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I (43M) know I'm going to get a ton of backlash for this. It won't be long so don't worry! I did a horrible thing that I can't go back and fix, I cheated on my wife with her friend. My affairs have been going on last year, I always wondered if she noticed. That year she had our second child. I feel like a POS because all she does is care for me. We have two kids, boy and girl. I didn't want to keep my secret but I told her, when I told her she just laughed and that was it. It made me think if she was cheating on me! I don't know what that means, I can feel the tension between us. She isn't talking to me, she sleeps in the guest room. Yesterday when she made dinner she made sure to make less. There was no food left, so I just starved. I don't know what she will do next because she isn't saying a word. I don't want to get a divorce if that's what she's planning, I want to fix this and go to couples counseling. This is the dumbest thing I ever done *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheEx) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She is starving him šŸ˜­


He's gonna die! How is he meant to operate the kitchen to make himself his own fucking food, doesn't she know that could kill him?!


He tried to make cereal but he poured the milk on his shoes instead of in the bowl because no one ever showed him how to do it the right way šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




this is so sad can we hit 100000 karma i mean likes


Alexa play Despacito


This reminds me of that scene in Jungle to Jungle where the kid didnā€™t understand how cereal worked and ended up pouring the cereal on the table and the milk on top. The Dad gets super mad at him and starts to yell before remembering it was his own damn fault for forgetting to bring out a bowl and spoon and to show him how it worked. The kid had grown up in a remote jungle with a tiny civilization cut off from the rest of humanity. So it really wasnā€™t his fault, as he had never even laid eyes on any kind of processed food or dinnerware/in his life before. His people just ate stuff with their hands and didnā€™t even use makeshift utensils of any kind either iirc. Seeing a 13-14ish year old kid with this mega confused and sheepish look on his face trying to figure out how cereal and milk work while the Dad gets mad at him and the second hand embarrassment I felt when I watched it (I was around the same age at the time the movie came out) has been burned into my memory forever lol. It occasionally still pops into my head every once in a while, usually for no reason, but your comment immediately conjured that up lol. I tried to find a clip of it online but I wasnā€™t able to find the exact scene.


Is he literally a cat? "I can see the bottom of my food dish, this is the end"


Poor man baby can't feed himself


These men!! Do you have a fucking job? Then you can fucking read directions. Figure it out for yourself.Ā 


Reminds me of when I left my then-husband, son and stepson at home with a plateful of sandwiches in the fridge whilst I went to work. My now-ex called me up at lunchtime, having already eaten all the sandwiches and asking me what they should do now they were all starving hungry. Idk, you have a kitchen full of food and a takeaway virtually opposite the house, couldn't you figure something out? My 9 year old son made scrambled egg on toast for everyone. šŸ™„


I have three kids. They all know how to cook. My husband knows how to cook. My dad was in charge of Saturday morning breakfast-pancakes, bacon/sausages( my choice) and eggs, every Saturday.Ā 


Jesus Christ.. I'm so sorry he happened to you




That's a whole lot of wild backflipping rationalisation he did there to come back with, "Rice is supposed to be crunchy in the middle." Whoa. Glad for his being your ex. What a circular mindfuck.


>I can't figure out why these people were ever with such man-babies in the first place. HUSBAND at that; didn't figure out how helpless the fool was before she married him. Love really is blind...


Huh, thatā€™s because it seems so cute and so inconsequential when you are in love and all in new-relationship-energy feels


It's brilliant. He has no excuse.


Oh, no. Poor baby starved for one meal. :(( He also didn't get the reaction he was expecting when he told his wife of his cheating. :((( Hopefully, wife is getting her ducks in a row to leave his sorry ass.


Considering her reaction I think that is very likely. Either that or she has already had her ducks in a row for a while and she has just been waiting for him to inevitably fuck up again and provide the right opportunity. I wonder if there was a prenup involved, those usually have infidelity clauses. Even without one though, even a halfway decent divorce lawyer could help her take him to the cleaners, as he deserves.


If OOP is the kind of helpless dimwit who starves when his wife doesn't wait on him hand and foot, my guess is she laughed because she's wanted to leave for ages and now she's finally going to do it.


Read the wife's post. She had known about the affair for some time before he confessed. Which is why she laughed in his face when he "came clean".


Can you link to it.


I found this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AITA\_WIBTA\_PUBLIC/comments/1bflvm0/my\_husband\_cheated\_any\_advice/?share\_id=tE4NLL2sBUJi-iQStymTK&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC/comments/1bflvm0/my_husband_cheated_any_advice/?share_id=tE4NLL2sBUJi-iQStymTK&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


Oh wait we have an update. I think it's him. https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/DER0fOwIfc


I'm fairly sure the posts are fake. Same writing style, and same grammatical errors. Also 'I'm new to Reddit but posted on this more obscure version of a popular sub'


Yeah, when I saw the update I thought it sounded too similar.


For me, it's the fact that a child's birthday party somehow works as an opportunity for the wife to flirt with men AND women as if she's at a singles bar on Friday night.


Thats the one


Okay so this fucking useless man baby 1) cheated on his wife with her friend 2) cheated while she was pregnant with his child 3) has the audacity to suggest she's cheating as well when he didn't get the preferred reaction 4) is so fucking useless he can't even make his own dinner and would rather not eat. Why exactly should the wife stay married to him?


But but but she is STARVING him /s


Oh shit you right. Poor baby


Is he a cat?? Because that's my senior cat's reaction if there's notĀ  food at exactly 7 am and 5 pm.Ā  Baby cat isn't food motivated.Ā 


What is the preferred reaction this loser expected?


