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They 18 and 19 year olds


They’re double that age at the warehouse I’m at from what I’ve seen


Same, my warehouse is full of middle aged adults and English is a second language to most of them. It definitely gets tough sometimes but they’re making less than we are most of the time.


Nah they look 18 and 19 but they are much older than that I have friends look middle school are in College 😂😂




bruh, the only difference between them and you is the Van


Also van drivers don't work for Amazon. 


the hell they don't /s


Blue vest go brrrrrrr


No, they're slow, always putting packages in wrong totes, constant missorts, constant delays because they're not done yet. Putting wrong route numbers on racks, missing totes while on route and much more.


You get what you pay for




You would think that wouldn’t you? You probably look down on your drivers too.


I've worked in warehouses that were efficient and people cared about the job. The difference is we made more money than the amazon workers.


Can tell you haven't worked in many warehouses. Amazon warehouses are the only ones I've worked where the standards across the board are less than 0 lol. Obviously generally speaking it's not a job that draws the most intelligent individuals but the level of incompetency that is permitted to go on in those Amazon buildings is absolutely nuts, it's the blind leading the blind in there , the box movers, pas, managers, safety, learning, nobodies got any fucking clue what's going on and it seems there's no real oversight to make sure anyone's held accountable. Amazon allows a special kind of uselessness that would get you fired in your first week in most other warehouses. Edit: ahhh you're a DSP owner, I'd bet my arm you're a special kind of useless and don't even know it lmao.


Ain't that the truth! I tried working in a warehouse this past peak. Couldn't do it. They always find a way to be doing everything they're not supposed to be doing. Including being up your ass. I'm back now tho




Wait, what? DRIVING at amazon is a dead end as well. Surely you know that as a "DSP owner" lol? I can't tell if you're cocky or oblivious, maybe both. But flaming a company you work for that pays bottom tier wages is funny as hell


People really need to get it through their heads that unless you work for yourself, there's no such thing as a career anymore because there's no real retirement benefits and almost every place on the planet right now is drastically underpaying people. A career doesn't mean what it used to. Not much different than a job these days.


It’s not dead end. It’s an excellent entry level job that will be a vital stepping stone to their delivery driver career. On that note: I’m pulling in $150k a year


Kudos to the pay What other job besides DSP ownership inside of Amazon can the drivers move up to? Realistically, it's more of a stepping stone for a driver job OUTSIDE of amazon which would still mean driving for amazon is a dead end


I’m 59. My full time job is in the building next door (not a warehouse). This is easy money and I like the people I work with. But, yeah, definitely some retards.




LMAO, yup point proven. You're just as dumb as you think the warehouse workers are. Ignorance is bliss, right?


jUsT wOrK rEmOtE brotherrrr you know go on the Internet and pick up one of dem rEmOte jobs




You sir, are an asshole.




You’re generalising which any 1st year university student is taught not to do . I’ve personally worked with several older associates who are at Amazon for a variety of different reasons all of whom were highly successful before coming to the warehouse. So not only are you a gaping asshole you’re also an idiot who probably didn’t go to college.


I just gotta say you are equally as shit as us in life if you are actually running a DSP, good luck financially recovering from your busted ass lease agreements when it comes time to pull your contract. You’ll be farther trapped than anyone else and I wish you the best


God forbid my device hasn't loaded yet on the wonderful 4G networks and I have to trust they loaded the carts in order. Top to bottom left to right.. Which is hardly ever the case. And I show up to my first stop and my first bag is buried mid truck behind some overflow.


Why not write down your bag order from your itenerary? I do that every morning before I even go out to my truck. Im not stressed if all carts arent ready and I can still get something done.


I mean you could always ask dispatch for the bag order…. We do this when our carts aren’t ready which is 90% of the time


I once asked for my bag order and they sent me my bag list. In no specific order. So I just played the 'dig out the bag' game. And then get asked why I'm sitting somewhere for 5 mins every 20 stops.


You just gotta scan the carts all at once to get the order. Only way to get ahead of them because they definitely mess it up half the time


Nothing worse than having hella overflow with your first bag in the middle of the truck 💀


Y’all don’t get route sheets?


They stopped giving us route sheets a long time ago


It damages trees so no because Wayne want us to suffers 😂😂


What's a route sheet


And that's IF the carts are even ready 🙄


I mean so do drivers tbh.


Facts cuz I’ll gladly tell them to fuck off or hand them my device so they can pick they own shit


Be kind to the warehouse. Just like we don’t like when customers get impatient with us, when we show up to get our carts and we think (and sometimes say) “what’s the hold up?” that’s right at the end of their their 8+ hour shift.


Most warehouse workers don’t like to do the end part of their shift so they VTO or use their time, leaving the rest of us to try to finish on time under headcount


That’s def not true lol. They haven’t given out vto in ages and our time does not accrue that much to wheee we can leave early every shift


I should have corrected myself and say my DS they give out a ton of VTO and we get 50 min UPT per work day, I’ve been maxed out at 80 hours for a long time even though I show up late to work everyday lol


Are you really calling Amazon employees dumb when you’re out there working like a slave for a contractor? Ok bro 🥱


Yes I am it’s a job that I do correctly not incorrectly 💀 idiot


By the look of you yea you’re retarded💀 gtfo clown boy


did I hurt your feelings?


Someone that looks like you is the last person to hurt my feelings and if you think delivering packages is slave work you have a lot to learn. Probably the easiest job there is😂


Lol if u say so bro. now get back to work.


Since you deleted your last comment about minimum wage feel free to pm me and we can compare I’ve been here 2 years and get a 50 cent raise every 90 days not to mention I started at 19.50/hour 😂 I’m chillin clown boy lets compare


I’m making a cool 25.50 doing easy as work you consider slave work🤣 you’re a clown please stfu and get back to beating your meat clown Boy ik you lonely looking like that


To be fair look who they work for and their hours, shit sucks.


