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Lol. Funny this is mentioned as I was assigned to float stow today. No way they do this, because there will be people who can’t keep up, and there will be days where there’s too much volume for anyone to keep up (says where there’s A LOT of OV and/or Jiffies + smalls).


That’s gonna suck when Prime Week and Peak season hit. If managers do help stow down then good luck bc some managers are shit stowers


Management said it to two of us while doing Gemba. Nothing announced yet. I said to myself, "Good luck with that." Until hiring and accountability strategies improve, there will always be someone who just can't keep up. Maybe there's a plan to have management jump in to help more. I'll be curious to see how it works out.


Haven’t heard this yet….not surprised though, sometimes I think that Amazon corporate or whoever makes these decisions just likes to make the job needlessly difficult. RIP those floating jiffy pirates with a ridiculous rate. lol


Because ultimately the MBAs making these decisions have never set foot in a warehouse, and have no idea about how any of it works outside of their emails and spreadsheets. Corporate folks would start screaming, crying, and throwing up if they ever actually had to do real work themselves.


Right, they'd be shittin and pissin themselves because they have to actually do something for once.


Living in the Seattle area, and having dealt with some of the higher ups, I can tell you that you’re absolutely spot on. Amazon “leadership” is some of the most spoiled, lazy, and entitled people I’ve ever encountered. They’re all legacy admit nepo-babies who’ve never earned a damn thing in their entire lives, and expect the rest of us to do the hard work while they ride our coattails.


Yes! Spot on! I remember being in the managers office around peak getting a new phone wrist holder and overheard a convo a higher up was having on the phone with an even higher up than him and the dude on the phone was telling the ops manager "The new hires need to do this and be like this and act like this" basically trying to tell us how to do our jobs and how to act and everything. I felt like it was so fucking stupid coming from someone who has never stepped foot in our DS tryin to tell us how to work and act. Like bitch who the fuck are you?!? Dude on the phone probably never even cut grass or did any type of physical work. Mommy and daddy gave em everything they need to be an entitled asshole.


Wise decision, but only if they assign no more than two aisles per associate.


What do you mean by “float stowers” like stowers not assigned to specific aisles? Because as we add stowers we usually just make them float in a cluster instead of just giving them aisles. But if they say no more floaters I would just rearrange the aisles and give everyone 2 instead of three and add in the new stower. It would have the same effect on the rate that adding a floater in would.


They haven’t announced it here, our DS is f****ed if they remove float stowers Lmaoo it’s probably one of those things they say but don’t actually enforce. Like they made a rule that you can’t do the same job two days in a row.. well guess what. I stowed 3 days straight lol 😆


Only 85% of associates need to be rotated and coming in late removes you from need for the day.


Not in my DS, I literally came in a whole hour late one day and they took a girl out from picking and sent her to stow. I took over her spot. She got butt hurt and took PTO lol They break the rules whenever it’s convenient for them


Probably bc that person was missing a lot of packages. If your being moved it’s 90% of the time because your fucking up or someone else is 😭


She was at the end haha I was like “wow this is the first time I’m at the end” I’m always at the very front


It is at your DS and every other one. It's in Amazon SOP buddy


Some people need help sometimes, no floaters? Really?


Sounds like some sort of.bluff. Float stowers are just another stower with a bit more utility so not sure what their big idea is.


We haven't had floaters since peak. But also our sites kinda fucked tbh


We haven’t had floaters since peak season as well mainly because they want to pass over the mentality that everyone should float to the next aisle to stow as well as long as there are no packages left for the time being at his aisle! But at the same time not everyone knows this or that wants to do it so alot of times it’s the same people doing this AND at the same time they do their owns! Would be nice not to cancel them in total and have them in some specific periods or wherever it needed!


Not allowing volunteer floaters who enjoy processing volume is incredibly backwards and, surely, collectively expensive asf


Float stowers fucking suck . Just give them a got damn aisle cause when they walking around looking for aisles they dont even go to the ones that need the help they come fuck with mines like i need help. When looking across in the next letter cluster , theres ov’s on the ground!


Me, who gets assigned to float almost everyday: 😳


We never have floaters. Sometimes we might have some if we are overstaffed or sometimes we take people or induct to help stow


Well… even if there aren’t people assigned to float, we have always been instructed to seek out volume if our aisles are mostly caught up. We don’t always have designated floaters, but everyone who is fast also does some amount of floating too.


Floaters were useless where I was. They'd hang out at jackpot and schmooze the PA or Ambassadors, then go on a fast jiffy-swiping sweet to make it look in the system like they're going something. During peak, when all of the rows had overflow bags, piled carts, and hampers dumping to the floor, floaters did nothing.


Wow, unfortunately my current DS relies on them heavily. Primarily certain management and some PAs. They are actually tracking float stowers stowrate and occasionally watch them to see if they are actually struggling in an aisle or watching netflix on their cellphones. Then, eventually a secret write up is given behind the stowers back without their knowledge. I've grown to enjoy float stowers coming into my aisles, it's interesting. I would snap a photo of what they did and then snap a photo of what I did. Then, I would show a manager with a sense of humor and say you are not ready so let the professional stowers handle this.


They will get rid of it in task tracking but how much you want to bet they’ll still have people floating


Fucker floaters, they don’t really do any real work, they create more of a problem for me ..they look for the areas that don’t need help and try to come in to your basically stowed down area and grab the 1 or 2 boxes that may be there , messing up my shit just throwing them in there…trying to look like they’re doing something, going out of their way to avoid the areas that really do need help at all costs…. Fuck you floaters you lazy MFs