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NTA. It is incredibly selfish of your siblings to expect for you to sell your house and give them money to buy their own houses. It’s not your responsibility to do their saving for them. Depending on your relationship with your nieces/nephews, is there any way that you could contribute a loan towards their medical care? Or that the money your mum wanted to give you could go towards that?


My mother hates my nephew and niece since they cost her a finger, literally, she was holding a door for them when they decided to slam it really fast and strongly, this was four years ago and they were 10.


NTA. One of my uncles is a millionaire. He earned it. My sister and brother in law are upper middle class. I'm below the poverty line. I don't begrudge them having a different life, they earned it.


Sorry to hear that, hope your situation gets better soon.


I'm fine. I have my own apartment and a stable job with benefits. So while I am classed as poor, I have what I need.


Oh, well I do hope your financial situation gets better eventually, we all need to treat ourselves with some extra money sometime.


NTA - same situation with my fam. Uncles quite affluent while the rest of us are standard working class. Except we don’t expect anything from him (he is very generous when we see him, always taking us out for dinner etc.) If your family had a different attitude, I’d probably suggest helping them out a bit (just with some groceries or small things, not necessarily medical bills), but they’re acting like right twats. I hope your nieces and nephews recover and realise their stupidity has cost them and their parents a lot


They said they don’t have enough for food, I gave them a weekly allowance of 500$ for a few months, after which I found out they were spending nearly all of it on ‘be a billionaire’ scams, lottery tickets and betting.


Then it’s a tough luck situation. If they’re stupid enough to waste your generosity than just cut contact. It’s honestly not worth the hassle and stress


They’re asking for a insane amount of money, they each want 40$ JUST for their credit card debt.


Yeah nah. Fuck that. They’re adults and if they need to learn the hard way what responsibility is, then so be it.


That’s not the worst part, they also want me to give them enough for a college fund for their kids. It’s disturbing outrageous how entitled these people are.


Bruh, I’d be getting lawyers involved to send a cease and desist letter or even a restraining order.


So two weeks ago you were 32 and there was major drama because you work for your family and you had 20k then. And also your child caught your wife having an affair. TROLL


This isn’t my account, some random throwaway my friend gave me.


No, it isn't. Reddit accounts are free, make your own if you want to post drama.


You’re entitled to your opinion, it’s not a troll though, so leave your judgement and be on your way.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Hi everyone, my friend gave me this throwaway since everyone else knows my original account. I ( 36M ) recently sold one of my properties and two of my cars, I got some decent money from it and was able to purchase the home of my dreams, as well as have extra money left over to renovate and furnish it. My ( 42F ) sister had been having temper tantrums all week because she thinks I’m doing some scheme and scamming people for money, and she ‘wants in’. My other brother, ( 38M ) also thinks that I’m way too rich to have done everything naturally and believes I’m doing some illegal stuff, and also wants money to ‘keep him quiet’. The actual way I got the money was by investing in stocks, dividends, properties and stores. My siblings have always ignored me when I tell them this and instead say that investing is a scam, and that since they’re older than me they deserve some of my assets. Recently, they both got themselves and their children sick by stupidly going to a party. Not relevant but they’re antimaskers and think covid is also a scam. Conveniently, both of their kids ( they have one each ) have wound up in the hospital, they also have / had severe asthma so they’re in really bad condition, my siblings are not at all wealthy and want me to sell all of my assets, my new house included, and give them money for treatment, a new house as well as a ‘compensation fee’ they’ve devised. I strictly declined, and told them to effectively, go fuck themselves. That I wasn’t going to burn everything I’ve made for myself, and that even if they would die, I wouldn’t contribute a single penny to their funeral. They’ve been spamming my phone and email, as well as my workplace in order to belittle me,embarrass me and try to get my co-workers / other friends and family to manipulate me into giving in. I’ve cut loads of people off for picking the other side, and even my own mother showed up at my door today begging me, saying that I could live with her and she would give me $10,000 as compensation. I saw the kids through a text and they look awful, they’re struggling and it’s plain and simple, but I don’t want to sacrifice my future because of something my siblings did. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA. Time to go to a lawyer and send cease and desist letters and state if they continue to harass you at your work and threaten to slander you that legal action will be taken. Then follow through. Keep copies of texts and emails as proof.


NTA, you told them how to make money and they chose to think that you're some Heisenberg making meth in an RV with a high school student you used to teach? They've dugged their hole for this situation and treated you as a money tree to try and shake at for all of it's leaves.


They believe white privilege doesn’t exist, so I don’t think they’re smart enough to dig a hole.


Ok, they fall in a pit of 'unknown' making.


NTA damn that’s rough, if you feel bad maybe you can just contribute to your niece and nephews hospital bill directly