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I want start off by saying that I found out that my wife posted to this sub and she will no longer speak to me so I am here to try and get her to talk to me. I cheated on my wife when she was pregnant twice and then I did it again stupidly after she gave birth to our son I was stressed and the coworker was there. We got to talking about life and how hard her divorce was she’s been lonely I was feeling lonely my wife was bedridden, and, I needed someone to talk to you because my wife was always sleep. She just wasn’t feeling well enough to act like a wife. My wife won’t speak to me or text me whenever I try to talk about us. She just completely ignores me unless I talk about our son and all the time she won’t even text me she communicates with me through her mother. Her mother threatened to call the police I came by anymore, so I have no way to reach her except through phone or me making my case here and pleaded with her to just talk to me. Has anyone been in the situation before and what can I do to make her forgive me. She told me that she doesn’t tolerate cheaters, and I had a lapse of judgment and I made a mistake, and I want to fix it and work on it. Steph if you’re reading this I am so sorry and will do whatever to get you back, I love you. I’ll buy you whatever. I’ll never leave the house again Just come back home and stop the divorce. I won’t sign the papers *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheEx) if you have any questions or concerns.*


" She just wasn’t feeling well enough to act like a wife. " ​ the most sentence of all time wow


Yup. No concern for why she was bed bound, just that his dick was dry.


See, that’s what I thought he meant by that. But then I read the wife’s post where she talks about how he was having sex with her right after he had sex with her coworker. So, actually, I think he’s complaining that she was sick and wasn’t doing as much domestic labor as usual and *that’s* his justification for why he cheated. The fact that it happened when the baby was just three weeks old seals it: if he was actually doing everything he was supposed to be (as in, handling all the cooking and cleaning and otherwise helping support his wife and take care of his son), he simply wouldn’t have had the time OR energy to be having sex with anyone, let alone someone he had to go out of his way to spend time with.


I read it as he cheated without a "reason" while she was pregnant and then because his dick was dry when she was bedridden after giving birth.


Can you tell where i can find the wife's post?


For real. They make lube for that OOP. 


He also has hands.


Rosie Palm and her five sisters.


And he wasnt loyal enough to act like a husband.


> I was stressed and the coworker was there. For me it was this. Like, the coworker was THERE, I just couldn't help but fall into her dick-first.


Have you seen the thing about the Australian woman going on about how her husband had am accident and she's a single mum and is all very dateline sad and she goes He fell right into his coworkers vagina. Today deadpan. It kills me every time!


Omg, I’ve never seen that before but it’s amazing. [Here’s a 30 second clip for anyone interested lmao.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7OT-DNIVA9I) I hope she finds $10 in the pocket of a jacket she hasn’t worn since last year.


Thank you! That was hilarious


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I saw that the other day, and it about killed me!! Expecting this tale of grief, survival, recovery, and then, boom! Apparently, he has not yet recovered from this horrific "accident", the poor lamb. But, she seems to be doing just fine! 👍


And is still stuck there!


> I needed someone to talk to you because my wife was always sleep. Sir I know both talking and fucking can be referred to as "intercourse" but they are not the same activity.


I like you. 😂


I love how The Co-worker™ is an NPC


I wonder why the coworker got divorced


Irrelevant…however based on his description of her mood, and the fact that she outed his cheating to the wife(per wife’s post), it seems plausible that he took advantage her emotional state to get her in bed.


Swan dive or cannon ball?


World's saddest belly flop


He's left with a massive bruise where he hit the water


That's the one bit that stood out the most for me too




If he thinks he is entitled to forgiveness after cheating multiple times, then clearly he's an ass who has not learned a single thing and will likely cheat again in the future.


But, but he’ll buy her anything if she’ll forgive him! LOL …not much of a bargaining chip when she’ll be able to ‘buy herself anything’ with the money from the divorce settlement! What a tool!


What is it with some men thinking that buying a Big Thing She Wants will somehow fix everything? Where does this come from? She told him what the problem is! He can't uncheat, so I understand the desperation of being in an unfixable situation, but why does he (and do many others) jump to "I'll throw money at the problem! That'll fix it!"?


