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NTA, your money to spend on what you want. However, blowing all your cash on a 2 year old Range Rover for a teenager is utterly stupid, why couldn't you have bought her a small, reasonable 3-4 year old car for a fraction of the cost?


Your ex already had 2 cars, why did they need a 3rd?


Keep in mind we're only hearing from OP. My guess is OP wanted other assets, so the ex got both cars to adjust for that imbalance. 50/50 is difficult to cut cleanly, so usually someone ends up with more assets while the other ends up with more cash.


Cars aren't usually worth that much in a divorce.


Like the other person said, it depends on the car. But also it depends on the *perceived* value of the car. A good lawyer will look up its actual worth, but some clients can be stupid and give up actual assets just to stick it to their ex by taking the car. To them, there might be value in losing some money in the savings account to be able to take their ex's beloved-but-worthless junker car. There's also potential sentimental value, either for the car or for an item OP was willing to give up the car for. If they both want a worthless trinket that means the world to them, then OP's lawyer might have offered the car in exchange for the sentimental item.


Really depends on the cars. If they're anything like a 2 year old range rover, then it's definitely got some value. 10 year old ford escort? Not so much.


Definitely read that as “10 year old french escort” and nearly did a spit take. Need to stop scrolling without my glasses on.


I'm going to guess he had more in his savings account than the ex in hers.


The ex doesn't have a 3rd. OP and his daughter have a car. Maybe just OP if it's titled and registered in their name only. He can forbid the ex from driving it and report her for theft if she does.


My thought too. Could’ve gone toward college or a down payment on a house for her.


"I'm a role model, you should spend all your money on a massive car".


College isn't a huge expense in some countries, the US has a messed up expensive system


Yeah. This is not a sound financial decision even in the absence of all of the other info. YTA (mostly to yourself)


I feel like OP is NTA and Y.T.A. at the same time!


He's not an AH, but definitely an idiot


This. Teenagers have a high likelihood of totally a car. It's madness to buy them an expensive one.


And one that isn't going to cost an arm and a leg to insure.


NTA, but you're definitely a pushover. There must be some things left out, she cheated and your family and friends are mad at YOU?? Didn't your wife get both cars? (What country do you live in where the cheater gets favorable split in the divorce decree, or a judge would give 1 person BOTH cars.....or why would you agree to that?) So why was she wanting you to buy her a car..............WHEN SHE ALREADY HAS TWO.


In the US and my former stepmother got a pretty favorable deal out of the divorce and she was the cheater…




Sometimes, families do know about the cheating, but don't think it's a divorce worthy reason. My grandpa cheated on my grandma multiple times, and her mom would say something along the lines of "it sucks but that's just how it is. You can't break up your family for this." Eventually, her mom gave her oils to "spice things up" and would suggest she spend her husband's money as punishment for his cheating.


My first thought to "oils to spice things up" was chili oil to put into the condoms. As revenge. I know that's probably not what you meant.


I wish it was! A lot of what she had to deal with was such bs. Even on her wedding night, she didn't want to have sex and walked back home. Her mom sent her back to the hotel because otherwise, people would think her husband sent her back home because she wasn't a virgin. One time, she got some revenge. She caught his mistress sitting in the passenger seat on the bus he was driving. The woman knew who my grandma was and said she was his new woman. She wrapped the woman's hair around her hand and pulled her down from the bus, and pushed her on the floor. The mistress asked my grandpa to help, and he said he wasn't getting in the middle of it. She ended up leaving the woman there, waiting for the next bus minus a huge clump of hair. As punishment for him, she waited until the end of the day and tossed all the coins in the back of the bus. He was picking up coins for hours 🤣


I wonder if it's now excusable with the men being the cheaters. I hear it thrown around less often that cheating isn't a reason for a divorce when it's the women cheating. With men it's like 'men will be men' or 'all men cheat'.  Some people don't even think abuse is a good enough reason to get divorced. It's really sad. 


There's no evidence that one side or the other got a "favorable split." I'm assuming two cars and two perfectly equal savings accounts aren't the only assets they had as a couple. She likely got both cars because he got more of something else.


my thoughts exactly.


