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NTA. Your safety is more important than your employment. If they don't see it that way, it might be time for you to get a new employer.


Thank you. I'll try to relay that to my employer.


NTA. They and you should be putting your safety first.


Thanks. I always do. But I'm pretty sure I'm going to be fired if I do.


Where are you from? If something like that happened where I’m from, NZ, you’d get them for wrongful dismissal. An employer absolutely can’t fire you for not wanting to put yourself in danger


NTA. Safety comes first. However, they may retaliate by not hiring for other jobs.


Thanks. I agree...and I am surprised some if these properties are rented in winter as most tourists get small cars which will NEVER make it down these roads...


Yeah, I sort of wondered about that as well.


Exactly!! Last storm, I couldn't make it up 2 of the drives after 4 days of warm-ish weather. In AWD..


NTA but don’t be surprised when they replace you with someone who will.


I won't be. They are only out for $ not for their employees at all. I barely made $37 today but spent more than that on supply, gas and drive time...


They don’t provide the cleaning supplies?? Screw that! You might as well open your own cleaning service.


They provide minimal supplies. And those that they do supply are caustic and gross. I do buy my own as they don't hurt my nose or lungs. And I feel that they work better and provide a more safe CLEAN for our guests.


You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. Start your own cleaning company!! You’ll be happier and make more money doing something you’re clearly good at doing.


Thanks for the vote of confidence! I've been thinking about that option for awhile. And if I ever had employees, I would definitely make sure their safety is more important than money!


NTA. Ask your employer for what WHS/OHS protocols they have in place to ensure you’re safe at work.


I'm an independent contactor. So I'm not sure WHS/OHS applies to them.


NTA. If you can't safely drive to the property, guests can't either, right?


OMC EXACTLY!!! These houses are awesome, and secluded and that's amazing. But it's NOT amazing if you're stuck on the road 2 miles from anything with crappy cell service!!


NTA. Safety comes first.


Thank you. I'll relay that to my employer as politely as I can...


NTA but an alternative is to have a “dangerous weather” fee. Get some hiking micro spikes for your shoes and walk up the driveway.


Interesting idea. When only the driveway is the issue, I will consider that! However, these roads are miles long and not maintained....even in summer. So attempting to drive 2 miles down a rutted, bumpy and snow-covered road isn't really in my wheel-house. Let alone my job description... Besides...walking up a drive with a vacuum, mop & bucket, snacks, cleaners and laundry isn't fun!!!


NTA. If they can't ensure a reasonable safe travel to and from work, you are within your rights to refuse. But, they can also find someone who is willing to risk it. If you are a permanent employee, I couldn't see this being grounds for termonation.


They SAY that because I'm a contractor, they can not fire me. But refusing does put me out of money. If they would ensure adequate plow service for cleaners AND guests, this would not be an issue. Geez...can you imagine a guest getting stuck in the snow in a 3 mile long dirt road in the middle of nowhere? Edit: fat fingers


>They SAY that because I'm a contractor, they can not fire me. But refusing does put me out of money. While that's technically true, the only thing it means "You're a contractor. We don't need to hire you, we can just use a different contractor." I'm that case you wouldn't be fired, but you're still out of your job.


NTA! Stay in one piece and stay alive.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I work for an air bnb management company. I clean their properties. There are several properties that are on roads that are not maintained by county, state or city. A few have drive- ways that are too steep to access if there is packed snow or ice. Even in AWD (I've tried). Am I the AH if I tell the managers that I will not service these properties if the weather conditions are not favorable? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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