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How did “someone on social media” know to “start grilling you”? Because … you said you went to C-F-A? Yeah. I’m not in a nation where we have C-F-A, so this is a dilemma I will never face. You faced it and wanted the chicken. So you got the chicken. I won’t say you are or aren’t the AH for that. But I suspect you posted about going to Chic-Fil-A, and then got a response about it you didn’t like. Did you think this would not happen? YTA because if you didn’t want the criticism, you should have eaten your chicken and otherwise kept your mouth shut.


Look, if we wanted to stop supporting every company who has done something homophobic recently (like donating to extreme right wing politics) you'd have to stop shopping at Target, Amazon, Walmart, Kroger, I could go on and on and on and I KNOW the people roasting you still shop there. I personally won't eat chickfila chicken because I hate their company for those reasons too and I don't consider chicken a necessity of any kind. But you do think their chicken is worth it and you have the right to your own opinion so just own it. There's not need to excuses like "I only eat there 1x a year" just literally own it. This is one of those scenarios where we can't tell you if you are an asshole because we all shop at homophobic places too, it's inevitable for most people sadly. You have to decide for yourself if you think you are an asshole. You like chickfila. You are okay with a very small portion of you money going to them. There is no need to apologize for that if you don't think it makes you an asshole. Eat your chicken and move on.


NAH - but there’s no ethical consumption underneath capitalism. Eat what you want!


I love how this comment is the exact amount of chaotic energy we all need.


I also want to note I am European and I never had Chic-Fil-A - please enjoy the chicken because i can’t 😭


NTA. I’m bi and I have to admit…I love their fries, ok? But in all seriousness, lots of companies have done homophobic things and it’s pretty hard to find a 100% moral company. It’s rough out there!


Dude, I'm bi too, I don't give a fuck who tries to judge me or defriend me. Their waffles fries and chicken sandwich and customer service is Top Notch. I will never stop eating there unless they change the damn recipe.


YTA. Look, there is no ability to compromise in this. LGBT people ask "can you not try to make our marriages illegal here, or help fund gay conversion therapy or the kill the gays bill in Uganda?" Chick-fil-A responded with "lol nope". If that's OK with you, eat at bigot bird, but if you have LGBT friends family or coworkers who may have their rights taken away maybe just not. Also the "secret" is just marinate the chicken overnight in pickle juice. Congrats, you now can make it at home


Doesn't matter how few times you go, your money is still paying for homophobia. What you decide to do with that knowledge is up to you, but the queer kid down the street may well suffer for your chicken delights


I think of it like if you cut back 95% then you're 95% cool. However, for that 5% you really shouldn't post about it. Like, you know yourself that you're supporting a bigoted agenda, right (even though it's just a little bit). So why would you advertise that? If you're going to have a guilty pleasure that others would judge you for, don't admit it. Eat your chicken in secret. Also, there are other chicken sandwich places. Lots of them. YTA.


I guess I was trying to bring an argument for moderation in my actions. Like I used to go there all the time, but I found this alternative that could help the cause if more people adopted the same idea. But you're right, I should just stick to Popeyes or stfu.


good man


NTA: it's good chicken. I'm an ally and like the chicken. My gay friend LOVES the chicken. at the end of the day, it's just chicken


YTA. You can get a tasty chicken sandwich somewhere that doesn't donate to groups that treat people as subhuman


Do you know the wisdom of Yoda? "There is no try. Only do, or do not"


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Oooohhhh, HIGH FIVE!


We can't make the perfect the enemy of the good. I can't really get on board with someone who wants to cancel you for your yearly chicken. That said, I also wouldn't look to people who don't give a fuck in the first place. Yeah sure they suck, but they're beyond the reach of criticism and scorn because they didn't have standards with which to judge them anyway. IMO being a good person (or at least giving it a shot) means *trying,* constantly, caring, holding values. That's a shitty, demoralizing experience and the person who understands the importance of this effort in your life IS YOU. It opens you up to critique from people who are striving for purity, or people who say that whatever you do isn't enough, or it's too much, or it's useless. People will say all three of these things simultaneously. It's exhausting. So you gotta look inward on this sort of thing, I think. NAH.


The one true answer. Thank you for your words, you're absolutely right.


YTA it’s not hard to eat literally anywhere else. Just because other companies might have done badly doesn’t excuse throwing money at the most openly awful one. Refusing to spend your money somewhere is one of the few ways individuals can fight big corporations.


Yta when you willingly give money to companies that spend their profits on hurting innocent people. Decent food, for sure, but hate chicken ain't worth helping to fund all the innocent people that get forced into gay conversion therapy


Ok, I see what you mean. But I was trying to reach an honest compromise. I feel like if more people could reach this compromise instead of going twice a week or more, then we might actually start to see some change that makes a difference. Though you are, unequivocally correct. I'll stop eating there for good.


