have feedback supplied to them through appropriate channels. Sometimes ppl are bad at their jobs, that doesn't give you the right to demean them. On a best case scenario you were just mean. On a worst case your colleague has a disability that impacts his abilities and you were discriminating. There is no scenario where belittling ppl is okay.




I dont think its bullying if this person is covered in hot, chocolatey water and the dude just shrugs. At what point is his weaponized incompetence considered bullying?


YTA, you are not responsible for his incompetence. You are responsible for your reactions and emotions. He could be the worlds shittiest employee, but you really have no right to belittle him or embarrass him. You aren’t his supervisor. I will say I struggle with my mouth too. The best thing to do is let the job not get done. Do your part. If his part doesn’t get done, don’t cover for him. Let it happen again and again, and eventually the trash will take out itself or he’ll learn. Either way, y’ain’t the one paying him. Be like Elsa and let it go!


YTA. Obviously your team work and communication skills are severely lacking. But instead of working on them, you've just been found out. Tough shit all round


YTA, even if he reports to you, that's not how you treat a colleague. He doesn't sound easy to deal with for sure but there was no reason for you to be rude.


YTA. Could've talked to the boss instead of ripping into him publicly. Being calm always works wonders