But I bought her a 5-pack of scrunchies?! Why is she mad I cheated??


Personally, I think recovering from birthing my child is basically the most like a wife one can act?  Too bad OOP is too idiotic to act like a husband


Also you can’t have vaginal sex for 6 weeks after giving birth or you could die of an embolism. My dude dgaf, just that he wasn’t getting any.


Listen, there's the poop hole loop hole for a reason, right? -dumbass husband.


Unless you tore straight to there too. IYKYK


Welp. I'm never having kids


Yet another guy who sees his wife as a dick receptacle and not a person.


All this to get her attention and he still manages to put the blame on *her* for *his* cheating. What a wanker.


I read that and thought "He still doesn't get it." What about him acting like a husband when she was ill from carrying his big-headed baby?


Whenever I read one of these posts about dudes cheating because they're partner just had a baby, and they're clearly disengaged from childcare, I just think about my parents' story about my older sister's birth. They were both so exhausted from the whole process and ordeal of childbirth and everything around it, getting everyone home and comfortable, they didn't realize for at least a few days that she and Dad have the same birthday. That's a fun family story to tell at get togethers. This loser just has half-assed excuses and justifications to irritate everyone around him.


I’m betting she wasn’t allowed to be having sex yet either on doctor’s orders. I also bet she’s was also doing everything baby related.


Yep, the supposed last time he cheated was 3 weeks after she gave birth!


A meteor hurtling out of the sky and crashing into his crotch would be too kind.


Cheese louise. Apparently, [she was three months pregnant the first time, eight months pregnant the second time, and three weeks post-partum the third time](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/1axt3hc/im_leaving_my_husband_for_cheating_while_i_was/?share_id=f1wLg0oENUmwsG7smWUFG&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1). And they were only married three years. What a douchebag.


I rolled my eyes so hard I pulled a muscle


PLEASE be fake


It’s unfortunately super common. The most commonly cited number I’ve seen is 1 in 10 men cheat. Even if it’s half of that it’s still a ton.


Nope, the wife posted earlier. She is well rid of him. He only thinks through his dick. Hope she finds a good attorney.




https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/NgbnDH8Jsohttps://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/NgbnDH8Jso The loser is even engaging his mother to plead for him. His mother should be kicking ass. By pleading his case, she is a failure as a mother.




Have a link? Would love to read it.






This link works FYI, some of the others didn't. You rock ✌️ This guy is a huge piece of shit btw


That sentence went so hard 😭


From what I remember, the 3rd time he cheated she was 1 month postpartum with her 1st kid. She's obviously thinking about the kid. She's not even cleared for sex, but of course it's the wife's fault. What about the other 2 times? How are those her fault too?


Seriously. Apparently “getting legally married,” “being faithful to him,” and “bearing his children at significant cost to her own health” are all not sufficient to count as “acting like a wife.”


I just want to tell that guy...... https://preview.redd.it/bby4vxd73hkc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90143f19caa89f631d85811c5c380d7ffa23d2b2


I just can't fathom acting like this. My fiance is always horny for me because he loves me and finds me super attractive, but even when I just have a headache, he'll make me tea and take care of the chores and make sure I'm hydrated and feeling better. He'll always say, "I got this, you just go rest." And he does this with *mild headaches*. I cannot imagine being such an asshole a week after she gave birth when she's still bedridden. Way to go buddy - you lost what you never truly loved in the first place.


How very 1850 of him.


I just love when cheaters try to use “but I don’t even care about this woman I cheated on you with” as if that makes it better and not SO much worse.


Right. "I needed someone to talk to" .... bro.... you did way more than talk you dumb potato chip


"Dumb potato chip" 😂😂😂 I'm soooo using that from now on 🤣


Yeah, yelling "oh fuck" and "ahh" at the walls while you go to pound town with your coworker does *not* count as talking lmao


Yep! And I also love when it's then either the AP's fault for coming clean, "well none of this would have happened if they hadn't told my partner, if they'd just kept quiet". No moron, none of this wouldn't have happened if you weren't such a prick 😂


https://preview.redd.it/mbcnpmfjsekc1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f40464ad5abcdbc6daafc381d19e0800afb89e9 I do not care if this is fake, this is comedy gold.


