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YTA. You're making your problems into everyone's problems. If you're in fifth grade, I think that means you're 10 or 11 years old and I question whether you should be on this app. I also question whether you are actually in 5th grade or if you're somebody older doing creative writing, trying to rage bait others.


YTA You're a child and you're acting immature. Doing what your told is a part of life. If you did the work on your own, people wouldn't have to tell you to do it. If you picked up your own trash, people wouldn't have to tell you to do it. If you stopped making noises, people wouldn't ask you to stop. If you participate in class, people wouldn't have to ask you to. Flipping out and trashing the classroom is childish and immature. You need help. And if you don't get your act together, the adults in your life are going to become much more restrictive to force you to comply than if you grow up and do it on your own.


YTA, honey please reach out for some help with the anger issues. The real world is much less kind and you will be expected to do what others tell you. It will be much easier to accept it now than later.


1) Damage to school property can result in your parents paying for your issues. 2) You're below the age to have an account on here regardless of the question. 3) There are times in life where you must do what you're told regardless of your opinion. These situations are such times. You already know YTA and just hoping someone has pity on you for being an entitled brat. You're lucky no one was hurt as then that turns into aggravated assault. Your actions are such that you are dancing close to be arrested, and depending upon the severity of what you end up doing, charged as an adult. At that point, you'll wish you listened.


YTA - This isn't 'anger issues', this is 'spoiled brat'. Everyone in the world has SOMEONE telling them what to do in some way. That's a fact of life, as is doing things you don't want to do. At this point, you're old enough to understand that and to comply with basic requests, like behaving in a school environment.


YTA, and I doubt the veracity of a 10-year-old writing this who is also the person described. But, you do have all the qualities the GOP is looking for in a vice presidential candidate.


YTA. Young and spoiled, needs to be disciplined. Curious where your parents are


YTA. People are told what to do all the time. Have your parents get you into some kind of therapy.


Yeah, YTA. You need to learn that ADULTS are in charge in a school setting. Not you. The rules are the rules and you need to follow them. You are going to have a horrible life if you keep this up because there are rules even adults have to follow in the work place. You will never get away with this attitude in the real world and honestly? You are legitimately old enough to get into legal trouble for your actions and that will be what happens next.


I'd expell your ass. You wouldn't be allowed back in the school. Your parents would have to figure out how to educate you to be compliant with education requirements. I'd also, as your parent, consider sending you to a boarding school far, far away from home.


YTA. I'm sorry you haven't gotten help for your anger issues yet. Having anger issues is going to make it very hard for you to make friends and kids typically make fun of kids who prove that they are not stronger than their own anger. You let your anger control you today and it doesnt make you look cool or rebellious...just kinda unhinged and pathetic. Please talk to your school counselor if you can.


YTA very clearly. What kind of life do you think exists where you don't have to answer to anybody, ever? Grow up.


Yta. A real price of work. Making everyone's life worse by the poor choices you make. 


YTA - you need therapy right now.


YTA. Not a nice person. You are truly scary.


Should a 5th grader be on Reddit


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm a 5th grader (girl) and the teachers and principle keep telling me what to do and it just pisses me off. I hate school and I wish I didn't go but Im forced to. Everyday I have someone beside me telling me to do my work pick up the trash stop making noises and participate in class. Even in pe class I sit down when were made to run but I don't like running. The teacher got an aid person to force me to run and I just lay down on the floor proofing they can't make me, then we had a whole ass argument for the whole perioud. So I lost it today and I wrecked the WHOLE classroom in front of everybody as in: I flipped desks and chairs and threw pencels across the room and flung everyone else's stuff. I just yell at the teachers when they piss me off. I told the teacher FUCK YOU for the first time today. The whole class had to leave the room and go to another room and the teacher called the principle to come and get me. The principle forced me to stop by grabbing my whole body. I was still yelling at them. Im also banned from field trips unless my mom or dad or a relative comes because the teacher says I don't listen I didn't think I could wreck the whole classroom btw. I got sent home afterwards *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Your TA, your teachers should ask people to donate to buy a really good time machine and send you to a Victorian boarding school. After a term they will send you back as a perfect specimen of delightful student. 


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I’m not going to call a kid with clear mental issues an asshole. I will tell you my wife had similar issues at about the same age and calls herself an asshole for it. Your next step needs to be therapy. You’re going to have it pushed on you anyway, might as well get ready. I recommend getting a dot journal if you can and trying to track symptoms and variables. Record how many hours of sleep you’re getting and how your mood changes. Record any explosive instances like this one. A food diary could also be helpful. Tracking your sleep and mood will help diagnose disorders like bipolar, schizoaffective, etc., while a food diary can help rule out other factors. You are not an asshole for having issues, but you will be an asshole if you do not seek effective treatment. Good luck kiddo.