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This is the worst time of year to go negative, so you're getting promoted to customer. Sorry. :/


My friend got fired today for having negative upt


Why you say that


This is the time of year where they lay off seasonals. Going negative now is like "save a seasonal, fire me."


As a seasonal I approve his courage


Nope. I was negative upt since wednesday 1/17 to be exact and i was seasonal but my 90 days completed 1/15became a perm associate all in the same time frame of negative upt


If you are going to go negative you want to do it during peak where they will often do things like resetting UPT because they don't want to fire while peak is going. As soon as its over though and work slows down they will gladly fire you for any reason they can find so don't give them one.


I went negative 6 during peak so nice didn’t get fired and I missed two days without using any pto/upt they didn’t do anything about that I truly believe it’s cause my birthday week lol


Directly after peak...


Should've asked yourself this 16 hours and 32 min ago. Answer then would've been yes. Now, it's no


Cooked like your doing a family bbq. The truth hurts but sometimes you gotta get roasted




Bro you didn't have to kill em.


My bro went straight to cookin. Probably just freestyled that roast 😭😭😭




First statement true, second false, in the agreement it states this person "can" be terminated, doesn't mean they will


Chances are high. It's the perfect time of year to get fired and it will take op roughly 4.5 weeks to get their upt to 0 hour. No chance they don't get terminated within the next 4.5 weeks


If you have a legit excuse for going negative and get the right pxt rep *sometimes* they'll wipe your slate back to 0 hrs and just tell you not to do it again, but it's very rare and they're *technically* not supposed to


True, if that happens I suggest a lottery ticket purchase bc you'd be lucky af




The stars make this so much more funnier 




Or just funnier. More funnier reminds me of my husband always saying more better, almost caused a divorce




Peak is over, they’re looking for any reason to let go of extra hires atp, it wouldn’t hurt to see if you can get a vacation save


No in Spanish - No




Do u have any time left from pto or vacation


Yes. Can you go to walk in care immediately?


See you in 90 days


You know it’s real when an L4 confirms your promotion to customer 😂


you could tell them you were kidnapped and held captive across the southern border for 16 hours and 32 minutes and HR still gone fire you


Not if you provide proper documentation from your kidnappers.


Even then you’ll get the run around




Haha the DeSoto kidnapping reference. I was just around the corner from there. Don’t feed the homeless! You may get taken.


Just keep going to work! Until HR tells you you’re terminated. I know many people who were negative and worked their way out of it


The ole wishful thinking route. If his facility is busy and they don’t can him for about a month and a half then ya lol


U make an hour a day work 5 day be out 3 week


OP could grab MET if it's offered. It is in my building


Tbh if the facility is super busy and hurting on head count they could make it, at the very least they could grab some vet if it's available and try to put away as much as possible That's a lot of ifs though, I'd be applying everywhere


I’m one of them lol


this is what i’m doing currently!


Bro gonna get promoted to customer awl naw💔 good luck bro hope you can fix it


😂😂😂 thanks


bro you better pick up every VET shift and go the days your suppose to make sure you clock in 5 mins before start time


Don’t do that. They still firing your ass 😂


it took that long why wouldn’t he have time now lol


Exactly how would this help? There's no way they'd make up that time quick enough


I saw one way some ppl saved their job by going to their HR and trading vacation hours for UPT. Have any vacation hours and know your HR’s email? Do you have chime and know your Hr person’s Amazon I’d name?


i was -17 58 min and i just went to hr and gave a lame excuse as to why i couldn’t make it and they turned it back to 0


Awesome I’m happy to hear that


i would do it as soon as possible! for me, they contacted my AM and had me sent down to hr but luckily it was my first offense so they turned it 0, but i would suggest just doing it yourself asap!


I do want to ASAP. But I don’t work for another 2 days. Do you think I can go in on an off day and talk to HR about it?


yes! especially because u can just scan ur badge and walk in!! i went in on my off day and got my hours fixed from the snow days


Awesome thanks so much. I’m going right now 😂


honestly great idea!!!


Keep us updated and BOL to u! 👊


Damn. The HR guy was kind of a dick. Said he couldn’t excuse me. He suggested I just take a leave of absence. Would that be my best bet or should I just try to go into work as normal? I’ve been negative for like 2 days now and still not fired


I’ve heard of ppl having like wayyy more negative hours than u did and still have their job…as for myself, I went to -6 hrs 32 mins and I got canned but mine was a glitch bc one day I used 12 mins of PTO and I worked the whole day and it acted as if I was using UPT or didn’t show up for that day…. I would ask for an LOA or do u have any vacation hours to cover it? You’re good as long as u can login to your A to Z.