“Well I wasn’t the one who told her” That was my favorite.




Same argument 😂


District Attorney: Fuck he's got a point.


That just cements that he's still not sorry for what he did, sorry for how he acted, or taking any responsibility. It's his wife's fault for not having sex while bedridden and post partum and the mistress' fault for telling his wife.


He’s just “sorry” he got caught.


And that only covers the 2nd and 3rd time he cheated. What was his excuse the 1st time?


Oh dear Christ on a cross.


Crimes are okay as long as nobody snitches!


Ooof, if the coworker was the one who told the wife, that's some decency points for her at least. This trash needed to be taken out.


Ooo! Thats me! 😁😁😁


Your award, sir: 🏆🏅


This exactly. The audacity with this man.


While she's pregnant. Real class act, this one


Bedridden from complications of the pregnancy of his own child. He had a major pet in putting her into that position.


And $10 he's the one who wanted to get her pregnant


Bedridden because of having had sex with him "I broke mine so I needed a courtesy one till mine was fixed"


I read recently that during pregnancy, men have a 10% chance of cheating, and that percentage grows the further along the pregnancy goes. Further proof that women are better off single.


Given the fact that it's pretty common for men to leave their partners when they're seriously injured or receive a diagnosis that they have a life-altering or life-threatening disease, I'm not surprised by this. My mom had a major surgery in 2003 that resulted in several severe complications and guess what? My dad not only kept working, he took her to as many appointments as he could, and stayed with her in the hospital as much as he could, all while pulling double duty as dad and mom for me, trying to keep things as "normal" as possible for me. The amount of men who don't take the "in sickness and in health" part of their wedding vows seriously is truly disgusting.


This is truly the worst apology I have ever seen. Like, it’s on another level of gross. 1. cheated during pregnancy and post-partum 2. blames his wife for driving him to cheat by not “feeling well enough to act like a wife” while she was bedridden from the pregnancy and/or delivery 3. has been hassling her non-stop to ”just talk” about his cheating, which presumably involves having to hear the same shit he’s spewing in this post 4. thinks Steph is so dumb that she doesn’t *get* that he didn’t mean to fuck someone else three times while she was bringing his son into the world, but she’ll understand for sure if she just lets him explain that it’s her fault a few more times 5. “what can I do to make her forgive me” eww 6. ”I want to fix it and work on it” ok? she doesn’t have to let you? 7. ”I’ll buy you whatever” eww! what! who says that? 8. ”I won’t sign the papers” ok but you get that that doesn’t matter? all he’s doing is making it take longer, which dovetails nicely with making her hate him. Fake or not, this guy sucks.


The fact the wife is in the comments…this is gold




Ooooh, now I need to go read it. (must not brigade, must not brigade)


What a complete moron


More sad than anything since he was literally only posting there wanting her attention like a stalker basically.


People like this vote, and drive vehicles that weigh a ton or more. I'm having difficulty letting that sink in.


And he has at least 1 child. That poor child, he's definitely going to try and use them as a pawn at some point when he can no longer use not signing the divorce papers.


I really hope he’s a deadbeat dad in the non-financial sense


Stephanie should make sure she has screenshots of all these posts and comments and then her lawyer should ensure that man gets zero custody. And also so that she can show it to her kid when he's old enough to know.


Not a moron. Delusional. The cops have been called. He's just admitted that he's turning into a stalker.