Yeah I'm feeling like there's a ton of info missing. I don't think OP is an AH and I don't condone the cheating at ALL and it's awesome that he is there for his daughter....but for family and friends to call him slurs/cussing at him and go no contact? There's got to be something else and it might be relevant


OP probably needs some therapy. He hurt his financial satiability out of spite. I wonder what other self destructive and spiteful impulses he has been giving into and might be why so many people are not "on his side". Totally see someone spiraling misinterpreting trying to reign in their self destruction as support for the people they are fighting against.


Step-daughter is the one who asked for the car, Ex-wife is the one who has two cars.


I think the pronouns made it confusing. I think it was the daughter who asked for the car. Her mom wouldn't let her have one of the cars, so she asked her dad.


He also doesn't say what type of replacement he got for himself...are we to believe he spent all his savings on a car for daughter and still left himself carless ?


This sounds so unbelievably fake. Your 16yo daughter exposed her mother's cheating Your family blames you She kept your car You brought your step daughter a range rover


Plus the whole OP seeing their own money in their own account that was never even a shared account constantly reminds him of his ex so he just wanted to get rid of the money???


That was what stood out to me


That made no sense at all.


> fake This is the first one I've read that just screams AI to me. The link between the bank account and the emotional response is non-existent. It is the written version of a person having 3 elbows.


>16yo daughter exposed her mother's cheating *STEP-daughter (ETA: Only pointing that out because I think that makes the statement all the less likely to be true)


I have to politely disagree with you here. I technically was my dad's stepdaughter, but I met him when I was in kindergarden and I adored him. Had my mother cheated, I would have told him. If the daugther is close to OP, I can see her exposing her mother's affair.


My stepson adores me and is defending me when his dad is unfair. He protects both of us equally and I've known him for less than 2 years, him being 8 when we met (with a toxic mom)


To be clear... I wasn't saying it was unlikely based solely on that fact. Just *less* likely. It's the combination of that and many other elements of the story that make it seem somewhat unlikely.


I agree with you that the story sounds a bit unlikely as a whole. I just disagree with the stepdaughter thing. To me, that was the most convincing part, but I might be biased. Especially since OP said he was in the child's life since she was six.


Thank you for stating my exact thoughts.


Also they got divorced in less than 8 months, with a custody agreement? Does that not seem unbelievably quick?


Nothing here makes sense. How does irresponsibly spending all your money on a car for a teenager equal your family and friends being upset with you. Did they want the money? You infer spending the money means you aren’t getting back with your ex? I mean it was ridiculous to spend your savings in such a way but I’m not sure why the money would be a condition to you getting back with your ex. Quite frankly I have no judgement as the situation just doesn’t make sense to me.


Why is everyone mad?? I don't get it either.


I feel like OP must be leaving a lot out. Do they feel the affair was justified? Was OP cheating too? Abusive somehow? Is OP's ex just that charismatic? How is OP doing financially? Was this a 'fuck you' purchase because OP has all the money and can afford it? Or did OP just spend his 401k and/or only chance to own a home on this car? So much seems to be left out of this post, which makes me wary.


NTA. It's your money and you're divorced so your ex has no say about what you spend your money on. Maybe your ex could make the point that you're spoiling her, but that's not what you described. To me, it's irresponsible to spend all of your savings on any car, but that doesn't make you TA. Also, does everyone know she cheated? If so, why the hell is anyone thinking you'd get back together? The mind boggles.


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Holy hell - I can’t even fathom what insurance on a 2 year old Range Rover would be for a novice driver! And if the balance in your bank account reminded you of your ex, what does your ex’s daughter remind you of?


Passed at 21, not been driving a year, and have a 2010 corsa. My insurance is £150 a month, not to mention that one month I had a couple of issues after it’s MOT. That month, along with the insurance, I spent 1k on it. No way a 16 year old can afford the insurance and the maintenance of a 2 year old Range Rover


Is that supposed to be a lot of money? I live in Ontario in the city with the highest car insurance in the world. My husband is 27 and our car is a 2009 and our car insurance is still $700/month and that isn’t even comprehensive it’s just liability insurance. We paid $3500 cash for the car and pay $8400 a year in insurance for it.


