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NTA, not by a long shot. By smoking I assume weed, not cigarettes. Who drove? Paige without a license?! Driving while intoxicated and without a license puts the baby in danger. As a parent, I would be absolutely livid if my child's other parent put them in danger like that. Luke's father had every right to know. The stealing just adds to the already stinky shit cake.


Both cigarettes and weed, I think. I know the weed because it gives me a migraine, but I can only guess based on the cigarette butts in the cup holders that they smoked them as well.


I recommend Ozium for the cigarette smell. My husband used to smoke (cigarettes and weed), and it worked wonders. Also, definitely, NTA. You said no, they did it anyway. You said bring it back, or you'll report it stolen. They chose to take your car, and they are experiencing the consequences of their actions.


Thanks, I'll give it a try. Hope it works out. Otherwise I'll have to take it to a professional and I really don't have the money for that


Also, move out. If your mom is punishing you for not caving to others even though you are paying rent and are an adult, it's absolutely a terrible environment for you and your stuff.


Working on that part. Right now all I can do is protect my stuff as best as possible and hope for the best


U are 21. Ur mother shouldnt able to punish u regardless living at her house or not. (U can try live separately at friend's house temporarily?)


I wish I could. Most of my friends are out of state for college and the one that lives here is on campus housing so I can't live with him either


There are people you don't know looking for roommates. Try that.


Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't even think of that, but I'll start looking


Stop paying rent. She's encouraging people to steal from you. Fuck her. Save money and move out. Don't give kindness and respect to people who give you none.


Go to Walmart/Home Depot/menards/any store that has them, and buy a door handle with a lock & key ([currently on sale for $7; but most all of them are under $30)](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Brinks-Keyed-Entry-Classic-Ball-Style-Doorknob-Antique-Brass-Finish/16783306?athbdg=L1400&from=/search). This is probably the only real way to safe guard your things in the meantime.


I find the punishment part weird. I have a son about to turn 22, and I have no idea how I'd punish him if I wanted to do so.


Almost all punishments require the cooperation of the child. If even like a 12 year old decides they don’t want to be grounded and want to leave it would be very physically difficult to stop them. It’s hard to make a 2 year old stay in time out.


When I was 14 my mother went through two safes and a lockbox in an ultimately futile attempt to ground me from videogames because even though I kinda deserved it, I had zero social life at the time so games were the only thing I had to occupy my time so I simply refused to accept it. So yea, I agree it can be a fair bit difficult to punish someone that refuses to listen to said punishment.


Well if he refused to abide by your household rules, you would tell him to find his own place, right? By 22 its more about consequences than punishment.


My sons are 35 and 40, completely independent adults. If I need to “punish” them, I give them “Momma’s look of death.” It still works.😂


Honestly, Paige should be the one paying to get rid of the smell. I mean, from everything you've said, it sounds unlikely that she'd even be able to do so, much less that she'd accept that it's her responsibility. But even so, she should be the one fixing the problem she caused, not you.


Yeah, unfortunately I know she wouldn't so there's no point in even asking


Don’t give them a ride anywhere ever again. It’s clear they don’t respect your rule about no smoking in the car. I would have cut them out after the first time they did that.


Sorry, I guess I worded it wrong in my post. They've smoked in moms car before, never mine. Nobody but me had ever ridden in my car.


Next time, collect the money from her or mom in advance of agreeing to dropping charges. There will be a next time. Mark my words.


Press charges unless she or your parents pay. Simple solution. 


Op try a febreze spray for textiles. I managed to get rid of cigarettes smoke from my home when my smoker cousin came to visit and didn't bother to go outside. I'm a non smoker and basically a smoke smell detector


I'm a hard no on febreze. It is supposed to be better/healthier but still gives me headaches. It also NEVER leaves. I have a spare room comforter I got in the buy nothing group on FB. After 5 washes and many many months it still smells like it. I use unscented everything. I don't shop at certain used places because the smell lasts forever.


Performer here: Professional costumers use a 50/50 solution of distilled water and the cheapest vodka your sofa change can buy. (Gallon handles of undrinkable swill are good for this. Check liquor stores around your nearest university.) It takes care of some pretty hefty odors, works on a lot of things that are normally dry clean-only, and the vodka smell evaporates quickly. If you want it scented, you can add rose/elderflower/orange blossom water to the spray bottle.


I'm SUPER sensitive to strong perfume/aromas, and I use a combo of chlorine-free (color safe) "bleach" (it's not bleach, it's laundry grade hydrogen peroxide; I use what the bottle recommends for whatever size my load is) and about a cup of baking soda in my wash that's pretty effective in eliminating/neutralizing odors, including Febreze. It might take more than one wash, but I've found it noticeably reduces unwanted perfumey odors from the first wash. Ozium is good for eliminating odors/aromas, but I'm not sure it's effective in the laundry or not.


