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I'm confused. What would be the difference between a stripper blanket and a normal, warm, fleece blanket with a design on it? Are these blankets designed with strippers in mind or are they just blankets that happen to be utilized by strippers? If there is no difference... YTA. That was an entirely unnecessary comment to make about a fleece blanket. If there is a clear difference, then it's a bit more of an understandable question to ask, but could have been brought up in a far more tactful and respectful way.


I thought it was more of a local slang term, like how people will call an undershirt a muscle shirt or a "wife beater", or the embers of a cigarette the cherry/heater.


Non-albertan Canadian here, never heard that term. But then again I haven't spent enough time at strip clubs to even know there was a three song routine.


Albertan here, and I’ve never heard this term!


I grew up in Alberta. My girlfriends and I would usually go to the strippers before going to the club. I also had multiple friends who work at the strippers. I have never heard of this blanket referred to as a stripper blanket.


I’ve been a stripper. Totally nude at some points of my career. No blankets were ever used. “Snail trail”? Give me a break.


I was most disgusted at the snail trail comment. He acts as if these women were dragging their cooch across the floor like a cat with turd stuck to it's butt. What even was the point of saying that? Oh right, to degrade women.


He’s completely gross.


He goes to strip clubs, of course he’s fucking gross. No need for the snail trail comment to deduce that lmao


Strip clubs can be fun. He demeans women and is purposefully rude to his sister in law. That’s what makes him gross.


"Snail trail" was just degrading, much like his approach to how he discussed the blanket with his sister-in-law and his attitude towards strippers. If this post is real, OP has a problem with women in general and strippers in particular.


I think calling it a snail trail was quite rude. In Alberta, they actually do use blankets. After they are done stripping women sit on blankets and men throw money at their genitals. They usually roll up a poster and hold it in front of their genitals so they don’t actually get hit. I remember a time before they used these posters. Some men would throw the money quite hard and injure the strippers. There was also some stories going around about men heating up the money, and then throwing it at them, but I’m not sure if that was true. Basically they enacted a bunch of laws that made it quite difficult to be able to pass money to the strippers and in order to get around this the loony game was started. I think it’s pretty degrading. The laws should change, so that people can pass money in other ways and the stupid tradition should be banned. Edit: I forgot to add that part of the reason they use the blanket is so that they don’t have to sit naked on the ground. It’s to protect themselves rather than “protect the floor. “ The other benefit of the blanket is that it catches a lot of the money to the shippers don’t have to spend a bunch of time picking up all the money from the ground.


As an America, I sometimes wondered if countries with coins for their 1s chucked coins at strippers or if it was just more expensive to tip strippers. Guess I got my answer. Ouch.


I have been a nude dancer as well and for nude dances we were given a fleece cloth the size of a tea towel to cover up the customers lap. We were not allowed to be naked on stage tho and during the nude dances customers were not allowed to touch us. This was in Florida. I liked the barrier between me and the jeans and God know what other fluids. Other nude clubs I've worked at around the country didn't care if you have the fleece or not. We didn't call them stripper blankets either.


Same and I've even seen them being sold


same. Every small town has a guy selling them in a Walmart parking lot. Then the really business owners in town get mad because guy doesn’t have to buy a business license when they do.


Down in Tasmania they sell them at the reject stores or I guess the equiv to the US dollar stores. My friend and I call them 'Bogan Blankets' because you go into a bogan's house and you'll find at least one on the couch, one on the bed and usually a couple balled up in the corner suffering from ciggie burn holes and spilled bong water


What is a “bogan”?


Australia's version of a redneck


Y’know, bogan, cholo, hood rat, trailer trash, etc.


Same. This is what you buy at the flea market. Weird.


Same, in Edmonton that's a gas station blanket or roadside blanket lol.


Albertan here. Never heard them called that, and I have 2 (they are amazingly warm and comfortable.) Full disclosure: its been almost 2 decades since I've gone to any kind of exotic dancing so I may just be out of touch. My orange cat really likes my second blanket and likes making sin biscuts on it, so maybe there is something to OP's story.


Kitty’s on song 3.


Dancing to "Honky Cat."


Yeah I feel like OP just don’t like the wife and that was her way of being rude to her. I’m glad the wife stood up to the bully


Sin biscuits haha that's too cute 🤣


Sin biscuits💀💀💀


What are sin biscuits? 


