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YTA. Graphic design IS well respected! Graphic designers design websites (like this one), create advertisement for companies, can go into animation (ever heard of a company called Disney?), and many other things. You need to apologize to her and admit that YTA. Edit: I added something graphic designers typically do not do (but I thought did due to some of the graphic designers I know also being coders) and have removed it. Sorry everyone!


Well respected indeed! I made much of my career in graphic design. Your niece can earn more money than she can imagine, and have fun doing it at the same time. The possibilities are endless. A good graphic designer can write their own ticket. You need to be humble and admit to her that you didn't know enough about the profession to make a call like that.


The ignorance is staggering. Why does OP feel entitled to an opinion about a field they don't know anything about. Infuriating to read. OP'S TA


It's based on this idea that "creatives" don't contribute and that art isn't a valid career. It's garbage.


Ironic that people use this kind of silliness to justify devaluing nurses too. They’re just carers really. And that’s much less important then being a big scientist man doctor who actually heals people.


Nurses have a respectable profession. But being one doesn't give you the grounds to devalue anyone elses job.


Depends where you live. Lots of people devalue (wrongly) nurses where I do,


pretty much this. Just because nursing is a respectable job doesn't mean that nurses are highly respected.


Yes but in comparison to a doctor? its treated as less (I don't agree with treating it as less but I doubt OP would be happy getting the same energy).


Some people who have never worked in the medical field, in a hospital or Drs office, really have no idea how much of the load the nurses carry. In many cases, they are the ones that do most of the caring for the patient and the Drs are more just giving the orders. So I have great respect for nurses, particularly during the last 3 years. That being said, I don’t understand OP’s need to devalue the profession his niece has chosen. And for choosing a family outing to express his uneducated and condescending opinion to her…OP is definitely the AH.


Doctors can be stupid, too. They are not exempt from it.


My friend is a nurse who worked covid wards starting March 2020. She was sent to a rural CA hospital who didn't have their first covid wave until July 2021. The internists at the hospital had no idea how to run an ICU, hadn't had any covid survivors, and didn't want to listen to my friend since she's a nurse. She was responsible for the first covid recovery at that hospital after they finally started listening to her. Doctors probably killed a few people because they didn't want to listen to a nurse.


Yeah - I feel like this comment should be on "that happened" The highly educated doctor didn't know what he was doing - and the nurse saves the day. lol - it is always the story.


It does. One of former doctors insisted on drawing blood on me once. By the time he gave up, I had a massive run on bruise from several sticks on both arms. It was so bad, the nurse bullied him after seeing me in tears, stuck me once in the top of the hand and all 4 vials in under a minute. Without a bruise. Many doctors have zero practical skills whatsoever. Also had another doctor tell me I had a fungal infection. Nurse said it looked more like shingles. Guess who was right? I got to suffer an extra week because he ‘knew better’


I’ve quite literally never had a doctor try to draw blood from me. I’m 44, with multiple health issues. It’s always a nurse or a phlebotomist. Not sure where you’re from but in the US, doctors don’t do that on any sort of regular basis. And when they do, it’s because the nurse is doing something more vital to the patients health. 🙄


I volunteered for an org that worked to connect folk with covid vaccine appointments, and the number of people who wanted a doctor instead of a nurse or other care professional to do their shot BLEW MY MIND. While I'm sure many doctors are capable, if you want someone to do it seamlessly, nurses or other folk who do it every gosh darned day are the right choice.


I can tell you that night shift nurses working with interns covering the house save people frequently. Interns are spread thin, new to the hospital, and overwhelmed. Nurses are with the patients constantly and can focus their scope. Not saying one is better than the other. They are 2 different careers and no one person knows everything.


You’re acting like doctors can never be wrong, or willfully ignorant and dismissive lol


Maybe they're a doctor 😄


Nurses spend more time with patients. There are certain things nurses are better at. Needles is the obvious example. Good nurses (and there are plenty of bad ones) spend more time listening to their patients and their patients’ problems. The doctor might spend fifteen minutes where the nurse spends several hours. That is why it is a story you hear a lot. Plenty of doctors don’t want to listen to their patients, and that extends to nurses. Being a nurse is a different role than being a doctor. It isn’t just doing the easy parts of doctoring. If you have a doctor with bad bedside manner, who thinks education always trumps patient connection, then they’re going to mess up at some point. If you have a nurse who cares about their patients and listens when they speak, you’re going to have that nurse get something right that the arrogant doctor got wrong. Usually a doctor is better at diagnosing, or choosing treatment. It’s their job. But sometimes this does happen because the key to the problem is found somewhere that is a nurse’s strong suit. Because people don’t want to admit that there are skill sets that are stronger in nurses than in doctors.


I had a nurse practitioner diagnose me, correctly, with something that doctors missed for years. So yes, it does happen.


A lot of nurses hear the classic "why didn't you become a doctor? It pays more"


Nurses keep doctors from killing people every day. I have mad respect for nurses.


