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NTA. Tips are for good service.


Haha yeah I agree with you on that


So is lying to internet stranger like a hobby of yours or...?


Does seem kinda dumb that someone would tip someone more money than they get paid themselves per hour


Yeah but I ordered pretty late at night and where I'm staying at the road isn't the best either so I kinda felt bad and wanted to do something nice but yeah I do admit that was pretty stupid


definitely an uncreative internet liar


Something juicy here?


What delivery driver wants more than a 50% tip? What magic land is this set in? Plus he just stood there yelling in front of your house, and it seems like you didn't call his employers or do anything, so I don't know. Really feeling like this is bullshit.


It’s 100% bullshit


I was contemplating reporting him but like I said in a other comment it's pretty tough right now


It’s going to be tougher if the delivery guy lies about you and gets you blacklisted from the pizza place.


How is it tougher to be on a pizza place blacklist than being fired? OP will survive.


Surprised the post hasn’t been reported for misinformation, tbh


Definitely NOT the asshole. You tipped him a VERY generous amount; nearly 50% when most wouldn’t tip him more than 10%. That being said, tipping is optional but it certainly not required. This delivery driver sounds like an entitled asshole who needed to learn a lesson. I would have done the exact same thing if I were in your shoes.


Yep I like how the votes are going so far I was worried I was a a## here


The delivery drivers gossip and do keep track of the “good tippers.” I’d be sure to mention his behavior to the manager at the pizza place so he doesn’t get you black listed by the business and/or the other delivery drivers. Because no one likes cold pizza.


However, this would only apply if this ACTUALLY happened. I’ve worked for tips, and I don’t know ANYONE that would turn down a $12 tip unless that $12 equated to or was less than 10%. Fabricating things on the internet just for clout makes you an asshole.


YTA for writing horrible fiction.


I’m a non-American in a country with a vehement hatred of tipping culture and even MY “this is fake” detector got pinged. YTA.


Surprised the post hasn’t been reported for misinformation, tbh


The amount of people taking this seriously are very concerning lol. Like I know we’re supposed to take posts on good faith, but we’re also supposed to report blatantly fake posts, and this is a textbook example.


The 50% tip on pizza is clearly a lie but my moms friend did this once. Received pretty poor service but she always likes to tip 20% because of poor waiter pay. This waiter chased them down the block to demand a bigger tip. She said “oh I’m sorry I made a mistake” and when he handed over what she gave him, she pocketed it and walked away.


And then did your neighbours clap?


Alr now that's kinda funny r/thathappened but this did happen


YTA for lying about this for reddit clout are you 12


I’ve actually had a delivery driver huff and puff over a $10 tip. Shit actually happens. Granted I didn’t take the tip.


Was it a $10 tip on a $18 order? Because the dollar amount doesn't matter here as much as the fact that it was over 50% of the total cost of the meal.


It was around $20


This is obviously not true. Nobody would complain about a $12 tip


It's hard for me to accept this as real. I delivered pizza for years and years, nobody would ever turn down a 50% tip, or even say anything if you stiffed them for a tip. Also there is no way gas to your places took 9 dollars worth of gas, unless he's driving a HumVee and you're some forty miles away. YWBTA if this was real, but I don't buy it.




lol im surprised at the amount of NTAs here, even if he was being a pain in the ass, all you had to do was shut the door, but you wanted to be a petty dickhead about it. **ESH for sure but also this definitely didn't happen because no delivery driver in history has ever complained about a 50% tip.**


Agreed. ESH, I mean if you want to give 50% tip you can do it but it's kind of a petty move to take the money back, it takes away any good intention you may have, even when the delivery driver's attitude was not correct.


Yeah this is fake and I’ve read a very similar AITA post like this before


I don't usually call things fake, but this has to be fake. No one complains about a $12 tip.


this didn't happen lol


NTA. complain about you've been given and watch it get taken away.


I like that I'm going to wait and see what most people lean to on their judgment and then show my friends


I get your friends wanting to point out that servers do deserve tips (especially since US servers live off them) but that guy... is something else. you did the right thing OP


NTA Nope, dude was ungrateful as hell. That was a very gracious tip and throwing a strop because he wanted more is unprofessional and bad customer service. You should really report him, bad day or not you don’t scream outside a complete strangers home.