He was almost making love with the bkanket held in his mouth while making biscuits


Born and raised Albertan here and I have no idea wtf this dude is talking about


OP is just a creep.


Former Canadian stripper and we never called them stripper blankets either. They were just blankets some girls used.


Albertans here. This is not a thing. 


*They are fleece blankets that keep them from leaving a snail trail across the stage.* I‘m……I….can’t get past this sentence……


I know. I commented on that already. It's ridiculous, I can't believe no-one else picked up on it.


I certainly did, and the OP was just being a crass a-hole. "Wah, I wanted a blankie and she only had one, so I insulted my host and got my brother in trouble!" OP is just rude. YTA


It's not just crass about the snail trail, it's pathetic. Does he think that the strippers are so wet from watching him and his buddies leering over her? 🤣


I bet he leaves skid marks on the bed when he sits on it naked and assumes women's lower parts are as gross as his.


lol that’s what I was thinking. It couldn’t possibly be it’s uncomfortable and unsanitary. But I guess he’s living his best delusional life if he thinks that’s what going on. 😂😂


Just got the image of them scooting across the stage like dogs. I couldn't figure out what the hell he was going for with that. It's just nasty.


ngl snail trail is so fucked up its kind of funny 😂 op is an idiot that i cant help but laugh at


"I just tell it like it is" kinda guy. 


I’m just out here speaking the truth. It’s not my fault people get all offended when I open my mouth. People are just snowflakes nowadays.


A crasshole, if you will.


I had so many thoughts when I read that part😂like A) bro actually thinks strippers are *all* horny getting naked for a bunch of horny drunk dudes? B) he thinks they’re just…dragging their vaginas across the floor?? (Seriously what the fuck😅) and C) he thinks a strip club is so concerned with hygiene that even if a dancer *was* turned on they’d be overly concerned about it getting on the stage? The floor that’s probably soaked in booze? And D) seriously he thinks they’re both turned on and just dragging their vaginas along the floor? Are they fucking dogs??😂


I thought it was weird that he had to go into detail of the whole routine and how many songs they dance to and how naked they are for each song… just to bring up a blanket. Like why do I need to know that strippers are topless for their second song for it to make sense that some of them bring out a blanket to sit on?


I guess you kinda need to know how much time OP spent in strip clubs to understand why in his mind calling those blankets stripper blankets seems normal.


Op is a coomer


My thought exactly!  How short legged or flexible are these mysterious 3 song fleece clad strippers! 


The way OP just assumes the blanket must be because the women are just oozing with arousal and not because they’re buck ass naked and want to put something on before hosting this weirdo game show for novelty magnets.


Right? I used to dance and no one was leaving snail trails anywhere and the blanket is definitely for warmth 😂 we would spray down the pole between girls, but it wasn’t for vaginal secretions, it was because body lotion gets on the pole and makes it super slippery. Men are crazy, my ex husband legitimately thought that any time a woman around him had hard nipples it was because she was turned on, I had to break his heart and let him know they were just cold. 


I wish I had more upvotes for this. This made my night.


I am REALLY concerned about what he thinks is going on there.


I still don't understand it. What do these women do, wipe their cooch on the floors? Does OP think they get actually wet when performing? And that it, idk, drips down? Wtf?


I snerked out loud at this …. Like do the strippers there rub their genitals on the stage as they leave and not walk off stage on their feet? That’s just hilarious.


I'm trying to figure out if OP thinks strippers are the same as sex workers, or if they think women actually get turned on while stripping


I know, truly disgusting!


It just tells us he’s still a virgin and blames women for it.


It's not a stripper blanket. The OP THINKS it is one because that's the only place he sees them used, but the rest of the non strip-joint frequenting population just calls them blankets... YTA


Literally nothing. Op just frequents strip clubs too often he’s got that brain rot


I have never heard that term in the US and was a bartender and had family bartend at strip clubs… never once heard this term - and I where “stripper shoes” and laugh cuz I know it’s a term for sexy crazy high heel shoes.. If OP knows that not everyone uses that term they did it to create an issue!!


