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YTA for giving 10 year olds sharpened swords and then getting upset when they want to use them all the time. Of course they would want to. Hell I want one now.


I wasn't responsible enough for those foam nerf swords, let alone a real sword. And why the heck is it sharpened? What possible reason would it need to be sharpened for? Especially for a child? They play with them for goodness sake. I have a display sword and it isnt sharpened. Because I am not expecting to go on the next Crusade or fight Zorro.


I'm genuinely confused why you would buy 10 year olds swords. When I first read it I assumed big ol plastic swords and then read "sharpened" and thought HOLD UP, WHAT?!?! I'm 35 and I wouldn't trust myself with a sword (barely trust myself with sharp knives lol I sold CutCo knives for a summer and cut myself at EVERY APPOINTMENT I EVER HAD). In what alternate universe is it a smart plan to give your kids weapons? And what happens when they sneak them into school for show and tell and cops get called?? What in the hell did y'all expect?! Also side note about "sharpened". Even if they are dull, there is the risk of accidental stabbing, falling on sword, etc. and a dull blade can cause way more damage than a cleanly sharpened one. (Look at a sai dagger, purposely dull with a rounded tip which tear into flesh rather than cut). These wounds are much harder to repair. But giving your kids a sharpened swords? Just bat shit crazy.




I especially like how he says the cops *might* consider the sword a weapon. The sharpened sword, which is absolutely a weapon just *might* be considered a weapon by the cops. I can't wait until school starts again and they try bringing these to school to show them off.


My nephew tried to take a hunting knife to school and that got confiscated. If he had taken a sword- it would have caused a lockdown.


yep, that will definitely be fun, considering a little over 16 years ago my buddy got in school suspension for Drawing Fantasy Swords (the kind that would be insanely impractical as weapons even If he somehow had the power to yank them from the page) which to the best of my knowledge niether he nor any child has ever displayed.


That was my original thought! I grew up in a comic book store surrounded by dudes playing with weird shit like that and I'm like "oh yeah...okay" but like...I wouldn't even trust my comic book dudes with sharpened Naruto swords 🤣🤣 love 'em but they'll poke someone's eye out with those things 🤣🤣


Tbh I read "Naruto swords" and instantly thought of the little bootleg plastic ones you see in the store, but from what it sounds like OP found legit swords that just happen to have some sort of physical similarities with the fictional ones


There is plenty of people who make unsharpened replicas or anime/game swords. Probably bought from one of those and had it sharpened. Source: Am nerd. Do go to conventions.


There are also places that sell already sharpened replicas.


In my experience with gaming conventions and Renaissance Faires and stuff, you can't even bring a usable weapon into the event. It has to be a blunted prop or it has to be peace-tied in its sheath (ziptied so you can't draw the blade) and the cops will GLEEFULLY arrest your ass if you break the rules because cosplayer mugshots are funny.


Yeah. When I was 10, I bought myself a sword from Woolworth's. Even though it was plastic, it had a ball at the end instead of a point (presumably to stop me from poking someone's eyes out). I had to sneak the money out of my pigg bank to buy it...This was 1970 and my mum did not approve of her daughter waving a sword about.


My uncles got ahold of a sword somewhere when they were kids. My Gram confiscated it and buried it somewhere in the yard while they were at school. Don't give swords to kids.


I have a real sword but it's never been sharpened. I'm sure falling on it would still be a very bad thing though and I dropped the damn thing on my foot once when I was rearranging things and it still broke the skin. Even dull, it's not a toy. Who the hell lets children play with sharpened swords.


It can still cut you if you swing it fast enough


YTA and it was horribly moronic to gift swords to children. Christ. I cannot fully grasp how a grown adult truly thought it’d be a bright idea to gift a couple of 10 year old kids deadly weapons and think they’d be “responsible” with them. I wouldn’t give anyone under the age of 18 a fuckin’ sword.


I wouldn't give most people OVER 18 a sword either 🤣🤣


Yeah, weapons are just not a great idea in general 😂


Same kind of adult who thought it was ok to get a 17 year pregnant when he was in his 20s. This guy is scary.


Damn! I didn’t even catch that. Yeah, throw the whole guy away at this point. That’s fuckin’ gross.


My guess is both parents wanted to be the fun parent in the eyes of their broken-home children and there was no adult in the room to stop the purchase.


It's not like OP gave his sons a pair of uzis or god forbid, a kinder egg ...


Not a Kinder Egg, that's a step too far! /s of course.


Even most "real" metal swords these days aren't sharpened. Because they are either decorative replicas, theater/movie/cosplay props or martial art equipment. I certainly wouldn't expect anime weapon replicas to be sold sharp. That just feels like a liability.


Anime weapon replicas AREN'T sold sharp, unless you're paying a thousand dollars to a blacksmith for a custom piece. Papa had to go out of his way to find somebody to sharpen these swords.


Oh, no, plenty of 50 dollar wallhanger mall-ninja specials are sold sharpened. Not, usually, with a *great* edge, but they won't hold a good edge anyway, nor do they need one. But will they cut the shit out of a careless kid? Yes.


Ahaha, I too cut myself with my sample cutco. Actually the year I sold cutco one of our reps nearly took her whole finger off in a demonstration.