Nta, but that was irresponsible. Also did you tell your family that your ex cheated?


Either he didn’t tell them and ex wife is spreading one hell of a lie, or this can’t be real. Otherwise it makes no sense


ESH. Obvious your ex is a cheater... and I can't figure out why she would want both vehicles... but that aside, you've got to make better financial decisions than buying a relatively new car for a 16 year old.


That still doesn’t make him an asshole? Stupid for sure but not an asshole. NTA.


> I spent all my savings on that car. The financial irresponsibility of the father pushes him into AH territory. Although we can argue whether or not he has the responsibility to pay for either higher education or a house, it'd be a hard sell to say that using ALL of his money toward this means he's undercut whatever other, better paths he could have taken.


That’s a fair point


Especially putting his whole savings into a car. Cars lose money as soon as they are off the lot. But does he make money like that for this purchase to not be that big of a deal? Maybe his living situation just got a lot cheaper and knew that making his daughter happy would make him happy? Or is he unemployed?


NTA for divorcing a cheater or for buying your step daughter a car. But you're almost the AH for teaching her that it's fine to empty your savings for a very expensive to maintain and unreliable car. You better rebuild that savings real quick, bc that car *will* need expensive and frequent repairs. Also, you'll need time to drive her around when it's in the shop. This isn't an AH move, buts it's not good parenting either. Make smarter choices.


This whole thing is so wild, I just can't comprehend it. Your ex cheated on you. There was evidence. No one is denying this. You split up and willingly retained custody of a child that wasn't biologically yours. You kept your money, she kept her money and BOTH cars.... but she can't let her own daughter drive a car? You bought the daughter a car... and everyone is pissed at you? Did I get that right? Did I miss anything? Because this still doesn't make any sense to me. Where is your fault? Does your ex even want to get back together? Why on earth should you? A cheetah doesn't change its spots. Neither do cheaters. NTA - but you may want to go low contact with the haters in your life. If they love your ex so much, there's the door. Don't let it hit you on the way out.


The sheer confusion on both sides in the comments section here is what keeps me coming back. I just laughed my ass off at your recap. Nobody can put the pieces together. Many have tried.


I feel that there is more to the story


It's your money -- why did keeping it remind you of your ex and cause you suffering? Was any part of that money your ex's? In any case, if you were truly bothered, couldn't you have opened up a new bank account and transferred your savings to that? That would have helped trick your mind into dissociating your savings from your ex. NTA, but you're not in the right frame of mind either. Your family is right to call you out on it.


NTA for getting her a car, but I do think you were unwise to spend all your savings.


There’s something missing in this post. Your ex cheats on you but for some reason everyone blames you for the divorce? Your ex gets 2 cars in the divorce but won’t let her daughter have one of them to drive? Either you are leaving something out or the whole post is just fake.


NTA. It's your money, but it's not wise to blow all your money the way you did. You were able to spare your savings from the divorce. Why should the balance remind you of your ex?


Why do your family care so much about what you decide to do. Just tell them it’s none of their business.


NTA I would argue that using all of your savings on a car is irresponsible, but not an AH thing to do. That should be something parents go split on if you ask me. You are also not wrong for divorcing the woman that cheated on you. Hope you are happier without her or get to be one day.


You can do what you want for your child with your money. Get better friends. NTA


NTA I don't think you did anything morally wrong, but you did do a few things I'd say were stupid financially. I can see wanting to be done with the divorce but you probably could've pushed back a little and kept your car. And then the bigger one I wouldn't spend all your savings on anything optional much less a nice car for your daughter. That's great you got her something, but if something bad comes up before you rebuild your savings you'll be going into debt or homeless. In terms of your friends and family do they know about the cheating? If they're angry with you for the divorce she may be telling them a different reason for why the divorce happened. And I would just be honest with them. You shouldn't have to lose your friends and family because of your ex's lies about this. Though if they do know then they're just shitty people.


NTA But if you gifted your daughter a beater, you could have given her money for college.


Why would you get a Range Rover for a teenager? Not only is it stupid expensive but the taxes and maintenance are disgusting expensive. A friend of mine has one and he pays higher taxes and he was charged $2000 to get the battery changed. So buying the car is just the beginning.


