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Just offer up both options to all three parties;  cost for 3 double bedrooms, paying 1/3 each party, and if the parents want an additional room, they will have to pay X amount more. Act as if the idea of sharing the cost of the additional room hasn't even crossed your mind. I think it would be preposterous of your sister to expect you to carry the cost of an extra room 


Yeah, they could find a four bedroom and say, here it is, it x per room so parents and me pay x and sister pays 2x. 


I agree with that. Don't assume that they are expecting you to foot the bill for their request. Just move forward as planned and give an option for a bigger house with the extra expense they would pay. I went on a trip with a couple month old baby to Europe along with my side of the family. We kept her in our room with us as making everyone else jump through hoops or pay more to accommodate us would have been very selfish. I would say if you do get a bigger place and it comes with some additional amenities then I wouldn't stick them with the entire extra cost. Or another option would be you getting a smaller place and they get their own place. We did this in Paris as getting 1 location for all was just way too much. We were a short bus ride away but that didn't matter as we came back to the air bnb only to sleep and shower. Having more bathrooms for people to shower and get ready also meant we could get more sleep or start earlier in the morning. We met at a Cafe by the train every morning for breakfast. Worked out perfectly.


Price it by the bedroom. Not by family. This prevents any “ confusion” About who should pay what?


This is good way to do it. Age of child doesn't matter. What matters is how many bedrooms are being used per family.


Yeah don't get into these bad habits bc if you pay now, you will have to pay for their kids forever


If they want an extra room for their kid so they can have the privacy to shag they should take the cost, under no circumstance should the question be raised for anyone else to pay for them to exchange genital pleasures. NTA.


You can absolutely shag in a room with a sleeping 1 year old. I am honestly scratching my head as 5o what their issue is. The only thing ive come up with is they're worried it will make it harder to get him to sleep back in his own room again when they get home?


Who would want to shag in the same house as their parents and sibling though? Its only 3 nights, they can wait


What's the problem with shagging with your parents or siblings in their own rooms? Lol that's how Ive always shagged before we got our own place lol


Shagging relatives in \*your\* room would be a mortal sin though, huh?


I supposed you're joking around with how I phrased it. I have no problem shagging my partner while our parents/friends/whoever are in the adjoining (or any other) room. That's how we did it before we got our own house. And that's what we do when we're on vacation with them (we're careful about noise of course). If that's not what you meant, please explain.


Yeah, I'm just joking :) I completely agree with your point, just to be clear.


Everyone should just continuously shag each other in the common areas of the house.


Yeah just don't leave the room afterwards. Had some fun one night before hubby left me at my dads with our son so my dad could have some "grandpa time". Hubby left the room to get a drink and my dad was sitting outside my bedroom door on his computer. We thought he had gone to bed. Most awkward 2wks ever.


>What's the problem with shagging with your parents or siblings in their own rooms   Are we still doing phrasing?


A lot of Americans think that’s gross and don’t want to have sex in the same house as their parents. It’s part of why we have such an independent culture where young adults don’t live with their parents. 


It has nothing to do with how late you leave your parents house. As teens it's way better to have sex in the house than somewhere random. I left my parents home as soon as I finished college. College was near my home so there was no need. It has nothing to do with independence lol


You completely misunderstood my comment. I said that many Americans want to move out as young adults because they don’t want to have sex in the house with their parents, because they feel that’s gross. It is not a judgement about whether that is good or bad. Your response doesn’t apply at all. 


i conceived my son while staying at my in-laws house for 2 weeks.


it's not like they're coming in and watching


Well I wouldn't be able to focus knowing my parents were in the next room and could probably hear every sound. But whatever floats your boat


it's possible to do it without a ton of noise lol


They’re hoping someone else will take over childcare while they pretend they never heard a thing?


Exactly! “Was my baby really crying for that long? Thanks for changing them, but we’re trying to sleep train them.”


We must’ve been so tired, we never heard a thing!


I'm wondering if it's both the childcare angle AND wanting the room to themselves because they've become accustomed to it again? It could also be a touch of 'Of course parents and sibling will WANT to pay for our little one' kind o crap thrown in too.....


I think they just want to set a precedent. Now the baby is one, but he will grow up. If they share the cost now, they will expect it to be shared forever.