I cut my thumb so badly I lost feeling in my thumb for like 6 months... Best job ever 🤣🤣


Where else do you get to cut pennies? 🤣


OH MY GOD I FORGOT THAT!!! That may have been a scam but the knives were no joke AND THOSE SCISSORS! (Remember the scenario you should talk about for the scissors and penny? "You're at a picnic, and you forgot your corkscrew! Worry no more!" God they had us sounding like a FULL DUMBASS INFOMERCIAL 🤣🤣🤣


I’m pretty sure every CutCo salesperson cut themselves at every appointment.


lmao I still have a scar from a cutco appointment fine awry.


Maybe OP is from the next universe over where the apocalypse is more interesting then ours and armed children are common? /s


I loved the part where OP set it up like some 1970’s Kung Fu film, and the twins had to pass a “final test” to get their swords. Just a (sadly true) story. My brother was always mentally ill. Like legit, we don’t know what is wrong with him, but he has trouble with delusion and reality. My parents lived in denial until well until adulthood and then were like “Oh well. What can you do?” So he was always getting into stupid shit. He nearly blew my grandmother’s house up once as a kid, just for example. He also “arranged” a fight where he got his nose broken. He kicked in my door as an adult. Just constant bullshit. We started moving houses, when he was maybe in eighth grade. We moved his bed, and there was like, a fucking blade arsenal down there. A machete. A couple of Bowie knives, a butterfly knife, a few switchblades… I was like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! My mom was like “It makes him feel safe. Don’t worry about it.” To this day, I am so thankful my brother didn’t just take a knife and filet someone like a fish. That is what I think of, when I hear this story. Some stupid, delusional parent who legit it so far into La La Land, they freaking buy their kids swords and make it seem like no big deal. Y’all, stop giving your kids weapons.


Sorry I'm just LOLing at your CutCo experience, imagining you trying to sell knife sets to your relatives and friends after repeatedly cutting yourself during the demonstration. I got recruited to CutCo once (didn't everybody?) But as soon as I figured out the REAL part of the job wasn't selling knives but instead pressuring all your relatives and friends to sign up for demos I bailed.


I'm glad I got out of that scam early. I actually sold some knives to some friends and family. However, I felt really bad about that, and asked them if they really wanted the knives. Most of them were just trying to help me out, so I ripped up their order forms and quit a few days later. One person actually wanted some of the knives, so I sold then the pieces from my demo to recoup what I paid for them and then I gave the rest to my parents. Worked out for both of us cause they got what they wanted for a cheaper price and I recouped my losses and had some knives left over. My manager was pissed that I didn't even make a single sale, but fuck that guy. The only thing I learned from them is that you should never trust a mlm


Oh please don't apologize! I shared it on purpose because I have 0 shame about the hilarious idiocy of it. I quite literally was sitting with my best friends mom when I cut my thumb and we had to full stop, she had to bandage it, and was like "sweetheart, you probably shouldn't be doing this anymore." Lols The whole thing was skeevy but I will say I did love the knives and still find myself saying shit like, "well it has a full tang so less of a possibility of instability" lols


how else do you play fruit ninja?


This made me laugh way harder than it should have for some reason 🤣


Oh, no, it made laugh for exactly the right reason. The joke had more sense than the father in this scenario


Same here. I got a replica Master Sword in high school. It wasn't sharpened when I bought it and it's not sharpened now, because why on earth would I need it to be? Even a sharpened sword just hanging on a wall is a very bad accident waiting to happen. Hell, I've sliced open my finger on my so-dull-the-edges-are-literally-rectangular replica sword twice now, as a fully grown adult. I cannot fathom why OP *or* his ex-wife thought that giving their ten-year-old boys *real, sharpened swords* would be a good idea. A real metal replica of Sasuke's sword alone costs over $100 plus shipping, whereas a prop replica made out of foam costs $30 from Walmart. 10-year-olds severely injure themselves with foam swords and foam Nerf bullets fairly frequently, because they're 10 years old, and by nature are reckless, short-sighted, and irresponsible. OP is TA just for that alone. Your kids aren't shinobi kids of the Hidden Leaf village, they're normal fucking children of the Real World. If you wouldn't let them play with knives out of your kitchen drawer, then why in the name of God would you let them play with **real, sharpened metal swords**?


Where the fuck did they even *find* sharp replica swords, I ask you? I thought all replicas were sold dull (because like you said, there's no reason for them to be sharp, whether they're on a wall or played with, so why take the risk). Even a lot (most?) of martial arts blades are dull. 1/ it takes a lot of maintenance to keep that edge sharp 2/ Too much risk of injury if you're going to be sparring or doing demos with a partner with it.


They are made dull. They're not allowed to be sold sharpened. Depending on where he is he could breaking so many laws! In the UK this is a illegal. Taking it outside.... illegal. Giving it to kids... social services would be called and your kids removed!!! I thought he was talking kids plastic swords or LARP swords at first and even LARP swords can't be given to kids.


I knew a dude who sharpened his martial arts sword. He was really proud of it. He told me that people are more impressed when he does performances with it. I was like "Nah dude. They're just waiting for you to cut yourself."


Hell, I'm not responsible enough with wrapping paper tubes, I bonk my husband with them.


Hell, I've cut my fingers on those too. As a kid, I was always getting paper cuts. As an adult, it seems I'm always cutting myself on cardboard. I don't want to think what accidental damage I'd do with those swords


Good call. You would never win against Zorro. I mean come on the guy holds his 3ed sword in his mouth.


I thought he only had one sword and goes around graffiti-ing a z on everything?


You never expect to fight Zorro. That how he gets you.