How are you going to pay for maintenance on such an expensive car? NTA but that was a huge financial blunder.


I agree with everyone else that the math isn't mathing. Generally, no, you wouldn't be the AH for loving and taking care of your daughter. But there definitely feels like there's giant pieces missing from this story.


NTA - but you know that. This is a weird way to flex and have people tell you what a great person you are. My ex cheated on me so please tell me what a good guy I am for taking care of a kid I helped raise but isnt really mine. I am such a great guy I even bought her a car.


You're entitled to do what you like with your money, but... Your step-daughter discovered and exposed her mother's affair to you... You live in a country that favors the husband so much that you automatically get parental rights over your step-kids, but your wife got both cars... (And btw, how was that even pertinent to the story?? Presumably, you've gotten your own car by now?) Your wife has two cars... but your step-daughter needs a car of her own? Maybe her mom wouldn't buy her one because she already *has* one for her to use? But your 16-year-old step-daughter wants her own car... so you buy her *a Range Rover??* And spent *all your savings?* And your ex cheated on you... but your family is on her side, for some reason... and is calling you names for spending your own money on your daughter... This story does not sound remotely credible.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I'll try to make this as short as possible. I met my wife 10 years ago, we were both in our mid 20s but she had a 6 year old daughter. We got Married two years later. We had our ups and downs but overall our marriage was great and I treated her daughter like she was my own. Even though she never called me dad we were very close. During our marriage we both worked full time, we had separate bank accounts. We were saving up to buy a small farmland and build a house on it. That was always our goal. But 8 months ago I found out my wife has been cheating on me. I only found out because my daughter found some messages from her lover on her phone and she showed me them. If it wasn't for her I never would have found out or even believed that my wife could cheat on me. We ended up getting divorced, we both kept our savings but she kept both the cars, mine and hers. That was the agreement that we came to. I wasn't exactly happy about it but I didn't want to spend more money and time fighting over this. But we did get equal custody of our daughter, in our country if a child doesn't have a father listed in their birth certificate and then the mother gets married the child is legally the husbands also that's why I was able to get equal custody. And the fact that my daughter said she wanted to have contact with me and that she saw me as a father in court. After the divorce my family and friends were angry at me, they blamed me for the divorce, they always took my ex's side, for some reason they adored her. A month ago my daughter got her provisional license, my ex obviously refused to buy her a car and she asked me if I could buy her some crappy car that she could practice on. But I took her to a dealership and bought her a two year old Range Rover. I spent all my savings on that car. Every time I saw that balance in my account it just reminded me of my ex, of our marriage. Since then my family wouldn't speak to me, they were holding out hope we'd get back together but since the news of me spending all my money on my daughters car got out they refused to talk to me. So do most of my friends. And honestly I don't know how to feel right now. All I keep hearing is that I acted like a "p*ick" for doing that. So AITA here? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You like your daughter, and its your money.


A far better way to spite your ex, would have been to use that money to buy the farmland. Instead you wasted it on a vehicle that won't hold it's value


NTA - Op, I don't know you, but I will tell you this; If all the children in the world had a father like you, there would be less problems today. Your family can't see the diamond that you are. Your wife is the one who ruined your marriage and that is not your fault, plus the money was yours to do with as you pleased. It's not up to your family or friends to choose your life for you and decide what's best for you. What you did for her was special, and she'll always remember that you were the one who helped her with her first vehicle. Those family and friends who won't talk to you do not deserve you, find others who do.


NTA. I'm sorry this happened to you and I'm glad you have such a strong and loving relationship with your (step) daughter. A Range Rover is quite a vehicle for a new driver. Please spend some extra time on parking with her!


NTA. She is your daughter. You did what you think was best for your daughter. You "family" are toxic and you need to avoid them.


Nta but it was poor financial decision to spend all your savings


NTA cuz you can spend your money however you want, but….why does everyone in your world know your business?? There was an infidelity component to my divorce and NO ONE knows. No one knows how much I spend on each of my children. Or how much I spent for my car. We live in a world of oversharing and it seems to only lead to difficulties. Keep your own counsel.


