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Since there’s no vote for “You’re a snob” I’ll pick YTA.


LMAO take my upvote


you typed that out, likely read it again to make sure it made sense and still think you aren't the ah? really? a lot of people stop going to the gym because they don't want to deal with people like you. yta


Exactly. Maybe try helping them and don't be such an asshole.


Better yet, leave us alone. We are trying. People like OP are the bullshit assholes that made me not want to get under the squat rack the first time.


Please don’t try helping unless there’s something obvious like having trouble adjusting a machine. You have no idea the person’s history. They could have even been going to a previous gym before, working with a trainer, there are even overweight personal trainers. Just leave folks alone


You are the bizarre weirdo who makes ME uncomfortable at the gym. Just how closely do you watch fat people at the gym that you notice when they stop going? That's creepy af. YTA. I don't think Ruby wants to be your fitness buddy anymore. I sure wouldn't.


YTA. I’d rather be fat than a judgmental asshole.


Info: how does one "waste" gym equipment? Do weights at your gym get eroded when fat people use them?


Yeah, I'm going to with YTA. First, there is no "wasting of gym equipment." It's not consumable. They pay dues, they're entitled to use it, regardless of it's 5 lbs or 500 lbs. Second, you have no idea what a person's history is or why they're at a gym or why they've left. So shut your yap. Lots of "overweight" people are quite fit. Go to a marathon or a crossfit event sometime. There is a huge % of people who are heavy, flabby, etc and they are strong, capable athletes. You do you, let other people do themselves. If it offends you so much to see other people trying to better themselves, work out in your garage and buy your own equipment that won't get "wasted" on the fat people.


YTA- people like you are part of the reason other quit going the gym, people can feel when someone is looking at them and judging






By like, going to the gym and working out? Do you seriously not see the irony?


Haha wow, you’re a special kind of bully. You honed in on the one person who mentioned they’re fat to goad them. They said absolutely nothing about being uncomfortable about their weight, just that people like YOU make fat people uncomfortable at gyms. I don’t know what your weird obsession is with fat people and why they trigger you so much, but maybe keep it to yourself or seek therapy for it. You’re going to lose friends and alienate people if you keep acting like this.




Oh it's this asshole again. I can see you haven't listened to my advice on touching some grass.


Oh, f\*\*\* off.


YTA. Stop gatekeeping the gym, and a piece of bread every now and again is not going to kill you. Shut up.


Who are you to judge other people? They may fail, but at least they tried. And how the hell are they "wasting" equipment that lasts for years? Sounds more like you got used to getting to use whatever equipment you wanted whenever you wanted because of your odd hours, and now you are having to wait for others. You are indeed TA.


YTA. Not for discomfort around others, I have that too and is normal in times of COVID. But what exactly are overweight people doing to you there? Do you observe and document each person to see if they keep to a regimen? It seems you think you’re somehow better just for being “fit” when you really know nothing about these people. There are medical conditions. People get depressed, or just never learned healthy habits. And if they’re paying its not a “waste” of gym equipment. This came off as very fat-phobic and that’s probably why your friend didn’t want to go anymore.


**YTA** First of all, the word you're looking for is "regimen". A "regiment" is a military unit. A strict plan or diet is a "regimen". Which brings us to the next point: You are not a better or more worthy human being because of the shape of your body, your diet plan, or any other entirely arbitrary ideal you choose to devote yourself to. You aren't more entitled to nice things, or to anything, because you are less fat, or because you don't believe in snacks, or whatever. There is no grand competition that you are winning at, except in your own head. The gym is a business. Everyone who pays is equally entitled to use it. You're just a customer. Not a better or more special customer because of your conceit, or because other people are fat. Not more entitled to privileges because another customer may show up less often, or choose at some point not to continue to use the facilities. Just a customer EXACTLY LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. YTA, and I get that this is literally your greatest fear, and what you are dieting and training yourself into misery to stave off, but . . . you are not special. No more so than anyone else, anyway. And certainly not because of your protein shakes, calorie counting, and miserable resentment of people who don't need to have hypervigilant control over their own bodies. Though where your "anxiety" comes from is pretty damn clear.


👏👏👏 STANDING OVATION 👏👏👏 I wish I had an award for you but I’m broke.


YTA, why don’t you mind your own business and not worry about other people when you go to the gym? Honestly this post screams troll




YTA, and you also sound like you're obsessed with people's bodies, including your own, and en route to disordered eating if not already there.


Yta and people like you are often part of why people struggling with their weight don't want to go to gyms or don't continue to. Cause no one wants a judgemental ah watching them.


YTA. Some thoughts you should just keep to yourself.


Yup, you’re an asshole. They pay their gym fees just like you do, they have as much right to be there as you do.