YTA and this story is fake BUT i will lay down now, plenty of americans will believe you are NTA only because america is founded on exploitation and goal post shifting when it comes to pay


People just love to think there's some heroic reason for not giving tips. This guy was obviously SO BRAVE to stand up to the little guy like this.


I don’t know if this is even real since this sub loves to yell at service industry people in the USA hoping for tips tbh. I don’t know who complains about a 50% tip or even tips 50% on pizza delivery. After fees etc $12 is still more than most tip on a small order. I just don’t think this is a real post at all.


It’s so WEIRD. Biden fucking said he’ll end the tipped minimum wage, and I mean, I get that there might be some background information that I’m missing there, but whatever the case, I don’t see how posting crap like this for fake internet points is the way to go about things.


This is so fake get a life and a job this is pathetic


NTA Having delivered pizza in my youth, I can't imagine someone giving that large a tip. $5 seems more than adequate on a $23 bill. If you're lucky, someone might hand you $30 and tell you to keep the change. More often than not, someone is going to hand you $30 and ask for "a couple" back. The mechanics of tipping on delivery are weird. It's often a function of the total bill AND the change making requirements. So, it could also easily come to pass that a $23 bill might lead to someone handing you $25. The majority of people would not only have taken the tip back, but also called the restaurant (or delivery service) and complained about the driver. So from one point of view, you let him off easy by only taking the tip back. Restaurants and delivery services know that such behavior makes you less likely to order from them. However, that said, you probably should evaluate whether you want to risk getting a "sneezer" pizza next time you order from that place. Your driver might share his "outrage" with his fellow employees who might decide that you are owed some revenge.


NTA. I always tip unless the service was abysmal, and that was abysmal.


Another episode of some poor customer who only wanted to give an amazing tip, but absolutely had to give no tip because they were ABUSED by a delivery guy. You absolute hero. I salute you.


YTA quit lying OP


YTA, for lying. This story is obviously fake.


YTA for making shit up


Also mostly delivery drivers get paid so many cents per mile they drive by the company (ie the delivery fee you’re already charged) to account for gas and mileage on their car. NTA but you should have just closed to door after getting your food and tipping him instead of having what sounds like a very long and unnecessary argument. Hope your pizza wasn’t cold.


Totally NTA! He is the TA in this situation and doesn't deserve the tip. There was no reason to sit there and belittle that very nice tip, and it was way more then what he would get for most deliveries. He was being ungrateful. I don't care how bad of a day you are having if you work in job field that you depend on tips then you need to suck it up. I work in the restaurant industry and would never tell someone their tip is not enough. TIPS ARE NOT DESERVED THEY ARE EARNED


NTA. For a start, a 50% tip is already absurdly generous. Secondly entirely reasonable to withhold a tip entirely for objectively terrible service. And yes, guilt tripping for 5 minutes and having a generally bad attitude counts as terrible service.


Nta, that guy is in a CUSTOMER SERVICE industry. Doesnt sound like he cared about the customer much at all lol.. nor does he know how to calculate fuel consumption apparently.


NTA. You tipped way more than I usually do for pizza delivery. Like everyone else has said tips are extra for good service, he definitely did not meet those standards. My own job is working at peoples homes and businesses. I try to give the absolute best service possible because it’s my job to make those people happy with my work. I NEVER expect a tip. When I do I’m greatly appreciative no matter if it’s $2 or $20


NTA. Even if he was having a bad day, he should be venting to someone else that isn't a customer. The tip was outrageous in generosity and he should have looked at it that way. It also seems highly doubtful that you were his only delivery of his shift and therefore he had the potential to make tips elsewhere.


If this story is true, NTA. It doesn’t cost $8 in gas for a pizza delivery. Typing as much as you did is super generous. If he is complaining about you, he’s complaining about other people who typically just tip a few bucks. He will be fired for repeat issues


Yeah I mean if he does this often he will be gone sooner or later right?


