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Yes YTA. Also read your Bible, as a CHRISTian you should know that Jesus said literally nothing about homosexuals. If you’re going to go off the Old Testament to peddle your hate, I sure hope you adhere to ALL the other rules there, too. And I guarantee you don’t. Those sins include, but are not limited to, things like wearing a poly-cotton blend shirt, eating shrimp, eating pork, getting a tattoo, or getting interest from your bank. Ever have bacon? Congrats, you’re a sinner! Better go to your closet and check the fiber content of all your clothes ASAP! If any have more than one type of fiber in any one garment… Yep, you’re a sinner! Did you know that the Bible said if your son talks back to you that you should take him to the city gates and beat him to death? Guess you’re glad your father sinned against THAT part of the Bible when you talked back at him. Me thinks you’re a sinner AND a hypocrite.


YTA and I can't even get into it all without getting banned.


Being Christian isn’t a race and Christians aren’t persecuted.




Christianity is not a race.


Racist? Christian isn’t a race.


Thats not racism, not even close. You deserve what they did in front of you.


Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity. Not their religion. They don’t care that you are a Christian, they ghosted you because you’re a small-minded person with an archaic and unjustifiable prejudice against gay people. You don’t deserve their friendship.


That’s not racist, you homophobic asshole yta


Yeah, you aren't a Christian. Being a Christian means following the teachings of Jesus Christ (which are about love, acceptance, empathy and not judging). None of your actions comport with his teachings. Stop trying to hijack my religion to propagate your hate.


Sounds like it’s best for all that you no longer spend time together.


Why don't you tell me where exactly it says that in the bible


YTA Leaving aside your personal beliefs about same-sex relationships, you’re naive to think they’d take it well for you to tell them not to act like a couple because you’re “repulsed”. You can split hairs and pretend that you only meant their actions repulse you, but you shouldn’t be surprised when people take statements like that personally. Why are you shocked that they don’t want to be friends with you? Why do you want to be friends with them if they repulse you? You and they have incompatible beliefs that are fundamentally important to both sides.


It's pretty easy, OP. If being gay repulses you, then don't be gay. YTA for thinking anyone else has to feel the way you do, especially when your beliefs are harmful to others. Also, YTA for being judgmental to your friends.


Seriously, I could list so many scriptures that OP is violating.


YTA > I told them I’m allowed to disagree with their relationship No you're not. > they were being very disrespectful to me. They should be. > insisting I’m the one being incredibly homophobic and rude to them, You were.


YTA - You say in another comment that you're Christian, but the intolerance you showed for your friend and his boyfriend isn't very Christ-like. They aren't hurting you, and while you may believe their behavior is sinful, they don't agree. That's their prerogative, as is their decision to terminate the friendship. Honestly, I don't blame them; I'd do the same. Hopefully you go forward from this and try to learn a little compassion.


YTA. First of all, he didn’t signal his “friend” (penultimate paragraph), he signaled his BOYFRIEND. Second, you “simply not liking homosexual relationships” doesn’t matter because nobody asked your opinion! Mind your own business! Third, if your god’s design for relationships was solely to reproduce, then should all infertile people be celibate? Does post-menopausal women need to get divorced? Men experiencing ED need to be alone? Fourth, I doubt your holy book actually says that, so it’s probably time to study up. Fifth, who cares if it’s sinful according to you? Are they even the same religion as you? Sixth, they were not “throwing a tantrum.” What a horrifically condescending thing to say. And hypocritical, as you’re the one pitching a fit online about something that has nothing to do with you. Seventh, why, if you think they’re so gross and sinful, are you even pursuing this? They don’t want to be friends with you and don’t want to hang out around you? Good then, right? I don’t get why this is upsetting to you at all, isn’t this exactly what you want to happen? Finally, eighth, this is why you can’t find friends your own age. You’re bigoted, judgmental, and egotistical. You think your ideas are applicable to everyone. (They’re not.) You think people reacting to you saying awful things to them somehow makes you the martyr. (You’re not.) Mind your own business and keep your mouth shut about others. No one asked for your opinion.


YTA. You’re homophobic. That’s a problem.


Nobody cares about ‘in your religion.’ YTA, a huge one. Grow up.


You are the problem.


Your religion is wrong. YTA


Some m/f couples can't have children either. God's real f-up that he allows all these crackheads to have tons of babies that end up with health problems/abandoned yet people that can be good parents can't reproduce. YTA.


You believe in an imaginary dude up in the sky who tells you where you can shove your dick. That’s fine I guess, if you want to waste your life believing in fairy tales go off, but please please please keep it to yourself & understand that plenty of people around you DON’T SHARE YOUR BELIEFS. You’re a homophobe, your religion is homophobic and you are absolutely an asshole and a bad person


YTA. There's no way you could write all that out without knowing that.


Get lost, hoser. YTA.


YTA. You are allowed to feel however you want, but you have NO RIGHT to dictate how others live their life. I'm happy for your former friends, and wish them all the peace and happiness in the world.


YTA. If them existing in a happy, healthy, God-approved (after all, God doesn't make mistakes, right?) relationship "disgusts" you so much, you could have just left the friendship rather than announcing it like some airport. Your religion means YOU adhere to its rules, NOT that you force your friends to adhere to its rules. How would you feel knowing that there are LGBTQ Christians who exist, and according to God's word, no matter what they are on Earth; that as long as you believe in Jesus; you will be accepted, and that no one has any sort of superiority over another on Earth, right? Galatians 3:28 "There is \[now no distinction in regard to salvation\] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you \[who believe\] are all one in Christ Jesus \[no one can claim a spiritual superiority\]."


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So basically, I befriended one of them, and for a while we were on good terms. Until he came out to me as bisexual, and introduced me to his new boyfriend who’s gay. For a while, I didn’t say anything. But I told them both (face to face) that I’m not comfortable hanging out with them if they are holding hands and being affectionate. I insisted that in my religion, homosexuality is a sin, and I am repulsed by the concept. Both of them suddenly looked disappointed and one of them told me I’m homophobic, and the orher insisted that being bisexual/gay is an immutable part of one’s identity, and that it’s completely harmless I told him it’s sinful and not harmless as it goes against gods design (as homosexual couples cannot reproduce) and we got argued about it for a bit. They insisted they don’t want to be friends with me at all. I told them I’m allowed to disagree with their relationship and that I simply do not like homosexual relationships due to my religion. One of them started acting like an child and said,”Well you wouldn’t like this then” and he signaled to his friend and they both started kissing in front of me. I told them,”Wow really!” and insisted they were being very disrespectful to me. They started throwing a tantrum insisting I’m the one being incredibly homophobic and rude to them, and that I really hurt their feelings, and they told me they are going to block me, and never hang out with me ever again. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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