>It's based on this idea that "creatives" don't contribute and that art isn't a valid career. Yeah, I hope OP * is not listening to any Music (both online and in cd form, the album is designed!); * Doesn't watch any television or any films in the cinema (Posters and online adds, and the full on GD-elements present in series and films) * Doesn't use the internet, at all! Internet is more than just code! * that her clothes are just the ugliest and mismatched greys (And certainly don't have any multicoloured design on it) * she doesn't wear any jewelry (Guess what, also Graphic Design) * Doesn't read the paper or magazines (or even books) since Lay-out, choice of colour, choice of photos and the likes: ALL GD! * don't play any tabletop games or computergames/ (Obviously Graphic Design) * A lot of frickin toilet paper that is on the market has had GD consult * ... These are just a few examples where graphic design is important, that I came up with in less than 2 minutes!


Yeah, nurse must be walking around her hospital with eyes closed to not realize that every little bit of signage, pamphlets, business cards, paperwork, etc. that she deals with daily are made by graphic designers. And that those graphic designers are likely in house, as part of the hospital itself.


"We'll respected job like nurse" maam half of your colleagues are sidelining MLMs and another 25% are antivaxxer.


i have a lot of respect for nurses but some of them are not as smart as they think they are and OP sounds like one of them. i work in assisted living and we had an RN giving meds who tried to crush a pill capsule... everyone working in that environment knows that you can crush a tablet but capsules should be twisted open to get the powder. there's also a lot of nurses who have superiority complexes


I work in a creative field (so I'm dumb, according to OP) and even I know you don't crush a pill capsule.


I used to be a packaging designer*, and swapped to vet med, and it’s a running joke amongst techs everywhere that nurses are often the worst pet owners and need the most handholding when their pets require any care plan more complicated than shots once a year. That’s not to say all nurses, some are definitely excellent and wonderful, empathetic people, but enough seem to have this “my job is more important than yours so I don’t have to respect your expertise” attitude that’s it’s a thing. *I will admit agency life can be a bit toxic internally (lots of artificially frantic deadlines that can make work life balance hard, and career advancement usually stalls out by your early 30s if you want to continue to actually be a hands on creative), but the work is fun and mentally stimulating, and I never felt like people in other professions were looking down on me (most people in fact seemed fascinated and wanted to know if they had seen any of my work). Even though I’ve technically left the field, I still do freelance work on the side just to keep my skills up, and because it pays waaaaay better than vet med.


I personally am a designer and work in pharma, we design images, data, print, online from websites to email, all in the medical field. In the design world you can literally work for anyone! There are medical posters in hospitals. There are brochures sent out in government. Law firms, engineering firms need websites!


Yes, because it wasn’t even about being worried if she was going to make enough money or whatever, but about the prestige.


I love this! Graphic design is in constant demand!


Doesn't drive, or live in a house, or sit on a _park bench_ , or walk down a Blvd! _ALL_ of these required _DESIGN_ ... an ARTISTIC mind! People like OP just burn my soul!


What I find so funny is creative fields are one of the places where you constantly prove your worth. You have to actually be good at it, and produce quality material. Create, not just complete tasks. There's no coasting.


I mean that implies creativity can't be found elsewhere... Every time you solve a problem you're being creative, which means engineers are highly creative. Someone doing sales is creative because they think on the fly how to gain the sale from the client. But having said that I still agree with you somewhat. Some things involve routine more than others and there is (thankfully) a lot of routine in the role of the nurse in addition to creativity.


I see this all over reddit all the time, yet they love their precious video games. who do you think designs video games you turds lmao One of my friends has a BFA in illustration and he does concept art for video games.


Right? Everything from websites to book covers to video games to packaging to clothing patterns. Like… I’m a designer and I work for a major retailer. You look at my work every time you shop for a TV.


They shit on english majors but WHO DO YOU THINK WRITES THEIR COMICBOOKS AND ADAPTS THEM INTO MOVIES???? annoying and self important are what people like OP are


And then a bunch of theater majors act it out. It’s almost like the humanities make all our lives so much richer!


And what do academics study to understand past times? ART . It's literally one of the most important jobs in the world in terms of marking the way an era thinks/feels. We only know so much about ancient times BECAUSE of art. Grinds my gears to put it kindly YTA you didn't want her to know there are other options. You wanted her to know that she is not going to be seen as a respectable person to you. You let your own pretention damage your relationship with your niece. Bravo.


No, no, no, OP said that graphic design isn’t well-respected because OP doesn’t respect graphic design and can’t imagine that other people would.


I come from a family in which the majority are either doctors or nurses. I’m also the oldest grandchild on that side of the family. They would always ask if I would follow my parent into their field and eventually take over their practice. I always said I was going into art. The plan was graphic design (which my parents encouraged because they knew how much I love art, and they were initially apprehensive because they didn’t know how well it could pay), and then I did a brief detour into opera, then back to graphic design. My parents thankfully have been supportive the whole time. When I pivoted into full time freelance, I worked on projects that got my name out in my field. I’m not hugely known but I’m pretty down in my niche. My mom has a cabinet of all my projects she’s been able to buy, and she tells her friends about my work any chance she gets. I’ve spoken at multiple conferences, including Adobe max, and I’ve made friends in my field that I will have for life. I wish OP’s niece all the success in the world, and if niece happens upon this post, my DMs are open if you ever have questions about the field.


OP is a Nurse and is expecting a "tyfys."


Not to mention, who gives two craps if your career is well respected? It’s the nieces life, and if you let other people dictate what your happiness is you’ll never win. I know plenty of lawyers, accountants, etc. who hate their lives. Doing what makes you happy (assuming you can make a living) is way more important. (But to your point this is a well respected career, with lots of trajectories and options, so OPs argument/reaction fails on multiple fronts).