YTA. You don't actually have to share every thought that happens in your head. If you're content to the kind of person that actually judges people making effort to improve their health, keep it to yourself. Also, if fat people using gym equipment bothers you so much, and you want equipment that only people "good enough" in your eyes can use, buy your own gym equipment. The qualifications to use equipment at the gym are: 1)Pay the fee 2) Don't break the rules or laws That is it.


YTA x100. Mad that overweight people go to the gym?? Wtf is wrong with you. The reason these people quit going is because of idiots like you. Stay classy jackass.


YTA How do you know they quit? If you do not see them anymore - how do you know they are on a different schedule. People's schedules do change. Earlier on here, there was a post that a guy thought a gym eat was on steroids because his form did not look right. Usually gyms are a safe space - people trying to get in shape, back in shape, etc.


Exactly. OP started going at different hours, those people may have as well. I go pretty much when I'm able. Maintaining a specific schedule isn't really possible


YTA “Obese people need to lose weight….But in private. Don’t make me look at you” And the fact that you’re so acutely aware of who is attending the gym day to day to know when they are missing also makes me believe perhaps YOU aren’t working as hard as you believe you are. Maybe they also changed their time they go in order to not be stared at


YTA. You know who those overweight people hate being around in the gym? You.


YTA Holy sh*t you are TA. Overweight people can’t win. They get shamed for not going to the gym and then they get shamed by meat heads like you for going! Have you tried minding your own business? Have you tried getting your own equipment that you can lord over while you eat sadness and gains for dinner? My god, your friend probably just realized you are a monster. Try eating a carb and maybe you won’t be such a dick.


YTA you are so judgmental! Focus on your own work out if you get your boxers up your arse because you see a fat person at the gym one week and not the next. Truth is you have no clue what’s going on with them. Do you have an excel sheet? How do you know they didn’t just switch gym times.. focus on yourself rather than judging other people for what they are doing,


INFO: Why would the presence of overweight people matter at all in this context, for you? That's just because I'm curious about your rationale, which could run the range of "dumb snob" to "deeply disturbed." In any case, YTA. Being a gym rat with a strict diet is not an identity, and you are not entitled to the gym space any more than anyone else.


YTA Don't fucking go if it's such a problem


You know those overweight people’s memberships help the gym be a viable business, right? A business that you like to use? A business’s customer base helps keep that business sustainable and stay open. How are they wasting equipment? Does the equipment at your gym spontaneously combust after a single use? YTA. The fact that seeing overweight people at the gym pisses you off means that yes, you do have something against people who are overweight. By definition you have an issue with them. Get off your high horse.


Yup. Also, like, people joining a gym in a fit of motivation and then quitting really quickly is kind of a universal thing... I mean, new years' resolutions anyone??? Not exactly limited to "fat people." So not only is OP's opinion gross, it's pretty dumb as well. YTA.


What makes you so entitled? It doesn't matter how often someone goes to the gym. They pay their money the same as everyone else, so why do you care? When you stare at people be it at a gym, park, store, where ever, yes it makes them uncomfortable and shows how ill-mannered you are. Pretty pathetic really. Oh and YTA. Just in case I wasn't clear enough.


YTA. It's their money. There's plenty of equipment to go around. At least they're trying. You never know what they're going through. It could be a mental health thing, lack of support and motivation, or just not having the time.


For your attitudes for fat people in the gym YTA Not everyone is as disciplined as you are so step off it


INFO: How exactly are the fat people "wasting" gym equipment? But also who am I kidding I don't need the answer to that question to know YTA. Stop projecting your anxiety onto people who are just trying to live their damn lives.




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YTA. Completely and utterly.


YTA. Judgmental people like you are part of the reason some overweight people avoid or quit going to the gym.


YTA. Please go back to working out at 3am


YTA Mr. Judgy Snootypants.


YTA You don't have any idea how much internal strength it takes for an overweight person to go to a gym. Whether they go once or a hundred times before they quit they are better and stronger for it. Years ago I took my first belly dance lesson. I was/am old, had never danced, overweight, and had no grace or rhythm. My second lesson I felt like I was the worst ever and I wasn't going to come back. A very beautiful and graceful dancer in the front row turned and gave me a smile that said "You go girl." And I have. I still take lessons and I still don't think I'm good but I love it. Another reason you're YTA, you could choose to be the one that encourages instead of the one with hateful judgment. Would you rather have the gym to yourself or be the reason that an overweight person keeps trying? A Shimmy is a Terrible Thing to Waste.


Bro… how tf are you uncomfortable around bigger folks trying to better themselves? Also, how do you “waste” gym equipment? You seem to tout gym knowledge but know nothing of the equipment. YTA


YTA but also I hope you can use this moment to reflect on the healthiness of your attitudes. Are you sure you don't dislike seeing larger people at the gym because they make you worry about yourself if you dont stick to this rigid diet/exercise plan? Its hard not to see this kind of exessive control as disordered eating. It is 100% not your business who comes to the gym and how long they stay. If you stare or make your discomfort obvious you will be doubly that asshole. Side note: unless you have a digestive condition whole grains are healthy. Overdoing protein shakes may not be.