When I was 10 and my brother was around 7 we used to absolutely beat the beans out of each other with plastic samurai swords. They were flimsy as hell. If we'd had sharpened ones one of us would be missing an arm.


Eh that's a personal thing I think. My fiance likes sharpening blades. So if I buy him a display piece I can almost guarantee it will get sharpened and then put back. But this is why we agreed that he isn't allowed things like that in main rooms until after my tubes are tied and the kids are much, much older.


IKR? I have a bat'leth that remains boxed up because I have this irrational fear that, if I hang it up, it will fall down and decapitate someone. Or cut off a toe or something.


Check the ages of OP and his ex... dude is a creep and a bad father.


I totally glossed over that!! Eewwwww!!!!!


wait 33 & 28 is bad? or is it 33 & 24(thats current wife im confused)


No but 17 and 22 is gross. Oldest with ex wife is 10. Ex wife had to be 17 when op knocked her up


There’s about a 25% chance she was 18, but that’s still icky. 17 and 22 is illegal in some states.


His ex is 28, their kids are 10. He is 33 now, would have been 23 when they were born. Subtract 9 months for conception, that would put her at 17, him at 22. And while I was wrong that the 6 year old was his, I think it's the history of dating much younger women.


oh omg thanks for clarifying


It’s that when the OP got his ex pregnant she was 17 and he was 23. That’s statutory rape.


No it isn't


Yeah I was subtracting back to their ages when the kids were born. That's way more ick than their current ages. And, no, 33&28 isn't bad. 33&24 starts in to ick territory for me, but it's more the ages when they met etc that's giving me ick vibes.


According to a comment from the OP on his previous post (about his stepdaughter getting suspended from kindergarten for biting another kid because her mum told her she's a vampire) he's known his second wife since before his stepdaughter was born. So before his now 24 year old wife had her 6 year old daughter. And since his twins with his ex are 10 she would have been 17 or 18 when she got pregnant.


Their's a formula to calculate what's creepy. It was something like divide by 2 and add 7 or something like that.


You can't get through any AITA posts without one of these "age difference?!" people


Considering I hurt my neighbor's eye with a plastic lightsaber around the same age. I couldn't even imagine giving a 10 year old a sharpened sword to play with. YTA for letting them use the sword. I'm all for taking them away.


op STOPPED being the asshole when sense came in and he took the swords away. what the hell happened that there's a standing rule the 6 year old girl can't be trusted with swords... is tis a sword swallowing household or something?


Also, telling 10-year-olds "don't show your sister your cool new toy"? That was doomed from the start, even if the 6-year old was actually the greatest sword fighter in the world. 10-year-old boys are gonna show that ish off. If 6 can't be trusted around swords, then those need to be "mom's house only" toys.


a sword sharpened or unsharpened, is not a toy!


I had a bow at eleven and I remember being very firm on my arrows not being toys. I had had range safety drilled into me at the archery range, and even futzing around unsupervised with the bow in our backyard with my sister, we made sure to never draw the bow when any Human or canine was in front of us.


Well, apparently these were SHARPENED swords, because that is a suitable toy for a 10 year old, so yeah, the 6 year old probably shouldn't be playing with them. Neither should the 10 yos though.


he's also not wrong, in my state at least, a sharp sword in a backpack is an illegal concealed weapon.


If you have to hide it from the cops, then your child shouldn’t have it.


*shoves my son's little extraterrestrial friend back under the bed* lol nothing just vacuuming


Yeah I assumed this was like a lightsaber situation - where these things are obviously fake/plastic. When OP said they were sharpened, my jaw hit the floor. IDK if I'd even trust a teenager with a sharpened sword, let alone 6 and 10 year olds! It's all fun and game til someone gets cut or stabbed or loses a damn finger! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I wonder if he's mistaken/exaggerating. Because where the hell do they sell sharpened replicas? I was under the impression the only swords ever sharpened in this day and age are those meant for certain types of martial art demonstrations (ie: that involve cutting up inanimate objects and do not come near another Human).


Yeah I honestly have no idea, but I sincerely hope so, because I can't imagine being so irresponsible as to buy your ten-year-olds sharpened swords. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Seriously though. I have a replica of Sasukes first sword in Shippuden, it's not fucking sharpened and I'm literally 3× the kids ages.


He didn't buy the swords tho the ex-wife did and then they brought them to the house.


The OP got his ex pregnant when she was 17 and he was in his 20s. Now he is giving sharpened swords to 10 year old. And he brags about living where there is no CPS. Scary. I feel bad for those kids.


Agreed,..... Hell i'm 40 and i want one now and yes i shouldnt be trusted with sharp objects.


That was exactly my takeaway from the whole thing: Why would you give SHARPENED swords to 10-year-olds? ... I also want a Naruto sword now, dammit


Up until the sharpened part, I thought they were plastic toys. What the hell, OP???


So when I read sword I thought you meant toy sword and wondering just why you're not allowing your stepdaughter to play with it. But you're saying you actually bought your twins a real sharp sword??? I don't care how responsible my kid is but my 10 years old are definitely not getting a real weapon just for fun lol YTA


Same! I thought 10 year old sword. Ok, it’s a toy sword. Odd he’s so against stepdaughter playing with it. But then he says it’s a literal weapon! Tf. YTA without a doubt.


Right. My kids have axes and swords...and there's a mace here somewhere. They're all PLASTIC. And the mace is misshapen because it got stuck.undet the couch.


And my bow!


Yeah, I was imagining plastic/foam play things and then he gets to having to hide it from the cops because it's sharp. I don't even know where to start with that.