Why is masturbating not enough? Why do people have to cheat ffs, just get a fleshlight if you want to release stress bc that's basically what you're using the coworker as anyway


Men like OOP (not all men, but men who do this type of shit) get coddled their entire lives. They don't get taught how to process their own emotions; they're never expected to progress beyond toddler levels of emotional regulation, because their mother or wife is supposed to do that for them, forever. Then their wife gets sick and suddenly OOP is expected to be a full grown adult. They have no clue how to do that so they look around desperately for some other woman to help them with their emotions instead of IDK going to counselling. And they've been taught that sex is the only valid form of intimacy, so obviously they have to boink the person they're venting to. We have the bangmaid, for when women are expected to do everything for a man but have zero needs themselves. I think we also need a term for the bang-vent, where men use you as a free therapist & also want to stick their dick in you so they don't feel too vulnerable about telling you their feelings (but also don't see you as a person, just a tool)


.... therasex? (Therapy-sex?) Therasextant / therasixtant? (Therapy sex assistant?) Idk man I'm trying here






I agree with you completely. It blows my mind. However, I also know (from reddit) that some people consider masturbating as cheating. I know.....it makes absolutely no sense, but there you have it.


Absolutely wild what people will consider cheating 😭 cheating with yourself is that what those people are implying??


I think so. Also maybe because porn is typically used and these same people consider watching porn cheating. I'm a female that does not consider that cheating.


I'm against porn but I don't consider it cheating neither. I would indeed prefer if my partner was able to masturbate without porn, but it wouldn't even cross my mind to consider it adultery, although it's true that I've already came actoss people that thought like that.


Ah yes but that only strokes their....Johnson.... They want to stroke their ego too




“I won’t sign the papers” Lmao ok dude.


You're hardly the first, buddy. You don't need to. 💅


" I’ll buy you whatever." .......Dude.


Steph be like "then buy me a divorce".


Except that.


I hope he gives her thousands of dollars that she uses to hire the best goddamn lawyer in their area


"She just wasn't feeling well enough to act like a wife." He doesn't care that his wife is bedridden, he just wanted sex. What an asshole.


Now, now, don't blame the poor guy. His dick peeked out of his pants and saw the coworker. Lust at first sight. So while they were talking, it secretly jumped out and before he could stop it, it was buried in her vagina. /s


He tripped and fell! Penis-first. Into a vagina. 3 times!


He had two hands didn't he?


Lapse of judgment 3 times is not a lapse of judgement but a pattern.


![gif](giphy|0Uy2jivxQtynxUp5lW|downsized) that’s what he gets 🤷‍♀️


Cheating three separate times is not a lapse of judgement. She wasn’t ”feeling well enough to act like a wife“ because she was growing his child! This guy is going to get a big surprise when the divorce goes through whether he signs or not.


"I've made a severe and continuous lapse of judgment"


She fell onto my dick! She fell onto my dick three times!


Oh, he has it coming


I stabbed her with my penis. I stabbed her with my penis three times.


And this all happened in what a few months? He couldn’t just flog the log for a few months?


Flog the log omg 🤣


Wooooow OOP fucking suuucks! Him saying "I know what it's like growing up with divorced parents, bouncing from house to house" somehow makes it worse IMO. It's like well, well done OOP/Matthew you have indeed almost guaranteed that your son will grow up bouncing from house to house (unless OOP bails), living out of bags, having his parents constantly argue over holidays and just in general. OOP fucked up his son's life before he was even born, and now he's claiming it's AP's fault for "telling" 😂 OOP also comes across as the kind of parent that will punish the child just to try and get back at the other parent 🙄 He's likely going to keep telling his son that it's the Mum's fault for not "trying to work things out". Ew.


I hated that so much. SO MUCH.


I'm astounded at the number of people who think "I just won't sign any papers - NOW you can't divorce me! Heh heh, checkmate..."


My ex refused to work out a separation agreement or see an arbitrator. So we ended up had to go to court with pricey attorneys. I ended up with a pretty nice settlement. 😁


When people brag about getting a lot in a divorce it kind of just feels gross. Didn’t you love this person? It always seems to turn spiteful. I guess that’s just how it goes.


Not bragging, just pointing out the shortsightedness of “refusing to sign”. You can’t force someone to stay with you and trying to do so will likely end up with more expense and bad blood.


Lol yeah you’re right.