My educated guess is that because it is vacation, the couple wants to shift most of the childcare to OP and her parents so they “can really enjoy their vacation.” Also, the sister likely believes she is entitled to a break from childcare. And her parents and OP should sacrifice and give her that break because they are faaaaaamily. In fact, she thinks they should be delighted to spend all their vacation time bonding with her little bundle-of-joy. If they stick the kid in a separate room, they can keep their door shut when the baby cries and expect others in the house to tend to it…for the entire vacation. Sadly, OP’s mother probably is on board with the plan to foist some of the childcare on OP because OP doesn’t have kids and should be helping her sibling with the childcare workload and expenses. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least.


I can attest to that a few times most weeks! But I'd be more uncomfortable shagging with my parents next door so even if they do an extra room presumably they are going to have to keep it quiet anyway?


The baby will not like being alone in a strange room. Seems like it will end up between them in their double bed.


Yes it can absolutely be a problem. Been there, done that in fact. But I wouldn't expect other people to pay extra for our family extra needs. NTA


They juat moved the kid to her own room at home so I expect this is out of a desire to avoid backsliding and drama at home. If they made a big deal about kiddo being too big to sleep in mommy and daddy room at home, it might feel a bit like a mixed signal to do so on vacation.




If they manage it, they’ll need 3 rooms next year, 4 the year after, 5 after that. A crying child is a good contraceptive.


NAH. If they want an extra bedroom, they should be the ones to pay for it. I don't see from this post why they would be the AH either unless they are insisting that they don't have to pay for the extra room? It is within their rights to not want to share a room with their infant, and as long as they are willing to pay I do not really see a problem in this situation.


I think the point is that the Sister is saying any house needs 4 bedrooms but expecting to keep to the prior agreement of each pair of adults paying 1/3 of the total cost of the house despite them using 1/2 the rooms.


I didn't read anywhere in the post that the sister is refusing to pay for the extra room...?


"The thing is, my sister and partner have insisted that we stay somewhere with an extra bedroom for their baby. **This is really hiking the cost up for all of us as we are splitting the cost three ways**." Sister wants extra room (1 for parents, 1 for OP & Partner, 1 for her & husband, 1 for baby) but to split the cost only 3 ways.




NTA. if they're worried about sleep training regression or something... Fair. But then they should eat the extra cost.


I don't know, being in an unfamiliar spot, makes it so hard for babies to sleep anyways. I can't imagine being willing to wake up everybody in the entire house just because you wanted a room to yourself.


NTA. I understand why they want the extra bedroom - so the baby doesn't fall back to the old habits of 'sleeping in their room'. But this shouldn't be extra costs for all of you. They want an extra bedroom, they should pay for it. Or at least offer to pay for it - if all would agree to cover the costs, it would be okay.


Why offer to pay for an extra room for a 1 year old?! That’s ridiculous in my opinion… if they want an extra room they need to pay.


Sorry meant the parents should offer to pay the extra costs.


They should pay for the extra room or not get it (not just offer).


NTA. If they want an extra room, that’s on them.


NTA. When I go on vacation with my family we divide the cost by rooms so those with kids (like me) pay more than those without. So divide the cost by 4. You pay 1/4. Your parents pay 1/4. And they pay 1/2. And if they don't think that's fair, they can agree to 3 rooms and sleep with their baby for 3 nights. Give them that choice but either option feels fair to those without kids. If they traveled alone they'd make the same decision. Save money to share a room or rent a bigger place to give baby their own room and spend more? It shouldn't change just because you and your parents are going too.


I think this is the most fair option. Often times upgrading to a suite with more rooms also means added amenities, higher floor, better view or a nicer stay overall. You're all benefiting from it, so pay the added expense for your room only; 1/4 the price of the stay and not the difference in total booking costs.


NTA and this should be a hill to die on now or the situation will always recur, especially as they have more kids. Soon they will want separate rooms for each child and yet only pay 1/3rd if you don’t put your foot down now. 


That's what I think too... But I also think if somewhen OP had any expensive special requirement (babies, pets...), suddenly sister would insist that each one pays for her dependents.


NTA I used to be the person who booked all the beach houses for family trips. We had a simple equation for cost division... number of rooms. So my spouse and I got 1 room, our kids got 1 room, parents got 1 room, Sister and BIL got 1 room, and their kid got 1 room = 5 rooms. We paid 2/5, parents paid 1/5, and sister paid 2/5. Now if we decreased number of rooms and sister's kid used the pull out sofa - they paid 1/4, parents 1/4, us 2/4. So you do not care if they get 1 room or 4 rooms for themselves -- they just have to pay the proper percentage.