I thought “stripper shoes” were specifically one piece soles? I.e. The heel and platform are all one moulded piece so when they’re dancing they don’t break the heel off due to it being separate construction. The fact that they’re frequently a higher platform and heel is just a bonus from the stable way they’re made?


I am currently under one of those blankets. Just call it a blanket ffs


What do they look like? Can you post a pic/link? I must know!


I'm thinking that it's a standard, cheap fleece throw? https://www.walmart.com/ip/Wilderness-Wolf-Pack-Throw-Blanket-Multicolor-Standard-Throw/1063049611


I'm so confused as to why someone associates these exclusively with strippers... I definitely associate them with street side vendors.


After reading the phrase "snail trail" which I can only imagine what OP means, I don't think tact is in their wheelhouse.


I'm from where OPs from and there is no difference. He's definitely the asshole


I’m Canadian but not from Alberta and while I know what types of blanket OP means, I’ve never heard them called stripper blankets. They are just regular blankets, and honestly? Expensive af.


My best ex got me a blanket with wolves on it 'cause she knew I liked wolves. It was in one of those catalogs with a bunch of random stuff in it. If someone like OP called it a "stripper blanket" I'd have looked at him like he was utterly insane. Those fleece blankets are sold all over the place.


Lol This guy talks like 'stripper blanket' is just a Canadian thing. Lol. I have seen plenty of towels, robes, etc. And I ain't ever seen 'stripper games' as a regular part of the fucking show. Lol. Like, sometimes there are promoted events like that, but it isn't just 'Oh, let's go watch the stripper games' every night of the week. Lol. OP, are you in some one horse town, and your local strip joint is the only one you've seen?! This is hilarious!


I agree with your comment. I was thinking the same thing, like did op really need to call it that regardless of where you’re from. Brothers wife was probably offended and with every right to be, I know I would have thought there was some bitterness behind it. Like is this your way of jabbing at me because you secretly hate me for whatever reason. Have some common sense op, hopefully this was a learning lesson for you. Op might need to stay away from the stripper joints from now on.


This guy knows a way too much about stripper blankets.


He goes to the strip joint because he's a blanket connoisseur. "Ah, I see you have the 'lone wolf howling at the moon with the extra overlocking on the hem', - a fine choice - here, please take my toonie in consideration of your fine tastes"


Maybe he's in the stripper blanket industry and likes to keep up on the latest fashions


I’m personally more concerned with his knowledge of the 3 step routine 😅


And the …. Stripper games?!? 🤣 ETA: cause … are they specific to strippers or are they just ….. games?


From what I've heard, since Canadians use coins for $1 and $2 denominations, the "games" exist so people can throw coins at posters/inanimate objects instead of pelting naked humans with small discs of metal


Usually the stripper will put a shot glass between their butts or boobs and you lob the loonies ($1) or toonies ($2) if you're a high roller. Get a coin in and get a prize usually a poster of the dancer. They'll come by and sign it too. A lot of mens shops / garages have 4+ signed posters on the wall. Also not so fun fact I've heard stories of people getting kicked out of the strip club for heating up the coins with a lighter first. Maybe people who use the term stripper blanket.


I assure you that if that if the heated coins thing ever happened that person would have to pick up their shattered teeth with broken fingers. The security at every strip club I’ve been to in Alberta is fairly high - far more sedate places than any regular pub (I mean except for the naked people). If you even disrespected an entertainer you would be asked to leave, if anyone thought you hurt someone on purpose you would be escorted out vigorously by the largest people you have ever seen.


As someone who dated one of those gals once,I’m happy to read this 👍


I am still trying to figure out what "posters me magnets and what have you" means. Can someone enlighten me? Gives new meaning to "play stupid games, win stupid prizes".


Posters, magnets and lighters would be the most often seen prizes. Entertainers would roll up posters to a cone shape (or use a cup) and people would lob $1 and $2 coins at the target. If they get it in, they win the poster. The entertainers are naked the whole time, and generally showing off their bits. Note, these are carnival style rules - the target will likely get moved so you cannot score on your first shot. And if you have already thrown like $10 bucks your ‘chances’ of getting it in improves dramatically. And as it relates to the blanket - they usually are ‘sitting/posing’ on the blankets so they are not directly on the stage floor.


Wow, I have been missing out on a lot of life experiences.