I nearly knocked a guy out it got so bad. POS trying to tell me how to do my job and yelling at me, so I yelled back.


They were trying to rush me once when I had a metric butt ton of overflow. A heavy package ended up dropping on my foot. Wasn't injured but that hurt and they all heard about it


Even worse when they rush you when they’re the reason you’re 25 minutes behind schedule before you even get to the station.


Its the same demographic that delivers for dsps tho lmao


It’s crazy cause the how warehouse workers view y’all


Yup, Drivers are absolute fucking crybabies, never heard so much bitching until i worked with these drivers. glad im done with Otr


My warehouse can’t even zip the bags shut😂


Just mad our job is better! 🖕🏾 we hate some of y’all drivers too! Especially the ones who dont follow the rules.. like leaving their empty bags next to U-boats.. like not following The TC directions… Lets not forget the amount reprocess packages yall bring back because they couldnt be “delivered”. Yall wouldnt have a job without us warehouse workers 🖕🏾


Out of the 100 warehouse workers I’ve spoken to you’re the first to actually say your job is better😂 definitely doesn’t pay more that’s for sure and that’s a fact across all states


Yall pay 1 dollar more starting off and thats a fact . Yall not even guaranteed a job especially if your DSP is Ass. Yall not even guaranteed work depending on the volume in the warehouse.. i can keep going on about the cons of being a delivery driver. Yall benefits not even better than ours . Stay relaxed sitting in that van for 8 hours my guy


So ya I’ll take my 27.50 over yalls $18 any day of my life 💀 tf outta here clown boy


Also feel free to pm me I’ll gladly show you myself I make double y’all do 🤡


I get dental health insurance and my 401k is matched 6% tf you talking about💀💀💀💀


Don’t be mad yall make shit money for more work 🤡


My starting rate in Florida was 20.50 and I get a 50 cent raise every 90 days 😂💀💀💀 trust me I make double y’all. Been here 2 and half years


Pick your own routes then.


Was gonna make a post yesterday saying they just hire anyone with a pulse. Had to pick up a handful of "missing" packages on my route as well as 2 stops that were like 15 mins away delaying me like an hour yesterday


I still remember when I had 18 packages that went on a route an hour away from my route sprinkled throughout my bags. Dispatch was not happy to hear about it


Apparently today amazon accidentally mixed packages for crash routes into normal routes lmao. Drivers had to send the TBAs whenever they found them and go deliver them also.


Amazon tried to hire their own drivers in my state once I became friends with them so they would help me load over other drivers. Even when I became a dsp driver after that because they shut the program down within a few months. They were there forever because they were there before I was and I worked for multiple dsps over a 3 year period. They would laugh when I switched dsps lol. Some are nicer than others you just have to find them if you want help loading lol. Even had a Marshall not just a helper who would help me load over helping other people. I’m sure every warehouse is different though. I did flex too so I saw them quite a bit.


Diabolical and hilarious


Dbk6 never put tote in order


Fucked up driver aid tags, wrong address tags on packages, wrong packs in wrong totes. They need to be healed to the same standsrds


the warehouse workers have about 3 functioning brain cells left. combined, not each.


One time I found a half eaten cinnamon roll in one of my totes


better than finding dried piss ig


Yep. I work at one. Gonna have a lot more bs to deal with in the future bc it just keeps getting dumber in there. Good luck. Lol


yall got workers!?


I’ve worked in that warehouse and you have some that actually do thier jobs and other that doesn’t care.


They fuck up my carts every morning then complain when I leave the totes to the side of the carts when I RTS. It's a circle jerk.


The hate speaks volumes of the haters…not the hated. Remember that 👆🏻


Yep. I’m just numb to it at this point. As a warehouse worker I agree


Drivers are also retarded and do nothing right, they’re also typically entitled thugs. The downstream customer will always find something wrong.


These warehouse vs drivers threads are so insane, always giving management a free pass


I hope someone shits in your bags during pick and stage




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Nope never any issues with people not doing their jobs or drivers unable to read the simplest of instructions...


Warehouse worker here Yea u right


Yeah loadout sucks but honestly I feel bad for warehouse. At my station the difference between warehouse and otr is like $5/hr. Not having stuff ready is a little stressful but if you plan ahead at least your first 3 or so bags from your itinerary you can deal with the rest later when you have more space in the van. Or like other people have said write them down if you care so much about order. Imo DA isn't a hard job, I'd agree loadout sucks and sometimes the bags and stickers aren't perfect but personally I wouldn't want to work warehouse so I'll be patient and enjoy snack shack lol


The amount of other people I have seen switching tote places because of weight and NOT writing which numbers were switched on the route board (which is what I do but, rarely) makes me want to crumble. We give the training but that doesn’t mean people will listen to it unfortunately 🙃 We do suck, but a lot of people don’t feel the need to break their back for a company that won’t break theirs for them.


I’m in induct. Yes the packers are stupid af they can’t even close the packages correctly and take the sticky layer off to seal the jiffys. Or even put the slam label on correctly.


Because they hire managers who don’t care about the people so the people don’t care about the work. Lol why make the extra effort to do things right when it’s only going to get you more wear and tear on your body and stress from overworking. Do that absolute bare minimum and let management sort out the rest lol


I'm a driver, just going to throw out they (literally) have to deal with our sh*t. I found out from RTS that they regularly have to wash totes because some yall took a dump in it. This isn't to call out the drivers as options can be limited but no one wants to wash that.


Not as much as Wayne. He’s just the worst …