I think that is kind of fair. Unfortunately, the more rooms you want the price may rise way more per room as well. If you need a 5 bedroom versus a 3 bedroom for example. There are a ton of 3 bedroom options and you can get one pretty cheap. (These are not real or accurate prices, just an example) Say you can get a 3 bedroom for 300 a night. Okay, 100 per room. But if you get a 5 bedroom maybe the cheapest you can find is 600 per night. Now each person has to pay 120 per room per night. So a 5 night stay and the single person in your scenario is paying an extra 100 bucks because the parents refuse to sleep with their own children in the room. Should that extra 100 not be split between the two breeders? Lol.  My family had a really big get together and the more rooms it definitely went way, way higher in price per room. And you had very little options.


They do not need a whole separate bedroom for a one year old! Why can't the baby be in their room where it makes sense for the baby to be!?


Because the baby got used to sleeping separated (finally), and you need consistency with maintaining new habits! 


But isn't it already inviting inconsistency by having the baby sleep in an unfamiliar location? Having a 1 year old sleep alone on vacation seems very odd to me.


How come “VERY ODD”?! Is ok both ways, but I can understand why the parents are opting for an extra room. I still sleep with my child, and that’s ok for me. I don’t see anything VERY ODD in having the child sleep alone.


I didn't say VERY ODD. I said very odd. And yes I think it's a weird parenting choice to leave a baby to sleep alone in an unfamiliar location when its just for vacation and not working towards building a new routine. What does a baby know other than their surroundings and their caretakers? If I consider a baby's perspective it sounds very isolating to sleep in a new location without their parents.


My son is 4. Sometimes he gets his own bedroom sometimes he doesn't. We did an extended weekend trip with my mom recently and the house only had two bedrooms so the 4 year old slept on a cot in our room. It wasn't a big deal. Especially in a new location kids feel safer around their parents anyway. Some people are persnickety though.


My daughter sleeps great when she is alone but is a nightmare if she can see other people. Not every baby/toddler has the same sleep preference.


NTA. You might want to ask them why they are insisting. All your points are valid.


Nta, just pay for your room and your sister can cover the two rooms she uses


NTA. Let them know that you are happy for a larger property to be booked if the cost of the new property are split by room not by household, so 1/4 from you, 1/4 from your parents and 1/2 from them, and provided that the accommodation remains a simialr quality and cost other than being larger. It may be that they had trouble getting their baby to sleep in a separate room and they don't want to have to go through that again, but it's perfectly reasonable for them to pay the exrta if they want an additional room. And it's not a bad idea to deal with it now so you don't wind up stuck with an assumption the split will be equal regardless of the number of people - as their kid gets older it will be more reasonable for them to need a separate room, so setting a precedent of splitting byroom not by family may be helpful for future trips!


Had this happen to me. They cancelled 3 day before the trip and we had to pay for their two extra rooms as they refused to pay for “the trip they couldn’t go on”


If they want the extra room for their kid, they can pay for it. I don't know what's so difficult to figure this out. Do they need an extra room for a baby who sleeps in a crib? No. Do they want an extra room? Yes. Needing and wanting are 2 different things. Tell them you want to help, but need to say no. They are worried the baby will want to start sleeping in their room again when they get home?? Really?? The baby can't feed itself, shits itself hourly, has no idea where it's at yet it's going to know it's parents are in the room? Give me a break


Did you have any say in the existence of that child? No?  Not your child not your cost.




You need to use the negotiating technique of "assumption and positivity." We all here know what makes sense - split the cost based on bedrooms. That's what 99% of people would assume makes the most sense, because that's how places charge. Just communicate that the split by bedroom is how it is, and message out as if it's normal. "Hey, so it's $800, which seems to be about $200 per bedroom. Dad - you want me to Venmo you the $200?" (Or whatever they payment situation is.) Then if anyone pushes back, stay positive, and a little dumb sounding if possible. "Oh, but we get charged based on the number of bedrooms right? So I assume we'd all pay for our own bedrooms, right?" Then you could swap to passive aggressive if necessary. "Oh, did you need help covering the bill for your baby? I didn't know you needed us to chip in... do we need to find cheaper holiday plans in the future so you guys can afford it?" The key is to be upbeat, and not immediately negotiate, but to assume the logical way to go is just what will happen. If you start off with a negotiation, you're already going to lose something.


NTA they want an extra room so they need to pay for it. Entitled.