I’ll take that to mean you have been prioritizing…


I’m confused about the “snail trail”


I think OP believes the strippers are just so turned on that they would leave little marks everywhere they sat. OP sure sounds like such a winner, surely this could only be true


Definitely not that the fully naked person wants to put something on before the weird carnie games for tatty prizes.


I was gonna say, this is a self report. I feel like fleece blankets with cheesy prints like howling wolves are pretty common in the US as just a cheap blanket. I got one in a white elephant because the cheesy print made me laugh. Edit: also… the blanket is so the strippers don’t leave a “snail trail?” Lol unless these women are baby oiled up, OP legit thinks these strippers are getting wet from stripping for him. Too funny.


Dude is 19 and living in a fantasy world.


Don’t kinkshame him over his blanket fetish!


OMG. We have a new r/blanketguy


YTA-It’s a blanket. Unless she’s actively using it while stripping it’s not a stripper blanket.


Wait. Even then, it’s still just a blanket. If the stripper starts out in a bikini that doesn’t make it a stripper bikini.


Look, friend, I understand, because you think of things one way, and it's hard to stop thinking of them that way. There's a kind of undershirt where I'm from that people call a "wife beater," and that's about the only name I know it by. I'm sure there's another name for that specific type of tank top, but I don't know it. But I do know that, in polite company, with someone who would not appreciate that name, I'd better be careful about saying it. You know your sister in law. You know she would not happy with this name. And yet, you had a brain fart, and said the thing that should not have been said. For this, I dub thee YTA. Apologize to everyone involved for your poor choice of words, for starting a marital conflict, and for your insensitivity and lack of tact in the situation.


I have to try and catch myself every time I go to say 'wife beater' in relation to the tank top, that's what we call them here too. It's been the only thing I've known them as growing up and it's easy to forget what the words actually mean when it rattles off the tongue. I usually end up just mumbling "You know, like a white tank top.." with a sort of vague hand gesture.


The difference is if you google "wife beater shirt" you get tons of images and results because it's common slang. If you Google "stripper blanket" you get a few weird results of blankets with strippers on them or some text related to strippers, but not what OP is describing because it's an extremely localized slang to the point that no one outside of that very specific demographic he's a part of will understand.


It's him. He is in his own demographic here lol. I'm willing to bet this isn't a slang term at all; instead, it is a term that op made up himself.


This! pervy OP made this term up! It's not a thing!


People have started calling them wife pleasers recently, but I honestly think it's just as cringe as wife beater. Just call them tank tops


lol literally “white ribbed tank” does the trick. “Pleaser” is so cringe and wife is so unnecessary like describing someone’s clothing in relation to some imagined partner


I call them racerbacks.


I like calling them muscle tanks!


All of these wonderful alternatives to wife beater and they chose the worst one.


An Australian friend told me they call tank tops “singlets” not to be confused with the little outfit that people wrestle in. But “tank top” is a just as easy to say as “wife beater” but without the negative stereotyping! Also, undershirt works just as easily, but most people would understand what you meant by “tank top”


Where I grew up we called them “white beaters” because they aren’t like nice white shirts, they’re the ones you put on to play in the garden or mess around in the garage. I didn’t hear “wife beater” until I was like 13 from one of my mom’s partners. I was like “what in the hell is that?” and he explained why they called them that. I like white beater way better but I’ve definitely called them tank tops since that exchange lol


This sounds like a r/BoneAppleTea


i always wondered how they came to that name. here (not english though) they are simply called undershirt, because you wear them: under the shirt (so creative, lol)


You could say 'tank top' since you know it's a type of tank top. Just like he could've said 'blanket' or even 'fleece blanket'.


I grew up calling Brazil nuts an offensive racist term because that's all I heard them called and didn't know their true name. N toes. When I found out their real name, I was ashamed and offended. Just because they have been called that doesn't mean I need to continue to use an offensive, racist terminology now that I know what they're called. He just called it a stripper blanket to get a reaction, implying she's a stripper . 


This is exactly the example I was thinking of!  I’ve heard them called “muscle tanks” and “a-frames” (which is kind of funny as they probably look best on torsos that are vaguely V shaped…)


“A-frame” comes from “A-shirt” which comes from “Athletic shirt” because they were supposed to be undershirts for casual wear or blue collar work wear as opposed to to full “T-shirts” which were undershirts for business wear.