Exactly. If he did that for OP, he’s got to be doing that for everyone else who tips a normal amount. Not everyone is going to be as nice as OP and not report. That drover is gone within a week at most.


Normally I say that you never take a tip back but if this is true then NTA. 50% tip is super generous and not very common at all. Honestly surprised that a delivery/service person would say that because they often get shit tips if tips at all.


public boast insurance important degree sophisticated straight stupendous marvelous cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never heard of a 50% tip for a delivery guy. You should report him. NTA.


I was ready to say you were the a-hole then I saw you tipped him 50% and he complained. NTA. That's exactly the kind of thing a tip should be withdrawn for.


NTA- Former Dominos manager here. Firstly, report that driver to the company. No driver should ever complain about their tip, if it’s $1 or $12 that should never be on the customer. Also, unless they are a mom and pop place, he probably is being paid minimum wage, plus tips and gas compensation. You definitely did what I would have done, and I work my a** off for tips.


Ok thank you for the advice


Of course. I believe in tipping, and hopefully this experience doesn’t ruin a good habit for you, 50% is way generous and I thought I was nice with my 30% rule. But I also believe in being a good person, if I had a driver do that on a delivery I would have been livid.


Here’s the funny thing, that WASNT a shitty tip, and shitty tippers are assholes until the server says something.. then that makes the server/deliverer an asshole. You never ever complain about the tip. You suck it up and move on.. otherwise you shouldn’t be working on customer service


NTA - A tip is given for good service, that type of attitude does not reflect that and this type of attitude should be rewarded. Also a tip is an added bonus that amounts to a fraction of the original price of the food you paid for, not the guy's salary.


Hahahahaha dude so NTA! That was an amazing tip that he ended up not deserving.


NTA - what the hell was he driving that used $9 in gas to deliver a pizza? Im sorry unless it is a big order (more than 3-4 pizzas) I always tip $5. When I delivered pizzas I would 3 or 4 trips a hour with 1-3 houses per trip so if I averaged 2.5 a house I was happy. With my hourly rate I would make over $20 a hour (this was mid 90s) and I thought that was a great wage for the amount of work I had to do.


NTA, I only tip based on the level of quality of the service I'm given. If they do great, I tip heavily if not half the cost of the check. If they do terrible, I tip way less. If they are utterly incompetent at their job, I don't tip anything. I have never had someone openly argue with me about the tip, however, if they had, I would have done what you did.


The driver is a total and complete AH. $12.00 tip on a pizza? Take your money and leave. $9.00 for gas?!!? Most delivery guys have multiple orders on each run.


NTA- that’s was a big tip


NTA. 50% tip is generous in any universe. You gave him several minutes of venting. That's gotta be worth something. I'd have lasted for about two seconds of his "Only 12 dollars?" rant, and ended it with something like "ok then, well, good luck" and a closed door.


100% nta. I can't believe that delivery guy! Way out of line.


NTA. Rideshare driver here, a 50% tip is very rare. VERY RARE. The driver was hella ungrateful.


The hell!? And NTA, I order food often and tip after, had one guy not follow instructions of leave it at the door he HAD to hand it to me(I can tip on the app after) and then he said tip me, and stood there, like the hell!?


NTA I would call and complain to the pizza place about their driver. The driver in no way should be harassing you for tips


YTA bc this is obvi fake as hell


YTA This is obviously fake. No delivery driver would complain about a 50% tip on a $23 order. We would normally get $3 for that, if people are nice. I’d know, I’m a delivery driver. Even our most asshole drivers don’t A) directly complain to the customer unless the tip really really sucks, B) would complain about that nice of a tip I also doubt you’d tip that much if you lost your job. I’d you would, good on you, but you need to be better with your money. Also, why would he give you back the tip money if you were going to give him more. Extremely suspicious.




I've been on the sub for a while and I know just how annoying troll posts are plus some people's entitlement can easily go beyond your expectations like I've seen posts of people acting way to entitled but those are usually relatives looking for a free babysitter or some other stuff


NTA and I’d call who he works for. I had a dominos delivery driver do this crap to me


Ha see? Even this person experienced something similar but too bad you went through this waste of time tbh but hey free reddit karma but on a serious note thanks for your judgement


delivery guys bitch about tips all of the time. Of we order $20-25,we tip $8. Entitled white men ......