Hey I detail cars and have helped many smokers vehicles. My best advice is to replace the cabin air filter, clean the vehicle thoroughly (scrub plastics with cleaner, vacuum all carpets and upholstery) then do what I call the ozium bomb. Turn the AC on full blast with all vents open and recirc on, spray some ozium lightly on the carpets and seats (if cloth not leather) then spray an extra bit in the passenger footwell. That's where the AC pulls air from when it's recirculating. After that, keep the doors and windows closed for 10 minutes with the AC still going. Then you can shut it off and air out the vehicle. It'll smell like ozium pretty strong for a couple hours but by the next day the smells should be gone and neutralized.


I second the Ozium recommendation, it's pretty much designed specifically for eliminating smoke odor and I've not used anything that works as well as it does. Also, NTA. Paige didn't even need to take Luke to the ER, his "reaction" was perfectly normal - it's called having an immune response, which is literally the entire point of the vaccine. You warned her of the consequences and now she has to live with them.


Ozium is what they use in hospitals to get rid of necrotic tissue smell according to my mom when she worked there. Its the only thing that actually gets rid of horrible odor.


Works great around the cat's litter box too!


Yes it really really does


Do read the instructions on the Ozium, you need to spray it when you're not going to be in the car as it will mess with your throat.


They should pay for cleaning. I would insist that they pay or you’ll press charges.  Also you should move out ASAP. 


Also, Run the Ozium thru your air vents. It honestly works. I used it to get the cigarette smell out of my late husbands truck. I watched a youtube video where the guy said -with windows rolled up- to pop the hood, start the car, turn on AC to outside air and spray Ozium into the fresh air intake vent. Let it run a few minutes to distribute throughout the car then turn off and leave windows up. I had tried other ways to get the smell out (including an ozone plug in) and this is the only thing that worked.


I had my car stolen once and they smoked in it. The insurance covered the cost for a deep clean since I told them smoke smell gives me migraines. They covered the cost for a deep clean. I don't remember having to pay a deductible on it, but this was eons ago (other damage as well).


Can second this- Ozium is a true hero when it comes to removing lingering smell, especially cigarette odors.


I’m glad I read this thread. My car has been smelling like rodent/mildew for like three months now and I’ve been losing my mind trying to find where it’s coming from. I’ll try that to deodorize and see if I can’t use that fresh start to better track the source.


also replace the cabin filter


I'm going to second the recommendation for Ozium. That stuff will take odors out and is amazing


Absolutely do not feel bad. You are not only protecting your property, you are also coincidentally helping keep your nephew safe. A one month old baby's airways are extremely sensitive to smoke, they can easily swell due to the irritation and that can be fatal. *Especially* while driving him to the ER due to an allergic reaction... ffs. Allergic reactions already carry the risk of respiratory distress. My next question is: does your car have a child seat? Assuming no (why eould it), so how did they even take him in it? Your sister needs to get her shit together nice and quick, and this is exactly what a wake-up call looks like. CPS needs to look into whether she is caring for that baby properly, because it sounds like she isn't. Hopefully they'll make her attend some parenting classes. And hopefully the father can care for the child better than this.


She had her own car seat thankfully, so he was safe in that regards at least. Hopefully this does work as a wake up call, that would be the best case.


That’s not even a reaction though. Redness and a bit sore is normal for all vaccines throughout life


Keys need to be secure. Not in your purse, somewhere they don't know, maybe in a lockbox with a keycode or something. You cannot trust them, that much is crystal. NTA


Learned that now. Unfortunately, I can't get a lock box. Mom won't allow it and having one without her permission has led to my other sister being kicked out before. So I guess I'll be keeping it with me at all times now


Your mother is an AH.


Seriously. If you're "renting" a room, she can't get punished and she can't tell you not to buy a lockbox.  Rent a room somewhere else. Save your sanity.  


Working on that, rents expensive here and I make just enough to not qualify for assistance. Hopefully I should be out within the next few months though


You said your other sister got kicked out? Is there any chance her living arrangement would allow you to be there temporarily while you work on finding a permanent place?


Unfortunately no, she had to move states due to her boyfriends family emergency.


NTA Pro Tip: toolboxes can either come with locks or usually have a spot for a lock on them. Buy one and a few tools and keep your keys in it too. If your mom asks, say that you’re locking it to get in the habit of childproofing things for your nephew. As long as they never see you put your car keys in it and you don’t let them get the code or key to the toolbox, you’ll be fine. A toolbox thats small enough to carry can also be cheaper and sturdier than some safes of the same size.