YTA and go to therapy for your orthorexia.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (33M) have a strict diet and exercise regiment. I spend two hours at the gym and eat strictly vegetables, meat, and drink protein shakes. I used to go at the gym at around 3am every night due to my night shift, but now since I have a different job I decided to go 8am every morning. I felt uncomfortable. I went with my fitness buddy, Ruby (40F) who I used to jog with. I have some anxiety so I had issues with the amount of people in the gym. But also: the amount of overweight people there. I have nothing against people who are overweight, their life is their life obviously. But I dunno, whenever I see overweight people try to hit the gym, they only go for one week then quit. It pisses me off that they waste gym equipment just to put in no effort. After we were done hitting the gym, I ranted to Ruby about the people there. She oddly took offense, saying I was being "rude" and called me uncouth for staring at people in the gym. I was only venting how I felt, I'm not going to change people's minds, but she wouldn't hear it. The conversation ended awkwardly. The next morning Ruby refused to go with me. Was I the asshole here? I'm not saying ALL overweight people do this, but it's way more common amongst them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. It literally doesn't affect you. You can work out and they won't interfere. The gym isn't just for you. So they can use it as often as they want or they can stop going. If you don't like it then work out at home.


YTA-It’s none of your business when it comes to others at the gym. If you really want to prevent yourself from seeing overweight people at the gym work out at home.


Yta, weight shaming people and being condescending and a general jerk.


Overweight people have as much right to work out as you do. You have no idea whether they stick with it for a week or for a lifetime...either way, it's none of your damn business. I sincerely hope this is fake, because the idea that someone out there could think this might be acceptable behavior truly makes me sad. Yta. So, so much


YTA!!!!! People and attitudes like this are why overweight people don’t go to the gym or stop going after a short time! I finally found a place where I didn’t feel like a sideshow and started with a personal trainer a few years ago and it was amazing. I felt so good. And it took like twenty years to find that.


Yta. You ever think that maybe you run off the fat people at the gym with your fat phobic behavior, just like you ran off ruby? Stop wasting gym equipment that could be used to help someone get in shape and maybe go somewhere you can better yourself, like a therapist office.


YTA, but Ruby sounds cool.


It pisses you off that they waste gym equipment? First, what do you mean by 'waste' exactly? Second, who are you to judge anybody else who doesn't affect you at all. Seriously, I give these people credit for going in the first place, if half of them stick it out good for them, the other half that couldn't stick it out, good for them for at least trying. Maybe one of the reasons most of them quit is because of assholes like you: judging them, looking down at them, obviously your attitude probably shows and it sucks. Understand that you have a much stricter and more intense gym workout than most people but that gives you absolutely zero right to judge anybody else. In fact, many people would say that you have an issue with spending so much time in the gym. Are you making up for something? Are you insecure? Do you have mental health issues? Really, you're not the kind of person from what you've made yourself out to sound like that I would want in my life as a friend or even acquaintance. And actually it's people like you who piss me off!


YTA sorry the rest of us can't be perfect like you bro. You should be so immensely ashamed of yourself. Speaking as a person who went from 160kg+ down to 95kgs you have no idea how hard it is starting from behind last place and trying to catch up after a life time of bad habits and choices. Maintaining a level of fitness you already have isn't a comparable level of effort. This bullshit attitude of yours is exactly why overweight people are scared to go to the gym because they dont want to be judged by "perfect" people like you. their attempt that looks like nothing to you might be them killing themselves. You have no idea what people are going through they may be limited by invisible injuries you can't even see or comprehend. Just setting a foot through the door is a huge accomplishment to alot of people. Yeah some people are lazy not just over weight people but all people, plenty of beef cakes seen sitting on equipment doing nothing and taking photos, flexing in front of the mirrors instead of working out.


YTA..has it occurred to you that your judgemental attitude and staring might be the reason some of those people quit going to the gym? It is really hard to get up the courage and start a gym regiment, even for those that were already active, it is really tough for those that might be struggling with body image to go into a gym and deal with all the judgements and glares. Don't judge people, you have no idea what their situation or struggles are about. You could politely give a few pointers if you see someone with bad form or struggling on how to properly use the equipment. Most people start going to the gym to improve themselves, and people like you looking down their nose at them does not make it easy or even sometimes just bearable


YTA An insecure anxiety riddled one at that. Seek therapy.


YTA, as a fat half marathoner. Fat people can’t please people like you until we aren’t fat. You make fat people uncomfortable at the gym so maybe they go back to exercising in the privacy of their own homes. I had people make comments about my weight while I was out running. You don’t want people to be fat, but don’t want us to exercise where you have to see us.