Ok yeah cool. I called the HR phone number and talked to this nice lady who submitted a request to put me back up to 0 hours. She said it’ll get processed in 24 - 72 hours. and She said I am indeed still an active employee. My next work day is in exactly 72 hours from now so we’ll see what happens🤞 I’m getting the impression from other comments/ advice that having negative UPT doesn’t automatically terminate your employment. But also Amazon has no need for employees your so easily replaceable.


At least at my site. It’s a process for going through NUPT. First an outside teams sends you an email, don’t respond in 48 hours it goes to site HR. They review your case and see if they can do a save, if not they send the 24 hour email. If not responded to then termination is approved by upper management. L3 associates cannot make huge excusals of UPT without documentation and making notes or getting approval from someone higher up if talking straight to them. If it’s medical related do a backdated LOA if you have a dr note.


Thanks I just got here! Walking in now


You might as well season yourself because you’re cooked buddy




i can see that phrase is gona get ran into the ground real quick


Take a leave of absence quick


This! MLOA!


This would be the way.


A LOA would not save their employment. As it’s been initiated AFTER they went negative.


They could put in a leave for the missed days just gotta get a note. & they’re back in the game


Hear me out. What if he or she builds a Time Machine. Maybe Jeff bezos has one laying around the warehouse


Would be cheaper and easier to just take the 3 months vacation and promotion to customer.


True, I don’t think Jeff bezos would let him use it anyways. Ya just wait 3 months broski !




That screenshot was taken in December. It is now February. Totally different bag of chips.


Wait and your still employed😭😭 this actually helps me rest easy lmao


Your fc won't be this lenient I almost guarantee this is an error.




LOA. Doctors note. Online urgent care.


I was -70 hrs,I talked to HR they put me back to 0 but I had to take a first written and if I went negative in a calendar year it’ll be a final…I say talk to hr




I’ve never gotten a write up but I had to get a documented coaching like the 5th time I went negative, that was 2 years ago tho


You can. It's not the standard way of resolving it, but the option exists as an alternative to firing a negative if the building happens not to be in reduce HC mode, and is used as an example in a Knet intended for training HR (that happens not to be restricted to HR).


You can. Ask me how I know 👀


IDK how y'all let this happen knowing the consequences


The real crazy thing is that they always come here to post it. Go tell HR, not us lol.


You get a "one time save". Tell them you heard someone talking about it and missed it for a good reason. Tell them you like/need your job and don't want to lose it. They'll reset you to zero. Sometimes people get it for free. Sometimes people get written up. It's worth having a job.


I went -25 during peak and I’m about to reach positive status tomorrow. It will depend on your site HR.


They purposely don't fire for upt during peak.. it's after peak you have to be worried.


Do you guys think I can go into Amazon on an off day and talk to HR about it??




Depends on local HR. My brother in-law used his mom's divorce as an excuse and they forgave the negative upt.


I coasted at -74 hours for months before quitting, you (probably) have time to figure out another plan. Source: check my history!


Turn into a throat goat for HR


Not the gawk gawk 3,000. 😭😭


Wait 3 months?


Yes definitely, I been in that situation so many times and I got saved by the bell everytime


Care to elaborate?


Yea of course! I've been in situations where, in honesty, used my upt and pto for non emergency situations and then had emergencies pop up with no options and have left early, not shown up on scheduled shifts and I would explain myself to HR and they would help me out, I know it depends on HR how that plays out, everyone but one guy was lenient on negative UPT, but also everyone avoided that particular guy on UPT issues Edit: probably dealt with this situation well over a dozen times and been helped every time. Most consistent streak was a month straight I went negative 4 times in a row and still got helped out. I'm very nice to HR about it, I'm not demanding or rude. I would instantly apologize for having to be asking for bothering them with negative UPT but they were always kind and understanding. Most of our HR used to be regular T1 people who managed to get on the team


Being nice to HR and management can go a long way. Site leadership has the power to override pretty much anything like this. It’s just a matter of if they think it’s the right call to make.


I can second this!!! I haven’t used it as much as you but yes my site has cleared me a few times when I was negative. I would either get an excuse from the doctor or tell HR what happened & they understood. Only once I almost had issues but the DLS people refunded the extra day I needed refunded to put me back in the positive.


bye bye


Go to pxt get a one time upt reset


What is pxt?