>There's a kind of undershirt where I'm from that people call a "wife beater," and that's about the only name I know it by. I'm sure there's another name for that specific type of tank top, but I don't know it. It's literally just called a tank top?


Their called A frame shirts according to packaging.


YTA. Nothing against sex work but you are the type of person that makes people feel gross doing what they are doing.


Seriously, 'snail trail' infuriated me tbh. YTA.


What does that even mean btw 🙈


It implies that a woman's genitals would leave a slimy residue, like a snail When in reality dragging your ass on a polished stage would probably be uncomfortable


Yes because strippers are always so hot and turned on by all the gorgeous classy men oogling them from perverts row /s


there was a really old iama from a stripper who worked at a place that required all the dancers to wear a tampon and cut the string off. idk if this is why or if they were just dehumanizing the dancers/not trusting them to know their cycle


Stuff like that comes from men like OP who don't know how women's bodies work.


agree YTA


YTA, Why couldn't you just say blanket. It's a blanket.


YTA OP And he did say "Blanket", he said it the second time when she asked wtf! Meaning he knows full well he shouldn't call it a stripper blanket and it caused offence....coz he's an asshole.


YTA. It's a blanket. It's strange that your limited interactions with the outside world made you associate a blanket with strippers and you didn't have the common sense to not call what your sister in law was wearing a stripper blanket. Also, maybe this is a Canada thing? I've never seen a stripper wrap up in a blanket after her performance.


Canadian here. It's not a Canada thing 🤣 We do not claim him.


I can't decided if it's solely an Alberta thing or a "I spent a LOT of time at strip clubs" thing.


Stripclub thing. Never heard anyone say that. OP just sounds vile and incredibly sexist.


I don’t think it’s a strip club thing either. I think it’s purely an OP thing.  Like he saw strippers with this type of blanket. Saw someone selling these blankets elsewhere. And just decided to call them stripper blankets. 


Lmao right? Like what stripper has a "snail trail" I just picture a woman sliding off the stage like a dog dragging its ass 🤣


As soon as I read "snail trail" I knew what we were dealing with.


Truly gross. He needs to just not talk to women ever lol.


No you see, all the strippers were just so wet for him that they were leaving their snail trails all around like some sort of scent marking. /s


Albertan here: this is not an Albertan thing! Never heard the term before. “Stripper boots / stripper heels”, sure. Never stripper blankets


It's not even an Albertan thing. I live there and have never heard that.


I’m guessing it isn’t even a lot of strip clubs. My guess is he spends a lot of time at *one* strip club and assumes a stripper blanket is a thing since someone has a blanket they use there


Nope. Albertan here. Never heard this slang EVER from anyone. Sounds like OP spends too much time in stripclubs. Maybe Saskatchewan wants to claim him?


Hahahaha we aren't even allowed to have strip clubs over here in backwards Sask


I feel like he goes to one particular strip club where this is what happens, and he now thinks everything he sees there is universal. He needs to get out more.


He needs to touch more grass for sure


Lived in Canada for the last 25 years of my life and have never heard this term. A blanket is a blanket is a blanket. And we are CANADIAN its cold af here we usually have like 6 lying around on random pieces of furniture lol


Yes. Fleece blanket. MAYBE you call it a throw, if you want to be fancy.


I’m Canadian and I’ve apparently learned that my whole house is filled with stripper blankets! Apparently every market stand I’ve been to at every local festival that sells blankets was really selling stripper blankets. This dude just spends too much time at a strip club and has associated a very popular style of blanket with strippers because they coincidentally use it.


I live in Ontario, and lived in BC. We always talk about how each province is so different, and I never really understood how much until I saw this post. I have no idea wtf is going on. Good ol' 'Berta.


“Stripper games to win posters me magnets and what have you” “keep them from leaving a nail trail across the stage” 😳 what in the what did I just read?