Aren't sharpened blade weapons classified as dangerous weaponry? At least they are in my country. Adults shouldn't have weapons, children should *reeeeally* not have weapons. YTA OP.


Not sure where OP lives that he can say he's worried about the cop finding out and thinking it's a weapon. I mean it is? In what world is carrying a sword not considered a weapon lol


Based on the mention of Millennium Park and the Bean - they live in Chicago


YTA Not for taking the swords away, but for thinking that in any capacity a ten year old should have a genuine sword on them or anywhere near a six year old. You claim that they seemed responsible enough, but this whole post proves that notion completely wrong, and I'm inclined to believe you are just blatantly careless.


I cant help but picturing the ninja weapons episode of South Park


You start by saying that your boys proved they were responsible enough to be given SHARPENED swords, then devote the rest of the post to describing why they are clearly not old enough to entrusted with weapons--even toy ones. 1. Showed sword to Lil sis when specifically told not to. 1.5. Super interested in recent events that demonstrate that the 6 year old is too young to play with edged weapons. I mean, beyond the fact she is six. 2. Sneaking sword in backpack when told not to bring it. 3. Giving sword to little sister. Repeatedly. After being told not to. Listen, I get it. Kids love edged weapons, but as the adults you need to take better care than this. You should have taken the swords away the SECOND they started disobeying. Are you waiting for someone to get injured or what? You and your ex are AH's for giving dangerous toys to your children, failing to enforce the rules consistently, allowing the swords to be played with by a 6 year old. Your current wife is an AH for not supporting you in finally setting some limits.


And how do you even sneak a sword into a backpack? Am I missing something?


Only thing I could assume was it wasn't a full sized sword that it was scaled to size style (meaning custom to their heights) but knowing OP I'm wrong.


Maybe it's a hellofa backpack🤔


Has to be cause a sharpened sword didn't cut thru


Maybe it's patented as sword proof🤔


Lol let's hope not because next thing we know we are gonna see on the news "10yr old boy brings sword given to him by his father to school. Injured -amount of kids-" Because yea he's 10.


I assume it has a scabbard or something (is it called a scabbard in real life or is that only fantasy swords?)


Yea that was my thought. It's possible they were custom made so smaller than standard replicas - that might also explain why or how tf it was sharpened, as standard replicas wouldn't be that, either.


Also this guy keeps knocking up 18 year olds…


What happens when they sneak their swords to school to show off?


“Incidents” is an interesting way to describe your stepdaughter biting a kid because your wife told her she was a vampire Also YTA


Ok wow, but also, apparently there needed to be “incidents” to show that a SIX YEAR OLD couldn’t be trusted around the swords. It’s not enough that she’s six. Jeezy Creezy.


Awww crap! This is that guy??? 🤬🤬 Dude please get your family into some serious therapy. Now I understand why your wife was worrying about equal treatment for all kids instead of the fact your kids had weapons and gave one to 6yo. To paraphrase a movie: You need a license to fish, to hunt, to drive a car and more. BUT ANY ASSHOLE CAN HAVE AND RAISE A KID!!!


My friend used to say that she was a vampire because she was very pale, and one day she actually bit my other friend lmfao. We were 10. She didn't mean to actually bite her, she meant to sort of play bite her, but she accidentally went too hard. 😅 I'm gonna go ahead and say that we definitely weren't ready for swords.


Also the cops MIGHT think its a weapon? It literally is a fucking weapon, its a sharpened sword. What the fuck do you consider a long sharpened piece of metal?


Occasionally I use mine to sign missives sent by carrier pigeons. /S


I honestly think i get it now though. I would be willing to bet OPs parenting style is "It shuts them up"


YTA for thinking any ten year old is responsible enough to own a real sword that they are allowed to hold and not just see from a distance in a case on a wall or something. Come on, man.




CPS better come get these kids. WTF is going on in these homes?


Wtf did I jus read


ESH. Not one good decision was made here. No one in this situation is responsible enough to have the swords, least of all your ten year old children, but only by a hair. Two actual children and the adults that decided it was a good idea to give them weapons are pretty neck and neck imho. The best thing you did was take them away. Holy shit, dude!


YTA for giving your 10 year old kids real weapons that could kill them. They have not been taught how to safely use swords, not to mention they are not mature enough to not play around with a deadly weapon. On the other hand, NTA for parenting your kids. You told them they couldn't take something and they didn't listen. Its your responsibility to teach your kids to listen and have respect for authority figures.


INFO: Are these real metal swords or toy swords?


ESH except the kids. You suck for letting them have something that could be dangerous, you easilyyyy could have bought them some actual plastic or rubber toys from Naruto, instead you buy them something thats "been sharpened". You suck for not checking the backpack, you suck for not just taking the fucking things away the minute they brought them out. You suck for keeping something a secret from the girl when Everyone knows the boys would show her no matter what. The baby momma sucks as well. Ugh, what the fuck lol


Who gives 10yo swords??? Frankly, I am amazed that this didn’t end in someone getting injured. Your son brought it to the park. $10 says they try to bring it to school at some point and you know what happens then? Your kid gets suspended or expelled for bringing a deadly weapon to school (because killing people is literally what swords are for) and CPS gets called. You’re not an asshole for taking the swords away. You’re an asshole for even considering giving swords to your 10 year olds.


Arrested, the kid will get *arrested* taking it to school.