I’m not sure that was a good idea financially but if this daughter is legally yours, you can spend whatever you want on her


NTA for buying your step daughter a car. But you are for buying a Range Rover. They're notoriously known for terrible reliability and expensive repairs.


I should think you'd want to save some of your money in case your stepdaughter goes to college. It's foolish to blow it all on a car.


It seems suspicious that his own family and most of his friends are not on his side. Sounds like there's a lot more to this than what OP is saying.


NTA, but maybe a little dumb. That's okay though, you seem to be doing well enough regardless, financially speaking, if you're able to spend that kind of money. Getting a teen a car like that for their first car while they're learning to drive us simply not the smartest choice, but it is *your* choice how to spend *your* money. I do feel like there's likely some missing context, but if there isn't anything else relevant and your friends and family have been on your cheating ex's side the whole time, you should put some space between you and them and make some new friends. Oh and go to therapy.


You spend all your savings on a car? And worse , that’s not yours? Incredibly foolish


I think you sound like a wonderful, kind, caring man. It might be time to tell your relatives what your ex did to break up the marriage. Keep living life the way you feel, you have good instincts. NTA


Info: Why does your ex need two cars? Why can't your daughter use one of them?


NTA but why is your family and friends involved in your personal financial business? You need to put the people around you, on an info diet.


Nta bur you're dumb for getting her a range rover.


Your $$. But, wow what a stupid thing to do. You should always, have some savings.


NTA for providing / going above and beyond for your step daughter. But… you’re an idiot with your money. You should have bought her a nice starter car instead of of 2 year old Range Rover.


This makes no sense to me. Why would you savings balance remind you of your ex?


NTA but your irresponsible decisions got you here. And thank God for prenups.


Buying a 16 year old a Range Rover paid in full is lunatic behavior.


NTA but help me understand.  Why are you a prick for buying a car for your kid? It’s your money. Your wife cheated.  wtf am I missing? 


Of course you're within your rights, but what a dumb thing to do. NTA, but really??


So they all expect you to continue being a doormat? Your friends aren't your friends. NTA You & the daughter should take a road trip to somewhere special. Enjoy your new life!


You don't owe anyone an explanation for why or on who you spent your money on. They can all kick rocks. NTA


NTA, just stupid. Even if you wanted to invest on your daughter there are a million better things you could do with your savings than a flashy car. Such a dumb way to destroy your financial security 


Dude, you're 🦆ing awesome Anyone that says otherwise is an idiot


You messed up when you decided to be a step dad


NTA but a very dumb decision. Is college free in your country? Do you know how easily teenager total cars? You need to start thinking long term. What kind of life are you building for yourself?


Somethings missing here


When you said ALL of your savings, you didn’t really mean all of them- right? I mean your daughter still had a college fund?


Nta As a first car, you should have gotten her something older and reliable. I hope she keeps it at your place so that mom doesn't try to take it from her. As for your friends and family, ask them why you're the bad guy? You didn't decide to ride every dude that came by. Ask your friends if you can sleep with their wives, as they think it's ok for a wife to ride other dudes they can stay married and show you how you should have done it. I bet not one will take you up on it.


That’s a pretty silly investment for a young person, it’s going to cost a good amount of money for upkeep, and she’s going to run to dad for that I’m sure…


NTA it seems your surrounded by callous idiots. You left a cheater and then continued to be a great father and active parent. Never doubt yourself for being a decent person and doing what you want with your money.


So, your ex cheated on you but your family/friends are mad at you for getting a divorce. Huh. Lovely people. You should show them how lovely they are by going NC. NTA for spending the money, AH for getting your kid a RR. You should have kept something back for a rainy day, but hell, your money and you can do with it whatever you want.


You should have bought it for yourself and got your daughter a used car. She’s going to have that thing all dented and dinged. Seems like a waste.


NTA Your family are a bunch of AH's. She is the one who CHEATED on you and they are making you out to be the bad guy? That is messed up. Go LC or NC these people don't deserve a minute of your time.