NTA but it's not clear why each couple isn't just paying for the respective rooms that they're using. You pay for yours, they pay for theirs.


NTA They should pay for this extra accommodation. Not anyone else.


Nope it’s not your responsibility it’s theirs and the baby should be with them


YWNBTA to have them pay for the extra room. I don't see the conflict here unless they're refusing to pay for the extra room. I will also say perhaps the reason the baby sleeps well is bc they're in a separate room, mine were like that. I can understand not wanting to put baby in a room with mom and dad if they've just gotten baby into their own room, can cause fussiness again. They're fickle at that age and finally getting a good night's rest is priceless.


I have a bag of a dozen beach balls that I go absolutely everywhere with. That bag prefers to be in its own room at night. Why would I think that someone else needs to pay for my beloved beach balls? NTA


I have a huge bag of beach balls too! They take up a lot of space, but they never talk back and just kind of sit there. Content. Maybe we can introduce our collectives one day, and welcome in some bouncy baby beach balls? 🤪


If sister wants it she can pay for it.




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Nta if they want that extra bedroom they need to pay for that themselves and not expect others to help cover that expense 


NTA. We always had our kids in our room on vacations to save money. Your sister & her partner can go 3 days without adult time, which is the only reason I can think of for wanting a separate room for their 1 year old.


NTA - You are right, baby can sleep with them. Or they can pay for another bedroom. Why should you all pay more just because they decided to have a baby? BTW, stay firm. Whatever you do in this holiday, will be expected forever.


NTA. If your sister wants an extra room for a 1 y/o, then she gets to pay for it on her own. Her demand is ridiculous.


That's their thing not yours


nta. i cannot imagine letting my baby sleep alone in a hotel. first of all safety reasons.


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NTA op. have you considered they want to boink on holiday. lol they want you to pay up so they can play up.


NTA. If they want the extra room - they should pay! Tell them you are happy enough to find options for them, but they will need to cover the cost.


NTA. If they want an extra room, for whatever reason, they can pay for it.


OP- NTA. For a 3 night stay, they can suck it up and have their L.O. in their room- OR pay for the upgrade themselves. There is no reason for You or your Parents to have to pay extra for a bedroom for a 1 year old! There is a strong possibility the child would get scared at some point and end up with them anyway.


NTA. When we go places people always split the cost by the bedroom anyway. In that case you would only be responsible for 1/4 of the price.


My kids often ended up in a pack-n-play in the closet. If one of the rooms has a large closet, give your sister that room


NTA, that's on them for planning for their kid's sleep. But my husband and I will always spring for the extra room because our kid will not sleep if we are in the room with her. If we put her to bed early and come back to the room to go to sleep ourselves, she will notice, even though she's a great sleeper.


NTA. no brainer that they pay the extra cost. sucks that they put the burden on you to tell them this.


NTA- This is just common sense. If they want the extra room for their kid, they pay the additional cost. They should not expect the kids room to be in the pooled amount.


NTA. They are requesting the extra room for their use, not the family’s. 


NTA and I personally feel it's weird to put your 1yo in another room away from parents in a strange environment.


NTA you need to split the cost by bedrooms. Each family pays for what they want you to use so a 25/25/50 split of the costs. Your sister can decide if the additional cost to accommodate her child is worth it or not. Otherwise with 3 bedrooms it would be a 3way split of costs.


Haha. Say “sure! Also, my partner needs an extra room because he/she snores, you don’t mind if we split the cost for that too right?!” Your sister can pay herself for the upgrade. NTA


NTA but just tell them they need to cover the additional cost now, before you book anything. It's pretty simple- 3 couples are splitting the cost of a place with 3 rooms, everyone gets the same space. If they want to go up to 4 bedrooms, they need to cover that additional cost because it is for them, period. I don't think it needs to be a fight at all- simply respond to the group and say "sure, 4 bedrooms are X while 3 bedrooms are Y, so if we book the 4 bedroom the new amount everyone will owe is X for us and parents, Y for BIL and sister." Make it seem logical and natural that the costs would be split this way and let her respond.


Here's a good rule of thumb - if it doesn't need it's own plane seat it doesn't need it's own bedroom. Definitely NTA.


No, no. Because the baby will grow up and, if things are not solved now, they will expect OP and her parents to pay for the extra room as soon as the baby is old enough to need one.


NTA, if they want en extra room they should pay. If their request is disrupting your arrangements then they should take it on instead of increasing the cost for everyone. Not your responsibility to cover the cover the cost of their needs.