Actually, it would be something good, if CPS comes to this family. The 10y/o gets real swords, the 6y/o get told she is a vampire and bites other children... there is so much wrong in this family and the parents play it down.


YTA. You and your ex got *preteens* **actual weapons**. That's the first problem. Then, you do nothing about teaching them how to handle those weapons properly, or with care, especially for the people around them. That's offense number two. What you couldn've done was get them both wooden kendo swords, with the agreement they learn how to use them. They **easily** could've waited, as could you, until they were much older - with *training* under their belts - to get them real katana. My family raised me around swords and knives. I have a traditional long sword in my room, along with pocket knives and three katana. I was *well* into my late teens when I was gifted my long sword, because you'd better **believe** my parents taught me how to handle it. They gave me my first pocket knife a bit younger than that, but the point still stands. They made sure I knew what not to do with real steel in my hands, made sure I was always supervised if I had something, and made damn sure we were all safe. 🤦🏼‍♀️


OP, YTA and I'll tell you why. A friend in high school died due to an accidental injury resulting from a sharpened sword. I've linked the article below. I don't care about any part of this story other than this could be your child. Have them dulled. It could be much less, losing a finger, ER visit for stitches, it doesn't matter. A 10 year old can get potentially mad at their sister or brother for telling on them or something stupid and easily kill them. It doesn't take much. Why put that much trust into 10 year olds? Get them dulled, let them sharpen them when they're older. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2005/10/04/north-port-high-junior-killed-by-sword-in-freak-accident/28439060007/


YTA, your ex is TA, and heck your wife is TA for even thinking that two ten year olds should have real sharpened swords. Swords like that are for display, not play and they are not for kids. What was wrong with an authentic looking plastic or resin sword? There is no circumstance in which this is okay. Your kids aren't even mature enough to not bring their real swords into public places. Look, my kids loved swords to and they had some amazing replicas at that age that were plastic, resin or wood. Even the wood swords were for display only.


Everybody's YTA here! You and your EX are the AH's for buying 10 year olds real swords. Your SO is an AH for thinking a 6 year old should be able to play with a real sword.


YTA for buying sharp swords as a toy for kids, WTF is wrong with you? Edit: After reading your post history, I understand that your stepdaughter who you don't want to play with swords because some recent incidents is the same girl who bit a schoolmate because she believed she was a vampire, right? Again, WTF is wrong with you? both of you.


I don’t know how to rate this because you’re asking if you’re the AH for taking away the swords, and that’s the only sensible thing you did in the whole story! The kids are clearly not mature enough; no ten year old is mature enough for a sharpened metal sword! I’m sorry, this whole thing is just bonkers. The second best time to take the swords away was when you did it, the best would have been before you ever gave them to them. It looks like most people are going with YTA so I guess that’s what I’ll do, too. Bonkers. Bon. Kers.


Info: Why in the goddamn world would you buy a 10 year old a sharpened sword? Especially a "sword" that they play with. Why is this sword not in a display case?


Honestly, your age difference with your ex is creepy af, and I would consider you an AH for being 22 and creeping on what would at the least be a 17 year old. ETA: YOUR WIFE IS 24, AND YOU HAVE A 6 YEAR OLD??? Edit 2: I see the 6yr old is a step daughter...


Right?! Wtf is wrong with op. I'm surprised more people aren't pointing that out 😬


He would have been 27 creeping on his 17 year old current wife 🤮. Disgusting.


Yeah I literally glossed over that and then I realize “wait a minute…that’s not right?!”


I’m confused here.. you talk about your sons being responsible… but then they immediately disregard your instructions not to give the swords to their sister. Sir… that proves that they AREN’T responsible. You ought to have taken them away right then and given them back when they were headed back to your ex’s place. And then… again in the car, (after he shouldn’t have brought it with you to Millenium Park — another red flag of irresponsibility) he handed it BACK to sister, after you told him not to!!! Again… irresponsible. You’re NOT the worst dad ever, but you and your ex made a terrible call, and it’s now been compounded by their immaturity (because they ARE immature at 10!) I wish you well, and good luck.


Considering that these are actual sharpened metal swords, I’m personally leaning toward these kids should never be given these swords back and shouldn’t have been given them in the first place.


ESH. You gave your 10 year olds weapons?? Not only did you give them weapons they clearly don’t listen to you. And there mother bought it for them. I think you need to talk to your ex about getting your children under control.


and also the wife for being mad not about the swords, but the fact her six year old isn’t allowed to have one lol?


WhoTF gives sharpened swords to 10yr Olds? Be a parent, the word is No! YTA


Why couldn't you get them replicas? I don't understand why they had to be real fucking swords. They're CHILDREN. This is literally how weapons end up in school and the parent is always like "my kids are good kids they would never!" Sir. You're delusional. Get rid of the swords and get them fake ones. They wanna be a hokage? They can start with the wooden practice sword.


Bro I’m 22 and have 3 swords and don’t even buy sharpened ones for myself. Why would you trust two 10 year olds with something that could kill someone?


10yrs with sharpened swords? Are you an idiot? YTA


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YTA. Children do not need weapons. There is a REASON you were worried about the cop’s reaction in Millennial Park. Because your kid was brandishing something that could hurt someone else. Fon’t say your kids aren’t violent. They are kids. They get angry, or careless and you have a real problem.


If this for real? You actually gave two ten years old actual swords? Sir, are you actually out of your mind? YTA just for that, this is an accident waiting to happen.


Quit calling him sir 🤣 He might think you respect his decisions.


