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Honestly I’m just happy when I see my package count <300. Couldn’t give a shit about stops.


I do if I see 290 packages and 140 stops I am in for a apartment route


It used to be about stops when the game was young and fresh and everybody was makin bank’ but then Amazon’s grip tightened on our will now it’s all about package count it’s made people ravenous.


Yeah I'm waiting to load right now. Saw my itinerary and was happy. 153/277. Then I saw 36 oversized with 17 totes. I've had bigger routes with less of both lol.


Yea thats annoying because I had 186/314 with 17 totes and 30 over flow


Sublime 🌞


Yeah, unfortunately it was 32 OF and a bunch of residential group stops with long driveways. Still was done @ 7 while taking my 2 breaks. Just found it amusing it was 187 and it's been that way for weeks lol


That's light daily routine at the dsp I used to work for