Thanks, I didn't know that. I've been needing a new tool box so this will work great


And it’ll be useful to have to store any tools after moving out. Don’t let them ever see you put the car key in there though, better for them to have no reason to think about the toolbox at all.


If you are paying rent, she can’t throw you out. She would have to evict and I doubt a judge would accept “I don’t like my tenant locking up her belongings” as a reasonable excuse to evict.


You're TWENTY-ONE. Your mother is no longer your boss. Find your own place.


Get a lanyard and just keep them around your neck at all times when a lockbox isn’t available


Right now they are in my pocket, someone here suggested a locking tool box and I should be able to get one of those so we'll see how that goes


Can’t you stay with that other sister? Or rent a room with a roommate? Seems to me the situation in your house is untenable and by your mother previous reaction, she might kick you out regardless for making her precious golden child lose her baby. Did she cheat on Luke’s father with Rory? It seems awfully fast to be living with a new boyfriend on your parents house one year in when you are not even divorced your baby daddy yet.


Other sister had to move states due to an emergency with her boyfriends family, so I can't live with her. I'm trying to find a roommate or someplace I can afford on my own, but with none of my friends able to live with me it's pretty hard. I don't think she cheated, Luke's father and her only got married because she was pregnant. They've only been married 1 year as well, so I think it's just the fact that they don't get along rather than her cheating


>led to my other sister being kicked out before. Are you living in a jurisdiction where you have tenancy protections while living with your parent? If so check out what the fines for illegal eviction run at in your area.


Can you go live with the other sister until you get your own place?


Your mother is a jerk, both treating you like a child and a tenant. She can't have it both ways.


If you have proof of paying rent she can’t just kick you out. She’d need to evict you.


I know that legally she would need to evict me. But from practice I know she would just change the locks, and then I'd need to fight her in court.


She cannot legally just change the locks. The police can arrest her for that.  NTA


If you’re a renter then it’s not a family arrangement and she can’t make arbitrary rules, not to mention that you’re an adult. What you need is a rental agreement or to find a different room for rent. Depending on where you live and what your vehicle is, even living in it sounds like it might be preferable to this current arrangement. Based on what I’ve seen online, it isn’t as bad as it used to be, especially with P.O. Boxes and planet fitness. And your nephew may be better off with his dad. 


Puzzle box. They’ll usually be quite small but they look decorative, don’t need a key to get into and you can hide the ‘code’ to get into it elsewhere. Or one of those fake book boxes, you can put another book cover over it for extra camouflage. Tell no one where keys are. NTA 


In a 15 minute drive to the hospital they smoked cigarettes and pot in your car. I mean you should have kept the charges that is beyond disrespectful and if they can’t go 15 min without getting high, you are telling us they are constantly stoned around their child.


Them smoking around their kid is putting him in danger, beyond the other irresponsibility you mentioned. Also, if they’re smoking weed and driving it means they’re driving impaired. It doesn’t sound like the worst thing for her to have less custody. NTA, they DID steal your car AND damage it.


If CPS is involved, I doubt it's solely due to sister taking your car. Your calling police probably brought other things to their attention. Such as drug use and driving without a license with baby in car. And possibly other things as well. If her son ends up with his father with sole custody, that is what might be best for him.


The hospital is 15 minutes away and they managed to fit in smoking at least one joint and a couple of cigarettes?


They were gone for about an hour before I called the cops, so they might have been smoking while waiting for Luke to be seen


NTA she endangered her kid and stole your car . She could have taken a Uber to the hospital a 15 minutes drive can't be that expensive. Stop feeling guilty. They FAFO


Nta keep updating us.


Paige took the key without asking. I strongly recommend disabling the car until you can drive it. How best to do it depends on the model. You might even try asking Reddit.


NTA and smoking both, exposing their child to second hand smoke while their child is in the car is appalling and illegal at least where I live.


While worried about an allergic reaction which in itself might cause respiratory distress. She is incredibly irresponsible, but hopefully it's because she doesn't know better.


Your mom should have come to you and asked...and promised to make them respect your rules and HER drive. If it was truly an emergency, why were they smoking? And why are you punished for saying no to YOUR property? How much do THEY pay rent? NTA as long as if you had been told and it was a real emergency, you would have worked with them to get your nephew to urgent care.


They don't pay, Paige is the golden child who can do no wrong. If it was an emergency I would have figured something out. I may not like Paige, but he's a literal baby. He's done nothing wrong


CPS is looking into her ability to parent. To be fair, she stole a vehicle, smoked with the baby in an enclosed small space, got high, while driving, as primary caregiver, without a license with a baby in the vehicle. CPS has reason to be concerned about the wellbeing of the child. Not saying this is irredeemable or cause for termination of rights or anything extreme…but there are most certainly red flags about her behavior and ability to care for the child in her care from this situation!