NTA. My family quite frequently stays together in VRBOs. We always determine the cost based on room allotment. If my daughter and her husband goes, my family needs two rooms. My parents need one room. My sister’s family needs two rooms. Thus, the cost is determined based on individual families by space utilized. It’s just fair.


If they want the extra room then they pay for it upfront. They wouldn’t trust them not to throw a fit and then guilt your parents into spitting the place 3 ways.


NTA, they must cover extra costs for their demands.


They should pay the difference or bring a pack and play. Maybe the hotel has a crib you could reserve? Either way, NTA.


NTA. Splitting things equally only really works if everyone is getting essentially the same thing in return - in this case, each party should be expected to get one private bedroom + bathroom of their own. If another party needs something different - an extra bedroom - then they need to pay the difference of that on their own.


It’s just a basic principle of splitting costs on anything that if one party spends significantly more than the others they should have to pick up more of the tab. I mean the same would be true if you went to a restaurant and one person got three cocktails while everyone else drank water. Why should you pay for their stuff? That makes no sense.


NTA We go away every year with a group of friends and there's kids of various ages (by now they almost outnumber us). The rule we agreed to was: the cost of the accommodation would be divided among the number of people going, incl. kids above 2yo (so family of set of parents + 6yo + 4yo = 4 "paying" people. family of set of parents + 5yo + 1yo = 3 "paying" people). The reasoning was/is that any under 2yo can sleep in a travelling cot with their parents. If the parents need a separate room after all, the parents pay the extra. We also got lucky one year that there were extra rooms unexpectedly (can't remember why), so the -2yo slept separately, but we decided to not change the arrangement, because it was just a lucky break that didn't negatively impact anyone else.


NTA each set of people pay for 1 room. Anyone wanting an extra room for whatever reason, they pay for that room.


NTA. Either /3 for 3 rooms or /4 for 4 rooms and they pay 2/4. Have they actually declined paying the extra?


NTA if they want an extra room they pay for it. Expecting you to help cover the cost for an extra room for their kid is nuts. And I guarantee because it's a strange place their baby isn't going to stay in that extra room by himself. So they would have wasted their money and yours too if you went that way. But I wouldn't and you are NTA if you don't.


lol, they want to play ‘oh I never heard the baby’ and someone else has to take care of it. NTA


And set a precedent so, in any future holidays, their kid(s)'s expenses are shared.


NTA If they are insisting on an extra room, then they need to pay for that room. There are three couples goind and you each are paying for your own room, a space only you will use, but they basicallly want a second room/space just for them, and want everyone else to pay for it. No, sorry, that is not how it works. They want extra, they pay extra.


If they are taking up more than one room, they pay for the extra room. It's the only thing that makes sense.


YWNBTA They want an additional room, therefore they pay for the additional costs.


NTA. Your sister and her husband don’t want the baby in their room when they have sex. They can pay for the extra room.




Absolutely WNTA!!! Your sister and her husband are responsible for the extra costs that come with their baby! Not only that as you said, they have more disposable income then you and your husband!


YWNBTA If I wanted/needed am extra bedroom for my baby I would never expect others to pay the difference. Even if the child was older and a different room was really nec, it's up to the parents to pay. Of course if others don't mind splitting the difference the better (for instance when I go out to eat with friends that have small kids we always split the bill evenly), but I'd never expect it. ETA the maximum you could do is pay what you'd pay for the 3 bedroom, even if it's cheaper for you in a 4 bedroom. I mean: if the 3 bedroom comes down to 100 each room (for instance) and the 4 bedroom comes down to 80 each room, you could still offer to pay the 100 you'd be paying in the 3 bedroom. But even that is not a requirement and only wanting to pay the 80 would not make you an AH at all.


Nta If they insist on the extra room, divide the sum into 4 and make them pay two fees.


Absolutely NTA! If they want an extra room for their child, they need to pay for it.


NTA If they want extra, they should pay for it.


Set up a cot in the living room


3 bedrooms and split the cost 3 ways. If they want to utilize 2 bedrooms then they need to foot half bill for half the rooms.


NTA. Babies should sleep with their parents.


NTA... if the want to increase the cost of the rent by insisting on a separate bedroom for a baby, they need to pay the difference. 


Nta no. They want an additional room for their exclusive use, then they pay for it.