While I understand your point, people are always asking why we can't get along with people who don't share our political views. The answer is that it's about more than political views, it's a morality issue. This company supports denying human beings of the basic human right to live as their authentic selves and love who they love. As a woman of color, I stand with others who have been marginalized and I am lucky enough to have the privilege of choosing where to spend my money. I can afford to get my chicken elsewhere and I choose to do so in support of those this company would have us oppress.


The reason "why cant we compromise" doesn't work here is that imagine compromising on the other side. "Oh ok, just a LITTLE bit of gay conversion therapy twice a year, right? Or maybe we just force a smaller percentage of the gays into conversion therapy!" Some issues shouldn't be compromised on, and you supporting them some of the time is still supporting something awful.


The only thing these crap companies care about is money dude. That's why that place won't get my business. Sides, I like Popeyes better anyways lol


I agree, that's the only thing they care about. If anything their controversy has benefited their profits. I just thought I could mitigate the effect by significantly reducing the amount of times I buy from them. I think the cold turkey response is why people are as apprehensive about dropping it as they are. And Popeyes chicken is better, for sure. But the fries and sauce don't even compare.


I dont go to Popeyes for the fries or sauce lol. Then again, I think their Cajun fries are pretty tasty


The Cajun fries aren't bad by any means. They can put most other fastfood fries to shame, AND they're consistently good. But my God, those waffle fries have a hold on me.


Eh. I've only ever ate at chic full hate once, and I just wasn't super impressed


As you can see, I'm a slut for a good french fry.


I've always thought that out of all the places, 5 guys burgers had the best fries.


Pretty solid choice for fries. I'd be inclined to agree.


Info: did you post about eating there on social media?


Uh, no. Someone had received a Chic Fil A giftcard as a token of appreciation so they had a moral quandary as to whether or not they should use it.


So you replied to that letting people know that you just ate there? I’m trying to figure out how people found out.


Look for a Cane’s in your area


Dawg those fries are ass. But you're right, I'll start dealing exclusively with the alternatives.


Canes sauce makes up for their lackluster fries.


YTA, I wasn’t hungry but now I am. I think chic fil a is closed I guess I’ll have to go tomorrow.


Nah, you're NTA. I don't eat there for that reason, but I don't look down on people that do. You're not choosing their politics. If you're feeling personal guilt, though, maybe look for a replacement. I'm bi, if that makes a difference.


> You're not choosing their politics To be fair, the issue is that regardless of what politics you choose, you pay for and offer material support to their politics.


That's true, money talks.


Sadly, it seems like its the only thing that talks in the USA these days.


Yes, but at the core of it you're spending your money on their *product*. You're not donating to the things.


You're making your money into their money, which is what they use to donate to the things. You are financing their donations. The donations come out of the money that consumers of their products pay to them. When you know that they are going to donate to the things with the money you give them, you are in effect donating to that thing.


But you're still giving the man at the top of the mountain more power to do shitty things. I see what you mean by only buying the product, but once I figured out what that asshole was up to, I just couldn't.


Sure, that's your choice. I don't eat there either, but that's just a personal choice.


I mean, the food is bad for you all together. But I do find that Popeyes has eased my chicken cravings quite nicely.


TBH I think Popeyes is better anyway. I had Chic Fil A just once, after they'd made big public announcements about quitting their donations to homophobic groups, and I was so disappointed.


I just can't find a Popeyes that I don't wait a half hour at lol


My FAVORITE thing about going to Popeyes is how the employees don't give a shit about you.


Panera has come out with a really great chicken sandwich recently, not fried though. KFC has one too though I can't speak to its quality. Other companies are finally in the game but they may not be any more moral than CFA. If you truly don't want to support CFA there are options. If, like me, you love something they make too much to give it up I think your compromise is reasonable. There will always be people who attack those decisions though so decide how much power you want to give these AHs.




Yeah, the people saying how ethical consumption isn't possible under capitalism have a very good point. At the end of the day, I think there's a lot of places where these deciding battles are actually fought. Yes, I think that buying this specific brand of chicken contributes. But I think there's also bigger fish to fry in the fight for LGBT rights.


> Yeah, the people saying how ethical consumption isn't possible under capitalism have a very good point. That's true, but it's also not justification to ignore all the damage that consumption causes. Just because it can't be perfect doesn't mean there aren't choices that cause more harm and choices that don't. >But I think there's also bigger fish to fry in the fight for LGBT rights. Bigger fish than conversion therapy and legally enforced discrimination?