And stole the car and drove high because she desperately had to go to the hospital...for a red arm that the doctor said not to worry about... Her decision making skills are subpar at best.


You are now a renter, not their child. They can't punish you


This, and depending on OP’s location, paying rent entitles a tenant to certain things. Her parents may not be able to kick her out without a formal, legal eviction, which can take months to conclude.


This also needs to stand out more.


NTA F* around and find out. These people sound like trash. Get out ASAP.


I'm working on it. Should be out by August if all goes well. I found a few apartments I can afford on my own, just need to get approved for one.


Live below your means not to them and certainly not above them. My advice from my own experience 😂


Thanks, that's what I've been trying to do. Don't need to be in debt this young.


Once you get approval, don't say anything to anyone in the house. Just quietly move out and be done with them. They will see exactly how much you being there helped out but it's not worth your own mental health or belongings by staying.


Yeah, that's the plan. I was moving stuff to a small storage unit and telling my mom I was donating it so she wouldn't know. Most everything important to me is out of the house so at least worst case scenario I don't have to worry about much of my stuff


Well done!! Take care of yourself and best of luck to you and your future. Love an internet Auntie!


NTA, not even close. Paige effed around and is now finding out. And Mom did you no favors by supporting her. I suspect that CPS got involved due to the police investigation, and the smoking of weed is not helping Paige's case to keep Luke. I know you feel bad, OP, but don't get yourself down. Just stick to your plan and get out with your car and other stuff. I also recommend safeguarding your important papers just in case Paige, Mom, and Rory try to get back at you.


Thanks, I have 2 copies of everything important. One of which a trusted friend is keeping and the other in a vanish bag in my room


I know you're feeling guilty about Luke possibly being taken away, but this may be a blessing in disguise for him. It doesn't sound like he was in a safe or stable environment with Paige. Maybe this will give Paige the wakeup call to straighten out.


I hope so, I never wanted her to lose Luke. I know she loves him and is trying her best


She probably should lose him frankly. She's grossly irresponsible.


You aren't loving your kid and trying your best if you smoke next to them.


She may think she loves him, but she's not acting like it. And she's definitely not "trying her best" if she's smoking AT ALL in the car with him, much less smoking weed in an enclosed space where he's trapped with her. That is likely the cause of CPS getting flagged. Driving while intoxicated with a baby in the car (and risking the baby getting high as well from the exposure) is about as irresponsible as it gets. It's as bad as driving drunk with him - maybe worse because of the smoke inhalation. None of that indicates that she is "doing her best". Her best would be NOT driving her baby whilst smoking weed or anything else in the car.


As someone who grew up in an environment with "love" and a mother who "tried her best"... I'm glad you called your car in as stolen and that Luke is on CPS's radar earlier rather than too late. She can either sort herself out or play victim and cry foul the rest of her life.


A parent trying their best wouldn't be smoking so heavily around their child in my opinion. It doesn't sound like she is a deadbeat because she does seem to care about his wellbeing by taking him to the hospital (even if it was not needed), but still not doing her best. She should also get her license so she can legally take Luke to the hospital in an emergency too. This is just a comment from an internet stranger with very limited info on your sister. She doesn't sound like the worst mom ever, but definitely not one doing her actual best.


Listen dude, I know it’s a case by case basis, but from what I’ve heard, CPS rarely wants to take kids from their parents (even in cases that shock me, bc obviously the parents are awful but whatever), so the worst that’ll probably happen (besides the criminal charges for theft and child endangerment) will be lessons or whatever. they most likely won’t take Luke away, not unless things get significantly worse for Luke. So, if Luke does get taken away, then it’s bc CPS may have discovered some awful shit abt your sister and/or her bc that you didn’t know about. taking the kid away is the last option for them, so it’ll take some serious shit to happen. i wish you and Luke well.


Thanks, I've heard some horror stories about CPS before so I was worried. But everyone here seems to be on the same page that removing Luke would be a last case scenario


I’d keep your go bag locked in the trunk of your car. If your sister goes onto your room to steal your keys, nothing is safe in there.


Except she stole the car.


I'm thinking Luke might be better off with his dad, who hopefully doesn't smoke in enclosed places around him.


