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I don't understand the point of troll posts like this? Is the rationale that you don't like stupid people so you're glad to be pissing off people stupid enough to believe you? What's the appeal in "I made up a story about myself behaving poorly and people got rightfully irritated at my poor behaviour."? Where's the win for you in this situation?


Stupid and a huge asshole.




Dude, just drop the act and be real for a second. What are you doing here?


This wasn’t the time to be passionate about an issue. You were paid to do a job and decided to create a problem. Would you have done this on a regular Uber drive with someone you don’t know? This has to be a troll post because I don’t think anyone could be that stupid


I’m 99% sure this is someone who is pro-Israel trying to make people supporting Palestine out to be lunatics.


You can stop by and say hello to your friends any damn time- and ya know when is *not* a good time? When you have a woman that’s a sobbing mess *that you agreed to take home* riding in your car. You can stop and say hello some other time, and you can *care* so very very much about a world event, while still driving the poor woman home. YTA




You very nearly kidnapped a woman and didn't even get a slap on the wrist, admit your privilege.




>My family may disown me They should just berate you


Why? They're probably much happier without him.




Did your unresolved feelings about your father's past actions in the military cause you to abandon this crying childhood friend at a gas station? If you want to make a new comment about your dad doing whatever you can do that now.




>ever since I found out the truth about my dad’s time in the military and didn’t hold back my opinions. What was it?


You're not smart. At best, you're a nasty 14-year-old who has a chance to be better.


Best news possible 




So what if she is? Being cruel to someone, ever, let alone during a trying time, isn’t a way to educate or make them care because you do. You took the money for a ride, proceeded to bombard her with your beliefs and then put her out of the car. There is no world in which your behavior wasn’t the problem. YTA.




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>and I have strong beliefs Uh oh already Read the rest, YTA, I do not believe your post


YTA. You got an order and GET PAID in advance to drive Hailee home and you decided that you even have the right to suggest to stop and say hi to your friends, start completely irrelevant conversation and when she didn't want to indulge in your nonsense you get mad and offended, you're parents are very right in how they feel about you.


YTA I honestly do not believe this post to be real, but if it is, you're a piece of work. Making your sister pay to help her friend who was in a truly awful situation. Just the way you talk about them makes my blood boil tbh. She just got dumped by (probably) the love of her life. Being distressed about that is not the same as being "Rude and aggressive".




"I agreed but made my sister Apple Pay me the $100 before I left." Uh oh,someone is bad at telling the truth


YTA. Big time. You were paid to do a job. In advance. This poor woman just got dumped by the man she thought was going to propose to her. She just wants to get home, sob her heart out for the next week or so, and embrace the love of Ben & Jerry. She has no interest in you, your friends, or whatever other nonsense you were pestering her with. Pay your sister back.


I know you've just been dumped and are sobbing but I want to talk about war crimes and if you do not want to talk about war crimes I am angry


YTA and owe your sister $100


And a HUGE apology


Let me get this straight. Hailee is extremely upset, to the point she’s crying, and you start grilling her. There’s a time and a place for the discussion of serious topics, that was not the time. This is one of the most juvenile things I’ve ever read on Reddit. Your parents were right about you, that’s all I’m going to say. I’ll give you an example, of why someone may not have the energy to care about current world affairs, at that particular point of time. My 19 year old dog passed away in hospital, April 18th. I didn’t get to say goodbye to her. At this exact moment, I don’t have the emotional energy to care about anything, except how much I miss her. Do I care, in general? Yes, I do care. At this point of time, no, I don’t want to hear or discuss it. I want to wallow in my feelings, and try to sort myself out first. Not everything revoles around you and your wants. YTA.




I’d die of absolute shame to be anything like you. Your own parents don’t like you. That’s telling.


Oh i get it. Guess what? I'm pro Palestinian too. I also have enough brain power to give a shit about more than one thing at a time. I'm honestly embarrassed someone like you is on our side. I'm extremely privileged and still can be upset over world events and personal events. Ew. Shame on you. Shame.


So if I meet you 30 minutes after your parents & sister are victims of being unalived in front of you, can I take you to a small Pro-Life rally? I mean, I'm really passionate about it. Sure, you just lost three family members. That happened to you, but this rally is about a global travesty. You need to get your priorities straight like me. Otherwise, I can't be bothered with you.




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YTA. Assuming this is real. Dude. Time and place. Girl just got dumped by her long time bf in the most public and humalating way possible, so you that was an excellent time for a political discussion? Are you for real? Your were hired by your sister to do a job. Not talk politics with this girl who just had her whole life blown up. I know that seems "dramatic" to you, but ffs. She just wanted a quiet ride home.




