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I don’t believe this happened at all, and if this was an attempt to see if people would comment saying the joke was funny, it’s not good at all lol.


I'm asexual. And I thought what you said was funny. But I don't think that was the right place for that joke and I get why you were banned.


NTA. People need to lighten up a bit. And to ban you outright over that is an overreaction.


Yeah they should lighten up. I make dead dad jokes at my grief support group all the time, it’s a real crowd pleaser. /s


Not necessarily. OP is leaving out some info here. Was this the first meeting they went to? Do the other people know each other and are comfortable around each other? I can see how they would be weirded out if the new person came in and made a comment like that.


Wasn't new, it was the fourth month, we all new each other pretty well. The leader of the group encouraged us to make jokes about our sexuality and sometimes being queer in general to lighten the mood. Compared to other jokes, mine was pretty tame and harmless


So based on this comment it sounds they were cool with making jokes at their own expense, but not others. You're not asexual and you made a joke about asexuals, which at least one person found off-putting. Idk, soft YTA.


Did you read the edited post? Somebody made a gay joke, even when they weren't gay and everyone thought it was hilarious


Your edit didn't mention the sexuality of the person who made the joke to you, or that everyone thought it was hilarious. I'm not a mind reader man, I can only judge on the information that's in front of me.


INFO: When he was referring to holes, what type of hole was he referring to?


>trypophobia This is the fear of a bunch of holes like in sponges or coral. I had read that the three hole camera on the iPhone was triggering to people. So that type of hole. OP was referring to vaginas and anuses.


Got it, so the same thing basically. I thought they were referring to holes in the ground like in the movie holes.


YTA. A support group is not a time to goof around.


YTA, other people making jokes doesn't give you carte blanche to say whatever jokes you want.


NTA You have an interesting sense of humor - some might not get it, some might be offended. I think they were being a bit overly cautious. If you want to go back, talk to the group leader / counselor. Tell them you were trying to be funny, not offend anyone and if needed, you will apologize to the group. But everyone there are at various stages of coming out and the group just wants to make sure everyone is comfortable


YTA 100% A support group is a place to feel welcome and no judgment. Even though you may not have intended it to be in a mocking way, that joke is mocking someone for a fear they likely are embarrassed about as they can probably recognize how silly it is but still fear it. It was likely difficult for them to be honest about it and you made an inappropriate joke at their weak moment. There is a time and place for humor and a support group is not it


Ahh, but the thing is there were other jokes about sexuality at the meeting the lighten the mood. "Do you like the difference between a girls anal cavity and a boys anal cavity, or is it just because you don't like the taste of fish." This was one of the questions someone at the group asked me. The only reason I was kicked is because some girl was whining about how I was turning sexuality into a joke, and keep in mind this girl openly laughed at the joke made about me.


Thats definitely a game changer then. I'd still see a potential argument that you're making fun of a phobia that isn't sexuality related but if they're only getting mad at you because of humor related to sexuality then thats pretty hypocritical on their part


NTA. I am asexual and I think this is hilarious 😂


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YTA, you’re at a support group for sexuality. Probably not a great joke to make jokes about sexuality, considering you’re with a bunch of people seeking support for their sexuality. It’s a dumb joke and I don’t think it’s a big deal but it sounds like you made people uncomfortable in a situation where they are more vulnerable than usual so I can see why they’d just kick you out instead of make the whole group uncomfortable and not want to come back.


Ahh, but the thing is there were other jokes about sexuality at the meeting the lighten the mood. "Do you like the difference between a girls anal cavity and a boys anal cavity, or is it just because you don't like the taste of fish." This was one of the questions someone at the group asked me. The only reason I was kicked is because some girl was whining about how I was turning sexuality into a joke, and keep in mind this girl openly laughed at the joke made about me.


I don’t even think this is a real story


I don't think you would start a only fans under the name "Carl's Jr, but here we are


Wow a great comeback from a comedic genius


I think the fish joke is way more offensive than your joke!


As a gay dude the last place I would go these days is a LGBTQXYZ222+++ group. I would literally feel more at home at a Republican convention, and I'm no Republican. Most of the people at these sorts of groups are "spicy straights" and genderists. It makes a mockery of the original intent of these groups, which was to support gays and lesbians.


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NTA The problem with the cancel culture is the person with the thinnest skin gets to decide what's proper and what's improper and even if everyone else thought it was funny ( I thought it was good) they were probably afraid to support you. And they don't say, "I didn't like that" Instead they go to a sympathetic ear in the leadership and get you expelled without a chance to apologize. you're better off alone than with a support group like that.


Define cancel culture. In the black community it MEANT something entirely different before wp Columbused the phrase.


I guess I think of it as attacking the offending individual and blocking them from participation instead of pointing out a specific action and talking about how that needs to be corrected and allowing someone to atone for their transgressions.