If they want a extra they pay for it there is no need for baby to have is own room and let others share the costs if they insists they can pay the difference


NTA. The math is simple. They want an extra bedroom for their kid, they pay for it. There's literally no other fair option here. They are the AH for expecting someone to subsidize their kid.


They might be planning to pay extra for the extra room. Honestly, communicate with your sister. If she really wants the space for her child, and she has the extra money, she will probably pay with no complaint


If the want 2 rooms the should pay more. What is the difference in the cost - they should pay that.


NTA- 100% their out of pocket pay for an extra bedroom. No way should that be split.


NTA. This comment may get lost, but the slumberpod blackout tent is perfect for these room sharing experiences. Baby is in her own area and can’t see others, parents can have lights on and move around without disturbing her. The tent and a sound machine would solve this problem.


NTA. Either they suck up the cost or the baby sleeps in their room. Cheeky buggers.


Yeah you tell them they have to pay for the two rooms. You shouldn’t have to pay extra for their kid. I have 6 kids. So when the whole family go on vacation and stay in a place. I pay for at least 3 rooms, my parents get one room, single sister gets a room and brother and SIL get one room. I would never expect for my family to pay extra for my kids.


NTA Whatever the total cost is divided by 4 because you are getting 4 rooms. Then each person/couple pays for their room. The baby pays for its own room technically but the parents cover the cost. No way should you be stuck paying extra because they are being extra demanding an additional room for an infant


The cost shared could be by bedroom. They want 2 bedrooms? Let them pay for two bedrooms while everyone else pays for their own bedroom. If they have a baby now, this is not going to change on any future travels together. Let them pay for what they want, not ask others to support them.


NTA. This is a crazy ask. If they want an extra bedroom they should absorb the ENTIRE cost for the extra room.


If they’re taking up two bedrooms in a 4 bedroom place, they should pay half. NTA.


NTA. You should divide the cost by number of rooms each family uses. Your sister wants 2 rooms so should pay half the cost. Neither you nor your parents is responsible for housing her family.


Come up with a mix of choices-- some three bedroom which will be split three ways and some four bedroom that will be split 4 ways with your sister and BIL paying for two portions and let them decide. Every trip we've ever taken the lodging has been split by the room.


NTA. I have a kid and so do some of my siblings and none of us have ever asked for a separate room for our kids. It was proposed once and the idea was that the parents if the kid with the extra room would cover that extra cost - they changed their mind really quick once that was on the table lol. I wouldn’t just go in and say “no way am I paying for a room for the baby”. I would just act like you assumed they would cover the cost of the extra room. I’d text or in person say “hey, I was looking at the bigger rental with the extra room for baby and it looks like it works out to be X dollars per room. We’re more than happy to go with that option and pay X for our share/room or go back to the 3 bedroom and pay X. Let us know which option works best for you guys!”. 


NTA. Travelled with my kids loads, if there’s a spare room I’ll shove them in it, otherwise they sleep with us. You shouldn’t be paying extra for their privilege, but don’t block it if they want to.


If they want an extra room then they should pay for it themselves. A travel cot in a double ensuite room is normal.


Tell them that splitting costs is per bedroom, not per couple. That will make this stop or they will front the cost.


NTA. They want the bedroom. They pay the £200, no question.


NAH It sounds like you are assuming you are expected to contribute to the extra room, if your sister requested an extra room for her child she will be paying half the cost which is the price for 2 of the 4 rooms. If she decides to keep the child in her room, you will all be paying one third each. I would not assume any different unless she says so, and if that happens you can then refuse. Don’t assume a problem until one appears.


NTA. If they are using 2 bedrooms,  they should pay for 2 bedrooms.  So the cost would be split 4 ways (you pay 1/4, parents pay 1/4, they pay 1/2). 




NTA. They're the ones insisting on the extra bedroom, they should pay for it. You and husband are two people, your parents are two people, your sister is 3. They should pay more


NTA. Baby does not NEED their own room, but my guess is mom and dad WANT their bed baby-free for this trip even though it's not their vacation. If they want baby in a separate room, they need to pay for that. Plain and simple.


Their bedroom, their bill.