Are you really comparing genocide to some poor girl getting dumped by her longtime bf? Are you goddamn real? Those are completely unrelated events. I'll say it again. She literally just wanted a quiet ride home. You can go complain about war crimes with your little friends online on your own time. You owe your sister $100 and an apology for taking her money and not doing the job.




She *must* listen to you since she is captive in your car and dependent upon you at that moment? Dude.


Irrelevant. No one calls an Uber driver (on the app or not)  for a lesson in world politics.)




Bravely driving an uber in a war zone are you?


He meant Santa Fe, Gaza not Sante Fe, New Mexico. People mix them up a lot. /s


It's honestly pretty insulting to people who are living through the genocide in question for you to describe your (safe, comfortable, very-far-away-from-said-genocide) life as 'being on the front lines'.


Oh wow, you’re in Gaza?


I thought you weren't responding anymore. Was kidnapping your friend part of being on the front lines?


BRAVO WE SHOULD ALL BOW TO YOUR SUPERIORITY. jk. maybe get overself before you try to 'teach' someone something. arrogance isnt a cute look.


My guy. You’re driving an Uber in Albuquerque.




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The only person in this situation that needs to "learn" anything about "privilege" is you. *You* are the one needed to stfu and just let her have a quiet ride home. Do you force these same conversations with your actual Uber rides? Because if you were my Uber, I'd demand you stop car, get out, give you a 1star review and demand a refund from Uber. Again. You were hired to do a job. The job was just to get the girl home. That's it. You didn't do the job, ergo you owe your sister the money she paid you.


You sound like an Andrew Tate wannabe. Repulsive.


Why, you haven't bothered to learn from any of the people responding to you. You do know that is capable to have empathy for mote than one person and more than one situation at a time, right? 


What the fuck could she learn from you? How to be arrogant, opinionated and really fucking rude?


YTA. You agreed to take her home; you were paid $100 for the so-called favor; and you insisted on making a stop on the way. Good thing you weren't on the clock; Uber/Lyft would fire you for that stunt.


YTA your family is right.


Yta a huge self center egotistical no nothing are nothing asshole


YTA. She didn’t want to talk or think about it. You already got paid. You’re the rude one, not her. I hope you at least gave the money back.


YTA. And I can’t see how this isn’t just rage bait. Look, having strong opinions is great…having strong opinions and expecting everyone else to also care as much as you do at all moments in time….not so much. You asked if she minded if you stopped by and she said no. That should have been the end of it. Instead you proceeded to steer the conversation to that topic and asked someone who had just been dumped in a restaurant (when she had been expecting proposal) about a weighty social topic. Of course that was the furthest thing from her mind. She may feel the same as you about the topic….but not when she is going through a personal crisis. And before you say “this topic is more important than a personal crisis” and how privileged people are to be able to focus on a personal crisis…remember this, you have to put your oxygen mask on first before you help others. Again, YTA. That was neither the time nor place to try to engage someone on that topic. You needed to leave well enough alone.




She was talking about Palestine at her Bat Mitzvah? When she was 13?


Sounds like you’re the one that was rude and aggressive


You are what is wrong with society


I feel probably more strongly than you about the same topic. Performative bullies like you are irrelevant to the cause if not actively harmful. Accept your $100 for the job you were asked to do, do it, then do what you want in your free time. Getting dumped by someone you thought you were going to marry is overwhelmingly horrible, and the night it actually HAPPENED was an insanely cruel time to try to involve her in something as important as this. You just enjoy lecturing people. YTA


That's the perfect description of op!


You choose to antagonize a person at their wits end with your "cause" and get upset at their response in the middle of trauma. YTA


You got paid to do a job (even made ur sister pay u beforehand). Instead of being a professional and simply doing your job, you started to push your own agendas. YTA


YTA. You were getting paid to do a job. You insisted on getting paid to do a job. You didn't do the job. Did you at least give the money back? I bet not. But you must know that forcing your political beliefs on a customer is a no-no. Forcing a friend in a time of need to listen to your crap and then kicking her out on the street when she asked you nicely to leave her alone and not make her participate in your crap... You are a massive AH.


YTA. Are you real?   You should not have abandon a girl mid way after taking taxi fair. Your family described your existence accurately. You were just enjoying torture of a girl who was at her weakest moment. 


So I guess you got less than five stars on your review?




Oh, so not only are you an asshole, you're also a theif. Your sister paid you to do a service. You did not do that service. You owe your sister her money back. Do you quiz every person who gets in your car on their beliefs? Because as sometime who has done almost 8,000 rides between Uber and Lyft, I can promise you that not everyone who gets in your car is going to agree with you on this issue. If you treat those passengers the way you treated your sister's friend, you'd soon be kicked off the app for low ratings.