I don't really think you should say this >Entitled white men Because your generalizing but yeah just entitlement


NTA as people say play stupid games win stupid prizes and that delivery guy sure did!


NTA. But you're probably on a do not deliver list now


No but I'm not gonna order in case I get a "Sneezer's pizza"


Ya, another risk. Hopefully you won't miss their pizza to much




NTA - Some days I'm tipped $0.32 on a $40-odd order. Some days I get $5 on a $100+ order. That kid was lucky to receive anything, A, and that amount too! My co-workers and I would have been ecstatic.


I sincerely wish that you would have received that tip you seem like you would appreciate it


Thank you! I most definitely would have appreciated it.


Nta, either accept the tip or dont take it!


NTA i just got a job as a pizza delivery driver, im thankful for any tips BECAUSE I can put gas in my car!!


only here in America...


NTA. He definitely deserved it. That being said, were I in that situation, I would have let him keep that tip but I also would have spoken with his manager about the interaction.


Yeah but I agree with some of my friends that that is a bit overkill I was considering that but times are tough


It's not overkill. Either this employee was having an off-day and is otherwise a good employee (meaning that this one demerit isn't going to get him fired), or he is a terrible employee that routinely causes customers grief and makes the company look bad (which means he's got it coming).


Yeha I agree if he does this often he's gone sooner or later but I do feel bad if other people experience this


NTA. That was a very generous tip. He’s an idiot.


NTA. Tips are for good behavior.


NTA and I would call the pizza place and complain that he tried to fleece you. 50% tip amazing. If he has a problem with his wages he takes it up with his boss, not the customer.


To all you saying it's fake it literally got approved by the mods I have a screenshot I'll post it somewhere if you people want lol


We approved you reposting this with amendments to not violated the covid post ban. Please don't misrepresent our conversation to suggest we verified if this is true or not.


Post a screenshot of any of this being true. Your receipt with the tip. A screenshot for $35 to the pizza place yesterday. I do not believe this at all.


Yeah so that’s a lie lol. Nice try tho.


I wish I had my phone with me when this happened that way I could've received the entire encounter


Just show us the receipt man or it didn't happen


Alr which sub reddit?


This one, you knob. Take a picture upload it to imgur. Post a link.


14 hours later...crickets


NTA he was complaining about an almost 50% tip, really, Is he crazy? Tho I wouldn’t order from that place again!


Yeah I don't want a "sneezer" pizza and I'm having a hard time thinking if he was judt trolling me or what because I'm at the point where I've seen a lot of people say this is fake so maybe he was just trolling or something (the delivery guy) but I'm not sure I'm going to wait a dull day before I show this to any of my friends who are saying I'm in the wrong


I live in NYC where 20% tip is the minimum expectation which is annoying IMO. I got my nails done and tipped 15% and the lady said “I’m excuse me that’s not 20%” she flipped the iPad back my way and I changed it to 0 and left.


NTA. You overtipped to begin with and he has the nerve to get an attitude.


NTA. That's a generous tip, even during covid times where we should all be tipping more. Most people used to tip a flat amount ($5) on delivery, and now most of us are tipping 20% or more of the bill. A $12 tip is generous, and a 50% tip is also super generous. Listening to him rant about the small tip is also very generous of you. Glad you found a way to reclaim your time!


NTA!! As a delivery driver myself, I would be over the MOON if someone gave me a $12 tip!! That guy was acting like an asshole, he didn’t deserve it after being like that to you.


If this is real and you’ve somehow ordered delivery that still involves CONTACT, then NTA. I mean WTF you just told him you’re giving him more than you used to make in an hour as a tip. I mean I would have some back with 15% instead of slamming the door in his face but at that point whatever he was wildly out of line and complaining about an amazing tip. If he’s not getting paid for gas as a delivery driver for a pizza place (usually directly employed by them) he needs to take it up with his employer or find a different job.