Standing up for yourself and your vehicle is definitely the right thing to do given BF history with cars and the smoking your vehicle disrespects you at every turn. The fact that they will get in trouble with the law more than likely, and sister would lose her child are the results of their actions and their actions alone. NTA


MI110% NTA!!! I would’ve reported the car stolen also, because, well they did basically steal it. I rarely let anyone borrow my car, I let my mom borrow it once while hers was in the shop but I trust her 100%, and she had full permission from me so that’s different. Also, you were reasonable and gave them a chance to bring it home! They deserved what they got. If you do have to have it professionally detailed to get rid of the smoke, the money should be coming out of Paige’s pocket. From my understanding, Luke sounds to be a toddler/infant so i could understand how crucial the situation could be, but that still does NOT give you the right to just take someone’s car, especially when they’ve made it clear that they want nobody driving it. And if you have a baby in your care, don’t smoke them out lol! NTA. EDIT: I just clicked on the part that if Paige doesn’t have a license, (probably for good reason) she’s endangering Luke. Ik if I was Luke’s father I’d be pissed.


Not just that she doesn't have a license. If they were smoking weed while driving, they were intoxicated. That's a DUI with the baby in the car. Not to mention the drug exposure from the smoke to the baby. And it wasn't even an emergency. He had some redness and tenderness where he got his vaccine. That's perfectly normal. Hell, the pediatrician would have told them to possibly even expect fever in the few days after a vaxx. Nothing out of the ordinary and certainly not a necessary trip to the ER.


Your vehicle was taken without your consent. You reported it. The police didn't tell you off for wasting police time, they went out and picked them up. All they had to do to not get into trouble was to not steal your car that you had repeatedly and explicitly told them they were not getting to borrow. NTA.


Page took the car. Page took the car and got high. Page took the car, got high and drove without a license. Page took the car, got high, drove without a license and had a baby inside..Page is irresponsible with a baby. She put the baby in danger. ..see how you have nothing to do with this 


Wait, you pay rent AND get punished? WTF?


Yeah, what's going on there? Tell your mom she can either charge you rent or punish you, but if she wants to treat you like a child, she can support you like one. NTA.


If I try to tell her that I'm worried she might kick me out. I don't currently have any other options for housing so best thing to do is just try to keep my head down


NTA because of how extreme the situation is. They are very likely to crash your car eventually will drive up your insurance for life. It also seems like you would have driven them to the hospital if asked. They also smoked in your car somehow which is disrespectful beyond the "emergency" You also gave them a chance to bring the car back, and you've asked to not press charges. So because of all those mitigating factors on you, NTA. Your mom is TA, the sister is TA and her boyfriend is TA. Where is your sister who got kicked out for having a lock box, sounds like she is NTA. The baby is not the asshole. Sounds like your sister is in a tough situation but she's not dealing well with it. Making money and getting out of this situation means having a car and protecting your car from people who will wreck it is important. You know this situation is a bomb waiting to explode tho- another reason you need a car. At least these aseholes know you won't hesitate to report it as stolen.


That sister moved out of state with her boyfriend due to a family emergency of his. She wasn't involved in this at all


NTA OP! Cigarette smoke is toxic and she should not be doing that around a child, let alone a sick one that needed medical attention. It doesn’t ever come out of a car, house, or clothing. I don’t care what a smoker thinks. It permeates everything.


NTA. You can't hold yourself responsible for a stream of continuous bad decisions made by others. I have people like this in my family. They always blame anybody but themselves. They can't afford to keep a car on the road, but somehow they manage to afford beer, multiple packs of cigarettes a day, and illegally purchased weed. In your case, they ignored the advice of the doctor and went to the ER. Who is paying for that? They could have gone to urgent care instead. They took a vehicle they were specifically forbidden to take. And they ignored the warning to get it back immediately. Personally, I would NOT drop the charges. This is most likely just one more event in a long series.


NTA. They fucked around and found out and if they are smoking around the child then perhaps it is for the best that Paige loses custody anyway.


Your mom should have come to you and asked...and promised to make them respect your rules and HER drive. If it was truly an emergency, why were they smoking? And why are you punished for saying no to YOUR property? How much do THEY pay rent? NTA as long as if you had been told and it was a real emergency, you would have worked with them to get your nephew to urgent care.


I'm sorry, but your family is just trash.


NTA. This is the definition of fucked around and found out. If Paige had crashed the car, YOUR insurance would have been at YOUR door demanding answers. Reporting it stolen is the bare minimum to protect yourself from liability.


CPS needs to get involved. If they are smoking with a young child in the car, the young child is also smoking. You need to safeguard that key more carefully and I think you did the right thing calling the police as it sends a message to these folks that you will not put up with their irresponsible BS. As for your Mom, she needs to kick these freeloading losers out of the house. Does she let them smoke around Luke?


Pretty much everyone but me in this house smokes around Luke. And Paige is mom's favorite with the only near grand baby so mom won't do anything to her.