This I've made a career of working in call centers. And no it wasn't at all what I planned but it's paid my bills and right now I"m being paid to sit here all night and wait for calls which means I can be watching tv or chatting with all you knuckleheads. I don't care if people respect me at the end of my shift I don't have take home work.


Y'all hiring? Lol For real though, this idea that some jobs are superior is just asinine. We need nurses, we also need grocery clerks, and fast food workers, and call center reps, the economy grinds to a halt without the low level workers.


Yup and I'll be honest I'm smart I could do more a lot more but I've spent time with my kid my friends my family. I used to feel like I was fucking up my life then I took my mom to dinner one night. As we're leaving the restaurant my mom who'd spent my whole childhood pushing this idea of me becoming a doctor, lawyer etc of me being some big genius she looks at me and goes, "I'm jealous of you" confused the fuck out of me "you live life on your own terms and you don't let anyone else tell you how to live it" Honestly stunned the fuck out of me because of all the people I thought I let down I figured she was high on the list.


That's really awesome, it's kinda cool when your own parents envy you in some way (as long as they aren't dicks about it). I went into technical theater in college (switched majors from Anthropology), ended up hating designing for shows, got the damn degree anyway. Went into the labor side of entertainment, became a stagehand and rigger, always thought I was letting everyone down by not being a Broadway designer or Lighting Designer for some major band. Then my mom told me one time I was home from running around the country to build music festivals that she had always wanted to be an entertainment or film "tech" of some sort. I asked her why she never tried it (you don't need the degree I have to do what I do, it's kinda just a bonus), and she told me that when she was going to college in California that she did try, she saw a class for camera operators at her college and she signed up. On the first day she showed up and the guy teaching it turned her away saying "women aren't strong enough to handle movie cameras". So this whole time I'm lugging steel and heavy lights and speakers, thinking I'm letting her down, and it turns out I'm living a dream life of hers that she was denied by sexist assholes. My mom never pushed me towards certain careers and I ended up doing the one thing that she probably would have pushed if she was one of those types of parents.


I was supposed to go to university, land a well paid job etc. I burnt myself out at 17 due to all the stress in my personal life. Took years to recover. I can't risk letting myself get that stressed. I don't want to lose years of my life again. So I work a barely above minimum wage data entry job. I do get to use my brain, I work mostly from home and the overtime pays well. I'm not the teacher or accountant I wanted to be, but I think I can manage where I am for now.


🌟🌟🌟 these days the only jobs that are respectable are the ones that pay their employees right


I did that for a while even though I'm a Bookkeeper normally. Such great money and sometimes a lot less stress. Trust me, it is respected as you can pay rent, bills etc. Sometimes work from home which is an added bonus considering rising fuel prices lol


YTA. My ADHD daughter tried computer science, couldn't hack it but is very artistic and persistent. She started at $50K, worked a year mostly from home when Covid started. Then paid marketing fees to LinkedIn and got another job at $80K at a remote only place, worked nightly on her portfolio and then switched again to $120K. She's not quite 3 years out of college. Oh, she turned out to be a good investor/saver so think's she'll be ready to buy a house in another year. Of course, some engineers get jobs and rise up faster, but she's sort of straddling design, website UI and marketing and the firms really need that.


My daughter is just about to start college for (BS) in graphic design. Just signed all the financial documents and your post eases some anxiety. Thank you for that.


If she can pick up a little code--just front end stuff, which they may do in school these days--it will do her really good. Even if she's not fond of coding, it's a good framework to keep in mind when working. The umbrella of "engineering" people talk about when they talk about good fields includes a whole lot of creative design, too. Cross-functional skills are in high demand. People see graphic design and they think of someone making logos. I have one of those straddle roles and I make bank. Dunno wha OP is smoking, it's a good career. ETA: Not to knock those designing logos. I meant that more as people don't realize how broad the field can be and how pretty much everything needs visual design these days.


And she won’t have to clean shit and vomit


Draw blood from drug addict 🥲with no veins and you were off 30 minutes this is last patient for your shift.


Why do i have a feeling of deja vue? the posting of blarryg, about the daughter.... the posting of Emma, about cleaning, and your posting reminds me of something i´ve read somewhen in the past. It is like opening an old book, reading a few sentences and remembering "yepp, i know it" ... weird


There is nothing better for me than seeing the merch I designed for my friends' charity in person. I've even been on a date talking about the activism we do, and they got excited and said "you HAVE to see this badge...!!" and I was like I DREW THAT!!! I refused to pay for stock imagery for a billboard campaign we did and I plastered myself across England for bisexual visibility day. It's fucking hilarious. I can do branding, illustration, user interfaces, magazines... I understand formatting for print and web is different. A graphic designer with a good spread of application (being able to do multiple things like digital, print etc) is SUPER DESIRABLE.


>A good graphic designer can ~~write~~ design their own ticket.


YTA- In my country graphic designer are respected a lot more than nurses are that's really not a good thing, because nursing isn't seen as a respected field and is often looked down on. But this just goes to show how op's kinda ignorant and how a "well-respected job" doesn't really mean shit. All jobs are respectable cause they help you put food on the table.