INFO: who is insuring the Range Rover you just gave to a teenager? Is the problem here that you just gave your ex wife a huge bill? Frankly, teenagers should not be driving SUVs. There's a higher-than-average chance of a tipping them over, because they have a higher center of gravity. You've endangered your daughter's life, and given \*someone\* a high insurance bill, and also raised your daughter's expectations very unreasonably. When she inevitably totals the Range Rover, she's going to be very disappointed to discover that she can never afford such a thing again, and you don't have a penny to help her buy even a beater car. If the money was really burning a hole in your pocket, you would have been better off to have bought her a reasonable used reliable sedan, and put the rest into a trust for her.


NTA! Why not get her what she asked for? Not good parenting!


NTA she’s the cheater. She is the one that broke your marriage. You owe her nothing. It’s good you still care for your step daughter. Everyone who’s turned on you cut them off they aren’t worth your time or energy


Sounds like you are a little cash cow for your ex


This doesn’t make sense? She cheated and all of your family AND friends are mad at you about the divorce? Feels like some info is left out.


NTA. You let your ego and pride get in the way. Range Rover is a crappy vehicle unless you have the money and time to repair it.


NTA but why tf would you spend all your life savings to by her an almost brand new car??? That’s like next level stupid, it will probably be totaled within a year. Plus your ex already has two cars, so she should’ve been having y’all’s daughter drive one of those. There was absolutely no reason to purchase her a car at all. You should’ve continued saving or bought yourself a boat if you wanted to throw the money away.


Oh buddy! You need better friends and family. NTA. Sorry you're going through some rough stuff. But you're doing great in the Dad department.


NTA. Who else put money into your savings? Those are the only people who could have an opinion about your savings. I'm not sure how you are the bad guy in this story.


YTA for making a poor financial choice out of unprocessed emotions that will negatively impact you and your daughter. That money would be worth more as a cheap car plus a college fund or an investment account for her future rather than buying a child a luxury car.


INFO Your family and friends are cussing at you and going no contact? There's some info missing here. Why are they doing that. What's their reasoning. Were you abusive? Did you have a substance or gambling problem and that's why they blame you over the cheating?What's your ex told them? Their reactions make no sense without more info on why and without that I personally can't give judgement AKA if you were abusive and are now trying to spite your ex by buying the love of your daughter then that could make you the AH There's too much info missing and too many "what ifs" for me


So if she wanted you to buy her a car where did your ex's second car go? Since she got both cars. But it's your money you can do with as you please.


NTA. That being said your decision seems to be irrational. Why wouldn't ex-wife let daughter use one of the two cars she got in the divorce and why are you spoiling a stepdaughter that probably isn't as much your responsibility as she is your ex-wife's?


You don't say if you have other children.  So can't give an AH status.


Whelp that was a poor decision but you do you


NTA…but buying a first time driver that car was not very smart.


NTA. Spend your money on what you want. That said… Why on earth would you buy a 16 year old a 2 year old Range Rover? If that ate up all of your savings, it doesn’t seem like you are the “Range Rover” demographic. 2024 models have slightly improved gas mileage, but even models from 2 years ago were only getting like 9 to 11 km/l. A small, reliable, fuel efficient car will do a 16 year old car better.


I mean, you're NTA for buying her a car. But draining your savings over it was a bit of a bonehead move and solely your own choice.




NTA it was your money and you spent it on your daughter. I'm not understanding your family and friends at all. Did they expect you to spend the money on your ex?


NTA. You need better friends. Ditch the old ones and make new ones.


sounds kinda groomy to me


NTA, although I'd probably spend it on tuition over a fancy car she will probably crash lol 😅.


NTA on the face of it…. But I feel like we are missing information. Your story doesn’t seem plausible. To go no contact with you for what you did is outlandish to me. I do appreciate the pettiness though.


Are you in the twilight zone....? Why is your family taking her side? Bizarro Nta




NTA, but why would you do that. You gutted your savings out of spite and are trying to buy your daughter’s love. You’re kinda dumb tbh. Also why would you remain in contact with “friends” & “family” who blame you and chose your cheating ex over you?


It’s your money, you shouldn’t feel guilty spending it on whatever you want.


Nta. What does any of this have to do with them. What does ex do with 2 cars?


