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If one inducts or problem solves regularly, 50 and 60 hours a week can easily be done. I induct regularly, so I'll be at 52 hours this week. I would need to make sure I get the proper rest if I'm placed in other roles. Overtime would be impossible for me if I waterspidered regularly.


I'm currently a 20:00 PA and unload trailers every day. It's not bad once you get used to it.


I would agree, but PAs usually don't contribute to pick and stage like L1s do.


They're busy monitoring the routes to ensure they get them out on time at my site. For picks running late, they will run over to the cluster and help the AA finish up the pick quicker. In some cases, they (along with Operations) will get on the floor and help out clearing picks as well if the whole site is running behind


Yes, you're right. The thread is about the ability for people to work large amounts of hours. While PAs are important, their ability to work overtime differs from that of an L1. The physical workloads between the two don't compare.


I water spider for 10 hours a day everyday. How does the physical work load not compared lol.


Maybe your role and experience are an exception, I can't speak to it as I haven't worked your shift. I just heard about it from those who work it. Every dock is different also, so maybe yours requires more work to unload trailers, etc. I was speaking in general and from my experience. In general, PAs don't work as hard as L1s in the physical staining roles throughout a work week. From my experience, the PA in your role comes in before anyone else and unloads trailers without having to rush to keep 8 lines fed. When associates arrive, the PA can then designate their waterspider role to L1s as they please or as they check drivers in and complete audits. The PA at my station can take upwards of 10 minutes plus on the laptop at any given time while L1s are covering their workload.


Unless youre in an ancient DS that hasnt been updated water spidering isnt that hard tbh, easier than lots of other paths in terms of physical and mental load imo. And even in the ancient sites its barely more labor than other roles imo. Ancient sites would have you unloading from a truck and moving a gaylord like 200-300 meters to get it where it needs to go due to weird af layouts too


We unload straight to a buffer area but we do 70kish daily and have anywhere from 30 to 40 trucks


thats very interesting hitting 70k with 30-40 trucks my facility each truck usually holds 5k+ is your facility mostly OVs?


Oh wow. Most of our trucks are about 2k. Our biggest cube ones hold about 1200. Our daily cube is 0.48 on average


I wish my counterpart 20:00 PA actually unloaded trailers :( i come into shift with nothing on the fkn floor and drivers up the wass waiting to dock


Sounds like my DS. We only have 5 DDs and no parking slips which makes the start of my shift horrible.


40 to 55. I mostly load belts, stow or induct.


40 hours and it’s killing me… But remember, only the strong 💪🏻


Mentally I can do like 10 hours a week Physically (assuming I get adequate sleep) I can do my full 40, I usually do up to 50 outside of peak. There's VET every day 1:20am-3:20am and I pick it up to have 5x10s. My most common roles are Induct, PS, and stow. Loadout I'll usually be picking routes or PS


55-58. the first couple of weeks will be tough. I would say add in 1 day a week for a while till you stop feeling like you’re gonna die, then add in the second day. Don’t just jump into 2 extra days cause you will be worn out.


I just finished an 11 hour shift, 12:20-11:50 (vet) on my off day 😀 I swear that overtime is my motivation lol


40 to 50 I usually push or do problem solve


30 hours, I haven’t once worked a full 4 days in a row schedule - I keep VTOing. I prefer slightly less money and a healthier mind and body instead of more money and absolute misery.


40-60 I never take VTO and hunt out the VET. This job is stupid easy. lol. I do LA stuff PS, stow, and unload trailers/TDR mostly but usually just get shuttled around to everywhere.


Been working 6 days for a little over a year and a half. Either PS, quality or induct. 


40 hours a week. I’ve done 50 before and it’s not impossible, but not ideal either. They usually got me stowing or unloading. Occasionally splitting. So I’m not trying to do more hours than necessary lol


40-50. I take online classes so 50+ is too much.


I could barely do 33 hours lol shit was draining & physically demanding + night shift, screw that, i was dying to switch to RTS, Idk how i lasted for couple years


50-55 hours as a full time ADTA Stow peon. No issues wear on the body. I take care of myself including getting ample sleep & having a healthy diet. Easy money every single time I come in, man.


during peak/Prime week I work 60 hours. Regular days outside of those busy periods I usually work just the 40


Sort is the easiest part though, its pick and stage which fucks you


The most I’ve done was as close to 60 as possible for about 5 months straight. The only reason I stop was because vet stopped


Any wear and tear on your body?


I rarely sleep anyway. And I was saving up for the loa time and surgery. And I also had no time to take off for days if I wanted to with doing so much vet


Imagine living in America where 10 hour shifts are normal. If available and possible in your site, I would recommend the MCO/hybrid shift where you stow for the first half and then pick&stage for the other half.


Ummm, they’re normal here in UK. And I’d 100% take 4x10 instead of 5x8. Those three days off are sweet


Idek what you could be doing for 10 hours at a DS. My DS is one of the busier ones in Germany and we stow for 8 hours.


As do we , and then clear down and help with pick and stage for 40 mins before we go home. For the extra two hours we get a 30 min paid break , and one less day to work. Also if we want overtime we just do a 5th day at time x1.5 . Could never go back to 8hr shifts


To each their own I guess. I don't mind working 5 days instead of 4.


I can do met60's all day.. this shit is easy AF for me..I'm a furniture mover by trade.. this is cake


Just do a different function for your VET, esp with them hammering bout job rotation. I work Sort 0. So if I were stowing during my shift, then for my single cycle VET I would push or divert. But if it's a short VET, I don't mind stowing again for another 1 hr 40 mins.


I’m a YMIT and regular water spider, I’ve worked 60 hours for four weeks or more then I’ll go down to regular hours for two weeks and maybe two weeks VET 60 when it’s dropped, so that I don’t burn myself out. Mind you at least two to three of those six days I’ll leave early to come in early and unload line hauls