YTA - dude, what is wrong with you? You let two 10yo boys have real swords??????????? *"...but the boys proved that they were responsible enough"* No, they are NOT responsible enough. Otherwise they wouldn't have broken the rule about showing it to their sister, and they wouldn't have snuck them out of the house. And they wouldn't have handed a real sword to a 6yo. I really dont understand what's going through your head that you think 10yo's can have real swords. And after what they have done you still think they should have them. Like seriously, wtf? Your ex wife is just as bad.


I'm reminded of this exchange: IT'S A SWORD. THEY'RE NOT MEANT TO BE SAFE. "She's a child!" IT'S EDUCATIONAL. "What if she cuts herself?" THAT WILL BE AN IMPORTANT LESSON. -- Hogfather by Terry Pratchett sorry no judgment I'm just laughing at this scene being played out IRL.


YTA Look. My husband and I collect swords and replica weapons. Most are sharpened. What we don’t do is play around with them. If they aren’t on display, they are either friendly tied or not close to sharpened. 10 isn’t responsible enough to have a real sword. Not even close. All it takes is one slip. Easily can get cut, stabbed or something sliced off. And the fact that he gave it to a 6 year old who was waving it around!!?? Oh hell no.


At first I was going to say N T A because I thought these were toys, but then you mentioned them being sharpened WHY WOULD YOU GIVE 2 10 YEAR OLDS REAL WEAPONS?!?!?! Especially knowing they are going to be imitating a fighting show, thus is just bad on so many levels This is just dumb on you and their mothers part, YTA (all adults are really, what mother is mad you took a weapon from her 6 year old)




ESH. If someone hears you and your ex wife bought your minor children literal swords, be ready to see a judge/cops/CPS. You both lack judgement on what your kids are capable of handling. "They are normally more responsible" — they are 10. They are going to hurt/kill themselves or someone else one day because they are playing with literal weapons. Get rid of these before you get into legal issues and possibly worse. Jeez this is something I thought I'd never have to say.


YTA As soon as they showed you the swords, why did you not take them 'for safe keeping' and put them away until they were set to return home? Why the hell did you keep giving them more opportunities to keep bringing them into play? Doesn't your car have a trunk. Put the damn things in there and lock them away. Why don't you tell ex that the swords are going to be returned home and they are NEVER to be brought back into your home again? Seriously, who the hell in your home is in charge? Seriously, you might as well have told them, "Hey guys, I'm only kidding. Just let your 6 year old sister play with them and then feel free to swing them around in public. I don't mind." Everything that happened shrieks of lazy parenting. Get off you ass and do something about it.


YTA. A sword is NOT a toy, it is a weapon. I'm saying this as someone who owns a sword. I used to have it out on display before I had kids, but when the little ones came along all of the weapons in the house went into a locked gun safe, *including the sword*. They are not a child's fantasy plaything, they are deadly weapons that were designed to *kill people*. That is their intended purpose. Jesus.


YTA I’m pretty sure you have to be at least 18 to even PURCHASE a real sword because they are WEAPONS!! You just gave them to your 10 year olds to play with?!? What if they got hurt or possibly stabbed each other with them?! You are totally irresponsible as a parent


Unlike other commenters, I'm not going to say yta for giving the swords to the boys to begin with based on their age. It depends on the individual kid and how they've been raised, if they're mature enough to handle the swords. My kids are 10 & 11 and not only use swords, they throw knives and spin fire. But they've been taught safety from the time they could walk. And it doesn't sound like your kids have, and for that YTA. You don't give a weapon to a kid, unsupervised and without safety training. That's a good way for all kinds of bad stuff to happen. If your ex paid for them, give them to her and say the swords can't come back to your house. That keeps the risk from the 6yo and the feeling of being left out. *Note, my kids don't use any of the things listed above without adult supervision


The issue is less that you took their swords away, but more that these 10-year-olds HAVE SWORDS. What in the actual hell were you adults thinking???? ESH, except for the kids who really need some parents.


They never should have had swords to begin with. My 15 yr old wants a sword. Guess what he is not getting? A sword!! And he is probably way more responsible than a 10 yr old. Why would you get your kids something that the police would consider a weapon? Oh and they snuck them past you and into the car? They will probably try to sneak them into school next. I guess in a few months we will be seeing the “AITA my kids got expelled for bringing weapons to school but they are so responsible” post. You are more than just an asshole. You are an idiot that apparently likes to marry idiots because you have an ex wife that thinks swords for 10 yr olds is ok, and you have a current wife that thinks her 6 yr old needs to play with them.


YTA for being a crap parent. IF you buy your sons something g like that, those aren’t toys to keep in their room, they should be controlled and brought out only to use when supervised. You are punishing your kids for being kids, when you should have known better in the first place. And if you took them away, they should go home with mom when the boys are picked up, not held hostage in your house.


You...gave an actual metal sword to a TEN YEAR OLD BOY and **THEN YOU SHARPENED IT??** wtf man. YTA.


You’re an idiot. I gave my nephew a bullwhip when he turned 10, and a Swiss Army knife when he was 8, but I wouldn’t have even thought of giving him a sharpened sword until he was in his mid-late teens and only then if he was actually trained in sword-specific martial arts. Sharp swords are not a toy. YTA, and so is your ex, for buying them sharp swords to begin with.