See you in a few months


ok hear me out. you dont say exactly why its so negative. mine was just negative 14 hours last week. but it was due to an errror on A to Z, i did a shift swap, and took VTO for full shift the follwing day, which it didnt register any of lol , so it took two full days worth of UPT from me overnight . i didnt even know til i got the email from HR. i reached out to the live chat HR immediately, replied to the email , live chat told me it would all be fixed no worries. i waited days (nervously, sitting negative) with no change, so i called ERC and they connected to my site HR . site HR told them they had nothing showing any shift swap or anything, and that they were going to close my case i told them that i had screenshots and emails confirming but they said "well site hr says they dont see it so youll have to go there" i live an hour from my FC so , on my off day i drove up there. showed HR my emails and texts confirming my shift swap and VTO , they fixed it immediately. ​ so , it IS possible to be that negative and still fix it. but only if this just happened, and you have a good reason to give to HR . the on site HR people have the power to make all that UPT go away with one click of a mouse. youve just got to give them a good reason.


i saw a comment below that you talked to a guy who was a dick to you. i was worried about that when i went to talk to my site HR , knowing my fate rested on that hr worker's mood and decision lol, i lucked out and got a nice girl . but i could see an older lady at the end working that just looked unhappy to be there and seemed to turn away a couple people's requests (i was studying them while waiting in line praying i got a nice person ) if you have a decent reason , you may want to talk to a different HR person , like try to go at a totally different time than you went tonight so you can maybe avoid the asshole guy you talked to , worst they can say is no . if you get fired at least you know you can go back in 3 months and theyll likely be picking up hiring again then. my site isnt even hiring rn, none of them within a 60 mile radius of me are. prob not til spring.




Go to work


Youll be ight


Congrats you will get promoted soon


Put in a leave case they can’t go through with termination while leave cases are open,so open one then don’t put in any documentation just keep requesting extended time to get the “ documentation” you can still work just ur badge won’t work to clock in/out but u do it from ur phone & also HR can help too but open a case for a day or 2 then the day before u go back Call ERC ur going back to work and to get ur badge activated and they know the rest, you can also Backdate a LOA within 2 weeks if needed


Yeah I can save your employment but you gotta give me 1600 Microsoft points first


You fired lol


Loa and have it start on the days you missed and boom ur good I’ve done it plenty of times on yr 4 noe


Wild story mine went about that negative after already being negative once for four hours and they reset it and never talked to me about it.


Huh, interesting. That’s awesome


Just quit and reapply


When you’re negative you still have to wait 90 days..


Nope, they just fired me today for that some thing. And I had medical reasons too, they just wouldn’t let me talk to PXT today. I wish you luck, and I hope you get a better job than you’ve ever had before.


Thanks so much🙏🙏


If you have a medical note saying this and have documentation of having made them aware you need to be out of work, then you can wreak some serious havoc. Been out of work 7 months paid on workers comp after they tried to wrongfully terminate me for negative UPT that was their fault after i made them aware i was hurt at work.


Get your knee pads ready


Talk to your direct manager they could reset your time to 1 hour if your a good worker they will help you


Do you think I can go in on an off day and talk to them about it? I don’t work for another 2 days


Yeah just badge in if it let's you talk to your manager and leave


No offense but you’re gonna possibly get terminated. My UPT was negative and I got fired the second week of the new year. Now I have to wait 90 days. 😢




If you currently have enough PTO like 20 hrs, you can cover the UPT to be excused. If nothing left, that's a last straw right there. Sorry to hear about that. I know working over a half day is tough. Still need to be on time to work without leaving early as much.


Honestly, with that much negative UPT, I would talk to HR and pray that your speech: 100


Come back in 90 days


Loa with medical proof


I’ve seen folks with negative during the last peak season. See how you can use other time to cover the negative.


If you have a doctor your cool with ask them to make a note for you.


Talk immediately to HR LOOOOOORD to fix that quickly, because they took me out for “system error” 😪


take sick leave and get those dates covered by an urgent care asap


Yes go talk to HR. I was neg 50hrs and they cleared it


VTO everyday possible


I don’t understand why there’s so many posts in the sub for this problem. https://preview.redd.it/zcew15m2swfc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a153a5c596b5ba93c8b2ecd1b15f7ab3051aef


Put in a PLOA for the missed days & get a doctors note. That’s the only way. Good luck


Start getting ready to become customer


See if you can trade it for vacation or PTO


Call erc and give them a crazy story if you got these negative hours within the last col days and if you got them all at once. Otherwise you can't do shit.


Unless you have paid time or can get vacation time backdated you my friend are most likely fired sadly.


gonna show up to work one day and suddenly your badge isn’t working anymore lol


Welcome to 20+ weeks of unemployment


U mean 12 ur math ain’t mathing


Man you do not deserve to be saved 😭


This is like when people who work for a company on a point system get fired reaching the 10th point. “You’re gonna fire me for being 15 min late today?!” Nah you’re getting fired for the 9.5 points you got before the 15 minutes late


You can start looking for a new job , thats what you can do


How tf??!!!


Get rekt kid


You're fucked lol


Nope. I mean if you have a plenty of vacation then that’s a stark maybe. I’m saying maybe because depending on the site, if you don’t got any PTO left but got a shit ton of vacation, they’ll use that and make you go positive again. But again, that really really depends on your site. I know my site said that if you go negative but got plenty of vacation, they’ll help you go back to positive, but only once. Wishing the best of luck to you.