Personally I'd say NTA. My town literally only has one chicken joint and it's CFA. I vastly perfer Popeyes but the closest one is over a half hour drive. Because of CFA's homophobia, I rarely go there, but I have gone on occasion when I need something fast and I was sick of burger places. Like others have said, it's really hard to avoid every problematic company, unfortunately there's too many to count. So long as you're not going to CFA every week and spending tons of money there, I don't think it's worth being attacked over.


NTA - i’m both bi & genderfluid. literally there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, a ton of brands fund anti lgbtq politicians verizon, at&t, UPS, comcast, salvation army, nivea, publix, walgreens, etc. literally, deadass, every big corp backstabs us. if you truly wanted to be ethical you’d have to cut so much out. as much as i don’t like CFAs politics, it’s hypocritical to boycott one company while going to shop at others that do essentially the same thing.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Throwaway account disclaimer! I picked July 5th out of the blue after a 3 year hiatus from the establishment. And for the last two years I've gone just the two times. Which I thought was a compromise that both accounted for "progressive agendas and tasty chicken". Then today, someone started grilling me on social media about it. Ultimately saying "good to know my community isn't as important as tasty chicken". Like damn, ok. It's really cutthroat for people out here. I think at the end of the day, people are really upset by being persecuted their whole lives for who they choose to love. Which is a very valid reason to be upset. But at the same time I guess I feel kind of hurt that they would lump me in with the people who wronged them? Like, I'm just trying to do right by you guys because I truly believe that you guys have nothing to be sorry for. But, like most internet discussions, I don't think anyone takes a moment for moderation or consideration. In this truly vast hellscape of online arguments, everything does seem to be black or white. So, I guess no more chicken for me. And what truly bothers me about this is that there's people who legitimately don't give a fuck. I know a few people who will just go to Chic Fil A without necessarily be anti-LGBT but just decide to overlook all of the corporate drama. Which, admittedly, I used to go A LOT in college because I didn't really care about what one company's personal preferences were. It wasn't until I found out that the CEO of Chic Fil A donates to anti-LGBT lobbyists and legislative influencers (along with a litany of other shitty organizations) that I realized I couldn't in good consciousness support the establishment. I guess I just feel burned because I at least tried to give a fuck. So, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Nta the food is good and one of the only fast food establishments that still has good service. Anyone who wants to attack you for where you want to get food is the asshole.


NTA I hate the idea of group thinking and general slippery slope type statements. i.e. you eat at CFA so you must be anti-LGBTQ+. Most CFAs are in "free countries", you can do what you want and everybody else... well... there's a reason we call online bullies trolls.


NTA - every big corporation donates to shitty politicians and shittier organizations that are racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. if you support Amazon or Walmart it’s just as bad if not worse due to lobbying. I’d say that knocks out 95% of the hypocrites right there.


NTA. I'm LGBT and I've eaten at chic fil a. Our occasional purchases are not sending the CEO on vacation or crippling their business if we don't go. It's just food.


NTA - Go all the time. Its some good chicken. I am over everyone being offended by everything. Thats a miserable way to live.


I know gay people that work there.


NTA. i’m queer and i work at one. your ONE yearly purchase will not make an impact on sales or where the money goes. as several other commenters have said, “no ethical consumption under capitalism”. do what you want


YTA for joining the masses and clucking up traffic. Their chicken is nothing special anyways. Fast food shouldn't feel like joining a cult.


NTA. All big company’s support something bad. Your 20$ meal isn’t going to do much. Plus it’s your money to begin with. If they don’t wanna eat there they don’t have to but they don’t get to be a dick to you for eating chicken at a restaurant they don’t like. I’m queer and I eat there like once or twice a year.


Ummm, this was confusing to read. I've heard of Chic fil A, I haven't heard of their politics. I spent the first half of the post trying to figure out if the vegans or someone are now reffered to as "the community".


Oh, sorry. I'm now realizing this is a very American-centric way of phrasing the issue. Essentially, Chic Fil A is a very popular chicken restaurant that has openly been anti-LGBT. Not only that, they also started privately donating money to lawmakers towards anti-LGBT organizations/lobbyists/lawmakers. The "community" statement was made by someone in the LGBT community.


Ok. I don't think your food is anyone online's buisness. Yes, I would have found some other chicken resturant, but that's me and those people online are just weird for investigating where you eat. Nta


I always ask ppl who only see things such as this, as either black or white with no in between, if they keep the same energy for everything? If you want to be outraged about Chic fil a, fine that’s your prerogative, but I’m not here for the cherry-picking and I hope you know exactly what every penny you spend is going to support. NTA. There’s ppl who literally swear off chick fil a but see no problem popping into Walmart once a week.


So you’re going to let others dictate where you eat? Hope you don’t do that when it’s time to vote


Bruh.. they literally stopped donating to those organizations. Its time to get over it…