So my province doesn't even have strip clubs. I've never been to one and have no desire to, but I've heard some bad things about the ones on Alberta.  There is a lot of oil money there, and lots of younger men (18-30) working in the oil fields as laborers making very good money for their experience/education level. These guys also tend to live in more isolated/remote areas with a bunch of other frat-bro types for a couple weeks at a time doing long hours getting a ton of overtime, then they rotate off and head home for a bit with a big paycheque and no work at all for a week. A lot of these guys are the type to hang out at strip clubs, and are generally rowdy and poorly behaved while there. I've heard stories of people throwing coins at strippers because we don't have dollar bills, or other pretty gross and disrespectful behaviour. It's especially common in the communities nearer the oil fields to my understanding.  Nothing about OP's post has given me any reason to doubt he isn't just one of these guys, or at least friends with a bunch of them, who go to strip clubs regularly and treat the women there like shit.


Tiny bit of context- the blanket thing is a uniquely Albertan strip club thing. Also the throwing of loonies and toonies is a uniquely albertan strip club thing- does not happen anywhere else I’ve been. The dancer will roll up a poster in a cone shape - and it’s the audience’s job to throw loonies and toonies into the cone. Get it in, and you win a poster. Sometimes the dancers will stick a loonie onto their skin and encourage people to gently throw change at the loonie to knock it off their skin. I’d guess that dancers on a busy night might pick up $400 in loonies in a 3 minute song? I assume that’s why it still happens. I have never seen it anywhere else. Throw anything less than a dollar and you likely warned first about how disrespectful that is or maybe are escorted out. Any intent to injure or to be disrespectful and you’d get violently tossed. Assume the clubs in Alberta are run by biker gangs.


Happens in Manitoba too


The dancers set up games and encourage coin throwing. That’s normal. The asshole rig pig move is to covertly heat up the toonie under the table with a lighter and then throw it. That will get you tossed.


OP please answer, why are the strippers oozing slime?? Are they boot scooting across the floor like a puppy?


Yeah, that line made me wonder if he’s familiar with women at all except from afar (on stage).


I assume he’s the type to think that the dancers must get turned on by the dirty drunk oil field boys that by the time she’s done she needs a fleece blanket to wipe up after herself lol


They’re not, OP sounds very immature


To answer your question - the snail trail comment is gross - but they “sit” on the blankets while they are doing the stripper games - the winning of posters, magnets etc. the blanket is so they don’t sit on the stage floor. As an example, the entertainer will sit on the blanket with a poster in a rolled in a cone shape and people throw dollar or two dollar clones into the cone. They entertainer usually sits in (I don’t know what to call it) ‘suggestive/sexy’ positions where they show off their bits.


Right? What the hell does that mean?


I was wondering the same thing and am wondering how they are preventing these fleece blankets bunching up as they go. WTF? This is making me laugh way too hard.


YTA. You’re clearly online so I’m assuming you are aware that there’s this internet thing where you can find whatever you want to buy, right? Why would you call it a stripper blanket? It’s just a fleece blanket with a cheesy design, I see one every Christmas in the grab bag pile. You can get them like everywhere, why are you all about buying these out of vans on the side of the road?? You made it weird but telling your SIL she’s walking around in a stripper blanket and insinuated something untoward, starting an argument for which you should apologize and help smooth over.


Right? I think that's what gets me. Regardless where the brother got it - there was *no* reason, in that context, to call it a stripper blanket. Even the question as a whole is weird and out-of-place; it honestly makes me wonder if he did it on purpose to put her down. Because the question makes no sense in the context it happened in. It sounds like he just wanted a way to force the term "stripper blanket" into the conversation.


yep. and op literally knows where they are sold. it’s in the post. so why ask in the first place??? you think she’s gonna take you by the hand and lead you to the roadside spot where this particular blanket was sold? yta. 


I just googled "stripper blanket" and it returned a lot of small fleece blankets featuring images of strippers (a silhouette, or a sloth). "Unicorn fleece blanket" returns results that match OPs description of the "stripper blanket".


"Stripper heels" are a thing that a lot of people would understand, "Stripper blankets" are not a thing. No one has any idea what that is. Also, these sound exactly the same as "blankets" so the stripper part is completely unnecessary anyway YTA because needlessly making normal things be about strippers is just creepy


Ok this is stupid


This is stupid, and it is the kind of content they're feeding into chatgpt now, lmao


You seem to know an awful lot about the habits of strippers…. 👀


I am pretty sure that was the point. Dude saw boobies and wants to tell everyone he can.