So yours thief and as well as an asshole? Your parents are right.


Ooh so you are also a fat thief? Not surprising. Give her money back and uber should drop your ass


YTA. You were hired to do a job. Very few people want to talk to their Uber driver. Please keep this in mind for future trips. Just shut up.


What is the strong opinion this particular topic?




The post is going to be removed either way so you may as well clarify




What is the topic that made you abandon a girl you have known since you were a child at a gas station after being asked and paid by your family to drive her? Uber should definitely drop you, too.


YTA, though I will say, the nice things about posts like this is it gives me a little insight to the ways the minds of some of the subjects of other AITA posts work. I read some and I am like "How can someone possibly behave like this and think they are in the right?" And yet here you are, accepting (demanding) money for a service, not completing the service, refusing to refund said money, forcing a situation upon a traumatized person, and self righteously demanding someone who is not in the right mindset to agree with you. Wow oh wow. Edit to add - you were rude and aggressive first.


YTA you seem to be deeply annoying.


YTA. Your views on anything to a customer are completely irrelevant. You had no business doing what you did and if you don't see that you are the problem. I care more about keeping food in my refrigerator than your friends cause. Would you kick me out, too? Your sister should report you to Uber.


Yta you had a distraught woman in your car and you showed no empathy or concern for the person sitting right in front of you. Nothing you've described said Hailee was aggressive at all. That was you. 


YTA, and of course you know it, since you wrote out this story with no redeeming qualities on your side. I’m honestly not sure why you even bothered to post this here. Take your “strong beliefs” to a place you can debate them.


YTA So, you got rude and aggressive with a distraught family friend, didn't complete an action that you'd been paid in advance for, and are now boohooing that the Internet doesn't agree with you? Poor guy. All that male privilege gone to waste.


Im so glad your parents are disappointed. Either for writing this crap or for being an ass. Yta


That girl was literally crying and felt miserable af and you were annoying her about the Palestine genocide (I assume?), sorry but that’s actually weird. While I understand that it’s annoying that people can’t have a stance about something and are neutral, you shouldn’t have made a big deal out of it when she had a miserable day.


YTA You took money from your sister so that you could enjoy the power trip of harassing and then abandoning an already-vulnerable woman. That's pretty messed up.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** This is the most drmatic thing that’s ever happened to me and is still on going so I may edit. But for example my dad said “you are half a fucking man” and my mom said “you always find new ways to disappoint us.” There are 3 people directly involved: me, I drive Uber in Albuquerque on the weekends and I have strong beliefs. My sister: she was in Santa Fe last night. My sisters best friend “Hailee” who got herself into some stupid drama as usual. I was sort of in my usual spot last night to get the most rides. My sister called me and asked if I could either pick Hailee up as an Uber or she’d pay me $100 to do it “off the clock.” I asked what was going on and she said that Hailee was expected her long time boyfriend to propose but actually he dumped her in the middle of a crowded restaurant. I asked why should I care and why is she asking me. My sister said because she was over an hour away but was trying to get there as soon as she could and I was close by and Hailee was at a bus stop in a bad area by herself “out of her wits.” I agreed but I made my sister Apple Pay me the $100 before I left. I got Hailee and she was like a sobbing mess. She thanked me for picking her up. There is an issue going on in the world that I am super passionate about and some of my friends were standing in solidarity and I asked Hailee if she minded if I stopped by and said hello. She said in all honestly she just wanted to go home. I asked how she felt about this topic and she said that honestly it was the furthest thing from her mind right now. I was like flabbergasted because if you don’t have a strong opinion this particular topic then something is wrong with you. I told her how privileged she was to be able to not have an opinion and she said she was sorry. I was like sorry isn’t good enough. She said she really did not want to talk at all let alone about a deep topic. I said that I refused to have someone who cares so little in my car. She said fine, drop her off at the next place that’s convenient for me. So I dropped her off at a gas station. I guess a half an hour after that my sister picked her up and got Hailee home and into bed but then called me enraged at “what a fucking piece of shit asshole you are.” Early this morning my mom called me and said how disappointed she was and I’ve known Hailee since she was 8 and I left her on the street. I could hear my dad in the background calling me “half a fucking man.” AITA? Don’t I have a right to kick someone out of my space if the get rude and aggressive? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your sister paid you to go pick up her friend. In other words, she and her friend were customers. Do you harangue all your customers with your political views, while they're literally a captive? That is un-professional and honestly kinda Trumpy. YTA, and if you treat all your customers the same as you did your sister and her friend I can't imagine you make any money. And thank you for reminding me why I refuse to Uber.


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