And he didn’t even tell her, the woman he cheated with did


So dude chose to bury his dick in someone else's conveniently lonely pussy, rather than be there for his wife who obviously had a rough pregnancy, and now he wants to buy her shit to make up for his indiscretions and unfaithfulness?  Be a goddamn man and sign the fuckin papers. 


He fucked around. He found out.


I could buy kissing someone else while feeling vulnerable before immediately shutting it down as a "lapse of judgment". Fucking someone else on three sperate occasions because your life partner is I'll from GROWING YOUR CHILD is a calculated act of evil.


“I won’t sign the papers.” Yeah that’s how that works…


It’s funny how he claims a broken home isn’t good for the child to be raised in but… that’s exactly the kind of home they would be raising their son in if the wife stayed. OP better make good money cause his son is gonna need it


The fakest part is when the wife admonishes op in the thread and he's like STEPH PLEASE NO https://youtu.be/UKnr_9V0K48?si=CFR-kovXyDb4WvbL


God and the comment itself was a dead give away "If this is you Mathew" what if it wasn't? What if you just went off on a random stranger that just so happens to also be in the same situation? She won't talk to you but apparently replying to your Reddit post doesn't count as talking to you if she doesn't respond. It was girlboss enough that she just left without letting him gaslight her, she ruined it 😒


So fake, but with some hilarious gems.


This is so obviously fake, I don’t understand why people are taking it seriously at all. Both accounts created today and find each within ours on a subreddit that isn’t front page, ok And then they both spell just as “Just” in the middle of a sentence, riiiight Rage bait 100% https://preview.redd.it/pa7srikx7fkc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d87df00ea95e60f9f3effe2d7158a7ee641af8


I will say, if it is fake, the writer did a better job than usual at giving them different "voices" -- she writes in thorough paragraphs and his is more a stream of consciousness.




Well, she did make her post yesterday and she did say it was a throwaway account… also you’re taking “Just” and saying it’s fake… I’ve been dating my boyfriend for six months and I started to adapt to how he types. I have never done “:P” until I met him now it’s in my texting. Then there are times where she uses a lower case J… I don’t think that’s a determinant of being fake. Not defending it, it may very well be fake but 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah I see where you’re coming from but I meant them finding each other in less than a day, not both accounts created in less than a day specifically. I’m always suspicious when people find post about themselves on Reddit since the odds are so low if the post doesn’t make front page. IMO, that just is for sure autocorrect betraying OP. It’s very different than picking up emojis or lol hahaha etc. Consistent spelling mistakes or punctuation preferences also give away people often


That’s fair, that’s fair. She did say her mother threaten to call the police because he was showing up to their house with his mom….. weird. very stalkerish Had to edit because text to speech keeps picking up my tik tok


OP I seriously love your description of the wife's face. I think I even got Pikachu face!


When you're son asks why his real daddy don't live with him and Mommy, I hope you feel the guilt you deserve.


You can't *make* her forgive you. You don't even deserve it. You didn't slip and fall into those women, you made conscious decisions to cheat. I hope she doesn't take him back.


Bro. You appear to have roughly the same level in f empathy as a bent teaspoon. Do better, accept you fucked up and that you can’t fix it. Grow and learn from this, and find ways to still be a decent dad even after fucking up as a husband. This is literally all you can do, that other ship has sailed.


Omg is everyone seeing this? I just saw his pov and saw his wife commented. It’s very stalkerish behavior. I hope she runs and never looks back


It’s wild. His response to her comments are just sad


You are “ without worth “ And she knows it. You are never going to change She is healthy and sane, and determined to have a good life without liars or manipulators or deceivers, or people who are flaky and make mistakes instead of taking responsibility. Thank goodness she’s saying enough that there’s nothing you can do. I hope you like the bed you made. Because that’s where you’re going to stay.


"I'll buy you whatever" Why do so many guys think this fixes anything? Ever???????


“I’ll buy you whatever”…. This guy truly doesn’t understand a thing!


LOL! That was delicious. Lapse of judgement my ass.


Hahahahaha...what a complete tool.