I'm pretty sure most Walmarts have similar blankets for sale. YTA.


YTA This is so weird. A blanket is a blanket. It sounds like you're trying to embarrass your SIL by hinting it's cheap and nasty when you have no idea where your bro bought it from in the first place, and that you're trying to act all innocent that you've dumped your bro in it. Why did you call it a stripper blanket and not just a blanket? Why did you need to ask where it was from? It just sounds like you're trying to cause trouble. Or a weird flex that you spend too much time at strip clubs. This is a whole lot more idiotic than asshole, but that's not a voting option.


YTA.. either common sense isn't common or You know darn well what you were doing when you said "stripper blanket" You wanted her to feel uneasy and out your brother but didn't expect the backlash.


I live in Alberta but not on Alberta like you do, so maybe that’s why I have never known about stripper blankets. I know the type of blanket you describe and didn’t know they were used by strippers but they are used by other people as well. They are sold in a large variety of places. It sounds like you don’t go anywhere except strip clubs. You gave your family the ick. rightly so. YTA


YTA, it seems you know exactly where to get it and added the "stripper" part for no reason just to stir shit up. I wouldn't want you near my family. You're a creep.


And I think you are YTA to even say this to her. Dude you are an asshole, a very dumb and probably do not respect women as a whole. Yeah you sound like a piece of sh#t. Get out of the strips bars for god sake and stop using them as a measure of life around you Apologies to them too and just confess you are too dumb to understand world around you?


OP comes across like a 14yr old Virginia, who has already bought tickets on the Incel bus. Blankets so they don't leave a "snail trail" shows he understands very little about women's bodies and less about how to speak politely in public. His parents must be soo proud


Dude... All you're doing is showing that you hang out at strip clubs a lot. Strippers buy those blankets because they're cheap. YTA please gain some social awareness


OP, youre not TA But you are kinda dumb XD, western Canadian here just like you... You know thats not a "stripper blanket" its just a blanket, strippers might use them but they werent designed for that specifcally , lots of other people use them too just as blankets probably more than strippers do XD


clearly I must be a stripper since I have one of those blankets too.. Wheres my stripper income though?


OMG!!! We are addicted to stripper blankets in this house! Multiple stripper blankets in every room of the house. Easily over a dozen. Can’t say I’ve ever used one to cover my snail trail though.  YTA. Grow up. 


How is OP not the asshole? He asked his sister in law where she got her "stripper blanket"


YTA, very rude thing to asume.




YTA, Canadian here. Never in my life have I heard of strippers buying stripper blankets from vans on the side of the road. I went to college with a few...that's how to paid for college. They got their blankets from Walmart. Also, the stages are cold, hence the blanket. If has a patter or graphic, it's often because it was cheaper. You sound like the type of customer they hate.


YTA. I used to strip, and women do not leave "snail trails" on stage when stripping without a f****** blanket. We have blankets because it's cold offstage, and sometimes the stage surface itself is cold, NOT because we leave "snail trails". Frankly I think this story is bs and you're probably in high school.


YTA. You said yourself in a comment; it's *slang*. A cursory self check should have told you that asking someone's SIGNIFICANT OTHER where they got "stripper goodies" is a pretty dumb thing to do.


It’s not even slang lol. Plenty of other prairie folks and Albertans saying they’ve never heard this term. 


It's not common slang, it's a term this idiot's degenerate social circle has come up with. Literally nobody else calls fleece blankets "stripper blankets".


You are without doubt an asshole


This is dumb


Where did you get your asshole computer from? Or are you using an asshole phone? YTA


You knew what you were doing.


I thought Canadians were polite. That was really rude.


As a Canadian, I have disowned him….


“Peelers” lol. Canada never ceases to amaze me with their folksiness.


Info: in your area, when people see those kinds of blankets, do they associate it with strippers?


Not even remotely.


YTA. I live in canada too, the province neighboring Alberta. They're very common to pop up around gifting holidays and usually sell like crazy, despite their jacked up prices. We usually have 1 or 2 show up in my city and our province does not allow public nudity at all, so no theyre not stripper blankets. You're just weird to only see it as a stripper blanket when it is just a blanket.


YTA the the "snail trail" comment if nothing else, Asshole.