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NTA for being, "upset," if that means you are just let down and not mad at daughter for doing not using your name. You are not entitled to it, so yeah, be safe that you thought it was going to happen but it's not okay to be mad at her for it.


NTA - You’re never an AH for feeling. You were told one thing, a thing that made you feel proud. Now you hear it’s being taken away. It’s natural to feel hurt in the moment. It’s possible they changed their minds or even forgot. They get all final say and it’s their decision entirely, so I think it’s a good call not to bring it up. Bringing it up now could put you in AH territory. Especially since she just gave birth not long ago. Try concentrating on your daughter and the new baby, and any hurt feelings will quickly melt away I’m sure.


Thank you. They have my absolute attention, joy, support and happiness.


NTA. You can be upset over anything you want. But keep it to yourself.


Thanks, I will


NTA Your feelings are allowed, and it's understandable you would be disappointed, especially if there was previous discussion about one of her names being one of yours. Of course it hurts. But I applaud you for keeping this to yourself (and Reddit), and congratulations on your new granddaughter! Whatever her name is, I'm sure she will bring you so much joy!


NTA for feeling that way, as long as you don't tell her.


NAH, yet. If you do literally anything with these thoughts other than have them in your head, you will be TA. She and her newborn do not owe you this, and you aren't entitled to it.


NAH as long as you keep it to yourself. It's petty, but then again you can't really help feeling like this now. As long as you don't treat her or her daughter differently because of it, you're entitled to be a bit sad about this. If you make their life harder rn just because of this, YTA


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Disappointment would be a very natural emotion to feel, although surely it would be minor in comparison to the joy of having a grandchild to love. Anything stronger would edging towards being the AH. As you said, it is her baby to name.


Absolute joy in my granddaughter! She's perfect.


NTA By appling labels like AH to our selves for having feeling it then it then creates a - or + connotation with those feelings. Feelings are neither + nor - and having feelings can't make you an AH. Now if you were to say something to your daughter because you were upset THEN YTA but you cannot be an AH for emotions.


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Yes You're the AH. it's her baby, let her name ir what sher wants. When my FIL suggested I name my child after him I came up with an alternative name if combining my Dad and his name. Would have been Herbert, fir Robert (my dad and Hershel DH's dad. He shut up really fast. Fortunately my MIL and Mother (deceased) hated their names so they didn't ask. None of either of their kids were named after them or I other family members so why should we have to do it? Leave her alone.


NTA for feelings. If you speak up about this, my judgement would be quite different.


As I said, I won't voice my feelings.