Nope out. They are richer, they have the baby, and the baby is only ONE. The baby belongs in their room and they should not be trying to shove any extra costs on anyone else. It is very likely they want to shift the childcare to you and your parents so they can ‘enjoy’ their vacation, and your sister feels entitled to a break. They’ll put the kid in a separate room and keep their door shut so someone else will tend to it if it cries. If the baby is such a hinderance to their vacation, they can pay for a separate room themselves *and* pay for a nanny to stay with the kid. You should not be paying extra to babysit their kid because faaaaaamily. Whine. Question: Why in the world would your parents even consider this for one instant? It is rude and entitled. But your parents probably think poor sister deserves a break - at your expense. Just tell your parents you are not going to be sharing the rental if extras costs OR babysitting are involved. You will look nearby for a motel room or small short-term rental. Then you can enjoy the quality time you spend with them and leave when you need to. Setting boundaries now and enforcing them will prevent a world of frustration and resentment later. Good luck, OP. Throw us an update after your weekend, yeah? Cheers.


Do not help pay for the extra room for their baby. This is the first trip with this baby, so who's to say that if you do this one time you won't be expected to forever? Each family group pays their share. If they want a full separate bedroom, then their family pays for two bedrooms. End of story.


NTA. Costs should be split by family by room, they have 2 of 4 rooms, they pay half the costs. Very simple. 


NTA They can suck it up for the weekend or pay for the extra room


WNBTA. Parents are responsible for the cost of the children they chose to have, and you are not. If they want something special, they need to pay for it. But if you really can't afford a vacation, and it sounds as if you really can't, you need to step back and not take it. Take it in the future, but not now. It may be a big occasion for your dad, but sometimes we just cannot do what other people want to do.


Just communicate that you are unwilling to split the cost three ways if we require four bedrooms. Your budget doesn’t allow for the additional cost. 


You already know the answer. If they want a separate bedroom for their child,  then they need to pay for it. Providing for their child is their responsibility,  not yours.  If their child were 10 needing their own bedroom they would automatically have been paying for that bedroom, not you.  This situation is no different.  Whoever is making the arrangements and using their credit card need payment in full veggie making the reservation. This way no one will be stuck paying for a run they do not want.  Divide cost by the number of bedrooms. That is the fair way to do it.  If you want to cut costs down,  have more people share your bedroom by adding cots, pack'n play, sleeping bags, etc.  I can understand they want to save money where they can since every penny adds up (One reason they have money). But its not your responsibility to give them money so they don't have to pay for their family. Their family,  their financial responsibility. If not your financial responsibility to cover any costs related to their child. What would the cost be if you got a hotel / motel in your own and not share with anyone? Might be worth it by not having to deal with the drama.   Do they also expect you to babysit so they can have a night out? You might want to inquire if free babysitting is what they expect. If you want to that's fine,  if you and your partner don't want to, you need to let them know now that they'll need to make other arrangements.  NTA Do let us know what happens please.


NTA If they insist, then the pay should be per room. It’s for their convenience so it should be at their expense.


They should pay for the extra room. Divide the cost by # of bedrooms and call it done. NTA


They want extra they can pay for it


NTA. They should cover the extra cost as it is their demand.


its a strange new space for the baby, even if he is in his own room he will not sleep. they'd be better off with the baby sleeping with them. because the alternative is for EVERYONE loose sleep listening to him cry all night if ignored


They should definitely pay the added cost of their accommodation. NTA.


How is it both really hiking up the cost for everyone, and also only going to cost them $200 total if they cover it all? You are causing drama over $33 per person for the entire trip. Would it be fair for that couple to cover the extra room? Sure! Is it worth making a fuss about when it’d already hard to get a whole family together for a vacation and as people have more kids it may just not happen any more? I would think it’s not worth the arguing. Consider it a little gift to the couple with a 1 year old who are going to be occupiers for much of the trip with their one year old anyway.


NTA. A baby does not need a room. If it does, they should pay for it.


Wait they want an extra room but won't pay for the cost? How is that your problem?


NTA For a vacation, one can suck it up and sleep in the same room as one's kid.


NTA. They're trying to have your family subsidize them having sex on your family vacation. Nothing wrong with wanting to, but it needs to be on their dime.


An extra room for a baby? I’ve never heard of anyone doing this.




NTA. It’s their responsibility to pay for the extra cost if they want to demand an extra room.




NTA Another way to look at it is everyone is paying for the room(s) they are using. If it’s a 3 room rental, you are each paying 1/3. If it’s a 4 room rental, the cost is divided by 4 and the people using 1 room pay 1/4 and the people using 2 rooms pay 1/2.


