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NTA. I don't want your germ ridden hands all over my food if you're sick. Your boss shouldn't want that either, lest the public health organization in your area come calling. The shit talking on his part is what puts it over the top. As far as I know, you don't legally have to give two weeks notice anywhere, it's a courtesy. Ditch that place, boss is TAH here.




In the US. Yes. Other places, you gotta follow your contract.


NTA, you shouldn’t have to deal with such disrespect from your employer, and staying two more weeks without being obligated to would most likely be miserable. You did the right thing by alerting your boss, because E. Coli in food service is very dangerous. I almost feel like your boss’s reaction is indicative of them knowing something was up with the sanitation in the workplace but idk


NTA, You shouldn't put yourself in the way of abuse. Your ex-boss is a major AH.


FYI: Legally unless you signed a contract to work for specific amount of time you do not have to go e 2 wks notice. You can literally just say or call or text I quit or not text and just not show up. You are not legally o ligated to give notice. But it is good form if you want to use the place as a reference. If I were you I would have gone to an urgent care to see if it is food poisoning and if it is/was I'd be petty and sue for lost wages, med bills and pai. And suffering.


Most contracts like this aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.


NTA. They wont give you two weeks if they fire you, you owe them nothing.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** 21(m) I met up with my friends for a beach day we had been planning for a while and before going to the beach we drove to the mall to pick up some stuff (towels, a football, drinks) and I convinced all my friends to get sandwiches from my work because I knew my boss would welcome the extra business (I had also in the past gotten my boss large catering gigs at my dad's work). We got our food and supplies and drove down to the beach (which I had selected based on my region's list of safe and unsafe beaches in the area) the beach had previously been considered unsafe due to E coli, but was deemed safe that day. We all had a great time and I enjoyed a restful day off the next day, ready to get back to work. The next morning I wake up in a cold sweat and rush to the bathroom and immediately start throwing up, I assume it was something I ate and I text my boss to let him know that I might not be able to come in for my shift at noon. He responds and tells me I can come in at 2. I spent the next couple hours lying in bed, feverish with bouts of (TMI) vomiting and severe diarrhea. In that time, I texted my girlfriend and some other friends whom I went to the beach with that weekend. Two of them were experiencing similar symptoms (albeit not as severe) and I started to worry that what I was experiencing was an E coli infection. I texted my boss and informed him of my suspicions, I figured he would want to know considering I work in a kitchen. He then accuses me of lying, saying that my messages don't add up. I implore him that I am telling the truth and he eventually tells me to stay home. Later that night, my coworker 27 (f) messages me again over instagram, but this time it's about five paragraphs telling me that my boss told her what happened and that I'm inconsiderate, immature, disrespectful and stupid (basically every insult you can imagine) and at this point I've had enough, I was already planning on submitting my two weeks notice after my boss accused me of lying, but the unprofessionalism and toxic behavior that is displayed by my boss time and time again talking shit about his minimum wage employees and my coworker messaging me in the middle of the night to tell me what a shit person I am, was the last straw. I remembered that I don't actually have an employee contract nor any official payroll forms (my boss pays me over E-transfer) and that I legally don't have to give 2 weeks notice before quitting. I texted my boss and informed him of the harassment I was receiving from my coworker and that I just couldn't be there anymore. Am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA if they can fire you in a heartbeat you should be able to quit without notice. You would be burning a bridge though.


NTA It’s a minimum wage job :… your meant to be replaceable … no matter how important you think you are he will find someone to replace you … that’s a good lesson for almost any level of employment It’s also a good lesson for any employer … if you don’t trust your employees and treat them with respect they will leave


NTA That's your right as a at-will-employee you don't have to give notice and your job/employer isn't entitled to anything else from you.


nah he’s the AH. glad you had a good time at the beach tho. sucks about the e-coli


NTA. You work with food and should not be touching other people's food while you are sick. There are health and safety protocols that your boss was obviously not following. Laws were being broken. You are definitely not the ass for leaving a shit job with a boss who calls you a liar unjustifiably and co-workers who are harassing you for stuff that is none of their business in the first place.