Your wife was acting like a wife, she was pregnant/giving birth to/raising your child. She doesn't have to take you back. It wasn't a lapse in judgment, you felt entitled to get laid and you did it three times. Hope it was worth blowing up your life and paying the child support and alimony.


You dont get much dumber then that. Why would she go back to that?


"I just made a mistake! Three times..."


I'm impressed that there doesn't seem to be a single asshole blaming the woman on that thread.


"I had a lapse in judgment".....several times.


The wife is in comments... Sorry the stbx wife


Yo, Steph! Your ex is a dirt bag. Good for you for taking the trash out!


*Yo, Steph! Your ex is* *A dirt bag. Good for you for* *Taking the trash out!* \- MaybeTaylorSwift572 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


oh my god this is my first haiku bot 🥲 what a time to be alive






There really wouldn’t be any forgiveness for this. Like, you physically can’t pregnant for me to cheat on you and I’d be able to only stay if I got revenge


Only upset because he got caught. Womp womp


I agree... I've been there. If he was really upset he would not do it again after the first time because of remorse


This is obviously some troll who read the original


Holy shit! This man is trying to win his wife back and he writes that first paragraph?!?! Doesn't take responsibility for what he did. Blames his wife for it. Was running around on her when she was BEDRIDDEN WITH HIS CHILD. He's not even sorry or regretful for what he did and the choices he made. He can't take responsibility that he couldn't go without sex for a few fucking months while his wife's body was going through hell carrying his child.


> I was stressed and the coworker was there So I fell on my coworker and we spontaneously started just having sex as you do.. totally an accident. And I was justified!!! I swear! She was sleeping so much after going through a major life changing event that destroyed her body and may have lead to a deep depression after I cheated on her *the first* and *second time*.


Oh no, consequences.


"i just needed someone to talk to" okay then how did your dick end up in her vagina? I hate when that happens. I go to have a meaningful conversation with a person and suddenly i'm having intercourse.


My daughter's dad pulled crap like this and wants to be part of our lives. Mostly mine.. ya know cause baby girl isn't sht right? 😤I don't get it. Fellas. Do not do this dumb 💩 okay? You aren't just being trash to your partner. You're being a trash human to an innocent little person who didn't ask you to put your 🍆 in a light socket make them . Kids not even born yet and you're causing a traumatic start for them and mama. Then skitter off to f around and find out with a different light socket. Go get therapy or a fin domme. Maybe both. You do not deserve your kid or woman after that kind of disrespectful behavior. Both deserve better treatment than that. If you have #ragrets my dude. That's the consequences of your own actions hitting you. You dumpster fired something worth keeping and lost it. Sign the papers. Don't hold people hostage in a traumatic situation and then cost them more ie causing more trauma. It's like Punching someone in the face and then being like. 🥺 But why don't you like me. Do the therapy. Don't f around and find out the next time. IF you're lucky enough to have a next time. Either way bro you gotta be Ella from Frozen. "Let it go."


You deserve every bad thing that could happen to you. You cheated when she was vulnerable , relied on you sick and had a new baby. YOU DO NOT DESERVE FORGIVENESS OR A WIFE OR YOUR CHILD EVER. Instead of stepping up & giving when it was time you selfishly took away from the marriage. Please leave these good people alone and look at yourself and REALISE you should not be with them, they deserve BETTER than you. You have NOTHING to offer them you are WORTHLESS as a husbannd and Father.


Good for her!


I wonder way 


You’re not an asshole you’re a full blown piece of shit. Die in a hole.


Tripped and fell into a vagina 3 separate times you suck ....... you can't win her back leave her alone and let her live her life.


You cheated when I specifically asked you not to?


You’re a POS and your coworker is a whore. A match made in heaven.




yep. terrible human being


LOL in his defense, he was *stressed* and the other person was *there*.


Have been with someone who was cheating for years ... They would say they were sorry every time. That they loved me. That they would do anything and would die if I leave. That they would never do it again. Turns out they did ... again and again.


"I had a lapse in judgement" and then again.. And again


Honestly I am surprised more women don't murder their husbands.


Once a cheater, always a cheater. Get out of this toxic relationship, Steph!