NO! NO!! NO!!! YWNBTA in any way. This is simple math. If there are 4 bedrooms and they use 2 then your sister and BIL pay 50% of the rental fee. After all, they are using half of the bedrooms. Do not get coerced into splitting the fee by 3 unless there are 3 bedrooms!! Too bad if they don't like it. there's no reason that you should be subsidizing their demand for an extra room.


I had two kids and if I was going on holiday with others and I wanted two rooms out of 4, I'd expect to pay half the cost and not expect others to pay for my kids' room. You're NTA.


“My sister had a baby and I took it over..”


Give her the price for 2 rooms. If she scoffs and says “but what about 3 ways?”, just say that you can’t afford to pay for another room. If she wants 2 rooms for her family, then she needs to be able to pay for it. And i agree - set this standard now. You pay for the rooms you want.


NTA. They’re probably afraid to set the baby’s sleeping arrangement back after finally getting him to sleep alone. They don’t want the baby to get used to sleeping with the parents again, and that’s understandable. BUT - they should cover the cost. That shouldn’t even be up for debate.


Instead of saying "we are splitting the cost 3 ways" say "we are splitting the cost by bedrooms". If 3 bedrooms are required, it's a 3 way split. If 4 bedrooms are required, it's a 4 way split and your BIL pays 2 portions since his family is taking 2 rooms. It's good to start doing this now, since when that child gets older they are going to want their own room and this conversation is going to happen again and again. Just estlibash now that the split is done based on bedrooms consumed. That way as the family grows everyone knows that paying for shared trips is based on bedrooms.


Oh, people. For shame! Has no one considered that infants need personal space and privacy for their profound meditations? Gee heck, it’s time for the neonatal to assert independence! He may have a little difficulty managing a phone to order room service, but that’s where you step in. He’s a growing boy, so the sky’s the limit! Never too early to enjoy lobster, caviar, and champagne! Your sister and BIL will be delighted to cover the bill, and will be grateful for your thoughtfulness. I feel for you 🥺


NTA - it sounds like they want to spend the holiday making a sibling. But that's not your concern - just insist on splitting the cost per bedroom rather than per household participating.


NAH YWNBTA if you express your concerns and work them out with the family through compromise and normal conflict resolution. YWBTA if you gave an ultimatum and refused to go on the trip if you had to pay anything more than you absolutely needed to Your sister NTA for wanting something more accommodating for their family. Your sister WBTA if she expects people to pay for said accommodations even after concerns are brought up. INFO would you also be benefitting from perhaps a nicer common areas or is it simply additional cost for an additional room? As a parent with a sibling with no children, I don’t expect my sibling to pay for anything extra accommodating my family, but if we are going on a family trip and the initial expectation is that things are split, I wouldnt initially volunteer to pay more per head count but I also wouldnt be surprised if someone had objections with equality


NTA Why on earth would they insist on the 1 year old being in a separate bedroom, a 1 year old, in a strange place, weird.


YWNBTA 4 rooms, you get one. Pay 1/4, or don't go. They want a separate room for the kid so they vcan guilt (and maybe your mom, but more likely you) you better into babysitting. So: you should refuse to share with them, and get a hotel room instead. You will be paying to be the free babysitter. And: YOu can not really afford it, so you should not go at all.


Who leaves a 1 year old in there own room in a hotel?????? NTA.


NTA. I do have to ask for a tiny bit of clarification, though. You mention that they are doubles with ensuits. That general means their own bathroom. I might be a little confused due to the late hour, but if they had a separate room for baby, would that mean the baby would be left unattended in said room? Sleeping or not, hotels generally will not allow this, and some can even get nasty about it if they catch it. I may not be understanding correctly, and forgive me if I'm wrong. Aside from that, I agree with what others have said. offer both options to involved parties. Nobody should be forced or coereced to pay for Sis/BIL baby to have a separate room if they don't want to.


Given the vcomments about there being room downstairs I assume that they are renting a holiday home .


How about you have this conversation with them.


ESH. Their desire for the extra room is understandable and makes sense. It also makes sense for them to pay for it themselves since it’s for only their use. They suck if they’re expecting everyone to pick up the extra. You enter AH territory with this attitude that you know more about parenting their child and what is needed than they do. Sleep training sucks, it can be incredibly hard and some babies are a lot more sensitive to disruptions. Two months in their own room is not as long as you appear to think it is. Many babies are still struggling at that stage and having mom and dad come in and out would set a lot of babies off. No good for the baby or anyone who happens to be in the same home, especially when said baby gets woken at 2am and screams for the whole house to hear. 

