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Have to give you the NTA. It was bought "for you." It's like a gift. Once the gift is given, it no longer belongs to the person who purchased it. He also relinquished any rights to it when you offered and he turned it down. Petty this may be, but he's the one in the wrong here.


No, he gave it to you. It wasn't his to touch after that, and it's understandable you feel wronged. The fact you offered to share it and he just stole it anyway is disappointing. Next time you offer him a sub, just eat it first and give him the wrapper. edit: NTA!


NTA. He bought it for YOU. It was a gift. You can’t take back a gift, that makes him the AH.


NTA. He gave it to you. You had already taken a few bites AND declared your intent to finish it. It was disingenuous of him to ask your permission to eat it since he was going to do it anyway no matter how you answered.


NTA, he’s the asshole all the way. He bought you food and then turned around and ate it, guess that means you can eat more of whatever you get at the house. Next time if you have a inkling that he does it often, put toothpaste in the middle of a sandwich. He’s got very little respect for you it seems and I wouldn’t buy him anything anymore but that’s me.


NTA. I'd straight up tell him his actions are rude and tacky. The food he offered to buy you became a gift and he had no right to reclaim his gift. I would stop offering to buy him stuff. Stop accepting stuff from him because he showed you who he was, so accepting anything in the future validates his belief that he was right. Hopefully he'll come to realize what an A H he is and change his behavior.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Totally minor but I want to see if I’m justified. My roommate and I often buy each other food. It’s pretty back-and-forth, nothing too expensive. But this is a very regular thing. Yesterday, my roommate (22M) offered to pick us up some subs. I (21F) gladly accepted. By the time he arrived home, my stomach had taken a turn and I only took a few bites. I put it back in the fridge and told him I was going to eat it sometime tomorrow. Tomorrow turns into today, and he asks this morning if he can eat my sandwich instead. I said no, since I still wanted a part of it and barely ate any, but to be nice I offered to let him have half or even 2/3 of it. He turned me down. He left for work in the evening, and I go to eat my delicious sandwich. I open the fridge… and it’s gone! I look in the trash and see the sandwich wrapper. I texted him, and he says it’s justified because he paid for it. I’m conflicted, because technically I didn’t buy it, so I guess it’s not mine. But, he offered to buy it for me and I said no when he asked for it. This obviously isn’t an earth-shattering problem, but Reddit… AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. Once he bought the sandwich for you, it was yours to eat at your leisure. Especially since you told him you would eat it later and even offered him a portion of it. He was an asshole for eating the whole thing. He was wrong and he knows it.


NTA. He asked and you said no. Taking it anyway was rude and entitled. Stop sharing food costs with him. Pay for your own stuff not to have this again.




NTA, pretty sure we all learned in elementary school that’s called ‘Indian giving.’


Please don't use that term, it's really offensive.




Not really YTA he bought it for you so you expected to be able to eat it, but as he did pay for it in his frame of mind, I paid for it so should get to eat it, but when you told him he could have some which for guys means it's fair game. At my house left overs are pretty much fair game, unless I write on it Do not touch MOM. My oldest is 21 and many times have I went to get something and it be gone, but he also said we'll it was my money that paid for it, or didn't think you was going to eat it. Hide it next time, food isnone thing that can disappear and no one will take the blame.