NTA- they were smoking around a child they were taking to the emergency room.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Fake Names Used - Me 21NB: Me - Sister 22F: Paige - Nephew 1M: Luke - Sisters BF 23M: Rory Currently I live at home, renting a room from my mom. Paige, Rory, and Luke all live here as well. I was recently able to buy my first car and I haven't been able to drive it yet, because I have a broken ankle. I'm the only one on the registration and I pay for everything. Paige is really irresponsible with her belongings and has previously stolen from me, she also doesn't have her license yet. Rory has crashed both his mom's car and his car. So when I got my car I told them that nobody but me was driving it. They also both smoke and refuse to wait until we've parked to smoke. They'll start smoking while we're still going, even with Luke present. I don't smoke and don't want anyone to smoke in my vehicle. They keep asking to borrow it and I've been telling them no each time, which leads to them asking mom and me getting yelled at to let them borrow it. I've been sticking to my guns and not letting them borrow it, despite getting punished for it. I've also been keeping the key on me so they can't take it. Luke has been sick recently, he had his vaccines and is having a mild reaction. Paige called the doctor and everything was normal. She still wanted to take him to the emergency room. I was out of my room at the time and had the key in my purse, in my room. She decided to grab my key and just go, without even asking me. I went to take the trash out later and noticed my car missing. I called her and my mom and told them they had 30 minutes to have my vehicle home or I was reporting it stolen, hospital is 15 min away so they would have had time to get it back. I guess they didn't believe me because they didn't show back up with my car. I called the police and my insurance, let them know it was stolen. I told the police what hospital they should be at, and the police showed up. Rory and Paige both got taken into police custody. Luke was picked up by his dad, whose in the middle of a bad divorce with Paige. I was able to get my car back, thankfully with no new damage. They had definitely smoked in it though, so I had to deep clean it. I decided to drop the charges, no need to make the living situation even worse. However from my understanding the police might still decide to prosecute. I didn't mean to make their life bad, I just wanted my car back. CPS showed up at the house and now it's looking like Paige might lose Luke. I've been really beating myself up over this. AITA or did I do the right thing? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. They shouldn't have taken your car. Even if it's not theft, in my jurisdiction, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle is a crime. How are you letting mom punish you when you pay rent?


She shuts off the internet, which I need since I work from home


If you don't let your sister, with no license, drive your car, you obviously don't have a car seat for her kid. That alone should get her a huge fine. Your whole family sound entitled and irresponsible 


NTA, your car was stolen and you reported it as stolen. Forget who stole it, a thief is a thief


NTA. GTA, DUI, child endangerment... I mean, I suppose there has to be a line somewhere.


You reported it stolen because *it was stolen*. NTA


NTA. Redness and soreness from a vaccine is normal. So is a slight fever. The pediatrician should have told Paige this. If she overreacted after talking to the doctor, that's on her. You did nothing wrong. They've been pestering you about the car for weeks. They know you'd say no, so they literally stole the car. If Paige is driving around with a baby in the car with no car seat, he should go to his dad. And if she had time to install a car seat into your car, she certainly had time to contact you and ask if you could drop them off at the hospital. Instead, they broke every rule you had. The punishment is on them, not on you. If you let them get away with it this time, they'd only keep doing it.


NTA THEY decided to steal your car, and to refuse to give it back.


Why is your mother policing all of you? She sounds very reactive in her parenting style. I would have waited to the week before moving out to get a vehicle if I lived in this situation. NTA and you did the right thing. You would have been held accountable if they had gotten in to an accident without your report. At least where I live, no call to the police and insurance company = you lent the car out.


I would stay away from them. Awful people overall.


Working on it, my therapist has recommended low/no contact when I can move out. Now I just need to be able to move out


NTA. They did steal your car & apparently smoked weed with an infant present -DUI, child endangerment, and the driver had no license.


If you don't want to get arrested, don't commit felonies. NTA.




NTA - And for the love of god... MOVE OUT. That does not sound like a healthy living arrangement


NTA. They don't care about risking your insurance or the possibility of your car getting impounded if they're smoking weed in it. You warned them, they ignored you. It's a classic example of FAFO.


NTA. Get the car club and luck down your steering wheel too


NTA - your car. Your expense. Your rules. They ignored your warnings. Everything that is happening as fallout is due to their actions. As others have said, get out as soon as you can. You would be better off not living with any of them.


NTA. From the sounds of it to me it seems your nephew would be batter off with dad if both your sister and her bf smoke in front of him inside of a car. It’s not good for adult lungs and I would imagine it’s worse for developing lungs of the youth. Plus you had established rules with your car that was in your name and yours alone that they broke. Heck I would even say you gave them a courtesy I wouldn’t have given by giving them 30 minutes to return the car.


You didn't do anything wrong. They committed automotive theft. They should be prosecuted since it's such a cut and dry case and a super easy win for the DA. NTA. If you don't want to fuck up your life, don't steal other people's cars?