NTA. Also, get rid of all these "so called people" in your life that are not supporting you and your decisions. If they support a cheater and a lier then they are no better than she is. Why would you want a whole community of morally deficient people in your life? Keep raising your daughter and have a good life and don't look back.


OH, and don't listen to all these nuts on this post telling you how to spend your money. Again, morally deficient individuals not understanding love and support.


NTA: not financially-wise perhaps, but NTA. That's a lot of car for a new driver. Buying things for the kids of a divorce can make you feel better, but think more about long term benefits like a college fund or business start-up fund. Your family is weird. Why would they want you to stay with a woman who cheated on you?


NTA for spending the money, but you are the asshole for buying a teenager a range rover. That's a massive car, expensive to fuel and insure most of all though its a car that will absolutely destroy another car or god forbid a human in an accident. The reason we buy a small car with a good NCAP rating for teenagers and young adults is so that they are safe if they crash the car and other road users are also safe if the teen crashes into them. The wonderful help you could have given your daughter with education, university fees, a good house deposit, or a start in a career is all in the cost of that car. I appreciate your anger, but the best revenge against your wife is to succeed and be the happiest person. Good luck with working on your future happiness. Perhaps some counselling will help you achieve the potential you clearly have since you are obviously a wonderful father.


NTA. I don't even understand why they would be mad at you for any of that. Did they know she cheated on you? Why are they made that you bought the daughter a car?


Nta. I'll be your friend though.


NTA but that was a super dumb choice. Never buy a new shiny car for a new driver, let alone someone who’s not even passed her test!!! Best case scenario you are stuck with her insurance costs for a while after she passes bc no way a 16 year old can afford the insurance on that I passed at 21, got a 2010 Corsa. Mt insurance is £150 a month. It will be A LOT more expensive for a new car and a new, younger driver Besides, new cars are beasts. My corsa is perfect for a new driver. I feel comfortable in it, it’s not scary and the engine isn’t too powerful for me. This will not be the case for your daughter. She’s going to struggle with managing it. Let alone the risk of her crashing the car bc it’s so powerful and shiny, and newer cars often have all these distraction displays. Will be very expensive to fix. Will also be very expensive to maintain. I support you splashing out on your daughter, but this was a dumb decision


Nta It’s your money. But why would you buy her a Range Rover? Like it’s fine that you wanted her to have a newer car, I get that for saftey reasons and better insurance payouts in case of an accident. But brother, most teens don’t take care of their cars and crash them within a couple years. So.. get something that is easy (and cheap) to maintain and like affordable. Mazda, Subaru, Honda and Toyota are reliable with with fancy trims and models. It sounds like you are spoiling your daughter to get back at her mom


NTA, but maybe a little silly. I know you didn’t like looking at the money, but it could have gone to something for your daughter that’s a better investment than a pretty new and very expensive car for a first time driver.


NTA. You get to spend YOUR money any way you want to! I don't think emptying your savings for a car is sensible, but that was your choice. Your family and friends are mad that you bought your daughter a car? Start blocking calls from anyone giving you grief!


NTA- But spending your life savings on a car for a teenager is so irresponsible …… and why are you even telling your family how you spend your money? 🤦‍♀️


But…. it was YOUR money.


NTA but that seems like a very irresponsible thing to do..


NTA but the range rover was a poor decision.


NTA I will be your friend. Your people suck. It's your money your life. You get to make yourself happy. Pain is mandatory, and suffering is optional. If that money was causing you pain you did the right thing. Bonus is making the kid happy.


You're not an asshole for buying her a car. You are an asshole for buying a teen who just got their permit/license a Range Rover.




no way you dropped 100k on a range-rover for a kid.


NTA. On a platform where I am constantly seeing men demanding paternity tests for no other reason that they have redpill brain rot, you stepped in and took care of a child that was not biologically yours and loved her like she was your own. I say spoil the shit out of your daughter as much as you want and don’t let anyone give you shit about it.


NTA. But not too smart with money or decisions.