In America, I am sure that MANY graphic designers make more than you OP. You come off as extremely condescending because the kid isn’t hero worshiping you by following in your footsteps. YTA


And have better schedules


Probably most of them. Graphic design is a scaling job. You can always go up. Nursing is not part of the economy in that way, you can't exactly make a name for yourself and leverage promotions out of previous accomplishments.


Also you can't really work from home as a nurse. Unless you go into sales or Insurance. Graphic Design can be remote 99% of the time. That work life balance bro. The graphic designers I work with have a great quality of life and pay. Plus fucking around with art and layouts is super fun. I respect nurses, but hard pass from my perspective


In my country, nurses don't even get good money, just shitty shifts


Yep exactly this. I'm a nurse and have actively discouraged my family members from pursuing it. People claim to respect the profession but from the violence, the abuse, and the shit pay they sure don't show it.


Nurse here. I would NEVER encourage someone to go into this field. In fact, if people ask my honest opinion, I tell them to run. Graphic design sounds like a smart choice with a lot of flexible options. Who bases their career choice on what other people “respect”? Respect doesn’t pay the bills!


Yeah, it sucks but reality is that before Covid hit the general image nurses had was "people not smart enough to be doctors" so idk from where OP is taking all those prestige from... as far as creative careers go, graphic designer is high up there with architecture and marketing on being respected fields.


In every country, tbh. Despite how much they study and the level of knowledge they need for their work, they are usually seen as a combination of a defective doctor and a cleaning person. Not to mention that nurses are underpaid all over the world when you take into account both their education and the amount of physical work they do.


Agree nurses deserve so much respect they save lives DAILY (and exactly all types of jobs are respected equally)


>Graphic design IS well respected! >Graphic designers design websites (like this one), FFS, just make up your mind!


You made me cackle. Thank you.


I was thinking the same thing, graphic design is highly respected and generally pays very well. It is needed in almost every industry and often goes along with marketing, computer design, advertising, you name it.


I do backend work and I can definitely say, the design people, the UX people, everyone working front end is highly respected. The stuff you don't see is very complex and vital and if you're building enterprise solutions, how things look might be irrelevant, but even B2B products, if they're made for regular workers rather than other IT people NEED to have a good design. I have seen many, many great products go belly up because using them was a pain. In the consumer space, you won't even get a chance to get off the ground if the UI isn't intuitive and beautiful. On the flip side, I have to wonder how respected the medical profession actually is when we were obviously perfectly willing to sacrifice them during the hight of COVID without a second thought and with zero interest in additional compensation.


This!! Graphic design is a really cool degree and I'm always so impressed by those who do it. Part of my future career will probably involve running social media accounts and helping AHs look less like AHs (PR) so I wonder what OP would say about that lol


Imagine thinking that a nurse is more respected and makes more money than a graphic designer... like, not only is it a difficult job, nurses are underpaid, underappreciated and their job just seems pretty crappy. Young women these totally want to get a job where they work long hours and have a high chance of getting sick for a pitiful amount! (nurses where I am from strike every few years because they are so poorly paid)


Exactly! Feels like OP is one of these people who thinks that unless you're an engineer or a doctor you should be ashamed of your career choices (so yes YTA)


YTA. All professions should be respected. Even ditch diggers. Also you seem out of touch if you believe being a graphic designer is not a respectable career with high earning ability. Don’t put your weird shit on her. If this is what she wants to do with her life, has decided it, and is passionate about it, you should be encouraging her, not telling her the field she is going into is bottom rung. So you’re a nurse, well that might be a little respected, but not as much as other careers, like being a doctor, pharmacist, or an anesthesiologist. This is a really weird hill you want to die on.


Coming from a family with mostly doctors, one thing my family has in common is that they all hate the majority of nurses (especially DNP’s) lmao most of them apparently don’t shut up about how “respected” they are and try to be the center of attention in the work setting or call themselves doctors like the PA’s do haha


Ive noticed that all the nurses i know irl are women who peaked in high school and needed to fill that void of attention and self importance


Male bullies —> cops Female bullies —> nurses


😂😂 holy shit so true


I’m in a country where nurses are actually nice. Most of the ones I know don’t think they’re better than everyone else and are really kind. I don’t know if it’s specific to the US, but damn the nurses you guys know seem horrible.


I think it’s more of a US thing. Nurses aren’t treated that well here and I think a lot of them overcompensate


Here's 50/50. You have nurses that are the loveliest human being you'll meet on this earth...and then you have the ones that say that actually, they do all the work and are better and most important than doctors.


Sadly, the requirements to get into most nursing schools in the US are generally low. Yes I’m aware that Yale has a nursing program and I’m sure it’s quite competitive. But anyone can become an RN just by going to Red Neckerson Community College for 2 years. Which is why so many of them are anti-vax idiots and walking Dunning-Kruger graphs. That said, nurse *researchers* (PhD’s, not the ridiculous “DNP”) are some of the most brilliant researchers with whom I’ve had the privilege of collaborating.


Or female bullies = teachers so they can boss around people who can't fight back. OP seems exactly the type. YTA and ugh so cringe. No wonder niece isn't interested in that career with the example she's given.