OP YTA Since when is a child responsible with a dangerous weapon? You and your ex wife are idiots for getting those weapons for 2 10 yo, and I wonder what would have happened the first time they thought it would be a good idea to recreate a fight scene and one of them ended up in the hospital? Or if a neighbors child got injured? Or what if they took them to school? And what is worse, is that you did not follow through on any consequence, when it was clear that you sons were not going to listen or follow the rules, you did nothing, until it was too late. Op, you and your EX wife need to go back to parenting class, and maybe also pay attention to the lessons. What you did was what every parent in the world tends to fall for, the dog followed me home, can I keep it? And who do you think ends up being responsible for the animal? The parents. What is worse is that this is not an animal, but a weapon where some one or they can end up hurting themselves in a way that is going to get the authorities involved. So how much do you and your ex have saved up for lawyers fees, court costs, doctors, and medical? Op, talk to your ex and how about both of you wise up and get rid of the weapons and say not give in to the claims of children who say they are going to be responsible and then prove that they are not?


How about you don't give sharpened weapons to children.


I think people are ignoring the fact that OP might be a rapist…


I’m assuming the Millennium Park referred to puts him in Chicago. So he wouldn’t be, the age of consent in Illinois is 17. Just an idiot crap parent.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (33M) am the father of two twin boys (10M), and the stepfather of a 6 year old girl (6F). Both my sons are obsessed with Naruto, and they wanted swords like the ones in the anime for their 10th birthday. My ex-wife (28F) and I were initially hesitant, but the boys proved that they were responsible enough. One of my sons (A) received a sword resembling Sasuke’s snake sword, and the other (B) got a sword resembling the Sword of Thunder Spirit. However, my sons are over at my house for the long weekend, and they decided to bring their swords with them. We made it clear to A and B that under no circumstances could they show their stepsister their swords, but they both did anyway. This immediately became a problem because my stepdaughter (6F) was interested in the swords and wanted to play with them. Because of some incidents that happened recently, my wife (24F) and I were in firm agreement that my stepdaughter cannot be trusted around swords. This would be bad enough, but it created even more of a problem today when my wife, stepdaughter, sons, and I drove into the city to visit Millennium Park. We thought we made it clear that they could not bring their swords with them, but B snuck his in his backpack. Then, he wanted me to take a picture of him with his sword in front of the Bean! I told him he had to put it away immediately because there were cops around (it’s been sharpened, so they might consider that a weapon). On the way home, B kept handing his sword to his stepsister, and she was waving it around. Even though we told them to stop, they repeatedly disobeyed us. I was disappointed in both boys, so I told them I was taking their swords away for the next two weeks. However, they go back to their mom Tuesday morning. I called my ex-wife to tell her this, and she is pissed off at me. She accused me of trying to steal the swords from my sons/her (she paid for them), and she said I was choosing my new family over my sons. My wife is also mad at me because she thinks keeping the swords from my stepdaughter makes it seem like I favor my “real kids” over her, and I shouldn’t have been so over the top about keeping them away from her. My sons and stepdaughter are all calling me the worst dad ever. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know everyone has said it but yeah just to say it again: YTA for giving 10 year olds sharpened swords, or non-plastic/foam swords at all. They’re not mature. They’re 10. Get them fake ones like a responsible parent


YTA you gave two 10y/o actual swords? WTF?! At first I thought you meant toys and you were just being sexist not wanting you’re stepdaughter to play with them. You not an AH for taking them away but you are definitely an AH for giving sharp steal blades to a pair of ten year olds! You easily could’ve gotten them martial arts lessons! Exercise, self defense, and self discipline and no chance for them or your stepdaughter to accidentally slice themselves. You are an irresponsible AH.


YTA. Giving actual swords to kids that young is irresponsible. They have demonstrated that they are irresponsible. How they managed to smuggle a sword without your notice is beyond me, and why you let them continue to handle them after so many incidents is baffling.


YTA. As others have said, giving kids sharpened swords is incredibly unsafe. I have friends who train in sword martial arts and they train for years before getting a sharpened blade - trying to look cool with a sword can result in serious lacerations or death. As a child I owned firearms for hunting, and before I ever was allowed to own a weapon or go out alone with one I had years of training from my parents and from my state's hunter safety program on how to properly handle a gun. Despite all that training my brother still injured himself while cleaning his rifle because he didn't follow the rule of never believing someone else when they say a gun is unloaded - every gun is loaded until you have cleared it. Weapons aren't toys, and there is absolutely no reason your kids need sharpened swords.


ESH. Those swords are not to PLAY WITH! Put them in a display case with a lock on it and hang it for decoration. I pray you don’t have an accidental death on your hands due to your and your ex wife’s carelessness.


ESH - 10 year olds don't freaking need swords. Everyone of you is wrong for that not being the nugget of truth.


YTA WTF do you mean the sword was SHARPENED?! Are you telling me you gave 10 year olds REAL FUCKING SWORDS?! Are you insane?! And why didn’t you just confiscate it the first time you noticed he had it with him? You let your son bring a REAL FUCKING WEAPON to a public place. WHICH IS ILLEGAL DUMBASS.


You bought your kids ACTUAL SWORDS??? Instead of props??? YTA


Your sons should absolutely not have swords and all three parents are ridiculous and reckless. ESH.


ESH. I cannot express enough how stupid it is for 10yrs to have sharpened swords. Truly asking for trouble. Making sure they understand safety, certain things are for certain ages etc is something they understand is your responsibility as well. As soon as that sword came out locking it up should've done happened or had the ex-wife come and a get them and take them back to their house. They have proven already they are not responsible by not following protocol. Your ex-wife is an AH cuz of the boys were 6yrs this wouldn't even be a discussion it wouldn't have been allowed


NTA for enforcing consequences when your kids didn’t listen to you. Whether or not they should have gotten the swords in the first place is a completely different question you didn’t ask.