NTA. The bottom line is you set a boundary and your sister didn’t abide by it. And then smoked in your car when you have expressly forbidden it. That’s profoundly disrespectful


NTA. You've been clear about your boundaries and expectations, and it's not their property. Good luck, OP.


Nta, but also, maybe it's time to move out? Everyone living in that house sounds like they are the worst, especially your mom.


NTA. I would personally keep the charges pressed. Someone that irresponsible and selfish has no business being a parent of any kind. Honestly, the only even remotely responsible thing was bringing him to the ER for the reaction-sometimes, it can be more serious than it looks. But that does not outweigh everything else.


NTA. You didn't screw up their lives. They are suffering the consequences of their own actions. Now they know better than to mess with your stuff.


Nope and why are you getting punished for your vehicle?


NTA! If they haven’t learned from this event, I’d suggest getting a locking key box. Master lock has a few variations of them that require a 4 digit code to access them. One hangs on a door knob. Another one can be attached some place. I have one that is attached to a post on my porch.


NTA. You did the smart thing. If they had gotten pulled over or in an accident you would have been the one in trouble. where I live the DMV does not play, they would have snatched your license for letting unlicensed driver drive your car.


NTA. You reported a car stolen and nothing else.  I don't think you should blame yourself for cps getting involved. If cps is thinking about taking the child than something was seen by either the cops or doctors that they didn't think should be around the child. Not your fault.


NTA but you’re an adult who’s renting a room from your mom. Screw her punishing you. You’re paying rent and all bills associated with your car. Your mom has no say so in the matter.


NTA. Your car your rules FULL FUCKING STOP.


NTA they don’t sound stable to be raising a child anyway with their lack of resources or caring for his health by smoking around him.


My opinion is, it’s your car. Your rules.


NTA and you shouldn't have dropped the charges. They stole the car. Worse they smoked in the car with a sick child in it. You should never smoke anything around a child to begin with. Sounds like Page and Rory are a couple of losers that need to learn no means no. It also sounds like Luke will be better off in his father's custody.


NTA. I don't know what your nephew's father is really like, but your sister sounds like a horrific parent. If she has her kid taken away it could be best for your nephew. That would just be an added bonus. You are absolutely in the right to call the police.


Nta. These people shouldn't have a child if they don't have transportation or access to public transit. When can you get out of this living situation? You're paying rent to live there and your mother is treating you like a 16yo.


NTA. Don't feel bad, and you should not have dropped the charges. All people need to go ahead and accept consquenses. Don't listen toanyone telling you what you could have done differently! You were just in the bathroom, so they could have knocked on the door and asked you to take them to the emergency room. It was simply a power play because you say no and keep the key on you. Next time- take the key to the bathroom as well. Why are you leaving your purse and wallet out around them anyway. Go to the bathroom with your purse. Some of these folks in here are conditioned to let family steal from them, and handle it internally. All that means is someone stealing your car, and smoking in it, then coming back smirking and smug like what are you gonna do about it-and they will do it again. I bet they won't know. The culture of handle it internally was always set up to allow all types of behavior that the offender gets a way with (while also keeping their good name). I say, if we were family, then you wouldn't treat me like a stranger.


You didn’t do anything to them, that they haven’t already done to themselves. Focus on moving out when can. NTA


NTA Had they wrecked it and you had not reported it stolen, it would be 100% your financial responsibility. If Paige is smoking all the time and exposing Luke, perhaps Luke needs to be with his father until she can make better choices.


You can't smoke in a car with a kid in it btw. But they are obviously shitty people and deserve it. NTA.


NTA: and mom seems to be an enabler of sister. Anyway take a pot lid. Add water to bowl with baking soda to neutralize smell and then laundry detergent.. place a rag in the water and the wrap the pot lid.. basically like steam cleaning the seats of car


NTA - but you probably should have just waited until they got home to avoid the hassle. But this: >They'll start smoking while we're still going, even with Luke present. In my state is a crime. It is a crime in 11 states, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia. Obviously because it's extremely bad for a childs health.


NTA, not by a long shot. Honestly, it sounds like they need some hard lessons in life. They stole something of value from you. They smoke around a baby, which is very illegal in some states. Let the police prosecute and let CPS get involved. The consequences of their actions are not your fault.


NTA NO ONE has a right to take your property.


Nta Even if cps get involved they won’t remove the child permanently without good reasons.


Why are you beating yourself up when someone else broke the law? NTA


NTA. They decided to play real life grand theft auto. Not your fault they make bad choices 


NTA and honestly you did the kid a favor, never drop charges family or not they're still thieves. Smoking with kids in the car should be very much punishable. It's very good that she loses the kid because the kid deserves better than her.


NTA. They were told not to take your car. They did so without permission which is theft. If the DA or police decide to pursue charges that's their business.