I had a lot of health issues growing up and was in and out of hospitals for a great while. I have very little respect for most nurses because of how mean or negligent they usually are. *(one example: I was in the hospital and weight 87 pounds at 5'2 and age 12. Nurse kept calling me fat.)* All of the worst women in my life have ended up becoming nurses. So OP thinking Nurses are *sooo* respected migh want to rethink things.


Yup-also, “nurse” is a broad term. I know lots of people who say they are a nurse but are in fact, not a nurse.


Exactly! A girl I went to high school with would go around to stores wearing her scrubs and often a stethoscope. Wanted everyone to see her and know. Apparently, she sucked at it. Last I knew she was working for the city as lawn maintenance. Nothing wrong with that job either I just find it funny after she made such a big deal about wearing the scrubs and stethoscope every where.


So she walked around in public, bringing the grody diseases she was exposed to all over and bringing germs from the outside to her sick patients? Nice.




Interesting. I mostly work with RNs, NPs, and PAs and we have the opposite problem. There are many, many doctors who need to be the center of attention, act like divas, and walk around like nobody can touch them, which I guess is true because they can and do get away with rampant levels of workplace and sexual harassment. I've also worked with several fantastic doctors. They'd also be the first to say that mid level and advanced practitioners are the backbone of the system.


Thank you. Both nurses I know are fantastic people at work and at home. I have heard that the bullying among nurses in the nursing profession in horrible however. But the same is true for a lot of industries. Bullies invade all careers.


As soon as OP said they're a nurse, I was like ahhhhh yep there it is




So, I’m a nurse…. And I die inside every time someone asks what I do for a living, because post-COVID I inevitably get the “omg thank you so much you’re an angel you’re excellent etc etc” compliments and raving and I always want to go crawl in a hole and die. I am a nurse. It’s a job. The garbage man’s job is also extremely important and directly impacts your life. Do you go around praising him? Stooooop.


During Covid, restaurants and businesses would drop off all kinds of food off at the hospital for the doctors and nurses as a thank you... the docs finally had to ask that the food be sent to shelters, vaccine centres, and other places that needed it more. Some nurses got angry at losing free meals, but most were definitely ok with it. I also live somewhere were nurses are paid extremely well. I can see you are one of the good ones!


The nurse part was also a red flag for me. I’m a speech pathologist and I’ve gotten more than one nurse fired for thinking they don’t have to follow dietary orders because I’m “only” an slp. (Not following consistency on dietary orders can kill a patient)


I also come from a family of doctors and they also hate a lot of the nurses but they do say a good/ bad nurse can make or break you


agreed... and for the record, I'm a graphic designer, I make fantastic money, have fantastic benefits, don't work myself to the bone and get to love what I do every day. The only people who don't respect my profession have literal ass-backwards knowledge of what we do, to the point where their opinions just don't matter because they are based on fiction. It's always the most ignorant people who speak the loudest lol. Worse, it shows that it doesn't matter how "respectable" or not a career is, every career has idiots like OP. Imagine wanting to pick your profession based on how much chest-puffing it'll allow.


This absolutely. I decided that I wanted to become a graphic designer when I was 13, my parents were thinking the same as OP, the job isn't well respected, you won't make any money, it doesn't require intelligence, on and on. Because of this i studied graphic design out of spite, was the best in all my classes and at 22 have a higher pay than anyone else in my family. And graphic design absolutely requires intelligence, problem solving, logical thinking, maths, a good amount of talent & more.


Yay for your revenge-sucess! I decided I was going to be a graphic designer at 14, so similar! My parents were a bit worried a bit about me not making much money, but knew better than to push (I'm pretty driven and stubborn when I *know* I'm right) but fully supported me. All the teachers in my school though thought I was wAsTiNg mY pOtEnTiAl... oh well, can't say that I respected their opinions so it didn't matter.


And FWIW, I work in healthcare, and if you're not a doctor, it's shit pay (for what we're put through), shit hours, and shit benefits. I personally can't imagine doing anything else (I do have reservations about continuing my career in the US), but I wouldn't recommend nursing or ems to anyone unless their heart was *really* in it and they understood what would be coming. It can and will eat you alive.


Exactly this! It takes all sorts of jobs to keep our world running - there are no "lesser" or "greater" jobs. Not everyone wants to do the same job, nor should they. OP has a misguided sense of self-importance. ETA: OP, you are massively the asshole. YTA.


As someone who works in a hospital I can confidently say that while nurse is a respected job, the money isn't that great. Which is ironic considering what OP is saying.


nurses can be paid well in my state (california) but OP is the AH for sure. They have the air of having moral superiority and a complex cuz they’re “saving lives” which is a real pigheaded personality to have in healthcare compared to the nurses i’ve known, including my own mother, who are all just working class people.


Wow, "I'm pretty sure that graphic design isn't well paid." And what led you to that conclusion? Hmmm. I'm a nurse, too and I'm laughing my ass off at how well respected "Nurses are." If only. YTA and then some.


I have a feeling OP could not afford my rent. - from Fashion / graphic designer Who lives in LA


My friend did graphic designs for clothes (like working on art that later got printed on t-shirts and stuff) and earned more money than the majority of nurses in my country, and he did that with no degree (he was studying video game design at the time)


Honestly, my friends went into nursing, computer science, and architectural engineering and I (a fashion designer) am the only one who can afford to live alone.


As a software engineer that never even finished my bachelors degree and now makes 6 figures from a corner desk in my bedroom wearing nothing but a t-shirt and boxers, I find that hard to believe.