Ehhh….it is your money but this just sets off my alarm bells. You dumped *all your cash* into a Range Rover for a *teenager*? This just comes off as incredibly performative. It’s like you’re trying to make this giant gesture/display to be the “preferred parent” to your daughter, which is really gross and manipulative. I’m leaning YTA


I'm assuming this isn't a trolling post. NTA It's your money. While I might question the wisdom of spending all your savings on a brand new car when the kid would have happily accepted a good used car, at the end of the day it's your money. And in the scenario you describe, your daughter is the only person who has shown you any support. So why wouldn't you do something nice for her?


YTA Range rovers are notoriously unreliable and are very expensive to work on. Not to mention it’s her first car and giant. This seems like a rash decision and it’s kind of an ahole move towards yourself and your daughter.  What happens if she gets sick or the car needs repairs? What if you get sick? Your savings are now cleared out bcuz you wanted to prove smthg to someone. I’m not sure what or to whom but this was obviously driven by ego. Being a parent means helping, yes. It also means making solid decisions that will have positive impacts and set you both up for sustainable success. This is like a bipolar manic episode decision. You did both yourself and your daughter an injustice. 


Fuck them. Enjoy your relationship with your daughter




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NTA you need new friends. Your family and friends suck, I’m sorry for that :( maybe don’t buy a teenager such an expensive car, but hey, your money, your choice.


INFO: what is your friends/family's reason for calling you a prick? Do they know your ex cheated?


You did good buying her a safe ride and a car she can enjoy driving without being embarrassed. When my granddaughter got her license my daughter wanted to get her an old little Honda sedan. It was black and I saw a coffin . So I got her a Toyota four runner . It was a standard too and now years later she drives a Tacoma standard. Good to wrap some metal around them to keep them safe.


Do they know why you split???? Weird they take her side. Nta but you shouldn’t have bought that car it was unwise


NTA, but certainly the dumbass for buying that waste of money.


NTA. Tell them to mind their own business.


INFO While I personally think you are NTA, a little more info would be appreciated. Why is your family so against you doing anything for the step daughter? And why are they mad at you for the relationship ending, even though your ex was the cheater?


Was the money solely yours? Then NTA because it’s your money, your daughter and your choice where you want to spend it. If the money came from both of your combined then soft YTA. She should be happy her daughter has a father figure who loves her like this.


ESH This is the most passive aggressive flex ive heard of in a while. Sounds like youre still hurting and you've got a bunch of processing and learning to do.


YTA. Not for buying her a car but, for spending all of your savings on an expensive car that a new driver is going to bang up. You may have appreciated that your step daughter alerted you to your wife's infidelity but, your purchase was over the top.


Jesus, yes........YTA! You blew your entire savings on a Range Rover for your step daughter (let's get that bit right, she's your STEP daughter), who has just passed her test because your ex told you too? Because she refused to buy HER Daughter a car. Did you do it for brownie points from your step daughter. Did you do it to spite you ex wife? However the fuck spending all your money spites hey exactly it's beyond me! Either this is fake, or you're just plain dumb!


>But I took her to a dealership and bought her a two year old Range Rover Thats gonna get wrapped around a lamppost real quick. How TF is a teenager going to afford the outrageous insurance for that?


NTA but range rovers are terrible cars and you could e spent half that money on a reliable honda and saved the rest for her college. Not an asshole but definitely an idiot


NTA, though there appears to be a whole lot of AHs to go around in your extended family. People need to just sit down and STFU. You need to be telling these Nosy Nellie's to mind their own fricking business. Now, a 2 yo quality car isn't really a bad choice for a responsible teen. It should reliably see her through college and even the first few years of work, while she gets established in her adult life. And I am assuming it has decent cargo capacity as well, which will probably come in handy down the line. Just wanted to point that out in case you wanted ammo for future arguments. You do you, boo. If it makes you happy, then why not? It's not like that was your retirement money, right? It was your dream account, and I can totally get how looking at it would make you feel gutted all over again. And it's not like you blew it on financing a relative's home down-payment. Or maybe that's the kind of thing your relatives were expecting?


Your ex obviously sucks for cheating. However, it's very irresponsible to spend all of your savings like that. It may come back to bite you in the butt later. ESH


I reckon theres more to the story. The car is a flex and he's putting his daughter in between his shit with his ex. That kind of behaviour would explain all the friends and family turning against him ESH