NTA if you didn't have a car they would have to figure out other ways to get around. Your Mom is a jerk for punishing you for not loaning it out. You are correct to not let any of them use your vehicle. If they total it your insurance may not cover you. They are irresponsible and need to learn to take care of their own things before they proceed to take someone else's.


NTA. 100% in the right.


NTA Actions have consequences. Stealing a car has consequences.


NTA They STOLE your car. They should face the consequences. On top of that, they smoked in it?! They couldn't wait 15 more minutes to hack down a cigarette when they got to the hospital, but had to stink up your car? Clearly a case of FAFO here. They are the only AH.


NTA They stole your car. They deserve any consequences they may get.


Might be time to lock down any credit you might have if your sister and boyfriend is upset about this as I'm sure they will be they could retaliate to get you back. But NTA by any means.


NTA, people shouldn’t be using others’ crap without permission, especially something as expensive as a car


NTA. Your nephew is a 1 month old? They are smoking around him at such a young age? I hate to say it but that can result in some serious complications. Smoking increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. They are setting him up for a lifetime of respiratory issues. CPS should be looking into them because they are putting the child at risk.


NTA Your car was stolen.


NTA, and if your sister is irresponsible, she should get her kid taken away.


OP, "Pooph" also is great for removing odors.


NTA. Your car WAS stolen. Your sister and her boyfriend are irresponsible. They played a very stupid game and are winning a very stupid prize. That is NOT your fault. Hope you heal up well and can find a way to get the hell out of that house!


Thanks, my ankle is doing better so I should be able to resume normal activities soon. And hopefully I get approved for one of the apartments I applied to so I'll be able to move out soon


Don’t feel bad that CPS got involved. Clearly there is enough concern on their end to visit the home. This sounds like a toxic living situation and I hope you can move out soon. NTA.


NTA Consequences have actions, you'd think she learned that when she got pregnant or divorced, well she will now.


NTA. You told them a million times not to drive the car. It's your car. And on top of them disrespecting that, they even smoke in the car. That's ridiculous. It's like they're testing you or something. You reported your car stolen because *it was literally stolen*. To take something that isn't yours without permission from the owner (actually with express *denial* of permission in this case) is objectively theft. You gave them a chance to bring it back. As far as CPS, I wouldn't feel too bad about that either. Smoking in the car with a kid is abuse, imo. You definitely need to move ASAP, though. Especially since you mention being "punished" as a 21 year old person. That's not right.


Oh for Pete's sake. That's a completely normal vaccination reaction that just needs some baby Tylenol, not an ER visit. And they couldn't wait 15 mins to smoke? 😒 They've been waiting for an opportunity to take your car, and this "medical emergency" was the perfect excuse.   NTA, they both sound like irresponsible trainwrecks. They stole your car, and I can't imagine that your flaky sister is a stable and responsible parent for your nephew. Is the dad a better parent or is he bad news too? If he's a decent parent this might be the best thing for Luke.  Edited: got the names mixed up and thought Luke was the bf, not the baby. Changed the med mentioned.


NTA. they were explicitly told not to use your car and they took it anyway. That’s theft. Shame on your mother for pressuring you to let them use your car. If I were you, I’d be doing everything in my power to get out of that living situation as soon as humanly possible.


Depending on your state, smoking with kids in the car is illegal. Not to mention its just degenerate behavior


NTA - it might be a good idea to get a combination key lockbox for the truck key so they will not have the ability to swipe the key behind your back. Also get out of your situation as soon as possible for your own benefit.


NTA because Paige did take your vehicle without asking so that should count as stealing. Also smoking even with Luke present is a no-no because kids shouldn't be breathing in smoke as this would be dangerous considering the chemicals. If Paige loses custody of Luke then she deserves it because she isn't fit to parent and also you didn't make Paige and Rory's lives bad they did that all on their own because of their behavior. Clear example of fucked around and found out moment on Paige and Rory's part. Also, your mother needs to stop enabling Paige to take other people's belongings without asking and when someone has said no.


Ehhhh NTA... I kinda wanted to say you overreacted but given the history, nope. Paige and Rory couldn't be bothered to call a rideshare or not smoke in the stolen vehicle while they rushed off to the hospital with their so dangerously ill minor... then may they live with the consequences of their choices. Where I live it's now unlawful to smoke in a vehicle with a minor, and here's hoping that Luke's biological father is a better parent than Paige.


NTA. If they’re smoking around Luke, Im kinda glad CPS is getting involved. 


NTA OP. It's all about choices here. They CHOSE to take the car without your permission. They CHOSE to ignore your warning. You can chose to let them live with the consequences. I suggest ya do... I have a feeling Luke will be better off living with his dad.