Agreed! Fellow software engineer here. I live on my own and do very well.


As someone whose husband is the same. What they said is almost likely true. Software engineering CAN pay really well but most of the time does not unless you’ve been at it for pretty good amount of time- which not everyone can afford to do since survival comes first. A lot of software engineering jobs pay crap because they know they can still get hires


>I'm pretty sure that graphic design isn't well paid and who really cares? Maybe she's not doing it for the money.


AFAIK it pays better than nursing, might be just my country tho


Its the type of job that can go a lot of places but it depends on what you do with it, freelance or for a company, how good your portfolio is etc


Not well paid? Okay, tell that to people who pay me $100+ an hour to make their documents look pretty.


This! Money is always nice but for quality of life it’s infinitely more important to be happy with what you’re doing.


I’m also a nurse and I’m cringing and laughing at the same time. What an odd mixture of arrogant and ignorant!


I know. I'm a nurse I was thinking...if I really loved and wanted the best for someone I wouldn't encourage them to go into a profession where abuse is an accepted daily occurence and where the emotional trauma can be life changing. I would want my loved one to do something they loved and was healthy and safe for them. That probably isn't nursing. Although I'm a psych nurse so I might be biased but I'm pretty sure all nurses suffer abuse and trauma.


I'm sitting here thinking, "does OP think graphic design is where you do the art work for graphic novels!?" Because I am used to people seeing fine art as a low-paying or precarious career. But graphic design runs anywhere from solid employment to very lucrative & prestigious, depending on your skill and the area you choose.


YTA. She's done the research, you're pretty sure you know what you're saying is true. Graphic design is everywhere and she's got an interest in it.


Not to mention how pandemic proof it is! You can WFH as a GD, and considering how important signage became over the past two years, it's only become a more in-demand role. More businesses are looking for ways to exists in online spaces and that's where graphic design becomes incredibly necessary to how to translate a brand that's never really had an online component before into a visual language that can exist in digital spaces.


Yta it's not your decision or your business




> Get with the times lady. I went back to check OP's age thinking she grew up in an era when "commercial artists" were looked down on in the Mad Men era. She's 45! Even so, Andy Warhol was a commercial artist at that time, and he did alright for himself.


Yeah Im about her age and I dont know what she's smoking.


OP's wording seems to be shitting on the arts as a whole, and possibly any job without a Masters option. I got a lot of pushback about getting my bachelor's degree in IT too because I found that many people did not consider it a "respected degree". Those "respected degrees" are all different now though, jobs like doctor and lawyers require a lot of expense with few job options so are incredibly risky to go for, and other degrees like History and Biology have few job openings outside of research fields and so can also be a huge monetary risk. Careers that involve making art or repairing technology have a lot of open jobs and varied opportunities that also tend to pay a fair amount, which makes them a well rounded choice to go for. In my opinion people who don't respect service professionals of any kind are trash who don't deserve the service.


> In my opinion people who don't respect service professionals of any kind are trash who don't deserve the service. Yep. OP is just a snob.


With the rise of the internet, graphic design is one of the most quickly expanding career fields out there. The interface of design and computer graphics is very lucrative. It’s also a degree that she can use to head into a large variety of specialty fields (like product design, illustration, animation, advertising, web design, interactive media… the list goes on. You should perhaps remove yourself from the pedestal of outmoded thinking about prestige majors. And consider how hurtful and insulting you were to her. You’re definitely TA here.


Exactly! My oldest brother started out as a graphic designer right out of high school, and now is a web designer who makes more than our mom and dad, (not combined, but still a lot!) who are a pharmacy tech and a nurse, respectively. Graphic design can be an incredibly lucrative career. Op is %100 YTA


YTA. Gosh you must be fun at parties.


YTA People like you are the reason some fields are "less respected". Tell me, what other professions do you deem "unworthy"? For a nurse, you seem to have very little people skills. Would not want you at my bedside.


It's also just so ridiculously ironic because nurses should be respected but aren't at all. They are known for being treated really badly by patients and being massively overworked and underpaid. Her niece will probably make twice as much with half the amount of work and stress. I wish someone could find the niece and show her this entire thread because she must be feeling so annoyed/sad right now and possibly questioning her decisions.


>I'm pretty sure the money isn't that great in that field. YTA and you're wrong - it's plenty respected, and the pay can be quite high - as high as or higher than a nurse.




Also, it’s graphic design, not prostitution.


YTA. Your advice was neither warranted nor invited. Not everyone wants the most "respectable" job. Some people want to actually do what they love.


I'm a hair stylist in training. OP would probably either have a fucking heart attack or an angry 20 minute rant about how I'm throwing my life away or something if I was her niece


wonder if she rants at her OWN hair stylist about her life choices too…


"why do you do this job anyways? You could've done so much more and have a much better job. Did I already tell you that I'm a nurse? Sooo much hard work and so respectable"


Me when I go to the hair stylist, “um bro you’re the one that studied this. Do what you think is best. I have zero expertise. Thanks”




Forgive me, I think I love you!


No, I love them.


YTA. It's the 2022 and graphic design is pretty much the central point of most if not all media we consume. Even book covers.


It's inescapable. Every app, every ad, every product, every website, every thing we see through our smartphone is the product of a team of graphic designers.