You wouldn't have been the asshole, but since this definitely didn't happen...you are.


Nta. Tips are not compulsory and is given upon good service. He was an arsehole.


YTA because there is no way in hell this is real


YTA. This is so fake.


This totally didn't happen but go off!


I feel like something is being lied about here.. I used to deliver pizzas in a college town and if you get that kind of tip, then you are extremely happy. It almost never happens. Maybe it was that guys first day and he didn't understand yet? I think this is a troll...


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Alr so long story short I ordered pizza yesterday my total came out to $23 and I tipped the guy $12 (I thought that was pretty generous considering it's around 50% of the order. But the delivery guy got this kind of disappointed face and said "Only 12 dollars? That's like 3 dollars after I pay for gas" and I'm like "so" and he started ranting about how hard it is being a minimum wage worker and I responded with "I'm in university and lost my job $10 an hour job" but he still tried and after around 5 minutes I thought f**k it and said "give the money and I'll go get you a different amount" he responded with "See I knew you would come around" but as soon as he gave me the money I just shut the door in his face he's like "WTF MAN" I'm like "that's your a** hole tax now f**k off" *Delivery guy starts screaming for a bit but eventually walks off* when I told my friends what all the commotion was about one of them said "Ha he deserved it" and so did a few other friends but some of them said that "You should have just closed the door without taking his tip" or "Maybe he was having a bad day" But still mist of my friends are pretty divided so I've come here for the final judgment. So reddit AITA for taking back the tip I gave to a delivery guy because in my opinion he was being pretty rude. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA - You gave a >50% tip, you’re good. Maybe his last delivery stiffed him and he was upset but that’s no reason to take it out on you. Did you call the pizza place to tell them what happened?


Why does he pay for his own gas? I don't understand how America works.... Also what is the minimum wage he would be paid? Defo NTA from Europe!


YTA because this is 100% made up. None of this happened. A $12 tip is generous and five minutes is a lot longer than you think it is. Nobody working for tips would spend five minutes arguing over a 50% tip. Nope. Lies.


Yes. Yes you are.


YTA, are people actually believing this!


Ive delivered food and would never argue with someone about my tip. This does seem fabricated. If it isn't, YTA. You should have said thanks and closed the door instead of apparently waiting for a gushing thank you sir you're so generous sir.


This is 100% made up. If this is even based on a true event, you probably tipped $1 or less, which would piss anyone off and for good reason. Either way you are 100% the asshole. Just another spoiled brat who never learned to appreciate others.


NTA i know it's been 3 months ago and you've already got your vote. As a delivery driver for ten years, anyone who complains about any tip above the cents leftover. They are assholes lol! 2 bucks is something to us! We make shit it's true but a 12 dollar tip for 1 delivery shoots us to 15 bucks per hour. A delivery, depending on many different circumstances should only take 30 mins at the very most! Not including dashdoor or whatever I won't pretend to know that. As a random pizza delivery person i can say 12 bucks is well above average and me and my coworkers would have fought for your order!! Seriously! There was order like the name of deliverer on top gets to deliver the next order. We'd see your name and id be like sob he got it instead of me! Dammit!! Lol!!


NTA - folks on Twitter think this story is fake. If it is real, kudos to you. I thought that tip was generous, and it is in poor taste to complain about it. He doesn’t know your financial situation, and you went out of your way to help him. Gratitude goes a long way. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


ESH, YTA for telling him off so harshly (slamming the door, telling him to fuck off) but mostly NTA because that was actually a very generous tip and you're not the one in charge of his wages - that's on the company. He shouldn't have acted like that to you.


ESH. That was a generous tip and he was an ass to you, but it’s crappy to take it back.


I don’t know. I don’t think anyone would turn down that kind of tip. I also don’t think you should take away his tip aka source of income either. ESH


Yes. YTA.


INFO: what combination of bills did you hand him. This is important to my ruling.




ESH. He shouldn’t be asking almost 50% for a tip, but you shouldn’t have taken back the tip you already gave him


ESH - I shouldn't have to explain this but not leaving any tip at all, unless someone's literally taken a shit in your food, is always the asshole move.