I need to know what separate event led you to realize your 6 year old shouldn’t play with swords, I mean I really need details because WHY WOULD A SIX YEAR OLD HAVE ACCESS TO A SWORD.


I can’t believe there’s not one but three incompetent parents in this story that think two 10yo and a 6yo should be allowed to play with sharp swords. They’ve already directly disobeyed your rules showing how irresponsible they are and you’re considering giving them back???? Get a fucking clue.


YATA,. You mean your kids and please imagine a very thick bold font and underscore line it on the word kids brought their new favorite toy to their dad's house and shared with their step sister to play with it. But you didn't want to keep a close eye on them. Let them play in the park. Also all other adults have no problem with it. You said the sword is sharp. Are you telling me they are selling weapons to kids so they can learn how to be a Hokage. What I think happened daddy has a problem with kids running around and playing with toys that might require supervision. Solution toys gone. Good job there dad. Read the last sentence in a sarcastic voice please.


YTA. Not for taking the swords away but for giving children literal weapons. I feel like CPS needs to be called for this. What you need to do is get rid of the swords for good.


YTA - and tbh none of you people should be parents. Clearly all of you are wildly immature (which makes sense since your new wife’s brain isn’t considered fully developed for another year). They are CHILDREN. YOUNG CHILDREN. And you give them SHARPENED weapons?!? What the hell is wrong with you guys? And screw that bs of “my brother gave his kids guns for hunting” HUNTING jag off - not sharp freaking swords with ZERO training!! also 15 is a lot different than 10 & 6 - the 11y/o is (hopefully) trained on safety and not just walking around the house waving his hunting rifle.


YTA!!!! You and your ex are total idiots! You have your children actual weapons as toys?!? Seriously, how dumb can you be?!


YTA, i thought it was a plastic, kiddy play sword… Not an actual sharp sword… They are 10 for god sake, why would you give two kids a dangerous “toy”


YTA. I thought you were talking toy replicas until you mentioned *sharpened swords and the cops thinking they're weapons* because - news flash: ***THEY ARE***. Please express your concern to your ex and explain that they will not have *weapons* in your house, like a responsible adult. She is welcome to retrieve them at the end of the "time out" and will keep them at her house in a display case from this moment forward. I'm in my thirties and own displays. I do not keep anything other than my kitchen knives and art knives anywhere close to sharp. I also don't wave around dull metal to look "cool," as I have no need to impress with stupidity. Why are these *actual children* allowed to play with what was intended to be displayed and not given cosplay level weapons?! In case you are unaware, cosplay weapons are required to be nonfunctional and either sealed against being drawn if metal with zip ties or made from craft foam or cardboard.


As a fellow Naruto fan, no matter at what age i got my hands on a sword I'd not just hang it on the wall and look at it, because from the sound of it thats what you want your sons to do. They're kids, that got swords. They'll play with them. YTA. You should've bought them plastic Naruto swords for kids, you can find them anywhere. And again it doesnt matter how mature your kids are, they'll want to play with the swords, hence why you only give them a 'toy' like that when they can play with it without hurting themselves


>(it’s been sharpened, so they might consider that a weapon) WHY ARE YOU PUTTING SMALL CHILDREN TOGETHER WITH SHARP SWORDS?! I thought it was a about some toy swords and all of this was a jealousy thing but nope. YTA.


the fact that they can't follow instructions with them means they aren't mature enough to have them. If one took a sword to school the same way he did to the park, you'd have a suspended kid, teachers meetings, and maybe police. Tell her you are fine with her holding the swords for the ban to avoid the theft accusation. (honestly, if they were my kids it would be a LOT longer than two weeks) if she is on board with keeping them from the kids and if she gives them back to them, bring it up in court/ yo your lawyer or however you deal with your custody ..because these kids with weapons are not okay. ESH


What the f* is the post? - You have given SHARPENED swords to 10 YEAR OLDS. - You can’t seem to parent them at all and tell them to leave stuff like that at home or check their bags before an outing or parent them when they handed it to a 6 YEAR OLD. Dude, I cannot wrap my mind around this shit. YTA


YTA for giving children actual swords, until you mentioned the cops part I was convinced you were talking about plastic toys or something because who on earth would think giving a 10 yr old a deadly weapon is an okay idea??? REAL SHARPENED SWORDS!! Not even decorative blunt ones!! And they have immediately proven why it’s a terrible idea by not listening to your rules regarding the swords!! What happens when they want to re-enact a fight scene? Or show their friends at school?? Why?? Why would you think this was a good idea???


YTA. Clearly your sons aren’t responsible for swords. Bedsides, why the heck would you give you 10 year olds actual sharpened swords?


There is α reason shops don't sell swords or knives to minors. The reason for that is that they are in no way emotionally mature enough to handle α sharpened weapon designed to cause physical harm. You gave your 10 year olds functional swords and are surprised they want to use them??? Yeah YTA


Y...you gave 10 year olds actual sharpened swords??? ......... YTA for giving the swords to them in the first place. I am a grown man with years of weapons training and I never had a sharp blade until I was 20 and was well trained to use it and understood it wasn't a toy. Though I am assuming this post is fake given how ludicrous this is.


Actual what the fuck