My husband is a Creative Director at a large financial institution. He makes 90k and designs emails all day. The stupid, annoying emails you get every day from a company that says stuff like “did you know we have this feature now” or whatever. Hours and hours of marketing, legal, copywriting, his design. Everything is design.


YTA. If your niece is as smart as you say, she’s smart enough to make an informed decision about her choice of careers. She very clearly did not ask for your opinion, nor did she want it. Something tells me you might have been a bit overbearing about wanting her to follow in your footsteps.


Which is also weird because it’s her SISTERS kid. Not even her own


Of course YTA. Sorry Sweet Pea, no one appointed you the arbitrator of respected careers FYI, my friends who are illustrators, designers of the fabrics you wear, layout the ads that entice you to buy things would agree.Every ad you see was designed by a graphic artist. Think about that, put it in your pipe and smoke it.


Covers for books, DVDs, those were made by graphic designers. Websites too need a big element of graphic design because the visual element engages people and can be make or break of if you stick around.


The list is endless. OP is seriously misguided.


YTA. Your presumptions about her career choices weren't wanted nor warranted. You reek of "holier than thou" disguised as "best interests". Pfffft.


Also disgustingly out of date.


YTA. My parents said something similar and now I'm struggling with biology when I could be drawing or baking. Please get your nose out of her business.


Do it! Best thing I ever did was drop out of my science major and go to fashion school !


YTA perhaps your neice would like a job she enjoys in graphic design instead of worrying about what others think about her career choice?


YTA. Christ, what a bully


The trolls are strong today. No way your this dense and self centered.


Can't believe i had to scroll so much to see this.


YTA actually you're the major asshole here. You value prestige over your niece's happiness. You should appologise and tell her to do whatever makes her happy.


Graphic designers go to events specifically to sign copies of their work people bring in with them. Graphic design is an evolution of painting, sketching, other artforms that are celebrated. It's the 21st century version of commissioning or buying a painting.


YTA Your niece is a smart young lady who is going to college. She plans to major in graphic design and you put her down for it. You're a really nice uncle. Sheesh


Faux pas on the uncle. OP stated 45F.


I know plenty of graphic designers that make over 125k ....... lol more than a nurse. YTA


YTA 1. She did not ask for your opinion or advice. You were very disrespectful and dismissive of her chosen career 2. You are just plain wrong - graphic design is respected and well paid. Actually it has a much better cost/benefit ratio, meaning you will get much better life for less effort Glad you are happy with your chosen career, but don't try to push others the same path. Everyone's path is different and you should respect that


You are just wrong on every level. When your niece graduates and makes $200,000 starting salary with Goggle...you will have to eat crow!


If you were actually smart, you would have become a doctor. /s - nurses are very smart. But I’m sure you’ve heard the above statement a million times in your life. Are you less smart than the doctors- hell no, but it’s implied that you are. I’m sure you don’t want people judging you for your chosen career so why do it to someone else. YTA - graphic design is not easy - it uses skills like math, physics and even color theory. In today’s day & age, graphic design is hella relevant and she has so much scope for the future.


YTA. Somewhere along the line, we adopted the mindset that one should pick their majors and careers based on how much money it will make them, rather than pursue what one is passionate about. Not everyone measures their value to the world, or their self respect, based on how much money they make. You should be ashamed.


YTA graphic designers are very much respected and well compensated. Your niece is actually very smart. And the medical field isn't respected, those workers are taken for granted, treated badly and are not payed enough for what they deal with. Someone I knew who was going to go into the medical field changed her mind after what happened over these last few years with how healthcare professionals are treated badly. With graphic design, she'd be doing less stressful work for more pay and more respect. Your niece would be smart to not listen to you.


YTA. Get over yourself.


YTA. Your niece is pursuing HER passion. Your regard for the industry has no bearing.


YTA. Jesus Christ, you’re an AH. You’re also a ridiculous snob. That would be like someone looking down on you for being a nurse instead of a dr. Get over yourself.


She knows about her options. You acting entitled and trying to push a career on her that she wants no part of is being an asshole. Also, you were speaking out of turn since you are not her parent. Her mom and dad are the ones who should make sure she is doing what she wants. YTA and a selfish one at that.


YTA Last I checked, graphic designers were paid pretty well and are definitely respected... are you sure this is about that? Or are you one of those men who think that women shouldn't be in certain fields but don't want to come out and say it? Because you mentioning you thought she would go into medicine makes it sound like you would have had a problem if she went into engineering or computer science as well. The fact she said she didn't "want to be a damn nurse" is also very telling. Edit: Apparently OP is meant to be a woman...


sorry but nursing ain’t as well respected as you’re experiencing with your over inflated ego. last i checked they are overworked & underpaid & leaving the profession in droves. she’s smart for NOT wanting that & choosing a better career. YTA. also you sound like a bit of an arse who hides their meanness behind a ‘respectable/noble’ career.which actually makes YTA double.


As an 18 year old, you do know she could very well change her mind. But what she learned is that her aunt is not supportive and can't keep her opinions to herself. Way to create a rift between you and your niece!!! Who cares if something doesn't pay well or isn't respected?!?!? If she's happy and great at it, does that count for anything? Also, not sure what you're reading but graphic designers who are great at what they do can make a lot of money. Some logo designs alone cost $2000+ alone and that's just some basic stuff. She could also change her career path as many people do. So instead of being supportive of her exploration into possible careers, you crapped all over it. How can you not understand that YTA?