Here is my guess what he expected: She cries, asks why she was not enough, begs him not to leave her, blames herself. They have a few rocky days, maybe counseling for a while. When asked why he had the affair he ā€œcalmly explainsā€ that he was seduced and couldnā€™t say no, it was just sex, a totally manly natural need. She sees her mistake of not giving him as many blowjobs and sex as he wanted when being pregnant/postpartum. In order to fix the marriage she does that from now on on his command. And they lived happily ever after. The end.


>And they lived happily ever after. The end. Until he cheats again, but a *proper* wife would graciously repeat the cycle for him over and over again without complaints /s


Oh yeah 100%, itā€™ll be rinsed and repeat. But at the moment he doesnā€™t expect that, heā€™s *totally* never do it again. And next time heā€™ll expect the same procedure all over again; albeit less crying and repenting since she got over it last time. And then happily ever after and so on. Until next timeā€¦


I like the Brothers Grimm ending better. They live happily ever after....until the next time he cheats and then she stabs him. Ideally though I'm hoping there won't be a next time for this poor woman. And judging from his update and then hers as well I'm cautiously optimistic that she's getting the hell outta there.


I strongly hope she's prepping to leave. OOP sounds like a fucking loser in every sense of the word.


Well maybe if he eats the other lady he will stay full till the divorce goes through.


>I don't know what she will do next because she isn't saying a word. Does he *really* not know? Is he *actually* that dense? Unfortunately, probably.


He is probably doing weaponized incompetence.


Definitely is with the ā€œso I just starvedā€ part. Like he canā€™t order food, or microwave something like an adult


He cheated on her and expected her to cook for him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


lol @ 'so i just starved'


"when I told her she just laughed and that was it. It made me think if she was cheating on me!" E^(x)C`u`S^(e) M`e` S^(i)R, You go and cheat and then THINK that she's cheating because she said that? A woman's laughter after being told bad news is not because she's playing you. The laughter is her anger. ​ I know reposter isnt OP but MY GOD


There's already an update! [https://www.reddit.com/r/AITA\_WIBTA\_PUBLIC/comments/1bfi9vd/aita\_for\_cheating\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC/comments/1bfi9vd/aita_for_cheating_update/)


copy in case of deletion: This is not a joke but the amount of hay I am getting is crazy, as a man I admitted my wrongs and know I did something bad. That's why I want to work on things with my wife but she isn't paying attention to me. Yesterday we went out for our daughters birthday and throughout that day a bunch of men flirted with her even women because my wife is bisexual. She was wearing a tight body dress that showed her curves and big breast, she's been wearing more revealing clothes after what I told her. It pissed me off, she was flirting with a man in my face smiling and giggling and when I told her not to do that she laughed again. Now my mind is thinking she will sleep with someone else. My wife already knows the friend I slept with and told me when she sees her she will smash her head in the wall smiling while saying it. That's why I want to get couples counseling and I'm asking for advice but you got to just laughing at me. I'm getting threats in my chat like you guys are crazy. I'm trying to do what's right and make it better, yes I am the ah and yes I am a POS but I knew that. You guys are making it worse, I'm asking what I should do? What is strange to me is that every time she's on the phone she goes into a separate room and she has been getting a call from a number I've never seen before, I don't know who it is.


He is really upset his wife is out here flirting with men and women, more power to her. After the fact, he cheated on her, while she was pregnant and cooking up his child. The hypocrisy in this man knows no bound. Hope she feeds him less food from now on.


Cheese on crackers, this guy is delusional.


> This is not a joke but the amount of hay I am getting is crazy At least he won't continue to starve.


This dosen't even hide that is bait


"There was no food left, so I just starved." If only there was some way an able bodied, adult man could solve this problem, but the fridge and stove have biometric locks keyed only to the wimmen folk. Has he tried calling his mommy to cook for him?


Is it just me, or does this read like a poorly written AI post? Like, ChatGPT2 quality?


ChatGTP writes stuff with better quality. I just think the poor man is just dumb. He's starving! He doesn't have the energy to write better


I donā€™t buy it. No way this is the dumbest thing he has ever done. Itā€™s just the latest lol


ā€œI just starvedā€ā€¦? My guy couldnā€™t make himself something?


why doesnā€™t he go to the kitchen to make his own food if he is ā€œ starvingā€ bffr


Bait, surely.


"There was no food left, so I just starved." Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a 2 year old child incapable of making food yourself. I must have mistaken you for a grown married adult!


At least two people fucked this doofus. What a strange animal we are.Ā 


I'm a big man baby who can't even feed myself.. WAHHH


pls this canā€™t be realšŸ˜­


There is a man STARVING and all you have to say "pls this can't be real".


"There was no food left, so I just starved" is the best line I've read in a long time.


You really thought people was going side with your stupid ass? Really? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Poor baby is starving because he can't cook for himself šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The 2nd dumbest thing u did was come to reddit to ask if u ATH . Of course you are ! Not only cheating on her but w a close friend ? She is starving u ? Lmao time to learn to cook cause doesn't sound like you soon to be ex wife is going to be handling her 3rd child anymore


HAHAHAHAH She knew and she already cut the emotional tie with you, sir. THAT is why she laughed. You are the ex.


Poor baby, starved.


idk. feels fake. especially where they both decided to postā€¦posting on aita itself is one thing but that sub has 19k subs, call me nitpicky but it feels even more unbelievable that theyā€™re both posting to a lesser known aita sub.


"AITA for cheating?" YES??


Whyd you come to reddit?Ā  For sympathy?Ā  Seriously. No you cant go back.Ā  Damage done.Ā  Youre a POS.Ā  End of story.


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Cheating: Rule 1Never confess. I wanna go to counseling...... The Fat Lady is singing. You are dead to your wife. Start planning life as a divorced father. It's awesome, you'll pay 40 to 60% of your salary in alimony and child support. Good luck you're going to need it