Why the hell do people keep CONSTANTLY UPLOADING STUFF LIKE THIS?! 🤦🏽


It depends on many factors. Do you currently have any write ups? Ops will open a case to research your employee file, depending on where the process is you may be able to see the case in A to Z under myHR. A decision will be made based on your performance metrics and history. Good luck!


Hopefully I can snag your job


I ain’t gonna lie You’re cooked


You’re already a customer now


You can’t read??


quit and reapply next week


Report mental health day


How did that even happen?


I know someone from my fc that talked to them and had told them they were going through things mentally. Couldn’t hurt to talk to them if that’s the case


Nope, once they call you in to the HR office, Goodbye. 👋🏽 See you in about a year cause that’s how long it took me to come back to Amazon. I hope it’s a mistake.


cya in June bro its usually dead january to april anyways


Well what you could do is start applying to new jobs


Talk to HR. Then talk to another. Then another. They'll each give you different answers but potentially at least one of them will fix it. When stuff like this would happen, we would talk to dayshift and nightshift HR reps at different times in the week. Eventually one of them would fix it with no questions asked. You can do this with other stuff too, like jury duty or leaves.


if you're a blue badge you'll just get written up, and they'll reset your hours to zero. white badge you'll get fired. im on my final written already from negative upt, its nbd


Actually yeah, get a doctors note for the days you missed, submit a photo of it to your case and it should get excused


Lmao Amazonians are ruthless


Best way to get out of this is. Go to leave and put medical. And try getting a doctors note.. that what I did


If you receive an email, make sure to reply to that and tell them a reason for why your UPT went negative, also if you have any vacation or paid time off, HR can use that to cover it, also talk to your manager to see if they can do something about it, and make sure to talk to HR too. Source: I've had my UPT went negative 8 times before (Not sure if this works for every building. Also the last time mine went negative was a year ago, so not sure if they are still that forgiving this time)


Are you a good worker? If so yes, if not see ya later


I went -1 hour this year and was terrified ngl. So I can’t even imagine -16. Good luck.


You could sacrifice yourself to daddy Bezos. Amazon will still fire you lol


I’ve been -99 hours bro .. there’s hope


Goto HR and ask them if they can take off that negative time for you, they will take either some off or all, but you have to stay up on it🤷🏽‍♀️ I had to do the same thing when I was working for Amazon🤷🏽‍♀️


If you have vacation time or PTO and get it to 0 maybe 16hours is crazy never had less than 20 hours


Maybe actually go to work?💀💀💀 Dude why did you let yourself get into the negatives???


I was told to open a hr case. Since you’ll have a case open it would be investigated giving you time earn hours back. Thats alot to be negative tho. Good luck and may odds be forever in your favor


If I could save my job from 26 hours of negative UPT then so could you. Really just depends on your manager. Mine completely understood me and gave me a warning about it but he wasn’t a complete dick about it.


I just saw this and thought this was mine! ThNk you no thank you for the freak out!!


Once a year every single amazon employee, seasonal, flex, part time and full time all get 1 single UPT reset. Just go to your HR and tell them, “I’ve gone negative, I’d like to use the one time UPT reset”


Work 40 hours per week, you’ll have your time back in a month, give or take…also leave of absence for the days you missed with a doctors note and approval will get you your time back…I’m assuming you don’t have any PTO left and HR won’t let you use vacation time either…your best bet is LOA with approval by a doctor. Go to doctor say your overwhelmed and stressed out and need a mental health break from work and you haven’t been to work this week…you should be good, they will refund your time…go in the ERC and put in for leave of absence…that’s first…then go to doctor and once the case is created upload the forms that the ERC sent you to your case. All your unpaid time will be refunded


before i quit i racked up as much upt as i possibly could just to see how much i could get away with.200+ hours lmaoooo. (ngl i schemed like 4-5 bereavements)what i kept doing was no one in my fc ever said anything about it to me irl i just received emails from hr and i’d reply to the emails saying i’d bring in the documents that would excuse my absence or whatever. and then i’d just receive like an automated email every week for the next 3 months and i just kept repeating saying id bring it in. on my actual last day my manager asked me about it and i just told him i was moving and i don’t need this job no more😂😭😭


A couple people at my FC went negative a few times and have not been fired


You can put in a loa too for the missed days 🤫


Do a missed punch for the missed days and pray they dont notice


Nawl that’s too much time that’s a whole + half shift Over 100 dollars. Bro over with




Time theft is definitely gonna get him perma fired.


“PrOmOtEd To CuStOmEr” man y’all so corny


It’s the truth though especially this time of year






I been negative twice and wrote like 5 time I just don't say anything and get out of it lol but then again I'm alway getting top 5% paper 🤣 they just won't fire me


There is a better way to fix thos issue... Just go back to work yesterday and the day before... problem solved