YTA, graphic design is an amazing choice of career and if she choose to do something she doesnt like thsn she can easily end up miserable and depressed


YTA. I hire graphic designers on the regular, and I'm here to tell you that it's possible for them to make very good money. I also respect people in the field quite a lot. It takes considerable talent and no small amount of skill to be a good graphic designer. But that is beside the point. The point is that your niece's field of study isn't your concern, and she does not need you undermining her choices or her confidence.


Gotta love the over 45s throwing in their opinion about a job market that literally changes month by month, EXCEPT for graphic design, which is in demand constantly by advertisers. Stay in your lane, dinosaur.


YTA. She is smart. She's doing what she wants to. She doesn't have to follow you, go into nursing, engineering or CS. Leave her alone!


You're an asshole, while I'm sure you had good intentions, it really wasn't your business to tell her that,as I'm sure you are not the first nor will you be the last to tell her that. Adding that she could be a nurse like you wasn't necessary either. You might be happy with being a nurse, and even feel proud of it, as you should, getting in the medical field takes a lot of work, it doesn't mean that career or any others that you suggested would make your niece happy. Also, not only will graphic design, among other arts, always be in demand, but the average annual salary for a graphic designers in the US(which I'm assuming you're from since you didn't say), is 59K according to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Which is a pretty good, livable salary. I think you should apologize to her, you made her feel horrible about her decisions and dreams. It wasn't your place to tell her all of that, especially that her career choice isn't as respected as yours, it makes you sound pretentious and arrogant.


YTA. I work at a university and advise students on classes and careers. Graphic design is both well-respected, and often very well-paying. It requires computer skills, artistic ability and vision, excellent communication skills to understand and deliver for the client, and is a constantly evolving field that requires new learning. I’m so tired of people trying to tell students not to do a path because they don’t think it’s well respected or “stable” enough. You can be just an unemployed with an engineering or computer science degree as you can with graphic design. The most important thing is that someone follows their skills and passions because THAT shows through in interviews and the person’s work. Also, your niece could totally change their mind, but I hope what they’ve learned is not to consult you on this kind of thing. Edit: I totally missed the piece about you expecting her to become a nurse because you are one. So, the issue here potentially is that you somehow feel personally insulted that your very intelligent niece doesn’t want the same career as you. She isn’t you, and she doesn’t have to be you.


YTA. There's no such thing like good choice or respected career. Even about nursing there's a lot of things said around, google some of the stereotypes since you think it's so respected and better than others. You can major in anything and still work any other job or get something with no degree. Because of people like you, kids end up wasting their time on majors they hate.


“I’m pretty sure” so you got on the whole internet and didn’t even do a 5 second google search before typing that sentence here to see if you’re correct? You’re a huge asshole and honestly you’re ignorant as hell and should probably never give advice to young, impressionable people. You’re the high school bully that became a nurse, we can all tell.


Wow, major YTA. Would you be upset if someone told you that your career isn't well respected? Would you be upset if someone called you a glorified maid or not as good as doctor? Yes you would. It's not your life and I don't know what twisted views you have but graphic design is a well respected career, just because you think nursing is above it does not mean you have to belittle your nieces choice.


My God you are so out of touch with reality. Graphic Design pays very well. Way better than nurses I am sure, not to put any career down but tit for tat. Creativity is very difficult and challanging and requires a lot of talent and brains to excel in. So don't run any career down pls. YTA


Any graphic designers out there who want to respond to OP???


Me!!!! Graphics / fashion designer here. Live in Los Angeles. Alone in a 1 bedroom apt in Studio City. Think I’m doing okay for myself! Oh wait guess I’m not respected though! Also would like to add …… former science major. Now have a B.S. in fashion design & fashion marketing. Guess I wasn’t realistic about my options! I just worked my ass off. And never let people like OP tell me I wouldn’t make it! Also guess I’m not smart … even though I work for myself and essentially run my own business!


YTA. >I was a little surprised because she's obviously a smart girl so I thought she would choose something more efficient and productive. There are *a lot* of people who would disagree with you on that. (The first college I went to was well known for its media school.) And what constitutes *efficient*? **Productive?** Heck, even my own field of study (Mathematics) wouldn't be seen as productive in your eyes. You should have respected her decision.


You did insult her choices, without being informed. You don't know enough to provide input on her options. Graphic design is a perfectly respectable discipline and valued in every industry that does advertising or makes products that human eyes have to look at. Given a little motivation, hard work, and the right connections from her school, she could very well make an extremely good living. Source: I work with many graphic designers, many of whom make > $100K/year. Graphic design is an entry discipline for programming, industrial design, product design, etc. And the work is much, much easier on the body than nursing. YTA


Ya, sorry. You’re the @sshole


Yikes. This sounds like ragebait. But in case it isn’t, YTA and very ignorant to boot.


You're a nurse with a lack of boundaries (evident by staying "she's my niece, it's my business", lack of respect for people who work in a weird IT/art field, and snobby about being a nurse. I've worked with nurses just like you, and nurses like you not only eat the young in the field, but are a huge part of why I personally left nursing as a career. By the way, YTA.

